#and I know of Christian and Miguel and Bailey
sweetlemongrove · 9 months
Does anyone have a list of all the Shaw Pack members, including the minor ones?
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 11 months
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On this day, June 6, 1961, C. G. Jung passed. A few days before, Jung is said to have had a dream which one might interpret to express a judgement on his life's work and the man he had become:
"He saw a huge round block of stone sitting on a high plateau and at the foot of the stone was engraved these words: 'And this shall be a sign unto you of Wholeness and Oneness.'"
This dream was described in a letter written by Ruth Bailey on June 16, 1961 to Miguel Serrano about Jung's passing. This letter can be found in Miguel Serrano's book 'C. G. Jung and Hermann Hesse: A Record of Two Friendships' (Serrano, 1966, pp. 104-105)
* * * *
“As a child I felt myself to be alone, and I am still, because I know things and must hint at things which others apparently know nothing of, and for the most part do not want to know.” ― Carl Gustav Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections
“The acceptance of oneself is the essence of the whole moral problem and the epitome of a whole outlook on life. That I feed the hungry, that I forgive an insult, that I love my enemy in the name of Christ -- all these are undoubtedly great virtues. What I do unto the least of my brethren, that I do unto Christ. But what if I should discover that the least among them all, the poorest of all the beggars, the most impudent of all the offenders, the very enemy himself -- that these are within me, and that I myself stand in need of the alms of my own kindness -- that I myself am the enemy who must be loved -- what then? As a rule, the Christian's attitude is then reversed; there is no longer any question of love or long-suffering; we say to the brother within us "Raca," and condemn and rage against ourselves. We hide it from the world; we refuse to admit ever having met this least among the lowly in ourselves.” ― C.G. Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections
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yellowdocs · 4 years
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Eric Garner
John Crawford III
Michael Brown
Ezell Ford
Dante Parker
Michelle Cusseaux
Laquan McDonald
Tanisha Anderson
Akai Gurley
Tamir Rice
Rumain Brisbon
Jerame Reid
George Mann
Matthew Ajibade
Frank Smart
Natasha Mckenna
Tony Robinson
Anthony Hill
Mya Hall
Phillip White
Eric Harris
Walter Scott
William Chapman II
Alexia Christian
Brendon Glenn
Victor Manuel LaRosa
Jonathan Sanders
Freddie Blue
Joseph Mann
Salvado Ellswood
Sandra Bland
Albert Joseph Davis
Darrius Stewart
Billy Ray Davis
Samuel Dubose
Michael Sabbie
Brian Keith Day
Christian Taylor
Troy Robinson
Asshams Pharoh Manley
Felix Kumi
Keith Harrison McLeod
Junior Prosper
Lamontez Jones
Paterson Brown
Dominic Hutchinson
Anthony Ashford
Alonzo Smith
Tyree Crawford
India Kager
Lavante Biggs
Michael Lee Marshall
Jamar Clark
Richard Perkins
Nathaniel Harris Pickett
Bennie Lee Tignor
Miguel Espinal
Michael Noel
Kevin Matthews
Bettie Jones
Quintonio Legrier
Keith Childress Jr
Janet Wilson
Randy Nelson
Antronie Scott
Wendell Celestine
David Joseph
Calin Roquemore
Dyzhawn Perkins
Christopher Davis
Marco Loud
Peter Gaines
Torrey Robinson
Darius Robinson
Kevin Hicks
Mary Truxillo
Demarcus Semer
Willie Tillman
Terril Thomas
Syville Smith
Alton Sterling
Philando Castile
Terence Crutcher
Paul O’Neal
Alteria Woods
Jordan Edwards
Aaron Bailey
Ronell Foster
Stephon Clark
Antwon Rose II
Botham Jean
Pamela Turner
Dominique Clayton
Atatiana Jefferson
Christopher Whitfield
Christopher McCorvey
Eric Reason
Michael Lorenzo Jean
Breonna Taylor
George Floyd
Sean Bell (courtesy of @ilikemenswear )
if i’ve missed any names or spelt anything incorrectly, let me know and i will rectify it asap
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I'm so fucking angry
I'm 16, so I can't vote
I'm living in my parents' house, so I can't go out and protest
I have signed so many petitions, but I still feel like I should be doing more
I just learned about the steps to fascism in school, and I see the signs
I can't tell my parents this is happening because it's "fake news"
My healthcare rights as a trans person just got taken away, but "just stop being trans it won't affect you"
I want to take a bigger stand on social issues happening, but I can't
The only fucking things I can do is try and help save the fucking bees, because that's not a matter of human rights so for some fucking reason I'm allowed to talk about it without getting yelled at
So go and sign some of those petitions maybe?
I'm so fucking sorry to everyone that has to deal with this first hand, but I know that the most important thing for me right now is staying alive so I can help make more changes later
I got this list from
I'm so fucking sorry to every single one of you
I'll make sure things change, or die trying
I promise
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blogsmog · 4 years
Enough, America.
On May 25, 2020, George Floyd was murdered by a Minneapolis police officer. But you already know that. America and the majority of the entire globe know this because the entire 8 minutes and 46 seconds was filmed by bystanders’ phones. And within hours the video trended all across media platforms. And was deleted. And was re-posted. And so on.
Since this date- America has seen numerous rises of protests and riots. But again, you know that. You’ve seen the coverage.
Over the last seven days, I’ve been lost in my own thoughts and simply have not been able to form words about the spread of events that have taken place. I’ve seen many supporters for Black Lives Matter on social media. I’ve also seen numerous of non-supporters’ posts. I’ve refrained from saying anything publicly on social media during this time because of a few reasons. One being the question of, “Do my words or sharing a graphic on Black Lives Matter- actually make a difference? Does it actually help this long standing issue?” Then the other part of me recognizes that my generation has grown up on social media. Social Media is a way of communication. It’s a way of expressing your support. And if you’re silent than you’re just as part of the problem.
After conducting my own research and thoughts, here is how I’m showing my support and love towards the Black Lives Matter movement.
Recognizing my White Male Privilege. I’m from a small town in East Tennessee known as the City of Clinton. Growing up in Clinton means you are familiar with the story of the Clinton 12.  The story goes back to 1956. Twelve African-American students became the first black students to ever attend Clinton High School. Making CHS the first desegregated high school in the South. My grandmother was a senior at Clinton High School during this time. Growing up, she shared with me many stories about what she witnessed happen to these 12 high school students, about the town riots that occurred from white supremacist groups, and about how eventually the school was bombed. I have known from a very early age what racism is and that it is wrong.
    I say all of this, yet I don’t know what it’s like. I don’t know what it’s like to be stopped by police for simply taking an evening walk down the street. I don’t know what it’s like to continuously apply for jobs and interviews and get turned down due to race.  I don’t know what it’s like to be paid less money simply because of my skin color. I don’t know what it’s like to be automatically stereotyped as a thug or dangerous. I don’t know what it’s like to be pulled over for something minor and worry about getting shot. And I most certainly don’t know what it’s like to leave my house for something as simple as going to the grocery store and having to wonder if that will be the last time I ever see my family again. I don’t know because I am a white male. And I recognize that.
2. I’m educating myself. It’s easier now, more than ever, to automatically form an opinion on an issue. But I’m diving a little deeper into this than just sharing a post or a tweet on social media. I’m no longer believing someone’s personal opinion is the only truth. I’ve learned over the course of the last few years that it’s more beneficial to do your own research to form your own thoughts and opinions. I am currently reading the following books: So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo and Me and White Supremacy: Combat Racism,  Change the World, and Become a Good Ancestor by Layla F. Saad. Additionally, I am listening to NPR’s Podcast, Code Switch.
In addition to my readings and listenings, I am taking the time to learn more about people of color who have been killed over the last decade by police. Between 2013 and 2019, 7,666 people of color have been killed police in the United States. In Tennessee, the total is 41. You can view more of this information and see where your state stands here. 
