#and I'm just like dude I get yelled at and misunderstood every time I try and communicate those things
dorizardthewizard · 4 months
Galactik Football season 3 rewatch, eps 10 - 12
Episode 10:
So we open up with Yuki getting mad at Micro-Ice and thinking Zoleen is his girlfriend, and Mice is dumb enough to not reject that claim when she asks him directly if they're going out. He also barely acknowledges Yuki's birthday despite previously rehearsing this dramatic confession of love to her. Thran and Ahito are literally, and I mean literally the only Snow Kids that don't have any love drama going on (I know Mark's got something coming) and every single one has revolved around love triangles, whether misunderstood or not. I can't take this anymore, I'm at my limit.
Anyway, *hits play again*
Since when did this Cyclops dude have a wholeass funded show, when he wasn't even a proper journalist before?
Oh christ this is the start of the Sinedd parents arc isn't it. Holy shit they try to stuff so much into this season. But happy we finally got the backstory on Sinedd with him not being born on Akillian!
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I can barely watch this segment holy shit it's just so awful (in universe, I mean, not the writing). Not just because I know they're con artists but it's so sudden, Hush Sharky making a whole spectacle of this on live TV in front of an audience and Sinedd had NO IDEA that he was going to meet his freaking PARENTS. WHO HE THOUGHT WERE DEAD ALL HIS LIFE. This emotional and insanely personal moment being used for entertainment fits with the corporate hellscape that the show takes place in, but what the hell. He has the full right to be pissed at Sharky.
Not the con artist parents running off immediately when the ground starts shaking 😭 Parents my ass
lol of course Micro-Ice has to fall in the cake. I think they use him for slapstick too much in this season
Tbf I quite like the villains in this season, it's an interesting dynamic with Lord Phoenix having his own motives but losing control of Vega
Sinedd's reunion with his parents is a pretty sweet moment if it weren't for the fact that IT'S A LIEEEE ToT.
Aarch yelling at Artegor about Adim... all this drama...
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This is how I picture it
Is that the fucking Netherball music
The little TV spots with Yuki and Mei talking about each other before the match are cute! Makes the world feel more lived in and gives us some more interactions between the girls, even if not directly face to face here
I like Mei berating Sinedd for taunting Yuki when she's injured but... girl. He was always like this. You knew this. Why are you surprised?? They never actually showed him becoming a better person, just that he suddenly liked Mei and convinced her to join the Shadows. And Mei does not strike me as a poor judge of character so why would she date him....?
Wow Elektras not letting Mei through to help her friend? Why? They were literally celebrating her birthday together tf??
Poor Yuki, what a shitshow of a match for her although she did score a goal (I'm guessing the Breath is more powerful than the Elektra's flux since she's running in to attack). Loved her lil' chat with Mei though, I will say this season gave us more of the girls in the team being friends which I really do appreciate.
Here for the other Shadows players cooing and awing at Sinedd with his parents, I want to see more of what the team dynamic is like since they seemed to welcome him quickly back in season 1
Thran coming through with his tech knowledge!
Episode 11:
Does Bennett just carry a harmonica on him all the time haha
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Harvey fought in the flux war?? ok cool lore I guess?????
Corso wondering whether to trust Sonny just because he didn't bring up Magnus straight away is a bit weird? I just feel that with all they've been through, it would take more for Corso to start questioning his faith in Sonny. This is also like, a 5 minute plot point that goes nowhere so why???
Tia talking with her parents about her concerns is an improvement from what their relationship used to be like in season 1, it's good to see!
Oh so Mei is a striker now. Is this implying that Mei's decision was influenced by her mother? Weren't we over that?? Still kind of sad to see her mum dismiss the SK and seem like she's still the same. Mei probably feels she'll never be good enough for her.
Not Sinedd complimenting D'jok just to be polite to Maya 😂 But what do you mean they haven't met yet? It's literally this season (I think?) that shows Sinedd was friends with D'jok when they were young kids! Maya hangs out with Mama Ice at the cafeteria as well, there's no way they've never interacted before!
Yeah Tia, it WAS stupid of you to be jealous of Lun-Zia. Weird though bc the show previously implied Lun-Zia liked Rocket but turns out she had a boyfriend all along?
Aarch: Artegor? Aarch: I'm sorry we started a bit earlier today, I forgot to mention it
Aarch you're such a petty bitch 😭
Oooo Micro-Ice is up for kick-off. Seeing them antagonistic towards each other is so sad :( Although season 1 Micro-Ice would have found a way to roast D'jok lol
I just realised team Paradisia and the Elektras probably have visors so they can have more diverse character designs in the 2D animation, while still copy-pasting models in the 3D scenes lol
Go Mark! Why did the goalkeeper run out from the goal I don't know anything about football
Nice to see Mark and Micro-Ice working together and having fun
D'jok's plan being to pass to Nikki-4 because the SK will think he's too selfish to let someone else score is so fucking funny
Oooo you don't get penalty shootouts that often in GF
I do love and miss sassy D'jok
Nikki-4: I guess you'll always be a Snow Kid at heart D'jok: At least I've got one
Bold claim with the way you've been acting, D'jok
Niki-4 threatening physical violence on D'jok lmaoo I guess she is a cyborg but it's weird D'jok actually held out until now with the way he's been acting towards the SK. Why does he suddenly now have a moral dilemma?
Episode 12:
Now to rant about the Ahito betrayal plot <3
Ok this how to beat Ahito thing is dumb from the get go. It's treated like some big secret and it would be a big betrayal to reveal it, but that's not how sports work. They could easily have figured out his weak points by just watching a load of videos of his saves, in fact they SHOULD have been doing this anyway – the best teams don't win just by playing their best, but by knowing their opponent's strengths and weaknesses and being able to exploit that! It's not dishonest it's just... how it works! Rocket was doing this back in season 1 when he was suggesting tactics!
