damn-seven · 5 months
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This is Cadaver (She/Her), my PF2e Thaumaturge!
She is a Gnoll Beastkin Ghoul, a Gothic Cowboy, a Butch Lesbian, and will tear you to shreds <3. She loves fighting, napping, and eating people! She’s kind of a gourmet you know. She’s also an amnesiac, so the DMs been giving me tidbits of her backstory and ITS SO INTRIGUINLY JUICY AAAAAA
She's my Blood Lords PC, and I’ve been having a BLAST with her, I’m so excited to play more!!
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front-facing-pokemon · 5 months
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sherbetyy · 8 months
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the teddy bear of a man. chomp chomp chomp
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stomach-rental · 1 year
🐻 for the ask game about being intimidating! Ps: Don't take it to the heart, interactions as a whole scare me, love your art and you seem nice!
Oh, don't worry, I don't eat people unless they ask. ;] BUT I do have a bearsona so this makes sense.
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While your anxiety is completely understandable, Just Know that most of the time I am literally just spinning around thinking about animals and the stuff on this blog, so I am actually not judging anything anyone is doing or anything, I am simply vibing over here. And I enjoy hearing your thoughts! So even if it Does seem scary I promise I am not gonna bite. Unless you want me to. In which I will do so Very Gently.
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crazysnor1ax · 2 years
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I monster-fied Monster Charlie to make her more monster-ly
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melpcmene · 5 months
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he's a freak but ur honour i think i love him
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a-hazbin-reader · 3 months
Okkkk I am loving all the alastor with twins idea's 😍 💕 💖 could you do some headcannons where he takes the twins on day full of errands like going grocery shopping in cannibal town and a overlord meeting stuff like that
I'm just gonna add a new one here...
Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: Kids being chaotic, Babies biting, Alastor X Mom!Reader towards the end
Description: ☝️⬆️
Normally, Alastor avoids taking the twins out by himself, preferring to double team it with his wife
It's just so much easier with you by his side
But when his wife needs a day off or is too busy to go with him? It's full on dad mode for him
He talks to them the entire time as if the three of them are having a real conversation
"Which of these two do you think your mother will like more?"
"You're right, obviously we need to try someplace else."
Takes the kids to visit Rosie and pick up some of his secret snack stash along the way
Rosie absolutely hogs the twins and keeps them in her lap for the entirety of the visit
She coos and fusses over them, allows them to wear her hat and chew on her limbs
"Alastor! Look at those chompers! You're gonna have some real trouble on your hands soon!"
If Alastor takes them to overlord meetings, then Rosie and Zestial will each hold a twin
Rosie is content to just ignore what's being said and snuggle with a baby, smell their fresh baby scent
Rosie that's creepy
Zestial likes to blow on their twitchy little ears just to listen to them growl and bleat at him
It's a game to them
The twins literally can't get enough of Zestial voice and the way he speaks, always just hypnotized when he opens his mouth
Carmilla is secretly dying inside to hold a baby but won't admit it until Alastor offers it up to her
She melts the moment a baby is in her arms, smiling and rubbing noses with the baby
Her daughters will absolutely beg to hold them though
Velvette is pissed because she can't take photos of the babies or even hold one, the last time she tried, she almost lost a finger to those teeth
Alastor loves how he can basically control how an overlord meeting goes just by bringing in his babies
He wants everyone off topic so that they don't look into something he doesn't want brought to light? Good day to bring the twins
If he's taking the twins for a walk, then he's definitely got those child leashes so that he doesn't lose his babies
It's also to keep them from going feral and biting people but nobody needs to know that
If they run into Vox, then he'll suddenly accidentally drop the leash just to watch his kids take Vox down
The TV head won't be getting up without a few bite marks on his screen, Alastor holding almost angelic looking twins in his arms
"My most sincere apologies, Vox! Teething has just been so hard on the twins..."
"Oh fuck you!"
"Not you!"
Alastor is surprisingly patient and understanding when it comes to his children's needs
He's able to quickly figure out what they want and avoid a tantrum
"Are you hungry, dear one? Papa has just the thing for you~"
And if they do have a tantrum...he knows how to get ahold of his wife...
He'll take them to a park and play games with them just to tucker them out, he actually seems like a normal dad in those moments
Usually by the end of the day Alastor can tell that the twins are tired and missing their mom
He misses her too
Is so exhausted when he gets home and collapses in your arms, rubbing his face into your shoulder
"How was your day out~?"
"Pleasant, but it would've been better had you been with us, my dear~"
You can't help but smile as his arms wrap around you, and he pulls you in for a generous kiss
That's the only moment with you that he gets before the twins push between you two
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I love these family asks so much
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pipileo · 21 days
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step 1: start with a simple circle (yknow, the circle.)
