#amm: feb24
aggressivelyarospec · 4 months
If I could submit a book, Hopeless Aromantic (2023) by Samantha Rendle was an excellent nonfiction book about a wide diversity of aro experiences. I really appreciated that it fully acknowledged that most nonfiction books available about aromantics are more often than not books about asexuality with a few additional notes addressing aromanticism and that this book did truly focus on specifically the arospec experience.
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aggressivelyarospec · 3 months
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aggressivelyarospec · 4 months
quicksilver submitted:
“Gravity” (2013)
Amazing film about astronaut Ryan Stone (Sandra Bullock) fighting to get back to Earth after being stranded in space. The special effects are incredible, the cast is great, and its just the right amount of tense all the way through. 
No romance. Strong bond between astronauts Matt and Ryan, but it is definitely not romantic. 
Not sure if this film was submitted already - put it in the search function but nothing came up.
Additional Information: PG-13 | Drama, Sci-Fi Trailer:
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aggressivelyarospec · 4 months
@rainbowsparkle-cake submitted:
“Unlock my Boss” (2022-2023) tv show
Not going to lie, I avoided this show for a while because the title seemed dumb, and the plot easily guessable from the title.
However, after actually watching the series, it is now one of my favorite dramas. The general plot is about a young man (Park In-seong) who finds some evidence - though unfortunately not enough to just show to the police - that a businessman (Kim Seon-joo) has been kidnapped and possibly murdered. He manages to get a position high enough in Seon-joo’s company in order to find out what really happened. In the process he teams up with Seon-joo’s secretary Jung Se-yeo, and they spend the series finding out what is really going on in this tech company, why Mr. Kim was abducted, and if he is even alive.
Really good series that has some great friendships, terrible villains that you really want to get taken down, and a surprisingly insightful analysis of what makes a ‘person.’
Though the advertised plot point regarding the phone might seem a bit off putting, it ties in nicely to the theme that ““Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”
It should be noted that there is a romance between Park In-seong and Jung Se-yeo, but it only makes up a very tiny portion of the show (maybe less than ten minutes altogether of a 12 episode show, each episode around an hour long). While they do like each other, they have their priorities straight and spend pretty much all of their time uncovering the conspiracy of what happened to Mr. Kim.
There is also a nice subversion of the 'love at first sight’ cliche, where Park In-seong specifically says later that when he met Jung Se-yeo he could tell she was a good person, with no mention of love.
Additional Information: TV-14 | Comedy, Fantasy Trailer:
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aggressivelyarospec · 4 months
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aggressivelyarospec · 3 months
‘Aro Movies Monday’: Master List ⇝ January / February 2024
[Completed 27/02/24]
❧ Romance-Free
Death Race (2008) — Movie [Link]
Les Spécialistes (1985) — Movie [Link]
Something Original (2016) — Short [Link]
Criminologist Himura and Mystery Writer Arisugawa (2016) — TV Show [Link]
The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008) — Movie [Link]
The Beekeeper (2024) — Movie [Link]
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971) — Movie [Link]
The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar (2023) — Movie [Link]
The Adventures of Sam & Max: Freelance Police (1997) — TV Show [Link]
Gravity (2013) — Movie [Link]
❧ Aro-Friendly
Pygmalion (1913) — Play [Link]
Blue Sky Complex (2013) — Manga [Link]
Trope Talk: Queer Coded Villains (2022) — Video Essay [Link]
Stop Making Sense (1984) — Movie [Link]
Poor Things (2023) — Movie [Link]
Spin City (1996) — TV Show [Link]
The Heiress (1949) — Movie [Link]
Idiocracy (2006) — Movie [Link]
Wonka (2023) — Movie [Link]
Hopeless Aromantic (2023) — Book [Link]
Unlock my Boss (2022) — TV Show [Link]
❧ Aro-Negative
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aggressivelyarospec · 4 months
For AMM I'd like to submit Idiocracy
Name: Idiocracy
Release year: 2006
Does it contain romance? How important is it to the story? Yes there's a bit of romance (both protagonist end together at the end of the film, but it's mostly off the screen), but it's mostly focused on sex and reproduction
How many stars do you rate it with from 1 to 5? 3 or 3.5
A short commentary about it: Idiocracy is a film about the human specie becoming dumber and dumber as generations go on as smart people are more concerned about other things than having kids.
