#an introverted Law hanging out with fellow introvert  Zoro with so many noisy extroverted people around
cienie-isengardu · 4 years
The development of Law’s relationship with Zoro - Part 5: Zou, The Kindred Spirits (The Last Moments Before War)
<<Part I: Before Meeting>> <<Part II: Sabaody Archipelago, The First Meeting>> <<Part III: Punk Hazard: The Alliance (A)__(B)>>  <<Part IV: Dressrosa, The Breaking Point (The Plan Failed)__ (Saving Law)__(Protecting Law)__ (Birdcage, Pica and Doflamingo)__ (Aftermath)>> <<Part V: Zou, The Kindred Spirits (Traveling Together)__(Searching for Nakama)__ (Reunion)__ (Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance)__(The Last Moments before War)>>
After Jack’s attack, Zonesha required medical attention (chapter 822). Anime extended that by showing how various members of the alliance worked together to help the injured elephant and even included a scene between Zoro (who again was lost) and Law asking him about his awful sense of direction.
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This scene is funny on many levels, because:
anime didn’t show Law to be involved in any task like making bandages or preparing medicine or, like Zoro, cutting the wood 
which means either he wandered and just saw Zoro or went after him on purpose
the “you walked on your own, Zoro-ya” implies he was aware Zoro at some point disappeared which supports possibility Law searched him on his own
and thought Zoro’s sense of direction was ridiculously terrible which clearly made Pirate Hunter embarrassed. 
At least we know Law paid attention to Zoro in the Dressrosa arc, when he twice got lost on different occasions.
Then the whole interaction was related to Law invading Zoro’s personal space. Either it was his “revenge” for victory party on Dressrosa or he simply felt that comfortable around the other man. Whatever Law’s reason was, once Carrot and Luffy showed up out of nowhere, Law stepped back. Not too far away, but the distance between him and Pirate Hunter was more casual.
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Luffy and Carrot made fun of “stray swordsman”. Zoro retorted he will simply carry the wood into the right place and did not take kindly to Law’s comment about waste of time and that he may be lost again. Whatever Zoro wanted to say, Trafalgar without warning used shambles to send the other man into the right place. With wood. That fell from the sky with Zoro and almost killed some poor Minks. Zoro called Law “that bastard” but overall it didn’t change anything between them.
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That makes episode 775 one of the most direct interactions between these two Supernovas. Involving violating personal space, commenting on someone's flaw and a bit of arguing.
Once the Zunesha’s wound was dressed, the alliance split in four groups:
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The rescue mission for Sanji was carried by Luffy, Nami, Chopper and Brook, Pekom and Pedro. Heart Pirates (represented by Law) and remaining Straw Hats (represented by Zoro) were going to Wano as Kinemon’s group. 
While saying goodbye to Luffy’s team, Law and Zoro stayed far away from each other but close to their respective crewmembers. Then Luffy grabbed his people and simply jumped into an abyss, shocking and/or scaring his companions, samurais, minks and Law alike (chapter 822).
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Law definitely still wasn’t used to such a way of transport. And maybe seeing Luffy doing it again brought the not so happy memories of a similar jump on Dressrosa. In contrast Zor’s group was pretty much relaxed watching their companions fall down from such height.
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And so, the Zou arc ended.
Luffy’s group headed to Big Mom’s territory while Zoro’s group with samurais and Heart pirates will soon travel to Wano cramped in Law’s submarine.
Zou arc is set up for the upcoming fight against Kaido and Big Mom. One one hand, chapters 803 - 822 provided details and pieces of history needed for better understanding of the alliance situation and what will wait for them in future. On another, there were a few days of needed rest for characters during which the similarity between Law and Zoro could be seen. Both have marks of “dark characters” with specific sense of humor and/or logic. Both are cool-headed and while analyzing their situations often emotionless, if not to say clinical or even heartless. In dangerous situations they aren’t prone to panic or showing worries. Both have low tolerance for idiots (unless said idiots were their crewmembers). Both are introverted, quiet people who don’t talk much but observe their surroundings. Often keep some tangible distance from the large group and seem to like their own personal space. At the same time, through the arc Law could be seen in close range to Zoro - sometimes with little to no personal space between them. They may not talk much about personal matters and don’t hang like Luffy and Usopp do, but they definitely feel comfortable enough to stick so often close to each other and share observations. 
Zoro, as one of the quietest Straw Hats and less prone to being emotional (like crying after dying painted dragon) was still the safest person to stay around for Law. They understood each other without need of many words, had similar reactions to danger or shocking news and people saying idiotic things (Bartolomeo and Luffy) while not showing their own emotions - even when ninja picked their interest immediately. Which is why Zou arc was titled by me as “The Kindred Spirits” because finally manga presented their interactions in more detailed way and it is hard to miss how often those two decided to stay around the other, even if there wasn’t anything to talk about.
If I have to sum up the Zou arc in relation to the development of Law’s relationship with Zoro in one sentence, I think “Law hanging out with a fellow introvert when there are so many noisy extroverted people around” would do the work.
Here comes additional thoughts and details worth to consider:
↪ In theory, as non captain, Zoro is below Luffy and Law. Straw Hat and Surgeon of the Death are de facto leaders of alliance. But once Luffy went his way, Zoro led Straw Hat group (similar like Sanji led the separated part of crew to Zou). During that time, he and Law were on equal footing in the sense of leadership skills. Interestingly, the narrator called their group as “team Zoro”, totally ignoring Law’s status as captain or potential leader. Later on, when alliance split in four groups, the graphic illustrating the division showed Trafalgar and Zoro as equal leaders representing their respective crews while both were put into Kinemon’s team.
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↪ Thinking more about “team Zoro”, there is a possibility that Law temporary accepted Zoro’s leadership:
- it is clear he hates when people order him around (what was seen on Sabaody Archipelago with Eustass Kid) and Luffy, every time Straw Hats makes a decision ignoring Law’s opinion or outright ignoring him.
