#also the cat hates alex. no love between them this v-day<3
ovrarches · 4 months
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To @jittyjames who asked for “hamburr + just them being soft, romantic, and fluffy”. Here they are doing just that; sometimes all you need in life is a boyfriend, a cat, and five thousand books💕Hope you like it!!
Thanks so much to @hamevents2024 for putting this event together! Have a great heart day everyone :)
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jlawbenn · 2 months
50 things about me / intro challenge that I’m currently making up as I go along anyway welcome to my blog! Now how do I pin this post
1. My name is Jordanah, preferred pronunciation is Ordanah and my most common nicknames are Danah and Jordan
2. My pronouns are she/her/hers, the gender I was assigned with at birth.
3. I’m in my mid twenties and have an insane amount of kids a number so peculiar it always blows people’s minds!!!
4. I was born in Texas US but my mother was Croatian Yugoslavian born and raised and I spent most of my childhood living between Croatia, Scotland and Germany. My father was a Slovene-Jew, and my mother’s side somehow also have Lebanese roots.
4. My mother had her first child at age 14 and I had mine at 15!
5. I’ve been married and divorced more than once 😬
6. This list started off exciting and now I’m depressed
7. @fazcinatingblog is my bestttt friend and it’s only through Alex Fasolo and Jordan Roughead that we met!!!
8. I am a massive Carlton fan with a 6 or 7 year membership and have attempted to raise my children Carlton (and failed.) Any family members of mine that came over from Europe (my brother’s family namely) are Bulldog supporters. However I also hold a Collingwood membership, Geelong membership and Essendon membership for my children.
9. Teams my crazy kids’ support are Geelong, Collingwood, Carlton, St Kilda/Hawthorn (he’s v confused), Melbourne/Norf Melbourne (guess his fav city), and Essendon.
10. I am always carrying some sort of injury and it’s always usually done in the most stupid of ways. My most recent injuries are; broken ribs at Collingwood premiership, broken rib, finger and concussion at opening round in Sydney, sore shoulder from tripping down a step and banging into the ladder.
11. I have a diploma in hairdressing, a certificate in business, a certificate in youth work (with a v keen interest towards social/case work), enrolled in a diploma of education and am really interested in becoming a teacher one day when my kids are a bit older!
12. I have tattoos
13. I have piercings but I never wear them anymore so do I really have piercings?
14. I was loving this list but now I’m over it
15. I go for the Proteas / South Africa in test cricket and Melbourne Renegades in BBL.
16. My NBA team is probably the Dallas Mavericks
17. I love Taylor Swift, The Beatles, 5sos, Doja Cat and Little Mix just to name a few
18. I’m hungry
19. I have this condition where I can make any bone in my body loudly crack and I’m double jointed, I freak a lot of people out. I can be sitting and put my foot over my head behind my neck! Yeah I probably have that Ehlers Danlos Syndrome
20. I hate airports, like passionately, and I will become an absolute ratbag in them
21. I have really severe ADHD combined and I cannot. Sit. Still. And I’m super impatient and just don’t have the ability to wait.
22. I have a severe math’s disability called dyscalculia. I can hardly do basic addition and the rest may as well be in Irish
23. My favourite AFL players are Charlie Curnow, Jack Carroll, Jordan Boyd, Tom De Koning, but right now I’m in a bit of a personal depression slump so that’s it, I just don’t feel much enjoyment around the footy lately.
24. I will jump on my best friend when my team wins if I’m at the game
25. I’m perfectly fine with Irish people, but I feel like none of them like me? There’s been several instances. I’ll name two. I was at the pub with my best friend watching the footy last year and the Irish group at the table just started attacking me for sitting there and even blocked off my seat, but they were fine to my friend? And neither of us had said anything to them? And on the other occasion I was dropping my daughter off at school and an Irish teacher yelled at me because she thought I was a high school student and wanted me to get to campus. I mean. Honestly.