Official summary: Private Joe Bauers, the definition of “average American”, is selected by the Pentagon to be the guinea pig for a top-secret hibernation program. Forgotten, he awakes five centuries in the future. He discovers a society so incredibly dumbed down that he’s easily the most intelligent person alive
Additional Information: R | Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi Trailer:
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aggressivelyarospec · 4 months
thankyouspock submitted:
“The Adventures of Sam & Max: Freelance Police” (1997-1998)
Hilarious, smart tv show that was ahead of its time. People didn’t know what to think of a cartoon aimed at adults instead of kids, and so the show only lasted a year. However, what we got was still great, with absolutely insane characters who know they are in a cartoon and have fun with it (very meta).
No romance at all, with even an episode showing Sam and Max trying to avoid people and get out of the city on Valentines Day (so funny)
Additional Information: TV-PG | Animation, Adventure, Comedy Trailer:
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aggressivelyarospec · 4 months
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aggressivelyarospec · 4 months
The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar (2023) was romance free. 4/5
Additional Information: PG | Adventure, Comedy, Short Trailer:
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aggressivelyarospec · 4 months
For AMM: Wonka (2023) was very aro-friendly. There's two small romance subplots with side characters but they don't affect the plot and don't overstay their welcome. The lead character shows no interest in romance and the film's just focused on his friendships that he makes. Super charming movie, 4/5
Additional Information: PG | Adventure, Comedy, Family Trailer:
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aggressivelyarospec · 4 months
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aggressivelyarospec · 4 months
@rainbowsparkle-cake submitted:
"The Heiress" (1949)
Nice drama where the main character, Catherine, becomes aware of all the toxic people in her life and slowly becomes her own person. In the beginning she is very close to her father, who she eventually realizes is emotionally abusive and cuts ties with him. She then believes she must turn to her suitor Morris, because he is the only one who has told her he loves her. However, it turns out he is a gold digger. By the films end, Catherine has become a strong, independent woman who has found her own happiness without relying on anyone else. This film is not romance free, but it is rare for films of this time period to end with the main character being single and happy with it, and it is nice to see here.
Additional Information: Not rated | Drama, Romance Trailer:
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aggressivelyarospec · 4 months
Harry submitted:
"Spin City" (1996-2002)
A fun sitcom focusing on the (fictional) mayors staff in New York city. The reason I'm recommending it for this site is due to the connection between characters Carter and Stuart. Throughout the series they slowly develop from antagonists to friends to each others most important person, and it is quite heartwarming to see.
While Stuart starts off as a self-centered prejudiced jerk, his slow but sure bond with Carter helps him grow and mature as a person. While he does continue acting rude and somewhat abrasive, by the end of the series Stuart has let go of his prejudices.
Carter is somewhat uptight at the beginning, but his friendship with Stuart helps him let go, have fun, and learn to stand up for himself. Specifically, while Carter is very involved in LGBTQIA+ causes and is good at standing up for those, he sometimes forgets to stand up for himself in personal matters. Stuart helps him (both intentionally and unintentionally) do so.
Their bond grows so strong that they actually both contemplate several times if it might become romantic, though always conclude that that path just isn't in their future nor something they want.
Near the end of the series, Carter and Stuart actually have a really beautiful moment (I forget in which episode) where they realize that they are each others most important person, and while they may end up having romantic relations off and on with other people, those will never be as significant or long-lasting as what they have with each other.
It should be noted that this sitcom is definitely not romance-free, as most of the main characters have subplots in about half the episodes involving dating. However, due to the platonic bond (and possible QPR) between Carter and Stuart it can be considered aro-friendly.
Though the series isn't as good after Michael J. Fox leaves at the end of season four, it is actually still worth watching the final two seasons due to Carter and Stuart. Their bond remains well-written and continues developing nicely, to the point that whenever a later episode bored me I would just fast-forward to their scenes.
It is also possible to interpret Stuart as being somewhere on the aromantic spectrum, as he doesn't really come across as being interested in dating (though he's definitely not ace)
Additional Information: TV-14 | Comedy Trailer:
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aggressivelyarospec · 4 months
Also, I may as well suggest Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971) as romance free. Again, incredibly charming film, classic songs, good fun all around 5/5
Additional Information: G | Family, Fantasy, Musical Trailer:
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