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step 2: bring the top of the head to a point
start with the tip, figure out the right distance and size before you bring the sides down.
try not to make it too long or too pointy (if youre trying to replicate how i draw him)
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step 3: beeg circles (eyes)
try to keep the eyes near the edges, and decently spaced away from the center line.
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step 4: less beeger circles (pupils)
i think its hard to describe but ill try
make the pupils big, but not too big, and keep him cross-eyed. if youre trying to make him look thinkless, do not point the eyes in any specific direction, or else it looks like he's capable of free thought
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step 5: MOUTH
so- my kallamars mouth is basically just an OwO face, but the w is mostly squished. i think you've gotta make sure the mouth isnt too wide if youre trying to do it how i do.
also, use the center line to make kallies weird little vertical chomper.
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step 6: DISABLE HIM (bandage)
idk how to describe it, but just try to make the bandage
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step 7: ear
his ear is mostly triangular, with a tear in it. so just like- make the shape, and cut off a little slice to eat later
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step 8: other ear
his other ear barely exists, so i just draw some squigglies on the other end. make sure to keep perspective in mind.
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step 9: face touchups
so, basically i added 3 lines near the top of the mouth, those little dots on his forehead, and his little eye scar. dont make the scar too thick, since ingame its just a little line.
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step 10: those stupid little cross things i forgot to add for a long-ass time
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voila, a delectable snack that likely has a lot of kallaries. pinch his cheeks or stuff him in a box or whatever you want
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Helloooo brainrot !!!!! big fan of your work and I really like how you characterize the M6 cause of how well I could just imagine these actually happening
now, no pressure of course, could you do mini headcanons of an MC who just has extremely sharp teeth ? Like just a real pair of chompers. Maybe the MC is insecure about them and doesn't want to come off as intimidating so they've trained themselves to talk with their mouth relatively closed, but they slipped up around the M6.
The Arcana Mini-HCs: MC with sharp teeth
Julian: ah - he, uh - hm. he likes them. he likes them very much and there's not much more of his feelings that he can share on a PG-13 blog - whether you flash them in public or not, he thinks they're hot
Asra: you know, if it would make you feel better, they could probably come up with a spell to give them the same type of teeth. then you could see for yourself how cute such "scary" things look in a smile
Nadia: she's considerate towards your social discomfort, but also wants you to know you never have to hide yourself around her. if you could, a nice, unsettling grin would be helpful with certain courtiers ...
Muriel: yeah, he gets it. why do you think he has such terrible posture? he's constantly slumping to try to look a little less intimidating. you help him fix his back, he'll help you floss your teeth
Portia: oh HELL YEAH those things look AWESOME! wouldn't push you to do something you're insecure about, but definitely encourages you to smile more around her. she's very into how sharp those look
Lucio: hey, between your teeth and his arm, you two could intimidate just about anybody who gives you trouble on the road! ... now what would it take to convince you test them on him? (not on this blog -)
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a-library-of-old · 7 months
Okay but can we talk about how Mammon in Helluva Boss would act with a chubby/plus size partner? Cause I wanna!
-First off man is greed itself he overindulges in everything, that includes food! So a partner that in theory can also over indulge a bit with him? He'll love it! Of course no one besides maybe Beelezabub can actually keep up or do better then him but still
-Now there's also the fact he's a fat guy, nothing wrong with it, so a partner that's on the heavier side to would be more relatable to him in terms of experiences and such aka you get a leg up since bitch has lil empathy and without ways to relate he aturggles to connect
-This of course isn't to mention how he'll see it to mean your more durable so he can be a lil ruffer on ya and he's used to touching metal all day with the robo Fizzies! So someone warm and soft to enjoy? He's in heaven again
-If anyone tries to so much as think anything about your weight he won't hesitate to tear them a new one no hesitation, he's already mega possessive after all. You're one of his favorite 'things' and he protects what's his
-Definitely loves that he has more of you to touch to since with four arms he doesn't often get to use them all towards one thing so all arms on you? Fun!!!
-He won't really care if you wanna loose or gain weight or anything like that either unlike how he was with Fizz, you're like the only thing he isn't trying to sell in life so he let's you just be
-I do think he sees the extra places to bite as a plus side to since he seems like a bitter, I mean look at those chompers!!
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pr0ng3ls · 10 months
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Get sneak attacked @naffeclipse , I toss this grainy boi at you!
Who would have guessed this dummy only took me 24 hours? Had fun experimenting with lighting details and trying to make this look as grungy as possible.
There is mold, rust, and blood everywhere. Honestly, whoever's retrieving this sub after every trip seriously needs to clean up the place. It's a mess!
This lovely lil mans is from Crush Depth! Please read with a clear mind.
Fun Closeups Under cut -u-
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I'm stupidly mad at how that hand turned out, but like. At least he's got an award-winning smile!
