#and Ao sort of just ''keeps'' her s/o
aooni893 · 1 year
I’ve been thinking a lot about Shouko lately… I have a whole thing with her and Akabayashi and my OC and how the story develops, where she comes to develop feelings for my character as well… so her and the OC are just having nice interactions lately. She doesn’t say things, but she’ll show love with cuddles and actions. *And tolerance.
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
How would the Senju family, Gaara, Mei, Yagura and Minato react if their darling was kidnapped by shinobi of a rival village as a attempt to manipulate/blackmail the Kage?
I think all of them would lose it. But a few might act more brutal than others. It also takes some serious talent to kidnap their darlings.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, kidnapping, blackmailing, threatening, manipulation, violence, vicious behavior, mentions of killing
Kidnapping the s/o to manipulate/blackmail the Kage
Hashirama Senju
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🌳It would be very hard for a shinobi from a rival village to kidnap his s/o since he basically never leaves their side. It has to be a moment where he is currently busy with his work and when his brother isn’t keeping a close eye on you. This would be the only chance these guys will ever have since the chances of these two guys not watching you is pretty rare.
🌳Full panic mode! He nearly suffers from a heart attack and feels more than guilty for not being able to protect you. Hashirama isn’t really a violent one and was actually the one who wanted the new built villages to form peace under each other. He might even try to solve the problem without violence, but through talking. But the moment the other village starts demanding things from him even he gets that they’re dead serious about it. And then he gets serious too.
🌳A good thing here is that Tobirama will for sure help him with this problem and that’s a good thing since Tobirama is very strategically. Anbu will infiltrate the village quickly since they can’t just walk in blindly, even though Hashirama would do that. They need to work fast to get you out of there. Normally a Kage doesn’t join missions unless they’re really important. This is important so Hashirama will come alongside the others.
🌳Hashirama is strong. Really, really strong so if they should get in a fight they’ll be fine since his brother would totally join him on his mission in order to make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid. Hashirama is determined to get his darling back, making him go a bit rougher on the enemies, but he wouldn’t kill them. But that is only unless he finds you and sees that they have hurt you in order to get some informations about the village and him which could be used against them. I wrote Hc’s about how he would react if his darling would be hurt by someone. To make it short, he would lose it then and that would lead to some serious troubles for the shinobi who were guarding his darling.
🌳This incident will be engraved in Hashirama’s mind for the rest of his life. He would never get quite over it and would even years later still apologize for ever letting this happen. But this also makes him even more clingier in order to protect his darling. Hashirama will also hold a huge grudge against the other village for doing this. He won’t punish them directly, but he will make sure to never get into any contact with them again. But if should ever even dare to pull such a stunt again then he won’t hesitate to do something against it.
Tobirama Senju
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🌊He isn’t all the time with his darling since he has work to do. But he keeps them locked up in his house and has always a couple of Anbu watching over them. But that doesn’t mean that it will be impossible for the enemy to kidnap them.
🌊Tobirama had always known that there might be the danger that someone may try to use you against him. Besides his possessiveness this might be the other reason why he keeps you locked up in this house. Frustrated and angry. That’s the emotions bursting out in him as soon as he hears the news and the Anbu who were watching over you are in for some serious cursing. He does know that this isn’t completely their fault, but he needs to take his mixed up emotions on someone out. Tobirama is a lot more aggressive than his brother and gives the other village one aggressive warning. If that doesn’t work it’s for him like declaring war.
🌊Tobirama is a genius and even though he’s terribly impatient he’ll take his time to come up with a good strategy, finding out everything about the rival village he can find. He’ll join the rescue team.
🌊Tobirama is powerful and way more aggressive than Hashirama and is ready to kill if necessary. But he’ll get hella brutal when seeing that you’be been hurt or during your time here. Then he’ll let all the frustration and pent-up emotions out on whoever doesn’t wear a forehead protector of his village.
🌊This will have some impact on Tobirama and he’ll even start blaming himself for not calculating the situation better and being more prepared for this. It’ll be one of the rare times where he’ll get emotional and apologize to his darling. But the village who took you away? He’ll make them pay for this and will corner them, demanding some sort of reparation. For as long as he’s the Hokage he’ll make sure to somehow make the other village suffer. The relationship between him and the village will be on really thin ice.
Tsunade Senju
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🐌Tsunade is really overprotective over her darling since she lost her brother and Dan. She doesn’t want anything to happen to her darling and keeps them with her nearly all the time. So the shinobi need to wait for this one moment where she leaves her darling alone and take them then.
🐌Poor woman will be devastated when hearing that you have been taken, feeling like she failed again. But shortly after these feelings of despair are joined by a new one, rage. She doesn’t even try to be polite when she sends a message to the leader, if it’s one of the five ninja villages then the Kage, and demands you back. In this situation she’ll lose her temper quickly.
🐌Just like Hashirama has his brother, Tsunade has Shizune to help her out with not going complete berserk and discusses a plan with the others. And there’s no way that Tsunade won’t come with them.
🐌Tsunade only needs to land one hit with her full power to turn that person into wet stain and she’s mad so I suppose if the shinobi from the rival village don’t want every single bone in their body shattered they should run. But if Tsunade sees that you’re hurt? Flashbacks from Nawaki and Dan will fill her head, making her for a short moment shake in fear before she comes back to her senses. And. Now. She’s. Angry. If the others can’t calm her down than she might destroy the landscape. But you’re lucky that she’s a medic. She’ll take instantly care of any injuries you might have suffered from.
🐌Tsunade could have lost all she had ever loved again and will definitely get very emotional after this, apologizing to you over and over again whilst crying. If someone should ever even mention the name of the village anywhere near her again she’ll snap. If the village that stole her darling really was one of the four other nations then she’ll definitely can’t help, but be more aggressive to the Kage of the village during the Fourth Shinobi World War.
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🐼It’s one of Gaara’s greatest fears that someone will use his darling against him which is why he makes sure that they’re never alone. He tries to be near them as often as possible. But he has also work to do so in these times one of his siblings or at least one jonin are always with his s/o. So the shinobi from the other village have only a small time frame to kidnap them. I can imagine that this might have happened after the whole Akatsuki incident since the village needed some time to restore after this.
🐼Hearing that one of his worst nightmares has become true will throw this boy into a state of pure paranoia, freezing on spot whilst his mind races with worst case scenarios. But despite all of this he tries his best to try at first to solve this without violence. But if the other village refuses and continues to blackmail him with you as the bait he’ll get serious quickly.
🐼The whole village is determined to help him, including his siblings who are for sure going with him on the mission to rescue you. But all of them are also smart enough to not just storm without a plan in the land of the enemy.
🐼Gaara might have lost Shukaku, but he’s still a Kage and insanely strong. If they should have hurt his darling even just a bit he’ll be mad and whoever comes after that in his way will be crushed. Even if he’s only sweet to you, don’t forget that he has a dark side.
🐼Now his paranoia will for sure increase and he’ll be a lot more clingy after this incident. This might cause him to lock you up in his house. Gaara is terrified that this might happen again. He’ll definitely dislike the village who did this hugely and if the village was one of the other four nations he’ll display his hostility towards the Kage during the Fourth Shinobi World War. Not only him. His siblings as well.
Mei Terumi
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🔵Mei knows very well that her darling can become a easy target due to their special connection to her. So she makes sure that everyone knows what will happen to a person who dares to even try to harm her darling. She is most of the times with them and if not a few other strong shinobi so for the enemy this will be a bit hard. They need to plan carefully.
🔵Mei would, to put it harmlessly, freak out when hearing this. She will lose all of her composure in that moment and needs some time to regain her cool. But I think she won’t be able to stay completely calm when she demands for the village to give you back and as soon as they refuse her already tightly stained thread of patience will rip.
🔵The village and all the citizens love her darling and will support her with everything they have. Mei will be more than just impatient and if it wouldn’t be for people like Ao she would probably just storm in there right then and there. Ao will for sure accompany her on this mission since his Byakugan wil for sure be a huge help.
🔵Being gifted with two kekkai genkai makes her a naturally strong opponent even though they try to avoid causing too much attention. But Mei will still fight fiercely everyone who comes in her way until she has finally found you again. But if they should have harmed you in any way then there will be consequences.
🔵The security around you will increase tenfold after that and now you aren’t allowed to leave Mei’s sight anymore. She’ll be more smothering the next few weeks, overjoyed to have you in her arms once again. After that there is visible tension between her and the other village and she will demand some sort of reparation. If she meets the Kage of the village during the World War they should be careful with what they say. Mei misunderstands things easily so one wrong word and she’ll lose all her self-control.
Yagura Karatachi
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🐢A normal Yagura is aware of the target his darling carries on their back due to the relationship to him. He’s clingy and will stick to his darling’s side nearly most of the time and if not they’re always watched by some hunting-nin from his village. But if he was being controlled the scenario would look slightly different. He still knows that there might be the danger of somebody using you against him. But in this case being kidnapped will be the best thing happen to you. Everything is better than being locked and chained up in some isolated house guarded by a bunch of hunting-nins and shinobi of the Mist.
🐢Being calm and composed he’ll try to not panic, but in reality he’s flipping out on the inside. He’ll quickly start getting in contact with the village and will try to talk it out at first. But he knows when talking won’t be from any use and is ready to become more forceful. If he’s being manipulated he’ll have a terrifying fit of rage and hate. I can see him in this case as someone who would give the shinobi who couldn’t protect you a heavy punishment, probably even killing them. He won’t even think about talking it out, he’ll just go straight to war mode.
🐢Yagura is a smart one who tries to not get his fear get the best of him. For your sake he needs to stay calm and make a waterproof plan. But if he’s being manipulated he won’t be that strategic and will just collect a few of his strongest shinobi. He will in this case rely more on brutal strength.
🐢Yagura is the Mizukage for a reason and since he has power over his jinchuriki this makes him so much more dangerous. He would like to avoid a fight, but is ready to do what’s necessary. If you have been harmed during your time here then he’ll feel angry, but will put your health above his feelings. But in the other scenario it’ll be much more bloodier and brutal. In this case Yagura wants to fight and will destroy everyone who’s in his way. I can see him sadly in this state as someone who might not even care if he hurts innocents. But if you think he was already brutal before then try to imagine his reaction when seeing you hurt. It isn’t like he is sincerely worried about you. But the fact that someone touched what’s his and marked them is what makes him angry.
