#also the costumes are WILD up close the detail
maybeimamuppet · 2 months
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i also got to meet kristen smith davis!!!! and she was so lovely!!
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afairytalestray · 6 months
OK so on Saturday I got to go to Milan to see the Cats Il Sistina tour and HOLY GOD IT WAS AWESOME. I'm glad I studied the character designs in advance because a lot of the costumes are really different. I'm not typically a huge fan of nonreplicas but Il Sistina may well change that!
I've compiled my thoughts on the show here! Nb, I do not speak Italian so I'm not sure how close to the original lyrics the translation is 😅
There were no green goggles, but the Cats did come in through the audience. I had an aisle seat and Cassandra walked right past me! She was right there and so beautiful omg.
I've gotta get in right at the start that Simone Ragozzino is my new all-time favourite Mungojerrie. The most ever! A little guy. He got most of the acrobatics that Tumblebrutus usually does - apparently Simone used to be an acrobat/gymnast so that makes sense. He and Rumpleteazer were sufficiently chaotic but also clearly valued and beloved members of the tribe. Idk man Simone just got it. Tumble-jerrie ftw. 
The cathedral from "round the cathedral" was changed to a Colosseum reference which I loved 😍
I'm obsessed with Demeter’s makeup from this tour actually. I'm personally not the biggest fan of cryptid-style makeup and looks in Cats in general, but I feel like Deme was balancing just on the edge and it really worked and I loved it. Maybe it was Viviana Salvo's acting as well - she was fabulous at toeing that line between stunning and unnerving!
Tugger and Munkustrap were super close! Munk was less annoyed by Tugger’s antics than normal and they did this thing at one point where Tugger was holding onto Munk who leant fully backwards off the edge of the stage - it was like a trust exercise and I was a fan. Their rendition of Old Deuteronomy was lovely and their voices worked so good together! Tugger was definitely Munkustrap’s second in command of the tribe. I wish Tugger was a bit more Tugger in appearance, he seemed very yellow with not a lot of detail on his costume, but the personality was hundo p present and accounted for. He did the "bite is worse than your bark" line in Jellicle Songs and legit barked at the end.
Jennyanydots was fabulous! Instead of a big coat she literally wore a giant ball of wool, and one of the props was giant knitting needles and the start of what might have been a giant scarf - it took 6 of the Cats to carry it. It actually worked super well for Milan, which is known for fashion and fabrics - there's even a giant sewing needle sculpture outside Cadorna Station! It was probably a happy coincidence but I enjoyed it!
Victoria's role was changed quite a bit, her solo was totally different and the pas de deux was gone. There also kinda just... wasn't the big small first touch Vic and Grizabella moment, which I was sad about, but if Griz's big moment wasn't "TOUCH MEEEEEE" in the translation, I'm not so bothered by it. I wish Vic had a bit bigger of a role because I love her, but she was killing it whenever she was on stage.
We are all stan pink Jemima, she had such a lovely voice too. Her and Alonzo were playing with a tennis ball during the interval and it was adorable.
My beloved Coricopat and Tantomile were lying in the Mouth of Truth prop after Moments of Happiness; they had their usual role of translating Old Doots through Jemima so I thought their placement here was deliberate! They weren't always fully in sync which I kinda liked, it was like they were allowed to be their own characters rather than just "the twins". I definitely got the impression that Tantomile was the older sister which hella backs up my hcs about her!
Gus was absolutely WILD. He comes in after Jellylorum has done her whole first part of the song in this raggedy old tradiotional Sherlock Holmes-style beige plaid coat instead of being there but kinda out of it the whole time. At first he wasnt keen on replaying any of his roles, but then all the others were like please please please and he relented. I think they were calling him (or his role) Romero? Idk if that's an Italian reference I just don't get? They did Pekes and Pollicles (one of the above had been changed to chihuahuas!) and then the bold Rumpus/Romero appeared... in a red satin bath robe and holding a sabre??? I need to look up this reference! Dude didn't just intimidate the pollicles, he straight up cut a couple of them down with his sword! Grandpa woke up and chose violence 😂
There was no trash train in Skimbleshanks 😭😭 there were giant glowstick things that changed colours though. Skimble and Bustopher were played by the same actor which is a combo I haven't seen before. Skimble was definitely still everyone's favourite train dad, all the characters were totally hyped for his song. HE DID TAP LIKE IN 2019. It was really cool how they did it, all the music stopped and he started a call and response tap dance with some of the other characters. The background showed an animated video of going through a train tunnel, like from the perspective of a train driver! The tap was gradually speeding up and became the sound effects of a train setting off and moving through the tunnel. I'm not explaining this super well but it was SO cool.
The Macavity Fight was quite different. There wasn't him disguised as Old Deuteronomy and then unmasked. What happened was he showed up and caused some shenanigans and then disappeared. There were about 4 of him around, so it looked like he was teleporting around the stage and audience! Bombalurina and Demeter performed his song which was absolutely fantastic (seriously how do these actresses actually manage to dance like that and sing at the same time?? Goddesses), after that he showed up again and the full cast was involved in the fight. Munkustrap still got the good choreography, but the whole tribe was involved trying to protect Old Deuteronomy. Tugger was definitely a protector in this production, he was very involved. Jerrie got KO'd a good few times, and Macavity absolutely destroyed poor Jenny! It felt like all of them were trying to protect their family and I really liked that. Despite that, Macavity was still able to win and successfully kidnap Old Doots!
"Mungojerrie, RUMPLETEAZER, Griddlebone" they let my girl do crime again!
Mistoffelees and Quaxo were besties, and Misto was REALLY enjoying Tugger's song I'm just saying. Delighted to announce Il Sistina Misto was a fruity little guy. He didn't get the terrible bore line, sad face, that went to Quaxo, but tbh idk how they translated that so it could be totally different! At one point Alonzo was holding him back at the start of Tugger’s song! We then saw a sponge-like Misto who picked up behaviours from the others around him, like he wasn't too sure of himself. This is actually one of my favourite Misto hcs so i was so chuffed to see it so clearly. He then helped Alonzo rein George (at least I think it was George!) in from going mental fanboy at Tugger. He was originally curious about Griz but then adjusted to hissing upon seeing the others. This fully went forward into his song. They did some big choreo changes. It was significantly less dance-heavy than traditional Misto performances and had a stronger focus on him being magic. There was a levitating box that they spent a lot of time with - Magician's Assistant Cass got in, but then she didn't disappear? She just popped back out again after the box had been rotated a few times. Some of the Kittens were waving their hands under the box to prove there was nothing holding it up and looking amazed which was adorable though. There was also a bit where Misto put some cards into a hat, the hat got passed down a line of Cats and then at the end they just sort of flew out? Like idk maybe they changed the lyrics where they're describing different magic tricks and it all makes sense! I THOUGHT THE CONJURING TURNS WERE GONE, but they were just moved to the very end of the song and cut down quite a bit.
Ok BUT LISTEN, à la 2019, the poor boy tried and failed twice to bring back Old Deuteronomy and then just sort of flopped in the corner all defeated but then BOYFRIEND TUGGER HELD HIS HANDS AND GOT RIGHT UP CLOSE AND WAS LIKE I BELIEVE IN YOU BABE and omg for real those actors knew EXACTLY what they were doing Tuggoff nation RISE. I'm always a red-sheet-turned-cape stan but I can definitely get behind the sparkly tail coat and playing card bowtie. He also had this handkerchief that he threw up in the air and it became a magic wand. I have no idea how and it was very silly so obviously I loved it. Although I wasn't massively into the choreo changes (ballet dancer Misto 5eva), Pierpaolo Scida was a magnificent Misto and I adored him - he was so cute! The little background actions and looks he did were so in character with how he interpreted Misto! Also he was beautiful you can't change my mind.
Malika was such an intense Grizabella - 10/10. She was proud but so vulnerable. She walked right past me when she first came in and lads, she did the whole show in these massive stilettos - absolute queen. At one point it literally rained on her on stage! During her first Memory, Old Deut was really watching her, and at the end of it he approached her, but she ran off when she saw him. I thought it was a super cool character moment, like she knew she wanted to be accepted, but wasn't quite ready for it. Even after the big Memory and Old Deuteronomy declared her the Jellicle Choice, Victoria approached her, but she was still too scared to let her, and it was Jemima who finally was able to reach her and bring her in. At the end she just kinda disappeared off stage - there were no flying tyres or magic stairs in the circus tent!
