#and I've been binkying SO hard ever since :)
lagowings · 22 days
I think a lot of queer people, trans especially, would realise they're otherkin if they viewed it less as "I am literally X thing right now in my current form" and more as "I would be happier as X thing and more comfortable with my body than I am now"
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marinerainbow · 1 year
Mind writing some darkwing/drake mallard headcanons with his s/o? Thank you in advance (◍•ᴗ•◍)
I'm so sorry this took me so long. Things haven't been so great on my end, but I'm trying to clear out my inbox.
This is the first time I've done anything for Drake, so I hope these are ok ^^
~Drake Mallard/Darkwing Duck romance headcannons~
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He and his S/O would have met after he and Morgana broke up (I feel so bad doing this to her, but I must, for the ask 🥲) and he needed some emotional support, even if he is too prideful to admit it. Sure, he has Launchpad and Gosalyn (and the Muddlefoots even though he doesn't like them), but there is still a hole in his heart that Morgana left.
That's where the S/O comes in. As we see in the show, Drake is into tough/goth chicks, and we see he can be the type to fall in love at first sight, or at least be interested (Morgana is proof, and he did look at Binkies sister flirtingly in Twin Beaks), so maybe his S/O caught his heart from their creepy or rough appearance, regardless if they are a villain, hero, or just a pedestrian.
He'll definitely be charmed by them for sure, and will try to impress and protect them as his superhero sona, which then leads to his S/O possibly getting into unwanted adventures and meetings with the villains of St. Canard. Though even if he does bumble and let his ego get to him, Drake always does make everything right in the end, so his S/O will have nothing to worry about.
I like to imagine the S/O would help pull Drake back, or teach him how to be more humble. Especially since his ego is one of his greatest weaknesses. They may even get to be an unofficial member of his team, like Honker and Gosalyn.
Speaking of Gosalyn, it might take her some time to get used to the fact that Morgana isn't around anymore, but as long as they help her dad she won't entirely mind the S/O. Especially if they are wild and spirited like her, it'll be easier for her to bond with them that way. Launchpad will get a bit grouchy, like he did when Drake was first with Morgana, but he'll come around eventually.
Drake would be hesitant to reveal his secret identity to his S/O, knowing it would make them an even bigger target for the villains if word ever got out. But eventually, he'll be convinced it's time to show them his home and his true self. And that would be the last sign that his S/O is a part of the Darkwing Duck family, and no longer have to be while he's donned as Darkwing Duck anymore.
Even if his S/O was a hero, he wouldn't want them to keep fighting crime, both for their own safety and be abuse he still wants the spotlight. Though, like with Gosalyn when she became Quiverwing Quack, he'll get over it. He'll have a hard time being able to focus on his own crime fighting though, too worried about his S/O, and will try stopping by to check in on them during fights.
If Gizmoduck gets involved, Darkwing would absolutely be jealous. His S/O would have to reassure him a lot that he's still their favorite hero.
I hope you like these. Any questions you have, I'm more than happy to answer ^^
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bipolarprobz · 7 years
I've always been a very paranoid person (like borderline delusional paranoia since i was a kid). I'm on Lamictal for bipolar. Would it be a bad idea to try ecstasy or mushrooms?
Molly/MDMA (also known as Ecstasy) in it’s pure (or as close as you can get) form? No. Mushrooms? It’s dependent upon how you react to psychadelics as an individual! Ecstasy nowadays is MDMA cut with other chemicals. It’s not pure MDMA (Methylenedioxymethamphetamine), which is very hard to find nowadays, unfortunately; I’ve been lucky enough to take MDMA numerous times had it’s been fun as shit, even as someone who experiences psychotic tendencies. MDMA was originally created to treat PTSD. I can state from personal experience as someone with PTSD that it does wonders if you don’t take it too regularly in a recreational setting to just ease stress and make you feel euphoric/happy and at ease. What I would say you SHOULDN’T do whatsoever on MDMA or related substances is smoke weed. I have friends who have their paranoia triggered while on Molly if they smoke, so that’s something to look out for! Doesn’t matter what the strain is; if you experience paranoia, avoid pot at all costs. As for Mushrooms, that’s even more dependent upon you as an individual. Some people are fine as people who experience paranoia with Mushrooms, and some people are not. I PERSONALLY am fine with Mushrooms (and love taking them occasionally, just like MDMA), but I do so very infrequently with both because too much of a good thing can end up with some bad side effects from tripping/getting high too regularly. Moderation is key! If you’re thinking of trying drugs of any kind, I would recommend finding a reputable recreational dealer and buying a test kit. Always, always, ALWAYS test your drugs before ingesting to see what kind of product you’re getting. This is a seriously necessary safety precaution. As someone who’s volunteered at a LOT of raves over the last couple of years, and who’s taken a lot of substances recreationally, I cannot stress enough that making sure your drugs are tested to make sure they’re what your dealer says you’re getting before putting them in your body is INCREDIBLY important. Do NOT buy product that has not been tested-- either in front of you, or otherwise, though in front of you is preferable. A lot of drugs-- including Molly- are being cut with Fentanyl lately, which can be deadly. I’ve had to deal with some heat-related overdoses at raves, but a number of my friends have had non-heat-related overdoses from Fentanyl lately and it’s causing an epidemic to start arising. Safety first, always! Test your product before ingesting! IF it turns out your product is cut with something sketchy or comes up as a research chemical, dispose of it safely and properly and do NOT ingest it. It might be temping to say “fuck it” and just go with the flow, but certain research chemicals can have seriously bad reactions with SSRI’s and other prescriptions medications! Another tip I have to stress is making sure you eat before ingesting any kind of MDMA, or other recreational substances. A lot of people skip meals, and it’s a terrible idea. Getting a good meal in you ALWAYS helps you feel better after the comedown and the next couple of days. Keep warm but make sure you’re in a well-ventilated area so you don’t overheat. Also, stay hydrated. Take sips regularly, but don’t chug. Make sure you have lots of fuzzy blankets, binkies and/or candy/gum, and cuddle buddies if you so wish! Good music always helps the mood as well, with mushrooms AND Molly/MDMA. Go on some outdoorsey adventures especially on mushrooms if they’re something you feel you can ingest comfortably and safely without having terribly negative side effects! At the end of the day, you seriously have to TRY something a time or two before knowing how it’s going to fully affect you. No one can tell you for sure because you’re an individual, just like there’s trial and error with prescription drugs! A good website for test kits (and one a bunch of my friends work for, and I also volunteer with) is DanceSafe.org: https://dancesafe.org/shop/If you want more information of ANY kind, including interactions with SSRI’s and other prescription medications, please check out Erowid! It’s a godsend and free, public information on anything you could ever want to know about safe recreational drug usage!: https://www.erowid.org/chemicals/mdma/mdma.shtmlhttps://www.erowid.org/plants/mushrooms/Keep in mind that my personal experiences, and those of my friends, are something we document regularly but are heavily dependent upon us as individuals! What you experience might be completely different because you’re a different person, with a different headspace and body chemistry and different life experiences!  -Charlie
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