- Nami mentioned in Dressrosa Law was a lot like Luffy - giving orders to others without caring what they think. At the same time on Zou he did not boss anyone from Straw Hats. All major matters (not waiting for samurais and finding Bepo) were decided by Zoro. Everyone was allowed to express their concerns - what Robin and Usopp did - but once Roronoa made the final decision, no one questioned his judgment of the situation. Not even Law who, as captain himself, should be on equal ground. 
- Law said “we should head straight for [Bepo] if we want accurate intel” which sounded like a suggestion of best action instead of giving order. This adds to the impression Law was truly compliant through their journey into the unknown place.
- Considering that Zoro did not try to order Law around (like Kid) and listened to his observations and suggestions (unlike Luffy sometimes), there wasn’t any reason for conflict or power struggles between those two Supernovas. Trafalgar was treated well by Zoro and the group who asked about his opinion and respected him in the general sense of the word. 
↪ There is also the matter of Carrot’s attack. Zoro took on himself to fight the unknown enemy and Law did not protest. 
- Once again, Sabaody Archipelago showed Law did not take kindly to insinuation he needed protection of others when Kid insisted on fighting marines alone. 
- During Dressrosa, he didn’t fight unless he had to; to save as much energy as possible in case of a facing Doflamingo. We learned then that though Ope Ope no Mi was a powerful devil fruit, using its powers consumed a lot of energy. 
- It is hard to judge how much time Law needed to fully renew his strength but after three days of rest on Dressrosa and one week of journey, from the group that arrived to Zou, Law seemed to still be recovering from injuries. What the bandages on his arm implies. Not even Luffy or Usopp had any visible injury signs after so much time. 
- In all fairness, Zoro was the only one person in the group who wasn’t really damaged during the previous battle. The fight with Doflamingo left Luffy sleeping for three days after, Law and Usopp were mercilessly beaten down at some point, Franky had a manly fight against Senor Pink that left him injured and exhausted, Robin was hurt while protecting Rebecca from Diamente’s attack.
- Now, considering that Law could be not fully healed - and if that was true, Law and Zoro should be very aware of such a problem - letting Roronoa to deal personally with the danger makes sense. On one hand Zoro is always first to fight an enemy, because he likes fighting. On another, protecting others is his natural reflex. But in contrast to Kid, Zoro doesn’t make a big deal of that; he doesn’t ask for gratitude nor make fun of those who rely on him for being weak. The same as in Dressrosa, Law’s inability to fight at full capability was acknowledged but didn’t treat as personal weakness. Zoro simply protected the group because it is what he always does - put himself between danger and other people.
- Which could explain why Law didn’t protest and let the other Supernova deal with the enemy instead of proving his battle superiority or something like that. Law allowed himself to be protected - maybe because of injuries or because of trust in Zoro. Maybe for both of those reasons.
↪ During the joint trip to meet Raizo, Law always stayed at the end of the group, just after Zoro. Anime made it especially look like Trafalgar kept quite a large space between himself and Pirate Hunter, even though for most of time he didn’t mind staying close to the man. This actually made me think about author’s notes included in volume 76:
“This famous Japanese saying that can be taken as even sexist. "A wife must always walk three steps behind her husband."
This saying comes from ancient Japanese samurai culture. Let's say we were one of those samurai who constantly carried around those dangerous Japanese swords, not knowing when we'd need to pull them out and fight- if that were the case, would we really make our loved ones walk right next to us? Those "3 steps" are equivalent to the distance we must make to keep our ladies safe!! If you're a man, say this. "Take 3 steps back and follow me!!!" Take 3 steps back from volume 79, and this is "Volume 76"!!” [translation according to one piece wiki]
Putting aside the context of wife, the “safe distance” from someone who is carrying katanas actually could explain the change in range between Zoro and Law. When the group went to and came back from the hidden place, everyone was walking in line, one person after another. Since Law was a swordsman himself, he may follow some unspoken safety rules, like not going too close to armed swordmaster. Also, maybe he prefered to keep a distance between Zoro’s cursed sword and his own? The cursed blades like to cause problems and some, like Kitetsu, are bloodthirsty. So in general, the distance kept then most likely was less about liking or disliking each other and maybe about some rules of safety understandable to swordsmen?
↪ This seems to be more anime-thing, but Law addressed Roronoa as Zoro-ya. In the previous arc, most male Straw Hat pirates get their own nicknames (nose-ya for Usopp, Black Leg-ya for Sanji, Straw Hat-ya for Luffy). Law is on a first-name basis with Zoro. On the other hand, Roronoa used Luffy’s nickname Traffy..
↪ The interest in ninja is another thing they have in common albeit for different reasons. Law was mainly interested in clone jutsu which fits his medical skills - he can manipulate someone’s body while a ninja may multiply himself. Zoro’s interest was focused mainly on weapons and ninja’s endurance to pain/injury, because of course he wanted to see how strong the shinobi was.
↪ Law seems to not be a fan of partying, at least not in a big and noisy group. I’m not sure if we ever saw him actually drinking alcohol (don’t remember that personally) and who knows, he may not be fond of that too. This time Zoro didn’t drink with Law, so either he respected Trafalgar’s wish to be left alone or simply knew that Law was surrounded by his own crew, thus didn’t need his company. Last time, Law was a lonely Heart pirate between Straw Hats and the new Straw Hat Grand Fleet, now his own crew for sure wanted to spend some time with a long no see captain.
That is all for now for Zou arc. The alliance had a chance to relax and rest a bit before facing Kaido. With the help of new friends, Zoro and Law headed to land of samurais now occupied by one of Yonko. How their relationship will work under new level of pressure will verify the next part - Wano arc.