During the bit after the bows some of the cats were out in the audience and Tugger scared the absolute crap out of this one woman by poking his head in between her and the person sitting next to her. Iconic. Also during the latter part of the interval the audience was allowed to come up to the edge of the stage where some of the actors were goofing about in character. This mf pretended to cough up a hairball and now I have it on video. I also got some close ups of Teazer and the beautiful Bomba!
The Italian Junkyard was fabulous! It was mostly roman landmarks like Piazza Navona and Bocca della Verità, but there was also Michelangelo's David (which I'm pretty sure is in Florence) above the orchestra! There was also a giant marble foot, an Italian-style water fountain, and a broken column. My favourite prop was the bench, it's elevated at the back left of the stage and the cast were using it like a slide to enter the stage! Also it seemed to be Misto’s preferred location to lounge.
In conclusion, I will never get over this.
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Hello! Your first fic was really great!
Could I get an imposter reader? (Cookie run kingdom)
Reader likes to make/wear costumes of their favorite video game characters, but before they were transported they were wearing a Crucible knight armor. But when they got transported, their armor/weapon changed instead of cardboard and other art materials it turned into actual metal. The cookies/ (if they could look back at reader somehow) always thought the costumes were just other bakers/gods, they saw the crucible knight as a god of battle/war as it looked like that, the cookies most of the time pray to this god to bring them victory.
You can take it from here, I don't want to ramble as this will be so long.
Have a great day!
A knight in not so shining armor
Sacrk x imposter!cosplayer!reader
The phrase ‘cosplaying is a dangerous hobby’ is something you’ve never heard people say, but if you told people about this, they probably would start saying it.
A/N: Thank you very much for reading it! I may or may not have. Went a little wild with this one… also cara supremacy <3
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For as long as you can remember, you’ve loved cosplaying. Taking cardboard boxes and some scissors and cutting out the heads of your favorite characters, and then acting like that character. You loved it.
Little did you know, the cookies were aware of your hobby. Thing is, they weren’t exactly aware of the concept of ‘cosplaying’. So whenever they saw you in a different costume, acting like a different character, they thought it was someone completely different. There were quite a few that they knew of- of course, the standard you, the most lovely Caretaker. They saw you as a symbol of love and peace. Your Crucible Knight cosplay was known as simply the Knight, and was seen as a symbol of war and death.
If you’d known that, perhaps you wouldn’t have been as confused. Finding yourself in the Cookie world with your Crucible Knight cosplay hadn’t been your evening plan, but as you realized your cosplay had been made out of actual metals, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.
You remember the very first thing that happened here, when you had grown near the Cookie Kingdom. You saw a playground, many children cookies playing on it. Pancake suddenly fell from the playset, and you ran over to check on him. “Are you alright, Pancake?” You asked, concerned. Pancake looked up at you, and he screamed. “It’s the Knight!” Suddenly, everyone was running away from you, and all you wanted to do was make sure Pancake was okay. And in a mere moment, you were being chased away from the kingdom by what you thought might’ve been the entire army. “You will not bring down our kingdom, Knight!” “It was you who made the Caretaker disappear, wasn’t it?! That’s why we haven’t seen them!”
You ran, and nearly any cookie you ran into would scream for whatever calvary was nearby, and the chase would start again. It wasn’t until you had reached the Dark Cacao Kingdom that you felt a slight bit of safety. Most cookies were inside the walls of the kingdom, and no way were you going inside. Surprisingly, outside wasn’t that bad, because even if you were in a raging blizzard you never felt that cold. You made yourself a comfortable camp close to the woods, out of the way of any watcher patrol paths and near a easy escape if you were caught. For a short while, you had a semblance of peace.
But of course, good things don’t last forever.
You had been hunched over your campfire, the metal of your armor trapping the warmth inside and keeping your dough warm. Suddenly, you heard a loud scream. It was foolish, but before you could think grabbed your blade and ran to the source. You found the source to be some cookie attacked by a massive snow lion, whom you couldn’t make the detail out of. You plunged your blade into the snow lion’s back, and it let out a loud roar before shaking you off and running back into the woods.
“Thank you, I usually don’t get overwhelmed by something such as a snow lio- huh?” You turned around to notice the one being attacked was none other than the First Watcher Caramel Arrow Cookie. Her eyes widened. “Y-you’re the Knight!” Before she could continue, you interrupted her. “Please Caramel Arrow, I don’t wanna hurt you, I don’t even know why everyone calls me that!”
“…You don’t?” She asked, confused. “You’re one of the multiple beings from beyond this world- along with the infamous Caretaker. There’s also the Bard, the Painter, the-” You started laughing, and she stopped. She just seemed more confused. “What’s so funny?” She tried to sound intimidating, you could tell, but her confusion stopped her from doing so. “I never thought that cosplaying would nearly get me killed. It’s so ridiculous! I wouldn’t believe it if I wasn’t here!”
“That laughter…” Caramel Arrow trailed off. “It sounds… so warm. Such behavior doesn’t make sense for the Knight…” She then turned her gaze towards you again. “Say- what is your name?” She asked. “It’s Y/N.” You responded, and her eyes widened. “I-It can’t be- is it really you? Caretaker?”
“…Huh??? First, everyone calls me the Knight, and now here you are calling me the Caretaker??” You felt like your head was about to fall off your shoulders from how much was being put in. “Of course. Only the Caretaker bares the name Y/N. That is what everyone says, anyways.” Caramel Arrow nodded with a smile. “Although… why, are you wearing the Knight’s armor?” After a brief explanation to her about the concept of cosplaying, she suddenly felt mortified. “Caretaker…”
“Please, just call me Y/N. No need for the formalities.” You corrected. “Of course. Y/N, there’s been a grave misunderstanding… between all of us.” Her eyes turned sad, as she gently held your armored hand. “I wish to correct this. Please, allow me to stay at your side, at least until the truth comes to light.”
You certainly wouldn’t say no to a new ally.
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fourseasonsfigs · 1 year
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Taolin Forest Wen Kexing (Handcrafted)
This beautiful figure showed up on the artist's Xianyu page as an immediately available in-stock piece, and I pounced on it. You can tell by my profile pic how much I like this costume, after all!
The artist works in ultralight clay, which has been a new medium to me, and so far I've been impressed. It is very light (as the name suggests!) and appears to be extremely flexible. I was initially very worried about her figures breaking in transport, as they all have very delicate thin little details, but everything seems surprisingly sturdy. It bends, but doesn't deform, and doesn't seem to break with careful treatment. I do baby my figs, but shipping / customs is always a wild card.
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For something like this, I would normally absolutely air column wrap it to protect it from crushing damage. I don't worry about the fig breaking parts off - I worry about it getting squished! If this fig got crushed it would certainly destroy it, given all the thin, flat loops of clay making up most of this figure.
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But, I didn't have to, because the artist packed it in a rigid styrofoam cooler box. This is of course deadly on the shipping fees, especially since my warehouse flags the wooden base as air freight only. But, the only thing worse than paying volumetric air freight charges is getting a crushed figure, so what can you do?
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I too am deeply disappointed by my lack of quality unboxing photos. Why did I not remove this top layer of bubble wrap? NOBODY KNOWS.
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This is an extremely tall figure, by far my largest figure by a wide margin. The full size, including base, is 27 cm, of which 2cm is the base. This makes the figure itself about 10 inches high for us Americans.
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The fan is not clay but paper, which was a nice surprise. I would have been fine either way, but I like the paper. I'm also very appreciative that the artist included it in this rigid plastic box so keep it from getting squished inside the protective cooler. Box. Protective box.
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Here he is without the fan. He's gorgeous! You can really see the detail on his belt and his long, elegant fingers.
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In fact, here's a closeup of those hands and the beautiful detail on the belt. His fingers may look even a bit longer than you might expect, but that's because they need to hold the fan. You can even see the slight indent for the fingernails. This artist is just amazing. She says she puts her whole heart into crafting these figures, and you can tell.
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Holding the fan as so. If you don't think I wasn't a little stressed out carefully wedging the fan in between those beautiful fingers, you have somehow (incredibly) missed all the other cases of my fig related anxiety on this blog. I'm not even a high stress person! Normally.
Alright, let's spin this beauty around, shall we?
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My camera decided to focus on many things, but Wen Kexing's perfect face was not always one of them. So we'll get some closeups. But first, let's do our bottoms-up and top-down pics:
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Please do note the beauty mark on the middle finger of his right hand!