🐢Yagura will apologize more than once to you that he let that happen to you and will make sure that he never leaves you alone again. He will demand some sort of reparation for this. The controlled version of him will just drag you right back to the prison where he kept you and won’t try to make it up to you. He might even get angry at you for being so weak to let yourself get kidnapped. Never tell him that it’s his fault or even mention this near him or he’ll let his anger out on you. He’ll terrorize the other village for as long as he lives.
Minato Namikaze
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⚡️Another one who is aware that his darling is a walking target for people who intend to blackmail him. He is very busy and has most of the time the Anbu, most likely Kakashi, watching over them. But he’s also aware of his Yandere tendencies so there might be a day where he’ll leave you for a short moment without security and that will give the rivals a chance.
⚡️It hits him pretty hard, knowing that it’s his fault for not seeing something like this coming sooner. But he also knows that he can’t let fear cloud his judgement. He will get in contact with the village, trying to solve things in a more civilized manner. But that doesn’t mean that he isn’t ready to do what has to be done when the situation calls for it.
⚡️Minato witnessed war and has good knowledge in making good strategies and he is very beloved by his village and count on their help. Kakashi will help him with everything he has too since he also feels guilty for not being able to protect you better and will 100% join Minato on this mission.
⚡️Minato already killed people in the war and knows that it often can’t be helped and as the yellow flash of Konoha he’s a scary enemy to face. If you should have been mistreated during your time here his first worries will be if you’re alright. He is of course pissed that you’ve been treated like this, but your well-being is his first priority.
⚡️He takes all the blame and if you should be angry at him after this he’ll take all the yelling and the cursing. I feel like Kakashi would insist on watching you from now on 24/7 since he feels guilty too. Minato isn’t someone who holds easily grudges that deep, but this will be an exception. He’ll keep a sharp eye on the activities of this village and if they should ever try this again he’s ready to get more violent.
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damedamedame · 4 years
hihi! can I request hc's of teru, akane, and hanako's s/o being such a simp for them? Like giving them small sweet notes, and all those cute stuff. And it continues even after they were dating alr 🥺🥺
- “You’re a Simp? Understandable, have a good day.”
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Who isn’t though--
You were known to be one of the biggest simps for Teru Minamoto, Prince and Student Council President of Kamome Gakuen. 
I mean, like everyone else but like
h u g e s i m p e n e r g y
like myself
You would always greet him every single morning with a ‘Good Morning, Minamoto!’ and with a ‘See you tomorrow, Minamoto!’ once you see him leave.
Everyone knew you wouldn’t stop, even Teru himself.
Which was good. 
Because he
may or may not be
simping for you too—
Listen, he saw you as a boss-type fangirl at first because of all the love notes you leave on his desk, the little presents that were left on the table in the Council Room which he would have to ask Akane about and just,, you in general.
He didn’t actually mind at all !! the chocolate-chip cookies you put on his desk one morning could even rival Kou’s.
Mhm yes the cookies won him over—
wai where was i
THEN he realized that he was starting to like you simping for him,, A LOT ACTUALLY—
He couldn’t bear the thought of you doing these sort of things to someone else,, 
Then,, ended up falling for the little things about you hard-- 
When you arrived to say ‘Good Morning, Minamoto!’ to him in the entrance, guess who pulled you aside to personally say
 ‘I.. really am starting to like you, (L/N), can we.. go out?’
Yes, it was Teru and your mind still locks this precious memory away in the back of your head.
And no, the simping did not stop after you started dating him. 
Not at all.
You gave him kisses and hugs every time you saw him, which he would gladly return. 
Especially if he was having a rough day and just needed your comfort. 
He thinks you’re cute when you rush over to him and give him the biggest hug when he enters the classroom. 
Everyone still can’t f uc king believe you got him, but here you were, receiving a little kiss on the forehead with your arms wrapped around him.
“You’re so cute, (Y/N).”
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lil heads up that this was supposed to be really angsty but then chapter 71 happened and i CANNOT HURT THIS BOY ANY LONGER—
You?? You’re simping on the biggest simp?? oH MY GO--
Akane feels a little, or ve r y, awkward at first because?? um?? w h y ????
Even he knows he’s a big simp for Aoi, so why are you simping for him ??
As I said, vv confused.
Eventually, after having to deal with the many presents (how do you even have energy for this) and the amount of flirts you give him, he gets used to it :’))
An F in the chat for (Y/N) !!
Because he !!
*drumroll noises*
bRushEs yOu oFf 👁👄👁
Look, he has one goal and one goal only and it is all for Aoi—
You might have to give up on this one, even if it h ur t.
Perhaps you’ll do him a favor and start befriending Aoi to help Akane, even if it really really hurts to do so.
Unrealistic as fuck, I know, but deal with me rn :’3
When he sees you befriending Aoi, he is 99% sure you’re stealing her away from him for revenge.
May have brought a bat whenever he sees you, just sayin—
He hears you both talking and
“You know, Akane is actually really good boyfriend material ! Maybe give him a chance, yes??”
Are you being his wingman???
For some reason, his simp has turned into his matchmaker and he just. doesn’t know what to feel.
‘Thank you?? But?? Aren’t you supposed to be simping for me?? Why are you helping—‘
You interrupted his thoughts with a cheeky grin on your face,
“I hope get you with her, Aoi :’>”
Don’t ask Akane why he’s frustrated with this outcome or you will get hit on the head with a bat.
You guys becomes friends after a while of suffering in confusion from him and after many many explanations that you just wanted to help him haha brr
And after a few months of banter
Let’s just say
There’s gonna be
A simp reversal
Because he definitely did not just notice the beautiful twinkle in your eyes, the way your smile makes his face flush all too suddenly, or how you just astound him in the most unexpected way.
“I... might have a problem, Ao-chan.”
“Akane, just give them a chance already.”
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What?? Where are all these gifts outside his stall suddenly coming from??
Much like Akane, poor ghost boy is also vv confused. When he finally catches the imposter heh, he’s shocked to see someone he thought he’d never see in,, forever. 
You two were actually really good friends when you both were alive before !!
Hanako remembers you vividly.
You were always there to cheer him up whenever he came up with a new bruise.
Always sending him little love notes in class when you had nothing else to do.
Late night chats as you both walked each other home.
He always thought you were beautiful, but dangerous.
Falling in love with his old best friend was something he didn’t want, especially since ruining your friendship with him was not part of the plan.
Little did you know that Hanako did see that but was vv unsure because ✨insecurities✨
You were back in his life now, as a ‘student’ who was def not a ghost. Nope. Not at all.
Everyone thought you were weird because you just?? kept visiting that particular stall?? and always left a hella lot of presents and notes??
Hanako tries to keep an eye on you without you knowing but then you really went and said
“I know you’re there, Amane~”
He didn’t realize how much he missed the way you said his name.
“H-Hey, (Y/N)..”
You, because you love him too much and finally managed to find him after many boring years of waiting around, did not miss this chance to tell him that HEY YES I LIKED YOU FOR LIKE 50 YEARS.
Let me just say that
Hanako was a blushing mess. yes that is all.
He accepts your confession because you practically barged in his mind when you both first met and you just. never left—
When Nene comes in the next day, she goes 😳 because ‘I-Is that (L/N) and Hanako? WAI WHY ARE THEY KISSING—‘
Definitely makes sure that you never meet Tsukasa again, even though the younger Yugi twin pretty much loved you too :’D
After classes, you always made sure to spend all your time with Hanako without fail, being the huge simp you are.
Don’t worry, he is too ;))
“How did you even find me, (Y/N)?”
“Did you really think you could get rid of me that easily, Amane?”
END NOTES: sorry akane’s is so shit omg also um this was not at all proof-read so uH I’M SORRY FOR BEING A DISAPPOINTMENT :(((((
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sophieebdaily · 3 years
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Em recente entrevista para a Bustle, Sophie fala sobre os seus 28 anos e como foi essa fase de sua vida. Leia o artigo abaixo:
Na série de perguntas e respostas da Bustle, mulheres bem-sucedidas descrevem exatamente o que faziam de suas vidas quando elas tinham 28 anos – o que elas elas vestiam, onde trabalhavam, o que as estressava e o que elas fariam de diferente se pudessem voltar no tempo. Agora, Sophie Ellis-Bextor reflete sobre o ano em que se tornou mãe e uma sensação da música pop.
Durante o pico da pandemia em 2020, Sophie Ellis-Bextor abriu uma pista de dança para seus fãs e seguidores. Acontece que foi em sua casa, com sua família – ela é mãe de cinco filhos. Mas 19 anos após “Murder on the Dancefloor” ter sido lançada, ela provou que ainda é comprometida em continuar com a festa. Mesmo quando as boates tenham sido fechadas.
“Richard (marido de Sophie) sugeriu a primeira edição como uma distração alegre”, ela se refere sobre a primeira vez em que colocaram a Kitchen Disco ao vivo no Instagram. “Nós sentíamos falta de fazer shows, nós sentíamos falta das pessoas e isso foi meio que uma maneira de juntar tudo quando não podíamos. E isso fez muito sentido e deu-nos muito entusiasmo”.
O que acontecia era meia hora de um glorioso caos, o que inspirou o título de seu último álbum: Songs From The Kitchen Disco, uma compilação dos grandes hits da Sophie, que foi lançado em novembro de 2020.
“Isso realmente significou muito para mim”, ela conta sobre aquele período único que viveu. “Não era nem sobre cantar. É que tínhamos algo que era divertido, meio bobo e que espero que tenha trazido um pouco de alegria e loucura ao processo que estávamos vivendo. Isso nos ajudou muito, não somente a mim e ao Richard, mas às crianças também”.
Aquelas kitchen discos também foram a prova – se é que precisávamos disso – de que as canções de Sophie resistiram ao tempo. Enquanto isso, Ellis-Bextor irá lançar seu primeiro livro, uma memória titulada Spinning Plates (ela também tem um podcast com o mesmo nome).
