#ancient mermaimon
merfolkotd · 8 months
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merfolk of the day: ancient mermaimon from digimon
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sobsq · 9 months
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mermaids and an eye ^-^
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sexymonsterotd · 3 months
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sexy monster of the day: ancient mermaimon from digimon
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lopmonappreciation · 1 year
Steven universe Digimon au: the villains and their evolines
Aquamarine and ranamon
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Fresh: puyomon
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In training: puyoyomon
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Rookie: jellymon
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Champion: ranamon
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Ultimate: calamaramon
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Mega: ancient mermaimon
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katlimeart · 1 year
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Made in 2017, 2018 + 2019
If you’ve seen this anywhere else, I posted it back on my deviantArt when it was made.
Mario girls cosplaying as characters from Digimon
1. Zoe Orimoto - requested by moon-shadow-1985
2. Beastmon – requested by flutterbunny76
3. Ancient Mermaimon – requested by flutterbunny76
4. Mermaimon – requested by flutterbunny76
5. JetSylphimon – requested by neoduelgx
6. Kazemon – requested by neoduelgx
7. Zephyrmon – requested by neoduelgx
8. Angewoman – requested by marcusperez824
9. Lilithmon – requested by iedasb
10. Ophanimon – requested by iedasb
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bethanythebogwitch · 9 months
@fishyfishyfishtimes, I noticed you like mermaids and enjoyed my fish Digimon post, so you may be interested in mermaid Digimon.
The OG is Mermaimon and I really like that she's (I'm saying she but whether or not Digimon have genders depends on which setting is being used) also a pirate. The lore says she uses her beautiful singing voice to lure people in and rob them. She also carries an anchor as a weapon and is not afraid to give someone a thrashing.
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Mermaimon is the OG mermaid in the sense that she debuted first, but in lore the OG is AncientMermaimon. She is one of the Warrior 10, a group of ancient Digimon from the beginning of the Digital World. The Warrior 10 are dead, having long ago died to stop Lucemon (as in Lucifer) from destroying the Digital World. While the Warrior 10 are long dead, their data went onto spawn many species of other Digimon. AncientMermaimon specifically is the ancestor of all aquatic Digimon. She was effectively a goddess of the sea, able to control the weather and with enough power to sink entire islands. While I like the original Mermaimon's design more for its pirate theme, AncientMermaimon also has a great design.
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The only merman in Digimon is Neptunemon. As the name suggests, he is based on the Neptune, roman god of the sea. He is also part of a group, the Olympos XII, who are also based on the Olympian gods. They collectively rule a portion of the Digital World that is on a private server called Iliad. He is the absolute ruler of the oceans on the Iliad server. I really like his samurai-inspired armor and the trident made of shark heads.
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While that's all the proper mermaids, I have some honorable mentions in that they still fill the aquatic creature/girl archetype. The first is Ranamon, who has a direct connection to AncientMermaimon from above. In the anime Digimon Frontier, which introduced the Warrior 10, it is established that their spirits, each representative of an element, survived their death and can be taken up and used by others. While half the spirits are taken by the heroes, the other half are corrupted into evil. The good spirits are fire, light, ice, wind, and thunder while the corrupted spirits are steel, water, wood, earth, and darkness (later redeemed). Ranamon and her evolution are the corrupted spirit of water. The only spirit that we saw both the pure and corrupted versions of was darkness and I think that's a big missed opportunity. Ranamon is easily my favorite of the spirits, which is largely due to the english dub making her a classic mean girl with a southern accent. Her name comes from the Spanish word for frog.
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Ranamon's evolution is Calamaramon, who is deliberately designed to be a darker version of a mermaid. Instead of a fish tail, she has an entire upside-down squid for a lower body. She's also supposed to be a sea witch and has a major temper. Oddly enough, she's one of the only spirt Digimon from Frontier that has shown up in other series. In the Digimon Adventure reboot she shows up as a major threat and in Digimon Ghost Game she's a monster of the week that's only a villain due to a misunderstanding. In approve given her role in Frontier basically boiled down to a joke about her being uglier than Ranamon.