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cienie-isengardu · 4 years
The development of Law’s relationship with Zoro - Part 5: Zou, The Kindred Spirits (Traveling together)
<<Part I: Before Meeting>> <<Part II: Sabaody Archipelago, The First Meeting>> <<Part III: Punk Hazard, The Alliance (A)>> <<Part III: Punk Hazard, The Alliance (B)>>  <<Part IV: Dressrosa, The Breaking Point (The Plan Failed)__ (Saving Law)__(Protecting Law)__ (Birdcage, Pica and Doflamingo)__ (Aftermath)>> <<Part V: Zou, The Kindred Spirits (Traveling Together)__(Searching for Nakama)__ (Reunion)__ (Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance)__(The Last Moments before War)>>
Dressrosa was the breaking point in the relationship between Zoro and Law. The previously visible distance (and maybe, distrust too) now is gone, and those two - despite Law’s unhappy face -  drank together during the victory party. Through the voyage to Zou and later, during the arc, both men were more often seen around each other, usually in quite close range. Starting with chapter 802, when dangerous hail was failing on Bartolomeo’s ship. As it turned out, Bartolomeo and his crew did not have a navigator (to give proper orders to steersman, to sail avoiding danger) and all their “wisdom” came from talking over Den Den Mushi with grandma… who in during such crisis was telling them how to remove sticked to floor gum. As crazy Straw Hats are when it comes to challenging the world, they aren’t that insane to sail unprepared on the deadly sea of the New World. Even Luffy panicked, crying for Nami to save them. Zoro and Law on the other hand, seemed more irritated by Bartolomeo’s crew incompetence. Zoro guessed they will have to handle the situation themselves (did he say that to Law in specific, or general, to people around him?) while Law wondered if these guys were for real.
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Law and Zoro already had their weapons ready for action, while were standing side by side. Their reaction to the crisis was visually similar, contrasting with panicked Luffy & Usopp and the laughing Robin.
Zoro showed his pragmatic side, by telling Bartolomeo to use his devil fruit power to put an indestructible barrier to protect the ship and everyone on it. Only to hear that he couldn’t do that because of grandma's superstition. With that, Roronoa’s patience for idiocy ran out and he too wondered how that crew survived for so long.
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Zoro and Law were on the same page: Bartolomeo and his men were absurd.
The journey was full of dangers.
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Judging by the splash of blood on the monster's head that resembles the effect of flying slash, Zoro (or maybe Law) in fact needed to take care of the situation by themselves. According to the narrator box, the journey took a week. Which means Zoro and Law were forced to deal with other people’s idiocy for a long time. Maybe that was another factor to bond over, because both don’t like to put up with the morons (at least, unless it wasn’t their own crews).
On the journey, Law showed his… playful is not the right word, more like deadpan trolling (a trait he will show from on more often). Like calling Usopp the “god”, using the title given to him by Doffy during the Battle of Dressrosa and later used by Marines on his bounty poster. Only to shut down Usopp’s happiness by reminding him in an emotionless way that now all Admirals will look out for him. What of course terrified the sniper.
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Trafalgar did not pay to that any mind, explaining Luffy they must be already close to Zou. None Straw Hats (beside Usopp?)  seemed to be bothered by Law’s dark sense of humor, so either they were already used to this or simply didn’t care. Though I suspect if Law picked at Chopper, Robin and Zoro reaction could be much different. 
Both Zoro and Law had their own way to deal with Bartolomeo and his men. Zoro usually got irritated and told them to shut up, once they were fanboying over something too much. Like seeing Thousand Sunny (chapter 803):
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Law, who wasn’t part of Straw Hats thus was treated less nicely, simply changed his request from “give something to us” to “give it to Straw Hats” which worked just fine (chapter 802).
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Pirate alliance reached Zou and learned no one was on Thousand Sunny moored next to it. Usopp wanted to stay on the ship while others would search for missing crew members, but Zoro wouldn’t let him. Law was standing close to Usopp and Roronoa, instead of isolating himself like he used to do previously.
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↪ Clearly, all Straw Hats, the two samurais and Law had their backpacks fully packed, ready for the next journey. Law provided as much information as he could, but he has never been on Zou himself. Since the group was heading into the unknown, it makes sense they took everything that could be useful during the trip, including spare (warm?) clothes, I guess. But since Law was a guest on Thousand Sunny and we didn’t see him taking much with himself from Punk Hazard (unless it was stored on the ship before the party, but then would Zoro be so surprised by Law joining them?) nor during escaping Dressrosa, I assume Straw Hats equipped him appropriately for the journey. On one hand, there was Kinemon who could easily provide Law clothes thanks to his devil fruit. On another, no one could know what awaited them on Zou and the group could be easily separated and once clothes made by Kinemon were taken down, they disappeared for good, so couldn’t be re-used. Which is why I wonder, if Straw Hats borrowed Law some of their own clothes. Since Zoro and Sanji were the closest to Law’s build, Law could get something from their wardrobe, just in case. 
↪ Thinking more about it, what about the one week trip to Zou? The alliance ran away from Dressrosa in hurry taking no baggage with them.Of course, former colosseum fighters turned into Straw Hat Grand Fleet had time to organize everything needed on journey for their heroes and once again, Kinemon’s useful powers were at hand. But Bartolomeo made it clear, he didn’t care at all about Law, so did anyone think to bring spare clothes for him? And if yes, was that something acceptable for Law to wear?
↪ Visually interesting detail, how Zoro and Law have alternating colors. As in, Zoro’s black pants and backpack to Law’s white and white shirt to his black. This will be soon even more noticeable once they get on Zou.
To climb on a gigantic elephant's leg, with his devil fruit powers Kanjuro animated the (poorly drawn) dragon. Manga panel did not show in a clear way who and where was standing (chapter 803) yet judging by what looks like the silhouette of swords, Law and Zoro were standing far away from others but not that far from each other.
