#also sorry for the bleh caption but i wanted to put one
robo-dino-puppy · 7 months
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pausing a moment before heading to barren light
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mlobsters · 7 months
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supernatural s11e15 beyond the mat (w. john bring, andrew dabb)
vaguely recall maybe reading something about.. was it j2?? watching the same local wrestling in texas growing up? am i imagining this or was it other people
DEAN He was Dad's favorite. Anytime that noose would come out, Dad would be on his feet. It was one of the few times I ever saw him actually happy. SAM Yeah. I remember that.
not sad at all
DEAN Yeah, Sam. You think I don’t know that? We’ve done nothing but mainline lore for a week, okay? We’ve got jack on another hand of God and Amara, and we’ve got even less jack on how to save Cas. SAM If he wants to be saved. DEAN He does... even if he doesn’t know it yet. SAM Dean...
~personally~ i think it would be more about getting lucifer out and back in the cage/dead, what with the massive and enraging fuckup saying yes to the springing the father of lies who turns out to have been a lying liar, something you were willing to die to prevent, but i admittedly rarely understand their writing decisions when it comes to cas so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
LUCIFER You're gonna look high, look low, far and wide. Search every warehouse, every farmhouse, every hen house, outhouse, and doghouse.
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get tommy lee jones's words out of your mouth :p someone's grumpy (it's me, hi) the fugitive is one of my old favorites
like i said yesterday i can't really tolerate what's going down with crowley.
i'm glad dean's having a good time fangirling over the wrestlers but time and place, my dude. oh and another thing i've found when i'm finding something too uncomfortable to watch, i mute and read the captions. for whatever reason, i can tolerate way more awkward without sound. less of a full body experience
SAM Sorry. Uh... wrong place. It’s just y-you were my... my first crush. RIO Ah. You weren’t one of those guys that had my poster above his bed, were you? SAM What? No.
cute but what bed though exactly. did he put the poster up in every motel room.
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forever and ever, amen
DEAN Did you tell her you used to have a poster of her over your bed when you were a kid?
again what bed, i'd buy maybe like folded up in his duffel or whatever :p
DEAN Now, that hardly seems worth it. Yeah, think about that. Town after town, putting your ass on the line for next to nothing? No money. No glory. Wow. SAM You realize you just literally described our jobs.
was thinking about the continued logistics of money just recently, if they're still doing the same rackets
SPECTATOR Beer’s cheap, kid’s entertained... parenting. Remember, don’t tell Mom how many I’ve had. SAM Yeah. Now, that brings me back. DEAN You want to not try and ruin one of the nicest things Dad ever did for us, please? Thank you.
could argue both sides of that honestly but you know me and my everlasting grudge against john
this wrestling match falls into the category of let dean enjoy things but it still makes me want to hide under a rock. while i watch this (muted, again) i'm trying to pick apart why i find it so secondhand embarrassment-inducing. that he's acting like a child? that i'm worried about him making a fool of himself in front of people because i'd be mortified to in that position? the perceived embarrassment he clearly never feels about that stuff? i dunno. it would be nice if i could logic my way out of feeling it :P
(that said, i am skipping the thing with him playing around in the ring)
CROWLEY I can’t leave. SIMMONS You can. You still have friends... people who want you back... who want Lucifer gone. I don’t know what he’s done to you. I can’t imagine... but you’re... you’re not a slave, a dog. You’re Crowley, and the Devil should be afraid of you.
was thinking yesterday of game of thrones and theon/reek, where a genuinely unlikable character became somewhat sympathetic after horrendous torture. and i already liked crowley. bleh. (also bumps into personal trauma stuff)
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guess we're doin the jaws (1975) comparing scars scene now though less handsy
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let's go
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sam's face at drunk dean made me laugh
why does this rando crossroads demon want someone to kill for him in addition to the deal, man i am struggling to stay focused on this episode.
LUCIFER She, um, she hates you, B-T-Dubs. SIMMONS Yeah. I really do. LUCIFER Yeah, they all do. Like, every demon in Hell. Can’t really blame them, can you? I mean, maybe once you were the evilest evil that ever eviled... present company excluded. But now... you’re nothing but Dean Winchester’s number-one fan.
misha playing pellegrino's lucifer is a little smoother this episode i think. still don't like it. but i mean, at least misha gets to use his face for more than one expression and his regular speaking voice?
DEAN Okay. Okay. Look, you screwed up, all right? Trust me. I’ve been there. But it is never too late to do the right thing. GUNNAR You really believe that? DEAN I have to.
*cut to lucifer!cas* very subtle :p
so one lightning bolt and that hand of god was out of juice? meanwhile the one in the previous episode took out the sub and surface ship. okay. whatever, glad crowley zapped on out of there
SAM Dean, you know what? He made a bad decision. We’ve been there. DEAN Yeah, you, me, now Cas.
