#also that hes just 100% willing to send me videos of him playing various instruments
imthatqueerkid · 2 years
#crush blogging day 18#found out he has a dog today! shes very cute :]#also that hes just 100% willing to send me videos of him playing various instruments#i lowkey forget what people look/sound like because thats how my brain works#and i forgot how cute he is and how much i like his voice <3333#i get to hang out with him tomorrow im so excitedddddd#and he might stay for dinner maybe which could be fun or could be really embarrassing for me#because i decided tacos but i can never get tge seasoning right for tacos why didn’t i pick something easy boring and not messy????#im such a messy eater why the hell would i pick tacos#he likes tacos and barely gets to eat them so he got very excited#i do realize this sounds like an innuendo its not i promise#everything is family friendly around here#now the real question is- will he notice that my dad isnt living here and if he does will he ask#and if he asks how much tragic backstory do i give#like 'my dad? he emotionally finacially physically and sexually abused me/my family for years and hes dead to me' might be too heavy#for a first hangout convo#technically also not our first hangout weve already run errands and eaten dinner together#ok that got depressing really quick lets get back to being in love#yeah so i really like him if you hadn't guessed#its not like ive been saying that everydag for the last 2 weeks#i find it funny that when i was dating [ex] it took us 2 months to hangout outside of school#and [redacted name] and i aren't even dating and hes already coming to my house and meeting my mom who might i add#saud he could stay the night????#this is record timing in the 'getting invited to Jasper’s house' world it took years for my best friend to even know where i live#given there was a pandemic in there... the point is i really really really like him#alright that's enough#fire boy#from the couch#Spotify
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Survey #100
relatively short survey covering various subjects.
The Basics:
Name:  Brittany
Age:  21
School:  I'm not in school.
Nationality:  American.
Hobbies:  Watching my favorite YouTubers, forum meerkat rp and writing in general, taking pictures, napping, blah blah blah...
Love Life:
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?  Yes.
Do you like someone?  Yes.
Does anyone like you?  I would hope my boyfriend.
Have you ever kissed anyone? Yes.
Hugged anyone in the past week?   Yes.
Who is your best friend(s)?  Colleen and Sara
Where did you meet them?  Colleen, girl scouts, Sara, YouTube
Did you lose any friends this year?  I don't think so.
Gain any?  No.
Meet a special friend?  No.
Did you hang out with any friends in the past week?  Nope.
New Years
Did you do anything at midnight?  No.
Who did you spend it with?  Mom, Colleen, Bradley, and Chelsea.
Did you have any resolutions?  No, I don't do resolutions on New Year's.
Valentines Day
Did you have a Valentine?  No.
Did you send out any cards/chocolates/etc?  No.
Did you have a boyfriend/girlfriend on this day?  No.
Did you go on vacation?  Well it's only been summer for a day, but w/e.  Last summer (well, it was technically spring), I did go to the beach.
Did you hang out on the beach with friends?  ^
How long was your summer break?  I'm not in school.
Did you get a tan?  I don't tan.  I burn.
Did you have a boyfriend/girlfriend during the summer?  No.
Did you go trick or treating?  No, a 21-year-old trick-or-treating isn't exactly socially acceptable.
If so, who did you go with?  ---
Did you dress up?  No. :(  I'm not really in the position to buy stuff to make a costume.  I'd love to, though.
Was it fun?   I did literally nothing last Halloween. :/
Who did you spend it with?  My immediate family.
Did Santa come to your house?  Of course.
Did you stay up until midnight on Christmas Eve?  Most likely.
Your Birthday
Who did you spend it with?  I was in a mental hospital on my last birthday.  So.  Crazy or detoxing people.
What did you do?  Barely any therapy, slept.  I did get a cake, though.  Someone told the lunchlady it was my birthday and she got one for me<3
What did you get?  A promise that I'd get a tattoo that didn't happen until months later.
When is it?  February 5th.
Have You Evers:
(removed some of those that were just super fucking obvious)
[x] Kissed someone (anywhere)
[x] Electrocuted yourself
[ ] Climbed more than 60 feet
[x] Made a YouTube video
[x] Lied to a loved one
[ ] Gotten airsick
[x] Not brushed your teeth for a day
[x] Not showered for a day
[ ] Eaten Korean BBQ
[x] Drank alcohol
[ ] Smoked
[ ] Tried drugs
[x] Had a pet
[ ] Ran a marathon
[x] Had a boyfriend/girlfriend
[ ] Punched someone
Name 6 people you can trust with anything
The only person I trust with anything is my mom.  Well, and God.
3 things you really want:
Mental stability, financial stability, happiness.
Name 2 people you’ve known the longest (not counting family):
That I still associate with?  Colleen and uh... idk.
Name 1 wish you have for 2017:
I want a stable job.