26. I have an older brother who is 1. an idiot and 2. Has worked at many different AFL clubs in Victoria doing physiological stuff and worked at the HFC shop (and hated it)
27. I am really partial with the weather - if it’s freezing I absolutely love it but if its anything over 17 degrees I hate it and will complain non stop
28. I have had my gallbladder and spleen removed, and now my abdomen is not only covered in a horrid cesarean scar but surgery scars.
29. I had a massive Linkin Park obsession and dyed my naturally blonde hair black and in contrast to my blonde eyebrows I looked like I had none.
30. I’ve had cancer and so have my daughters.
31. My kids’ favourite footballers are Sam De Koning, Darcy Moore, Charlie Curnow, Jordan De Goey (we’ll sort her out), Jack Ginnivan, Luke Uniake Davies I think, Josh Dunkley
32. I have a G Flip song stuck in my head and it’s not even my favourite one
33. I’ve met G Flip!!! Laura and I sat in a corporate suite with her last year for Hawthorn V Collingwood and bloody hawthorn won
34. I attended the 2023 grand final at 9 months pregnant (technically overdue, I’m nuts honestly) and nearly killed myself
35. I have video footage of me nearly falling to my death at said game
36. I’m absolutely terrified of feathers, birds, metal spoons, lightning, dogs (including the western kind), adelaide football club and anything bigger than me that can crush me to death. And escalators
37. I’ve done my ACL before and it was really stupid
38. I wish the new season of Stranger Things would hurry TF up because it’s my fav show
39. I absolutely cannot stand Dale Thomas and accidentally started an online war once because I voiced my opinion
40. Not trying to compare anyone here but my favourite AFL wags are Natalie Docherty, Annalise Dalins, Chloe Geraerts, Bella Rendell and Demi Duncan.
41. My brother’s best mate is someone on the Collingwood AFLM’s team. We see them very often.
42. I love writing, I write really long, tedious, painful shit fanfics on Wattpad just for the fun of it and Laura always tells me off for putting the characters in death defying situations. My fanfics all base mainly around a main character and not so much the sportsmen. My username is the same as it is on here!
43. I think I’m a really terrible artist and that my 9 year old is the best but everyone says I can draw Darcy Moore really well.
44. I could not speak one word of English until the age of 9 and even then it was very broken
45. In school I passed Italian with A+’s and several high distinctions. I failed English with F’s and D’s constantly.
46. I hated high school and once, the sickbay nurse screwed up my file with another student’s and I had a massive allergic reaction to the pill they’d given me (I told them I didn’t take pills) lol that’s how they found out I had anaphylaxis
47. I went to primary school with a former Hawthorn player and he’s an asshole lol, he’s at another team now and my daughter isn’t happy about it
48. My favourite food is margerita pizza with no basil. My favourite drink is Shiraz.
49. I’m happy because there’s only one more thing!
50. Free Palestine 🇵🇸
51. Bonus fact, I love the F1 and Max Verstappen is my favourite driver, then George Russel. Don’t even get me started on Ferrari because I cannot stand them.
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larksinging · 7 years
circle of fire mix notes
circle of fire
im going to be vague because i dont wanna explain stuff for 500 paragraphs. also i keep adding songs so w/e
i. memory - undertale ost [instrumental]
overture. the circle begins
ii. letter from the lost days - silent hill 3 ost hey there to my future-self, if you forget how to smile /i have this to tell you, remember it once in a while / ten years ago, your past-self prayed for your happiness / please don't lose hope [...] we weren't put on this earth to suffer and cry/ we were made for being happy, so be happy 
iris, or probably more accurately iris to holly. or iris to the hypothetical future? idk. not the most chronological placing, but iris is so important that her song gets to be second 
ii. may your hearts stay strong -  cloud cult  he wants to die in the place where she first said "I love you." / spread his ashes with the breath of the last kiss that she blew / they decorate when featherless / they celebrate through hungriness [...] may your lives be long / may your wishes all be simple / and may your hearts stay strong
more picked for the mood than anything, but iris’ group gets picked off one by one. 