Abaixo, Sophie reflete sobre coisas passadas de sua carreira, empoderamento na maternidade e como é ainda ouvir “Murder On The Dancefloor” sendo tocada em pleno 2021.
Conte-me sobre quando você tinha 28 anos de idade. Como sua vida era naquele tempo?
“28 foi o ano que meu terceiro álbum, Trip The Light Fantastic, foi lançado e isso foi significativo não só porque foi meu primeiro álbum depois de ter meu filho. Eu tive meu primeiro bebê quando eu tinha 25 anos, ele nasceu duas semanas após o meu aniversário e eu tinha acabado de lançar o meu segundo álbum.
Eu acho que um terceiro álbum é sempre o momento fundamental para uma carreira. Meu primeiro álbum foi bem; mas o segundo, assim como para muitas outras pessoas, não atingiu o mesmo feito. Então o terceiro é: se faz sucesso então você tem uma carreira, se não faz então você está em perigo de sair de cena.
Eu queria que fosse um álbum pop realmente glorioso e otimista, sem nenhuma vergonha. Também foi um alívio saber que você pode ser uma nova mãe e ainda voltar para a música pop, que parecia um caminho mais incomum. As estrelas pop que eram minhas colegas na época definitivamente não iriam para casa com bebês. Isso me deu uma nova confiança. Eu senti como se tivesse perdido alguns bloqueios”.
Você já tinha alcançado um sucesso enorme com “Murder on the Dancefloor” em 2001, você alguma vez imaginou que essa música teria o impacto que teve?
Antes de “Murder” foi “Groovejet” e Groovejet foi a música que mudou tudo. Apenas o fato de que eu era uma artista solo e ainda tinha permissão para fazer o que eu queria, isso me surpreendia.
Eu sinto muito orgulho do fato de que minhas músicas ainda sejam tocadas e eu amo quando as pessoas me contam uma memória feliz que envolva alguma música minha. Eu acho isso muito especial, eu gosto de que as músicas tenham suas próprias aventuras já que nem sempre eu estou por perto para presenciar.”
Aos 28 anos de idade, você já se sentia uma pessoa bem-sucedida?
“Não acho que sou muito boa em objetivar sobre isso. Acho que a única vez que considerei isso foi quando minha banda teve o contrato cancelado quando eu tinha 20 anos e pensava que já tinha tido o maior sucesso que jamais teria”.
Conte-nos mais sobre fazer parte dessa banda.
“Fazer parte do Theaudience foi uma experiência de aprendizado muito intensa sobre tudo o que pode acontecer na indústria musical. A banda foi formada quando eu tinha 16 anos, começamos a fazer shows quando eu tinha 17 e assinamos um contrato com uma gravadora quando eu tinha 18. Fizemos nosso difícil segundo álbum quando eu tinha 19 e nos separamos quando eu tinha 20. Então, foi muita coisa para absorver.
No entanto, isso me ajudou muito, porque acho que uma vez que você teve esse sentimento, ele se torna uma espécie de pano de fundo para tudo o que acontece. Desde então, a forma como eu considero o sucesso é ser capaz de falar que ser cantora é o meu trabalho, porque eu sei que tenho muita sorte de estar nesse campo.
Cada álbum que faço, vejo como colocar outro verso sobre a prancha para equilibrar. Em algum momento, provavelmente terminarei na água, mas é apenas sobre manter o ritmo.”
Qual conselho você daria para o seu ‘eu’ de 28 anos?
“Você tem que ter iniciativa e sentir tudo. Quando eu tinha 28 anos, estava apenas me divertindo muito e saindo com meus amigos. Meu marido e eu só tínhamos um filho na época. Aos 29, tive meu segundo filho e continuei. Eu olho para trás e penso que a vida comigo, Richard e Sonny já era parte de um capítulo anterior.
Eu sou bastante estável em minha perspectiva. Acho que posso colocar todos os tipos de foco se tiver algo a seguir. Vai junto com a analogia dos versos sobre a prancha. Eu sempre preciso de um movimento que vá adiante.”
Falando em coisas a seguir, você irá cantar no festival Isle of White em setembro. O que mais você sentiu falta em fazer shows nesse ano que passou?
“A energia. Em interagir com o público e a dinâmica que acontece quando você está se apresentando. Eu me divirto muito no palco, mas eu levo muito a sério de que meu trabalho ali é animar o público e fazer com que eles fiquem agitados. Eu quero todos dançando. Eu sinto falta da leveza que vem quando se apresenta ao vivo.
Além disso, há uma sensação de adrenalina de que tudo ali está acontecendo. É por isso que adoro festivais. Algumas pessoas querem te ver, outras precisam ser impressionadas e eu gosto disso. Eu normalmente não fico nervosa. O fato é que eu já fiz tantos shows que quando algo dá errado, o medo diminui e eu fico mais relaxada. Sinto-me completamente apoiada pelas pessoas ao meu redor. Não sou só eu lá em cima do palco”.
In a recent interview for Bustle, Sophie talks about the age of 28 and how her life looked like at that time. Read the article below:
In Bustle’s Q&A series 28, successful women describe exactly what their lives looked like when they were 28 — what they wore, where they worked, what stressed them out most, and what, if anything, they would do differently. This time, Sophie Ellis-Bextor reflects on the year she became a new mum and pop sensation.
During the peak of 2020’s pandemic, Sophie Ellis-Bextor opened up her dance floor to fans and followers alike. Granted, it was in her home, and the only murder going on was Ellis-Bextor and her family – she’s a mum of five – killing the moves. But, 19 years after “Murder on the Dancefloor” was released, she proved she’s still committed to keeping the party going. Even when the clubs had most definitely closed.
“Richard [Ellis-Bextor’s husband] suggested the first one as a happy distraction,” she says, of the first time that they put their kitchen performance live on Instagram. “We missed gigging, we missed people, and it was a way to sort of have a get together when we couldn’t. Instinctively it made a lot of sense, and gave us excitement.”
What followed was half an hour of glorious, camp chaos on a weekly basis, which inspired the title for her latest album: Songs From The Kitchen Disco, a compilation of Ellis-Bextor’s greatest hits, released in Nov. 2020.
“It really meant a lot to me,” she says, of that unique period of time. “It wasn’t even the singing. It’s just that we had something to do that was fun, a bit silly, and hopefully brought a bit of joy and daftness to proceedings. It really helped us, not just me and Richard, but the kids too.”
Those kitchen discos were also proof, if proof were needed, that Ellis-Bextor’s songs have stood the test of time. Meanwhile, in October 2021, Ellis-Bextor will release her first book, a memoir titled Spinning Plates (she also has a podcast series with the same name).
Below, Ellis-Bextor reflects on early career knocks, empowerment in motherhood, and what it’s like hearing “Murder on the Dancefloor” still being played in 2021.
Take me back to when you were 28. What did your life look like at that time?
“28 was the year that my third album, Trip The Light Fantastic, came out, and that was significant not least because it was my first album back after having a baby. I had my first baby when I was 25, two weeks after my birthday, when I was just bringing out my second album.
I think third albums are a pretty pivotal moment for a career. My first album did well, and then my second, like so many peoples, didn’t hit in the same way. So the third is the one where, if you make a success of it then you have a career, and if it doesn’t then you’re in danger of dropping off the radar.
I wanted it to be a really glorious, upbeat pop record, unashamedly so. It was also a bit of a relief that you can be a new mother, and still return to pop music, which felt like a more unusual path. The pop stars who were my peers at the time definitely weren’t going home to babies. It gave me a new confidence. I felt like I lost a few inhibitions.”
You’d already achieved massive success with “Murder on the Dancefloor” in 2001, did you ever imagine it’d have the impact that it did?
“Before “Murder” was “Groove Jet”, and “Groove Jet” was the song that changed it all really. Just the very fact that I was a solo artist, and I was still allowed to do what I wanted astounded me.
I’m very proud of the fact that my songs still get played, and I love it when people tell me a happy memory they have associated with one of my songs. I think that’s really special, I like that the songs go off and have their own adventures that I’m not always there to see.”
At the age of 28, did you already feel successful?
“I don’t think I’m very good at being objective about that. I think the only time I considered it was when my band got dropped when I was 20, and I thought I’ve already had the biggest success I will ever have.”
Tell us more about being part of that band.
“Being part of Theaudience was a really intense learning experience about everything that can happen in the music industry. The band formed when I was 16, we started doing gigs when I was 17, and we signed a record deal when I was 18. We did our difficult second album when I was 19, and we split up by the time I was 20. So, it was a lot to take in.
It stood me in good stead though, because I think once you’ve felt that feeling, it becomes the backdrop for everything else that happens. Since then, the way I’ve equated success is being able to call singing my job, because I know I’m very lucky to be in that camp.
Every album I do, I see it as putting another metre on the plank. At some point, I will probably get to the end, and drop into the water, but it’s just about keeping up the momentum.”
What advice would you give your 28-year-old self?
“You’ve got to shake the trees, and feel everything. When I was 28, I was just having a lot of fun, and hanging out with my mates. My husband and I only had one kid at the time. At 29, I had my second baby, and then I kept going. I look back and think life with Richard, me, and Sonny was part of a previous chapter.
I’m quite perennial in my outlook. I find I can attach all kinds of focus if I have something in the diary. It goes along with the metres on the plank analogy. I just always need a forward motion.”
Speaking of having things in the diary, you’re playing the Isle of White Festival this September. What have you missed most about live gigs over the past year?
“It’s got to be the energy. To actually have interaction with the crowd, and the dynamic that’s formed with people when you’re performing. I have a lot of fun on stage, but I also take it seriously that my job is to entertain people and scoop them all up. I want everyone dancing. I’ve missed the freshness that comes with playing live.
Plus, there’s an adrenalised feeling that whatver happens, happens. It’s why I love festivals. Some people want to see you, some people need impressing, and I like that. I don’t normally get nervous. The thing is, I’ve done so many gigs now that pretty much everything has gone wrong, so that fear’s lessened and I’m a lot more relaxed. I feel totally supported by the people around me. It’s not just me up there.”