12:22am 4 people including 3 children upstairs sleeping. me: NOW????? are we calling this castiel's first big bad decision?? breaking sam's wall for all the hell trauma to rush in for a distraction?! sucking up all those souls from purgatory and being god for a minute and slaughtering people and angels--which led to the leviathans getting out too?? trusting metatron against all logic otherwise which led to the angels falling? i mean, sounds like trusting lucifer AGAINST ALL LOGIC OTHERWISE is par for the fucking course. by this logic, i think cas and crowley should be on pretty similar footing with the brothers 🤪
whatever, man. i had to have a come to jesus meeting with myself about cas a while back so i'd stop complaining so much about the disconnect of what's shown vs said but apparently this got me really riled up again
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remingt0nleith · 4 years
thorns | remington leith
try & find the hidden palaye royale song title in the fic! & additional A/N at the end. 
A/N: hi wow long time no write :( SORRY! I have ideas and I try to write then my brain just doesn’t want to put the ideas on the word document. + y’know having depression doesn’t help things bleh... BUT I did write a full something finally (yay bare minimum author things!) This was requested! gonna keep trying to turn out requests & work on dark cherries also my birthday is on thursday and i’m turning 24 (wow im getting old help) & also the bastards comes out the day after so yay! lets chat about it when its out ok?
Request: Where Remington cheats on the reader and she finds out, but he does everything he can to get her back? 
Thorns - A Remington Leith one-shot. || 1.9K words || under cut.
The catalyst for a ruined night came in a round of shots. Emerson poured the amber liquid into hot pink shot glasses that the boys had picked up days prior. Remington wasted no time in downing his, barely flinching at the bitter taste that now coated his tongue. 
“Slow down there, cowboy” 
Sebastian laughed before throwing his own shot back, placing a hand on Remington’s cheetah print covered shoulder.
“We can’t have our lead singer fucked up out of his mind, can we?” 
The eldest brother chided playfully as he took the bottle from Emerson and poured more shots.
As the brothers drank and talked anxiously about their first show of a new tour, Remington’s phone buzzed in his back pocket, taking it out he suppressed an eye-roll at the message filling his screen;
He wasn’t sure what had gotten into him lately, usually, he’d be thrilled at the love and adoration his girlfriend of three years was showing him. She was always cheering him on, listening to his music, and supporting his band in every way she could. Although she was unable to come to most shows due to a fast-paced work schedule she always made a point to let the band of brothers know they had her support. That should’ve been enough to keep Remington happy but recently he had become cold towards his girlfriend and as he put his phone away without responding all thoughts of her disappeared as well. 
Remington headed backstage after the show still high from the performance. The adrenaline from the encouraging crowd and kick-ass concert his band delivered had Remington feeling happier than he had in months. Once in the dressing room, the boys quickly changed out of their sweaty stage attire into more relaxed outfits, and like clockwork, shots were once again being handed out.
Once everyone had a decent buzz going the boys and their crew headed out to a nearby nightclub to celebrate the success of the show. Remington realized halfway to the club that he had forgotten his phone in the dressing room, a fact that didn’t phase him, in fact he was happy to be rid of the constant ringing. 
Once inside the packed club, Remington waved goodbye to his brothers and made his way to the bar.  His buzz had diminished slightly in the car ride and that was a no go for Remington so he ordered a drink, which quickly became two, then three before he headed to the dance floor. 
Packed in a sea of bodies the singer danced to the music, enjoying the happiness that came from the night’s events as well as the alcohol in his system. When a manicured hand grabbed him and pulled him close, he didn’t object, instead, he wrapped his arms around the dark-haired beauty. 
The pair danced together to the techno music blaring overhead, strobe lights illuminating their faces, hands roaming freely over each other’s bodies before the woman leaned in and planted a sloppy kiss to Remington’s lips. 
If there was a moment of panic, a spark of recognition somewhere in the sober part of his mind, Remington ignored it. Instead, he deepened the kiss with the gorgeous stranger, when the pair eventually pulled away from the kiss, they headed to the bar for more drinks. 
When Sebastian came to let Remington know it was time to head to the hotel, the frontman wasted no time in asking this new girl if she’d like to go with him. Much to the dismay of the older (and wiser) brother, she said yes and everyone piled into the van and were chauffeured back to the hotel to continue the party. 
Morning light filtered through the window a sign of a new day, but as Remington opened his eyes the gravity of last night hit him. He was alone in his hotel bed, the white sheets crumpled and covered in streaks of makeup (his or hers, he wasn’t sure). Flashbacks of last night filled his mind and all at once he realized the hickeys on his body were from a stranger, the realization filled him with shame and dread. 
He found his phone which had been placed on his nightstand by one of his brothers or their touring manager (who always cleaned up after the boys’ wild nights) and on it were several unread texts and calls which came in at varying points of the evening. 
[9:13 pm] My Love <3: It should be time for u boys to be on stage! I’ll be stalking twitter for updates and vids love u 
[12:02 am] My Love <3: Watched a ton of vids that are already being posted! Get back to me when u get this my love so proud of u xx 
[3:56 am] My Love <3: Guess your phone died or your out celebrating a great night. Call me when you see this or wake up. I love you. 
[10:20 am] 5 missed calls
[10:27 am] *attached photo* REMINGTON.... FUCK YOU.