5 Do’s
1. Do you play any instruments?  Not currently.
2. Do you play any sports?  No.
3. Did you believe in the theory of 2012 being the end?  No.
4. Do you like cheese?  Only American.
5. Do you honestly like Obama?  I don't have a reliable opinion considering I don't know much about him.  I know he's funny, though.
4 If’s
1. If you get one million bucks for breaking up with your boyfriend/girlfriend, would you?  No.  I care far more about love than money.
2. If you were to get $50,000 for killing a rat, would you?  No.  I'm also not willing to kill a precious animal for money.
3. If you were to choose between your best friend and your brother/sister, who would you choose?  My sisters.
4. If you were to choose between coke/pepsi or sprite/7up, which would you choose?  Coke and 7UP.
3 How’s
1. How old do you want to be when you get married?  I don't have a set age in mind.
2. How many siblings do you have?  Six, but I only really count five.
3. How did your Christmas go (2009)?   You really think I can remember 2009?
2 When’s
1. When did you have your first kiss?  I was 16.
2. When did you last have a piece of cake?  Nick's birthday a few days back.
1 What
1. What would you say if the guy/girl you like right now kissed you?  I'd kiss him back; I wouldn't really say anything.
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grantissoindie-blog · 7 years
Broadtube Music Channel asking me questions:
1. Tell us your real name, country of birth, date of birth and childhood experience. 
1. My real name is Alma Caroline Cederlöf and I’m born on the 29th of september, 1994, on the countryside just outside of Stockholm, Sweden.Growing up on a farm, with no close neighbors I used to drift in the woods singing and imagining the different possibilities of life. I wrote songs on a hot tin roof outside the kitchen window about my deep love for some pale, skinny guy in class, looking as if he was dying and brimming with life at the same time. Not fitting in, my mind not working the same way as others, I dissected my self with words trying to figure out why and how I could be beautiful anyway. Still working on it.
2. Tell us about your music career, your name, musical background, experience and skills.
2. I chose GRANT as my artistname because I always liked the sound of that Carey Grant, and it could be a name of my own. I chose GRANT and I chose to be myself, it is 100% my own, sorry mom. I went to a local music school growing up in Ösmo, Nynäshamn. I sang mostly jazz, a family friend of my parents is a jazz vocalist and she introduced me to this world of emotions, harsh political reality, decadence and beauty, and I felt right at home. I performed a lot locally through out elementary school in different constellations and shows. I just loved the stage and how people actually listened to me cause apparently I was gifted with a voice. I never really felt heard off the stage. Later I continued to study music in Stockholm and experienced pressure and musical competition in a way I’d never felt before. Those teenage years were sad, but it was necessary in many ways for me to find joy in music again. How goddamn important it is to me, and how personal it has to be for it to live. I want music to be vibrant, close and outerworldy at the same time and nothing like a competition. I want it to free me.
 3. Tell us about your genre, concept and idea behind your coming music video and the song.
3. I met producer Peter Kvint when I was 19, he had heard two of my demos and saw potential. After that he took me in and I sat in his studio making silly soundeffects, learning the songwriting craft, the importance of melodies and how you can play with references. Most importantly I got the routine of writing lyrics, I always write my own lyrics. Words are so much fun, especially those of the english language. It’s like laying out a puzzle and you decide the image it will show, a blueprint of how you’re feeling, then comes the symphony to make it come alive. I believe very much in artistry and the full picture. How music goes along with images and moving art so well that it can create a sort of heaven, a safe space or a community. Music is supposed to make you move, either mentally or physically, take you somewhere. I want to find recognition in my experiences from others, I want to create food for thought and I want to be playful with music. It is deadly important to me, but it has to move through seriousness and silliness, we can’t always face ourselves with a grave face. I wrote this song because I felt life disappearing from me. I was sleeping through my days, I was in a constant state of panic when I was awake. I went through new years 2015 deciding it should either end here or I live and I live fully, accepting my demons. So I decided to reconcile with myself and write about it. I’m not going to drown, I’m going to live.
 4. Tell us everything that we need to know about you as a musician and the ups and downs you have faced in the music business.
4. The music business is hard. Thankfully I’ve stood looking in for a while, not plunging in and I think that has made me wiser in my decisions. Going with a major label is big step but it is also a smart step if you want to establish yourself doing what you love the most. Taking the time to find the right people, that gives you a hard time creatively in a good way, is so precious and the most important thing. You need to feel understood. Sometimes it takes a month, for others it takes a lifetime. It is always worth it. It is not about the industry, it is about your experience with the people and your music. Take your time. I’ve dodged a lot of bullets taking my time. During this time I’ve become a good song writer and a more secure one. I’ve learned my voice and my words. I can interpret the sounds in my mind.
 5. Tell us about other members, music producer, crew or music video director, how the song was recorded and how the music video was shot. 