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For size comparison, here's Wen Kexing with his OG official fig counterpart:
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You can definitely see what I mean by how big this fig is! Maybe I should call it a statue instead of a fig.
Alright, time for our close ups.
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Just beautiful. I'll need to commission a matching A-Xu in the Taolin forest costume so I can have them heading off to Siji Manor.
This figure was an incredible price - less than $50 USD. An absolute bargain. I can't even imagine the time that went into this. This was less expensive than other individual figures or pairs of this size, so perhaps I just got lucky with the artist clearing space.
I had really wanted semi-realistic figures like this when Word of Honor was released and I watched it for the first time, so getting this now makes me really happy. The artist also had a snowy mountain set that I picked up around the same time, which should be arriving here relatively shortly. Please look forward to it! I can't wait myself.
Material: Ultra-light clay
Fig Count: 386
Scene Count: 26
Rating: Pure artistry
[link back to Master Fig Index for more posts]
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cerame · 9 months
Artisan’s and Archer’s designs
So a little bit ago, I got a compliment on the two designs of Echoes of Courage I'm proudest of. I do love all these characters, but these two took a bit more creativity on my part, so I'm going to explain them because I am a sucker for design. I will try to remember as many of my own details as I can, but no promises.
Let's explain Archer first.
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Behold, the most recent Link! Breath of the Wild took a departure from the classic green, so I kept with that and made his tunic the main splotch of color on him. The browns and monotone colors are subdued in comparison so that the blue can have the spotlight.
In regards to the tunic itself, botw and totk both have significant influence from traditional Japanese culture, as seen with the sheikah taking on a more japanese fashion sense and the dragons being eastern instead of european shaped, so I kept that with the design of his shirt. His tunic was originally the shape it was in botw, but after the calamity, it sustained such damage that Impa was only able to save some parts of the tunic. Using those parts, she repaired it as best she could, but Archer took a liking to Kakariko fashion anyway, so he's perfectly happy with it. In addition, with the looser fashion of the ancient clothes, I changed his belt to a more ribbony shape.
Thinking about how his shirt might have worked during botw. Perhaps he wore it as a haori, or maybe it was damaged, of a shorter cut, etc. and his Zelda made him the current one. Nothing is concrete about that yet, and I think it would be neat if it was different than it is post-totk.
The turtleneck and the leather armor from the new tunic in totk is incredibly charming to me, so I naturally had to keep it, but in order to show it off practically over the tunic I'd decided on, his sleeve got pulled down. I also designed him before totk came out but after the first trailer came out, and from the trailers, we could all tell that something was going to happen to his arm. I had no idea what purpose it would serve or how Link would end up by the end of the game, so I kept his arm covered up but outside his shirt. Turned out to be a good call.
As for his hair, I loved seeing his hair down so often in totk. It feels all free and wild and soft, so I kept it, except it felt a bit impractical to have it hanging all around him like that, so I did a half-bun. He gets to keep his hair down while tying it out of his face. This also lends itself further to eastern style inspiration.
A note on the smaller details: he does wear his amber earrings, and he's got scars across his body.
Now, we have Artisan.
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It was a bit more difficult to figure out Artisan at first. I took inspiration from as many links meet aus as I could find, but everything for him is so varied, and while it's fun, it does make it difficult to nail down what does work. Unlike with Archer, I had no real direction in the beginning, so I searched for what made him unique as a Link. I also went back to the original ideas of character design, the most prominent being outlines and silhouettes. I'm still a bit iffy on his silhouette, but overall, he works.
First, the albw aspects: His bracelet from Ravio went inactive after the rifts between Lorule and Hyrule closed, but he still wears it. It's becoming comforting to him. As for the clasp on his cloak, it is absolutely the two triforces, and he got it custom-made in Hytopia. His pegasus boots are also from albw, and since Collector and Forge both had their unique pegasus boots, I had to come up with something just as striking for Artisan..... and then, I looked upon none other than the Zelda cartoon of olde, and I decided that Artisan would absolutely wear over-knee boots. So that's what he got.
Now, his triforce heroes parts. I know the green one is player one and all that jazz, but I wanted to see if I could do something not-green, just like Archer or even Piper. The sword suit in the costume catalogue stood out, and not just because the red link is wearing it in the official art. It's more tame than most other choices, and it's casually royal, which is a strange flavor of style, but I discovered after significant experimentation that when you pair it (or the idea of it) with poofy bardic sleeves (yellow, courtesy of albw's blue tunic) and gloves, it takes on an almost roguish look while maintaining the fancier feel. Also, when I lined him up next to Collector and Scout, I found that their colors together were red, blue, then green, and I couldn't not keep him blue after realizing that.
Notes: his cloak is still a bit weird to me, but I've gotten too used to it. Hytopia pushes the boundaries of fashion anyhow, so he can do whatever he likes. His hair is dyed because that's just fun, and it's braided because everyone else in this AU has short hair or a ponytail, and I wanted him to feel more well-groomed than everyone else. He gets to take care of it, and he has gotten hair care advice from Princess Styla. I didn't originally intend for this effect, but the pale outlines of white and gold on his clothing really make his outline pop. The consecutive dark colors of his tunic, pants, and boots would not work without those lines. His eyes are, in fact, purple! Ravio, in turn, has green eyes. I did doubt the choice of yellow sleeves at first, since it's not exactly the secondary color of my choice, but I went with it, and I was pleasantly surprised to see it work so well. Perhaps it was the yellow of his hair and the golden accents, but I am very pleased with it. He only comes a century or so after Collector, so I had to pick a tunic shape that could hold similarities between the two of them, which is why the collar of their outer layer is the same for both of them.
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the-s1lly-corner · 5 months
I don't know if anyone has asked for this yet, but can we have a Nutcracker (preferably male) reader and/or ballerina (Preferably female) reader being besties and just doing little performances for everyone in the circus. This can either be romantic or platonic Reader(s) x TADC, I don't mind! Go crazy with it! Go wild! I love to read ur headcanons and stuff so much man/pos
Gangle, Kinger, Jax, Caine x reader who hosts shows!
two things! i couldnt decide on the gender of the reader so you can read it as both or either </3 other thing, i still dont take reqs for the entire cast (nothing against you this is a blog wide rule/character limit) so i went ahead and ran the request through a wheel to randomly select characters with that said, i hope you enjoy!
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i think, given that hes the circus ringmaster of the circus as well as generally being in control of things thanks to his status of an ai, he tends to host your shows... might even make the other circus members watch. whether you want to read this as platonic or romantic, he just does it because he wants to support you and allow your talent to be seen...! though he might get rather.... loud about it. ive said it so many times but im ready to say it again, he would be your number one fan and hes going to be very clear about it. probably throws roses to the stage for you when youre done with your performance... cheers and claps the loudest... hell, if youre comfortable with it, he might just wear a shirt with your name and face on it..! truly your number 1 fan
i think if this is platonic, depending on how close you guys are he might try to disrupt the show by being a jackass. generally being annoying and trying to get a reaction out of you... though i dont think he would do this if you guys are actually. close or good friends and/or dating... now practice? thats something else... definitely a case of him being able to see that you enjoy what you do and you have passion and dedicate himself so he might just try to contain himself and his need to be an asshole and cause havoc.. i think if asked what he thought he would seem a little neutral about it, hes not going to praise you excessively or be mean.. jax doesnt seem like the type to gush over someone or something no matter how much he liked it.. best youd get out of him is a "good job,".. definitely one that hinges off of how close you guys are and how much respect and boundaries are set up between you two
i think he might be a toned down caine, looks like he would give you a rose after your performance.. though if youre not a flower person i think he would swap the rose out for something else. while caine might be barely containing his excitement throughout your performance, kinger is much more likely to be able to sit still and quiet... although still very much consumed by you, perhaps even sitting on the edge of his seat in an attempt to get a better look at you. i think he would notice a lot of smaller details and stuff you put in your shows, such as costumes or decoration, too... maybe its self projection, but i think he bounces between being clueless to having a really really keen eye when it comes to things... also the fact i love the hc of "clueless/chaotic/commonly zoned out character noticing something vital or making a smart point for a moment before reverting back to status quo" is one of my favorite tropes.... loves watching you practice
i think she might actually help you with costumes and stage decorations! sure her thing is mostly art and you might have to recruit the help of ragatha for some things but i think gangle would be more than willing to help you out... plus it gives her something to do, and it means spending time with you! and thats always nice! very receptive to the stuff you have to say but i think she might try to offer some alternatives to make things visually look more appealing... as for actual performances i think she would love them! she strikes me as a theatre kid, and your sort of thing is adjacent i think... might gush to you about the show and how you did, though its often that she might trail off and become sheepish if she feels she was getting too into her ramble.. generally very sweet, though, but due to her shyness shes not going to do more than the rest of the crowd (throwing flowers, clapping louder than everyone else, ect ect ect)
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shelbeanie · 2 years
I let myself go wild while remaking my Collector cosplay! Thank you so much @DanaTerrace and your team, I had so much fun over analyzing all the little details in the show to try and incorporate into this!