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Last of the honorable mentions is the entire Jellymon evolution line: Jellymon to TeslaJellymon to Thetismon, to Amphimon. They're pretty recent recent Digimon, having been designed for the most recent anime, Digimon Ghost Game, where she's one of the main characters. She is also easily the biggest little shit in the franchise. I really like the jellyfish meets human design of the line. I also suspect Amphimon wearing a full-body dive suit is a deliberate subversion of the trend of feminine Digimon having sexy designs.
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agumonger · 1 year
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New Digimental commission, for @honeyHeadPhones !!
Digimental of Water
Ancient Version is based on Ranamon!
Modern Version is based on Mermaimon!
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rpking99 · 11 months
Champion: Ranamon
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Ultimate: Calmarimon
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Mega: Ancient Mermaimon
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Ranamon is the Warrior of Water. Basically a low level water god in the Digital World. And she is also an idol. She is a diva, a brat and thinks very highly of herself. Perfect for bullying.
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digitalgate02 · 2 years
FrontierFest [18/20]
Day 18 • What aspect of the series would you like to have been more developed?
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• I’d have liked if they had given those douple spirit evolution to the other four kids. I love DaiPenmon (Kumamon + Blizzarmon) a lot, and I’d have chuckled at Tomoki evolving into it. Big penguin with ice cream weapons. Or see the cool Raihimon (Loweemon + KaiserLeomon) in action ;o;
• Also, wouldn’t have been fun if everyone had their own Hyper Spirit evolution time? In which everyone would have their own chance to fight? Or even, how about they just copy the data of the spirits from the group and then use such copied data to evolve, without having to make the rest of the party unable to evolve & fight? Like, I think Frontier’s the only series in which the unbalanced power to the protag & side B damages the teamwork of the main cast.
• I’d have liked to see which digimon were used to be the evil warriors. We only know they’re digimon because Cherubimon had a beef with humans and humanoid digimon. So I’m pretty sure this implies he used beast-like digimon to spirit evolve them.
• And, to finish this post: I’d have liked to know more about the Ancient Ten Warriors. Maybe more flashbacks about all ten. Maybe them in full design & color. Really, why only Ancient Greymon and Garurumon can appear in a whole movie for a climax battle but not the others? ;o; Ancient Irismon and Sphinxmon have wonderful cool designs... So does Ancient Mermaimon and Wisemon... orz
• [edited note] I totes agree with peeps in the tag about the family background for Izumi and Junpei. I’d have loved to see it as well...
Listen, I love Frontier... And I wish more cool stuff with them all... 😔
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digimonloving · 3 years
Can I’m have ancient mermaimon x male tamer reader headcanons please
AncientMermaimon x Male Tamer reader
AncientMermaimon can be as gentle and calm as the ocean, but she can flip into a rage just as quickly as the seas can change without warning. She usually can keep her cool when you're around, thus leaving any section of ocean she's currently presiding in calm and undisturbed
She truly is gentle, and you don't see how she could possibly have tales of her wiping away continents that had risen above the Net Ocean when she seems so nice. It's only when a Digimon says something that makes her upset for the first time that you realize why -- such aggression and agitation coming forth as the waves crash overhead on the surface until you either calm her down or she calms down herself
She is able to grant you the ability to breathe underwater, as that is her home and she would prefer having you with her at all times. She can go onto land, but she feels far more comfortable in the arms of the sea. It is her domain, and so she doesn't entirely enjoy leaving it. You are allowed to, of course, she wouldn't keep you down with her forever. As a land dwelling being, she can't expect that of you.