Eric Garner, John Crawford III, Michael Brown, Ezell Ford, Dante Parker, Michelle Cusseaux, Laquan McDonald, George Mann, Tanisha Anderson, Akai Gurley, Tamir Rice, Rumain Brisbon, Jerame Reid, Matthew Ajibade, Frank Smart, Natasha McKenna, Tony Robinson, Anthony Hill, Mya Hall, Phillip White, Eric Harris, Walter Scott, William Chapman II, Alexia Christian, Brendon Glenn, Victor Manuel Larosa, Jonathan Sanders, Freddie Blue, Joseph Mann, Salvado Ellswood, Sandra Bland, Albert Joseph Davis, Darrius Stewart, Billy Ray Davis, Samuel Dubose, Michael Sabbie, Brian Keith Day, Christian Taylor, Troy Robinson, Asshams Pharaoah Manley, Felix Kumi, Keith Harrison McLeod, Junior Prosper, Lamontez Jones, Patterson Brown, Dominic Hutchinson, Anthony Ashford, Alonzo Smith, Tyree Crawford, India Kager, La’Vante Biggs, Michael Lee Marshall, Jamar Clark, Richard Perkins, Nathaniel Harris Pickett, Benni Lee Tignor, Miguel Espinal, Michael Noel, Kevin Matthews, Bettie Jones, Quintonio Legrier, Keith Childress Jr., Janet Wilson, Randy Nelson, Antronie Scott, Wendell Celestine, David Joseph, Calin Roquemore, Dyzhawn Perkins, Christopher Davis, Marco Loud, Peter Gaines, Torrey Robinson, Darius Robinson, Kevin Hicks, Mary Truxillo, Demarcus Semer, Willie Tillman, Terrill Thomas, Sylville Smith, Alton Sterling, Rhilando Castile, Terence Crutcher, Paul O’Neal, Alteria Woods, Jordan Edwards, Aaron Bailey, Ronell Foster, Stephon Clark, Antwon Rose II, Botham Jean, Pamela Turner, Dominique Clayton, Atatiana Jefferson, Christopher Whitfield, Christopher McCorvey, Eric Reason, Michael Lorenzo Dean, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd
These are the names of black Americans who have been killed by police since Eric Garner’s Death in 2014. I’m taking the time to read on each and everyone of these names. To learn their story and to help say their name. Because the second we stop saying their name- we go back to acting like none of it ever happened at all.
3. I plan to make a donation to the following organizations: The Loveland Foundation; a nonprofit that provides financial help to Black women in need of mental health support. As well as the NAACP’s Legal Defense and Educational Fund; an organization that advocates protecting voting rights, improving equal education, and many other civil rights causes. With this organization, you have the option of deciding which cause you would like your donation to go towards. I recognize that many people may not have the opportunity to make monetary donations. Which is also why I have also signed the Justice for George Floyd petition.You too can sign it here. 
4. I’m supporting the protests: I admire every single person who has over the last couple of days marched through their city and peacefully protested. I also recognize that the extremists are also participating and are the ones who are destroying buildings and burning down cities. And yes- the majority of the people doing these actions are white. People will argue that this not what Martin Luther King Jr. would have wanted. And to an extent I agree, yet at what point do we have to go to get everyone’s attention? How many more people are going to have to die until we finally recognize this is an issue? How many videos are going to be tweeted of an innocent black man or woman being killed?
5. I’m Voting on Tuesday, November 3, 2020:  As always, you will find me at the polls on Election Day 2020. If we want change in America, it starts with you and me…. and just five minutes at the voting booth. Seriously, voting does not take long at all. And if you early vote, it’s even easier. If you are not registered to vote, the deadline for Tennesseans to register is October 5, 2020. You can even do it here.
6. I’m continuing to choose love over hate: I’m not really a big deal. And although my family will continue to support me and say I’m special- I appreciate the words of affirmation, but I’m not any better than any other person on this earth. I’m not superior over anyone. I will continue to love everyone, even when there are trying times like right now. I will continue to learn and listen. And I will one day teach my future children to choose love over hate. As I get older, I continue to believe in supporting the future generation. They are the ones who will read about this history in text books. And they are the ones who will truly see no color.
I understand that I will never understand. However, I stand with you.
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batboyblog · 7 years
My very gay reading list
So I’m a book hoarder, and I have MANY unread books (gay!) waiting for me to get around to them so here they are, feel free to tell me if you’ve read something on it, and if you liked it 
Flesh and Bone by William Alton
Spellbound by Marcus Atley
If We Shadows by D.E. Atwood
Guyliner by J. Leigh Bailey
Queeroes by Steven Bereznai
Love in the Time of Global Warming by Francesca Lia Block
I Was a Teenage Fairy by Francesca Lia Block
Children of the Knight by Michael J. Bowler
Every Nine Seconds by Joseph Brockton
Debbie Harry Sings in French by Meagan Brothers
Weird Girl and What's His Name by Meagan Brothers
The Manny Files by Christian Burch
Cinnamon Toast and the End of the World by Janet E. Cameron
The Lavender Menace: Tales of Queer Villainy! by Tom Cardamone
Dragon Slayer by Isabella Carter
Repeating History: The Eye of Ra by Dakota Chase
Potluck by A.J. Colher
Boy Robot by Simon Curtis
Zhukov's Dogs by Amanda Cyr
My Side Of The Story by Will Davis
A Strong and Sudden Thaw by R.W. Day
Ghost Songs by Andrew Demcak
You and Me and Him by Kris Dinnison
Birdy Flynn by Helen Donohoe
Seidman by James Erich
Dreams by James Erich
The Ghost of Buxton Manor by Jonathan L. Ferrara
This is Not a Love Story by Suki Fleet
Willful Machines by Tim Floreen
Always Leaving by Gene Gant
Falling From The Sky by Nikki Godwin
Whatever.: or how junior year became totally f$@ked by S.J. Goslee
Three Truths and a Lie by Brent Hartinger
Rapture Practice: A True Story About Growing Up Gay in an Evangelical Family by Aaron Hartzler
Pukawiss The Outcast by Jay Jordan Hawke
Mysterious Skin by Scott Heim
The Other Boy by M.G. Hennessey
Cupid Painted Blind by Marcus Herzig
Bi-Normal by M.G. Higgins
Freaks and Revelations by Davida Wills Hurwin
Exile by Caleb James
Finding Our Way Series Collection by Jayson James
Gilded Cage by Vic James
Reasons to Love a Nerd Like Me by Becky Jerams
Another Kind of Cowboy by Susan Juby
Martyr by A.R. Kahler
The Dead Will Rise First by Logan Kain
Ómorphi by C. Kennedy
Coins in the Coffee Cup by Ambriehl Khalil
The Red Sun Rises by Victoria Kinnaird
Love Drugged by James Klise
A Destiny of Dragons by T.J. Klune
Read Between the Lines by Jo Knowles
The Sidekicks by Will Kostakis
Andy Squared by Jennifer Lavoie
Collide by J.R. Lenk
Draw the Line by Laurent Linn
True Letters from a Fictional Life by Kenneth Logan
The Star Host by F.T. Lukens
Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things by Martina McAtee
One Boy's Shadow by Ross A. McCoubrey
When the Moon Was Ours by Anna-Marie McLemore
Bottled Up Secret by Brian McNamara
Stranger in the Wizard's Tower by Deric McNish
The Straight Road to Kylie by Nico Medina
Diary of a Teenage Taxidermist by K.A. Merikan
Cut Both Ways by Carrie Mesrobian
It Looks Like This by Rafi Mittlefehldt
Normal? by Stephen J. Mulrooney
Subject to Change by Karen Nesbitt
Exiled to Iowa. Send Help. And Couture by Chris O'Guinn
Blood Moon by M.J. O'Shea
Away We Go by Emil Ostrovski
I Hate Summer by H.T. Pantu
Thanks a Lot, John LeClair by Johanna Parkhurst
Thinking Straight by Robin Reardon
Chulito by Charles Rice-González
Gemini Bites by P.E. Ryan
The Foxhole Court by Nora Sakavic
Private Display of Affection by Winter Sandberg
A Man's Man by Genta Sebastian
Timekeeper by Tara Sim
Oswin by Timm Spire
Maps by Nash Summers
Nowhere Near You by Leah Thomas
Witch Eyes by Scott Tracey
The Art of Being Normal by Lisa Williamson
Encounter by Perie Wolford
Money Boy by Paul Yee
Sometimes We Tell the Truth by Kim Zarins
Miguel's Secret Journal by A.V. Zeppa
again, let me know if you’ve read any of these and let me know what I should read! :) thanks!
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mediajorge · 7 years
Vinyl release: 11/12/15 // Digital release: 29/01/16 Deejay.de - bit.ly/TLdeejay Juno.co.uk - bit.ly/TLngJuno Phonica - bit.ly/TLphonica
Support from: Catz & Dogz, Laurent Garnier, DJ T, Camelphat, Tom Findlay (Groove Armada), Dario D'Attis, Lee Foss, Oliver Dollar, Tony Humphries, Mat & Jo Mat.Joe, Noir, PANDA, The Mekanism, German Brigante, MANIK, Paride Saraceni, Friend Within, Nuno Dos Santos, Piemont, Nice7, Kydus, Krywolf, Walker & Royce, Luke Solomon, Btraits, Josh Butler, Damian Lazarus, Florian Kruse, Danny MoodyManc, Mihai Popoviciu, Orde Meikle (Slam), Jon Cutler, Tayo, Echomen / Solaris Heights, Origins Sound, Antoine (Time Has Changed), Leigh Morgan, Philipp Gonzales, Stereo MCs, Bazaar, Dave Angel, Miguel Migs, Chris Lake, Kal (Underground Audio), Pete & Tom Devolution (Kiss), Monki, Harris Robotis, Ruben Mandolini, Vanilla Ace, Tjerk Coers (Armada), Sean Roman, Dale Middleton, Richie Hawtin, Steve Lawler, Simon Birkumshaw, Per QX, Nico de Ceglia, Manuel (Gomma), Tensnake, Soulclap , Matt Masters, Severino, Wildkats, Luvstuff, Claude Monnet, Nacho Marco, Alex Caslano, Add2Basket, Montel, Tom Breu (Radio 1 Live, Ger), Groove Assassin, Affkt, Cream Dream, DJ Spen, Heavyfeet, Sydney Blu, Golf Clap, Fred Everything, George Andrews, Marcato & Tiny Toon Sex Panda White, Brett Gould, Shivas HB, Stefan Reisen (Morris Audio), Olle Abstract, Giom, DJ Rocca, Tom Coulling, Charlie Wedd (Eton Messy), Toshiya mule musiq, Sam Bailey (Beats 1), Steve Mill, Timo Garcia, Graham Sahara, Maximiljan, Audiowhores, Andy Daniell, Larry Tee, James Organ, Compuphonic, Graeme Park
I have the last of the remixes of Romanthony's "Too Long" for you, something that will hopefully warm your heart and soul in these winter months. Why? Because we have none other than the mighty DETROIT SWINDLE on production duties.
