#and Jamie + Roy this season + Roy’s aggression
lunar-years · 1 year
Okay I have spent all afternoon writing and I am essentially no closer really to being done with Parent Trap AU because it just got longer without being closer to a resolution but now I also have 2k of an im-in-my-blorbo-feelings-again Jamie Tartt + Touch fic so we’ll see where that goes !
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jamiesfootball · 9 months
I see everyone's touch-starved Jamie Tartts and the queer-platonic Two Aces and the in-therapy Roy Kents and I love them all endlessly. I also raise you:
Roy Kent who's been half-starved for regular platonic intimacy for his entire life. He's in therapy and he's sad and he's lonely and he's angry all the time, but somehow he's tricked Jamie into thinking he is safe to be around. And then they share a bed sometimes, because life is hard.
Roy's mind probed at the situation like a tongue looking for a freshly missing tooth and finding a gap, an emptiness where the pain used to be. Still-- "I swear to God if I turn around and you're not wearing any pants," he warned. Jamie broke into giggles behind him. The thought crossed his mind--if this is a fucking prank--but for once the heat of outrage didn't leap readily into his hands. The bed dipped. Jamie scooted closer, and the unmistakable texture of trackies brushed against the back of Roy's legs. "Nah. Decided I'm gonna sweat my arse off for you. Prick." Roy grunted. "Then you can run the laundry tomorrow." "Fuck that. If anything, you're making me breakfast in the morning in return for dragging your old man legs up the stairs. Now come here, you lug." That was all the warning Roy had before a stupidly-tattooed arm wrapped around his midsection, reeling him backwards until he was pressed against Jamie's chest like his own personal teddy bear. Fucking champagne and video games and mockery over his taste in furniture and now this. One of these days he was going to have to draw a line. He was the gaffer now--Jamie knew he was the gaffer now--and he owed it to the both of them to put some boundaries in place. Jamie dropped his head against the back of Roy's neck, a soft and careful weight that was becoming increasingly familiar. Voice slackened with the hour, he murmured contentedly, "You're a fuckin' furnace. M' top half's not going t' get cold at all." Boundaries were a lot to ask for with the clock pressing midnight. It could wait until morning.
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Just noticed that in S1E4 when Ted is talking to Jamie and Roy at the gala he says that what they need to get on the same page is mutual respect.
Fast forward to the S2 finale when Jamie apologizes to Roy - one of the most notable parts of his apology: “I respect ya, and I respect Keeley, and I respect your relationship”.
It took a lot of time and effort but Jamie and Roy have gotten to that place of mutual respect and understanding.
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stonesandswords · 2 years
if I could get ONE person who has experienced domestic violence and/or severe physical and emotional abuse at the hands of their parents to explain to me why Roy/Jamie is anything other than a toxic ship ....
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countessklair · 1 year
you know what, no, i'm not done talking about this. jamie isn't 'dealing with the fact hes not number one anymore/hes not the star'. he literally already dealt with that in SEASON TWO!!!! sure he was still his arrogant prick self but it was in a fun, teasing way meant to make the team and the audience laugh, that was the whole point of The Signal, so Jamie would know he could turn up being a prick!! because he already KNEW he wasn't the star on the team, Roy's whole problem with Jamie when he became a coach was that JAMIE WAS TOO MUCH OF A TEAM PLAYER.
i swear i'm so sick of seeing people act like jamie is just throwing a fit over nothing, he's not worried from a selfish concern (although he has every right to be pissed about Zava stealing his goal, i saw someone else say that Roy would have headbutted the FUCK out of someone for that and they're right and they should say it), but the point is that jamie's biggest concern is that the team, HIS team, the goofy touchy feely himbo team that's anti-toxic masculinity THAT TEAM is regressing. they're not listening to Ted or Beard or Roy, they're just getting on the field and giving Zava the ball and that's not what team sports are about. especially not with a self-centered borderline narcissist like Zava.
also jamie's looking at this from the other side now. he used to be a bully/asshole star player. he was sent back to man city, did some soul searching and growing as a person and as a player and PROVED himself to have changed for the better. he didn't just apologize and go back to acting like a dick, no, he woke up and realized it wasn't ok for him to act like that. so now he's fucking BAFFLED why it's ok for Zava to act like this. Zava isn't an aggressive bully the way Jamie was, but Zava's tell is in his body language. he shakes off Dani and the teams congratulations, stepping infront of and above all of the rest of the team to take all of the crowds cheering for himself and to block the view of the team, he steps in front of ted to block the teams view of their fucking coach, because to Zava, *he* is the only thing that matters. to zava, he is nothing short of the sun and/or god, and jamie is the only one wearing sunglasses and not being blinded by it, and is the only one looking around like 'wtf why is everyone drinking this dickheads kool-aid please get a grip'
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roeiswriting · 1 year
Let’s talk about Jamie Tartt:
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The evolution of Jamie Tartt throughout Ted Lasso is a masterclass on writing a character who in the simplest words possible is beautifully human.
A statement which may seem obvious before you really get into it.
Jamie Tartt being introduced as the selfish, one in a million star in the making destined for greatness modelled after the likes of Jack Grealish is a genius play from the writers because those who grew up with football and even those who are using the show as an introduction are familiar with this stereotype throughout sports.
They had a surface model which they could have kept as that but they didn’t.
From him warming up to the team, to Ted, only to be sent back to Man City where Ted sees the aggression from his father and the sadness and stress it brings Jamie to the opposite moment of the smile on Jamie’s face when reading the note from Ted that reads “way to make the pass” you as the viewer find yourself warming up to Tartt as he himself progresses.
It’s not about pity or excuses, it’s about socialisation and learning why humans behave the way they do. Jamie is unlearning traits he adopted to try and protect himself from his father and try to live up to the impossible standard that he holds for him.
The beauty of the writing is that nothing introduced about Jamie’s life and true personality is making excuses for his behaviour. The show relies on simply introducing people into his life, in this case namely the titular Ted Lasso, to hold him accountable for his actions whilst believing that he is, at his core, a good person.
