#anakin CHOOSES to return to the light bc of luke. it was always him and this was always about his choices.
r-2-peepoo · 6 months
Coriolanus Snow and Anakin Skywalker are perfect examples of really interesting characters who had every chance to do the right thing but repeatedly chose wrong even though they were surrounded by good people, all because they had one person whispering in their ear and convincing them to be selfish and to hurt people instead. There is no point where they have to do what they do, it’s their choices that make them compelling.
They’re also both incredibly controlling over the women they claim to love but are quick to try and physically harm them when they realise that they’re actually human beings who will not blindly follow them. It’s very clear they were possessive, not actually in love. To sincerely love is to respect someone’s agency and neither of them were capable of that.
Another trait they both share is that, despite being layered and well written but fundamentally flawed characters who turn to evil by their own free will, if you cast an attractive actor to play them, there are always going to be people who blindly ignore the entire plot just to defend them and justify their actions. Being a victim of abuse or oppression does not excuse you from being a perpetrator.
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orionangeline · 3 years
Ok that's it I'm fixing star wars: fix it HCs underneath
It's basically just my Shinobi retirement farm post but in space but idc
Most of ep 2 happens but Anakin doesn't kill Dooku
Since Dooku gets a fair trial the Jedi order realizes he kinda has a point about Yoda needing to retire
Yoda becomes the Jedi version of crazy grandpa like he should
Anakin still has Dooku's lightsaber after taking it from him in the fight and he dual wields it and his normal blue saber, signifying the balance in the force he is to bring about
Dooku obviously rats out Palpatine in exchange for a nicer jail
Anakin never turns so wholly to the dark side and instead makes the selection process for becoming a Jedi more stringent and also starts a policy of being brutally truthful of what a young Jedi might expect from the order, causing applications to plummet
He does it so less children will go through the emotional struggles he had to bc he was not a great fit for the order as it had been
He's definitely working on reforms with Obi-wan also though
Anakin and Padme realize that they are very different people from very different backgrounds and even though they love each other they divorce
Luke and Leia were already born by then but the whole family is still very tight knit, Anakin loves his kids soooo much it's cute
Obi-wan also loves them
Anakin and Obi-wan go on crazy adventures and are sarcastic Jedi Bros together
R2d2 as a crazy uncle who should probably not have been allowed to babysit but it worked out we Stan
The whole Jedi order captures Palpatine and "somehow" "in the commotion" he dies (tbh it was probably r2d2)
The clones are recognized as people and some retire to be, idk star wars farmers, and they all have their chips removed and fight freely for whatever cause they choose
Fast forward until Luke is training to be a Jedi
Leia keeps kicking his ass in training she's crazy it's hilarious but Luke now struggles with his pride
He almost goes to the dark side and runs away and meets a crazy smuggler team and tags along with them for a while
Han and Chewie are glad to have such a useful and mechanically inclined passenger (and Chewie thinks he's good luck) so when Padme has put out a reward for his return they don't turn him in
Luke realizes that he doesn't have to be either dark or light or a Jedi or politician at all he can just be a dude (an option he hadn't previously considered bc he grew up surrounded by Jedi and political powerhouses)
Eventually Luke has Han and Chewie take him home to have a serious discussion with his family about his wanting to be a pilot and just a pilot. A race pilot actually
Han and Leia of course hate each other at first sight but eventually warm up to each other. Eventually
Anakin has flashbacks to every time he's nearly crashed as he flew something and Padme has flashbacks to every time he DID crash
Ghost Qui Gon who just hangs out sometimes to tease Obi-wan has to step in and convince everyone to chill out bc there's like three separate arguments going on not including whatever Chewie's talking about and he doesn't have enough space ghost popcorn
