#and I regularly work 50+ hours/week and work weekends because that’s how student affairs operates
use-your-telescope · 5 months
In five days I’ll be on winter break for 12 days (it’ll feel more like 18 because my first week back at work is all remote!!!!!!) - after a batshit end to fall semester, I am looking forward to catching up on reading, as well as having some dedicated writing time…
Anyways I know I have some A BUNCH of fics from @loki-cees-all to share (Olivette has been living rent free in my mind this whole time!!!) and a bunch of Thrown to react to, so Cee and @maple-seed I hope y’all are ready 😂😂
I’ve also got at least a few @sarahscribbles and at least a couple @infinitystoner and @tripleyeeet fics to read/share, and then @mischief2sarawr just posted their monthly round-up… not to mention I’ve been dying to dive into @the-lady-amphitrite’s long fic…
I am SO EXCITED for this break, y’all!
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