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These gauges were probably the most fun to draw lol
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Also, screw it! Have this fun image of what the face looks like without all the static and snow. I had more fun than I should have drawing those lovely chompers -u- I just wanna give him a lil kiss on his forehead cause hell if I'm going near that mouth, mm-mm.
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puddleorganism · 11 months
@chrisrin’s gem au is consuming the life series fandom and I am not exempt. Enjoy a corrupted Tango
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[image ID: a drawing of the aforementioned corrupted Tango. He is a wingless dragon-like creature that stands on all fours with claws on his forelegs and paws on his hind legs. He has a body shape somewhat similar to that of a wolf or a tiger, with broad shoulders and a big chest that tapers sharply just before the hind legs. He has bull-like horns on top of his head. His mouth has jagged edges comprised of sharp triangles meant to mimic big spooky fangs. He has overlapping diamond scales along his back, sides, hind legs, and tail. His tail is modeled after a pangolin, and is long and thick in width, but almost flat. Flying out/off of his mouth and neck are bright flames. He’s mostly red and orange with dark grey shoulders, scales, and horns. He’s got stylized stripes and spots all over him, but especially on his sides/ribs and arms. The scales along his spine and on his tail have single stripes on their inner edges, fading from dark red near his shoulders, down to orange, yellow, and then white at the top of his tail. /End ID]
Bonus rambling about my design Thoughts because I want to:
Honestly most of it is just looking at an animal and thinking “yeah that has Tango energy”; notably:
Pangolin (tail + scales)
Tiger (general body shape + stripes (and lil paws!!)
Bull (horns)
I also thought about adding some armadillo lizard in there? Because again,, the vibes - but honestly that’s pretty well covered with the pangolin lol
Most of his markings are also meant to mimic chrisrin’s design! I pretty much just slapped some extra stuff on top for the corruption, since carnelian can have little veins and spots in it sometimes. I honestly didn’t look at references for super long so they’re not super accurate to what those look like in the actual gemstone but whatever. They look cool. Also I gave him freckles because I can and they’re cute.
I changed the colors because, tbh, they clashed with the fire I drew LMAO. But! Also carnelian can be very orange and corruption changes the colors of gems sometimes anyway (if I remember right, at least).
I tried to mimic the au art style to an extent but I have never been good an mimicking styles lol so it didn’t exactly turn out. I don’t think it’s too far off though! Especially in the design itself. The big ol’ chompers is definitely su energy
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weirdmarioenemies · 2 months
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Name: Chester Chomper Jr. Debut: This post from three years ago
Hey, so remember three years ago when we had you plant those Chester Chomper seeds to grow a Baby Chester Chomper for the sake of love and also profit? Well here he is! This is your son, who celebrated his third birthday just yesterday! Aren't you proud of him? They grow up so fast, huh?
As young as he may be, Chester Chomper Jr. already knows about the delectable taste of Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare Cheetos from 2014, and I'm sure that hearing that makes you a proud parent. And it's good he does, given Chester Chomper Jr. is allergic to every food that isn't 2014 Garden Warfare Cheetos or zombies! I know this because I tried breastfeeding him once, and he ended up hospitalized for three weeks. But don't worry, even if the world's supply of 2014 Garden Warfare Cheetos runs out, there's enough corpses on Earth to last him a lifetime!
(his lollipop is made of both by the way i feel the need to clarify that)
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Look! Chester Chomper Jr. is on a playdate in the Toy Corner with Mako and Spikina! Isn't it adorable? He even managed to share some of his 2014 Garden Warfare Cheetos with them, wow! Now, it's not good business practice to just give them away, but give Chester Chomper Jr. a break. He's only a child! He'll learn in due time.
Lately, Chester Chomper Jr. has been practicing his ABCs (so he can know how to spell "Cheetos" correctly) and 123s (so he can track how much product he's been selling). He's also a prodigy at video games, becoming a top-level Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare player while he plays as an effigy of his dead father! Neat-o beans!
And due to his absolute, undeniable adorability, sales for 2014 Garden Warfare Cheetos have been up 1000000000%! (This is from "0," which means the current number being sold is also "0," but that means you can make the number as big as you want while still being correct...!)
I think you should feel proud of your son, and how much he's grown in these past three years. (As a plant, it turns out he's pretty good at that!) Someday soon, he'll be something more special than any of us... a Radical Snack Food mascot. Sniff! His father would be so proud!
"ALLLLLRIIIIIIIIIGHHHHTTTT!" - Chester Chomper Sr. (from beyond the grave)
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redrumrose · 6 months
Looking at Sunny's images, I noticed he has mandibles in there. But I can also see fangs behind his human teeth, what are those?