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Season 2 Jamie, the moment where Roy hugs him after the Man City match is the turning point in Jamie allowing himself to fully feel the anger for his father because at this point it’s established that he wants to be a better person, it’s solidified by Roy, his childhood hero who he had posters off on his walls, is the one to comfort him.
Season 3 Jamie is a whole other level with many fans saying he’s the best character in the show. The empathy and patience that Tartt shows in this season, the proof that he is continuing to mature into a good person because he was finally surrounded by love instead of hate.
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Number 24 for England: Jamie Tartt
In honour of Sam Obisanya who is being unfairly blocked from the Nigerian national team he adorns the number 24, the same number Obisanya wears proudly for Richmond. In the same episode we see him give Roy the England shirt he wore when he played, just with his own Jamie Twist of course (iykyk).
Jamie was a dick, he still is a dick, that’s the point. He is cocky but it’s not mean anymore, it’s not out of fear or because he’s putting on a facade, it’s mostly jokey but he still knows how good he is and that cockiness is now endearing and fun instead of intimidating or off putting. The best example is season 3 episode 9 when he asks Sam for the Captains arm band just to be flipped off (which was comedic genius).
The character of Jamie Tartt is phenomenally written, and is outstandingly played by the amazing Phil Dunster (who should absolutely be in the running for an Emmy come on now).
With the synopsis for Season 3, Episode 11 placing Richmond back at Man City with Roy and Keeley worrying for Jamie’s well-being it’s hard to predict what may happen. If potentially his dad resurfaces, maybe even memories coming back to Jamie now that he’s opened up to Roy a little bit about his childhood, or something else entirely.
Jamie Tartt is kind, he can be understanding, he may open up and drop his mask when you don’t expect it, and he will do whatever he can to show the ones he loves just how much he loves them even if he doesn’t say those exact words.
Jamie Tartt is flawed, he can be arrogant, he may say something he really shouldn’t have, and he messes up oh god does he mess up but…
At the end of the day Jamie Tartt is a character who embodies humanity, and that’s what makes him so loved.
(Reminder to support the WGA strikes because without the brilliant writers we wouldn’t have the media we love to indulge in 🫶)
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renthebarbarian · 1 year
Ted Lasso really is one of the best representations of healthy masculinity on TV. So many of the boys are positive role models: Ted, Sam, Beard, Dani, even Leslie, who is normally the kind of male character who would be a punchline (fat and “emasculated” because he answers to a dominating female boss), but he is treated with respect regardless. And in this third season we’re getting more from Isaac, Colin, and Trent as well.
Equally important, there are male characters who are flawed but still sympathetic, namely Roy (aggressive) and Jamie (arrogant and selfish). They are shown to be works in progress. Roy is slowly learning how to be more vulnerable and channel that fiery passion positively, and Jamie becomes more mature and considerate of others. These are men who are deconstructing their own ingrained toxic masculinity. (Even Ted himself falls into this category sometimes, as he uses his upbeat personality as a defense mechanism and resists any emotional support, but he’s seeking therapy for his anxiety, which is so good!)
And of course there are shitty men too, mainly Rupert and Nate (though I’m hoping Nate will come back to the good side at some point), but they’re framed rightfully as toxic and not as the kind of person one should want to emulate.
It’s just so delightful to see all of these positive depictions of masculinity, and the show still manages to have room for strong women too.
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Maybe I’m delusional and drank too much wine, but this is why Roy Kent being a closeted queer man explains EVERYTHING
While writing my meta piece about Jamie x Keeley I spent a lot of time thinking “What about Roy?”, since there are no convincing love interests for him aside from Keeley.
And, well, Jamie.
And for the first time I evaluated this as something that really could happen, since now there is the legit possibility that they make homophobia in professional football the prevalent theme in this season and having multiple queer storylines would help to illustrate different point of views and they could explore this with a Roy x Jamie romance plot.
And then I looked at Roy and … basically everything fell into place.
Why he represses his emotions, why he is so so angry, why he is so full with insecurities and struggles with his self-worth, why he is unable to show (physical or emotional) affection to a man without somehow having to taint it with an unnecessarily violent outbreak – the only notable exception being the Hug™️ in “Man City”. Something that hasn’t been addressed by anyone since then, which was a choice I always considered very odd, but postponing Roy’s character development to season 3 makes actually lot’s of sense, if Roy’s struggles are rooted in internalised homophobia. And if being queer in professional sports is the theme of season 3 like mental health was the theme of season 2.
Still makes his angry, violent outbursts really jarring and he has to show accountability, but if the pain he inflicted on others is related to the trauma of being forced to be in the closet for 25 odd years, that would be so heartbreaking. And it would fit into the theme of the show that actually good people like Rebecca or Jamie – and Nate once he gets his redemption – do unforgivable things and inflict pain on people who do not deserve it as a trauma response. Sure, it could be some other trauma – but this explanation would fit so well into this seasons theme, it just makes SO MUCH SENSE to me.
Also, Trent’s critique explains some of Roy’s insecurities, but he already was full of anger at seventeen, so the root of his anger has to be something different – and growing up queer in a hella homophobic surrounding since age ten and forced to stay in the closet unless he wants to throw away his dream career, if that is not a reason to be filled to the brim with anger, I don’t know what is.
And as far as I recall, the only people he actually physically attacks are Colin (the headbutt in 1x3) and Jamie. Then his beef with Trent.
In other words, we only ever see him being irrationally aggressive and violent towards queer coded or canonically queer men. Yes, he usually has reasons that are not related to (coded) sexuality – with the notable exception of “I have to headbutt Jamie before I hug him lest it seems gay!”
And the “ugly, ugly boy”-thing? Vanity is often used for queer coding. So Roy mocks something about Jamie that is queer coded.
This screams internalised homophobia.
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But I hear the naysayer going “Aren’t you reaching a bit?”
Maybe, but let us take a look at some ways how Roy is queer coded that come to mind off the top of my head.