So to treat it like a big betrayal to reveal something that's easily obtainable public knowledge is dumb. And also, they're treating this as if knowing a player's weakness is some magic key that means they can definitely beat him if they exploit it, which is... also not how sports work!! It's not like he'll definitely fail to save your shot if you hit in a certain way, and it's not like he can't adjust his play after you score a goal. It just.... it makes no sense!!
It was also kind of weird to hear D'jok talk about wanting to win honestly when he was fouling Warren last match and got scolded for disrespecting the game, they made it look like D'jok fully only cared about winning now, whatever the cost, but now suddenly he's having second thoughts and doesn't want to betray a team he's been shit-talking all this time?
I also don't like that what made him cave in the end was mind control, it takes away a lot of accountability. It also would have fit more for D'jok to continue doing anything it takes to win, so he can realise he's wrong later and that he's just been using that to run away from his feelings. As stupid as this “betrayal” is, it should have been his low point showing how far gone he is, his big mistake, that he can then work up from.
Rant over <3
Nork, commenting on a player's health problems is just rude
Of course Rocket starts feeling ill the second he has to go up
THRAN SCORES!!! Nice to see him do some shots
Goooo Lun-Zia! She's been a good addition
Last season I got sad that Micro-Ice was the first to flunk his shot, please don't let me down this time
D'jok: Ahito always jumps in place, a little more to the side he's gonna leap to. He can't control it, it's stronger than he is!
And THAT's the way to beat him? Totally foolproof? Bruh. If all the SK knew this and it's sooooo easy to score against him once you figure it out, surely Aarch should have.... I don't know, helped him train so that he doesn't reveal which way he's jumping as easily?? THIS IS EASILY DISCOVERABLE INFORMATION GUYS THE POINT OF TRAINING IS TO IMPROVE ON YOUR WEAKNESSES
NOOOOO TIA OF ALL PEOPLE???!!! I HAD TO TRADE A MICRO-ICE GOAL WITH THIS? 😭😭😭 It happens though. Also weird she's the first to use her flux so far for this like, it's penalties. You don't have to conserve your energy, just use the goddamn Breath!
TT^TT Nooooo they look so devastated :( On the other hand, kind of crazy it took three seasons for them to actually lose an important match lol it's been win win win the whole time so far, so kind of refreshing.
She thought he only hated D'jok and now she's realising he's just nasty to everyone? Girl where were you when he was bullying Micro-Ice on your team lol. I mean she didn't care back then but she does now! Mei is not dumb, writers
That was a pretty good pick me up speech, Aarch
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The animation makes this kind of funny out of context but, Artegor hesitantly reaching out to Aarch but then thinking better of it... aarrrrgh </3
Quick shoutout to the background designs in this show, they look really cool and I love how it's futuristic while still being colourful and bright. There's some beautiful art of the natural scenery too
What's up with reporters immediately wondering if a team is done for, or the coach might be resigning, after ONE loss? They're still GF champions, losing once doesn't mean it's all downhill from there
Adim standing up for her man <3
In this dub he calls her Mum-Ice lmao. So I guess it is just Mama-Ice? I do prefer the novelisation with her actual name, she's not mum to everyone, although I wouldn't mind having -Ice at the end of a name being some family tradition or cultural thing. Also love seeing her hanging out with Maya!
Poor Kernor just can't eat her ice cream in peace huh 😭
Aww Mama-Ice's speech is so sweet
Aarch needs a new start now more than ever? Why exactly?
Norata dancing in the back <3
Holy shit, Brim Simbra actually intervening?
Oooooo secret supplier guy was Harris all along, who would have guessed?
Huh looking at the ending screen of this youtube upload, I didn't know Robotboy was Gaumont animation too! Well probably Alphanim back then
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s2g every time I try and make a point to my boss/boss's boss it ends up being more trouble than it's worth bc they are somehow hell bent on misunderstanding me.
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Fern x f!reader
If there are any warnings I need to add, please let me know :)
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The weight of the crown on your head was too much to bear today. You gently set it down onto the grass, next to you in the shade of the giant oak trees above you.
If someone were to ask you what it's like to be a princess, you would say it's a curse. For the past 15 years you've been raised, your father was stern and barely paid any attention to you. Suffering from neglect, you slowly watched him become more and more corrupt with power, forcing the entire kingdom to stay within its walls. As far as the common people knew, the outside was a mysterious place not to be messed with.
That's what power does to people. To have all these abilities at your hands, is a great responsibility. But most rulers toss those away, like a bag of trash being disposed into the garbage can.
You sighed, gazing across to the opposite side of the clearing you were sitting in. You raised your head to look up at the sky. Oh, what I would do to have a different life...
The rustling of leaves caught your attention. You gasped, quickly backing away into the shelter of the trees. Dad can't catch me being here!
You froze as relief washed over you. It wasn't your father.
You weren't allowed to leave the kingdom. Finding loopholes wasn't easy, so you didn't know what you'd do if he found out.
Carefully, you stood up, squinting at the figure standing at the opposite end of the meadow. Slowly, they- or it- stepped into the sunlight. You recognized him from your past adventures. Fern the Human.
"Hi," you replied warily. "What are you doing here?"
"Oh, you know," he said. "Just exploring." Fern wore the same expression he did normally, a blank set of eyes and his mouth set in a straight line.