I’m also going go to do a breakdown the 60 hours of work over 2 weeks that went into it because I had to speed up everything! My initial design. I ended up changing the design in one side to mimic the grain pattern on the other side, but all of the little details and the color shift are high key my favorites parts
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I was dead set on the fabric shifting between Navy/Plum and Silver/lilac. I’m fairly certain I willed these fabrics into existence because they were almost impossible to find. I had a back up plan of navy and silver velvet if it didn’t work out, which I will likely still make
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I wanted to add texture to the costume. Little details you wouldn’t notice at a distance but up close you could see all of the tiny hidden intricate details. My initial design was a quilted pattern but it priced very hard to digitize. I wanted to maximize the space I could cover while mimimizing the time spent so I created a second design. That one was further simplified down to save time. Each pattern piece has 15 panels, 25 min each
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The alternate side was originally supposed to have diamonds on it, but those proved difficult to digitize and difficult to line up, they just didn’t look as good as I had hoped. I redesigned it so that the lines imitates the grain of the dark purple/crossed the grain. Much better
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I also has to trim all of the strings to clean it up and trim the backing. Next time I do something like this I will use water soluble backing. This side had 15-20 panels (I lost count) at 25 min each with 3 bridging patches to help make the pattern look natural.
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The sleeves have 6 designs per sleeve and the zigzag design. I wanted the zig zags to be interlocking titan skulls, each one took 7 min (11 per sleeve). There are 3 different moons with a collector hidden in each. The suns are the sign of the huntsman. Each sun/moon took 30 min. I also added the titans from the title card boarder to my collar
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The hat dot/constellations are in the opening. I had to add a couple more by hand to fill in blank spaces. The hat is lined and the lining/boarder are attached via a satin stitch. I finished most edges with a satin stitch.
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I have hit my limit on pictures but I’m not finished, so I am going to have to do a follow up post with the rest of the details, check the reposts for it!
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daeyeol4you · 10 months
The Chay Rewatch Ep 8
Ep 1 & 2, Ep 3, Ep 4, Ep 5, Ep 6, Ep 7
Ep 8 - Chay flies his red flag
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Okay this one has nothing to do with ep 8 but rather a thing about ep 7’s Chay Outfit I just realized!
Chay’s shirt said Vendredi which means Friday in French. Well, when else have we connected Chay to Fridays? It's so blink and you miss it! In ep 4, Kim sings “Your laughter that makes me feel like it’s Friday” as Chay watches on from the crowd. I’ve already gone into how this song foreshadows the KimChay relationship and Kim’s inevitable heartbreak-induced songwriting, but that shirt being a direct callback to that song is so intense to me! (I also was totally not rewatching that ep at 2 am that is so not relevent)
Chay’s shirts are such a treasure trove I’m obsessed, costuming I am your biggest fan
Time: 18:55 – 20:59 – Kim Take Up Coloring
I want to know the point of these maps so bad, are they territory lines or areas Kim can go without running into Chay (since he’s in his first ignore his own feelings and Chay era)
Kim also has an old-fashioned gramophone and records, which is definitely something he and Chay bonded over during their many not-dates
Kim’s outfit: A blue, gray, and black colorblock overshirt with a plain white shirt underneath as well as his silver jewelry, this time with a corded silver chain that I adore.
The pictures they chose for the parents’ photos make them seem like socialites
The way I always forget we get the dad’s name too. Chayapat, wild
“Do you watch too many movies?” – you say just before you blurt out the most telenovela plot idea ever of the mom being your father’s mistress
I wonder how much Kim thought about that, the idea that Porsche & Chay could be his father’s kids. Maybe that’s another reason for Kim to start ignoring Chay. He knows he’s falling for Chay, but he’s trying to keep his feelings from developing further until he knows
I don’t like the pseudo-incest plotline that comes in later on, mainly because we’d already seen KinnPorsche fuck nasty a billion times, but also because there’s no setup outside of this one comment from Kim. If they really wanted to commit pseudo-incest, there needs to be a much more intricate setup
Does Kim really want to move on from investigating Porsche? Or does he just want to run away from his feelings for Chay?
Okay the phone call – I’m 99% sure that’s Chay calling, especially since we know Chay asks why Kim’s dodging his calls. I compared the Thai spelling of his name to the name on the phone, and I think it's similar. Who else would Kim be ignoring like that?
Kim looks pissed when he goes back to his coloring. Mad at himself for developing feelings for Chay? Mad at himself for ignoring Chay? Emotional constipation in general?
Time: 35:40 – 38:12 – Chay pulls a Kim
I have so many questions about how Chay found Kim’s apartment. Kim most certainly did not bring him there, so Chay had to do some stalking. His excuse that he asked a friend is so paper thin. Kim would never bring a friend home, and which one would Chay ask?
He probably already knew from his Wik obsession but knew that going there was a big no. Now tho? He has an excuse to show up at Kim’s unannounced like Kim did to him
The MC friend doesn’t seem close to Kim, judging by how when Kim actually rolls up to class, he gives him the news about Chay he could have texted meaning he doesn’t know how to contact Kim or just isn’t close enough to do so. The rehearsal space friend is more plausible, but I digress
KimChay really is Stalker for Stalker
Kim’s Outfit: A really cute pumpkin-colored jacket with a black shirt and pants combo. I really like his black leather boots. They seem way more function than fashion. A new silver chain but his usual rings and earrings I think
Chay’s Outfit: another plaid shirt look that so works for him. I like to call this Chay’s angel look. He’s in a cream-colored plaid shirt with faint blue and orangish details as well as a white shirt. White Converse too. His silver pendant has some kind of design but I can’t tell what.
The lighting and set really paint Chay as the light and Kim as the dark. You’ve got Kim whose legs blend into the dark colors of the foyer and then Chay who stands as a bright beacon in the street under the sun. He’s not involved in the mafia yet, so he remains a bright, unrestrained light.
Chay’s cute little stance as he bamboozles Kim (& he def bamboozles Kim). He’s just so excited to see his target- sorry his crush!
I love the emotions Kim inadvertently shows during this scene. He’s so cold, but you can tell he’s so caught off guard by Chay and his genuine feelings, and he’s so heart eyes about Chay’s red flags. He’s still being a dick trying to brush Chay off, but you also see his hard-shell cracking
Chay you are so accidentally freaky I love you
Chay, to me, is so powerful. He sees the brush off Kim is trying to give him, but he stands his ground. He’s no people pleaser, and I don’t think he’s doing this to keep Kim’s romantic attention. He’s fully aware of the opportunity being tutored by someone like Kim is, because he’s a kid that always had to scrape by. Letting this go without a fight, without doing everything he could to keep it is not something he’s hardwired to do
Chay’s really funny – the guitar stand bit made me giggle (him being funny, hopeful, or happy often is mislabeled as him being childish or naïve but I digress y’all know my thoughts on that)
I’m sorry but the name on the sign behind Chay being ‘The Mystery,’ no wonder Kim lives there
Chay’s so talented, raw but talented. Clean up the song a bit, give him some vocal training, and you’ll have a really catchy song and probably will do numbers online
Excuse you Mr. Security guard man! Can you not see he’s trying to serenade someone! Also why choose now to interrupt and not at the beginning? Bro decided to give him a chance at least lol
And now he places the ball in Kim’s court. Chay may be a touch obsessive and freaky, but he knows what lines he can and can’t cross. Asking Kim to tell him what he thinks and immediately leaving gives Kim space as well as leaving an open dialogue
Kim’s face as Chay walks away shows how conflicted he feels. He is aware that he’s developing feelings for Chay, but he’s also doubly aware that something fishy is going on within his family. He has so much conflict because Kim’s not an emotional person. He cares about his brothers (and that’s from a distance), and he’s suspicious of his father that’s it. Kim has to grow as a person if he wants to love Chay
Overall Chay Rating (Chrating): A
This ep has my favorite Chay and Kim outfits I won’t lie. I love how they (on purpose or not) match the set as well as who these two characters are at this point in time. Chay is still completely unaware of the mafia so he stays in the light while Kim is entrenching himself in his family’s secrets and trying to push Chay away leaving him in the dark. Chay also shows how much of a fighter he is. He's a strong independent character! He's emotionally mature and capable of making his own decisions! He isn’t going to let Kim slink away without at least being able to say he did everything he could. He’s letting them either end on a completed note for Chay or continue to grow closer if that’s what Kim wants. Chay always allows others to have a choice in what they do next, we’ve seen this with Chay backing down after Kim seems uncomfortable & here where Chay leaves without making Kim answer him before he’s ready. This episode also begins to drop hints that Nampueng is more important to Korn than previously thought. Damn, I wish the Kimspiracy Board had actually had a real hold on the plot instead of being inevitably useless and forgotten.