First of all: He canonically has a secret double life, where he is notably softer, hangs out with a bunch of elderly women who have no clue who Roy Kent, professional angry footballer, is, and does yoga with them, frequents gay bars, hangs out with drag queens and watches reality tv while sipping rosé, which is a sweet girly drink, like you know “vanilla vodka. such a child.” – in his “real life” Roy would never ever drink rosé or admit to anyone that he watched even a single second of “Lust Conquers All” by accident (Keeley definitely didn’t know, or she would have teased him with this).
Who else has a secret double life? Colin.
And while I hate to be “look, so many gay stereotypes!” … Look, so many gay stereotypes!
Also, both Julie Andrews and Madonna are gay icons? As are Stevie Nicks and Tina Turner
“The Sound of Music” (his favourite) is popular in gay culture and the nuns are implied to be lesbians?
He mouths along when Rebecca sings “Let it go”, with Elsa being queer coded and the song being a queer anthem?
And when I googled “A Wrinkle in Time queer” first thing I got was a paper by the Syracuse University titled “Unusual Children: Queerishness and Strange Growth in A Wrinkle in Time and The Giver”, which discusses the queerness of the main character. You know, the “Am I supposed to be the little girl”-girl?
This are all the pop culture references I could recall off the top of my head, there may be things that are not queer coded, but … one or two, that is a coincidence. Three or more, that is a pattern. You cannot convince me that the writer’s “accidentally” queer coded Roy so extensively if he is supposed to be straight.
(Dear god, the only thing about Ted Lasso that always disappointed me was the lack of explicit queer characters – like, I’d bet with you that the majority of non-queer viewers didn’t get Keeley’s “dip the toe back in the lady pool” line or Colin’s “oh like Grindr?” – and if they now go and make the third season queer as fuck? Bless them!
And just like the next level trolling by Phil and Brett if they were actually spoiling the big love story for years, while everyone thought they were just joking?)
EDIT: Just looked up Gina Gershon, who Roy said he dated once—guess what, according to Wikipedia she’s considered a gay icon 🙃
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frociaggine · 7 months
@takiki16 tags on my post are too good not to be shared! The context is wild shit that legit happened in IRL football ⚽ that I need the Ted Lasso fandom to be aware of, because it'd make for excellent fic material:
the MANAGERS #the PERSONAL DRAMA#I KNOW that ted lasso is not designed to be an actual realistic show #I KNOW that this whole thing did in fact begin as a way to soft trap Americans into watching the Prem #to the point that JOSE FUCKING MOURINHO ACTUALLY HAD A PART IN THE ORIGINAL NBC AD #I do NOT want to change the vibe of the show at all #(but like…a dramedy about the EPL that REALLY wanted to roast some fuckers would perhaps…NOT look like ted lasso #if they wanted to start with the managers it would just be two middle aged idiots with BOILING beef #who had to be physically restrained from throwing hands every other game and have personally destroyed each others’ marriages
Okay WHO would Roy have managerial beef with. I vote Arteta. Actually as @elizabear suggests, it's funnier if it's one sided
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He would also instinctively dislike Rob Edwards of Luton because Jamie once said he's the hottest manager in the EPL. Roy's annoyed and he doesn't know why. (Rob Edwards is very hot)
For an example of managers throwing hands... the Tuchel/Conte handshake
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In fact here's a whole compilation of managers throwing hands.
Thank you for bringing up Mourinho! This is his ad, btw. "What do you WANT Ted?" lives in my mind rent-free
After much soul-searching I've decided Roy likes Mou a lot among all the managers he's played for. YES, he is a total cunt BUT
he's really fucking funny about it. Like, really.
he's never met a referee he didn't have beef with but most of all Anthony Taylor (as a Roma fan I have to agree with him on that)
the entire 2005 Chelsea team would've died for him. I've said this before, but there can't be a Frank Lampard in TL if Roy plays the box-to-box midfielder role, so this quote about Mourinho walking into Lampard naked in the shower to give him a pep talk? That's Roy. To me.
I can't even pick a quote among all the shit he's said about all the managers he's played against, but I especially enjoy when he used to be a bitch about Pep and Pep was like "I don't know her." It was like a one-sided crush dating back from their Barca days
#if they wanted it to be about the players the literal sky is the limit. WHATEVER the writers room can come up with#it cannot come CLOSE to the batshit drama that real Sockckckckcer Playahs have amongst each other#also intricate rituals. NOT ENOUGH INTRICATE RITUALS#when Jamie scored that free kick after getting permission to be a prick Dani should have kissed him with tongue
Here's some homoeroticism:
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#but TO COME BACK TO OP’S POINT ABOUT ACTUAL GAMEPLAY#I want to see Coach Roy get red carded and have to sit in the stands for the next game cursing and swearing
He'd get, like, 3 red cards a season MINIMUM. Mourinho who. Here's Klopp losing it a bit. Here's Pep being passive aggressive as fuck. Pochettino from 2 days ago. Also from last weekend: De Zerbi's "I don't like 80% of referees in England" he's so right for this.
Manager Roy would get himself red carded the week before Richmond play Chelsea away. Totally accidental. So he doesn't have to have a lil cry about it.
#I want to see what it would take to get Zoreaux sent off#and then they have to stick Bumbercatch in goal and it turns out he has some Hyper Specific Phobia about the situation#he manages to save the team but his coping mechanisms for dealing with Forcible Keeper Phobia make up the comedy B-plot of the episode#
I want CLUB RIVALRY. dunno where Richmond actually physically is but imagine if they had derbies#Ted has to be made to understand that no coach - for THIS game we will not stop till we see BLOOD#Richmond wins but bc they are playing away the home fans actively are tossing crap at them as they celebrate on the pitch#also the sprinklers come on and it’s a bus full of soaked greyhounds on the ride home
They're in West London! Maybe they just fucking hate Fulham. Or Brentford.
Actually, I've thought long and hard about Richmond's derby rivalries. Semi-canon sources say they have a bit of a West London rivalry with Brentford BUT to me it doesn't make much sense because Richmond are supposed to have been mid-table in the Prem for years, top-flight but mediocre. Brentford only made it to the Prem in 2021.
