#an actual therapist too! Maruki stay away!
noname-nonartist · 2 months
Do MakoHaru, Futaba x Yusuke, Futaba x Sumire and Royal Trio.
Don’t “:)” me!!!
Ya know how many wips I have atmmmmm! TvT
Ah. Well. At least with these, teh answers should be fairly quick and straightforward.
(More under the cut as always~)
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I love them! I’m always done for an opposite-attracts types of ships~ that’s also fruity too~
Am I obsessed with this ships as say… ShuAke? Probably not. But I do love it! I’m always happy to see it in fics! And the fanart be cuteeeee~
I guess I also sort of see them as a sort of… diet ShuAke? If that makes sense? Like ya can see some of the superficial similarities that the pairs have with each other.
Of course they are very different. I just sort of noticed some similarities between the four characters. Ya know? Maybe some foiling is going on. I would need more time to think on that tho lol~
Futaba x Yusuke
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I see them as good friends tbh.
I guess it’s due to me seeing Yusuke being very AroAce coded heh.
But yeah. I just see them as really good friends!
Futaba x Sumire
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What’s that one Simpson meme? It describes my feelings towards this ship perfectly.
Hold up. Let’s see… found it!
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I think they’re neat! I like it! And I sometimes look at the cute fanart if I wanna see something fluffy~
But other than that. I don’t really go out of my way to really read any fics with the main focus being them. Ya feel me?
Royal Trio
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I suppose this would be a strange one since technically it does contain ShuAke. But I honestly sort of see the trio as a whole pretty platonic. Like Sumire is sort of the third wheel, but like not really since I can see both Joker and Goro seeing Sumire as a close friend.
But essentially I do see Sumire as a sort of close platonic third wheel to the ShuAke dynamic.
I’m not downplaying Sumire tho! Like I really love the exploration of Sumire and Goro’s friendship a lot! And I’m a sucker for good platonic close friendships!
But for me. I don’t really see the R-Trio as a romantic trio. Ya know?
Wow. I said that these will be short answers, but I still ended up being rambling LOL
Thanks again for the ask tho CC! This was fun to answer!
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hetyra · 2 years
Here have a self-indulgent drabble of a post-rehab Goro not having a great time.
Back when he’d been working with the Phantom Thieves to take down Maruki, Goro had, against his better judgement, made small attempts to be more civil, more friendly, with them. He’d always regretted it immediately of course; having been met with a response that was either cold or indifferent from whoever acknowledged he’d even spoke each and every time. 
Which was fine. After what he’d done, it made sense they’d all actively dislike or outright hate him. They were just working together towards a common goal. They didn’t have to like him. No matter how much he wanted them too.
And yet Kurusu did, for some inconceivable reason. Kurusu had gone out of his way to simply... Hang out with him. He had gotten visibly upset when it came out that the boy in front of him was supposed to be dead. He’d actually considered letting that bastard Maruki control all reality just so that he, a murderer, would continue to be alive. Why?
Kurusu deserved to know that he was. After all the selfless things the fool had done, being told the boy he’d almost given up all reality for had somehow miraculously survived was something he deserved to know.
But here Goro was. Not telling him. 
How could he, anyway? He’d lost his phone, and thus Kurusu’s number, somewhere between being shot in Shido’s palace and waking up in the hospital in February. Bastards probably kept it as evidence. He’d been dragged off to court as soon as he was fit to leave the hospital, and immediately shipped off to the rehab center as soon as the ruling was made. At least the doctor had been the same one who’d tried to help his mother.
Being back in Tokyo now didn’t mean anything. Kurusu was likely back in his hometown, meaning the only way Goro could contact him was if he spoke with someone else Kurusu was acquainted with, which wasn’t going to happen.
The other Phantom Thieves didn’t like him. Sakura Sojiro almost assuredly knew of his deeds by now, and would also detest his presence. Sae was an option... But no matter how many times he dialed her number into his phone, he could never bring himself to actually press the call button.
After weeks of deliberating, Goro decided it’d be best if he just... Didn’t. 
Don’t tell Kurusu you’re alive. Don’t create that divide between him and his friends. Between him and Boss. Don’t drag Sae down again. Don’t make all of them deal with the grief and pain you caused them all again. Stay away. 
You don’t deserve them anyway.
As it turned out, staying away was easier said than done when you still lived in the same city. Sure, Tokyo was large and countless people wandered the streets during all hours of the day; but the universe seemed determined to try and drag Goro kicking and screaming back into the lives of all those he'd sworn to leave alone.
Only a week after making his decision, on his way home from talking to his therapist, he saw none other than Sakamoto. He’d just walked into a store to grab some groceries, but upon seeing the thief in one of the aisles he’d dropped everything and left before he could be spotted. He should have at least gone to a different store, but the senseless panic that had seemingly overtaken him had him rushing straight home to his empty kitchen. He wound up ordering delivery that night, and then went shopping during school hours the following day. Since when was he such a coward?
A couple weeks later he finally worked up the nerve to go do some much needed non-food related shopping. Only he wound up skipping over a few shops he’d meant to check because he’d spotted Takamaki and a friend of hers. He had watched the two of them for a few moments, a smile beginning to play across his lips as he figured out who her friend was, before he’d caught himself and left. He wasn’t allowed to be happy for them.
At the end of October he’d, again, been on his way home from therapy when he spotted a familiar face. He’d stupidly decided to treat himself to some fast food for once, only to freeze while passing by a Big Bang Burger when glancing through the window revealed none other than Okumura Haru herself standing in the lobby. He suddenly hadn’t had an appetite anymore. Why? It’s not like you killed her father or anything.
Goro had bitterly noted it was Nov 18th when he’d left the house, and nearly froze up when he later spotted Sae walking his direction in Shibuya. He’d managed to duck behind a corner and it was clear she thankfully hadn’t seen him as she passed by, but he couldn’t help but feel the universe was out to get him.
(It was out to get him and it succeeded as he proceeded to have a mental break down that very night and just about every single night after that for the rest of the month and every night the following month of December.)
He went to a shrine on New Years. Saw the Sakura’s were there. Left immediately. Had another mental break down.
He started getting better again. Had a good therapy session. Went to get on the train. Wound up walking home when he saw the younger Niijima sister waiting in the line. Why hadn’t he just gotten on a different train car?
He tried to force himself to go get some fresh air when the sakura started blooming, but the first place he went he saw Kitagawa. He went back to his apartment. Shouldn’t have left in the first place.
He’s doing better now. His meds are doing their job. He hasn’t seen anyone from his past for weeks. He’s okay. He’s a perfectly functioning healthy 19-year-old who isn’t just going day to day on autopilot with no drive or ambition, or having PTSD induced nightmares almost every night, or having anxiety over the dumbest things that never would have bothered him before or--
He’s fine.
He’s fine.
He’s fine. He’s fine. He’s fine. He’s fine. He’s fine. He’s fine. He’s fine. He’s fine. He’s fine. He’s fine. He’s fine. He’s fine. He’s fine. He’s fine. HE’S FINE.
Someone is staring at him. Past their friends. Past the crowd. Right at him.
It’s Kurusu.
He’s not fine.
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