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Later, Zoro’s position changed, which most likely means some time passed before Kanjuro finished his drawing. Law’s position wasn’t shown, it is hard to tell where he actually went.
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The anime (episode 752) put Law much closer to Zoro (and later both around Franky) for the whole waiting to samurai finish his art:
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Once the dragon was alive, the alliance rode on it to the Zou’s top, sitting  in the following order: Luffy - Zoro - Usopp - Robin - Law - Franky - Kinemon - Kanjuro:
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Of course, Luffy had to be the first - Zoro most likely sat after his captain to make sure the idiot will not do something stupid, like… failing asleep. Law sat in the middle between Robin and Franky. In all fairness, he and Zoro had similar posture - the crossed arms.
↪ There is in fact an actual divergence between frames, because at one Law was actually shown between Usopp (who most likely sat close to Zoro in hopes the swordsman will protect him and keep from failing) and Robin. And who knows, maybe Law intended to sit closer to the other Supernovas but Usopp & Robin claimed the seat before him?
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During the climb, the samurais explained a bit their situation, mentioning their missing friend who actually happened to be ninja. All Straw Hat boys and Law immediately showed their delight (in case of Law, nerdy side that will show up from time to time from on):
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Even though the word “ninja” sparked their interest, the faces of Zoro and Law showed similar expression - a frown. Visually, the Straw Hat & Heart pirates looked funny, with so contrasting mimicries. Open jaw (Luffy) - Frown (Zoro) - Open jaw (Usopp) - Frown (Law).
Out of nowhere, some animal (Mink) fell down and accidentally threw the samurais off the dragon (chapter 804). Thankfully, somehow the men did not die. All Straw Hats were happy to hear that. Law’s face was hard to read anything, but he too looked down after fallen comrades. Because samurais were friends in need of saving, Zoro ordered the dragon to start climbing down, clearly with rescue in the mind. Law didn’t protest.
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Despite pain (tiresomess?), the dragon wanted to finish his mission. Seeing how the creature suffered already and with the reassurance from the samurai that they were fine, Straw Hats decided to head ahead.
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After a long journey, the alliance finally got to the top. Luffy and Usopp were delighted, Franky cried, Robin and Zoro smiled. Sadly, Law’s face was not presented, but most likely his reaction, the same as Roronoa and Nico was of a “quiet” kind.
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Then, the Straw Hats joy died, once the painted dragon - after so much suffering - changed back into picture. The moment was very heartbreaking for everyone… except for Zoro and Law.
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That scene once again showed how similar they were to each other. As in: emotionally unaffected and harsh in their judgment. The dragon was in their opinion “just a crappy drawing” and “joke”. Even Usopp’s angry screaming how heartless they were didn’t change their opinion. 
Also, nice thing to note: the minimal (or even a lack of) personal space between those two, despite not walking together a moment ago. 
While everyone was crying after the brave dragon, Zoro and Law went ahead. To Usopp’s angry rebuke, the Pirate Hunter said: 
“We’re in a strange, unfamiliar land. Don’t turn back. Always concentrate on what’s ahead of you.”
With what Law apparently agreed, because none of them stopped for a moment from examining the new place. They shared their observations about gate and watchtower - how dangerously unguarded the place was. What is a nice contrast to Dressrosa, where Law did not add any of his input to the Roronoa’s conclusions about Pica.
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Usopp(?) even called them out “all business, no heart”, which highlights how clinically they approached the situation. No emotions, just coolness. 
In contrast, Luffy climbed at the watchtower and was totally excited about the whole place. To the point of simply jumping ahead, without worrying about his friends. Usopp (who accompanied Luffy) notified Zoro about the captain's disappearance. 
Zoro didn’t show worry nor surprise about their captain’s antics - instead asked if Usopp could see Sanji. Robin wondered shouldn’t they wait for the missing samurai, to which Zoro decided they would go ahead.
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Now, without Luffy around, Zoro became the leader of Straw Hats. No one questioned his judgment of the situation. Nor nakama, nor Law.
Next part: Searching for Nakama
22 notes · View notes
cienie-isengardu · 4 years
The development of Law’s relationship with Zoro - Part 5: Zou, The Kindred Spirits (Reunion)
<<Part I: Before Meeting>> <<Part II: Sabaody Archipelago, The First Meeting>> <<Part III: Punk Hazard, The Alliance (A)>> <<Part III: Punk Hazard, The Alliance (B)>>  <<Part IV: Dressrosa, The Breaking Point (The Plan Failed)__ (Saving Law)__(Protecting Law)__ (Birdcage, Pica and Doflamingo)__ (Aftermath)>> <<Part V: Zou, The Kindred Spirits (Traveling Together)__(Searching for Nakama)__ (Reunion)__ (Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance)__(The Last Moments before War)>>
In the absence of Law, Straw Hats rarely mentioned their ally. Zoro did so once (chapter 814), when the matter of Sanji leaving the crew for his marriage with the 35th daughter of Big Mom was discussed. Pirate Hunter in serious tone talked about their current situation and what was awaiting them in nearest future:
“Just think about it!! We’re currently on a course that can’t be changed. Remember what Caesar said about his business. Doflamingo’s biggest trading partner for SMILE was Kaido. When we destroyed the research lab on Punk Hazard, that got Doflamingo mad. And now that we’ve destroyed the factory on Dressrosa, the next guy down the line to snap on us is Kaido of the Four Emperors!! Just like Jack, the guy who wrecked this place he’s not some far-off menace anymore… it’s only a matter of time before he comes down on us!! The reason we’re aligned with Traffy is for the fight ahead. And Kaido’s also got his sights on Kinemon’s group for reasons we don’t understand yet. We’re set up for an imminent confrontation with Kaido!!!