iii. transatlanticism - death cab for cutie the distance is quite simply much too far for me to row / it seems farther than ever before / oh no [...] i need you so much closer /  i need you so much closer 
amaranth and cherry’s predecessors, who will have names one of these days i swear, are left behind. particularly amaranth -> iris
iv. only if for a night - florence + the machine and I had a dream / about my old school / and she was there all pink and gold and glittering / i threw my arms around her legs / came to weeping (came to weeping) [...] it was all so strange / and so surreal / that a ghost should be so practical / only if for a night
wow i should have put another song for holly in here beforehand, but uh. amaranth thinks she sees the Ghost and makes a decision
v. in all my dreams i drown - devil’s carnival ost "oh, I will sleep when we reach shore," / "and pray we get there soon." / he said,  "now hush love, here's your gown." / "there's the bed, lantern's down." / but I don't want to go to sleep; in all my dreams, I drown.
laurel and the burden of a half-remembered past life 
vi. yellow cat/red cat - say anything i watch my yellow cat invade my red cat in the yard/ the feline war has raged for years so I assume it’d be to hard / for me to drive my foot between them / i would never risk the scratch / just to prove to one or both of them a cat is just a cat [...]  these are my friends, this is who they have been for always / these are my days, this is how they stay /hey, hey / these are my friends, this is who they remain forever / this is how we stay / hey, hey. 
the marked club are stuck in a kind of limbo before everything goes down. years of back and forth and not-quite-anything and being stuck in cycles 
vii. dramamine - modest mouse and that you'd killed the better part of me / if you could just milk it for everything / i've said what I'd said and you know what I mean / but I still can't focus on anything / we kiss on the mouth but still cough down our sleeves [...] look at your face like you're killed in a dream / and you think you've figured out everything / i think I know my geography pretty damn well
“viola” is not so happy with her life before it starts again. even if they don’t realize who she is (any of them, actually!), she’s still being used and hates it
viii. sad machine - porter robinson on a lonely night / was a blinding light / a hundred leaders would be borne of you [...] and though I know, since you've awakened her again / she depends on you, she depends on you / she'll go alone, and never speak of this again / we depend on you, we depend on you [...] this girl who's slept a hundred years has something after all
holly wakes up. 
ix. told you so - paramore is it enough? / to keep on hoping when the rest have given up? / and they go / i hate to say I told you so / but they love to say they told me so [...]  throw me into the fire / throw me in, pull me out again / throw me into the fire / throw me in, pull me out again
even with holly there, things are still kinda rough. the whole marked club’s bitterness (including holly)
x. believer - imagine dragons by the grace of the fire and the flames  / you’re the face of the future, the blood in my veins / but they never did, ever lived, ebbing and flowing  / inhibited, limited / till it broke up and it rained down, it rained down, like  / (PAIN!)  / you made me a, you made me a believer, believer
the basis of both religions, really, but moreso the church of the burned god. and really anything surrounding holly’s role as a holy figure. the inexorable link between the suffering of the marked club and the doctrines
xi. heaven help us - my chemical romance and would you pray for me?/ (you don't know a thing about my sins / how the misery begins) / or make a saint of me? / (you don't know / so I'm burning, I'm burning)
sort of the same as above - it’s a little messed up to make a religion on the suffering of a bunch of kids, huh? at least that’s better than the religion that had them sacrificed in the first place
xii. donut hole - hachi (english lyrics by DomNeeke) and in the end I start to feel complete / with a face I remember / I take a deep breath / and I open my eyes now to confess / i have opened my eyes / i have opened my eyes / i remember your name
holly and the others remember.
xiii. fever dreams - circa survive all my life / passing / before my eyes / all the time / i was awake / i was awake / i was awake
holly remembers everything, and realizes her last time was spent sleeping and existing as the Ghost. none of it was a dream
xiv. alex theme - silent hill homecoming ost your promise is broken / i drank your sacred water / my mission is holy i'm back [...] the hate I hate believing / the hate I hate believing / i never saw it coming / i never saw it coming
holly returns to where it began so she can finally end the cycle. or: holly realizes her full potential
xv. his theme - undertale ost [instrumental]
epilogue. the circle ends. 