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deepdreamnights · 1 year
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Vibrant Outrage
This is the new vibe.
Free-to-Use character portraits and fashion inspiration made in Midjourney V4. Tag yourself as you desire, details on the process under the fold.
Much like the dinofolk, there are minor edits, mostly to fix color and tone balance, incomplete borders, etc.
Prompts were mostly variations of:
painting of a person wearing a costume, by Fujiwara Nobuzane and Sharon Knettell, tumblr, pop art, 80s color scheme, <celebrity here*>, no background, neon hooves, zig zag, star, curvy accentuated figure, very fashionable, with shoulder pads, banner, kitsch fashion, synthetic fur, born this way, young idol, new wave chaos, very dynamic, starry, fashion icon, image
Long time followers may notice that's not quite my normal prompting style. That's because this was an experiment with using Clip Interrogator 2, an image-to-prompt AI process.
It's still early days and isn't terribly accurate beyond vibes, which is fine for my process. It's like the early days of google translate, where you could get wild, strange stuff by passing a text between multiple languages. relatively easily.
It also fills in nicely for image prompting, since its basically the same process but converts the token language back into a prompt rather than leaving it tokens. This allows for editing, and also helps get around Midjourney's hair-trigger NSFW filtering, which often finds leotards and legwarmers downright obscene.
Given the nature of the above pics, it shouldn't be hard to guess what I started with.
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Sharon Knettell's work is right there with Earl Norem and Hector Garrido in downright iconic 1980s toy package art, her Jem work has beautifully subtle shading that makes everything look half-real, half-fashion sketch. I wanted to see what the AI made of it.
The solo Pizzazz (I think) produced this:
a close up of a person wearing a costume, by Fujiwara Nobuzane, tumblr, pop art, 80s color scheme, kylie minogue, neon hooves, zig zag, star, very fashionable, with shoulder pads, banner, kitsch fashion, kermit, synthetic fur, born this way, young idol, very dynamic, starry, fashion icon, image
Which I modified in various stages and combinations. Blending with my own phrasing, chunks from other CI2-derived prompts, and changing references associated with color and celebrity. You'll note that it didn't identify Knettell. This isn't uncommon with CI2, it picks up on "vibes" more than specifics because that's how the AIs work. the mix of influences of Fujiwara Nobuzane, tumblr, pop art, and every other part of the prompt blend and iterate off each other to create something new.
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Early results were too cartoony in a traditional 1960s comic book fashion until I blended the intent (Knettell) with the guess (Nobuzane and the rest), which still produced a lot of wild offshoots. A more comic-booky set of these gals is coming, to be sure.
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sakumasmut · 2 years
Hello!!! I enjoyed your writing a lot🥰 Can I request a breeding kink with Jun (in his hyena outfit) and fem!reader? Thank you very much🥺💕
Hyena Outfit!Jun Sazanami x Fem!Reader
tags/warnings: cosplay, clothed sex (naked reader, clothed Jun), mating press, breeding, light primal play
The way Jun looked in his striped hyena costume was much more alluring than he gave himself credit for. To think he actually dressed like that, showing off toned abs and tan skin, and even performing on stage in it. He looked smoking hot in it, even more than he did without anything on.
Jun was surprised at your request for him to wear the outfit for more private purposes, but didn’t question it and took it from the costume department. You hoped they were going to thoroughly dry-clean it after tonight—it was going to need the washing. Your legs were pressed next to your head and into the mattress, hips lifted into the air by his gloved hands as he rutted into you at a brutal pace from above, slapping his hips against your cunt. His cock drove into you easily, gravity doing the work for him as your walls clamped around it each time his dick slid back in.
Squeals left your mouth in waves, unable to control yourself and not feeling the need to. Jun’s outfit looked like a ferocious animal, so you were more than happy to let him pounce on you like one. He was the predator, a hungry carnivore that wanted nothing more to eat you up. You were the prey—naked, trembling, and ready to be torn apart.
Your eyes kept wandering from his concentrated face towards his decorated arms and chest, lovingly taking in all the details of the accessories and makeup he asked the staff to put on him as well. His clothes showed off his already gorgeous body; the breast plate that made a small clinking noise whenever he moved up and down, the red vest that was cut so low that his sweating chest was visible to you, the striped collar clicked into place below his chin, and the sash that was barely hanging onto his hips, the fabric brushing against your skin each time he bottomed out—they all increased your arousal tenfold. To think he’d go to all that effort, just to satisfy one of your bedroom fantasies; Jun was a dream come true.
“Man, you really like the outfit, huh?” Jun chuckled, noticing your staring. “Didn’t think you were into this stuff.”
You blushed, looking up at him and noticing the way his ear headband had dislodged slightly from his hair, so that it was tilted towards the right. He needed to stop being so darn cute!
“I-I just think it suits you! The tail and ears are cute too!”
He raised an eyebrow as he also raised his hips, suddenly slamming into you so hard you felt his tip press against your cervix. You cried out loudly, walls clenching even tighter.
“I-I meant sexy! You look super hot!”
“That’s right, I’m a sexy and cool predator of the wild.” He lifted himself up to pull his cock out of you, letting his tip just barely touch your dripping entrance.
“Now let's make you this hyena’s mate.”
His grip on your hips tightened as he slammed into you again. Any complaints you had were literally fucked out of your thoughts in favor of screaming his name. It didn’t matter if the mating press was starting to make your joints ache, nor did it matter that your stomach lurched each time he dick pressed against the entrance to your womb, so close to fertilizing your eggs. All that matter was that he was fucking you, and doing an amazing job at it.
“Like that?” Jun grunted, “Like it when my cock is deep inside you?”
“Y-Yes! I love it!”
“Good, ‘cause it’s gonna go in real deep when I pump my load into you, and you’ll take it all like a good mate, won't cha?”
“Yes!” You cried out. “Give it all to me!”
Jun sped up, his thrusts getting harder and faster. Your voice went hoarse from how vocal you were being, but even the smallest of whimpers from your throat were pushing him towards the edge. Your body shuddered, and a loud cry left your lips as your climax rocked your body, pussy clenching tightly around his length to milk it. His cock obliged, and Jun grunted as he came deep inside you. His seed unloading inside you sent a warm tingle all over your skin as it filled your womb up and painted it white.
You breathed heavily, coming down from your high and quickly realizing that without the pleasure masking it, the pain from having your body essentially folded in half was catching up. You tried to squirm in discomfort, but Jun didn’t move from his position, nor did he let go of you, keeping his cock inside as you felt his seed swimming inside you. It felt like your guts were being rearranged.
“Mm, you were great, /name/.” He gave you a toothy grin, “But you’re gonna have to stay like this for a while longer, can’t let anything leak out.”
“But you’re not even hard anymore!” You complained, and Jun smirked.
“Oh, that can be fixed real quick.”
Jun had a dangerous glint in his eyes as his grip returned to your hips, keeping your legs propped up as he began to shallowly thrust into you. You couldn’t help but whine, especially when you felt his member beginning to harden once again.
“A-Are we not finished?”
“Oh I’m far from done with you.” He cooed. “I need to fuck my cum in deeper and deeper. We’re not stopping ‘till you’re overflowing with my sperm.”
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akuneko-tls · 7 months
Butler's Halloween / Chapter 8 - Making Sweets
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[Devil's Palace, Kitchen]
One day, before the costume party at the mansion was about to take place, I stopped by the kitchen...
I found Lono, Nac, and Fennesz were discussing something there.
> "I wonder what they're talking about?"