Zoro was fully aware about the seriousness of the situation and did not take lightly the matter of confrontation with angered Kaido. In contrast to Luffy whose idea of alliance is another name for friendship, he understood the alliance was done for pragmatic reasons.
And then, Zoro vented his frustration at Sanji and how him leaving the crew complicated everything and even argued with Nami. Luffy decided to go after the missing crewmember, against Zoro’s objection. Once Luffy and Nami met with Pekom to learn more about Sanji’s past, they were told that Black Leg’s marriage was a political deal between Big Mom and Vinsmoke Family (Germa 66) and had nothing to do with Straw Hats… except Sanji becoming Big Mom’s underling. That of course didn’t sit well with Luffy who was determined to bring Sanji back no matter what. As it turned out, Zoro was sitting outside the building and listened to all of it.
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Of course, asked by Luffy, Zoro denied being worried and again said to let Sanji go. Zoro’s words sounded cruel and harsh, but in the face of upcoming fight with Kaido, could stream from pragmatism. He wasn’t happy about the situation.
Then, Luffy and Zoro for the first time met Nekomamushi who jumped on them with “Garchu of Gratitude”, literally crashing both with his big body.
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And so, when Law finally came back, chaos greeted him:
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Luffy was laughing, Zoro was ready to cut in pieces the local King of the Night (under whose care Law’s crew was the whole time), while the said ruler was bleeding to death. Law wasn’t around Straw Hats for like two days and most likely the sight was pretty confusing… or not, since Straw Hats have a knack for making ruckus.
Frankly, at this point in the story Law already had a chance to see irritated Zoro, but not to the point of picking a fight with a heavily injured person.
Luffy noticed Trafalgar and his crewmates. Turned out, Law came with Heart Pirates to give an introduction...
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...only to ignore them all in favor of discussing with Luffy some matters.
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Despite Law’s dark reputation, the Heart Pirates as a group seemed to be the complete opposite of their stoic, emotionless captain. At the same time, the lack of “emotional involvement” does remind Zoro to some degree, whose similar lack of openness and dwelling on sentiments was also met with crew’s critique and insulting/booing The best seen after Vivi’s departure; all crew members called him out on his lack of heart.
Law finally was informed about the situation with missing Sanji.
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↪ The same as Zoro, Law was unhappy (frustrated?) by the turn of events.
↪ Zoro and Law again were in close range of each other.
Law explained to Luffy that Zou was supposed to be safe place to lay down for a while, but now Kaido knew about it and that put everyone in danger. The waiting for his return with Sanji was not an option.
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This moment is similar to the one from Dressrosa, when Law confronted Luffy about their plan. Then, it was Straw Hat who worried about the people of the country if he did not fight Doflamingo. Now it was Law who worried about Minks (maybe because of Bepo?). Zoro, like last time, did not take part in the captain talk.
Law’s worry about Minks delighted the natives; the alliance already saved them and even now pirates worried about their well-being. What gave another chance for a great party,
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There was no sight of Law, even though his crew was having fun alongside Straw Hats. Zoro found a drinking buddy in wolf(?) Mink. It seems like Law is not fond of partying and maybe drinking too. This time Roronoa and Heart Pirates didn’t try to force him into anything.
Chapter 816 & 817 brought to light the connection between Wano and Zou and who Momonosuke truly was. The two Mink leaders took samurais, Straw Hats and Law (who wasn’t a witness to the revelation about the Kozuki clan yet was invited) to meet the ninja, Raizo (chapter 817).
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Law and Zoro, again, were in close range of each other, both traveling at the end of the group. They most likely didn’t talk to each other, or at least the manga (and anime episode) did not provide any indication of that… unless the “chatter” sound effect above Franky & Nami included them too. Then again, Zoro and Law are the quiet type of people who don’t talk just for talking sake.
In a secret place, the group finally met Raizo. Luffy, Usopp and Chopper were the most excited about meeting a true ninja and wanted to see his ninja techniques. Even Zoro and Law added their requests to the long list of their demands.
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↪ The additional “murmur” added to Law’s bubble speech makes it looks like Trafalgar said his request more under his breath than aloud like Luffy, Chopper and Usopp (which may be a reason why he looked quite shocked / surprised once Raizo showed clone jutsu). Manga did not provide where Law and Zoro stood then, but based on this chapter episode 769 clearly kept those two close to each other. What could mean Zoro heard Law’s murmured demand.  
↪ Zoro once again proved to be a “dark” character with his dangerous request for ninja. In a way this is ironic, because it’s Law who has the epithet of Surgeon of Death - and asked about clone jutsu - while it’s Zoro who had macabre/deadly interests.
↪ Luffy, Chopper and Usopp may be the noisy fans but they were at least openly enthusiastic while Law and Zoro hardly showed any appreciation. Their faces shown in the bubbles speech contrast a lot with the happy smiles of Luffy and Usopp.
↪ Anime added a little moment when both, in a serious yet emotionless (threatening?) tone told the ninja to hurry up with showing them all his skills. That only added to the contrast between the happy trio and these two.
Raizo got angry at such treatment and explained to them that ninjas operate in darkness and do not show their skills just like that. Yet upon seeing depressed Luffy, Usopp and Chopper (in anime, Franky, Law and Zoro were visibly disappointed by that too), the man presented various techniques - including the one asked by Law and throwing shurikens. Anime expanded this scene and showed openly smiling Law and Zoro at Raizo’s performance.
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↪ Once again, close to each other while keeping some distance from Luffy, Usopp and Chopper.
Whilst Robin was working to read the red poneglyph, the group separated for awhile: the samurais, Luffy, Chopper and Usopp went outside, to look at the city while the Mink Leaders, Nami, Brook, Franky, Zoro and Law waited inside the secret place. Despite their previously shown interest in ninja, Zoro and Law stayed with the more mature (adult) part of the group. Actually, Law’s choice to stay there is understable. The red stone could provide useful knowledge - albeit, did Law have any idea about the poneglyphs or the secret history is unsure. By staying, he ensured his chance to learn anything interesting in case Robin or Mink leaders decided to share something new. Zoro could have gone with the other group but for whatever reason, he stayed too.