0 notes
shoeshineyboy · 7 years
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If I can post this first time it’ll be a miracle (also I’ll answer in a read more)
1 - How are you?Not too bad. Pissed off because I’ve been waiting for someone to fix the radiators, but happy because I have a Bowie night tonight!2 - Post a picture of yourself.I’ll reblog a selfie at the end of this because I can’t figure out how to add a picture lmao3 - Do you ever wish you were someone else?Yeah but no one in particular, just... not me?4 - What is your entire name?Elizabeth Mary R___________5 - How old are you?206 - Age you get mistaken for:Either 15 or 23 there’s no in-between??7 - Your zodiac/horoscope and if you think it fits your personality:My sun sign is Virgo and I think the actual descriptions fit, just not all the bullshit tumblr ones which say all I do is tidy up and study because I literally do neither of those things and I’m the least visibly organised person on earth8 - What did you do on your last birthday?I went shopping with Alex, had a couple of drinks in the pub, chilled out listening to music and went for a meal at Cafe Rouge... I think we went out after but I can’t remember :L9 - What is one thing you would like to accomplish before your next birthday?I’d like to be able to perfect back&chest rolls with my hula hoop!10 - What is your hair color?It’s currently half way between brown and blonde I guess?11 - Have you ever dyed your hair?So many times haha, it’s technically dyed now...12 - What is your eye color?Brown13 - If you could change your eye color, would you?Eh, maybe? Would be nice to have lighter eyes so they stand out, they’re so dark tbh they look tiny14 - Do you wear contacts/glasses?I should do but I don’t15 - Your opinion about your body and how confortable you are with it:I’m not keen on it at all. It sticks out in all the wrong places and my back is too long. Idk I deal with it, but if I could have a different one I totally would16 - Have you ever considered plastic surgery? What would you alter about your body?I have considered it, I’ve like briefly considered lip fillers a couple of times but idk they usually look awful, when I’m older I’ll probably get various tucks but nothing is calling out to me?17 - Say 8 facts about your body:1. I have perfect vision, but my left eye is irregularly shaped, meaning light can’t enter the pupil properly2. I’m a UK 6-8 dress size3. I have long fingers I guess?4. I look a lot taller than I actually am (that counts, right)5. Actually yeah I’m 5′56. I’ve never had surgery or broken a bone7. But I have fractured my skull once (or some kind of head injury)8. I’m fairly flexible18 - Do you have any tattoos?Just one, need to book another one soon19 - Do you have any piercings?4 - lobe piercing in each ear, nose ring, helix piercings20 - Left or right handed?Right handed21 - What’s your sexual orientation???????22 - Do you drink?Yeah23 - Do you smoke?Not anymore!24 - Do you have any pets?Sadly not25 - Where do you work?I don’t at the moment, used to work at Starbucks though26 - Something you are working on right now:Passing my first year of uni :L27 - Do you have any “rules” about food?I’m vegetarian, and I try not to eat much that is preprepared as there’s a lot of salt; also I’m a small portion person, mostly :L28 - Where are you from?Bath, UK29 - What would you say is your best quality?Uhh that I’m funny, I guess?30 - What do you think you’re really good at?Uhhhhh... writing dialogue?31 - What do you think you’re really bad at?Sports32 - What talent do you wish you’d been born with?I wish I could’ve been a really good singer? Like one of those people who naturally have a beautiful voice?33 - Are you a bad person?Probably, depends who you ask34 - Are you nice to everyone?I am at first, but I’ve become a lot less tolerant of people’s shit since I first went to uni?35 - Say 3 facts about your personality:1. I’m one of those people who’s v quiet until I get to know someone2. I’m very insecure3. I’m usually up for doing stuff, and I usually stick to any plans I make36 - Has someone ever spread a nasty rumor about you?Haha yeah37 - What is your ideal bed? Why?Any comfortable bed is good, though I love the raised ones that you get in nice hotels because I feel important :L Must be a soft mattress tbh38 - Do wake up cranky?Apparently!39 - Do you sleep with a stuffed toy?I have them on the bed, yeah c:40 - What do you think about the