Actually, I've decided that Richmond kind of take the place of QPR for most of their history, except they didn't get relegated when QPR did. This is because 1) it'd be too many London-based clubs otherwise but, more importantly, 2) when Man City won their first title in 2012 with Agueeeeeero!!! that was against Richmond. It's funny, To Me.
Also you know Roy still fucking hates Newcastle from his Sunderland academy days. If his pundit career had lasted longer he'd be having top tier shithousery with Alan Shearer every week about it.
Anyway here's a whole youtube playlist about WILD derbies.
As an Italian I am legally obliged to SAY that if Suarez hadn't bitten Chiellini at the World Cup we would have gone past the group stage because Uruguay scored off a corner they won while Italy were all busy telling the ref that there was a fucking cannibal on the pitch. I don't forgive and I don't forget.
Anyway for context: cannibal Luis Suarez. He's a repeat offender. Someone at Richmond would think it was very funny
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hacash · 1 year
ted lasso 3x01 thoughts
God, what a corker of an opener - whenever I take a break from Ted Lasso I forget how much I’m going to enjoy it and then we open up and fuck me it’s always so good
and the big news on everyone’s lips: Ted is officially the character under focus for season three! I wasn’t sure if they’d go there but if this episode has shown us anything it’s that Ted desperately needs something to change! someone else on tumblr pointed out that there was a washed-out feel to the entire cinematography in this episode which was clearly corresponding with Ted’s long-term depression, and that really landed with me - as someone who’s had depression come and go in waves that’s exactly what it is: you’re making the same jokes and doing the same stuff, but there’s this colourlessness that begins pervading everything. Ted’s never been more self-deprecating :( he’s making slip-ups like walking past his own front door….God, the poor man’s a mess.
BUT he’s still talking with Doctor Sharon! Ted’s taking his mental health seriously! this is a good thing!
and on that subject
(I honestly thought that was Hunky Luca she was with for a second; what a turn around that would have been)
so the big question that this season is clearly going to be ramping up to is does Ted decide to stay in Richmond or go back to the US. I can’t wait to see how this unfolds - I did have a minor heart-pang moment when Ted was about to go in and comfort the team about Nate, but Jamie jumped in without even being asked and did a Tedism into the bargain. It was so sweet and so demonstrative of how Ted has planted those seeds for his team, but it will beg the question: if the boys are doing this on their own, will Ted feel he’s still needed at Richmond?
I’m worried about Rebecca this season: it’s clear there are some serious issues around the West Ham v Richmond rivalry that ain’t going away any time soon. It was interesting seeing her scoffing at Nate when he (unbeknownst) ducked away from the press conference to have his panic attack. Bear in mind, this was before he started being a dick about Richmond: so she’s clearly bitter about Nate moving to West Ham (which, as I’ve said before, is pretty unfair: people move jobs all the time) - it’ll be interesting to see if her anger at Rupert starts blinding her judgement again.
It’ll also be interesting to see if her desire to beat Rupert clashes with Ted’s own style and issues…
(I’m also predicting here and now that new, potentially high profile player Zava might end up being another Jamie Tartt but more arrogant and more aggressive on the field - and while Ted may worry that he’s not good for the team, Rebecca will want to keep him around because he’s such a significant player. Watch this space!)
From Nate’s ongoing addiction to Twitter to his unkindness to the players, to Rupert’s constant manipulation of how Nate talks and what he drives, to his dressing down a dickish journalist, to that panic attack, to the car - I am flailing about so heavily right now. Nick Mohammed is going to ruin me this season, stg
Did we notice when he was talking about settling in with his new team, Nate’s comments were that he was ‘getting to know all about them….getting to like them…getting to hope….’ straight before having a flashback of being bullied by the team? Did we? Are our hearts hurting yet?
Even his insults about Richmond - ‘they’re in the sewer because they’re a shitty team’ - are just childish! he’s trying to be a killer because that’s what Rupert wants but it doesn’t work!
Also Disco’s only spoken one line of dialogue yet but I’m immediately adopting him as my new favourite character
I’ll be honest, because we all predicted Keeley and Roy would have broken up, the reveal scene didn’t hit as emotionally hard as it did some people. But on the end I’m absolutely convinced it isn’t going to last - both Roy and Keeley clearly have some growing in their personal lives* to do, and when they eventually find their way back to each other it’s going to be beautiful. I also think that if it was an actual Planned Plot Point (TM) we’d have seen that scene play out in real time; as it is, I think it’s less important how Roy and Keeley break up than how they get together again.
*God, can you imagine Nate’s reaction if he realised Roy was comparing himself unfavourably to him?!
The sewer school trip was such a lovely little reminder of what a good team dad Ted really is. That being said, after two years of this shit, Ted could probably have realised that the sight of Richmond team dropping down into a sewer in broad daylight probably wasn’t going to play out all that well.
Katy Wix is joining the cast!! well, at least we know where she went off to after BBC Ghosts.
SHIRTLESS LOCKERROOM SCENE IN THE VERY FIRST EP; this show truly does give us everything. 
I’ll be honest, I may have inhaled a mouthful of tea here; at the sight of Sam’s arms and shoulders I became a simple Victorian maiden prone to the vapours and in need of a good lie down on a chaise longue.
I, like Dani, am traumatised that Paddington Bear doesn’t actually exist
Colin gets bullied by nuns. (also I swear he was in more lingering shots this episode; the impending Colin storyline is making me so nervous and so excited)
All of the himbos are just so fucking pretty in this episode. Even despite Jamie’s hair choices. I’m also so delighted by the increasing amount of himbo interactions we’re getting: I can really imagine that the writers didn’t quite realise how popular the footballers themselves would be, and are now looking to include more himbo content for sheer funsies. Particular shout out to Phil Dunster for making Jamie as cocky and oblivious as he ever was, but this time using his powers for good. It’s a 
God bless Henry Lasso for joining the Nate Shelley defence squad, and God bless Ted for listening to him. That was such a telling little moment and a promise of things to come, and I can’t believe I got that emotionally affected by a freaking Lego set.
There was so much emotional stuff in this episode, I can’t wait to see what happens next...