You nodded, your eyes darting around the clearing, at anything but him. You rarely interacted with outsiders, especially since you weren't allowed outside of your kingdom. So you didn't know how to act. All your social skills started chipping away because you were forced to stay inside all the time. "Princess duties".
"I haven't seen you around here before," the grass boy remarked. "Who are you?"
"Who am I?" I repeated. That was a good question. Every single decision I've had to make and every emotion I've had was decided for me. So much so, that I wasn't sure there was any "me" left.
"I'm Y/N," you replied. Fern tilted his head.
"Where are you from?"
"Um." You struggled to find the words. He couldn't know about the kingdom, or else you would find yourself kicked out. What was even the purpose of telling him? It could only end badly. His curiosity would get the better of him, driving him him to see the kingdom for himself. Would Fern even try to save us?
Even though you wanted to rescue your people badly, the thought of them roaming around aimlessly in the Land of Ooo scared you. They barely knew anything about the outside, and the only information they did know altered their perspective to think of it in a bad light. Besides, what could Fern do to help? He's just one person.
"It's none of your business," you ended up blurting out. "I have to go." Your father wanted you home for the evening anyway. For what, he didn't say.
You turned away before you could hear Fern's reply, dashing off into the dense forest.
Taking a deep breath, you began to form an image of a raven inside your mind. Shapeshifting was still something you weren't good at. You were supposed to follow a certain set of rules as a princess, one of which being that you couldn't shapeshift into your raven form in the presence of other people. It was seen as impolite.
Focus on shapeshifting! You commanded yourself. Finally, you were able to fly, ruffling your wings a bit. You missed being able to soar.
"Wait!" Fern's voice yelled from behind you, his footsteps trodding through the layers of leaves on the forest floor. You sighed, flapping up to the tree tops and taking off. A feeling of dread gradually grew in your chest, facing the reality that you had to go back to your secluded life, with people that ignored and misunderstood you.
As the dark green leaves of the forest zoomed by beneath your feet, you began to wonder whether you should've listened to what Fern had to say. Eh, it probably wasn't important.
Directing your thoughts back to your destination, you vowed to come back to your happy place as soon as possible. It helped clear your head. Hopefully, Fern won't be there next time. The idea of talking to people made you uncomfortable. The people that you've trusted in the past have all either broken your trust, or just didn't care about you at all.
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There's a crown here in the bushes, Fern observed, lifting the heavy piece of gold. It was a big ring, with an arm extending upwards, holding a small, rugged black crystal. Interesting.
Turning it over in his hands, something strange caught his eye. A carving on the back of the crown. It was barely illegible, but Fern could make out one name. Y/N.
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"Where is your crown?" The Raven King hissed angrily. "The suitors are already here!"
"I don't know, Dad!" You frantically racked your mind, trying to remember where you had left it. A princess' crown was a part of her, as a role model and a symbol. But this time, it represented worth.
"Why are you making me marry someone I don't even know anyway?" You hurriedly glanced at your father, brows furrowed. Your father had invited a group of suitors to compete for your hand in marriage. They desired only the princess' heart, but it wasn't true love, like what you dreamed of as a child. They just wanted land, wealth, and power. Marrying you was their key to a happy life. Without your label as a princess, they would have no opportunity at all.
"You know very well why!" Your father growled. "This is going to be beneficial for the kingdom! Don't you want me to prosper?"
You started walking down the spiraling staircase that lead to the main hallways, unable to stay calm any longer. "I want the people to prosper," you replied, sending a spine-chilling glare to your father behind you. Before he could respond, you stomped away, into the main hallway where a line of antsy suitors stood waiting.
You definitely have a thing for walking out on people.
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"Heya, Fern!" A boy wearing a worn, dual-toned green backpack greeted Fern, holding open the door that had separated the two just moments before. "Jake just made some meatloaf! Want some? It has your favorite- I mean our favorite garnishes." Finn grinned.
"No thanks," Fern replied, distracted. His eyes wandered all around the giant treehouse that stood over him, almost menacingly. Despite what Fern wanted to think, there was something about it that made him uneasy. When he thought of the treehouse, he thought of Finn, which in turn caused him to obsess over the fact that he wasn't Finn. Then who was he?
"No probs." Finn sounded a little disappointed, but cheered up when Jake called out that the meatloaf was ready from somewhere inside the house.
"By the way, can I ask you something?" Fern asked, taking something out of his backpack, which tumbled to the ground, causing him to groan in frustration. Finn turned back to his grassy friend while taking a plate of food from the unseen Jake. "What's up?"
He gasped when he saw the golden crown gleaming in the sunlight. "That belongs to one of the princesses!" He picked it up and handed it back to Fern.
Fern nodded, stowing it in his backpack. "I found it in the forest near Tree Trunks' house. I think this girl dropped it," he said.
"Whahf girl?" Finn said, trying to chew meatloaf at the same time. "PB? Fire Princess? Slime P?"
"No." Fern shook his head. "I've never seen her before, and honestly," he said, scratching the back of his neck. "She was scared of me." He sounded frustrated, his voice trailing off.
"Why doesn't anything ever work out?!" Fern said in anguish. He curled his fingers in and out of his palm, trying to release the tension trapped in his mind.
"Calm down, dude," Finn exclaimed. "I can help you find her, don't worry! I've never seen this crown before either, so we can go together." He placed a hand on Fern's shoulder, trying to comfort him.
"No!" Fern protested. "I wanna do it myself," he said, softer. "Can you just tell me how to find her?"
Finn looked taken aback for a second at his grassy friend's outburst, but nodded regardless. "You can ask the Candy People and the other kingdoms, they probably know who owns that crown." He handed Fern a map of the Land of Ooo, sketched out on a yellowed piece of paper.