most?Alex and hoop routines lmao41 - Share 2 habits:Nail biting (ew) and always having a coffee in lectures :L42 - What you want to be when you “get older”?Well-travelled and comfortable43 - What are your career goals?Some kind of Early Years specialist, I guess?44 - What is your ideal career?Idk, really... I’ve never really known what I’ve wanted to do?45 - Is your life anything like it was two years ago?Not really, 2 years ago I was at college, hoping to study Politics at Exeter. I was still with Alex which is pretty much the only thing which hasn’t changed46 - Do you replay things that have happened in your head?Aaaaaaall the time47 - Have you ever had an imaginary friend?Nope
48 - Say 10 facts about your room:1. I share it with Alex2. We sleep on a mattress on the floor3. There’s clothes all over the floor4. It’s where the PS4 lives5. It’s either too hot or too cold, there’s no in between6. There’s two lava lamps7. It’s where I usually hang out8. It’s literally always messy9. We have clothes rails instead of wardrobes10. The posters look great49 - Do you have any phobias?Driving past lorries, heights, distorted-horrific human forms (think Babadook)50 - Have you ever been to a psychiatrist/therapist?Yeah, one was crap and the other was nice but useless51 - Are you allergic to anything? If so, what?Peanuts, shellfish and pollen52 - Ever broken any bones?Nope53 - Ever come close to death?Yeah, I was in a car accident when I was 6. Police were amazed my mum and I survived...54 - Things you like and dislike about yourself:LIKE:My sense of humourMy sense of styleHow I can hula hoopMy music tasteThe fact that I can cook idkHow far I’ve come from secondary schoolDISLIKE:How I overreact to everythingThat I get jealous v easilyThe fact that said jealousy leads to panic/cruel commentsThat I can’t motivate myselfHow nervous I am around people55 - A random fact about yourself:I’ve never been to Amsterdam56 - What are three things most people don’t know about you?1. I actually really enjoy crap club music2. I am terrified of rollercoasters3. I’m not keen on cornflakes57 - An unknown fact about your life:I’ve never met either of my biological grandparents58 - Share something about yourself others might think is weird:I find skin-tight jeans really uncomfortable sorry59 - Five weird things that you like:1. Pineapple on pizza (apparently everyone hates this)2. Hideous jumpers3. Really loud cats4. Weird coloured lipstick5. Vodka mixed with wine60 - Do you have a facebook? If so, would you add the person who sent you this?I do, message me off anon & I’ll decide61 - Do you have any pictures on your Facebook?Loads62 - Describe yourself in one word/sentence:”You’re a bitch, but it’s funny and is the reason why I love you” - Alex63 - A quote you try to live by:”Each one of us is a brain, an athlete, a princess, a basket case and a criminal”64 - A famous person you’ve been compared to:I’ve been told I look like Anna Kendrick?65 - Weird things you do when you’re alone:I dance around the house, that’s about as far as it goes..66 - Something you do without realising:Pick at the skin of my fingers67 - 5 things you want to change:1. Brexit2. Trump3. Literally all the horrible things going on4. My facial features5. How difficult it is to get nice veggie food when on holiday68 - Someone you’d like to be for a day and why:Idk really?69 - Leave me a compliment:U sure are a nice anon
70 - What is your favorite thing to do?Hula hoop!71 - What’s your favorite color?Orange, purple and silver72 - What’s your favorite band/singer?Pink Floyd!73 - What’s your favorite movie?What’s Eating Gilbert Grape74 - What are your favorite books?The Night Circus (Erin Morgenstern), the Bell Jar (Sylvia Plath), the Chronicles of Chrestomanci (series; Diana Wynne Jones), the Hogfather (Terry Pratchett), Maskerade (Terry Pratchett)75 - What is your favorite quote and why?”Come sleep on the beach, keep within my reach, I just wanna die with you near, I’m feeling so high with you here” - from ‘Sea and Sand’ by the Who, because I have so many memories associated with this song76 - What is your favorite word?Soufflé; it looks like it should be pronounced “soo -full”, but it isn’t!77 - What is your least favorite word?Moist. Ew.78 - What is your favorite type of food?Roast potatoes?79 - You favorite ice cream?Ben & Jerrys Phish Food80 - What’s your favorite animal?Dogs & cats81 - Dogs or cats?I love them both!82 - Describe your favourite