….nope, still distracted by Sam’s arms.
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babytarttdoodoo · 10 months
Omg I’m obsessed with your fics! Your writing is so good! Can I request some hurt\comfort Roy / Jamie where Jamie just needs some cuddles?
And now for something completely different! Back to the regularly scheduled short and sweet prompts, I jumped at the chance to do some fluff after my brief descent into madness.
(It wasn’t that brief and I doubt that it’s over.)
Roy/Jamie, set maybe two years after canon.
Song rec: Better Together
(Prompt Fill Masterpost)
Giving Jamie a key to his house had been an easy decision for Roy, regardless of how short the length of their ‘official’ relationship had technically been. Despite working together on a daily basis, their schedules could be vastly different and demanding.
Jamie had professional commitments outside of Richmond, split between brand partnerships and public appearances, on top of the time he religiously kept aside to spend with the team or on trips to Manchester. Roy was increasingly (frustratingly) involved in the day-to-day running of the club and spent at least two of the nights in a week that he wasn’t trapped in his office with Phoebe running circles around him after school.
Basically, dedicated ‘alone time’ was hard to come by and it was actually really fucking nice to come home some nights and find Jamie already sorting dinner in the kitchen, or to be surprised by an unplanned visit whenever he found himself at a loose end.
It was nice that Jamie clearly felt at home enough in his space to use it.
That said, this evening he was confronted with a lot more slamming of doors and aggressive muttering than he had typically come to expect when Jamie let himself in.
“In here.” Roy answered from his space on the couch when Jamie did eventually call out and confirm he wasn’t a bad-tempered burglar. He paused the film he’d been half-watching and scowled at his boyfriend when he poked his head into the living room. “What the fuck did my front door do to you?”
Jamie winced slightly and shrugged before all but collapsing over the back of the settee, 170 pounds of muscle immediately reduced to a floppy ragdoll. Roy made appropriately irritated sounds at being jostled, while simultaneously holding his arms agreeably up out of the way so Jamie could squirm around into a comfortable position. His head found its way to Roy’s lap and he tucked his legs up to avoid dangling off the arm.
“Sorry.” he said, smiling sheepishly once he was settled. “Long fucking day.”
“Yeah?” Roy’s hands automatically sought out more contact, one resting on Jamie’s chest, the other beginning to card through his hair.
He had let his natural colour grow back in this season. At this length, it had started forming a mop of soft curls on top of his head that Roy found unbearably attractive. Even with whatever overpriced products it had been saturated in for the day, it only took a few runs through of Roy’s fingers to set the strands loose again.
He suppressed a laugh at the way Jamie pressed into the touch with a contented sound, acting for all the world like an affection-starved cat.
“Yeah,” he sighed, eyes drifting shut. “The bloke running the shoot was a right dickhead. Whole thing dragged on way longer than it had to.”
Roy frowned. Jamie had been looking forward to working with this company - some fashion line Keeley had secured a contract for. It would be a fucking shame if the whole thing was a miserable cock up.
“Need me to knock some skulls together?”
Jamie huffed a laugh, lips twitching up, but the pinch in his brow didn’t smooth over like Roy had hoped it would. He was clearly upset by whatever happened.
“Nah. Not sure they’ll invite me back, to be honest. Keeley’s gonna go through me tomorrow.”
That was a straight up alarming concept. The list of things that would push Keeley to be genuinely angry at Jamie was incredibly short. “What happened?”
“Told him where to stick it, didn’t I?” Jamie groused, turning his face to nuzzle into Roy’s stomach. “Got sick of him yelling at me for just doing what he said. Prick.”
“Hey.” Roy waited until he saw Jamie’s eyes open and peer up at him. “He shouted at you?”
“A bit.”
“Where does he live?”
Jamie snorted and lightly smacked Roy’s arm. “Shut up.”
“No, seriously, Jamie.” The hand that had been petting his hair moved to cup his cheek instead. “Keeley is not going to be mad at you for telling off some idiot giving you a hard time. You don’t need to put up with that shit.”
Jamie hummed, not looking entirely convinced, but the tightness in his shoulders did ease up a little.
“It were a big deal, this shoot.” he said quietly. “Supposed to do a couple more with ‘em next month. They won’t if they decide I don’t know what I’m doing.”
“You’ve done more modelling in the last two years than I did in my entire fucking playing career.” Roy pointed out. “If it went wrong, I doubt it was because of something you did.”
A thoughtful look overtook Jamie’s expression and, with a small grunt of effort as the only warning, he surged up to capture Roy’s lips in a sweet, warm kiss. He used the hand not propping himself up to grasp the back of Roy’s neck, pulling him in as close as he could at the awkward angle.
Roy was definitely not complaining but couldn’t help his surprise, blinking in confusion when they broke apart. “What was that for?”
“It’s sexy when you make sense.” Jamie told him, a welcome flicker of amusement in his expression. “And when you try to get me out me head. Sorry I’m being a grumpy bastard.”
“Oh, yeah, you’ve never had to put up with that from me.” Roy deadpanned, eyebrows raised. Jamie rolled his eyes but couldn’t stop the grin taking over his face. Fair play. “Tell me why you’re so upset over this. You know Keeley won’t give two shits about one bad day.”
Jamie’s face screwed up for a moment then he huffed and shifted around to sit properly beside Roy, still pressed up to his side but occupying his hands with spinning one of the few rings he had on that day.
Roy didn’t rush him, knowing he'd find the words in his own time.
“I don’t like being called ‘stupid’.” Jamie finally admitted, like letting that bother him was something to be fucking ashamed of.
The hot spike of anger that shot through Roy’s gut seized up his joints in a vice of coiled tension. Ten years ago, he’d let loose that energy by charging at the source and whoever else happened to be in his path. Now, with only Jamie there to take it out on, he forced himself to relax at least a fraction before trusting his voice wouldn’t come out sharply.
“What the fuck did he say to you?”
Jamie nudged him gently, no doubt reading the protective fury in every line of his body and appreciating the effort to rein it in.