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Lono: "Halloween is all about sweets, isn't it! I'm sure the party-goers are expecting delicious treats as well. Let's make lots of delicious sweets to meet everyone's expectations!"
Nac: "Yes, you're right, Lono. Unfortunately, our budget is limited this time, so.... We cannot spend much on ingredients. Please don't forget that…"
Fennesz: "Oh, then... How about pumpkin scones? When we made the pumpkin lanterns, we had a lot of leftovers, didn't we?"
Lono: "Oh, right! We still have some pumpkins left. If we use that, we should be able to save a lot of money."
Nac: "I see, I see… There was that method as well."
Fennesz: "But… I'm not sure if a party with only pumpkin scones would be good enough...?"
Lono: "Hmmm… yeah. We need to secure other ingredients first..."
*Close-up* Nac: "Oh? My lord, you are here."
> "Seems like you guys are struggling."
Nac: "Yes… As a matter of fact, indeed we are.  We have spent too much on costumes and decorations, so we'd like to keep the ingredients cost as low as possible, but… We're still not willing to compromise on ensuring everyone's satisfaction when it comes to the party."
Lono: "Yes, exactly.  It would be better to have not only scones, but also Mont Blanc–.... Hmm? Mont Blanc…? Right… I forgot all about it."
Fennesz: "Huh? What is it Lono?"
Lono: "Chestnuts! It's the chestnuts! I know a place in the forest where we can pick delicious chestnuts. All the forests around here are on the Devil's Palace property. If we use those chestnuts, we can save a lot of money, don't you think?"
Fennesz: "I see… there was that method too."
Nac: "Nice idea, Lono! Let's go get some chestnuts right away."
> "Let me help"
Nac: "What? You would… my lord?"
> "Because I want to help you too"
Nac: "Fufu… Thank you very much.  I would not normally bother you, but.... To be honest... The more help we can get now, the better. I will take you at your word… and ask for your help, my lord."
> "Yeah, leave it to me"
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[Forest around Devil's Palace]
As we entered the forest near the mansion... The area was completely red with autumn leaves. It was a different kind of beauty from the forests we are used to see.
> "So pretty…"
Nac: "Yes, it really is beautiful. Just seeing this view makes it worth coming."
Lono: "My lord, please take our hands when you walk so you don't fall down. It would be dangerous if you were to slip or fall."
Fennesz: "That's right. You never know what's on the ground, hidden in the fallen leaves… Oh, it's a pinkmottle woodwax!"
> "Fennesz?"
Fennesz, who seems to have found a mushroom, crouches happily on the ground.
Fennesz: "Wow~ I didn't know it grew in such a place. Fufu. They're slightly bitter, but that's what gives it a mature flavor…"
> "You really know a lot about mushrooms"
Fennesz: "Oh, I'm sorry… When I find mushrooms, I get carried away. It can't be used for sweets, but... since we're here, let's harvest these too. It's a good way to save money on food."
> "You're right"
Nac: "Fufu… Thank you as always, Mr. Fennesz. Every year around this time, thanks to the mushrooms you gather, the finances of the mansion receive strong support."
Fennesz: "R-really? Well, it's kind of a hobby of mine... Oh, right. There should be some parasol mushrooms and larch boletes growing wild a little further down the road… I'll pick those up later, too."
Lono: "What... How do you know that? I'm familiar with the food in this forest… and yet I don't know where the mushrooms are."
Fennesz: "Yeah, about that… The truth is, I've been keeping records  ever since I came to this mansion. I keep track of the topography of the mountains, and when and where the mushrooms grow… I try to be as detailed as possible."
Lono: "F-for real? That's awesome…"
> "How meticulous"
Nac: "Yes, indeed. As expected of Mr. Fennesz."
Fennesz: "No, it's not that big of a deal. When I first came here, I was... well, I was simply desperate. I mean, Haures and Boschi, who were my age, had always been stronger than me. Since I couldn't defeat them in battle... I had to find other ways to contribute to the mansion. This mushroom note is one of them."
Nac: "I see... So you have been searching for your own way to be of service to everyone. That's wonderful...! We should learn from your attitude."
Lono: "That's right.  I also receive strong support, thanks to Mr. Fennesz! You bring me mushrooms that I can't buy in the market… You also tell me 'how to cook these mushrooms and how delicious they are'. You teach me things that I don't know."
Fennesz: "Th-thank you. I'm glad to hear you say that. But right back at you, Lono… Thank you for always making delicious food for us."
Lono: "No problem! I've always liked cooking."
Fennesz: "But... Isn't it hard to plan a menu for everyone every day? And in Lono's case, you make more than 10 servings for every meal. If I were in charge of cooking, I'd have been exhausted by now."
> "Yes, it does sound like a lot of work"
Lono: "Hehe… Well, it's pain in the neck sometimes, but… when people eat my cooking and tell me, 'it's delicious' It makes me happy… and makes me 'want to cook' again. I think 'I need to make even tastier food' for you guys."
Nac: "Fufu… I really have to thank you, Lono. For someone like me who doesn't like meat...  Every time, you take that into consideration and always prepare such delicious dishes."
Lono: "Don't worry about it, Mr. Nac. This is my job. Every butler is unique. I know not only what they like and dislike, but also what they prefer. I make adjustments to make it easier for each of them to eat.
For example, Mr. Lamli prefers a stronger flavor, Mr. Boschi likes his meat medium-rare,  and Mr. Fennesz likes his bread hard… Mr. Nac, on the other hand, prefers soft bread, right?"
Fennesz: "Huh? Y-yes... That's true. I feel like I eat more when I chew a lot."
Nac: "As for me... I've been used to soft bread for as long as I can remember. So, I was surprised...  Did you intentionally change the texture of each piece of bread?"
Lono: "Hehe, that's right! If you like, try exchanging your bread next time. The texture should be very different."
> "That's very thoughtful of you"
Lono: "No, no, no! It's no big deal."
Fennesz: "But it is a big deal, Lono."
Nac: "Yes, it is. It's no longer a Devil's Palace meal without you, Lono."
Fennesz: "I'll have to learn from him… Do you keep notes of everyone's preferences? I'd like to see it if you don't mind…"
Lono: "Huh? No, I didn't actually make any notes for that…"
Fennesz: "Huh...? So you remember them all then? You can remember the detailed preferences of 13 people... You have an amazing memory."
Lono: "No, no. It's nothing compared to your memory, Mr. Fennesz. But, well... If it's something I'm interested in, it's not hard to remember. So I remember all of your preferences once I hear them."
> "Thank you, Lono"
Lono: "Hehe. It's my duty as your butler. Whoops! I shouldn't have been talking for so long. We're almost there. Let's harvest a lot and start baking!"
> "Alright!"
After that... With Lono's guidance, we found the chestnut trees.  We gathered as many chestnuts as we could and returned to the mansion.
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persephonesfill · 2 months
hotd season 1 rewatch notes 💖
episode 1 the heirs of the dragon
one of the things i'm noticing, and enjoying, is the costume designer's attention to detail. literally in the opening scene at the whatever of harrenhal, aemma's gown looks like one of the gowns young rhaenyra wears later on. wouldn't surprise me if rhaenyra had some of her mother's gowns altered to suit her own style/current fashions, and as a way to honor aemma 💖
speaking of aemma, the fact that we first see her and she's pregnant,,,nine years later she's still pregnant,,,just like it's such a great (and terrible) way of showing us her plight. her entire existence is reduced to being the mother of viserys' children and we literally never see her in a non-pregnant state.
putting the rest under a cut because i have can't shut the fuck up disease 💖
love that rhaenyra's opening scene is of her flying with syrax. she's bold and free-spirited (and they have the budget to show dragons in the first episode bdhfdhd)
baby alicent and rhaenyra are so cute together! they're literally always touching or finding reasons to walk arm in arm or hand in hand (which makes 1x7 and 1x8 even more gut-wrenching) love is stored in the hands etc etc
corlys being one of the few council members who actually wants to get shit done>>> literally he's the only one taking the threat of the triarchy seriously and considering the longterm affects of them controlling commerce through the stepstones and narrow sea.