AncientMermaimon swims with a grace and a colourful sheen, taking hold of your hand to pull you along with her and maybe play a little as a mermaid-esque creature would. She swims circles around you and all sorts of things. While she plays, the water gently sways with her movements on the surface, creating small waves
She brings you pearls, and anything else she can find that's of value and presents it as a necklace or bracelet -- the sheen of it matching her scales on her lower half. No Digimon will mess with you if they know that you're the boyfriend of the guardian Goddess of the Net Ocean, after all, to incite her wrath would be an idiotic choice
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cocochocoboo · 7 years
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Cosplay: Digimon (Ancient Mermaimon) Cosplayer: RosePetalFever (IG) Photographer: CocoChocoBooo Convention: Katsucon
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WBJ Day 2: Geography
I’ll add a mapt to this once I’m done designing said map, but here’s a guide to the world.
League of Peace
Country of Light
This area―part of the League of Peace―is controlled by the Virus Busters and consists mostly of the Misty Forest, where Digimon not considered to be pure enough—like Tapirmon―live. Holy Angel Castle is home to only the Angel-type Digimon. King Seraphimon and Queen Ophanimon rule over the castle―and the confederacy―alongside their daughter Princess Lucemon, who spends a lot of time in Misty Forest just outside the castle. There are rumors that dark Digimon lerk in the forest, but most cases go uninvestigated and unsolved. Many Digimon pay the rumors no heed because they believe Princess Lucemon would smite any Nightmare Soldiers quickly and effortlessly. To the southwest of Misty Forest is Infinity Mountain. It is heavily patrolled by Virus Busters like Plotmon and Gatomon soldiers lead by Angewoman but is actually home to many Dragon (bottom third) like and Bird (middle third) Digimon and only a few Holy Digimon (top third), like Chirinmon, guardian of the Crest of Courage. Inside Chirinmon’s cave is the train station which leads to High Light Haven.
Country of Fire
Under the control of Dragon’s Roar, this area is where Dragon digimon live, and is part of the League of Peace. The Proxy Islands—to the west of the main continent—are home almost exclusively to Dragon Digimon, although Toucanmon and Muchomon make their home here as well, running resorts that only Dragon Digimon may enjoy. Also on this island is Digimon University, run by Professor Agumon. He leads Digimon up Bit Volcano, most famous as the home of Volcdoramon, whose mood is said to dictate the eruption of the volcano. For this reason, Digimon are often seen throwing offerings into the mouth of the volcano when the land begins to shake. Volcdoramon is the guardian of the Crest of Responsibility. the volcano to present offerings to Volcdoramon. Many Commandramon and Sealsdramon practice landing on the beach as marines, lead by Tankdramon. An enormous sand castle, Firaga Castle, at the base of the volcano houses Emperor Examon and Empress Magnadramon as well as the twins Prince Wingdramon and Princess Groundramon.
Country of Water
This area is home to most of the Saviors of the Deep and is part of the League of Peace. The Net Ocean is teeming with life and coral reefs. An entire castle made of coral is the abode of King Neptunemon, his Mermaimon mistress and Prince Divermon, and is located under Iceblock Road to the north of Ice Sanctuary, a series of small islands. A tundra, Freezeland is the only place in the Digital World where snow and ice may be found. Queen Dianamon rules the area from within the Ice Sanctuary. Also making his home in the Ice Ravine is WereGarurumon, guardian of the Crest of Honesty. Another well-known resident is IceDevimon, who makes his home in Ice Cave at the end of Freeze Ravine. Zudomon leads the Ikkakumon and Gomamon soldiers as they harass Gaia Empire vessels. 
Country of Wind
Also known as Task Canyon, this area is home to many villages of Wind Guardians as is part of the League of Peace. Atop Canyon Peak dwell King Eaglemon and King Varodurumon as well as Prince Garudamon. Known for the sudden bursts of fast winds and numerous rivers flowing through Great Ravine, it is not uncommon to see Digimon leaving for the more highly populated Infinity Mountain. This is partially due to the constant warfare between the Wind Guardians and Nightmare Soldiers. Valkyrimon, guardian of the Crest of Knowledge, makes its home at Valhalla Library on the Task Plateau to the east of the Overdell Cemetery. Garudamon leads the Aquilamon and Hawkmon soldiers in Limit Valley, the small area between Task Plateau and the cemetery.