Luke and Han become rival best friend racers and have so many near miss crashes Padme goes grey (serves her right considering her and Anakin made Obi-wan go grey forever ago)
Some time after Ben is born they all go on family vacation/paying Han's debts and meet Rey and they kidnap adopt her (She's secretly Han's favorite Skywalker) (bc Ben is a Solo so it's not a conflict of interest)
Also idk how but bb8 and d-0 are there too
Finn and Poe are also there and are not five feet apart. They race Rey a lot after she takes over for Luke. Ben is her manager and Han refuses to retire and also will not be forgetting this betrayal Ben
Yes Ahsoka is their favorite aunt always
Grogu still gets picked up by Din
Din and co (ex bounty hunter nanny bot included) get hired for race security/bodyguards for the drivers when bounties are slim
Yeah there have been a few attempts at race fixing but it usually ends up alright
Tbh Anakin is still the best driver but after having freaked out about Luke driving his pride keeps him from doing it semi professionally as a side gig
Jedi business has been slow ok and he's a Lil old now so he keeps getting assigned the easy stuff and he hates it
Sometimes he races under a pseudonym just for a lil rush
Everyone knows it's him but they don't mention it
Speaking of mentioning, did I say that they all live in one large compound? Bc they do and it's funny af
Which one of you brats ate Han's old man cereal this time?! (It was Luke)
Chewie did not expect to have so many human pets but they're pretty cute and funny so he's happy
Ngl Chewie is probably the only one who really knows what self care is and actually urges anyone else to do so
Like yeah Padme knows how to take care of herself but anyone with Skywalker or Solo lineage has no chill and no self preservation instincts. Han says he does but he is wrong
One winter they went on like a ski trip to hoth and got stuck for months. To pass the time Chewie taught everyone how to knit and also chess. Somewhere they have a knitted/crocheted chess set as a result. They all almost went even more crazy
Rey is no longer allowed to cook after she gave everyone including the robots somehow food poisoning with a birthday cake she tried to make
Ben can cook but only sad bachelor meals and very plain stuff
Luke has a short attention span so mostly if he says he "cooked" he actually microwaved it
Han can cook really well but only like three Fancy things he learned to seduce people
They rely on Obi-wan to cook but he can only make variations of oatmeal or soup
Can any of them cook?!? No. They have to hire a chef with Padme and Leia's girlboss earnings
The chef is jar jar binks
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magic-owl · 5 years
i wish these had numbers to not take up room but alas: what is your absolute favorite ship? what’s a ship you like that most people don’t? what is the most underrated ship, in your opinion? (choose any of your fave pairings for the following bc I'm curious about all your faves) rate [pairing] from 1-10 and explain why. what’s your favorite headcanon of [pairing]? what’s your favorite canon moment of [pairing]? favorite AU ideas for [pairing]? what song(s) remind you of [pairing]?
Thank you my dear! You are my Star Wars Friend so I’ll keep it SW focused (if you wanted to ask this to solely find out what else I liked BESIDES SW sorry lol just let me know and I can redo it). This got long because turns out I have a lot to say about my ships so answers under the cut!!! xD
Absolute favorite ship: This one’s kinda hard but I’m gonna have to go with Obi Wan/Anakin! I also like them a lot as a trio with Padmé, but overall I gotta say these two are just my faves? Why? Because they are such a M E S S and gosh I just love them so much. Ppl say they don’t like each other very much but come on, have you watched the TCW, have you watched RotS, they’re the greatest team there ever was, they’re constantly fretting and worrying about each other, they’re always teasing (the constant banter omg boys pls) at each other and hyping the other up and believing in each other and Ahsoka literally calls them her adoptive guardians in the Ahsoka novel, that’s how much of a family they were and ugh they’re just so married. And they’re such a TRAGEDY and it breaks my heart and it’s delicious to watch because in the final fight it’s just heartbreaking betrayal because through it all they love each other so much and that’s WHY they’re so furious with each other