texture:Crushed velvet 83 - What is your favorite flower?Roses (bc I’m cliche)84 - What’s your favourite scent? And on the opposite sex?My favourite is sandalwood incense, but on guys it’s whatever the CK cologne Alex wears is85 - What is your favorite season?Summer!86 - What are the top five places you wish you could go before you die?Cambodia, Australia, Thailand, Peru, Japan87 - What are four things you can’t live without and why?Alex - because he’s my biggest supporterHula hooping - it’s the one thing guaranteed to make me happyMy phone - because it’s how I communicate with all my friends, who live miles awayThe beach - because looking at the sea puts things into perspective
88 - Which mythological creature are you most like? Why?Probably a nymph; I hide away but would be around for people I trust89 - What’s your favorite television show?Call the Midwife... or Big Brother at the moment lmao90 - Favorite place to shop at?All About Aud in Brighton 91 - Say 2 facts about your favorite things:They all improve my life in some wayThere’s no specific type of thing I love, there’s so many that contribute
92 - Say 4 facts about your parents:1. They met at the University of Bath in January 19842. They dated for 8 years before they were married3. My dad is an engineer and my mum is a pharmacist4. They originally wanted 4 children but I somehow put them off :L93 - Are you more like your mom or your dad?I’m a mixture of both, but probably slightly more like my dad?94 - Do you have any siblings?Nope!95 - Say 9 facts about your family:1. Both of my biological grandmothers died before I was born2. I’m not blood-related to any of my cousins3. I’m the oldest cousin by 7 years4. They’re very ‘traditional’ in their views5. I’m the only vegetarian6. My uncle and I are the only ones who are tattooed7. My maternal grandmother was at one point one of the fastest runners in Wales8. My great-grandmother lived until she was 999. One of my aunts lived in India for 10 years96 - What’s your relationship like with your family?Great with my parents, aunts and uncles, not so good with my grandparents lmao97 - Say 7 facts about your childhood:1. I was born in Radstock, Bath, but moved to my parents’ current home in 19992. My favourite school year was Year 13. I was really, really into snakes at one point4. My best friend’s name was Jennie5. My first ‘boyfriend’ in primary school was named Christopher; 15 years on and we still hang out, he drives me into town sometimes6. My favourite toy was a stuffed duck7. I didn’t go on a plane until I was 698 - The best and the worst childhood memories:Best: my 5th? birthday party; we had a piñata shaped like a worm, but my parents hadn’t realised you had to make a weak spot, so it took 20 minutes to open it (aka my dad pulled it down & everyone stood on it)Worst: the car accident99 - Say 6 facts about your home town:1. It was built by the Anglo Saxons and fortified to keep the Romans out2. It used to be a major city lmao (back in the bronze age)3. Its population is about 50004. There’s three churches5. And at least six pubs6. The highwayman William Pier lived & was killed there, but no one knows where his grave is since it’s unmarked100 - Are you going out of town soon?I’m going to London on Saturday!101 - Where would you like to live?Bristol, one day!102 - What would your dream house be like?Preferably like 4/5 bedroom townhouse (because I want 3 kids and a guest room lmao), but it’d be very ‘me’ in terms of decoration, with like fairy lights and wall hangings and super colourful things!103 - Where would you go on your dream vacation?Probably travelling, just to go everywhere!104 - Where you want to be right now?I’m quite happy here at the moment 105 - Top three places to visit:That I’ve been to?1. Vienna2. Amalfi Coast3. Berlin
106 - Would you ever smile at a stranger?Sometimes!107 - Do you prefer to be friends with girls or boys?I really don’t care :L108 - Who is someone you never tire of?Alex, Frankie and Callum109 - Do you have someone you can be your complete self around?See above!110 - Who is your most loyal friend?Callum111 - Is there anyone you can tell EVERYTHING to?Callum, Adam Gabe probably?112 - If your best friend died, what would you do?Be absolutely distraught?!113 - Something you’ve lied about.Uhh idk specifically?114 - Have you ever felt replaced?Dude my boyfriend can talk to someone else at the bar and I’ll worry that I’m useless lmao115 - Say 5 facts about your bestfriend(s):1. I met them all through completely different circumstances; I don’t think they know each other2. We’re close because we enjoy something different, be it fashion, music, whatever3. They’re people I can just carry on with like nothing happened when we meet up4. They all live much too far away5. If I have a party for my 21st I’m having it in Gloucestershire so it’s close for everyone so I can see them all