If anyone could take this timeless song and give it a special twist it was the Swindle. They do not disappoint. Warm moogs and spacey keys make up the funk-fuelled backing, strings soar around Roman’s gorgeous tones and all the while their tight rhythm section keeps the groove bang on. It is - in the words of my many Glaswegian friends - a BELTURRRRRRR.
Roman's style was always raw and underground and to show our respect for that I've asked Christian Nielsen - one of the finest exponents of that style today to give us his version. If you've been playing any of his recent releases on Play It Down, you'll know what to expect, solid house beats and a funky bassline deliver the groove and Roman does the rest. Bumpin' stuff.
Lastly, for those who missed it on our Amsterdam compilation, I've included the brilliantly acidic Nice7 version in the pack.
Released by:Glasgow UndergroundRelease date:12 February 2016
(Glasgow Underground)
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junker-town · 7 years
Which players would your team keep in an MLB Expansion Draft?
Your team gets to protect 15 players. The Montreal Youppis get to sniff around the rest. Good luck.
Two weeks ago, the NHL’s (Las) Vegas Golden Knights held the first major-league expansion draft in 13 years. It’s been almost two decades since the Rays and Diamondbacks got the chance to poach players from rosters around the league, and I thought it would be fun to think about what would happen if Major League Baseball did something similar. So I set out to figure out which players each organization would protect from being selected if, let’s say, the Montreal Youppis! or Monterrey Canyons joined the league.
For the purposes of this mock exercise, I’ll use rules similar to the rules of the last MLB expansion draft, which took place after the 1997 season, and I’ll assume that this draft is being completed after the 2017 season. This means that any player who is set for free agency this winter will not be protected and that we’ll ignore what will likely happen at next month’s trade deadline. We are also not factoring in no-trade clauses.
Here are our rules from 1997, adjusted to the 2017 baseball world:
For the first round, teams may protect 15 players from the rosters of their entire organization—both their 40-man roster, plus all minor-league affiliates.
In addition, players chosen in the 2016 and 2017 amateur drafts were automatically protected, plus players who were 18 or younger when signed in 2015.
Players who are free agents after the end of the 2017 season need not be protected.
Special thanks to SB Nation’s team site managers for their help in compiling these lists.
Arizona Diamondbacks:
Protected: 1B Paul Goldschmidt, OF A.J. Pollock, OF David Peralta, INF Brandon Drury, INF Chris Owings, 3B Jake Lamb, RHP Archie Bradley, RHP Zack Godley, LHP Robbie Ray, RHP Taijuan Walker, LHP Anthony Banda, LHP Patrick Corbin, INF Domingo Leyba, INF Dawel Lugo, RHP Shelby Miller
Notable exemptions: 1B Pavin Smith, RHP Jon Duplantier, 3B Drew Ellis, C Daulton Varsho, OF Anfernee Grier
Notes: A bit of a tough organization, with two big contracts (Zack Greinke and Yasmany Tomas) they’d probably be fine shedding and zero prospects in the top 100 in baseball. Corbin and Miller get a bit of a longer leash because of potential, leaving pieces like Nick Ahmed and Randall Delgado exposed.
Atlanta Braves:
Protected: 1B Freddie Freeman, SS Dansby Swanson, OF Ender Inciarte, RHP Julio Teheran, RHP Mike Foltynewicz, RHP Arodys Vizcaino, RHP Jason Hursh, INF Ozzie Albies, LHP Kolby Allard, SS Kevin Maitan, RHP Mike Soroka, LHP Sean Newcomb, OF Ronald Acuna, LHP Max Fried, 2B Travis Demeritte
Notable exemptions: RHP Kyle Wright, RHP Ian Anderson, SS Kevin Maitan, OF Drew Waters
Notes: Atlanta lucks out a bit with four top prospects (including two top-5 picks) already being exempt, and is very prospect-heavy, as expected. Matt Kemp’s resurgence and Matt Adams’ success thus far are not significant enough to push them ahead of the prospects John Coppolella has dealt for in the last few years, though Kemp would be an unlikely pick for an expansion team, anyway.
Baltimore Orioles:
Protected: 3B Manny Machado, OF Adam Jones, 1B Trey Mancini, 2B Jonathan Schoop, OF Mark Trumbo, LHP Zach Britton, RHP Brad Brach, RHP Dylan Bundy, RHP Kevin Gausman, RHP Darren O’Day, OF Joey Rickard, RHP Mychal Givens, C Chance Sisco, RHP Hunter Harvey, SS Ryan Mountcastle
Notable exemptions: LHP D.L. Hall, RHP Cody Sedlock, LHP Keegan Akin, OF Austin Hays
Notes: Trumbo and O’Day barely made the cut, but keeping them around makes a lot of sense for the Orioles in their current state. Both contracts aren’t that bad, and having both veterans on a club with a closing window (Machado and Jones are free agents after 2018) is probably the avenue the O’s, who are loyal to their guys, would take. There’s not really a lot of talent in the minors they’d need to protect, anyway. Chris Davis’ regression and monster deal means he goes unprotected.
Boston Red Sox:
Protected: OF Mookie Betts, OF Andrew Benintendi, OF Jackie Bradley Jr., SS Xander Bogaerts, 2B Dustin Pedroia, LHP Chris Sale, LHP Eduardo Rodriguez, RHP Rick Porcello, LHP Drew Pomeranz, RHP Craig Kimbrel, 3B Rafael Devers, C Christian Vazquez, RHP Joe Kelly, 1B Sam Travis, 1B/DH Hanley Ramirez
Notable exemptions: LHP Jay Groome, 3B Bobby Dalbec, RHP Tanner Houck, SS C.J. Chatham
Notes: Ramirez gets protected just because the Red Sox’ time to win is now, and there aren’t a ton of prospects that were left unprotected. Brian Johnson and Matt Barnes almost made the cut, though an expansion team would be unlikely to claim David Price and a change of scenery may be the best thing for him anyway.
Chicago Cubs:
Protected: 3B Kris Bryant, 1B Anthony Rizzo, 2B Addison Russell, LHP Jon Lester, RHP Carl Edwards Jr., RHP Kyle Hendricks, LHP Mike Montgomery, OF Kyle Schwarber, INF Javier Baez, OF Albert Almora, C Willson Contreras, OF Ian Happ, OF Eloy Jimenez, RHP Dylan Cease, C/1B Victor Caratini
Notable exemptions: LHP Brendon Little, RHP Alex Lange
Notes: The Cubs had a lot of obvious picks, headlined of course by the Bryzzo duo. Things got a little trickier down the stretch, as it made more sense to protect younger players than vets Ben Zobrist and Jason Heyward. An expansion team would be unlikely to take on Heyward’s contract in this scenario, making him a good choice to stay unprotected.
Chicago White Sox:
Protected: LHP Jose Quintana, LHP Carlos Rodon, 1B Jose Abreu, OF Avisail Garcia, SS Tim Anderson, RHP Tyler Danish, RHP Nate Jones, 3B Matt Davidson, 2B Yoan Moncada, RHP Michael Kopech, SS Luis Robert, RHP Lucas Giolito, RHP Reynaldo Lopez, RHP Carson Fulmer, OF Luis Alexander Basabe
Notable exemptions: C Zack Collins, 3B Jake Burger, RHP Zack Burdi, RHP Alec Hansen, RHP Dane Dunning
Notes: The ChiSox are actually one of the toughest teams to do this for, as they have tons of controllable talent in their system and would likely want to protect about 25 guys. They’re helped out a little bit by the exemptions but still likely wouldn’t have room for Yolmer Sanchez, Leury Garcia or Zach Putnam, who have been big-league contributors. They wouldn’t let any recent trade acquisitions go unprotected.