because to them it feels like the ultimate betrayal. Even after (when after everything, Obi Wan still loved Anakin too much to kill him himself) they’re constantly on the other’s mind, and ugh the pain hurts but in such a good way, and how in the end Anakin did the right thing and Obi Wan was RIGHT THERE to help guide him back to the light in spirit and now they can rest happily together for eternity (with some spare stressing about, ya know, Kylo Ren and the impending return of Sidious, but never mind all that). and on top of that, it’s my fave because I also absolutely love their relationship platonically as well, as much as I LIKE to see them together, it’s not necessary for me because they have such an enjoyable dynamic. *coughs* Sorry, so yea, they’re my disaster faves! 😅
A ship I like that most people don’t: See above lol. I get aspects of the Obikin ship can be problematic in the whole power dynamic and age difference thing, but I’ve only ever shipped it after Anakin was knighted as an adult when there’s literally not a problem with it (it was weird for me because I watched the prequels totally out of order. I actually saw the TCW cartoon FIRST and then I saw RotS and then I didn’t watch the first two for a while after that because I was a fool and listened to prequel bashers who said the first two weren’t good, so when I started shipping them as adults that was all I saw them as). To be honest, for the most part the PT fandom is done with the drama since ya know, like a good half of the SW general fandom still hates us, so no one’s really vocal about not liking it and our shipping community is mostly left to ourselves, but every once in a while I’ll come across a joke post/fanart of the two and OP will be all snarky in the notes like “tag as a ship and I’ll come after you with my spiked bat” (someone’s exact words btw) and it’s like ok jeez, do not interact then, was minding my own business dude...
My most underrated ship: Hmmmm....... Gonna have to go between Luke/Ezra and Satine/Padmé. Skybridger I understand since they’ve literally never met in canon, but come ON, they’d get along like a house on fire and argh they should have met, it would be great. I honestly don’t get why Pads and Satine aren’t more of a thing (THEY DON’T EVEN HAVE AN OFFICIAL SHIPNAME ;_; ) cuz c’mon they’re the subtler explosive yin to Obi and Ani’s wildfire yang. They get along great and work together really well, and they both seem to have a type. I am doing them a little better in my new OT4 fic, and I hope ppl like it!!! Ya know what, I’m also gonna add Kaeden (cute girl from the Ahsoka novel!) and Ahsoka because even if a lot of ppl actually ship them, they hardly have any content and neED MORE DANGIT THEY WERE SO CUTE!!!!!!!
Gonna go with Obikin for all the following ones cuz I haven’t had the chance to gush about my boys in a while and you’ve opened Pandora’s box
Rate them from 1-10: 10, plus a hundred more points because I love them, then subtract that hundred again cuz Anakin is an gotdang idiot who ruined it and now they both make me cry. My scoring reasons are that they make me feel all the emotions and I love them Ever So Much and argh.
Fave headcanon: Oh boy, I’ve got a couple actually!
Whenever they’re talking/arguing over the phone, they’re always subconsciously mirroring each other’s actions even when they can’t see what the other is doing. It’s kinda creepy because you’ll hear yelling and it’ll look like one of them’s talking to an invisible person in front of them when it’s actually each other.
There has been multiple instances of them both getting injured in battle because they were distracted watching the other be a total badass (not that either will admit it)
Neither of them are morning people. AT ALL. Obi Wan actually has self-discipline and is able to get up with an alarm and crankily drag them both up, but both are almost impossible to deal with until they’ve had caffeine in them, and it’s been established that unless you want to risk murder, neither of them talks in the morning until caffeine has been provided.
There has been many, many cases of accidentally taking the other’s robe and not realizing it but thinking to themselves that said robe feels more comforting than usual today.
A mutually drunken arm wrestling match absolutely turned into a mutually drunken makeout once. Neither can remember it, and they wonder why some of the clones have been acting funny all week.
Half of the Temple thinks they’re already dating.