Next part: Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance
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cienie-isengardu · 4 years
The development of Law’s relationship with Zoro - Part 5: Zou, The Kindred Spirits (Searching for Nakama)
<<Part I: Before Meeting>> <<Part II: Sabaody Archipelago, The First Meeting>> <<Part III: Punk Hazard, The Alliance (A)>> <<Part III: Punk Hazard, The Alliance (B)>>  <<Part IV: Dressrosa, The Breaking Point (The Plan Failed)__ (Saving Law)__(Protecting Law)__ (Birdcage, Pica and Doflamingo)__ (Aftermath)>> <<Part V: Zou, The Kindred Spirits (Traveling Together)__(Searching for Nakama)__ (Reunion)__ (Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance)__(The Last Moments before War)>>
Crossing the open gate, Zoro and Law kept exchanging their observation. Trafalgar noticed the gate was snapped off the hinges.
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to which Zoro replied “good point” and added another detail, the destruction of the road ahead.
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Once it became clear something was definitely off about the place and the group may meet unfriendly forces ahead, Zoro with his killer smile advised to be careful. Despite his own words, Zoro, Law and Robin didn’t show any worry, in contrast to Franky and Usopp getting their weapon ready to strike at any moment.
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Once again, Zoro and Law talked freely, exchanging observations and explanations while staying close to each other. Both led the group and noticed the upcoming danger before anyone else. They grabbed their swords, ready to fight:
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Zoro said he will deal with the enemy and Law did not protest nor try to interfere (even when soon after that Zoro was kinda electrocuted). What seems to be a sign of respect and trust for Roronoa’s fighting skills.
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The skirmish with Carrot was stopped by Wanda. The female Mink didn’t have time to explain what is going on, but told them where to find the rest of Straw Hats (chapter 805):
“We don’t have time to take youteia there!! Just follow my instructions!! On the right is Rghttrump Forest! Head there and turn left at the deep dark swamp! From there, you’ll find yourteia crew’s corpse is ahead in Rightflank Forest!”
The mention of the corpse led the group to be shocked and worried (though Law’s expression was again omitted). Here is time to talk a bit about “suffering” of Usopp who were unlucky to stuck in group with three “dark” characters:
Robin with the macabre imagination and talking non stop about potential cannibalism as a fate that could happen to their friends
Law with his deadpan commenting how navy admirals were now after Usopp’s head knowing full well the younger pirate will be scared as hell
Zoro - similar to Robin - has a tendency to like dangerous and terrifying stuff and to smile at the mere idea of fighting deadly opponents but also scares time after time Usopp with his comments or logic (seen especially in Enies Lobby).
Law, Zoro and Robin have this nice but dark similarity which may explain why in their little group, Usopp stood out from the rest. The majority of the team was in fact the stoic, cool-headed and dangerous beings.
Zoro in the end shut down the rising panic by reminding his friends that Sanji was with the missing Straw Hats and he would not allow anything bad to happen. Reassured by that, Robin asked Law about his own nakama, who were supposed to wait on Zou for him.
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Law admitted he didn’t think he would ever see his crew again (what should be worrying on itself, but thankfully, Dressrosa was behind them already).
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Bebo’s vivre card was untouched, thus Law’s navigator was fine and safe. He explained who Bepo was and that the polar bear left Zou as a kid, so didn’t remember much about this place. Law voted for Bepo as someone he knew for 10 years and that Mink could be trusted. This was one of rare moments in which Law shared information from his past.
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Law proposed to head straight to Bepo, to learn what was going on there. Usopp was concerned they would have to pass through a potentially dangerous town but Zoro decided to trust Law’s word about Bepo. After all, it was better than trusting some strange animals.
Law voted for Bepo and Zoro did not question the polar bear’s trustworthiness, even though so far the interaction with the Mink Tribe left a bad impression - an attack out of nowhere and then Wanda talking about the corpse of their nakama.
The poor state of town again raised a question about what happened on Zou. The group examined the deserted buildings and saw devices of tortures. Law pointed out to giant footsteps suggesting either the Mink Country was invaded by monsters or huge animals or some infighting happened not so ago.
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↪ Once again, Law and Zoro kept close to each other even though a moment ago everyone was examining the place in a more individual way. The previous group shot had Law standing far away from the rest.
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The group came to the conclusion that whatever happened brought the country to swift, dramatic collapse just a week or two ago.
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Usopp was overwhelmed by all the revelation. The rest of the group didn’t show any clear sign of worry, even though their friends could be in danger. Not only Straw Hats, but Law’s own crew too. Law and Zoro still were in close range of each other.
Then out of nowhere, a giant wave of (sea) water enough to cause a flood fell from the sky (chapter 806). Robin advised everyone to head for higher ground...
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but the next panel showed their current place to be literally flooded. That and the additional bubble speech suggests the group did not manage to run away before water fell on them all.
Manga did not provide an explanation how exactly the group got on higher, safe ground. It was shown only they survived and were more or less okay.
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At the same time, everyone was wet - what could be seen very well in anime (episode 755) while in manga especially on Law and Robin. Those two panels imply that the group was not without contact with sea water. As the devil fruit users, Law and Robin were the most vulnerable in such a situation (would Room even work then?, I wonder...).
Because of four pages of break between the first frame and the next (thus the perception of time disturbed), it is impossible to tell for sure if these two needed to be saved from drowning or not. Yet, knowing the caring nature of Straw Hats, it is highly possible others would secure their vulnerable companions even if the situation did not call for such measures. Also, Franky has this protective instinct about Robin’s well being, so he most likely would be saving her in first place - what means Law had either Zoro or Usopp to depend on. Considering A) Zoro’s protective nature toward drowning devil fruit users [Luffy and Chopper especially] and B) how close lately he and Law were, I think Roronoa would be the one dragging Trafalgar to safety.