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franeridart · 7 years
Ahhh if you ever do feel like drawing BakuSero I would just about die because I love that rare pair soooooo much and there is next to nothing for it
Holy shit I thought I was literally shipping that ship by myself, but here you are, amazing !!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway don’t worry I’ll definitely draw something for it sooner or later anon, I love it way too much to never give in haha
Anon said:my day started out terrible but your sero and kaminari saved the day (like most of your drawings do) ty ily
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m super glad to hear that!!!!!!! I hope the rest of your day will be as amazing as it can be, anon!!!
Anon said:A) why isn't it franswers? B) Kaminari has a habit of just watching (unbreakable) things just fall if he fails to catch it or it slips out of his hands. like he doesn’t move to get it, he just watches it fall with a blank face
A) that’s a great question that would deserve an equally great answer which sadly I don’t have??? like, why isn’t it franswers??? it should definitely be franswers t b h - B) yes and also I feel Kaminari a lot. Like, mood and also same. As usual hahaha
Anon said:I have never seen a more pure kamisero than the spiderman kiss. I have fallen into the ship and i cant get up (i dont wanna get up) thank you 💖💖💖
Thank you!!!!! Oh my gods!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so happy I could make you ship it omfg!!!!!! They’re such a cute underrated ship aaahhhhhhhhhhhh tho I feel like it’s getting more popular lately, which is A+++ :D
Anon said:Sero 's hair looks so fluffy in that first panel, you can't un-convince me whoever his boyfriend (s) is (are) wouldn't mindlessly run their fingers through it from time to time.
I love this headcanon???? But also consider, if his boyfriend is Kaminari, Sero’s hair is always super staticky once he’s stopped petting it. Like, his hair just sticks in every direction, it looks super funny. Or, his boyfriend is Bakugou (or his girlfriend is Mina! same scenario plays out) and Sero has to wash his hair after Bakugou/Mina is done because their hands are dangerous and having flammable hair isn’t much fun, Neither is having acid very slowly corroding his scalp Poor boy, three out of four of my fav partners for him are dangerous for his hair haha
Anon said:Spidey Sero is good Sero also I still love your chibi style ^^
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!! Holy smokesss!!!!!!! *O*
Anon said:Right, so first off, I l o v e your art. And I'm kinda mad that only just found out about you? Anyways, I was wondering if I could draw one of your fusions (specifically, the Kacchadeku one)? They're super cool and i really want to draw them myself? I'll give credit you your for making the designs 'n all that. It's been quite a while since you drew it so i was wondering if I could draw 'em. Other than that, keep up the good work!
I would prefer it if you guys could ask me for this kind of stuff off anon, tbh aaahhhhhhhhh but I guess I never said that anywhere so it’s fine this time around - it’s good by me! As long as it links back to me/the original post then it’s okay~
Anon said:holy hell your art is a gift from God,,, i shall ascend to the astral realm after seeing all this,,, i have seen all i need and it was on this one blog,,,
YOU ARE!!!! TOO NICE!!!!!! OH MY GODS!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much ( ;v;)
Anon said:it makes me really happy that you add mina into the bakusquad pics your draw thank you!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well, it’s not like I always draw the whole squad, but when I feel strong enough to then it’d feel wrong not adding her in too! She’s part of it too, after all haha
Anon said:Im so happy your back! And you killed me with that last post. BAKUGO IS SO BEAUTIFUL! And your art is even better than before! Did I mention how beautiful Bakugo is? Love you and wish you full health mode
I’M SO HAPPY YOU LIKED HIM!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:I don't know if I'm the only one but I really love how in bnha they emphasize the fact that the kids are really just kids. Like on multiple occasions All Might and Aizawa remind themselves or others that they really are just 15 y/o kids who are trying their best to become heroes and help others. Compared to e.g. Haikyuu I feel like they don't seem like young teens like bnha characters even tho they're the same age (or even older). Good for Horikoshi to remind the readers every now and then.
You’re not the only one!! That’s one of my favorite things out of bnha and also one of the reasons why I’m such a fan of the adults of the series - not all of them, but most of the guardians have a great grasp on what they should expect out of kids and what they can ask of them and what they should instead keep them away from, which I appreciate a lot. And some of them (Aizawa, Toshinori from some point on, Bakugou’s parents, Fatgum to say some) have a great understanding of the kids they’re responsible for and make decisions based on what’s right while at the same time accomodating the kids’ aspirations and dreams, which is super amazing because it doesn’t negate the fact that even if they’re just kids they’re still people, you know? They talk to them and understand them and act as guardians without clipping their wings, you never see this sort of things in media tbh so I appreciate it a lot
Anon said:ok so I just need to get this off my chest. during the quirk apprehension test when aizawa said whoever came in last would be expelled, I think he would of actually done it. I mean he has done it before. but I think he saw potential in Izuku and that made him change his mind but I believe if it where someone else besides Izuku he would've expelled them. so I just wanna say that it was Izuku himself who made himself not be expelled not because of a bluff. and I love aizawa. the end
Yeah I’m sure that’s how it went! Well, I was about to say that maybe even if Izuku hadn’t been the last one Aizawa would have let the last one stay anyway since 1A is a pretty impressive class, but the 19th place was Mineta that time so honestly who knows. Maybe we were one step away from not having Mineta in the class and Izuku ruined it for us. Who knows. (lol)
Anon said:Ur art is so sweet and wholesome, like. Its legit. A friend of mine was following you since you were posting haikyuu and she started watching bnha when you started, and she got me into it from there by sending me your adorable fanart. "Keep an eye out for these 3!!" Then she sends me a giant stream of your BakuKiriKami art. You're great, it's ur fault that they're my # 1 ship above all. Also - have ya read the kiribaku fanfic 2AM Knows All Secrets? I feel like you'd like that one if ya havent.
Holy heck thank you!!!!!! This is such a nice ask !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m glad I could make both you and your friend watch bnha, and I’m even more happy I could make you ship my ot3!!!! *O* and!!! yeah I’ve read it!!!!!! It’s such a cute fic tbh~ I loved it a lot
VERY!!!!!! I hope their game is more !!! than the Karasuno one tbh haha
Anon said:hey fran! i love how bakugou and sharkishima using sign language to communicate, and i was wondering if i could use that idea for my own mermaid au
Sure thing, I’m glad you liked the idea enough to want to do that! If you could mention where you got the insp for at the top of the fic when you post it that’d be neat~
Anon said:did you ever watch/read Ao no exorcist? its really good
I used to follow the manga! Like, a real long time ago? I think I got up to when we found out that Yukio’s a demon too and then I sorta... dropped it... cause I just... couldn’t stand Shiemi at all... sorry - my faves used to be Shima and Izumo tho!!! I used to love them so much and I still miss them so much that sometimes I seriously consider picking the manga up again just for them hahaha
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iimmcrtalis-archive · 7 years
DA verse
a summary post of all my active muses verse(s) in dragon age because i’m f EELING IT BOYS. except terry for rn bc it’ll be Hard. one day. gonna try and go in a from least knowledge bout their verse to extensive knowledge of ‘em so. ayy
this is a pretty long post i apologize to those on mobile!!
Nova; mage(???), human ( ? ), possibly a distant noble
probably a mage? because blue space magic is her jam. though she’s actually more of a combat & tech. she was like well rounded in that regard so i’m considering iunno??? battlemage maybe w/ lockpicking who knows. she’s a sneaky mage that can stab u real good.
would probably also assume she’s pretty good as inquisitor because she would treat it as her role and thing she still has to bare and takes it seriously. like nova is no nonsense as inquisitor but absolute nonsense when she’s not playing that role lmao. 
Morgan; mage?? human af ye. defo a noble blood t BH. 
i unno man. iunno. is he a mage? yeah probably. would he be a legit battlemage + arcane warrior? probably. Would i say he uses a real sword? pro b ab ly. like listen he’s a beefy mage who wears normal armor and probably looks like a fckn non mage but bOOM SUDDENLY LIGHTNING FROM HIS HAND W H AT 
iunno he’s a mage and he’s aggressive as FUCKKKK. aggro as fuck. probably sides withhh iunno both he’d want both and think it’s wasted potential to only have one lmao. iunno he’s hard to figure out man. he’d ultimately probably be like templars because actual ppl who know how to fight. but also wouldn’t wanna condemn the mageS??? so who knows who knows. 
anyways he probably likes blackwall and the iron bull and viv and cass?? and just ye. chills w/ them a lot probably. probably would flirt w/ cass tho god. butw/e no he’s uhhhh real aggressive as a fckn inquisitor like every body getting beheaded. except a few probably.. he would probably make uh... whats his name... tranquil tbh. worse fate than death that yes he would wish on his enemies bc otherwise they get what they want & too risky otherwise. 
Igne; old af elf, probably an assassin combo w/ magic??
like listen if you tell me that they can’t be both ima fckn punt u bc really that’s dumb. defeats the point of multiclassing in the fantasy genre of g am es. anyways really tho they’re old. old as balls. probably? iunno. probably served like... andruil for a while or somethin! got a lil lil corrupted but didn’t want it and wanted freedom so they were like FUCK THIS SHIT IM OUTTIE 
how’d they live? no idea. not a single clue bc i just don’t know jackshit bout ancient elf shit anymore (when did i ever) but honestly. it’s probably a thing right? old af elves everywhere. but no no they’d probably even annoy sera bc like they’re literally?? nonsense. violent af nonsense. hanging off a roof with a fckn potato in their mouth & lookin ready to murder. 
it’s a look™  but nah thinkin that u hhh corruption shit is probably what gave them a red eye ayyy
inquisitor igne is like dagger eyes at solas but doesn’t snitch on him ever not even once. she’s got his back man. she’d be like cool i’ll plaY BOTH SIDES SUre. sure. no mercy run on ppl tho god 
EVELYN / ISENE; old af elf. got that fckn combo again
it’s a theme really, combo classes. all my muses? multiclassed fuckers.  for a detailed everything, please refer to her old blog bc this is gonna be a stupid summary of it so ayyy.