Saying their goodbyes, Finn left Fern on his solo quest to find the mysterious princess.
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The long and chaotic day was finally over. You sank down to the floor, your back against the door to your room. You stared at the king-sized bed. I hate this. I hate everything.
After you left your father standing on the stairs, you had awkwardly walked into the main hall. But that must have been the last straw for your father, because he still didn't join you, even after five minutes. He ended up sending a replacement to accompany you after a long time of waiting. You wished that the suitors didn't keep glancing at the spot where your crown was supposed to sit while you stood with your hands clasped in front of you, staring at the doorway your father was going to follow you through.
I still have to get the crown back, you thought. Where did I leave it? The only place I would've lost it would be... Then you realized. The clearing! Of course! Oh no, I have to go there right now!
You raced over to the small window in your bedroom, peeking your head out. Seeing practically no one outside, you transformed into your raven form and hopped on the windowsill. Suddenly, an object was hurled at you from below. Looking down, you saw a small child chucking pieces of corn at you.
"Get out of there, you stupid crow!" He yelled. Close enough.
You carefully flapped your wings, flying high above the kingdom. As soon as you were out of reach, the child gave up trying to knock you out of the sky and returned to his home, resuming the quiet atmosphere the kingdom always held during evenings.
Night had almost fallen over Ooo when you finally arrived at your meadow. Landing in the spot where you had sat earlier that day, you turned back into a human and rummaged through the bushes for your long lost crown. As the minutes ticked by, you began to grow more frustrated. Where is it?! If I lose it forever, I'm done for.
"Huh?" You said out loud. Prying apart the branches of a blueberry bush, you found a few grass blades attached to the rough leaves, reminding you of Fern. You stood up. Why not just see if Fern had it? He wasn't the scavenger type, but something as mysterious as an unknown princess' crown was sure to fascinate him.
Ugh, the sun is setting. You sighed in defeat, vowing to visit Fern the next day to take back the circlet. Another day that's ending, another gloomy morning to look forward to. But this time, you had a mission to accomplish.
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Part 4
"E!" Ken mugged. Shawn was next to get popped, his fingers not even making it to the stew pot. 
"Ah-sh," he hissed sucking his hurt fingers before shaking his hand out. "You hit me harder, that's sexist," he complained.
"I hit y'all the same you just a bitch," Erik fired back causing Shawn to raise his hands in a loose fight pose. Erik dropped the wooden spoon in the pot and raised his own hands, slapping the air as Shawn looked for his in, swinging his open palms in what became a slap boxing match where neither of them were really tryna hit each other.
"Y'all foolish," Ken snorted picking up the wooden spoon to scoop some of the stew and taste it. It was good enough for her to try and eat the whole pot alone. She tried to get another dip, but almost dropped the spoon when her name was yelled.
"KEN," Erik yelled. She looked up with wide eyes knowing she'd been caught. "That's unhygienic you eating out the serving spoon. Put that in the sink- BITCH," he grinned smacking Shawn on the side of the head as retribution for the loud slap on the back of the neck he just took. He backed up when Shawn swatted back at him. 
"What y'all in here doing." Travis wandered in dragging his feet as he watched the two guys swat air and run from each other in the small space. He stood by Ken, crossing his arms as he leaned on the counter. "Five on Shawn." 
"Ten on Erik," she muttered looking from face to face as attention went to her. "What?... He soft on Shawn, y'all know he don't even be fighting him like that," she shrugged waving toward Shawn who stood with his jaw dropped. "Damn," he whispered.
"Soft on you too," Travis muttered. She knew he meant for her to hear it, but she didn't know how to respond. "Nah but facts," Travis pointed a little more loudly. "That's why my money on Shawn cuz my ass the only one he be rough with."
"DAMN. Y'all really don't believe in me," Shawn half-whined, going ignored while Erik held up his palms ready for another round.
"Nah, yo crackhead ass," Ken chuckled. Shawn lunged forward at Erik ducking awkwardly before hopping backward and flinching. Travis lowered his face in secondhand embarrassment while Ken coughed, covering her laugh. 
"I feel like if I put it out there that they never actually fight, they'll go harder and Erik might actually take the W," Ken explained quietly to Travis who nodded as the duo started back with the attempted slaps.
Erik balled his lips before swatting with his left hand. "Aye.. I gotta pop you one good time," he smirked, ready to lunge. He jumped forward reaching behind Shawn to pop his neck one time before jumping back and raising his arms in victory as Shawn's arms dropped in defeat. He stared at Erik with slitted eyes.
"Rematch nigga, that ain't count, " Shawn's hands waved dismissing the result. "Hell nah, one more. I'm high as shit this ain't even-"
"Crackhead," Ken teased.
"NIGGA I SMOKE WEED! FUCK YOU TALMBOUT," he whined as Travis pushed the money in Ken's palm. "Shid, y'all needa smoke some weed," he mumbled.
Things finally seemed like they were back to normal, well at least for her friend group. They'd wilded for a minute, but were back to that homeostatic point where they were all cool. Thankfully.
Ken sat down in the class she shared with Travis and Erik and by the look in Travis' eye as he looked back at her, something was up. Erik wasn't there today. She stared him down until he looked her way again and he rolled his eyes standing from his seat to walk back to her. "You don't wanna know, Ken," he sighed. That made her even more interested in knowing what it was he was hiding. Her eyes yanked his for information and after looking around to make sure no one was paying attention, he bent to rest his palms on her desk. "Aight, but I ain't say shit. You ain't hear it from me. You know dude you went to went to dinner with.... the second time?"
"Twin nigga," she offered.
"That nigga."