Cincinnati Reds:
Protected: 1B Joey Votto, OF Adam Duvall, OF Scott Schebler, OF Billy Hamilton, 3B Eugenio Suarez, 2B Jose Peraza, LHP Brandon Finnegan, LHP Amir Garrett, RHP Raisel Iglesias, RHP Michael Lorenzen, RHP Anthony DeSclafani, OF Jesse Winker, LHP Cody Reed, RHP Robert Stephenson, RHP Luis Castillo
Notable exemptions: SS/RHP Hunter Greene, 3B Nick Senzel, OF Taylor Trammell, SS Jeter Downs
Notes: Cincinnati’s protected list benefits from having two of its high-end prospects (Greene and Senzel) exempt, letting high-upside guys like Stephenson and Luis Castillo make the cut. Rookie Davis, Homer Bailey and Tucker Barnhart fell short of the prospect-heavy list of 15.
Cleveland Indians:
Protected: SS Francisco Lindor, 2B Jason Kipnis, 3B Jose Ramirez, OF Bradley Zimmer, OF Michael Brantley, DH Edwin Encarnacion, RHP Corey Kluber, RHP Carlos Carrasco, LHP Andrew Miller, RHP Cody Allen, RHP Trevor Bauer, C Francisco Mejia, RHP Triston McKenzie, 1B Bobby Bradley, OF Greg Allen
Notable exemptions: 3B Nolan Jones, OF Will Benson
Notes: Encarnacion’s big contract was the toughest call here, though Cleveland did guarantee him $60 million knowing their window is open for the next couple years. Danny Salazar and Lonnie Chisenhall, who are both under club control, were tough cuts in a talented org.
Colorado Rockies:
Protected: 3B Nolan Arenado, OF Charlie Blackmon, 2B D.J. LeMahieu, SS Trevor Story, RHP Jeff Hoffman, LHP Kyle Freeland, OF David Dahl, RHP Jonathan Gray, RHP Tyler Anderson, RHP German Marquez, C Tom Murphy, SS Brendan Rodgers, OF Raimel Tapia, 3B Ryan McMahon, RHP Ryan Castellani
Notable exemptions: RHP Riley Pint, 3B Ryan Vilade
Notes: The Rockies have a ton of major-league talent under control and a few top prospects, meaning there were some tough decisions at the back-end of their list. It makes sense that a team that plays in Coors Field would value controllable, young pitching, so we stocked them with arms instead of other options such as Ian Desmond and his significant contract, which would probably not be taken anyway.
Detroit Tigers:
Protected: 1B Miguel Cabrera, RHP Justin Verlander, 2B Ian Kinsler, LHP Justin Wilson, RHP Michael Fulmer, LHP Daniel Norris, RHP Shane Greene, LHP Matthew Boyd, 3B Nick Castellanos, RHP Alex Wilson, OF JaCoby Jones, OF Christin Stewart, RHP Joe Jimenez, RHP Beau Burrows, OF Michael Gerber
Notable exemptions: RHP Alex Faedo, RHP Matt Manning, RHP Kyle Funkhouser
Notes: Detroit is in the wonderful spot of having a subpar major-league team and weak farm system. That’ll likely change at the trade deadline, but we’re acting like that’s not happening so all of the likely trade chips (Verlander, Kinsler, Wilson, etc.) should be protected. Some prospects made the cut over major-leaguers like Jose Iglesias, Justin Upton and Jordan Zimmermann, with the latter two having huge contracts that the Tigers would likely love to get rid of.
Houston Astros:
Protected: OF George Springer, SS Carlos Correa, 2B Jose Altuve, 3B Alex Bregman, 1B Yulieski Gurriel, LHP Dallas Keuchel, RHP Lance McCullers, RHP Mike Fiers, RHP Ken Giles, RHP Will Harris, RHP Chris Devenski, RHP Francis Martes, OF Kyle Tucker, OF Derek Fisher, RHP Franklin Perez
Notable exemptions: RHP Forrest Whitley, RHP J.B. Bukauskas
Notes: There’s so much talent throughout this organization that the last few picks were some of the toughest of this entire exercise. Obviously, Houston’s window is open now so it makes sense to protect some successful major-league pieces (Giles, Harris, Fiers) over projectable talents like David Paulino and A.J. Reed. Collin McHugh and Joe Musgrove also came under consideration.
Kansas City Royals:
Protected: C Salvador Perez, 2B Whit Merrifield, LHP Danny Duffy, RHP Kelvin Herrera, RHP Matt Strahm, RHP Nathan Karns, OF Jorge Soler, 3B/OF Hunter Dozier, RHP Jake Junis, LHP Foster Griffin, C Chase Vallot, RHP Josh Staumont, 1B Ryan O’Hearn, SS Raul Mondesi, OF Jorge Bonifacio
Notable exemptions: OF Nick Pratto, C M.J. Melendez, RHP A.J. Puckett
Notes: With so many veterans set to depart in free agency this winter and a shallow farm system, the Royals would have to dig deep to find 15 solid options to protect. Alex Gordon, Paulo Orlando, Eric Skoglund and Joakim Soria among the cuts.
Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim:
Protected: OF Mike Trout, OF Kole Calhoun, SS Andrelton Simmons, RHP Alex Meyer, LHP Andrew Heaney, RHP Matt Shoemaker, LHP Tyler Skaggs, RHP Nick Tropeano, RHP Garrett Richards, RHP Cam Bedrosian, RHP Keynan Middleton, 1B C.J. Cron, OF Jahmai Jones, RHP Chris Rodriguez, RHP Jaime Barria
Notable exemptions: OF Jordon Adell, 1B Matt Thaiss, OF Brandon Marsh, RHP Griffin Canning
Notes: I wish I could’ve just protected Trout 15 times. Lots of injured starters in here, but they’re some of the guys with the most potential long-term value. With almost all of the top prospects already exempt, an extremely hard list to fill out (see Cron, C.J.). No expansion team is taking Pujols...
Los Angeles Dodgers
Protected: LHP Clayton Kershaw, SS Corey Seager, OF Cody Bellinger, 3B Justin Turner, RHP Kenley Jansen, LHP Alex Wood, LHP Julio Urias, OF Joc Pederson, OF Chris Taylor, RHP Yadier Alvarez, OF Alex Verdugo, 2B Willie Calhoun, RHP Walker Buehler, RHP Brock Stewart, C Austin Barnes
Notable exemptions: SS Gavin Lux, OF Jeren Kendall, RHP Mitchell White, RHP Jordan Sheffield
Notes: There were a ton of great options for the Dodgers to protect, which is a great problem to have. Besides the obvious plays, Pederson and Taylor made it based on control and potential. Toughest cuts: Yusniel Diaz and Kenta Maeda.
Miami Marlins:
Protected: OF Christian Yelich, OF Marcell Ozuna, 1B Justin Bour, C J.T. Realmuto, 2B Dee Gordon, RHP Dan Straily, RHP Jose Urena, RHP Kyle Barraclough, RHP Tyler Kolek, INF J.T. Riddle, RHP A.J. Ramos, LHP Adam Conley, INF Miguel Ramos, LHP Nick Wittgren, 3B Brian Anderson
Notable exemptions: LHP Trevor Rogers, OF Brian Miller, LHP Braxton Garrett
Notes: An expansion team wouldn’t be likely to claim Giancarlo Stanton’s mega-deal, so he’s left off. The rest is the too-heavy collection of controllable talent Miami has due to a weak farm system. Even more reason for them to look to move Ozuna, Yelich, Ramos and others this summer (in real life).
Milwaukee Brewers:
Protected: 3B Travis Shaw, 1B Eric Thames, RHP Corey Knebel, OF Domingo Santana, SS Orlando Arcia, RHP Jimmy Nelson, RHP Chase Anderson, RHP Junior Guerra, RHP Zach Davies, INF Jonathan Villar, OF Lewis Brinson, LHP Josh Hader, RHP Luis Ortiz, SS Isan Diaz, RHP Brandon Woodruff
Notable exemptions: OF Corey Ray, OF/2B Keston Hiura, OF Tristen Lutz, RHP Lucas Erceg
Notes: Ryan Braun’s mega-deal (and regression so far this season) would cause him to go unprotected. It was hard to keep all four major-league starters, though they’re all controllable and have shown upside. Very difficult group overall, weighing prospects against guys with about a year of service time. Jacob Barnes, Trent Clark and Hernan Perez didn’t make it.
Minnesota Twins:
Protected: 2B Brian Dozier, 3B Miguel Sano, RHP Jose Berrios, RHP Ervin Santana, OF Byron Buxton, OF Max Kepler, OF Eddie Rosario, SS Jorge Polanco, SS Nick Gordon, LHP Stephen Gonsalves, RHP Fernando Romero, LHP Adalberto Mejia, RHP Kohl Stewart, LHP Tyler Jay, RHP Felix Jorge
Notable exemptions: SS Royce Lewis, OF Alex Kirilloff, 1B Brent Rooker, RHP Blayne Enlow
Notes: A really solid list for Minnesota, aided by two top picks being automatically exempt. Not yet ready to give up on the two first-round pitchers (Stewart and Jay), which made for some tough unprotected guys (Tyler Duffey, Zack Granite, J.T. Chargois, Trevor May).