Gaia Empire
Country of Steel
This area is part of the Gaia Empire and is populated mostly by Metal Kingdom subjects (really slaves), Magnet Mine is said to be the home of Knightmon, the guardian of the Crest of Hope. However, very few Digimon have seen him lately. He has supposedly been relaying orders through Cyberdramon, a Digimon of dubious alliance, for no one is sure if he seems to truly be part of the Metal Kingdom, as his name suggests Dragon’s Roar and his aura suggests Nightmare Soldiers. Regardless, Cyberdramon leads the efforts to excavate Magnet Mine, which digs into the western side of Infinity Mountain. Locomon then transport the precious gems, metals and ores to Process Factory, to the west of Infinity Mountain on the beach. Its citizen work hard and live in Steel City, which is entirely surrounded by the factory like a picture frame. East of the factory is the dump known as Trash Mountain, home to many Raremon, Garbagemon and others. Process Factory is run by Andromon, though their CEO is unknown, though assumed to be Prince Knightmon. East of Trash Mountain is Toy Town. Home to many puppet Digimon like ToyAgumon and Puppetmon, it is the number one vacation spot for workers at Process Factory. Locomon run through it on their way between the mines and the factory. At the center of the town is Checkmate Castle, protected by RookChessmon and BishopChessmon and home of KingChessmon and QueenChessmon. Kindhearted but foolish, KingChessmon is a figurehead controlled by QueenChessmon, who is rumored to meet regularly with Emperor Daemon. 
Country of Darkness
This area is part of the Gaia Empire and is populated by Nightmare Soldiers. To the east of Infinity Mountain and connected to Steel Area by the Locomon tracks that run through the mountain, Overdell Cemetery, often simply called Overdell. Purely a long stretch of tombstones with no writing on them, it is very easy to get lost in the labyrinth of death. MetalPhantomon, guardian of the Crest of Friendship, is located somewhere in this labyrinth, living in an enormous mausoleum. Sometimes called a castle because of its size, cold temperatures and residents, the court of Emperor Daemon and Empress Lilithmon is located at Vampire Mansion, which is at the base of the mountain. The Mark of Evil can be found on many banners within the huge home, and dozens of empty rooms make it a difficult place to navigate without a guide. Littered with dangers, the extremely old home is said to be home to many pranksters and evildoers alike. Cyberdramon and QueenChessmon are frequent visitors, and many of the technologies built in Process Factory and many of the precious gems from Magnet Mine can be found throughout the mansion. Prince Beelzemon is often away. Dracmon and Sangloupmon soliders march all over the Digital World, lead by Matadormon.
Country of Earth
This area is home to the majority of the Nature Spirits and part of the Gaia Empire. To the southwest of Dragon Eye Lake, Chip Forest is home to King Merukimon and Queen SaberLeomon. Although the forest is enormous and many of the trees are somewhat tightly packed, numerous villages house many Digimon. A few Cherrymon populate the area as well. To the southeast of the lake is Pixel Desert, which is sparsely populated. The extremely territorial nature of many of its inhabitants makes it a dangerous place for the few cactus Digimon to survive. Starmon Town and Etemon Castle are the only regularly maintained structures. Where sand turns into hard earth are the Ancient Ruins on the northeast shore of the lake, populated by some monkey-like Digimon. Lynxmon, guardian of the Crest of Kindness, resides in this desert, although no one has ever reported seeing the guardian show kindness to any Digimon. The army of Bearmon and Grizzlymon, lead by WaruMonzaemon, mostly follow Matadormon.