otto hightower is a cunt, what else is new. but the way he speaks for viserys in council meetings, before viserys even gets a chance to voice his own opinion, incheresting
daemon shrouded in shadows on the iron throne like an edgelord fhhdhdhdh
aemma's bath water being lukewarm,,, i may be reading into it too much but you can't tell me the maesters weren't deliberately sabotaging her pregnancies
"after this miserable pregnancy, i wouldn't be surprised if i hatched an actual dragon" "rhaenyra has already declared that she is to have a sister" "she even named her visenya" OH MY FUCKING GOD
viserys' vision of aegon,,,not once did he think to consider that maybe the vision was an omen and not a blessing
daemon's police brutality sequence is still terrible and hilarious but i will say it does a good job of setting up the storming of the dragon pit. like is it any surprise that the smallfolk revolt when the targaryens treat them Like That
i am getting SICK of otto not letting the other council members speak like SHUT THE FUCK UP.
him bringing up daemon's wife, while they're supposed to be discussing the city watch, AND the fact that he does it after corlys defends daemon...this man is absolutely trying his best to ruin daemon's image (not that daemon needs much help with that but still)
otto's wife passed recently (my guess is at the most a few months ago) and he hasn't remarried yet aemma's ashes are still smoldering when he brings up marriage to viserys 😑😑
mysaria and daemon are so interesting to me. sexual relationship aside, the fact that daemon allows himself to be vulnerable around her, and mysaria accurately pinpoints why he's so upset (thinks viserys is replacing him) shows how much she knows about him.
i also think that's partially why daemon and rhaenyra are so drawn to each other. they're both wild and impetuous and seek these close relationships with viserys that don't exist anymore so they're finding a replacement in the other in true targaryen fashion.
corlys and rhaenys judging people at the heir's tourney because they know they're better than everyone 💅💅
i still think the tourney scenes are great. there's so much at play here and it's more than just blood and guts and violence. daemon asking for alicent's favor was 100% him fucking with otto. aemma's birth scenes being intercut with the gore of the tourney is a great callback to her earlier line of the childbed being a woman's battlefield. also boremund baratheon asking for rhaenys favor, highlighting the familial ties between both houses. AND the final fight scene between criston cole and daemon targaryen. i don't recall if they fight each other later on during the dance, but i can't help but feel like it was foreshadowing for the black-and-green conflict later on. especially given the fact that criston cole wins after attacking daemon from behind and aemma dies right after, possible symbolism for the greens taking the throne through underhanded means/the hightowers taking the place of the targs, starting with aemma? or maybe once again i'm reading too much into it
the grand maester gives a weird look to baelon and once AGAIN i firmly believe that they had something to do with aemma's failed pregnancies/baelon's death.
otto using alicent's grief of her mother to get her to go to viserys' chambers is so fucking FOUL. i wouldn't be surprised if his goal was to make alicent queen all along. maybe if aemma had given birth to a son at some point, he would have used alicent's close relationship with rhaenyra as leverage "you two are already as close as sisters, wouldn't you like to make that a reality :)" but obviously that never happens so he starts weighing his options. i think he would die before he even considered getting alicent and daemon together, but viserys and alicent could serve for his purposes. viserys is malleable and open to suggestions in a way that daemon isn't. all he has to do is make viserys see alicent in a mature light. terrible terrible man and i can't wait to see him die
i think in his own way, daemon is grieving aemma and baelon and he does care for his family. the only reason he makes his heir for a day speech is because he's goaded into it, and it's very telling that they cut away from the scene right before he actually says it. before his speech he does look like man trying to drown his sorrows in a cup of ale
it's easier to accept aegon's prophecy scene if you pretend that hotd takes place in an alternate universe where got didn't end Like That
rhaenyra's confirmation (or whatever you want to call it) fit is 🔥🔥 10/10 no notes
nice nod to the dance towards the end with the lords swearing their fealty (velaryon, stark, hightower, and baratheon) especially with the way boremund baratheon hesitates 🔥🔥
the cut to rhaenys' face,,,diabolical
viserys telling rhaenyra about the long night as rickon stark swears his oath 🔥🔥
"promise me, ned" "promise me, rhaenyra" 🫠🫠
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domesticatedangel · 11 months
✨ let's play 10 Qs for GK! 🎆
1- fave character besides harvey/twoface? 2- fave harvey/twoface scene? 3- fave dynamic between 2 characters? 4- best character development? 5- most memorable line? 6- fave plot twist? 7- what did you think of twoface? 8- something you loved about the creation/design? 9- anything you would change about the season 1 plot or characters? 10- what did you think of the season 2 setup?
💌 thanks for sharing the love! #GothamKnights 🦇💋
THIS IS SO FUN THANK YOU!! Below the cut bc it got long!
1. fave character besides harvey/twoface?
Probably Harper! I think she’s just gorgeous and I love how tough and smart she is, but how she still feels a lot of emotion under it all.
2. fave harvey/twoface scene?
This is hard!! I think I want to say the scene where both Harvey’s are talking to one another. I actually made a post of why I loved it so much here and it still stands. I would also say the very last scene of him, when he’s confronting Jane. The way they had him in the shadows just to emerge as something totally different from the Harvey and even Dark Harvey that we knew- a whole new beast. Terrifying! Chills!
3. fave dynamic between 2 characters?
Cullen + anyone. Loved his relationship with his sister, how he cared about Turner and Carrie, how he had a love/hate relationship with Duela, etc. Even the police guy was funny. But also, can’t forget Sharper. Harper sticking up for Steph and then Steph giving Harper her comic book alias? 🥺🥺 The slight enemies to lovers was also *chef’s kiss*
4. best character development?
Stephanie!! She became so much stronger with the Knights and really grew into herself.
5. most memorable line?
“So that’s what it feels like.”
6. fave plot twist?
Rebecca being an evil hot milf. It was obvious but I ate that shit up.
7. what did you think of twoface?
I think they did an awesome job at adapting him and setting him apart from his other live action counterparts, from the writing, to the acting, and to the makeup.
8. something you loved about the creation/design?
I believe a lot of it was practical (set wise) which made it feel so much more authentic. I also loved the lighting and the coloring, and where would this show be without JMN’s costuming? So much detail and love went into the design of this story, and it SHOWS.
9. anything you would change about the season 1 plot or characters?
I would have made it to where Jensen actually got to play Batman lol. But I’ll give a less obvious answer. I wish we could have seen Duela grow a little bit more. I think she did have multiple changes of heart and character, but it still felt like her against the knights even up until the last episode (Harper’s reaction to her bomb call for example). I guess I would have liked to see her have a fully realized relationship/role within the group.
10. what did you think of the season 2 setup?
UGH SO FUCKING GOOD. Turner being trained by the man who trained his parents and Batman? Two-Face running wild through Gotham, seemingly on a vengeance kick? The Knights continuing on thinking their friend is dead? So much potential, so many questions. We were so close to greatness.
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Do you ever see an unfunny meme
and feel the overwhelming urge to destroy its (attempt at) humor by treating it as a research prompt? That happened to me recently when I saw this:
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If I had to place my discontent with the punchline, it’s that it enforces a stereotype instead of breaking it. What’s more, as one of my friends noted upon seeing the meme, it employs the picture to power the punchline. The style of ukiyo-e prints does generally make faces look similar.
The only catch is, there are other ways to distinguish characters in a picture, and ukiyo-e artists weren’t afraid to overuse them in order to make everything crystally clear to everybody even half-literate. The first clue are the clothes & accessoires. They let the viewer guess the characters' gender and social status. The style of the clothes and its colour, as well as the presence of heraldic symbols or class symbols (like swords) are the things to look at. If we’re talking famous characters, they may have certain fixed poses/attires/objects by which they are easily recognized. Another important clue is when the artist puts the name of the person in the picture right next to them on a special plaque.
All this is not to say that all faces in ukiyo-e prints are the same. Sure, from early on in Japanese visual art there is a trend of drawing faces in as few and as simple lines as possible (引目鉤鼻, hikime kagibana, or, "slit-eyes and hook-nose")*. But by the late Edo period (to which this print belongs) it is customary to add some individuality into the characters’ features. I think the influence of Sharaku’s caricature-like portraits** here.
In my experience, the two types of sword-wielding characters that come up in such prints are famous martial heroes and actors. The actual warriors are often depicted alone in detailed, dynamic poses***, while actors can come in groups, acting out famous scenes from various plays. (Needless to say, prints were published in thematic albums). In this particular print, we see a pair of actors. First, they are wearing some elaborate costumes (not regular clothes, nor armour, as it would be appropriate for famous warriors). Second, their faces are clean (and warriors in prints are often bearded and wild-looking to reflect their warlike attitude). Third, the pose looks theatrical in its stillness. Certainly, the artist was good enough to make it as dynamic as was custom for that period, should that have been necessary. Also (and this is more of a gut feeling) the bamboo and the lantern in the background seem like something to do with the theater, too.