New York Mets:
Protected: OF Michael Conforto, OF Yoenis Cespedes, RHP Jacob deGrom, RHP Noah Syndergaard, RHP Zack Wheeler, LHP Steven Matz, RHP Jeurys Familia, C Travis d’Arnaud, INF Wilmer Flores, RHP Matt Harvey, OF Juan Lagares, RHP Seth Lugo, SS Amed Rosario, 1B Dominic Smith, SS Luis Guillorme
Notable exemptions: RHP Justin Dunn, LHP David Peterson, INF Mark Vientos
Notes: This one was the hardest no matter what because of the reaction from a very angry #MetsTwitter. Harvey gets one last shot in my book. Too many other candidates underperforming this year (Brandon Nimmo, Gavin Cecchini, Desmond Lindsay, Robert Gsellman)
New York Yankees:
Protected: OF Aaron Judge, C Gary Sanchez, OF Brett Gardner, RHP Luis Severino, RHP Dellin Betances, SS Didi Gregorius, 2B Starlin Castro, SS Gleyber Torres, OF Clint Frazier, RHP Chance Adams, LHP Justus Sheffield, 1B/OF Tyler Austin, INF Jorge Mateo, RHP James Kaprielian, 1B Greg Bird
Notable exemptions: OF Blake Rutherford, RHP Clarke Schmidt
Notes: Doing this makes you realize how ludicrously talented the Yankees’ organization is. Luis Cessa, Jordan Montgomery, Aaron Hicks and high-priced guys like Aroldis Chapman and Jacoby Ellsbury on the outside looking in.
Oakland Athletics:
Protected: RHP Sonny Gray, RHP Khris Davis, 3B Ryon Healy, SS Franklin Barreto, LHP Sean Manaea, RHP Jharel Cotton, SS Marcus Semien, RHP Kendall Graveman, RHP Grant Holmes, 3B Matt Chapman, OF Matt Olson, RHP Daniel Gossett, SS Lazaro Armenteros, RHP Frankie Montas, INF Yairo Munoz
Notable exemptions: LHP A.J. Puk, OF Austin Beck, SS Kevin Merrell, RHP Daulton Jefferies, RHP Logan Shore
Notes: Tons of young talent here, making things hard. Jed Lowrie, Bruce Maxwell, Ryan Dull and Chad Pinder just missed it.
Philadelphia Phillies:
Protected: OF Odubel Herrera, 3B Maikel Franco, OF Aaron Altherr, 2B Cesar Hernandez, RHP Vincent Velasquez, RHP Aaron Nola, RHP Jerad Eickhoff, SS J.P. Crawford, C Jorge Alfaro, OF Nick Williams, RHP Franklyn Kilome, RHP Sixto Sanchez, 2B Scott Kingery, OF Dylan Cozens, 1B Rhys Hoskins
Notable exemptions: OF Mickey Moniak, OF Adam Haseley, RHP Kevin Gowdy
Notes: A prospect-heavy protection list for Philadelphia, which isn’t surprising. Even the struggling major-leaguers get a long leash here.
Pittsburgh Pirates:
Protected: 2B Josh Harrison, 1B Josh Bell, OF Andrew McCutchen, OF Starling Marte, OF Gregory Polanco, RHP Gerrit Cole, RHP Jameson Taillon, LHP Felipe Rivero, RHP Ivan Nova, OF Austin Meadows, RHP Mitch Keller, 2B Kevin Newman, RHP Tyler Glasnow, LHP Steven Brault, OF Adam Frazier
Notable exemptions: RHP Shane Baz, RHP Steven Jennings, 1B Will Craig
Notes: Pittsburgh has a nice mix of major-league talent and prospects, so 15 was just about the right number for them. McCutchen and Cole are trade bait, of course.
San Diego Padres:
Protected: 1B Wil Myers, INF Yangervis Solarte, LHP Brad Hand, OF Manuel Margot, OF Hunter Renfroe, OF Cory Spangenberg, RHP Anderson Espinoza, LHP Adrian Morejon, RHP Jacob Nix, SS Fernando Tatis Jr., OF Jorge Ona, LHP Logan Allen, INF Luis Urias, 1B Josh Naylor, 2B Carlos Asuaje
Notable exemptions: LHP MacKenzie Gore, C Luis Campusano-Bracero, RHP Cal Quantrill, LHP Eric Lauer
Notes: Would be some tough choices for a rebuilding club, mixing major-league guys with trade value and prospects. In the end, an interesting balance of both. Carlos Asuaje, Ryan Schimpf, and Travis Jankowski on the outside looking in.
San Francisco Giants:
Protected: C Buster Posey, LHP Madison Bumgarner, 2B Joe Panik, 1B Brandon Belt, SS Brandon Crawford, LHP Matt Moore, LHP Ty Blach, RHP Hunter Strickland, OF Austin Slater, RHP Jeff Samardzija, RHP Tyler Beede, SS Christian Arroyo, 1B Chris Shaw, RHP Joan Gregorio, LHP Andrew Suarez
Notable exemptions: OF Heliot Ramos, OF Bryan Reynolds, OF Heath Quinn
Notes: The Giants’ struggles this year have shocked everyone, but they still do have a lot of controllable talent on the roster that will either benefit them on the field or in trades. Samardzija and Strickland were especially tough calls. We’re counting Johnny Cueto as a free agent, though he could opt in and remain with the Giants.
Seattle Mariners:
Protected: 3B Kyle Seager, SS Jean Segura, RHP Edwin Diaz, OF/DH Nelson Cruz, OF Mitch Haniger, OF Ben Gamel, LHP James Paxton, LHP Drew Smyly, C Mike Zunino, LHP Ariel Miranda, 1B/DH Dan Vogelbach, OF Tyler O’Neill, RHP Nick Neidert, RHP Andrew Moore, RHP Max Povse
Notable exemptions: OF Kyle Lewis, 1B Evan White, RHP Sam Carlson
Notes: Some obvious picks for Seattle, some not so obvious. It’s extremely unlikely anyone would take on the contracts of Robinson Cano or Felix Hernandez, so they’re unprotected. Cruz was a tough call, but ultimately made the cut for an injury-destroyed team that could contend in 2018. Same with Smyly.
St. Louis Cardinals:
Protected: RHP Carlos Martinez, 1B Matt Carpenter, OF Stephen Piscotty, C Yadier Molina, RHP Mike Leake, 2B Kolten Wong, OF Dexter Fowler, SS Aledmys Diaz, 2B Jedd Gyorko, RHP Alex Reyes, C Carson Kelly, RHP Luke Weaver, RHP Jack Flaherty, OF Magneuris Sierra, RHP Sandy Alcantara
Notable exemptions: SS Delvin Perez
Notes: Leake’s big deal was tough to keep around, but leaving Adam Wainwright and Michael Wacha unprotected created a bigger need for proven major-league pitching alongside Martinez. Randal Grichuk, Tommy Pham, Marco Gonzalez and Harrison Bader were some tough cuts; Trevor Rosenthal’s free agency after 2018 made him vulnerable.
Tampa Bay Rays:
Protected: RHP Chris Archer, 3B Evan Longoria, OF Kevin Kiermaier, OF/DH Corey Dickerson, RHP Alex Colome, RHP Jake Odorizzi, LHP Blake Snell, SS Willy Adames, RHP Brent Honeywell, RHP Jose De Leon, OF/1B Jake Bauers, 1B Casey Gillaspie, OF Mallex Smith, INF Matt Duffy, RHP Jacob Faria
Notable exemptions: LHP/1B Brendan McKay, RHP Drew Rasmussen, 3B Josh Lowe, RHP Michael Mercado
Notes: Tampa is top-heavy on prospects and has a nice mix of current veterans under control for a while as well. Duffy (controlled through 2020) and Smith (through 2021) were big pieces of recent pitching trades, leading to them being protected over Wilson Ramos, Steven Souza, Matt Andriese or Brad Miller. Some really tough cuts at the end.
Texas Rangers:
Protected: OF Nomar Mazara, 2B Rougned Odor, 1B Joey Gallo, LHP Cole Hamels, LHP Martin Perez, SS Elvis Andrus, 3B Adrian Beltre, RHP Matt Bush, RHP Keone Kela, OF Delino DeShields, OF Leody Taveras, 1B Ronald Guzman, RHP Ariel Jurado, LHP Brett Martin, LHP Yohander Méndez
Notable exemptions: LHP Cole Ragans, OF Bubba Thompson, SS Christopher Seise
Notes: Hamels is too good to risk letting go, big deal and all. Andrus will probably opt out after 2018, so he’s protected too. Not a lot of prospect meat here, but Jurickson Profar and Shin-soo Choo still didn’t make the cut.