116 - The last person you hugged?Alex lmao117 - Story of your first kiss?My actual first kiss, I don’t remember because I was drunk lmao, but the first one I remember was nice and sweet and he was so nervous, he actually asked me - thought it was cute at the time, is probably, actually really cringey haha118 - Do you like kissing in public?Don’t mind it but not too much :L119 - Have you ever kissed someone older than you?Haha yeah120 - You have a preference for boys or girls?Eh121 - Is the male or female body closest to perfection?All bodies are perfect!122 - 5 things that irritate you about the same sex/opposite sex.I’m assuming this is based on relationships so I’ll go for cis men:1. Aversion to showering (both guys I dated properly would go a long time without showering lmao)2. Mansplaining (shut up)3. The fact they get praised for cooking/cleaning/whatever while I’m expected to do it4. The fact they get promoted quicker5. Hitting on me123 - Do you believe in love at first sight?Nope. Lust, yes124 - Do you believe in soul mates?Yeah, but I believe you can have multiple soul mates and they can be platonic, too125 - What is your idea of the perfect date?A nice walk, followed by a meal somewhere fun - nothing too fancy!126 - Based on past relationships or crushes, describe your perfect boyfriend/girlfriend:The one I already have! A shy, long-haired guy who loves classic rock and plays an instrument haha :L127 - What is the first thing you noticed in someone?I generally notice hair first because I’m awful and shallow haha128 - Are looks important in a relationship?At the start, yeah, but people get more attractive the more you find them to be a decent person...129 - What’s the most superficial characteristic you look for?Long hair on guys haha130 - What’s your opinion on age differences in relationships?Eugh.... as long as both are over 18 I guess it’s okay? People over like 21 dating people younger than 18 comes off as a bit weird131 - Would you ever date someone off of the Internet?I’d consider it132 - Five guys/girls whom you find attractive:1. Alex2. Syd Barrett3. Stevie Nicks4. Kate Bush5. Noel Fielding133 - Do you have a crush on anyone?Alex haha134 - A description of the girl/boy you like:He’s 5′7, has long brown hair and blue eyes, he’s cute and chubby and plays guitar. He likes talking to people but is really shy to do so, he lacks confidence which is sad but also people really do like him! He’s very sweet and soft and warm and I love him 135 - Say 1 fact about the person your like:His favourite film is the Lord of the Rings trilogy because he sees them all as one story136 - If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say?”What the actual fuck” and then I’d cry137 - When was the last time you told someone you loved them?Just now!138 - Do you think someone has feelings for you?I hope so :L139 - Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?Ehh, maybe?140 - Have you ever cried over a guy/girl?Whoooooo hasn’t :L141 - Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?Yeah, I think a lot of people have142 - Anyone you’re giving up on?Uhh, all the people I liked before I was with Alex haha143 - Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to?Yup!144 - Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated?They didn’t hate him but they took a while to warm to him145 - Have you ever liked one of your best friends?Yeah146 - Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you?I think so? Lmao147 - Is there a boy/girl who you would do absolutely everything for?Probably like all of my friends haha148 - Is there someone you will never forget?Probably149 - Say five ways to win your heart:1. Actually listen to what I say2. Take me nice places3. Write me a song or a poem or something4. Be genuine and kind to me5. Help me out when I’m in one of my stupid sad phases150 - What turns you on?Being a musician, nice cologne/perfume, good hair, being a genuinely decent human :L
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