From the high tower, Usopp spotted Straw Hat… who seemed to be bitten by Carrot.
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A nice detail - Zoro (black backpack) and Law (the long sword) again were shown closer to each other than to anyone else.
Trafalgar used his powers to switch places, so the group could meet with Luffy. Looking how ungraciously the Straw Hats were falling, he either did not warn them in advance or the shambles technique had that effect on people, especially used on them for the first time.
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In all fairness, I’m not sure if Zoro managed to land well in the manga - anime made him and Robin be the only ones from their crew to avoid the fall. Whatever the case, Zoro did not verbally attack or complain for the way Law transported them all. In a way, Law’s idea of fast transport was as bad as Luffy’s.
Once the group reunited with Luffy, Law was sidetracked into more background character. It was visible especially when Usopp started using Zoro (while pretending to speak as him) to scare off the Minks.
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Law’s reaction “disappeared” behind bubble speech, so it is impossible to say what he thought about Usopp’s antics or that Pirate Hunter allowed Usopp to act this way. Still, looking at frame composition - with Zoro as central figure in the foreground - the Straw Hats were on his left side while Law, alone, on right.
Finally Straw Hats met their missing crewmembers and for the first time saw all the Minks, alive and happy to see them. The view of hideout and Minks reaction shocked/surprised all newcomers. When Zoro was asking Wanda about Minks supposed hatred toward humans,  Law again A) was hidden by bubble speech and B) stayed close to Zoro’s right side while keeping distance from other characters.
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While Straw Hats celebrated the reunion with Mink Tribe (and slowly learning what happened to Sanji and the Minks) Law went to see his crew (chapter 807).:
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The genuine smile contrasts a lot with the constant frown seen on his face for almost all the time, even with befriended Straw Hats.
At the same time, Zoro got angry at Minks invading his personal space to fawn. This contrast to the drinking scene after Dressrosa, when he didn’t mind throwing his arm around Law’s neck, thus having little to none space between them.
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With the next chapters, the focus of the story switched to events happening during the Straw Hats separation (Kaido’s men attacking Zou in search for another samurai, using chemical weapon against Minks and torturing them for days and how Sanji’s group saved the devastated Tribe and what happened to Black Leg). Along the way, Luffy and his crew met two local rulers: King of the Night, cat Nekomamushi and King of the Day, dog Inuarashi.
Next part: Reunion
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cienie-isengardu · 4 years
The development of Law’s relationship with Zoro - Part 5: Zou, The Kindred Spirits (Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance)
<<Part I: Before Meeting>> <<Part II: Sabaody Archipelago, The First Meeting>> <<Part III: Punk Hazard, The Alliance (A)>> <<Part III: Punk Hazard, The Alliance (B)>>  <<Part IV: Dressrosa, The Breaking Point (The Plan Failed)__ (Saving Law)__(Protecting Law)__ (Birdcage, Pica and Doflamingo)__ (Aftermath)>> <<Part V: Zou, The Kindred Spirits (Traveling Together)__(Searching for Nakama)__ (Reunion)__ (Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance)__(The Last Moments before War)>> >> 
Once Robin finished her translation, the King of the Day confirmed that indeed, red stone was hiding the leads to the place sought by the most powerful people on the sea. The legendary Rafter:
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↪ Zoro (similar like King of the Night) was sitting on the ground in distance to others, yet Law was one of those closest to him. This was the second time Zoro kept sitting with Law standing in close range.
↪ On the group picture, the distance between those two changed into little to no personal space. For understandable reasons, the frame needed to contain all nine characters thus previous positions of these characters had to be disturbed. Zoro could be shown simply at Law’s left side (what was the most true in relation to the previous frame) instead it looks like Law was standing just behind the sitting swordsman.
↪ Again, Law and Zoro had a similar reaction - just a frown - that contrasted with the “open jaws” of others. They were the only two people keeping quiet. 
In all fairness, there is divergence in the location of these two characters. From one panel where Zoro sit alone far away from group
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 to another, again between comrades.
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↪ Despite the divergence, Law always stayed close (or closest from all people) to Pirate Hunter. 
↪ Once again, when the group learned shocking information - Kaido and Big Mom had two from four red poneglyphs needed to find Raftel - Zoro and Law did not show much emotions while Luffy was full of enthusiasm and Weakling Trio & Brook scared for good.
Nekomamushi warned Robin that all the powerful players will seek her out to learn the truth about poneglyphs to which she replied: “I don’t mind. After all I’ve got very powerful friends who will protect me.” Interestingly, Zoro was not shown alongside other Straw Hats pledging to protect Robin no matter what or being over pleased with her words. There is no doubt he will protect her like the rest of the crew but the lack of emotional reaction to Nico’s praise adds to the feeling of quietness and coldness - traits shared with Law through the arc.
Mink leaders and samurais shared with pirate alliance information about poneglyphs and that Momonosuke’s father - Kozuki Oden - was killed by current shogun of Wano, Orochi and Kaido. The last part brought them all to tears. Zoro with unusual(?) tact asked about the reason and, like he deducted, has it anything with them being chased by Doflamingo’s people.
Kinemon confirmed Zoro’s suspicion. 
“Yes… as you suspect, his crime was grievous. Kaido is attempting… to pry information out of us. The old Daimyo… lord Kozuki Oden… rode with the King of the Pirates, Gol D. Roger… to Raftel, the final island!! And it was there that he learned the secret of the world!!!”
For the first time in a long time, the position of sitting Zoro and Law changed in a way they got separated - and the distance stayed between them through the whole chapter 819:
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While many characters were shocked by the reveal that Kozuki Oden was part of Pirate King’s crew, Zoro was still focused on understanding the situation of the samurais.