Toronto Blue Jays:
Protected: OF Kevin Pillar, 3B Josh Donaldson, RHP Marcus Stroman, RHP Roberto Osuna, RHP Joe Biagini, 2B Devon Travis, RHP Aaron Sanchez, RHP Ryan Tepera, 1B Justin Smoak, OF Dalton Pompey, 3B Vladimir Guerrero Jr., RHP Sean Reid-Foley, OF Anthony Alford, SS Richard Urena, RHP Conner Greene
Notable exemptions: INF Bo Bichette, RHP T.J. Zeuch, SS Logan Warmoth, RHP Nate Pearson, C Hagen Danner
Notes: Toronto has a few contracts they’d be fine ridding themselves of, leaving Jose Bautista, Troy Tulowitzki and Russell Martin unprotected. Controllable studs and high-level prospects are key for them moving forward.
Washington Nationals:
Protected: OF Bryce Harper, SS Trea Turner, 2B Daniel Murphy, 3B Anthony Rendon, 1B Ryan Zimmerman, RHP Max Scherzer, RHP Stephen Strasburg, OF Adam Eaton, LHP Gio Gonzalez, OF Michael A. Taylor, RHP Joe Ross, RHP Tanner Roark, OF Victor Robles, RHP Erick Fedde, OF Juan Soto
Notable exemptions: SS Carter Kieboom, 3B Sheldon Neuse
Notes: Protecting Gonzalez (we’re assuming his option vests at 180 innings) is unorthodox for sure, but we’re figuring the Nats will want as much major-league talent as possible in what is likely Bryce Harper’s final year in D.C. Scherzer and Strasburg have big contracts, but are worth protecting due to performance. It’s all-in for the Nats.
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COSTA BLANCA STH BOWLS ROUNDUP - 24 JUNE 17 has been published at http://www.theleader.info/2017/06/24/costa-blanca-sth-bowls-roundup-24-june-17/
New Post has been published on http://www.theleader.info/2017/06/24/costa-blanca-sth-bowls-roundup-24-june-17/
San Miguel Christians played San Luis Wellingtons at home last week taking 5 points to 9.  Well done to Pat McEwan, Bob Graham, Gary Raby 21-12:  Bob Nesbitt, Brenda Rees, Mike Douglas 25-15;  Ken Hope, Brian Allen, Reg Cooper 17 across.  Shots for San Miguel 100, against 122.
In the VCL, the Deputies were away to Emerald Isle, with only two wins.  Ladies Singles, Anita Brown      and in the Pairs, Pat McEwan and Ann Eagle.
This week the Christians were at home to Quesada Blenheims only managing 4 points.  Well played by Peter Rees, Jim Jarvie, Noel Davis 21-17;  Paul Hayward, Tom Dalgleish, Brian Allen 29-18.  Other games were all very close. Shots were close 106 to San Miguel – 108 to Quesada.
The Moors were away to San Luis Wellingtons only picking up 1 point. William Holtham, Bill Knight, Fred Willshire drew 14 all.  Shots 76 to San Miguel and 116 to San Luis.
No other results received.
Club mornings still on, Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays 0945 for 1015.  WASPS on Wednesdays 1.30pm, numbers are falling due to the heat,  a friendly afternoons bowling for only €5, including use of woods, shoes and free tuition if required.
For further information on San Miguel Bowls Club, please contact the President, Rosamond Stockell, telephone 965329778 or Secretary Pat McEwan, telephone 966714257
The Vistabella Greener’s won the Hurricane league in great style.
The Vistabella Greener’s won the Hurricane league in great style.
Congratulations to all the members of the Greener’s team for their outstanding performance this season, there final game was away to the Emerald Isle Vulcans and despite knowing last week that they had won the league they still kept the pressure on and went out to finish on a high! Sheila Cox, Sheila Whitehall & Les Barber 32-15. Ron Smith, Sue Jenkins & Dave Jenkins 23-14. Jenny Chaplin/Del Gunning, Ken Savage & Peter Whitehall 17-13. Mike Irwin, Sue Norris & Pat Rafferty 17-12. Frank Barclay, Peter Cadwell & Barry Norris 16-16. Shots, VB 120(11) – 87(3) EI.
Spitfire division Fairways still with a few games to play gained some important points from their home game against La Siesta Wasps, Tony French, Stuart Allman & Bill Pain 38-7. Lin Watkins, Mike Regan & Eric Bishop 30-11. Olwyn Ratcliffe, Geoff Paylor & Ken Cuthbert 24-8. Lynne Bishop, Jenny Bowman & Ian Kenyon 16-10. Sandra Burrows, StJohn Broadhurst & Brian Dunn 21-16. Beryl Regan, Dane Howard & Maggie Furness 16-16. Shots, VB 145(13) – 68(1) LS.
VCL. The Vikings were away to La Marina only picking up four points…quite disappointing, but well done to the Ladies Singles Lynne Bishop for a 21-10 win and the Rinks team of Pauline Rafferty, Andy Leggatt, Pat Rafferty & Eric Bishop winning 19-12. Shots, VB 88(4) – 98(10) LM.
The Saxons also had an off day, playing the Quesada Lions at home they scraped through with just one win from Mens Singles Ian Kenyon of 21-13. Shots, VB 89(2) – 120(12) Q.
Despite the heat we need to keep going so please everyone put your names down…you will soon be able to have a well earned rest. Adiós.
Sponsored by Venture fleet, Rivingtons Restaurant, One-way services & TV Choice.
Wednesday 21st June VCLeague SL Falcons were away v San Miguel Sherriffs; a close match right to the very end (which could have gone the other way), but even with Jules killing the last end so we could replay it, we couldn’t quite close the shot gap; 94-99, points 5-9. Winners: pairs; June & Keith Jones 21-10, triples; Margaret & Neil Morrison, Derrick Cooper 16-16, rinks; Shirley Verity, Sheila Cammack, Barry Edwards, Jules Pering 22-12.
Friday 23rd, Spitfire Division: SL Wellingtons were home to San Miguel Moors, and had an excellent result: shots 116-76, points 13-1. Winners: Carol Lowry, Les Bedford, Ray Pollock 17-14, Kath Reid, Ann Holland, Roy Cordell 27-7, Margaret & Neil Morrison, Derrick Cooper 18-16, Colin Jackson, Bill Webb, Mal Hughes 19-13,  Bob White, Vic Slater, Keith Lowry 21-12, Judy Carroll, Jan & Brian Pocock 14-14.
Whereas some clubs may be considering reducing their entries for the coming winter season, San Luis Bowls Club is going back to 4 for the South Alicante league on a Monday and 4 for the Southern league on a Friday.
Being a competitive club does not mean that there is not room for everyone in ALL divisions to get at least one game a week. We will have 1 in Div A, 1 in Div B and 2 in Div C and it is as much the latter where we welcome players – either those who have played in the leagues and want to continue, or those who are now ready to test the water and get involved and above all enjoy the game.
Your commitment to joining San Luis BC would be needed BY 1st August with membership commencing 1st September. However by joining in July there would be no charge for August when bowling at San Luis.
For further information please contact the Club Captain – June Jones 966 188 920 or 691 903 773.
You can also check out our club website: www.sanluisbowls.byethost7.com
Sheila Cammack
The third match of the Ladies 4 wood pairs took place against Quesada and our ladies carried on the good work from last week and came away with a 5-0 win. Ann-Marie Stevenson & Pat Harman playing at home won 22-19 whilst Sue Mahomet and Sue Jordan were away and came away with a 15-13 win. With just two matches to go in this competition La Siesta are in a good position. Go Girls!!! Keep up the good work.
In the VCL League away against Vistabella Saxons the team only managed one win with Alan Barton beating Ian Kenyon in a nailbiting match winning by a single shot 21-20. Unfortunately this was our only win on the day but congratulation to our rinks team of Irene Laverick,Jean Hepehi,Dave Laverick and Jonnie Ball who managed 5 shots on the final end to cut the deficit in their match to 19-13.The overall result was a win for Vistabella by 106 shots to 73.
In the SABA League the Hornets were away to local rivals San Luis Hercules and the usual close contest took place. After 9 ends San Luis lead on 4 of the 6 rinks but a battling performance by the Hornets took the match down to the wire. Matches on 3 rinks being settled on the final end. For the Hornets the win by Ron Sheldon, Sid Gallup and John Ball being the most exciting and improbable as they were 5 shots behind with 3 ends remaining.
Sid Gallup played excellent running bowls and skip John Ball held firm to turn a one shot deficit on the penultimate end to a win by 19-18 at the death. Liz Comstock, John and Dawn Taylor managed a 16-11 win but they only held a 1 shot lead after 17 ends. The star on the final end was Liz who bowled three exceptional lead deliveries to take the pressure off. The Hornets did not have it all their own way on the other close match where Robin Harker for San Luis bowled a great wood to beat the Hornets Triple by a single shot.