5. Peter, who is a melodic mastermind played the structure melody that was going to become Waterline for me on his piano in his studio. I wasn’t sure what it was telling me yet, or what I wanted to tell so I took some time until it just ran out of me. We recorded it in his studio and made a scetchy production. It’s the same take today that we made then, it just felt the purest. From then on it was with me, but we didn’t finish it until this year. The time wasn’t right until now. The video that will be released in two weeks was directed by one of my best friends, whom I’ve worked with so much before on crazy stuff. She is an excellent visual director. Director of photography was Zoë Que and we filmed it in my home town. I’ve made my peace with it now. Strange how you can feel so much need for revenge until the day it comes to it and then you make it into a celebration. The video is beautiful, very poetic and true. My parents helped out a lot, driving us back and forth, opening up their home and helping with just about everything. They’re the best people I know.
6. Tell us how long you have been in the music industry, your experience and your future goal. 
6. I’ve been in the ”industry” now for about 2 years, maybe less really.. I want to reach out to as many as I can, and just take over the world really. I’m still looking for a stage big enough for me and my band. We’re fantastic, and so is my ego. Serisouly though, I just want to go as far as I can and people will let me.
7. Tell us what inspires you to write, compose and sing. 
7. My life, the people in it passing through and staying. My mental illness and my immense need to show emotions. Politics. And glamour. 
8. Tell us the secret behind making a hit song. 
8. Write a GOOD melody, people are all about making sick beats and cool trax these days, but it’s the melodies that make the song. Both instrumental and vocal, make them thorough and make the lyrics true, even if they’re silly. Pop songs could really change things, we don’t use those hooks as we could and should. Bring the people knowledge and freedom, they deserve it. Pop and politics is a love story. 
9. Tell us the message you will like to pass to your fans out there. 
9. Be ruthless and passionate. Being emotional is actually being brave and strong. Especially people up in the north can be so cool and indifferent. It takes you nowhere. 
10. Tell the kind of advice you will give to an upcoming artist. 
10. Honesty, gut feeling, always take your time and then leap fully.  That was corny. But it’s also true.
11. Elaborate on your music careers, albums, songs, tours, recognition or awards you might have obtained. 
11. I have one song released, an album or so waiting to be released. I’ve played music festivals here in Sweden, played at clubs like Trädgården and been the opening act to Lemaitre and Johnossi. I’m also a Red Bull Select artist.
12. List Radio or TV Stations that are airing your songs and blogs that have featured you as well and send message to them via this platform. 
12. Radio Sveriges Radio P3 in Sweden is airing me right now, I have no idea what the TV stations are doing, they should be doing me. Spotify has been a great supporter!! I fucking love spotify. 
13. Tell us how you write your lyrics, compose, sing and record in the studio.
 13. I write melodies at home or in the studio, I write most of my lyrics in the bathtub and then I take it all to the studio, I sing and then we produce together following a vision.
14. Name five biggest artists that you look up to like idols. 
14. Tough question. Edith Piaf, Billie Holiday, PJ Harvey, Björk and David Bowie. 
15. Name the artists you have collaborated with before in your songs or artists you are willing to collaborate with in the future if you have the chance to do so.
15. So far it’s basically just me and Peter, but I recently began collaborating with Johan ”Familjen” Karlsson.   I’d love to work with so many. There is talent out there and I want to devour it and make something extraordinary. There is power in the lone artist, but a creative hub of many people having this one or two things they’re amazing at, is on to greatness. 
 16. Give us the links to your website and your entire social network. 
16. https://www.facebook.com/GRANTofficial/ https://www.instagram.com/grantissoindie/ http://grantofficial.com https://open.spotify.com/artist/6SkVKlAmIWVD0LQvCGQqSj 
17. Give us the links to your various stores for fans to buy your music.
17. https://grant.lnk.to/Waterline I need a proper store and merchandise like temporary tattoos and handwritten love letters. 
 18. Tell us about your happiest day and saddest day. 
18. I’ve had many happy days. If I only get to pick one I’d choose the day when Universal Publishing put me in a taxi on their account, after a great meeting making great plans for the future. I took the taxi to Sony and received great news. Planned the release of Waterline, felt inspired. Went home to my boyfriend and loved him. It was just a day, but it was a perfect day so full of anticipation and new experiences and just a sense of being on to something.The saddest day of my life was when I laid on the bathroom floor because my legs wouldn’t do what I told them to. My dad carried me like a child up to my room and put me to bed. He kissed my forehead and I cried until I was completely dry. I felt like I was free falling down a pit and I hated myself ferociously. It was an awful day, as it happened but mostly reflecting back on it.
19. Tell us how you will spend a million dollars.
19. I’d spend a million dollar on making as many people as I can a little happier. 
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