Ok I’ll stop it here
Fave Canon Moment: Ughhh, this is HARD. I really like the “any closer and you’d be kissing it” line in TCW, basically any moment in TCW when one of them refers to Ahsoka as “OUR padawan”, the extra long stares and unnecessary touches they give each other in TCW, the elevator scene in RotS movie (THE NOVEL MAKES IT A MILLION TIMES BETTER), also in RotS the way Anakin is half-ready to straight up fight Palpatine when he suggests leaving Obi Wan behind to die, the RotS “No loose wire jokes” bit, the RotS “Roger. Roger.” bit (OKAY JUST THE WHOLE FIRST HALF OF THIS RIDICULOUS MOVIE), the way Vader built his big stupid castle where they had their breakup, the way he’s constantly mentioning Obi Wan when the convo wasn’t even about him, seeing them together again at the end of RotJ (whoops you asked for one, you get MANY SCENES)
Fave AU ideas: Again, there’s a couple!
Superpower AU: Can’t decide whether I’d put this in canon or modern. Most powers in this AU are stolen from inspired by X-Men, DC, and other popular media, so I’m torn between Anakin having Jean Grey/Dark Phoenix style powers while Obi Wan had a variation on Rogue’s with additional energy manipulation. OR it would be a thing where Anakin could commune with the dead a la Klaus from Umbrella Academy while Obes had sort of Avatar-style wind/flight powers. (Both are relevant for different plots).
Sith AU: I know these are far from unpopular in the SW fandom, but the way I’d do it would be to try and write two stories at once, update one every other week so one update a week total. The stories would what would happen if either of them became the Sith Apprentice after the events of Episode 1, and how their dynamic would be during Ep 2 and The Clone Wars with one of them on the other side. It’s funny because the way I’ve plotted it, the Sith!Ani fic would have very big Good Omens vibes, while the Sith!Obi one would have very strong Under the Red Hood vibes, so two VERY different dynamics going on xD
WWII Spies: This is one I 100% plan to write someday, even tho it is a very long time from now. It’s basically following Anakin as an American naval pilot who got injured in a crash and discharged. He still wants to serve and eventually his talent gets him into the intelligence end of the war and sent to Europe where he meets Ben, who’s been working with British intelligence since it broke out, and sparks fly. I’m kind of cheating here cuz as of now this is an Obianidala story, not just Obikin, but it’s one I’m very excited for
Phantom of the Opera AU: This idea I had when I realized that Anakin as Vader is kinda a Lot like the Phantom, but he’s also a Lot like Christine too. So it turned into Anakin as a talented ballet dancer getting preyed on by Palpatine!Phantom (there is NO romance there, Palpy is a total creep and will be treated as such) with Obi Wan as a combination of Raoul and Madame Gery and I have a bunch of ideas and idk if it’s gonna be an actual thing, but I want it to.
Shapeshifter AU: Canon, not very complicated but they can all shift into animals. Obi Wan is a kind of cougar panther cat with a fluffy ginger tail, and Anakin is a big grumpy black Krayt Dragon with a stump for a front leg.
Not A Jedi!AU: One in canon in which set like the Sith!AU, two different stories exploring how their dynamic would be if one of them wasn’t found by the Order. As of now, I’ve got Anakin as the warrior pirate prince of Tatooine, after having grown up and staged a slave rebellion, then promptly put his mother on the throne, and Obi Wan’s there to negotiate something during TCW and things happen. For the Obi Wan one, he’s a political journalist and war correspondent who keeps on running into Anakin’s assignments and popping up where he’s stationed and Anakin has to keep this idiot from getting himself killed/stop asking me annoying questions that criticize the Jedi and the government.
Dark!AU: A kind of morbid canon divergent fic where Padmé dies early and unexpectedly (Palps didn’t plan it). Anakin goes off the rails and Obi Wan agrees to go with him on a murder vengeance roadtrip to try and keep him from Falling or the Sith from getting to him. He kinda fails and they both Fall in a way and it ends with them hunting down Sidious’ players one by one. I’m not entirely sure I want to continue with this tho because it plays strongly on the Fridged Woman trope, which I can’t stand. I’d have to figure out how to give Padmé some sort of active role after her death...