old as dicks dude. lost her arm in the rebellion, against the rebellion. served elgar’nan because he fits her the most tbh. still sort of serves him i guess. like if he showed up she wouldn’t hesitate to follow his orders is what i mean here. otherwise she keeps up the facade of being a former dalish elf mercenary. and definitely doesn’t shy away from admitting she’s got magic. never calls herself a mage because  like lmao 
she has a fckn big ol sword she carries around one handed? and if ur like UR JUST A MAGE she’s gonna use said big ol sword to chop ur head off. not a fan of modern mages tho lmao. at all. like not a lot of sympathy for them. but she would also just kick a circles door in and be like cool leave gtfo you weaklin lil fucks jfc go learn somethin. 
would fight solas in a denny’s parking lot at 2am if she knew jack shit. but she really doesn’t so she’s like ur weird and i dont trust you  butyeah lm ao
Eludysia; ngl i unno if she’s old old but she’s Old. Old seer lady. 
honestly i think she’s not gonna have much of a da verse in general but it exists enough that i feel like i should cover it here. but essentially she’s an old elf seer in rivain. leader of a port side town. No chantry or qunari around its a lot of elves tho. refugees and what not from kirkwall and stuff. 
i unno if she’s an ancient elf but i know she’s old. like real old. so who knows
if she is ancient she probably woulda been like a priestess to ?? falon’din or dirthamen??? because seer shit but like even in a current state she’s fairly devoted to on e o f them or both? probably both lmao. so it’s w/e. 
she’s the former keeper of the clan revas got sent to, which is where revas’ mom is also from and how she gets to that clan. but she was keeper of the clan for like.. a long time like a long time. like that bald fuck from da:o  but without plaguing people with a curse. iunno how she did it but magic and better than that shit. 
more important if revas is inquisitor because lmao she’d probably be like.. welp im gonna come guide you?? probably.   shit she’s probably like emerald knights old tho shit but no fuckin!!! probably comes to be an advisor. 
i think if u go revas as commander/advisor or inquisitor in a thread eludysia’s probs gonna show up and be like sup  but otherwise she’s mainly just a contact in rivain for info and resources!! no special quest or anything u can just contact her for stuff. 
Warren; half-elf, half-qunari. big man w/ a bow.
&& a thick af accent let’s be real here. 
i haven’t made a post about his shit yet so! this one might be a lil longer!! 
grew up in/around starkhaven. in an alienage somewhere really! but he’s got that starkhaven accent. probably just fumbled his way there because honestly he got fucking ditched by his people and has no idea who his parents are lmao. just knows his mom died during child birth and he was fuckin cursed essentially via his?? clan or something. that qunari bit of him is real obvious as his horns grew out and probably had a harsh life in an alienage. 
because he’s not an elf. but he’s not human. and he’s not a qunari. so he’s just. him. 
eventually falls in with some ppl who teach him to steal. so he does a lot and then gets busted and they fckn break his horns off and chop his ears!!! and throw him the fuck out. as you do. but they taught him to use a bow so he’s good with that. and knives. good at close quarters and a long range.
gets better with a bow. real top knotch stuff. ends up in a mercenary crew (same one as qunari inquisitor? probably.) enjoys his merc lifestyle ya know has a good time killin shit 
anyways. companion warren is p much like ‘Strength & force.’ because he has no tact and doesn’t care about politics. like one day i’ll have his approval / disapproval shit. but today is not that day.
but the same applies to his inquisitor shit. he’s fucking brutal as an inquisitor. cares about the little people but FUCK the rich. takes the well for himself ( tho if i would also say revas is there bc i can and she’d take it) but generally just!! give him power and let him kill shit!! that’s all he cares about. tho he wouldn’t kill samson or calpernia bc he doesn’t see them as enemies or villains truly? just pawns in a big scheme and he’d probably stare corypheus in the face and be like get fucked you saggy fuck 
he’s great, great guy. 
Revas: Keeper. Dreamer. Dalish elf. 
literally like most people know Revas’ Dragon Age basics!! but if you don’t i’ll just direct you to her old blog, so you know what’s up.  i’ll put it into a summary the best i can tho! 
Backstory: short and simple? #fucked.  expanded? she was born to the lavellan clan to one of the head hunters & warriors. ended up having magic so she was sort of training to become second, or first, till her moms old clan was like hey we need a new first so uhhhh help us out. and they traded some goods and revas went on her way. ended up being a fucked up situation where the previous first was murdered by two clanmates who eventually tried ( and did) murder revas but she came back bc lmao spirit help & ended up killing them and leaving for her actions.
Dragon Age: Awakening:  full page about it Takes place shortly after this event happened. she lived on her own for awhile, protecting people as much as she could from darkspawn during the blight. ends up going to the wardens because someone doesn’t appreciate her help since she’s a Mage.     The choices made by the warden in regards to her effect how she becomes a warden and the rest of the timeline. Sort of a branch off feel. highly recommend taking a look at the page and also this post. 
DA 2:  If not in the Awakening verse, Revas travels around to the clans. becoming a traveling keeper & helping the clans the best she can. As well as finding ruins and exploring man memories from lost objects. Eventually finds her way to Kirkwall to actually speak with Merrill. But some other shenanigans play out and some stuff goes down. Ends up helping in the fight at the end and leaving with Zevran ( @allurfavesrqueer‘s zevran only lmao. )
DA:I     Companion: Shows up in fereldan with some tree peeps. gets some elvhen shit. offers her services to the inquisition bc that’s what her spirit told her to do. and ya know real fucky. shares some approvals as solas but usually has some pretty contrasting opinions on things! Will defo take on the role of like older sibling or sibling figure with the inquisitor if they’re close enough. Be kind to elves & mages and you’re good.  ( also she’s an option to take the well if the inquisitor doesn’t want it) 
   Advisor: Takes up an offer by the inquistor to become an advisor which is more or less her using her network with the elves around the countries to do certain objectives and what not. acts a bit like an ambassador for the elves & mages in the meetings to give them a voice and remind the human board of trusteeeess that they’re fucking not the only ones around :)) 
  Commander: Mainly with @desiderrium‘s Cullen. Basically Revas takes over for Cullen? at his request kinda because she’s like what the fuck you’re whAT. and gets pissed at everyone else for keeping him on when he’s Not Okay even if she’d rather kick his teeth in 99% of the time. why revas take over? because she’s actually p fuckin qualified, gestures vaguely towards being a first and the advisor au. like she knows how to lead ppl so ayy. 
  Inquisitor: Same ish backstory happens except her parents died to the blight and she left the clan for the other and ye same shit happens. but the clans ask her to go check shit out for them and shes like of course and gets caught up in the mess so. 
so that got long but yea!! hopefully this is a more condensed version of stuff and good for reference later. 
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indiegem · 7 years
junhui + your birthday
it’s just been chilling in my inbox so i asked her if i could post her submission and she said yes so now everyone who reads this can suffer along with me and drown in fluffy feels. thANKS AGAIN FRIEND I JUST ASDFHJKL; BLESS.
@sassocrates:“so here’s a Thing. I hope you like it friend! Happy birthday!
so Jun is planning stuff for your birthday
and he’s freaking out about it a LOT
like, really freaking out
and he was hanging with Josh and Minghao, and he was STILL freaking out about Getting Things Right
to the point where Minghao is like “dude are you all good”
and he’s like “yeah I just want it to be really great, you know? because she deserves it and i’m scared that i’m going to be a let down and she doesn’t like”
and Josh and Minghao share this knowing look
and Jun’s like “what. what was that about”
“oh nothing”
there’s a silence
and Jun’s like “…what’s going on”
“nothing, nothing!”
“what are you thinking”
and he glares at them until josh breaks and he’s like
“I’M SORRY we were just wondering if you were gonna say anything to her”
Jun frowns in genuine confusion like “what do you mean?”
and josh is all like “well. You know. About liking her”
everyone is quiet
And then Minghao’s like “so. Do you like her?”
and Jun’s like “pft no we’re just good friends”
and Minghao’s like “yeah right”
Jun is Offended he’s like eXCUSE ME what are you implying
“I’m just saying… like. You’re so stressed about this, you know?”
“i… just want my friend to have a good birthday?”
and Josh is like “not to be that guy but like… you’ve been really enthusiastic about this. like you’re doing all this special stuff. Like. flowers. a nice restaurant. the sort of stuff that, if I were her, i’d think it was a date.”
“it’s not a date”
another knowing look
Josh and minghao are like “oh sorry sorry  it’s just. So obvious dude.”
and jun is having an existential crisis like !?!?!?!!?!?!?!
so he goes home afterwards and he’s sitting there trying to write your card
and he’s like??? blanking??? or not blanking
it’s just that when he writes anything down it just sounds s o o o cheesy
like he’s cringing at himself
and he’s like “why am i like this???”
“maybe… maybe they’re right? no, no, no, i’m just… there’s a lot of feelings i need to express, you know? not those types of feelings, just… totally platonic ones…”
even though he manages to convince himself it’s Just A Lot Of Platonic Feelings, he still knows there’s something off about it bc. he’s Jun. he’s always so affirming with his loved ones
but now he had to write a letter to you and he’s??? nervous??
and he’s like wHY so he decides to just write something down without thinking about it or looking at it and then he’s like iM GOING TO BED
so it’s the next day and Jun is waiting for you outside your house and he’s like. Really nervous
he’s gotten dressed up and he’s like “what if she thinks I’m ugly what if she thinks I look like a Fool”
and then he’s like “… maybe Josh and Minghao are right…” but he’s like “nO that’s insane she’s just my friend we’ve been friends for aaaages I’m being silly i worked it out last night”
but then
he sees you come out of her house and you’re dressed up and he’s like
and like he’s just standing there with the flowers and he’s floored and he’s like I cANT BREATHE
“well shit looks like I do have a crush on her”
ao he’s trying to process all of this but then you smile at him and he like. He literally Dies. He can’t take it
so he doesn’t even wish you a happy birthday he just sort of shoves the flowers forward like “hERE”
and you’re like !!!!!!!!!! bc they’re your favourite flowers and you’re like tHANK YOU SM
and he’s sweating he’s so nervous bc he’s like. Still processing the Truth and he’s like. “all my behaviour. All my feelings. They make sense now”
and you’re talking to him about something and he’s like sHIT I WASN’T LISTENING 
so he just smiles at you handsomely and you start blushing bc he has such a nice, warm smile and he’s dressed up so nicely and it’s like? but you’re like no i can’t think about him like that it’s unfair on him
truth of the matter is that you’ve had a bit of a crush on him for a while now but like. you feel bad about it bc you guys are good friends 
so you’ve just tried to push it away but how can you when he looks so damn good? 