Now, the only question that remains is, what’s the play? To answer it I had to scroll quite a bit through google images search until I found the original. It, as expected, came with many inscriptions.
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Utagawa Kunisada, 1856
As the cool red lion-plaque in the right corner indicates, the series this print is from is called Seven calligraphic variants of the iroha (清書七伊呂波). Next, a title says that what we see is a scene for the character tsu (つ) from the Kabuki play Tsuzure-no nishiki (襤褸錦, roughly translates as "The brocade of rags"). Which explains the clothes. Next to the title of the play the names of the characters are listed. The black squares on the left (to the best of my understanding) contain the names of the actors.
More pictures and links under cut!
*hikime kagibana
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a close-up of a court lady from Genji monogatari emaki, 12th century (source)
**an actor's portrait by Sharaku
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Arashi Ryûzô II as Ishibe Kinkichi, 1794 (source)
***a warrior print
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石橋山伏木隠 大場三郎景親 (Ishibashiyama: hidden under a bowed tree; Ōba Saburō Kagechika), by Utagawa Kuniyoshi, mid-19th century (source)
And also
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the same scene from Tsuzure-no nishiki in larger scale (same artist, but from about 30 years earlier). The lantern, bamboo and the straw... something seem to indeed be stage decorations/props (source)
P.S. Just remembered that i made another iroha-related post a while ago
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themovieblogonline · 3 months
SXSW: Documentary vs. Narrative: Telling a Personal Story
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So, you've got a story to tell. A personal saga that needs to escape your brain and grace the silver screen (or, you know, YouTube). But a big question blocks your path: documentary vs narrative? For a lot of filmmakers, this is a very real and very interesting choice. Real Reel vs. Reel Fake: What's the Diff? Documentaries? Think real people, real situations (well, mostly real), and zero Hollywood make-believe. You point your camera, capture life's unscripted moments, and weave them into a tapestry of truth (or at least your truth).  Let's face it, documentaries are the budget-friendly option. Your wallet might whisper its preference too. As one panelist noted, "Documentaries can often be done with a lot fewer financial resources than a narrative film." This is because you're capturing real life, not building fantastical worlds. Another panelist chimed in with a practical tip: "I would also encourage you to, if you can, roll two cameras at once." While this might seem like a small detail, it can save you big bucks in editing later. Narrative films, however, can be budget black holes. Actors, costumes, sets, mind-blowing special effects. This all comes with a hefty price tag. Even a short sci-fi flick can drain your resources faster than a zombie horde on a buffet run. Remember, one panelist joked that they once saw a director using "five cameras at once" because "you never get another take" in documentaries. So, if your bank account is doing the Macarena, a documentary might be the smarter choice. But hey, if you've got the funds and the crew, who are we to stop your cinematic dreams? Documentaries also pack a punch of authenticity. People see real folks, dealing with real stuff, and that connection can be powerful. But documentaries aren't all sunshine and roses. Capturing compelling footage takes time and patience. You gotta be a master stalker, waiting for those golden moments to unfold naturally. And forget fancy edits or crazy special effects! Documentaries have to stay grounded in reality (think less "Star Wars," and more "Slice of Life"). Narrative: Lights, Camera, Action (and Maybe a Fake Mustache) Narrative films let you unleash your inner storyteller. Want your grandma to be a sword-wielding knight? Bam! Done. Want your childhood bully to get chased by a flock of angry pigeons? Consider it filmed (metaphorically, of course). Narrative films can also be more polished and visually stunning. Think sweeping landscapes, dramatic music swells, and slow-motion close-ups of a single tear rolling down your cheek (cue the violins!). But with great creative freedom comes great responsibility (and maybe a bigger budget). Hiring actors, renting equipment, and finding those perfect locations can cost a pretty penny. Plus, with all that creative control, it's easy to get lost in the fictional weeds and forget the heart of your story. So, Which Way Should You Doc or Dodge? The answer, my friend, depends on your story and your style. Here's a quick cheat sheet: - Go documentary if: Your story thrives on authenticity, you're on a budget, and you're a master of patience. - Go narrative if: You crave creative freedom, have a wild imagination, and possess the resources to bring your vision to life (or at least a decent chunk of those resources). - Bonus Tip: Why Not Both? Sometimes, the best stories defy easy categorization. Maybe your personal journey started in real life, but your imagination takes over for the grand finale. Blend elements of both documentary and narrative to create a hybrid beast that's uniquely yours. Remember, the most important thing is to tell your story in a way that resonates with you and your audience. Don't let the choice of Documentary vs Narrative hold you back. So grab your camera, unleash your creativity, and get ready to share your personal saga with the world! Read the full article
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stampwithtami · 5 months
Kidding Around Card [Arrow Fold Series #8]
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KIDDIN' AROUND ARROW FOLD CARD  Today, I'm thrilled to share with you an adorable card designed especially for little ones using the Stampin' Up Kiddin' Around Suite of Products. This whimsical creation not only features an enchanting little girl in a dragon costume on the front but also includes a surprise inside – another sweet character donned in a superhero cape! Card Design: The focal point of this delightful birthday card is the captivating Arrow Fold technique. This unique folding technique creates an eye-catching castle backdrop for the lovable characters, making it a perfect fit for a birthday celebration filled with wonder and joy. Front Cover: As you open the card, the first thing that catches your eye is the charming little girl wearing an adorable dragon costume. The Stampin' Up Kiddin' Around Suite brings this character to life with vibrant colors and intricate details, making her the star of the show. The whimsical castle adds a touch of magic to the front cover, setting the stage for the adventure within. Inside Surprise: But the magic doesn't end there! As you unfold the card, a delightful surprise awaits – another lovable character, this time dressed as a mini superhero with a cute cape fluttering in the imaginary breeze. The inside of the card becomes a stage for the birthday child's imagination to run wild, envisioning a world where dragons and superheroes coexist in perfect harmony. Arrow Fold Series: This enchanting card is part of my Arrow Fold Series, where creativity knows no bounds, and each card unfolds to reveal a new and exciting world. If you've enjoyed the magic of this Kiddin' Around birthday card, be sure to explore more tutorials in this series.  Video & Tutorial and Instructions: To help you create your own magical masterpiece, I've prepared a step-by-step tutorial that includes a template for the fold. I also have a helpful Arrow Fold video tutorial that guides you through the process of this fold technique. Additionally, detailed instructions and a template are provided below, ensuring that your crafting journey is as enjoyable as the final result. INSTRUCTIONS, TEMPLATE & VIDEO INSTRUCTIONS PDF ⬇ The instructions include measurements, step by step directions and a template to create this card. There is also a clickable supply list.  DOWNLOAD PDF HELPFUL VIDEOS ⬇ ARROW FOLD VIDEO ARROW FOLD VIDEO CLASS SPRING MINI CATALOG REVEAL See this new Cap & Gown Stamp Set and the Sweetness Specialty Paper and all of the new products in the 2024 January-April Mini Catalog  on this video. Click the button for more details. SPRING MINI REVEAL VIDEO MATERIALS I USED TO MAKE THIS CARD STAMPIN UP MATERIALS I USED SEE MORE TUTORIALS MY ARROW FUN FOLD SERIES ARROW FOLD SERIES Click the thumbnails below for more free tutorials in my series. STAMPIN' UP! CATALOGS CURRENT SPECIALS Description for this block. Use this space for describing your block. Any text will do. Description for this block. You can use this space for describing your block. PHOTOS The focal point of this delightful birthday card is the captivating Arrow Fold technique. This unique folding technique creates an eye-catching castle backdrop for the lovable characters, making it a perfect fit for a birthday celebration filled with wonder and joy. As you unfold the card, a delightful surprise awaits – another lovable character, this time dressed as a mini superhero with a cute cape fluttering in the imaginary breeze.  The first thing that catches your eye is the charming little girl wearing an adorable dragon costume. The Stampin' Up Kiddin' Around Suite brings this character to life making her the star of the show. I love how the 2 scenes on the front and inside tell their own story and then with the card closed they work together. To help you create your own magical masterpiece, I've prepared a step-by-step video tutorial that guides you through the process of making this whimsical card. Want to save these ideas for later? Pin them to your favorite Pinterest board. Have you tried these designs? I love to see your creations! Be sure to share them on #shareyourcrafts post every Saturday on my Facebook Page    Read the full article
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