Songs to describe them: There’s a couple (I could have very well gone cranky but I decided to do (mostly) serious))(also my music taste kinda stinks)
Icarus— Bastille
Animal I Have Become— Acoustic cover by Vitamin String Quartet (original by Three Days Grace) (seriously y’all listen it’s sooooo gooooood)
Warriors— Imagine Dragons
My Demons— STARSET
Ignorance— Paramore
Set Fire to the Rain— Adele
Stubborn Love— The Lumineers
How to Save A Life— The Fray (yes i am aware it is stereotypical angst song leave me Alone it FITS)
Viva la Vida— Coldplay (tbh this fits like the entire PT but I liked it)
Raised by Wolves— U2 (another more PT-centric, but this one works dangit)
Bonus Broadway Song! : Confrontation from Les Miserables (now that ya think of it, that would be a pretty good AU too.....)
Bonus Broadway Song! : The Tango Maureen from Rent (I always imagined this one as Obi Wan and Padmé about Anakin, but it would be about something other than cheating cuz canon has established Anakin views cheating as a worse crime than murder, so yea)
Bonus Broadway Song! : Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better (aight this one’s mostly a joke but come ON don’t tell me that’s not completely them xD)
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oadara · 6 years
I am totally conviced that Reylo is going to be canon. But I think is going to be bitter sweet. They play all over again Padme and Anakin, but it would be really boring and unsatisfactory for Reylo to have same fate aka dying. I think their ending is going to be some sort of starcrossed lovers mainly bc of Kylo' sins.
Hey anon,
I’ve been debating how much Reylo to post about on my blog because from what I’ve seen, it’s an extremely contentious thing in the SW fandom. But, I can’t help myself. 
My answer turned out to be ridiculously long because I needed to work things out in my head. I’m sorry, you don’t have to read it all. Long ass answer after the jump.
I didn’t pick up on the Reylo vibes after TFA, however, after the trailer for TLJ, I totally got the vibes. I thought, they telegraphed it pretty clearly and after watching the movie it’s clear this connection between them is an important aspect of the story.
Before addressing your question, I do want to note that my knowledge of the franchise is very limited and although I’ve been reading more about it, I still need to study.
Okay, now onto your question/comment. From what I understand of Star Wars, it’s story structure is geared towards a Fairy Tale/Opera in Space side of the spectrum and its characters follow very standard archetypes. At least until this past film, where I think the writer/director was trying to deconstruct the archetypes the series had followed in the past.
When we are introduced to Kylo Ren we are lead to believe he’s our standard villain, his grandfather’s grandson, if you will. However, even in the first film of this trilogy, there is some complexity to this particular villain, he’s not mustache twirling, there is some inner conflict going on. There is doubt in him, although, he continues to push through it in his pursuit to emulate his grandfather.
By the second film, we see that his struggle is more complex and that there might still be a path to redemption for him. However, as you note he has committed unspeakable atrocities, including patricide. I do think that to an extent Ben Solo was brainwashed by Snoke, especially if Snoke began his brainwashing while Ben was still a boy. But, Ben clearly knows the difference between right and wrong, he’s not oblivious to it, so there is a personal responsibility he needs to own up to and a recognition of the magnitude of his actions.
So, the first question is, can Kylo/Ben be redeemed? I think the answer is yes. There is still enough left of Ben Solo for a redemption to take place. Now, the second question and more important question is, have his actions been so egregious that he’s not “eligible” for a “happy ending”? And this is where the crux of the problem is for a Rely ending because if we’re being honest the answer to this question is probably also yes.