but you’ve become really good at hiding it so you’re just like “hey! i’ve missed you!” and you go in for a hug
and he’s still screaming internally but he hugs you and he’s thinks “i have NO idea how i’m going to survive today why did i do this”
so he gives you your flowers and your gift but he keeps the letter to himself bc he’s like No i will be Exposed
the two of you head off to the restaurant, which is Jun’s big treat for you
it’s one you’ve wanted to go to for a long time and it’s a bit on the expensive sid
and it’s like this lovely restaurant and the people there all look so classy and beautiful and jun can’t help but think that you fit in there
so the two of you are seated and you’re both really excited bc !!! this is a cool experience
and waitress is like “oh is this an anniversary dinner??”
and Jun freaks and he’s like “NO NO NO it’s a birthday”
and the waitress is like “oh it’s sweet that you’re treating your partner like this on their birthday”
and Jun is like !!?!?!!??? “we’re not.. We’re”
but the waitress is GONE and jun is just. A mess inside
he’s doing a pretty good job of keeping it together externally tho
and he’s like. Asking you questions and trying to make you laugh bc he thinks your smile is a genuine blessing
and he can’t help but think about how happy he is to be a part of your life and he’s just
so enamored
like it’s actually kind of embarrassing but you haven’t noticed yet so it’s fine 
and so he’s like oKAY here’s a letter i wrote you for your birthday sorry it’s trash i just. kind of banged it out in one go
and you’re like “oh thank you!”
and you think it’s just going to be one big Meme 
but you read it and it’s just so heartfelt? and you actually start tearing up because you weren’t expecting it to be this so genuine?
so you don’t really know what to do and you just say a really quiet thank you
and jun thinks you found it weird and he wants to disappear but tHANKFULLY your food comes and you two engross yourselves in that
you only really make polite conversation over dinner and you’re both very scared and confused
so when you’re walking home, you try and make some conversation with him but he’s just. out of it
and you’re kind of concerned because you were just blown away by his letter and you hadn’t known how to respond? 
so you’re just like i gotta know if he’s okay
and you ask him what’s wrong
he turns and looks at you and he says “I think I’m in love with you”
you’re just like “what”
and he’s like “yeah”
and you’re like “I'm…”
and he’s like “yeah me too”
and the two of you fall silent bc of shock
and he’s like “I’m sorry… for being so forward… I was just thinking about our friendship and like… recently, I’ve been feeling a certain type of way and I was always like 'nah it’s nothing’ but it was definitely something like… I never used to be nervous around you but recently I’ve always been like… worried what you think of me… and being with you makes me really happy and i?? I just sort of ignored it bc it was easy but like… it’s the truth…”
and she’s silent for a few moments and jun is starting to freak out bc hE’S RUINED EVERYTHING
but then she says “you know what… it’s been the same for me”
“wait really”
“yea… like I was thinking abt you differently and I felt so bad bc I thought it was unfair on you so I just… suppressed my feelings and prayed they’d go away”
and he’s reeling bc. this is not what he thought would happen. he had braced himself for rejection 
he’s just so happy that he takes you in his arms and he presses a gentle kiss against your forehead
and it just feels so natural and so comfortable and you’re both like ????? why did it take us this long ?????
and you look up at him and you thank him sincerely for his letter and the two of you just sort of look into each others eyes and you realise you’re standing under a street lamp and it’s so cheesy but you don’t care 
he takes the plunge and he leans down and kisses you
and you’re like !!!!!!!!!!! but you kiss him back and melt into him
and he’s like why didn’t i do this sooner holy shit
and when you pull away you both just. can’t stop smiling and it’s the cutest thing ever okay
afterwards you’re just so blushy and shy and you hold hands while he walks you home
and when you get to your door he kisses you again and wishes you a happy birthday
and it’s officially the Best Birthday Ever because your gift was getting the best boyfriend in the world 
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recentanimenews · 4 years
Manga the Week of 6/3/20
SEAN: June is busting out all over, and while the schedule is not back to normal yet, it’s better than May was.
ASH: Huzzah!
SEAN: First, an apology to a new publisher, Tentai Books, who have their first release out this week and I missed it. They’re publishing in both Spanish and English, and their debut is a light novel, There’s No Way a Side Character Like Me Could Be Popular, Right?. Seems to be targeting the Oregairu/Tomozaki crowd.
As for next week, Ghost Ship has a 9th Yuuna and the Haunted Hot Springs.
J-Novel Club has a lot. In print, we get the debut volume of Sexiled: My Sexist Party Leader Kicked Me Out, So I Teamed Up With a Mythical Sorceress!, which I recommend to absolutely everyone.
ASH: Now that it’s finally in print, I’ll definitely be picking this one up. I’ve heard great things about it from all sorts of people.
ANNA: I’m curious about it too!
SEAN: Also in print: Ascendance of a Bookworm 5, How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord 10, and In Another World with My Smartphone 10.
Digitally, there’s also Altina the Sword Princess 4, a 3rd By the Grace of the Gods, Can Someone Please Explain What’s Going On? 2, Kokoro Connect 9, the 3rd Marginal Operation manga, The Master of Ragnarok & Blesser of Einherjar 11, and a 6th Record of Wortenia War.
Kodansha has a lot, most of which I’ve mentioned before because the schedule shifted. The print and digital debut is Rent-A-Girlfriend (Kanojo, Okarishimasu), a Weekly Shonen Magazine manga by an artist best known for the long-running and unlicensed AKB49: The Rules Against Love. A desperate guy, as the title suggests, rents a girlfriend, who seems perfect… at first. This is getting an anime this summer, and Kodansha describes it as “sweet, naive boy meets cute, ruthless girl”.
Debuting digitally is Stellar Witch LIP☆S (MajoKaitou LIP☆S), a shoujo series from Nakayoshi. A girl who desperately wants to see an idol group turns to a witch to help her. Hijinks ensue.
MICHELLE: I can’t confidently claim Stellar Witch is going to be any better than Rent-A-Girlfriend, but it’s certainly more my speed.
ANNA: This sounds fun, but I am utterly incapable of keeping up with these digital releases.
MELINDA: Yes, with so many, I find I need to REALLY want to read something for it to stand out from the crowd.
SEAN: No other print stuff, but in digital-first print books we have (be prepared for titles you’ve heard here before…) Cells At Work: Code BLACK 5, Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest 4, Granblue Fantasy 5, Knight of the Ice 2, LDK 15, Maga-Tsuki 11-13 (a final volume 3-in-one omnibus two years after a 2-in-one omnibus, YIKES), The Seven Deadly Sins 38, Something’s Wrong with Us 2, and Yuzu the Pet Vet 2.
In digital-only we get A Condition Called Love 4, Chihayafuru 20, Smile Down the Runway 10, and To Be Next to You 6.
MICHELLE: I’ve been catching up on A Condition Called Love and enjoying it. And, of course, I always rejoice for more Chihayafuru.
ANNA: Chihayafuru is the one digital release that I am confident I will get caught up on…one day.
SEAN: Seven Seas has, in early digital release, Love Me for Who I Am (Fukakai na Boku no Subete o), aka Fukaboku. This LGBT manga from GOT Corporation’s Comic MeDu is about a nonbinary protagonist and the nontraditional maid cafe they’re introduced to.
MICHELLE: I’ll definitely be checking this one out.
ASH: Same!
ANNA: Sounds good!
MELINDA: To illustrate my above point, I’m SO here for this. I will seek it out.
SEAN: Also out early digitally: A Centaur’s Life 18 and Skeleton Knight in Another World light novel 6.
In print, Seven Seas has quite a bit. Debuting is The Invincible Shovel, a light novel that I found hilarious when I reviewed the early digital copy. And we also see Sarazanmai: Reo and Mabu, the manga prequel to the upcoming light novels based on the anime.
ASH: I really need to catch up on Sarazanmai in general.
SEAN: Also out in print: Dungeon Builder: The Demon King’s Labyrinth is a Modern City! 2, How Heavy Are the Dumbbells You Lift? 3, Magical Girl Site 12, Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid 9, and Saint Seiya: Saintia Sho 10.
Viz has two debuts. The first is SPY x FAMILY, a series that should need no introduction but I’m going to anyway. In an unnamed vaguely Eastern European country, a spy needs to have a wife and child to complete his next assignment. A woman who moonlights as an assassin needs a husband so that she isn’t suspicious. And a young girl with esper powers just wants to get away from being experimented on. Together, they are the best found family ever. Oh yes, and except for the girl (who can read minds), they don’t know each other’s profession. A magical series, I want the world to read it. Hilarious and heartwarming.
MICHELLE: So excite.
ASH: Really looking forward to this release!
ANNA: Me too!!!
MELINDA: This sounds great!
SEAN: The other debut is, of course, My Villain Academia, which replaces the seemingly popular My Hero Academia. Not sure why, maybe its sales were slipping? In any case, this volume focuses on our villain heroes, Shigaraki, Twice, and Himiko Toga. It promises to be DARK as hell. (Also, it is possibly it’s really My Hero Academia 24.)
MICHELLE: Heh. This arc solidified Twice as my favorite amongst the villains.
SEAN: In Shonen Jump news, we get Black Clover 21, Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba 13, Dragon Ball Super 9, Food Wars 36 (mercifully the final volume… anyone noticed an annoying trend for popular long-running Jump series to leap off of cliffs into piles of crap lately?), Jujutsu Kaisen 4, My Hero Academia Vigilantes 7, The Promised Neverland 15, We Never Learn 10, and Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V 7.
MICHELLE: Oh, I had no idea that was the final volume of Food Wars! I reckon since I have read through volume 30 I might as well finish it, pile of crap or no. Also, I’m looking forward to the next Vigilantes volume, as I believe it has more of Aizawa’s past in it.
SEAN: As for Shojo Beat, no debuts, but we get Ao Haru Ride 11, Natsume’s Book of Friends 24, Queen’s Quality 9, and Yona of the Dawn 24. Natsume’s Book of Friends is always near the top of my pile when it comes out, though it may have to wait for me to read Yona.