Other good results on the day for The Hornets was the trio of Penny and John Porter with John Lincoln winning by 19 shots to 13 and Jean James, Irene Laverick and John Clarke who won 24-15. The overall match result was a 10-4 win for La siesta by 109 shots to 92.
The Wasps were at home to Vistabella Greeners the best rink for the Wasps was the trio of Sue Mahomet, Jim Hudson (thank you for standing in at the last minute) and Brian Fraser​(first league bowls game for 2 years, welcome back) 22 – 10.  Sheila Chorley,Vic Mahomet and Brian Harman won18-13 and our drawing rink Joy Gardiner,Irene Mangan and Sue Jordan 16-16. It was nip and tuck on 2 rinks , but overall a good performance. Shots for 110 against 106 points with the points shared 7 apiece.
The hat trick was on and we did it by beating another of the top three sides, this time it was at home against Vistabella Vikings. More the pleasing as we are still at the bottom of the league. The score was 10-4. The Parsons couldn’t keep up their romance and only Peter managed a win but it was 21-7. Dave Hadaway and Tom Spencer had a good win 19-9 after playing 21 ends. Barry Sadler, David Taylor, Roger Stacey and  Dave O’Sullivan won a tight game by 18-16.
The most exciting ending was left for Captain Colin Armitage, Carol Smith and Lynne Armitage. Going into the last end one down, they picked up three to win by two. So it is left in our own hands to see if we can come last but one in the final game. Seats are going quickly so please book yours now !!!
Last game for the Pilots at home to Quesada Lancasters who unfortunately, from our point of view, bombed us out of sight.  We lost 10-4 leaving us, I think, in third place. A good enough season though so well bowled to everyone especially our two winning rinks this week. Those of Mike Smith, Peter Bailey and Gina Hindle and Dave Hadaway, Arthur Cronk and Dave O’Sullivan who won 26-7. If you want a free pint ask Dave how his better half got on.
There was no VCL match this week as it was a bye, in the Levante Lawn Bowls Men’s pairs competition Dave Webb and Phil Lockley won a hard fought game against Derek Jiggins and John Rimmer at Country bowls. It all came down to the 18th end with Greenlands leading by 19 shots to 17, country bowls were in contention holding one with a measure for two, the measure favoured Greenlands ! just.
Final score 19 shots to Greenlands 18 shots against, so they will now proceed to the the semi-finals on the 8th September, In the South Alicante Hurricane Division, Gladiators were at home to Monte Mar Torreadors. Final scores were – Total shots for – 104.  Against – 95.  Points for – 8.  Against – 6.  Winning Rinks were — Jean Thompson, Jean Giddings, skip Dave Webb. – 33 shots to 6.  Sheila Stead, Mary Lockley, skip Jim Oliver. – 26 shots to 15. Vic Young, Dave Giddings, skip Dave Thompson. – 20 shots to 10. A very pleasant game was enjoyed by all and nice to finish our last match with a well deserved win.
If you are considering leaving your present club at the end of this season then why not come to Greenlands Bowls Club. You can be assured of a warm welcome by our friendly team members, and play on one of the best surfaces around, so why not find out more by ringing Haley on 966844399.
Wed seen the Dukes playing at home to San Miguel and they had a fine win to become league champions well the Dukes they won 10-4 aggregate of 103-90
Winners were C Lindgren 21-13, P Parkes R White J Mulloy 20-12, S Wickens J Westall  D Close  M Odell 22-15, M Whitelock K Jolliffe M Stacey S Westall  17-11
The Earls travelled to El Rancho and came away with a very respectable 6-8 defeat aggregate of 90-95, the winners were M Foulds 21-19, J Jarvis B Eldred J Mullarkey L Fisher 23-10, R Adams P Creswell G Dyer E Shepard 15-12
Friday brought Vistabella Greeners to the Isle and they went away winners bu 11-3 aggregate of 87-120, winners were E Morris B Eldred J Mullarkey 17-15, and a draw for R Adams R Fooks F King 16-16
Victors had a bye
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COSTA BLANCA BOWLS ROUNDUP 12 JUNE 17 has been published at http://www.theleader.info/2017/06/11/costa-blanca-bowls-roundup-12-june-17/
New Post has been published on http://www.theleader.info/2017/06/11/costa-blanca-bowls-roundup-12-june-17/
 Wednesday morning found El Rancho entertaining Horadada in the VCL and found themselves with an uphill battle, not quite getting to the top, but they did however take the 2 rinks matches and drew the pairs. Ladies singles: Sheila Cooper 9-21. Gents singles: Brian Harris 4-21. Pairs: Jan Bright and Shirley Edwards 13-13. Trips: Bob Easthope, Ron Edwards and Richard Needham 8-26. Rinks: Diane Yates, Emma Walsh, Barry Bright and David Whitworth 17-8. Rinks: Brian Taylor, Pam Harris, Ann Taylor and Jim Taylor 20-16.
On Friday the Buckskins played host to San Luis Hercules, with a gusting breeze causing a little consternation, but we add fun and the company was great. The Buckskins took 4 rinks against Hercules 2 and also the overall shots. Richard Needham, Bob Easthope and Jim Gracie 11-16. Graham Day, Brian Harris and John Skipper 18-9.
June Whitworth, Sheila Cooper and Carolyn Harris 18-16. Gary Dunstone, Malc Sykes and David Whitworth 10-16. Marion Haynes, Dave Haynes and Richard Lee 36-9. Jan Bright, Jane Hamill and Stew Hamill 24-16. . For membership details contact Brian Taylor on 965077093 or  at [email protected] or Carolyn Harris on 966774316 or at [email protected]
Tuesday brought the HighJackers to the Isle and the home side won 15-3,taking 6 trips and a draw aggregate 130-60, highest winners were T Capewell R Fooks G Dyer 27-2
Wed in the VCL La Siesta visited the Isle and were well beaten 14-0, aggregate of 127-71  winners were  AM Stevenson 21-13,,C Lindgren 21-11, M Veale D Gerrard 22-7  J Parkes R White P Parkes 18-17, S Wickens J Westall D Close M Odell  26-8, M Whitelock S Johnson M Stacey S Westall 19-15
On Friday E I Victors travelled to San Miguel Christians and the Christians may have had some divine help as they won game 9-5  aggregate 106-100. E I winners were C Parsons C Highland D BIrkett  23-9, S Johnson Mike Veale M Odell  19-14 and M Whitelock K Jolliffe M Stacey 18-18
Emerald Isle Vulcans  V Monte Mar Torro winners: Elwyn Morris, Barbara Eldred, David Jones 19-10,  Robin Adams, Alan Brown, Frank King  25-11 asd the one drawn match John Jarvis, Graham Dyer, Ed Shepherd 14-14. Aggregate 102-101, pts 7-7
In the LLB Men’s 4 wood pairs versus Quesada, home result – 21 shots for.  19 shots against. Away result – 11 shots for . 22 shots against. In the South Alicante Hurricane Division, The Gladiators were at home to Quesada Lancasters. Final score – – Total shots for – 104. against 106.  Points for – 6.  Points against – 8. Winning rinks were – Sheila Stead, Dave Giddings, skip Jim Oliver. 22 shots to 13. Janet Bliss, Margaret Dewar, skip Dave Dudding. 19 shots to 15. Vic Young, Mary Lockley, skip Mel Brown. 30 shots to 21. Greenlands B. C. have vacancies for new members for the forthcoming new summer and Winter Leagues. For all enquiries please telephone Haley on 966 84 4399.
To be honest I didn’t know the 4 wood Pairs League was going on but I am glad to say I believe we could be top at the moment after beating Vistabella  4 – 1. Tom Spencer and Peter Parsons had a good draw whereas the two Dave’s, Taylor and Hadaway won 19-14. Keep it going.
On to the VCL and there we languish at the bottom but watch out.  We went over to Quesada the Numero Uno and won 8-6. We could have had another two points as Quesada only had the overall score by two shots.  Shot of the match has to be Captain Colin on the last end when his team of Lynne Armitage and Martin Butler had dropped a four on end 17 only to pick up a five with Colin’s last wood to win 25-24.  Well done to the Parsons both playing the Singles,(not together), it seemed to carry on as in real live and be together as they both won 21-16.  Last but not least came Barbara Forshaw, Mike Smith, Wendy Latham and Barry Latham who played an ex La Marina player and great friend, Fred Roberts.  In an intense game right until the last end we managed to win by just two shots.
The Pilots got well and truly blown away, away at the Vistabella Greeners green by 10 points to 4.  Our only two winners were Dave O’Sullivan, Arthur Cronk and Dave Hadaway 23-12 and Jean Tregoing, Peter Bailey and Mike Smith 14-11.  No doubt they will be fighting back next week.
