#and THEN I started working on the caption and that took me 12093843290 more hours and now I'm not even sure about posting this
einaudis · 3 months
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(...) Cuando Susy murió en sus brazos, Nando no pudo derramar una sola lágrima, aunque nunca en su vida experimentó una sensación tan desoladora (...) A partir de entonces, con su mundo desbaratado, Nando comprendió que debía comenzar a construirlo de nuevo. Como no había vivido los primeros días de aclimatación a la montaña, lo suyo fue súbito y fulminante: "Nadie vendrá por nosotros, estamos solos". Tambaleándose, encorvado, y arrastrando los pies, salió afuera del fuselaje. Moncho Sabella lo miró sorprendido. Nando observó las montañas insondables, con rocas grises y negras incrustadas aquí y allá: "Hay que irse", balbuceó. Moncho creyó que estaba delirando. (...) (...) Nando Parrado se focalizó en una sola idea, que ya venía elaborando desde tiempo atrás: salir caminando cuanto antes (…) sentía cada vez más intensamente una imperiosa necesidad de huir del fuselaje, para acompañar a su padre. Él lo vivía como una fuga. Sabía claramente que si pensaba en todo lo que había perdido (su madre, su hermana, sus amigos) no lo lograría. Entonces decidió abroquelarse y convertirse en un animal acorralado que quiere escapar. *** (...) When Susy died in his arms, Nando could not shed a single tear, although he had never in his life experienced such a desolate feeling (...) From then on, with his world in shambles, Nando understood that he had to start building it again. As he had not lived through the first days of acclimatization to the mountain, his decision was sudden and fulminating: "Nobody will come for us, we are alone". Staggering, hunched over, and shuffling his feet, he stepped out of the fuselage. Moncho Sabella looked at him in surprise. Nando looked at the unfathomable mountains, with gray and black rocks embedded here and there. "We have to leave", he stammered. Moncho thought he was delirious. (...) (...) Nando Parrado focused on a single idea, which he had been working on for some time: to walk away as soon as possible (…) he felt more and more intensely an imperious need to flee from the fuselage, to accompany his father. He experienced it as an escape. He knew clearly that if he thought of all that he had lost (his mother, his sister, his friends), he would not make it. So he decided to buckle up and become a cornered animal that wants to escape. LA SOCIEDAD DE LA NIEVE (2008) - PABLO VIERCI
Hay varias razones que me motivaron o me influyeron para preparar mi huida con tanta angustia y premura. Yo podía ver el guión de la película completa, y sabía que más tarde o más temprano se terminarían los cuerpos y tendríamos que usar el de mi madre y mi hermana. Imposible. Había que huir antes que eso sucediera. Después estaba mi padre, que pensó que había perdido a toda su familia en la montaña, pero como yo estaba vivo, tenía que regresar para decírselo. En una situación tan desmesurada, en lo único que podía pensar era en mi familia. No existía otro objetivo. Mi padre y mi hermana mayor eran la familia que me quedaba. *** There are several reasons that motivated or influenced me to prepare my escape with such anguish and haste. I could see the script of the completed film, and I knew that sooner or later we would run out of bodies and we would have to use my mother's and my sister's. Impossible. We had to run away before that happened. Then there was my father, who thought he had lost his whole family on the mountain, but since I was alive, I had to go back to tell him. In such an unconscionable situation, all I could think about was my family. There was no other goal. My father and my older sister were the family I had left. FERNANDO PARRADO (LA SOCIEDAD DE LA NIEVE - PABLO VIERCI (2008))
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