“Dunno, exactly. I’m hardly fluent in Spanish but I’ve seen enough of Dani’s Twitter replies to know when I’m being insulted.” He shrugged. “After the third or fourth ‘móngolo’ and ‘apestar’ I told him to go fuck himself and stormed off.”
Jamie groaned and scrubbed his hands over his face, ears going pink like they did when he was embarrassed or stressed.
“In my defence, he were pissing off everyone on the shoot. The photographer found me later to say he were five minutes away from doing the same. And he kept getting on at the makeup girl ‘cause me abs weren’t ‘defined enough’.” He put air quotes around the words and Roy gritted his teeth so hard he thought he heard one of the back ones crack.
“Right.” he ground out and took another deep breath when even he could hear the homicidal rage in his tone. “First off, that’s the most moronic fucking thing I’ve ever heard. You’re in the best shape of your bloody life and your torso looks like you’ve airbrushed it on every morning.”
Jamie snorted, clearly appreciating the compliment, despite everything else. 
“He’s just a prick they paid way too much money to fly in from Barcelona.” he said, leaning his head on Roy’s shoulder and sounding like he was trying to convince himself as much as anything. “Keeley already told them that if they were gonna insist on doing the shoot during the season, there’s no way I would be getting dehydrated before it.”
Roy sharing his opinions on that fun part of modelling, whether on season or off, was not going to help matters. He made the magnanimous decision to let it go and was very proud of himself.
“Second.” He continued instead, putting an arm around Jamie to tug him in and press a kiss to his temple. “You are not fucking stupid. Or whatever else he said. Like to see that bastard fend for himself in the kind of tactical nightmares you find a way around.”
“Footie genius.” Jamie agreed lightly, nodding like he was humouring Roy.
“Fucking brilliant, on or off the pitch.” Roy corrected and squeezed Jamie to emphasise the point. “I’ve never seen anyone read people the way you do. Or remember so much shit. You knew what that fucker was saying about you because you pay attention to everything. I don’t know how you do it.”
Jamie buried his face into Roy’s shoulder, ears definitely pink now.
“Alright, alright, I get it. Freaky when you give me this many compliments, you old weirdo.”
Roy chuckled and kissed Jamie’s hair again. “You know I mean it?”
“Yeah.” Jamie sniffed and Roy couldn’t tell if he was just clearing the air or something else. “You’re a shit liar.”
“Glad to hear it. Did you eat yet?”
“Meant to order in on the way back. Forgot.”
“Fuck that. I’ve got a pot of spag bol that Phoebe and me barely made a dent in. Let’s get you fed.”
Jamie propped his chin up on Roy’s shoulder, eyes big and soft with a smile playing around his mouth. He leaned in again and kissed Roy some more, unbearably gentle and intense about it all at the same time.
“Alright. Let’s see what damage I can do to these abs, then.”
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lunar-years · 1 year
it's so weird truly not knowing if the writers are as big-brained as I am hoping they are or if they're just being weird and kind of problematic. Like Roy acting so aggressively towards Jamie specifically, even after he was THE person for Jamie after Man City, in a way he really isn't with any other character on the show these days, IS an interesting (and potentially very weird & bad) writing choice. But it also has the potential to be SO IN CHARACTER and serve as a way to gradually and finally address all of Roy's emotional problems and why Jamie gets so particularly under his skin (because he reminds Roy so much of his younger self) and how Roy actually cares about him SO DEEPLY already but has no healthy way to express it. If they address all that by the end of the season oh boy...I am winning...the character arc of it all!! Roy and Jamie growing alongside and because of one another into the best versions of themselves!! However... if the end goal here is just to continue to play Roy's aggression for laughs and rolling back everything they built up in the Man City episode (that never was addressed again)... it couldn't be worse writing or poorer treatment of these characters and I am forever mad :/ and i don't know how to feel because i truly don't know what they're planning and that makes me upset!!!!
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jamiesfootball · 9 months
one thing about me is i EXCEL at stupid ideas so! here is a Stupid Ask for your daily dopamine dosage.
post-s3, roy attempts to be A Good Coach and implements team bonding activities such as sunday board game nights. this has the unforeseen consequence of walking into the locker room monday morning to find moe and colin arguing over whether monopoly is True Capitalist Propaganda while sam sneaks jamie $200 from the bank to get out of jail next week.
This. This actually matches up well with a thing I introduce at the end of my post-season fic.
This bit is not from the post-season fic, but there are definitely some plot points I'm cribbing from it. Here have some nonsense:
There were pros and cons to the new wellness initiative in the locker room.
And 'Wellness Initiative' was the phrase they were using. Not 'show-and-tell', no matter how many times Trent suggested it. Although with how many goddamn talent shows Roy had been forced to sit through in the past weeks, the former-journo might have been onto something. For a team full of professional footballers, a lot of them had found the time to sharpen other talents.
The idea had been simple: at least once a week, they were going to sit around as a team, and they'd take turns picking a topic that had nothing to do with football.
'Share-and-tell' Beard had called it, and Roy had growled until Higgins erased the name from the whiteboard.
Books, movies, whatever song they had bleeding through their headphones in the weight room, Roy didn't care. For one hour a week, they were going to...God help him...bond as a team. Share. Communicate. Maintain the resplendent inter-team hivemind bullshit that got them so close to winning the whole damn thing the year before.
Even if Moe's lockpicking demonstration was a disturbing hour of his life that he'd never get back.
But keeping the team functioning as a team was only half of it. Truth of the matter was, it helped the little idiots to have an outlet, something to get them out of their heads for a bit so that Roy didn't end up hugging a crying player in the boot room every other week. Four times had been enough, thanks.
Colin, the second-time boot room offender, had cocked his head like a Welsh corgi and asked, "Would it be all right if I brought my piano?"
"The one that weighs 800 kilos and broke your mother's floorboards?"
The next week Colin showed up with a new electronic keyboard that did not weigh as much as a baby rhino. He spent his hour taking pop song requests.
"Do I have to do a book report?" Jamie asked defensively when his turn came around. The three weeks before his turn had gone to fucking book reports. Even Roy was desperate for a change up. When he reassured Jamie that he only had to talk about books if he'd actually read a book he fucking liked, the relief on the number-one little idiot's face had been immense.