MICHELLE: I love both dearly, but because Natsume comes out less regularly, I think it’s got the edge for me.
ASH: Natsume and Yona both have my heart, too. Though, I’ve also been enjoying Queen’s Quality.
MICHELLE: I really need to read it. I did enjoy QQ Sweeper.
ANNA: Nice week of many great series coming out!
MELINDA: Queen’s Quality! Hurray!
SEAN: What are you getting next week? (Please get SPY x FAMILY.)
By: Sean Gaffney
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Morre Jin Yong, com quase 100 anos e ao mesmo tempo imortal
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Faleceu ontem o autor chinês Jin Yong, cuja trilogia mais famosa ocupou a minha imaginação durante a primeira metade deste ano.
Em vez de ficar falando sobre alguém que eu nem conheço bem, vou apenas colar aqui as citações que copiei da sua trilogia (muito divertida e enriquecedora pra minha vida), pra que você possa conhecer um pouco sobre ele também:
officials and generals are becoming their servants
"We priests are supposed to be merciful and benevolent in our hearts and actions. But then we see a bunch of traitors and enemies that do nothing but add to the suffering of our people, and I could never be merciful nor benevolent."
The Book of Odes is also known as the Book of Songs (Shi Jing in Chinese), one of the Five Classics. The Four Books and Five Classics were the standard texts that all scholars studied back in the day. The other four Classics are the Book of Changes (Yi Jing) - this one features a lot in the wuxia genre, Book of History (Shu Jing), Book of Rites (Li Ji) and the Spring and Autumn Annals (Chun Qiu). The Four Books are the Great Learning (Da Xue), the Doctrine of Mean (Zhong Yong), the Analects of Confucius (Lun Yu) and Minces (Meng Zi).
He was like someone riding on a tiger’s back. He could not continue riding, but it was difficult to get off safely.
“Your apprentice brother scolded right. I am a heretic weirdo. Who doesn’t know about Eastern Heretic Huang Yaoshi, the owner of Peach Blossom Island? The thing Old Heretic Huang hates most this life is rules and conventions, especially saints and whatnots. These are just things to cheat dumb people. It’s such a joke that people have been blindly abiding to these rules and conventions for generations! I, Huang Yaoshi don’t believe in these nonsensical teachings. Everyone say I’m heretic, humph! At least a heretic is better than those jerks who talk about morals and principals but caused the deaths of so many!”
“Earth and heaven Are a stove, Nature is the worker! Yin and Yang are As charcoal, Thousand things are copper!”
Didn’t the emperors eat without plowing? Wearing clothes without weaving? Going out and coming in to the palace in a carriage? Are these not the common people’s blood and sweat? When the emperors reached their advance years their own hearts convicted them of all their merit and guilt; always enjoying the toil of the people while contributing only a few, how they have committed a multitude of sin while performing their office duty.
all eight battle formations: ‘tian fu’ [high as the sky], ‘di zai’ [strong as the earth], ‘feng yang’ [scattered like a wind], ‘yun chui’ [dangling like a cloud] , ‘long fei’ [flying dragon], ‘hu yi’ [winged tiger], ‘niao xiang’ [soaring bird], and ‘she pan’ [coiling snake]; which they have mastered skillfully.
As long as you live with an upright heart and keep your honor clean; then your life won’t be in vain. If other people treat us badly, we don’t need to repay their wickedness.
Along the way two people saw the white bones that were scattered among the tall grass of the prairie; they could not refrain from lamenting incessantly; both were thinking that the two of them loved each other, they would live harmoniously, they did not have any regrets; yet the common people’s misery was deep; they did not know the day peace and prosperity would reign on earth.
Of all the things to be born with, you were born with the love of saying negative things.
The saying ‘heaven never seals off all its exits’ isn’t a lie.
Her eyes were sensitive and her moves fast, her spirit was crystal clear and the more she fought the faster she became. Her mind wasn't phased by any distractions, and didn't even think of whether she would win or lose in this fierce battle; or for that matter, who lives and who dies.
"To flick my robe on the zenith of the high peak and to wash my feet in the river thousands of miles long."
"After the age of forty, I no longer relied on weaponry. Bushes, trees, bamboo sticks or rocks, all could be my swords. From then on, I achieved great progress and slowly reached the realm of overcoming the sword without a sword."
"Heavy sword with blunt edges, simplicity brings superiority. Before I reached the age of forty, I used it to roam the entire world under Heaven."
"Flexible Sword of the Purple Rose, I used it prior to the age of thirty. With it, I accidentally wounded a righteous man. A weapon of doom, I abandoned it in a deep valley."
"Fierce, aggressive and able to penetrate any obstacle, with it, I competed with the heroes of the Northern Plains during my teenage years."
"Even though our lives have been miserable, we have a time like this now - we are really most fortunate. Even if the pains of the past should cut our lives short, it wouldn't be something to worry about at all."
Huang Yaoshi did not follow ‘appropriateness’, the custom and regulations of the day. He was like a heavenly dragon that was out of this world.
‘For ten years life and death are boundless, immeasurable, unforgettable. Lonely graves a thousand li apart, unspeakable desolation. Unfulfilled desire to meet, slowly turns to dust. The hair on the temples white as frost.’
‘Twelve Plentifulness’ states: that if one thinks too much, the concentration will be disrupted. If one loves too much, the energy will break down. If one desires too much, one will lose one’s knowledge. If one has too many matters at hand, one will look weary in appearance. If one talks too much, it will affect one’s breathing. If one laughs too much, one will strain one’s organs. If one worries too much, it will affect one’s nerves. If one plays too much, it will affect one’s ideas. If one is too happy, it will result in complacency and trouble. If one is too angry, it will affect one’s pulse. If one experiences too much good, one will despair. If one experiences too much evil, one will invite chaos. If one does not rid the ‘Twelve Plentifulness’, one would not reach enlightenment.
Zhou Botong was always ready to have fun.
There are 5 elements within the human body – heart as governed by fire, lungs governed by gold, kidney by water, spleen by earth and liver by wood, in addition to that, there are the two chi(s) – Ying and Yang.
Attacking like gods in Heaven, while evading like ghosts in Hell. Just as lightning and thunder, even when over, they can still send chills down one’s spine.
His own energy was reflected back and He ZuDao's energy was added to it.
‘Grief-Disorder Writing Style’ created by Wang XiZhi*.
‘The Sea of Misery is endless, turn around towards the shore.’”
But master always says, the world is so vast, the honor of Wu Dang itself is insignificant. The importance is to research into the depths of martial arts philosophies, and pass them down to future generations, so the righteous martial arts will overcome those of evil. In addition, we could unite practitioners throughout our land, drive out the Mongols, and reclaim our country.
‘Zhuangzi’. These four lines mean, “The span of life, how can it forced? How would I know, if wanting to live was a mistake? How would I know, if man’s fear of death, was not like wandering outside during youth not knowing to return to his hometown? How would I know, if dead people would not regret previously seeking to live?”
Zhuangzi’s original meaning expounded that, life might not be bliss, death might not be suffering, life and death are actually no different, a living person is only “having a big dream”, and after dying is “greatly awakened”, and maybe after dying would feel that the previous time in life was stupid, why not die earlier? Just like after having a sad and terrifying nightmare, once awakened, would realize this annoying nightmare had simply went on for too long.
"Mama said those words with a dagger already thrust into her chest. She endured the severe pain just to warn me, but I did not keep the words she uttered through blood and tears in my heart.
He did not remember that it was because his own heart’s desire to harm others that they ended up this way; he also did not remember that Zhang Wuji had supplied him with fruits these past five years, every day without fail, so that he could live until today. He only remembered that this kid was too lucky while he was too unlucky, and he felt it was so unfair.
Turned out Zhang Wuji transmitted his Jiu Yang Shen Gong to her body, but she did not know how to unleash the formidable power of Shen Gong’s, which resulted in both swords being broken. If she was able to utilize the power to attack the enemy, only the enemy’s sword would be broken, while the sword in her hand would stay intact.
‘seeing demon as not a demon, let the demon defeat itself’
A warning example is close at hand, road to disaster is straight ahead.
“Things in the world are hard to describe through logic, life filled with unexpected, for nothing will keep one’s interest very long, there’s danger within good fortune, good fortune within danger.”
“Put away your worries, don’t be so bitter, even if you’re beautiful today, you will still be old some day, life has always been like this, who cares for money and fame.” “In the end, you still can’t escape fate. Like flowing water, what goes around comes around.”
In an instant, a gray-robed man became a gray dragon.
Should you have time, please come to Shaolin so you can give some more pointers.” Usually, this sort of sentence has a connotation of challenging someone to a fight. Yet Kong Sheng’s tone did not carry any of that meaning. He really does deeply respect Zhang WuJi’s kung fu.
“I know Hua Shan’s kung fu is great. So I don’t need to fight to test it out. But your ‘Repaying Kindness with Reprisal*’ skill is really quite unmatched, don’t you agree?”
Attacking like gods in Heaven, while evading like ghosts in Hell.
“You are officers and soldiers, yet you act like bandits and robbers, without any compassion toward common people.
“Subordinate is Zhao Yishang [lit. one injury]. This one is Qian Erbai [lit. two defeats]. This one is Sun Sanhui [lit. three destructions]. This one is Li Sicui [lit. four devastations].” Pointing to the other four men he continued, “That one is Zhou Wushu [lit. five loses]. That one is Wu Liupo [lit. six damages]. That one is Zheng Qimie [lit. seven extinguish], and the last one is Wang Bashuai [lit. eight feeble/weak].”
Keep the sword to behead the scaly dragon, Do not test it to strike the street dog.
Isn’t there a saying in the Jianghu world, ‘within four sides of the ocean, everybody is a brother’?
This ‘rabbit-rose-up-falcon-fall-down’ exchange happened in a blink of the eye;
Zhang Wuji recalled how as a kid he followed his grandmaster going up this mountain and saw the Shaolin Sect’s Three Divine Monks right here in this pavilion. Although it was only a few years, but back then he was a lone thin and sickly kid; while today he was the Cult Leader of the Ming Cult, with all the honor and respect belonged to the position. He felt like the two visits were a world apart.