The photo on his phone screen displayed the girl from last night under the covers as a passed out Remington slept beside her. The caption didn’t say anything besides a winking emoji and she tagged him and his band’s account. 
Instantly, he was dialing his girlfriend’s number, hands shaking as he paced around the spacious hotel room desperately waiting for an answer.
Rose answered, soft voice hoarse from hours of crying. 
“Fuck, I’m so sorry..” 
Remington started to explain, words tumbling out of his mouth faster than he could form them.
“Save it” 
Rose snapped before continuing her voice harder and more assured now than it was just moments ago. 
“I never thought you’d do this even as the band started to gain an audience, I told myself that I had nothing to worry about. All the pretty girls and boys didn’t matter because what we had was strong but it sucks being proven wrong huh?” 
Remington’s sudden surge of tears prevented him from speaking as the pain in his chest grew with each word. The saddest part of it all was that she was right and that ripped him up inside. 
“Rose I-” 
he whispered, voice barely audible even to himself. 
Instead of an answer he was left hearing the sound of the call disconnecting. 
The tour passed by in a daze for Remington and while his brothers desperately wanted him to be more present, they understood. He’d get on stage and sing, forgetting about the pain in his heart for that hour or so, as soon as the curtain closed the ache in his chest was back, a cruel reminder to the life-changing mistake he’d made.
Rose had cut off all contact with her now ex-boyfriend instead choosing to go through Emerson to inform him she was moving out of their shared apartment in LA. 
Each night in his hotel bed, memories of the past three years filtered through his brain until he exhaustingly cried himself to sleep. 
Remington used Emerson’s phone to send a series of texts to Rose to apologize, to accept full responsibility but the only reply he received was instructions to give Emerson his phone back and to leave her alone.
Just as quickly as the tour started it was now coming to a close a few months later. The boys were back in LA for a sold-out show in typical Los Angeles fashion. Remington never stopped trying to get ahold of Rose -- he sent flowers to her new address, letters where he begged for her back, apologizing and pleading for her forgiveness yet he was never awarded a reply. He didn’t blame her at all but that didn’t mean the pain hurt any less, he’d do anything for a second chance. 
Shots of vodka were taken, cheers and high fives were given and the boys hit the stage.  Remington gazed out into the crowd, a see of silhouettes behind bright stage lights.  After a few songs, Remington sat down at the end of the stage, dark boots quietly thumping against the side. 
“Y’know fans like to think we’re perfect” 
he stated which earned a chorus of “I love you’s” as well as cheers from the crowd. 
He smiled before continuing, 
“As much as I love to hear it, it’s not true and sometimes we royally fuck up. I fucked up and these past few months have been hell so I wrote this song.”
The crowd applauded as they watched their favorite singer head to the piano, the spotlight shining on him as he sat down. 
“This song is called Thorns,” 
Remington began to play a hauntingly slow ballad about losing the love of your life and how apart of you is lost as well. 
The pain in my heart is defeating me
Cracking me open for all to see
I’m numb to life, deep inside
Needing you to realize, you’re the better part of me
An illusion of love is what I fear
Taking each step is now unclear
A rose garden in my dreams,
You leaving now in front of me
Take my heart it’s filled with thorns
A rose trapped inside a perfect storm
Throw me to the wolves I’m on my knees
Begging for my rose to please believe
I made a mistake that I can see
Yet this pain without you is deafening
My heart of thorns cuts me deep 
Paralyzing me and making me weak
Please my rose I beg you, have sympathy.
The rose garden in my dreams,
But you’re leaving right now in front of me
Take my heart it’s filled with thorns
A rose trapped inside a perfect storm
Throw me to the wolves I’m on my knees
Begging my rose to please believe 
I love you Rose it’s all I know, I’m sorry for all my sorrow
By the time the song ended, Remington had tears blurring his vision. He was so wrapped up in playing the song he didn’t realize he had started to cry but to the audience that just made it so much more beautiful. 
After the show, Remington hurried off the stage in order to collect his emotions but in the dressing room sat Rose. Her blonde hair was curled and she wore a red dress and in a true movie moment a dozen roses sat in her lap. 
“Rem that song…” 
she started but before she could finish, Remington ran over and threw his arms around her, hugging her to make sure she wasn’t just a figment of his imagination.
“I’m so sorry”
he whispered once she hugged back. 
“The flowers were from Seb” 
Rose mumbled, green eyes flicking down to them after their hug. Sebastian must have ordered them because he knew what Remington was planning. That was his older brother alright, always playing the papa bear role. 
The singer’s mind was racing a mile a minute, he had a million questions but all he could do was apologize. 
Rose shushed him with a chaste kiss before speaking,
“By no means have I forgiven you completely. That song however beautiful doesn’t make everything go away but I’m willing to work on us”
Remington nodded, happy she was here and willing to give their relationship another shot.
“I’m willing to do whatever it takes,” 
he whispered, wrapping her in another hug.
They knew it would be a long road to get back to where they were before but Remington was happy he had his Rose back in his life. 
A/N: omg that song was not that good I came up with it on my own though and I’m not a lyricist lol hope u enjoyed xx 
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