Jamie showed up for his turn with playing cards, a case of poker chips, and a bouquet of roses. The lads spent the hour shouting about cheating, and after a surprisingly aggressive run of bluffs and flushes, Dani Rojas walked away with all the flowers.
While Roy was distracted by Dani, who lamented that now he would need to buy a florero for his flowers, and Jamie, who thought Roy's water bottle would make an excellent vase in the meantime, he completely missed the gleam in Sam's eye as the unassuming player shuffled the card decks back in order.
Sam Obisanya was a fucking menace. One day Roy would retain this information.
Most days it was easy to forget. He had a calming effect on Jamie, who was less prone to biting when Sam was around. This made Jamie quieter, which made Isaac and Colin and Dani quieter, which gave the overall impression that things were peaceful in the locker room.
What Roy always forgot to add to the equation was that Jamie had the opposite effect on Sam, who on a normal day would never be found smiling like a post-canary cat while monopoly cards flew around the locker room like projectile weapons.
"I'm not paying you rent again, Cockburn!" Colin shouted.
"You keep landing on my square. It's not my fault you're bad at dice!"
"Bruv, quit throwing shit. It's my turn and I almost got all the railroads."
"The railroads are statistically the worst spaces to own; you know this, yes?"
"War is inevitable in a system where capitalism is dominant," Moe pointed out from where he sat lotus-style on the bench, abstaining from participating in the 'game of the exploiters.'
"Oi, Sam," Jamie whispered, sitting up a bit to tug at the edge of the other player's jumper. "While they're fightin', can you get me out of jail?"
Sam nodded at Dani, who flicked his hand in a way that spoke volumes on how he'd thrashed the team at poker. Two beige notes appeared in Sam's hand, and just as quickly disappeared into the collar of Jamie's shirt.
"Cheers," Jamie thanked him. He settled his head back down into Sam's lap, making himself cozy like a spoiled, cheating cat. "Never was any good at Monopoly."
Sam's smile was angelic, but his eyes glinted in a way that boded horribly for Roy's heart pressure. "Next time I can bring Settlers of Catan. Or Risk."
"Ooh. Risk. Should we team-up?"
Who knew Sam's talent would be putting Roy Kent in an early grave?
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lokiiied · 1 year
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this is exactly what i need (more of) from roy x jamie! like, a bit more so from roy because he is so repressed. about everything. and his temper is something that affects all of his personal relationships. we have had three seasons of immense growth from jamie. he is one of (if not THE) most self aware character. it’s roy’s time now. and this moment may have been small, but it was a big step for him!!
@disasterbijamietartt & i had a convo on one of my other posts and if we ARE going to get royjamie (or honestly even if it’s just platonic), roy is going to need to have some major development/self realisation. because jamie deserves better. jamie has been victim to enough anger in his life. and i believe that royjamie could really help both men open up and be more vulnerable with each other and with others.
if we go back, keeley x jamie made keeley realise she deserved accountability in a relationship. and thereafter helped jamie become accountable.
keeley x roy helped keeley to be less apologetic for needing space and embracing her want for a balance of independence & intimacy in a relationship. it also helped roy to realise that he’s had unrealistic expectations of other people and himself — and a tendency to take things personally, which wasn’t fair to anyone. realising that helped him forgive/restore some peace (or truce lol) with jamie when him & keeley were still together.
so, if they continue with keeley x jack and/or actually make roy x jamie a thing…i think it could provide a wonderful opportunity to help roy overcome his anger and how he takes it out on other people. we’ve already seen how jamie’s support has (begrudgingly) opened him up more than once. and with jamie’s lack of judgement and being more gentle with roy — AND the other way round, with jamie spending so much time with roy (i think quality time is one of his love languages) we have seen so much more of him!! his little factoids, how he acts when he’s comfortable around someone, and (sadly) more about his childhood traumas.
which has also made roy start to realise how much anger/aggression has traumatised jamie in the past and also how he is trusting roy with this information. which means roy has an opportunity to reflect, apologise, & work on his temper with jamie.
i think where their relationship is going is so beautiful & important already. i love how comfortable they’re getting with each other and i would absolutely lose it (/pos) if they gave us roy x jamie and did it right. let them be open & communicative with each other!! give us that emotional growth & maturity and peel away that toxic masculinity and repression that is so intertwined with both of them in sports culture & in being queer professional footballers.
(plus then colin wouldn’t have to be a spokesperson cuz he wouldn’t be the only out player on the team.)
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chainofclovers · 1 year
Ted Lasso 3x11 Thoughts
I have to write my thoughts down right away this time.
[Please don’t hate me if calling TL a rom-com is your favorite thing but] I’ve always felt like Ted Lasso isn’t a rom-com in the traditional sense where a protagonist finds love with an “opposites attract” kind of person and it ends right as they’ve decided to be together. Because the rom-com structure can be brilliant for what it is, but it’s all about the build-up, the whirl of questions and magic that gets you to one perfect moment of clarity. Ted Lasso is a kaleidoscope of people, all learning from the light reflected off the others. People within its world fall in and out of love, but the “movie” isn’t structured entirely around a single love story between two people. And I like that, as much as I have strong feelings about the potential for romantic love in this universe. Because a lot of times, when I watch a rom-com, I can’t quite picture what will happen to the characters who have fallen in love now that they’ve cracked the code of getting there. But, of course, what if Nora Ephron wrote a sports film? (—Jason Sudeikis.) As soon as this ep ended, my wife said she loved that this very Ephron-filled episode rather aggressively tied up a lot of loose ends all at once, with a lot of rosy moments and schmaltzy dialogue and the kind of magic that exists in a romantic comedy, revised to be about sports. Which are actually about life. Or whatever.
I appreciate that structure a lot, but even more than that I appreciate that the Ephroniest episode of this show is the penultimate one. I assume—or at least, I very much hope—that now that they’ve tied up so much and hurtled these characters so rapidly towards the close of the scene, the finale will have some breathing room to be a bit more real and more messy. I hope that it still feels like closure for this story, but I also hope that it’s open enough that we not only trust that all these people will still have lives, but will actually be able to imagine them.