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The loyal men of Kozuki Oden explained the fight to fulfill their dead master’s final wish to open Wano board to the world, the difficult situation in their county and their struggles to find allies who will help to beat down Kaido. Kinemon then asked Luffy and Law for help:
“And thus I have a request of you, sir Luffy!!! And of you, sir Law!!! It pains me to beg favors after you have already saved our lives… but your strength overwhelms me every time!!! If you are willing to accompany us in our struggle… then I ask for your help in the battle to strike down the Shogun of Wano and Kaido, Emperor of the sea!!!”
Luffy refused and didn’t accept the plea until Momonosuke - the heir of Kozuki Oden and leader of the samurai group - didn’t speak for himself. The boy did as Straw Hat requested and told about his wish to avenge parents and protect his loyal servants, asking for pirate help in the fight against Kaido. To which Luffy agreed, promising to defeat the Emperor.
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↪ Like in Dressrosa, Luffy wanted to personally take down the enemy without considering the help of others. 
But since Luffy again promised someone help without any consultation with Law, Trafalgar openly showed discontent with the other captain doing what he likes without any thought about him. This scene varies from one translation to another, either as a simply ask "And what about our pact, Straw Hat?”
about Luffy’s faith put in Law and not asking him about opinion:
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In case of the latter, which I think is closer to original meaning, at least in comparison to Polish and English subtitles for episode 771, the uncharacteristic behaviour of Law will soon be more related to Zoro’s own - but about that in a moment. 
And so, the Straw Hat-Heart pirate alliance changed into Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai alliance.
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Luffy told the ninja-mink-samurai allies there was no need to bow to them. Because for him alliance meant friendship and friends were equal. Law again disagreed with the notion alliance = friendship. 
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This was the second time during the Zou arc (and third in general) when Law openly rejected the prospect of befriending Straw Hats. Like he said earlier to his crew, there was no need for them to be friends. This may explain why despite being on good terms with Straw Hat pirates he didn’t try to tighten ties with them. Thus the still visible distance... that did usually not include Zoro. But then again, both swordsmen understood the pragmatic reason for forming alliance and weren’t “delusional” about friendship being required part of that.
Of course, that does not mean that Law disliked Straw Hats and vice versa. Because after so many wild adventures and fights side by side, the bond between them was made whether anyone wanted it or not.
Luffy asked allies to wait with fight against Kaido until he retrieved missing crewmember:
“I’m going to bring him back… so hold off the fighting until then! The good news is that Sanji’s real tough! Having him on board is like having the strength of a thousand!!”
Zoro’s reaction - the same as Law’s moment ago - was pretty uncharacteristic. Not in the sense of rivalry between him and Sanji but in reaction to Luffy putting so much trust & respect into someone’s else.
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Similar to Law (who most likely was put off by Luffy not showing him - the co-leader of alliance - proper respect by omitting his opinion during making important decisions), Zoro was openly upset(?) that Luffy praised so much Sanji whose disappearance caused unwanted troubles. The most uncharacteristic part of Zoro & Law acting was the openness about wanting / expecting Straw Hat’s respect. At the same time, both Supernovas did not  compete for that between themselves - both moments happened in relation to someone’s else. Law, in relation to other leaders of the ninja-mink-samurai part of the alliance. Zoro in relation to fellow member of Monster Trio. 
On the way back to town (chapter 820), the alliance had another chance to learn pieces of mink-samurai history, a bit about the way to Raftel (brought by Nami who was worried about navigation) and what happened to Whitebeard’s pirates under Marco’s command who battled with Blackbeard one year ago.  Zoro and Law were both pushed into background characters for most of the chapter. The animated version of these events (episode 771) still grouped them together in the little character-centric shots and properly showed that once again, Law walked right after Zoro at the very end. The interesting detail (seen in manga too) is that on the way back, the other characters walked in a different order than last time. Except Zoro and Law.
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At some point in the journey, Law and Zoro separated. They were not very active in the main conversation until the end. Luffy asked where the alliance members will reunite with each other to which Zoro wondered if it was safe for Kinemon and the rest to return to Wano since the samurai group was targeted by Kaido. Law promised a safe journey to enemy territory in his submarine. Despite not taking an active part in the previous discussion, both Supernova paid attention to it and kept analyzing the situation.
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The happy return to the town was disturbed by unexpected, powerful quakes. As it turned out, Jack came back to Zou and attacked Zunesha’s monstrously huge leg (to kill the carrier of Mink home rather than fight the remaining warriors). Ultimately, the situation was saved by Momonosuke who responded to the voice of the elephant and gave it a permission to destroy Kaido pirates. What the mysterious Zunesha did.
During that short lived moment of danger, Zoro and Law seemed to be unmoved by it (chapter 820).
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and once the danger passed, both again stood close to each other (chapter 821) even though for the last 2 chapters they almost didn’t interact nor were in really close range of each other.
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Next chapter: The Last Moments before War
15 notes · View notes
cienie-isengardu · 4 years
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I’m in the middle of writting part Zou for The development of Law’s relationship with Zoro, this time using anime as additional source and really, the episode 769 is so fun. The interaction between pirate nerds alliance and ninja Raizo is hilarious in itself but also it is so nice to see Law and Zoro keeping close to each other all the time; the episode gives a lot frames focused on characters reactions & emotions and Zoro & Law usually are grouped together in such moments. Not to mention it is just really nice to see these two stoic men to be as nerdy as the rest of (male) pirates, even if they are less expressive about it. And the shared feel of disappointment (when at first Raizo refused to do any ninja thing) and then the happy smiles.
I guess it is really refreshing to see Law not being stressed for once, hanging out with fellow introvert when there is so many noisy extroverted people around.
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