She waited.
"... Dude been spreading shit."
"Shit," Ken cussed in a whisper rolling her eyes. "I knew it." She didn't know it, but at the same time.. she did. Erik was right, she thought though she wouldn't say it aloud.
"Nah that's not what I mean." Travis held his hand out level in encouragement for Ken to stay calm. He could see she'd misunderstood. "Not like STDs, he been spreading shit.. saying he hit..."
It took a second for Ken to get what he was saying to her, it seemed so far-fetched.
"He been what?"
She could feel a few classmates' eyes on her but in the moment she didn't care because she was ready to rage.
"Yeah.. he talkin mad shit on you. I mean, he ain't say nothing negative for real but he been doing a lotta this," his hand flapped to his thumb. Ken leaped to her feet, her wedges scooting toward the classroom door in a hurry but she was yanked back by her blouse collar.
"Heeell nah," she said slowly, ready to square up. The twins were somewhat skinny and unless they could really scrap, she was confident she could beat their asses one at a time. Even if they could fight.. she was ready to beat their asses one at a time for talking on her name. "They got me confused with some weak bitch," her head shook. Her fist balled.
"Nah, hold up.. You ain't finna box no niggas, that shit over with." Travis held her in place as she silently seethed, murder in her expression. "Chill," he mouthed trying to calm her.
"You think I won't whoop a nigga ass," Ken snapped in question, the faint whispers of "shit" and "daaamn" from her classmates in the background as they minded her business.
"Oh I know you will!... Young lady," Travis smirked trying to calm her with his hand moving from her collar to her shoulder instead. "But you ain't got to do allat when you got niggas like us. Let us handle this." He looked like he knew something else that Ken didn't know because there was a twinkle in his eye and she could see it in his face, but she decided to let her friends handle it rather than continue to press the issue. If they said they had her, then she'd believe them.
She looked to the hall and back to her friend who was holding her before nodding, "...Aight."
Travis led her back to her seat and went to his, sitting as though nothing was wrong as the class started. She was able to focus for most of the class and take her notes, but her mind floated every fifteen minutes or so to what Travis had up his sleeve. Where was Erik?
Shawn pointed through the windshield from the parking lot as he sat passenger in Erik's car. Together they watched one of the twins as he walked along with his eyes deep in his phone. No words were needed, they hopped out of the car and walked up on him causing him to look up as Shawn looked around to check the surrounding area.
"We got a problem?" Shawn walked up to the twin's side, hands in his jacket pockets. Today he was sober.
"The fuck..," he muttered. He looked genuinely confused. "...Nah I ain't got a problem... You got a problem?" The twin eyed Shawn like he was slow, never ceasing his steps or changing his pace. He wasn't worried at all.
Erik stepped in front of him, reaching out so as to pause him, but not touch him before shrugging and rubbing his hands together civilly.
"Nah, we definitely have a problem. You fuckin with my girl, Ken, running your mouth like you want something bad to happen to you... It can."
"Who are you again," the twin asked, seemingly perplexed. Erik looked him over. This wasn't the one who'd called him out on his feelings for Ken, this was Trent, the one who'd left that night when Erik was scared a train would come through Ken's untrained pussy. They hadn't met.
"I'm the bodyguard that's all you need to know. Dead these rumors or something bad WILL happen to you and your bro, feel me?"
"That's what this is about?" Trent tossed his head back in humor before licking his lips. "Aight, I heard about you. You that confused nigga all up her ass... Wanna play brother, daddy, lover, but ain't give a damn about none that until like five minutes ago.. Damn," he chuckled assessing Erik and finding him humorous. Kenneth had given him the story based on what he'd picked up on. Kenneth and Ken were actually on good terms, Trent had only spread the rumor to piss off his brother in the spirit of brotherly competition. He didn't care one way or another about Kendra's prudent pussy or the nigga before him and his obsession. He nodded in relent, "..Aight bruh. That's your lil baby, I'll retract my lil rumors. I can admit when I did something shitty. I mean ain't shit already, it's not like I give a fuck. Don't nobody give a damn about those rumours. But aight." Stepping around Erik, he continued toward his class turning back to cup his hands around his mouth and yell, "ATTENTION MIT STUDENTS AND FALCULTY. DISREGARD THE DISRESPECTFUL RUMORS THAT HAVE BEEN CIRCULATING."
"Nigga, you started them," Shawn pointed in disbelief. Erik shook his head as he watched Trent's public announcement/disclaimer.
Shawn winced at the word, glad Ken wasn't there to be embarrassed. Not that it was something to be ashamed of. He ain't mean it when he teased her about it.
Waving, he smirked and Erik watched him alongside Shawn as he walked away as smoothly as he'd come. Technically, he'd deaded the issue. He was loud as fuck.
"I still wanna beat his ass," Shawn mumbled under his breath, hands in his pockets. Erik was silent.
@muse-of-mbaku @imaginewhoever @goddessofthundathighs @panthergoddessbast @thadelightfulone @misspooh @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove @marvelmaree @youreadthatright @forbeautyandlife @theunsweetenedtruth @bidibidibombaclaat @myboyfriendgiriboy @dameshaemonique @blackpantherimagines   @vikkidc @hidden-treasures21 @mysidefanting @hold-me-like-a-heart-beat @syndrlla97 @winteroflife @thotyana-in-this-hoe   @texasbama @gingerylimonte @princessstevens   @magic-madness-heavensin @wawakanda-btch @scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade @wakanda-inspired @blackgirloneshots @thegucciwaffle @thiccdaddy-mbaku   @drsunshine97 @purplehairgawdess @indigoxsummers @cccccx1   @dynastylnoire @iamrheaspeaks @blowmymbackout @fonville-designs @they-call-me-le @theblulife @raysunshine78 @sheisexcellent
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stanbillyhargrove · 4 years
Ghosts chp 13
Billy x Katrina
A/N: this is a multi chapter series that will contain smut, angst, fluff, substance abuse
This is a sweet fluffy Steve chapter, boy deserves it 💜💜 also we get little hints of what's to come next week 😈
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Steve's POV
"Oh, hey! Do you guys mind if we pop in here for a minute?" I asked, pointing at a little apothecary.