It’s kind of funny how much the ending to this one felt like a cliffhanger even though I’m certain Ted is going to tell Rebecca he’s going to need to leave at the end of the season. A neat trick for the rom-com ep, cutting off the two protagonists right before their moment of clarity. Because of course Ted is already clear. And I would have HATED Rebecca’s so-self-aware-the-fourth-wall-was-quivering speech about the truth bomb if it weren’t for Ted so clearly having something to say, and if it weren’t for how casual and almost careless she is about being down in the office simply because it’s on-schedule. I mean, this woman was in no way able to handle it when Higgins merely suggested rethinking Ted’s role when the season was going badly; I’m really curious how shaken she’s going to be when he tells her, and how quickly she’ll get to acceptance. 
For all that I loved the flirtation with rom-com structure, and the big sports movie messages, and all the very intense interpersonal dynamics (Ted and his mom! Beard and Nate! Roy and Keeley and Jamie loose in Manchester! Even the ten seconds of Bex and Ms. Kakes showing up at Rebecca’s doorstep!), there’s also a big part of me that’s just aching, though, because I just love Ted and Rebecca and Ted&Rebecca and Ted/Rebecca so much. And even though their connection would never be a rom-com romance to me—because their connection is forever, and their connection has already taken so much good work, and that’s as it should be—I would love to watch them fall in love in a romantic way (if not a rom-com way). That still of them watching the movie together was sooooo lovely and soft and framed with such perfect movielight that I just feel wistful. But Ted is right about You’ve Got Mail not quite being his favorite story. It’s Sam’s rom-com, and I would have even liked the little glance between Sam and Rebecca as Sam feels his own wistfulness if it weren’t for how much I just wanted to see that promo still come to life.
(The absolute bullshit of shipping wars notwithstanding, I feel like even among the sensible non-warring people there is a camp of seeing no romance between T/R and a camp of seeing romance in everything between T/R, and I’m just. In neither place. I have seen a lot of their connection points this season as full of the potential for some kind of realized love, and I think many of the things they have said to each other and done for or with each other have a comfort and familiarity that could flip nearly instantaneously into a romantic and sexual love. Also, aren’t rituals kinda kinky anyway? And their whole relationship is based on rituals? 
It’s so weird; I don’t think I’m delusional, but I could still see them having a huge moment in 3x12 and in fact am certain there will be one, I just don’t know what it will mean to them. But I will never be like “I’m clowning again” when it comes to this shit because the ingredients are literally all there, and I guess they can make whatever cake they want, and I’ll unclownily respect it while continuing to see what I see.)
Other stuff: 
Ted’s mom added some cutesy pillows and kitchen stuff to Ted’s flat, right? I think it’s interesting that her ultimate message was that Henry misses Ted and that he can’t be scared of parenting him, but in the lead up to that truth she was doing stuff to populate his living space in London more fully. I’m curious if that was the equivalent of the cute animal videos he referenced in s1, when she’s trying to work up the courage to talk about something real, or if it was something about a parents’ desire to make their children more comfortable even if they screw up, or if it portends something more complicated on the horizon w/r/t Ted’s relationship to “home.” 
I loved Becky Ann Baker’s performance so much, and I thought Jason Sudeikis played off her incredibly well. There is nothing more irritating than being irritated by someone whose worst qualities are the exact same as your worst qualities. And when Rebecca and Beard and Higgins and the entire team just adore Dottie, it’s just so…of COURSE THEY DO. It was so good.
I think this show has something very frustrating to say about forgiveness and I think maybe there needs to be a different word for this concept they keep invoking?! I’m certain there are interesting philosophical and theological beliefs about forgiveness and how it’s not really about willfully becoming okay with someone who has hurt you but more about freeing yourself from how horrible it feels to be trapped by how that person made you feel. And I think that is what Ola advises Sam to do when thinking about the bigots who trashed him publicly and trashed his restaurant, and I think that is what Ted advises Jamie to do when he suggests how Jamie reframe how he feels about his dad. I don’t think either conversation is intended to minimize the horrors of what has happened, and it feels like the intention/vibes/overall care for the person receiving the advice/outcome in each situation is “correct” in that both Sam and Jamie end up finding the conversations helpful. But something about forgiveness as a concept just feels like they needed to invent some new word or contextualize the old word better or something.
When Jamie’s mum takes his side about his hair being walnut haze OH MY GOD.
Genuinely thought Keeley and Roy were fully back together last episode and I think Rebecca also thought this, LOL. I am unsure what I even want to happen at this point. I mean, obviously Jamie/Keeley/Roy should ride off into the sunset together. So I guess I do know what I want to happen.
Beard backstory! Ted and Beard backstory! I am so, so glad the Ted and Nate reunion didn’t happen in the Ephron ep. I am so, so glad Beard showed up and gave something of himself and grew as a human being a little bit. I’m glad that Nate did not send anyone any groveling tomes, and that this continues to be a story about forging and reforging connections rather than the economy of redemption. 
I’m sure there’s more, but I’m fuckin’ exhausted. Until next time, so long, farewell. (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.) 
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justsomefunshit · 1 year
I’m really curious to see how the show will deal with Roy’s aggression (and aggression in general). Like, just two episodes ago we saw Jamie flinch and recoil away from him, because he slapped a fork out of Jamie’s hand.
Last episode he (and beard) encouraged the rage inside the himbos against the west ham players. I know intention is more important than causation, but you cannot tell be that if Roy was still a player he would have head butted every single one of those west ham players (who did nothing wrong).
This episode he was just so fucking psychopathic that Trent dropped his mug and even beard looked freaked out. He’s scaring grown men in they’re workplace. That’s just fucking harassment. Trent doesn’t know him. They’re not close.
It’s been really disconcerting to me how much more aggressive this season is. How haven’t we seen the aftermath of the last game? What the fuck did ted say to the himbos? What will be the breaking point? WHAT happens to make it inexcusable anymore?
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