I have to say it is nice think we are a caring club when you saw the Union Jack flying at half-mast on both days the tragedies happened in the UK. Thank you Alex Whyte
 Following the finish of the Spanish National Championships the league matches resumed with La Siesta playing two matches in the VCL League against Greenlands Jasmines and Emerald Isle. Wins for Pat Reilly and Irene Mangan in the singles produced wins backed up by a 28-12 victory for Jack Burrell, Trish Reilly, Pat Harman and Mike Edwards in the Rinks. However, losses in the Pairs, Triples and other rinks match saw an overall loss by 120 shots to 102 to the Jasmines with La Siesta picking up 6 points to their opponents 8. Unfortunately the result against Emerald Isle was not as good with a 127 shots to 71 loss with our opponents picking up a maximum 14 points.
A great result for the Wasps in the South Alicante Spitfire Division with a 107shots to 86 win away at San Luis getting 11 points to their opponents 3. Star place goes to Irene & Dave Laverick with Brian Harman who from the 6th end never looked back from, where they picked up six shots. Dave Davies with Florence & Mike lead from the start to win convincingly whilst Ramsey Sinclair, Irene Mangan and Alex Morrice picked up a 3 and then 6 to stay ahead for the whole of the game. Joy Gardiner with Bill and Sue Jordan managed to win with the last wood of the game. Sheila Chorley, Brian Gardiner & Jean Cooper came back from 7 – 11 down to gain a 17-17 draw. Jo Elkin, George Richardson and John Taylor were behind for most of the game and then came back steadily to be 11 all on the 16th end, only to lose the last 2 ends by 1 shot each.
Disappointment for the Hornets in the Harrier Division falling to a 10-4 home loss to Country Bowls Badgers by 120 shots to 84, picking up 4 points to their opponents 10. Wins for La Siesta came from Hilary Clarke, Trish Reilly and Vic Mahomet by 22 shots to 16 whilst Ron Sheldon, Sue Mahomet and Rab Logan who were winning easily only to get stuck on unlucky 13 shots. However, having managed to get a shot to go 14-13 up they went on to win. The La Siesta Invitational Triples with sponsorship from Quesada Fish & Chips took place last weekend with semi-finals seeing two La Siesta Triples facing each other in one half of the draw whilst in the other half two Monte Mar teams met each other. The semi Final losers for La Siesta were Harold Charleton, Sue Mahomet and John Taylor beaten in a close match by Dave Davies with Mike and Florence Edwards. The final was an exciting match with Bill Young for Montemar pulling out a great win on the last end for him and his partners Jean and Don.(see picture of winners below)
SAN LUIS BOWLS CLUB REPORT 02.06.17. + 09.06.17.
I’m catching up after the excitement of the National Championships, and a belated “well done” to all the competitors and the worthy winners. The weather and the summer leagues are heating up well. Wednesday 31st May VCLeague, SL Falcons were away at La Marina; taking some useful points 8-6, shots 106-94. Winners: singles; Russell Marks 21-15, pairs; June & Keith Jones 29-9, triples; Lynne Morris, Sabrina Marks, Tom Hill 18-7. Wednesday 7th June Falcons were away v VB Vikings; a good result, points 10-4, shots 117-78. Winners: singles; Pam Lockett 21-15, triples; Lynne Morris, Sabrina Marks, Tom Hill 28-5, rinks; Ann Holland, Neil Morrison, Suzi Cooper, Roy Cordell 19-13, Shirley Verity, Kath Reid, Les Bedford, Jules Pering 24-10.
Spitfire Division: SL Wellingtons Friday 2nd June, were away v VB Fairways, shots 81-114, points 5-10. Winners: Allen Bowen, June & Keith Jones 15-13, Carol Lowry, Les Bedford, Keith Lowry 21-16, Mags Haines, Ray Pollock, Phil Morrachan 14-14. Friday 9th Wellingtons at home v LS Wasps, had a bad day at the office 3points-11, shots 87-107. Winners: Allen Bowen, June & Keith Jones 13-11, Bob White, Giuseppe Galelli, Charlie Marigold 17-17.
Harrier Division: SL Hercules Friday 2nd away v Horadada Hawks, had a hard fought match for 4 points -10, shots 74-130. Winners: Jim Wright, Chris Brooks, Dave Steadman 17-9, Helen Hammond, Dave Tilley, Scott Malden 18-17. Friday 9th Hercules were away v El Rancho, always a tough venue, points 4-10, shots 82-117. Winners: Tom Fromson, Ian Ross, Robin Harker 16-10, Mary Fromson, Harry Epsom, Sue Ross 16-11.
We are still looking for new members to join us for the 2017/18 winter season. We are aiming to enter an extra team in the leagues this year. With 4 teams there should be plenty of games for everyone. We welcome all bowlers, from the most experienced to those who want to step up from purely “social” bowling to the league challenge. We are a competitive but friendly club and Casa Ventura itself is a hub for the local area, offering a wide range of non-bowling activities.
For more information please check: www.sanluisbowls.byethost7.com or contact June Jones, Club Captain: 691903773.
Sheila Cammack
Sponsored by The Belfry, The Pub, Bowling Abroad and Avalon
Saturday – Monday June 3rd – 5th
For the second year running Monte Mar Bowls Club were successful in winning the three day La Siesta mixed trip competition. The team consisted of Jean and Rod Chamberlain and skip Bill Young. After winning all their group games they came up against another Monte Mar team in the semi-finals, Ronnie Cairns, June Young and   skip Dave Melville. It was a close fought game but Jean, Rod and Bill were the winners they then had to play one of La Siesta’s strongest teams in the final. La Siesta needed two to draw on the last end, thy were holding two but Bill Young with his last wood drew the shot to win the competition. Well done to Monte Mar. 
Friday June 9th.
The Torros visit to Emerald Isle face the Vulcans produced a very competitive
match. The Torros won on three rinks and the Vulcans won on two rinks. The sixth rink was a draw. It was disappointing for the Torros to lose the shots by 102 to 101, so it was honours even with 7 points a piece. Congratulations to our winning and drawing rinks.
For further information about Monte Mar Bowls and Social Club check out our website www.montemarbowls.com or email us at [email protected]. We are also on Facebook.
San Miguel Deputies played Greenlands Jasmine away in the VCL winning 10 points to 4.  Shots were close, 106 to San Miguel and 102 to Greenlands.  Well played everyone!!  Results were:  Ladies Singles, Anita Brown 21-4:  Mens Singles, Carl Eagle 21-15:  Pairs, Pat McEwan, Gary Raby drew 19 across;  Triples, Bob Nesbitt, Dave Champion, Dave McEwan lost 19-20;  Rinks, Paul Hayward, Sue Milner, Ann Eagle, John Raby drew 14 across;  Rinks, Ken Hope, Stan North, John Marshall, Alan Campbell 38-4.
In the Southern League, San Miguel Christians had a good result at home against Emerald Isle Victors winning 9 points to 5.  Shots were again close with 106 to San Miguel and 100 to Emerald Isle.  Jan Allen, Lee Sinclair, Steve Cantley 19-17;  Paul Hayward, Tom Dalgleish, John Raby 20-10;  Pat McEwan, Dave McEwan, Gary Raby 26-13;  Ken Hope, Brian Allen, Reg Cooper drew 18 across.
No other results received.
For further information on San Miguel Bowls Club, please contact the secretary Pat McEwan, telephone 966714257
VCL. The Vikings suffered in the talons of the San Luis Falcons this week, playing at home they just scraped four points which was disappointing. Martin Foulcer, men’s singles won 21-12 against one of San Luis’s star players as did the Pairs duo of Lynne Bishop & Bill Pain winning 14-11. Shots, VB 86 (4) – 117(10) San Luis.
The Saxons played San Miguel Sheriffs and did brilliantly to win this away game. Men’s singles, Ian Kenyon won 21-10. Pairs, Del Gunning & Peter Whitehall won 19-12 and Rinks, Mike Irwin, Sheila Cox, StJohn Broadhurst & Les Barber won 19-11. Shots, VB 78(8) -91(6) SM.
S.A. Spitfire League Fairways travelled to Quesada on Friday, wins on two rinks and a drawn game. Lynne Bishop, Jenny Bowman & Ian Kenyon won 19-15. Eve Blythe, Charlie Watkins & Bill Pain won 16-15. Geoff Paylor, Arthur Brown & Ken Cuthbert drew 17-17. Shots, VB 86(5) – 99(9) Q, Hurricane League Greeners welcomed the La Marina Pilots to Vistabella and enjoyed a great result. Mike Irwin, Sue Norris & Pat Rafferty won 22-13. Del Gunning, Dave Chaplin & Dave Jenkins won 20-11. Frank Barclay, Peter Cadwell & Barry Norris 19-12 and Ron smith, Brian Pointon & Bill Corbishly 22-16. Shots, VB 106(10) -89(4) L M.
The league tables make interesting reading, keep up the good work everyone.
Sponsored by Venture fleet, Rivingtons Restaurant, One-way services & TV Choice.
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