Katrina glanced around, noticing a coffee shop across the street, "yeah, sure, we'll go get some coffee."
They took off across the street as I ducked into the little shop. Plants filled the deep windowsills, except for a little spot cleared for a plush, purple pillow. All around the shop were white shelves filled with all sorts of soaps, lotions and little bags filled with flowers and herbs. I could have spent all day just soaking in all the different smells.
I was holding a bag to my nose, inhaling deeply when I heard a voice.
"Love charm, smells good, doesn't it?"
I whirled around to see a girl who had just come out of the back of the store. Long brown hair hung in waves down her bare shoulders when she leaned on the counter.
She stared at me, waiting, "hello?"
"Oh, I, ah..yes, smells...pretty."
She smiled, "you trying to attract someone?"
"The charm. You looking for something to attract love?"
"N-no," I stammered, putting the bag back on the shelf, "I just...like all the smells."
"Follow me," she said, leading me to a different shelf.
She pulled out a bar of soap and handed it to me, "smell this. I just got the recipe right."
I held it up to my nose, inhaling deeply. A warm scent filled my nose, deep woodsy musk and sharp spices. I hummed, my eyes closing.
"Good, huh?" She giggled, "it's one of my new favorites."
"This smells amazing, you made this?"
"Yeah, I run this place with a couple friends. I make most of the soaps and charms."
"Wow, that's...amazing. What is this one?"
"Cedar, clove and cinnamon for prosperity, protection and love."
I looked up at her, "but...I'm not.."
She smirked, "who doesn't need a little love in their life? And even if you don't need it, it still smells great, right?"
"Yeah," I murmured, "it does...my name's Steve, by the way."
"Riley," she answered, extending a hand to me.
Her hand was so small and delicate in mine, soft like rose petals. Our hands lingered for a moment, neither wanting to let go.
"Hey, uh...are you, would you like to get coffee or something later?"
Her cheeks flushed a light pink, "yeah, yeah I would."
I hummed, glancing up from Riley's cup, away from the stick that seemed to spin around the cup for too long on its own.
"I said, what brings you to Salem?"
"Oh, my friend Katrina. She's looking for someone to help her."
"Oh? Is she haunted or is she a medium?"
"A medium, I guess? She sees them, talks to them. She's trying to find someone to help her control it."
She was quiet for a moment, thinking to herself, "I might be able to help, I'll have to ask."
"That would be great, she'd really appreciate it."
"Oh! A Scream marathon!"
I looked over at Riley, who was smiling from ear to ear, "you're a horror fan?"
"They're my favorite!" She wiggled her eyebrows at me, "are you a scaredy cat, Steve?"
I could feel my cheeks heat up when she giggled, "don't worry, Riley's here to protect you."
We'd been here for a little over a week now and I'd spent every moment possible with Riley. Slowly getting closer and closer until.
"Steve," she murmured.
I pulled away from her, just a little and opened my eyes.
"I think we should talk."
My heart sunk to my knees when she leaned away from me, "oh, okay."
I was preparing myself for the heartbreak of 'I think you're a nice guy but...I just don't like you like that.'
But what I wasn't expecting was, "I really like you...but I don't know if I want anything physical. I, we...I just don't know if I want to be in a long distance relationship y'know?"
I let out a relieved sigh, "I thought you were about to tell me I had misunderstood, that you didn't like me. We don't have to start anything if you don't want to, I can deal with us just being friends if that's what you want."
She smiled and leaned into my shoulder, "thanks, Steve."
"Dude, you gotta fight for her! Prove you're worth the distance!"
I rolled my eyes, "Billy, I can't force her into a relationship."
He grabbed my shoulders, "we leave in two hours, Steve. You make it sound like she's the love of your life and you're willing to just give up on that?"
I shrugged, "if that's what she wants."
"Screw that. What do you want?"
I knocked his arms away, "it doesn't matter."
"It does matter, what do you want?"
I felt my eyes starting to sting and looked away from him, clenching my jaw.
"Steve!" He yelled, "what do you want?"
I glanced back at him, my eyes watering, "I want her to choose me...I want to try."
His expression softened and he smiled at me. Smug bastard.
"Then go tell her. Tell her that's what you want, that you're willing to go the distance. That you care about her."
But, I didn't. Couldn't muster up the courage to lay myself bare before her.
We were just finishing packing up the Camaro, shuffling around our bags in the truck to make them fit. Katrina and Billy moved out of the way so I could close the trunk and there, standing in the door of the house staring at me, was Riley. I gave her a tight smile and moved around the car but was stopped by her yelling.
"Wait! Steve, wait!"
I looked up just in time to see her running at me, dark hair streaming behind her before she jumped into my arms. I wrapped my arms around her waist and felt her legs tighten on my hips, holding herself up. Her hands were warm on the side of my face, her lips soft against mine. She broke away after a moment, moving just far enough to tip our foreheads together.
"I couldn't just let you leave," she murmured, "if you still want to try, I do too."
"Yeah," I murmured, a slow smile stretching across my face, "yes. I want to give us a shot."