Having said that, it doesn’t mean that he automatically has to die in order to complete his redemption arc, because that would be repetitive and because his villainy is not at the same level as that of his grandfather. Up until halfway through TLJ he served Snoke, so he was following someone else’s orders. But again, he has enough autonomy that he is culpable for a lot of his actions.
I think that Kylo/Ben’s actions from the time Snoke dies until probably halfway through the next film will tell us what his punishment will be and what course his redemption arc will take. His actions are now wholly his own, the emotional and mental abuse Snoke and his family perpetuated on him aside, he’s now the master of his actions for better or worse. So, if he acts straight up villainously throughout the next film before seeing the light, he’ll have a sad and tragic redemption. Whatever that entails. On the other hand, if he becomes grayer (which he isn’t at this point) after the events of TLJ and until his redemption, his end will still be sad but less tragic. Perhaps some type of penance or purgatory, some halfway point.  
As for the chances of Rey and Ben being together at the end of the trilogy, is difficult to say. Based on what I noted above, it’s hard to see them get a “happily-ever-after” sort of ending. I think that’s unrealistic. But, and there is always a but, the outcome of their relationship will depend on Rey’s actions as much as Kylo/Ben’s.
What do I mean by Rey’s actions? Let’s use a real-world example here. If we look at any war throughout our history, even when the winner was on the right side, their actions in order to win the war are not always “good”. I use the word good in the sense of being judged by a moral standard. When at war many things that would be considered wrong, are excused, all’s fair in love and war, type thing. Even when a war might be considered just what it takes to win that war might not be considered moral or good under any other circumstance.
War creates this grey area in our society. If we look at Kylo/Ben he’s not in that grey area, yet. His actions have benefited no one but those in power and those who want power. If we look at Rey she isn’t in that grey area either, up to this point she’s been working for the betterment of others.  But, if Kylo/Ben is making his way to the grey area if he chooses the light and to help the greater good, can an act of desperation in order to defeat a brutal enemy bring Rey to the grey area as well? Not because she’s tempted by darkness but in order to end a darkness she might be forced to commit an act that would not be considered moral outside of war.  This, of course, wouldn’t make her bad, most would consider her a hero, but she might not feel like she’s quite good anymore.  I’m thinking in the vein of Joseph Oppenheimer.
When Rey and Kylo/Ben touched and had their visions, I think Rey’s vision came true but I think Kylo/Ben’s has yet to come true. He misinterpreted when it would happen, he thought Rey would choose his side after he killed Snoke, but I think it’ll happen at the climax of the next movie. When Rey sees that he has been redeemed but others will not believe it because of his past sins.
So perhaps they could end up together meeting halfway in that grey area. After all, I don’t think that we are supposed to look at Rey in the same vein of the archetypical hero that Luke was. I think her hero’s journey has been complicated and effectively changed by her force bond with Ben.
In Star Wars the dichotomy of good and evil has been well defined throughout the franchise. But as I said earlier, I think TLJ tried to deconstruct the idea that people are either straight up good or straight up evil (at least when it comes to our heroes and villains). A big hint of this is the scene between Finn and DJ. In the scene, DJ shows Finn the records kept by the owner of the ship he stole. The owner was an arms dealer and he sold ships to both the FO and the Rebels. The rebels being the good guys probably wouldn’t buy ships from arms dealers during normal circumstances, however, desperate times call for desperate measures. (There is also the additional layer of war profiteering as another villain to peace, but that’s a story for another day.)
So, if this scene was meant to foreshadow more than just a brief commentary, I can see a scenario where at the end of this trilogy we won’t see the jubilant celebration of Return of the Jedi but a more nuanced look at the cost of war. The toll it takes on those who fight a war even when you are on the right side of history.  
However, having said that I think an ending where Ben and Rey meet in the grey area might be a little too dark for Disney. Usually, they want their heroes to be happy and get their just reward in the end. So yeah, their ending will probably be more of star-crossed lovers ending. 
Again, sorry this turned out to be so ridiculously long.
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