Grasping the Sparrow's Tail, Single Whip, Lifting up the Hand, White Crane Spreads its Wings, Brushing the Knee and the Twisted Step, Playing the Pipa, Step Forward Deflect Parry and Punch, Apparent Closure, Crossing Hands, Carrying the Tiger Returning to the Mountain......
*Xu Ling Ding Jin-Empty the neck, let energy reach the crown Han Xiong Ba Bei-Sink the chest, lift the back Chen Jian Zhui Zhou-Sink the shoulders, drop the elbows
and Song Yao Chui Tun - Loose waist, bend at the buttocks.*
perhaps if his heart was happy he would impart to them one or two special skills, then they would reap the benefit for the rest of their lives.
He thought that because of Lu Zhangke’s romatic nature, it would be easier to win his heart if Fan Yao raised the affair between a man and a woman.
He held the Saber horizontally across his chest, standing on the peak of the hill, his power and prestige made people shiver, he looked just like a deity.
This short episode between the two of them happened noiselessly.
“The fist technique starts with a focused attention, intention precedes strength, only then victory will be achieved
There was a great Persian philosopher by the name of Imam Mowaffaq Nishapuri; among his disciples, there were three outstanding students: Omar Khayyam, who was a master in literature studies, Nizam-ul-Mulk, who was an expert in political studies, and Hassan-i-Sabah, who excelled in martial arts. These three were good friends and bound themselves in an oath, to face fortune and adversity together, and not to forget each other in riches and honor. Later on because of his accomplishment, Nizam-al-Mulk became Vizier to the Seljukid Empire. His two old friends came to seek shelter. Nizam entreated the Shah, and Hassan was granted an official position. Omar was not willing to be a government official; he only asked for annual provision so that he could research and study astronomy, almanac and mathematics, also to drink wine and write poems in peace. Nizam generously granted each of his friends’ requests. Unexpectedly, Hassan was ambitious; he was unwilling to be someone else’s subordinate for long and thus staged a rebellion. His attempt was foiled and he fled to a mountain. Later on he became the chief of a sect whose prestige shook the world. This sect specifically took murder as their service, and was called the Hashhashin Sect. During the Crusades, whenever someone in the western region mentioned the name of The Old Man of the Mountain, Hassan, no hearts would be exempt from shaking in fear. Many of the western region’s rulers lost their lives under the innumerable assassins under The Old Man of the Mountain.
Xie Xun sighed, “It is common for people to repay kindness with evil; what’s so strange about that?”
“Once a word left a real man’s mouth, four horses would not be able to chase it.
For those who learn some kind of skill, isn’t it a delight to train it to perfection? A friend comes visit from afar, isn’t it a delight to the host? Even if they are upset, shouldn’t they be delighted?”
Song Yuanqiao realized Zhang Songxi was very reasonable, he bitterly put the sword back into its sheathe and said, “My mind is troubled, I’ll hear what Si Di has to say.”
“Song Shibo and the others are reasonable gentlemen; how could they recklessly blame others?” With a cold laugh Zhao Min said, “The more they are gentlemen, the more they will blame others recklessly.”
‘the distant road tries the horse’s strength, the course of time proves the man’s heart’.
A man’s real character cannot be recognized in just a dawn-to-dusk period.”
Truly in this wide world, there are crouching tigers and hidden dragons among the tall grasses and thick weeds. I wonder how many heroes and warriors are hiding quietly, whose names I have never heard of.”
“In this world, mistakes arise out of circumstances. Things are difficult to anticipate. You must not be excessively heartbroken.”
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iimmcrtalis-archive · 7 years
every multimuse question. all of 'em. 1 - 30
   WELP. │ not accepting now christ.
gonna get long
1. is there a muse that you wish gets more attention?
Literally any of them but Faron. But primarily Revas. She is literally my main and I love her so much. Faron’s my boy but the amount of attention he has right now is like hecking me the fuck up not gonna lie. 
 2. if you HAD to choose, who’s your favorite muse?
Revas. Not even a question. I can list them from fave to least fave if y’all want. I love all of them, but favorites are easy. 
3. which muse is the trickiest to get into character for?
So far, most of the canon characters. I’m not used to writing canon characters and I get nervous that I’m not doing them enough justice. 
4. is there a muse that not a lot of people roleplay with?
I unno. I mean most of them. Again, canon characters make me anxious & nervous so I have to work on that. It’s mostly me. 
5. if you HAD to choose, who’s your least favorite muse?
Like to play? iunno yet. as a character? Evelyn. She’s literally the fucking worst. She’s fun to write but hooooo H O OO OO. 
6. which one of your muses have you been playing the longest?
Evelyn, Erin & Vega. Evelyn was my first muse I ever rped and that was like. Years ago. I was still in highschool lm ao. 
7. which one of your muses has the most ships?
Revas, probably? Like, of ones made via writing. Canon characters? probably top her out tho. 
8. what is each of your muses otps? notps?
…. this is so much. otps usually consist of fairly mutual feelings and interest and aren’t fucking pedophiliac. ( lookin @ u she.ith fucks ) notps are. Vast and i have a lot of them. Like this would need to be it’s own post. because it’s way too long for this one, which is already long god. 
9. why were you drawn to each one of your characters?
I relate to them, plain and simple. Or I made them. Canon muses I always relate to. If i didn’t I wouldn’t want to write them. There’s always something I relate to and love about them so immensely that I want to write them. Or i want to write them out of spite towards the fandom or whatever.    Out of all of them, I relate to Grog the most. 
10. which muse is the most fun to write for?
god uhhh. I wanna say probably ones I haven’t written yet!! There’s a lot of them that I’m just really excited to write!! But uhhh. Probably Revas or Vega for ones I have written.  
11. is there another muse you’ve been thinking of adding or writing for? who?
I’m currently debating on adding either Kagome, Sango, or Koga from Inuyasha! Mainly because it’s all I’ve been watching for awhile. I will probably add more one day. 
12. what is something everyone should know about your muses before interacting?
Shipping Rules. And basics about them. My interpretation of canon characters are not the same as your standard shit. I do not adhere to most canon.if you want to know something about ANY AND ALL of them, ASK.
13. what’s a weird headcanon you have for each of your muses?
I’ll keep it short.      • Revas gets more and more bird like over time. Probably puts feathers in her hair and everything.       • Faron likes watching octopi dance bc of soy sauce.       • Eludysia takes care of birds.      • Evelyn enjoys beating people with her prosthesis instead of wearing it.       • Erin digs k-pop.       • Morgan is actually afraid of blackholes and worries about them a lot.       • Grog likes to braid his beard.       • Bruce doesn’t like having a beard or facial hair.       • Terry makes references to memes a lot.       • Noah probs looks after Gansey a lot without him being Aware.       • Adam doesn’t dig sour things because they make his cheeks hurt.       • J’mon Sa Ord is actually a big history & arcane nerd.       • Raven Queen enjoys sweets & tea.       • Sarenrae likes talking to the pearls and souls of her domain.       • Nova would & has punched a fiend straight in the jaw.       • Vega likes cooking and enjoys seeing his friends smile because of his cooking.       • Garrus likes to braid hair bc its a weird feeling but nice.       • Symm? Worship kink probably.       • Reinhardt likes spending time with the younger characters because he likes being a granddad.       • Sombra knows how to spray paint cool shit.       • Wash is uhhhhh scared of dying       • Hisraad thinks everyone is small. Even Bull. ( they’re like 8′. )      • Sehren collects story books to give to her daughter after everythings over.      • Kaaska enjoys making sweets for everyone.       • Meg isn’t as devoted as she pretends to be.       • Rogue is Poly. Not weird but ya know.       • Hawke knows how to sail.       • Ronan would probably be one of those kids at an arcade playing racing games.       • Shiro keeps his hair short bc of habit. 
14. which muse has the most aus or verses?
Currently Revas. Because main focus. But all muses will have fully fleshed out verses in almost all the same areas. if applicable. like some of them won’t be able to transfer well to other universes so. we’ll see. 
15. can you sort your muses from youngest to oldest?
 Adam & Ronan  Noah  Terry  NovaShiroRogueRevasVegaFaron (age hasn’t been update on the muse page)WashSymmSombraMorganHisraadHawkeMegSehrenKaaskaGrogBruceReinhardtErinJ’monEludysiaEvelynRaven QueenSarenrae
i miss anyone? 
16. which muse is most willing to fight another muse?
Erin is ready to throw down with Evelyn at all times. & vice versa
17. do your muses get along with each other?
Some do, ye. would all of them? fuck no. 
18. would you ship any of your muses together? who?
Ronan & Adam. Sombra & Symm. 
19. for each muse, is there a character you wish had a blog so you could interact with them?
20. have you ever considered making a multimuse/is it easier having a multimuse?
It’s easier. Much easier. Makes it easier to manage. i originally ran a multimuse ages ago before it was Acceptable™
21. which muse is the most problematic towards other muses?
22. which muse is most likely to make new friends?
Revas, Erin, & Vega 
23. which muses’ fandom do you like the best?
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.  Critrole muses fandom. Only one I like. Legitimately enjoy l m ao.
24. is there someone playing the same muse/s as you and you really look up to them?
Yes!! I really look up to @freedomsacrificed!!! Savvy’s Adam is really amazing and I really hope I can be half as good, but I won’t compare our adam’s bc like. Adam is a good bean and needs more love anyways ;u; I’m not submerged in my other muses community enough anymore to uhh give a shit atm. tbh. t bh .
25. which muse do people send the most asks for?
i dont even. I unno man. I unno. Faron. Always has been always will be I guess?
26. which muse is most likely to have kids?
a lot of them have kids already. but some of them would wanna be a parent one day when the universe decides to fuckin chill. 
27. is there a rule that someone keeps breaking for your muses?
mmmm. people tend to not read abouts. Which is a biggie. but hasn’t happened in a while. 
28. can you sort your muses from weakest to strongest?
I sure can. 
29. which muse are you considering deleting?
A few. Keeping it on the down low currently. 
30. most importantly, are you having fun playing each one of your muses?
Yes and no. Some muses are a struggle and cause me stress when they get overworked. Others are easier, come to me naturally. And a few are rarely written so. 
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