Country of Thunder This area is populated by the Jungle Troopers and is part of the Gaia Empire. Southeast of Infinity Mountain is Tropica Jungle, which is surrounded by a wall of vines. Too hot and humid for most to handle, this jungle is home to many insect Digimon. Queen Rosemon and Queen Lotusmon’s distrust of insect Digimon keeps them locked away inside their castle. Lavish parties and banquets are served. They are the only royalty who rarely visit King Daemon and Queen Lilithmon, largely because of the overpowering flowery odor they emit, not because of their poison, which most Nightmare Soldiers are immune to. There are rumors that Metal Kingdom Digimon have been visiting the Queen and demanding rights to expand lodging to include the jungle in addition to the forest. Amida Forest is home to Kabukimon, the guardian of the Crest of Love, as well as many plant Digimon. Hiding an insect face behind a mask and claiming to be a plant Digimon, the Armor Digimon holds large festivals and performs on stage regularly, sometimes having to fend off Ninjamon and Kougamon assassins, often by pinning the two warring ninja factions against each other. Although the forest was once ruled by insect Digimon, the rivalry between Kabuterimon- and Kuwagamon-line Digimon kept them from uniting their forces against the conquering plant Digimon. The light rule of the plant Digimon, which would rather not associate with the insect Digimon, has also prevented them from uniting. However, there are rumors that some Metal Kingdom Digimon have been reaching out to the metallic insect Digimon in an attempt to incite rebellion. This is largely dismissed as a rumor, however, for the Jungle Troopers are friendly with the Metal Kingdom. Although, no troops have been aiding in the battle against the Virus Busters and allies, so there may be some validity to those rumors.
Neutral Territory
File City
Located to the south of Infinity Mountain, and home to a large portion of the world’s population, the city is a neutral ground where many Digimon—mostly humanoid but not exclusively—live in relative harmony. Although Mame Castle is situated there and many Mamemon-line Digimon reside within, the prince is almost always away visiting his good friend KingEtemon. Although the Digimon there swear allegiance to none of the Families, whether a Digimon is Vaccine, Virus or Data influences where a Digimon may work, live and sometimes even travel. Because the city is surrounded by sturdy walls, the population rarely changes aside from DigiEgg arrivals. Home to many celebrity Digimon like Petermon and Tinkermon, Etemon, Ganemon, Jokermon, Piximon, and others, the city is always full of life. It is ruled by PrinceMamemon in name and BanchoMamemon in practice. A Data-type Digimon, BanchoMamemon is dedicated to keeping Mephistomon and Grademon as well as their followers from destroying the peace of the city. The harmony of the city is constantly in danger from the outside as well, for both the Nightmare Soldiers and the Virus Busters are constantly visiting on “diplomatic missions” to coerce BanchoMamemon to pick a side in the War.
Loop Swamp
Considered neutral ground, the swamp north of the Country of Steel and home almost exclusively to ShogunGekomon’s evolution line. Shogun Castle is located near the ocean. The swamp is claimed by the Saviors of the Deep, but their leadership holds no authority within its borders. However, ShougunGekomon has recently been under pressure to fight again the Metal Kingdom, for some of its waste has been damaging the fragile ecosystem of the swamp.
Quartz Tower
Located near the Ancient Ruins, the tower is home to several Hagurumon and Solarmon in addition to a Clockmon. No one ever enters the tower, and no one has ever been seen to leave it. It is said that if the tower is disturbed or destroyed, time itself will malfunction within the Digital World.
Located north of Chip Forest and south of File City, the DigiColiseum is a decaying structure, a testament to the days before the war. Many Digimon who participated in the battles that took place within moved to File City and most have since become DigiEggs. It is said to have been home to the Royal Knights, a group of powerful Mega-level Digimon who built it after failing to protect the Digital World and being replaced by Yggdrasill with Gaia Origin. Some claim members of the Royal Knights reside in the coliseum currently, though this is said to be a myth due to King Examon’s presence on Proxy Island. Many believe the Royal Knights themselves are a myth and the DigiColiseum was a failed building project of KingEtemon. They argue, “If Royal Knights existed, why didn't they return after the disappearance of Gaia Origin to stop the war?”
The Great Digital Plains
Populated with nearly as much diversity as File City, the Great Digital Plains are located south of Process Factory and northeast of Pixel Desert and are dotted with villages and farms. How its population differs from File City is that The Great Digital Plains have no population of pure Holy or Dark digimon, as it is considered that they cannot coexist and that their types are at fault for the war. Right in the center and avoided by all is Hazard Tunnel, which leads underground. The entrance has the hazard symbol above it, a well-known warning sign in the Digital World. It leads into the Dark Area. Some say Emperor Daemon and Empress Lilithmon emerged from there, although these rumors are denied by said royals.