I could see Billy's smug grin from the other side of the car. He must have said something to her, the bastard.
-- March
"Hey, it's okay, Riley. I understand. We'll see each other next weekend though?"
"Of course," she replied, voice soft and sleepy, "we'll have a movie marathon?"
"Anything you want, I'll load up on snacks just for you."
She hummed, "ice cream too?"
I smirked, laughing softly, "super fudge chunk?"
"You listen so well."
I smiled, "night, Riley."
"Night, Steve."
I hung up and walked out into Billy's living room, still smiling. He was sitting on the couch, fiddling with the Xbox controller in his hands.
"Took you long enough," he teased, "thought this was boy's night."
"Sorry, Riley was just letting me know she can't come this weekend. Family stuff."
"Well, you can hang with Katrina and I. She's been a little spacey so we're just staying in."
I flopped down beside him, "she okay? Do you think it's cause of what happened?"
He shrugged, "she says she's fine, thinks it's just stress."
I could barely contain myself as the minutes ticked down to when Riley was supposed to be here. I had taken forever to set everything up. Snacks covered my kitchen counter, dinner was waiting on the stove, ice cream was in the freezer. I'd even built a blanket fort in my living room, though I was starting to second guess that decision. Whenever I'd done things like this for Nancy, she always said it was too much. Too childish.
I was pulled out of my thoughts by a knock at the door. There was no backing out now.
I swung the door open to see Riley, a duffel bag over one shoulder and a big smile on her face.
She dropped her bag inside the door to wrap her arms around my neck and give me a soft kiss before murmuring, "it smells amazing in here."
I stepped backwards, leading her into my apartment and closed the door behind her, "I made breakfast."
She hummed, "breakfast for dinner? I love it."
She broke away from me and stopped, staring at the living room, "oh my god."
"It's too much isn't it? I'm sorry, I can take it down."
She shook her head and turned to smile at me, "no, it's perfect."
I kissed her again before going to the kitchen to start dishing up our food.
Riley padded up behind me, wrapping her arms around my waist, "so, what did you make us?"
"French toast, I used Katrina's recipe, Billy swears it's the best thing he's ever had, scrambled eggs and sausages. I hope that's okay. I have snacks and ice cream too."
"Steve," she soothed, running her hands up and down my chest, "everything is perfect. Relax."
I let my shoulders drop, let out a long breath and held a plate out to the side for her, "what movies did you bring?"
She let go of me to grab the plate, "I figured I'd start you out with a funny movie so I brought 21 Jump Street to watch first. Then I have Texas Chainsaw Massacre."
I smirked, "isn't that a little backwards? Don't you leave the funny movie for after the horror?"
She shook her head, "if I did that, you wouldn't need me to comfort you."
-- April
"Thanks for coming to get me," Katrina murmured, wincing when the seat belt of my car put pressure on her bandages.
"Yeah, no problem."
We were quiet as I started to drive towards Katrina and Billy's apartment building. We were about halfway there when I cleared my throat.
"Why didn't you call Billy?"
"I didn't want to give him another reason to worry about me."
"He's worried anyway, he called me saying you were hurt and disappeared. Maybe I should call Riley, get her to talk to Audrey.."
"No!" She turned to me, "no, don't do that. I'm fine, I promise. It's just stress or anxiety or something."
I glanced over at her and huffed, "okay.."
-- May
"Bye, Audrey! Bye, Brooke!" I called from the the front door of their house.
I could hear them call back as I backed away from the door, Riley trailing behind me. She followed me to my car and leaned into my chest after I'd thrown my bag in the backseat.
I wrapped my arms around her and kissed the top of her head, "it's just a few weeks, it'll go by fast, you'll see."
She sighed, "I know, it just sucks."
I ran my hand up and down her back, "I know, but Billy said Katrina needs to get away from the city for a bit and we planned for the three of us to go."
She looked up at me, "call me though?"
"Of course. I'll call you so much you'll be sick of me."
She smiled, "love you, Steve."
I leaned down to kiss her gently, "love you, Riley."
I made a mental note as I drove away to get something delivered to her house every weekend we were apart, just to make her smile.
@charmed-asylum @champagnesugamama @alias-b
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evesbeve · 5 years
Exactly one year ago, I posted my first Ninjago fanfiction on Tumblr
(Yes, this is one of these big and personal posts, but bear with me for a second ^w^)
I've already talked about how much Ninjago means to me, and what a positive impact it has had on my life, but to celebrate a year into this fandom, I'd like to focus on its community here on Tumblr.
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I've always been into Ninjago. In fact, I started watching it back in 2011, when it first came out!
Later on, I discovered fanfiction. It was like a dream come true, to read original stories about my favorite ninja, and to write them myself too! Eventually I began posting them, and I must say... They weren't good XD
But hey, I loved writing them! So I did just that - I kept writing and writing, until... Well, I grew out of Ninjago when I reached 7th grade.
But last year, I decided to rewatch the entire series during Christmas break. It was like falling in love with my favorite ninja all over again.
And who would have thought there would be an active fanbase here on Tumblr?
I remember scrolling down the tag and smiling at every single artwork and piece of fanfic (+ memes, of course. Who can forget about memes?) that I found.
(And bruh, discovering bruiseshipping? Holy FSM, that was truly a Christmas miracle.)
On December 28th of 2017, I made my first Ninjago Vocal Cover.
The feedback I got was incredible. I had never, ever received such positive comments before, and the encouragement to do more helped me get out of the bad mental state I was in.
So I got writing again.
If I was going to post Ninjago, I was going to post Pixane.
So I did do that, and on January 1st of 2018, I posted my first Ninjago fanfiction in years.