High Light Haven
A floating island above Infinity Mountain and hidden by the mist, it is home to both the Village of Beginnings and Yggdrasill’s Temple. The Village of Beginnings is run by Jijimon and Babamon, who care for the DigiEggs sent there by Anubismon from deep within the Dark Area. The elderly couple has few helpers aside from Swanmon and Digimon who hatched too quickly and are weak. Yggdrasill’s Temple was frequented before the war began but is now largely abandoned. The temple is guarded by several Airdramon and a Goldramon, who insists Cherubimon communicates that Shakamon communicates Yggdrasill’s orders to it. According to Goldramon, it was once the duty of Seraphimon, Ophanimon and Cherubimon to protect Yggdrasill, but two have fallen from grace as King Daemon and Queen Lilithmon. Cherubimon, however, has been said to admit that the original protectors of Yggdrasill were King Seraphimon and Queen Ophanimon of the Virus Busters, and that because of their abandonment, Yggdrasill left for the Kernel and left Shakamon in charge.
Dark Area
Circling around the Kernel like a donut, the Dark Area―not to be confused witht the Country of Darkness―is colder than even Freezeland and extremely harsh. Immediately after emerging from Hazard Tunnel, the Evil Forest, a forest of black and leafless trees greets visitors―which are nonexistent, for all know that only Digimon cursed with the Mark of Evil by Anubismon reside in the Dark Area, and there is no way out. Most Digimon inhabit the forest near Hazard Tunnel, for even greater dangers await deeper within. Where the forest ends and the pitch black sand begins sits GranDracmon’s Castle. He and his evolution line reside inside the castle, which is the only place not controlled by the Demon Lords or even Anubismon. The Dark Ocean stretches into infinity, though some say it leads to the Human World, and some Digimon above in the Digital World have claimed to see it in times of personal strife. Using a boat, one could travel to the island not too far into the Dark Ocean, where the Demon Lord Temple was built. Above that floats Anubismon's Pyramid, which has no visible entrance whatsoever and is said to house the Kernel. Within, Anubismon judges dead Digimon with a balance on top of Pharaohmon’s sarcophagus, and decides which will return to the Village of Beginnings as DigiEggs and which will remain in the Dark Area forever. Mummymon and Cerberumon surround the pyramid as if protecting some kind of entrance. Kernel
Very little is known about the Kernel aside from its reputation as the center of the Dark Area and indeed the Digital World. Because it is inside of Anubismon’s Pyramid, there is no way to explore it. Still, it is said that a powerful Digimon—as powerful as Yggdrasill himself—a being of pure darkness resides inside. Others say that when the war began, Yggdrasill left the temple on High Light Haven to inhabit the Kernel and left Shakamon in charge of the Digital World. A Prophecy does state that if that were to ever happen, Shakamon would call upon humans to restore order in the Digital World and retrieve Yggdrasill. Others say four Great Beasts inhabit it in an immortal and indivisible Jogress. This being is believed to be both good and evil because such a powerful being must be beyond the scope of morality. Others assure it must be evil because being inside the Dark Area must have some kind of effect on it. Many wonder if, far from the surface and especially from Yggdrasill in the heavens, it is even possible that a Digimon could know goodness.
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Think you can do lines with Ancient Megatheriumon and Mermaimon
1st question: I assume the Ancient also refers to Mermaimon, and you don’t just mean regular Mermaimon?
2nd question: Do you want Baby->Ultimate lines, or lines that focus on the human and beast spirits?
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lopmonappreciation · 2 years
Madoka magica Digimon au : Sayaka and Mermaimon
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Fresh :
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In training: bukamon
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Rookie : syakomon
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Champion: Tylomon
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Ultimate: Mermaimon
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Ultimate: anceint mermaimon
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sailoreverything · 11 years
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Sailor Ancient Mermaimon
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