Did I post it as soon as I finished it? Yes!
Had I beta-ed it? ... No...?
It was still a huge step for me though! Once that story was up, I was on freaking fire.
To make you understand, I published a total of 30 Ninjago related stories (and that was just the stuff I made public!)
I have never produced this much content before!
If that wasn't enough, I picked up my YouTube channel again, occasionally made some art, and heck, somehow I got motivated to clean up my room to make space for LEGOs.
I even had the pleasure of hosting a collaborative project with around 30 people! (Yes, the new one is on the way, we're all still working on it :D)
Suddenly I was motivated to do stuff, I wasn't sad all the time, I made new friends!
All that is because of YOU.
I'm just a random girl from Greece that happens to like a bunch of LEGO ninja. Yet, you've treated me with so much kindness, and made me feel like so much more than that.
I'm not oblivious to the fact that I am known inside this fanbase. I just want to make sure you know that you made my voice loud.
And for that, I am greatful.
I am greatful for the joy you've given me, and the memories I was able to make because of you.
I've always wanted this blog to be a place of positivity. It makes me so incredibly happy that you can seek to it to get away from everything else, that it makes you happy.
This blog, is our blog.
So I'd like to take a moment to personally thank a few people from this community that played an important role in my life in 2018. If you don't want to go through a big thank you list, that is totally understandable, so I'll put it under the cut. To those of you who are leaving this post now,
Happy New Year!
Before I start, I'd like to say that it would be impossible to include every single person I know into one post. If you're not in here but you're still relatively active, chances are I don't know you personally (but I have probably noticed you!) OR I accidentally forgot to include you, in which case I'M SO SORRY, AAAA!
Without any further ado!
Thank you @diamantdrache, for drawing me like three times without me even asking, holy crap ;w; You're so amazing dude, I'm always happy to see you around. Keep being awesome!
Thank you to @strawberryhipster and @kunoichi-of-fangirling for always screaming with me about Pixane!
Thank you @i-am-the-bluejay for making me laugh through your amazing bruise fanfics! They never failed to cheer me up :D
A special thanks to @parachutingkitten, for, gosh, everything. Discovered your fanfics during a very hard time, and trying to solve the mystery behind them kept me going. You're so kind and sweet to me all the time, and I'm so happy we ran into each other!
Huge thanks to @volzorra for dropping by my inbox to tell me the randomest of things! I adore everything you do, keep it up!! :D
Thanks to @panwitha-plan, @purplerose244, @monstriframinerva and @ninjago-rewritten for making me giggle whenever you pop up in my feed and notifications! You guys rock 💜
A big one to @ninjakitten1699 for coming up with such amazing scenarios featuring the one true mastermind of Ninjago - Dr. Kitty Saunders! Not only that, but somehow you always remember what stuff I like, and tag me in funny posts (and angst bc I live for that) and making my day! Thank you so much for everything!
Thank you @coco-jaguar for being a mom to all of us in the fandom, and organising such cool events like the Secret Santa!
Thanks to @loud-quiet-and-fragile for going through 100 of my posts at once and commenting at every single one! You're just so fun to be around, and my mood instantly improves when I see you!
You knew it was coming, @nightlybirdie! Thank you, for always responding to my yelling about your art, and for yelling on my content as well! You're one of the sweetest people I know, I'm seriously so happy we met!
Thank you to @kara-is-so-ninja!! For not only having such an amazing AU, but for spreading joy everywhere you go! I admire your work so freaking much, but I admire you as a person even more. Thank you for always putting a smile on my face 💜
Thank you @ninjagojed, for being so easy and fun to talk to! I enjoy your company to death!
HUGE THANKS TO MY WONDERFUL DAUGHTER @lindsey-chr-not-found!! I've known you for so long and, its amazing we found each other again! Thanks for screaming to me about our ideas, and, well, for letting me adopt you XD
A big thanks to @echojulien for being such a supportive friend, and always there when I'm in need of our boy Echo!! :D
This is where it starts to get really difficult to fit things into a single paragraph...
To @hottchoco, who is basically one of the reasons I started shipping bruise in the first place, thank you for opening my eyes. Thank you for being that one person that is somehow into all of my fandoms at once, and screaming to me in random about them. Thank you for, even though we have different tastes sometimes, being respectful no matter what. Thank you, for being my shoulder to cry on when I need it. Thanks for everything dude :D 💜
Thank you @spinharmony, for creating a server where I made such amazing friends, and for BEING one of those amazing friends. It's so easy to talk to you about anything. You're always there, whether it's screaming about our misunderstood favorite characters, or talking about our problems. Thank you so much for just being there. I am so lucky to be able to call you my friend 💜
Thank you @hollsheadcanons!! You were one of the first people I met in this fandom, and definitely someone I was comfortable with since day one. We spend so much time just meming and yelling, that I literally feel like there's nothing to be afraid of when I'm with you. You make all my problems disappear, but you're also here to comfort me when I'm in need of hugs. Words are not enough to describe how much you mean to me. You're one of my best friends in the entire world, and for that, I thank you. Love you so much Holls!!💜
And finally, @clumsinessinperson and @ninjagoruinedmylife. You two, it feels wrong to talk about you separatedly because we're always together! I don't even know where to begin with you guys, I just love you so freaking much. No matter how upset I am, you always lift me up. You're so understanding of how I feel, and I know I can always count on you for anything. I just can't believe how close we are, and how many things we've created and been through together. I want you to know that you mean the world to me, and I love you so much. Thank you for being my friends. I love you 💜
To everyone reading this, regardless of being in my list or not, thank you so much for being part of my year, and for being part of my life. Thank you for everything 💜
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