They're also fangs ^^ Like some bugs, he developed multiple sets of jaws/fangs/chompers when his DNA was spliced:
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The mandibles sit around the front of his human teeth, while the fangs are set behind. They both can retract and pop out in times of high stress or emotion.
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monstersdownthepath · 3 months
Monster Spotlight: Dandasuka
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CR 5
Lawful Evil Small Outsider
Bestiary 3, pg. 225
These motley fellows are among the least of the Rakshasa, the Earthbound Evils born when a mortal soul undertakes a profane and corrupting ritual to permanently bind their soul to the world, reincarnating each time they die rather than passing into the afterlife. The Dandasuka here (which I will be shortening to Danda from here on out) work as spies and assassins in service to more powerful Rakshasa, jobs that feel odd for creatures which prize jewelry, bright clothing, baubles, and jangly bits on their outfits often to the point that they look outright ridiculous and comical. This, however, is befitting of their general attitude which can be accurately summarized as "murder clown."
For the most part, Danda remain out of sight by virtue of spamming their Change Shape ability, which allows them to take on the form of any Medium or Small Humanoid creature as they will. Masquerading most often as children, halflings, and gnomes, Danda utilize good, old-fashioned skill checks rather than relying on magic in order to keep anyone from sussing out their identity or mission, making use of their +19 to Disguise and +15 to Bluff to trick and mislead onlookers, deflect blame, and impersonate whoever they need to in order to get close to their targets. Like all Rakshasa, Danda possess a constant Detect Thoughts on themselves that's empowered to always read surface thoughts without needing to concentrate on a target for 3 rounds, making their disguises and lies all the harder to crack as they learn what they have to say by reading the minds of everyone around them.
That being said, when normal words fail, Danda have the casting power of a 2nd level Sorcerer, which doesn't sound impressive, and in truth isn't particularly astonishing... but it does mean they have five spell slots full of Charm Person and/or Ventriloquism, which are incredibly flexible in the hands of a creature that's trying to get into places it's not invited. It's also got a handful of useful cantrips, such as Daze (which is useful for a creature that expects to be among commoners and low-level guards), Ghost Sound, and Mage Hand. Outside of its Sorcerer levels, a Danda can use Clairvoyance once a day, which is especially handy for narrowing down where its target is or isn't and gathering intel from a distance.
Once in battle, Danda transform from patient plotters to cackling, maniacal jesters, dancing and cavorting and making terrible, black-hearted jokes at the expense of their targets all the while. They're absolutely vicious little buggers, far more than you'd expect from such small creatures, and they revel in bloodshed to the point it's actually a downside for them. Offensively, they CAN wield weapons, but prefer their Claw-Claw-Bite for 1d4+1 and 1d6+1, respective, due to the enjoyment they get from flensing people with their bare hands and teeth. Those absolutely gigantic chompers of theirs tack 1d4 bleed damage onto the bite, bleeding their victims out in short order if they can't staunch the flow. If the Danda has some method of getting the drop on its foe--such as its 20ft climb speed, its +17 to Stealth, or if it's disguised as an ally--it can add +1d6 Sneak Attack damage to all of its attacks as well, and multiple Danda sent on the same mission can flank for one another to quickly tear apart most enemies in short order.
That bleed damage, however, is sometimes to the Danda's detriment. These horrid little beasties are plagued by a hunger for mortal flesh and blood that requires a level of willpower to ignore that they often do not have if they don't gorge themselves before a mission, which the book notes often leads to them suddenly stopping their attacks to lick blood off their claws or even the floor, or pause to consume a chunk of flesh cut off an enemy. Unlike the Gaki, who's hunger is so overwhelming they suffer a mechanical penalty when being offered food, the Danda have enough self control to reject anything offered by an enemy, so this quirk of their behavior tends to serve more as a DM emergency mercy button, having the untouchable little gremlin pause its attacks to bite down on a nearby corpse.
I say "untouchable" for one specific reason, and it's not their DR 5/Good or Piercing; it's their disproportionate 20 Spell Resistance, which is basically immunity against the magic of all but the luckiest of mages at the level one can expect to encounter one of these beings. A caster at levels 1 to 3 has such a low chance of piercing that SR that they're better off using crossbows and darts (since those actually bypass its DR), and even spells which ignore its SR will have to contend with +5/+9/+6 saves, and non-casters don't have any easier of a time thanks to 19 AC! Their bleed damage, climb speed, and Stealth checks also make them excellent hit-and-run baddies, using Spring Attack to initiate before scampering back off into the urban sprawl, hurling insults and cruel jokes back at the party all the while as they struggle to deal with the latest bout of damage.
As assassins go, Danda aren't exactly the most subtle. Their jangling jewelry and gaudy appearance and tendency to stand atop an enemy's corpse and make a gaff about their death to a horrified audience doesn't exactly lend itself to killing quietly, but if you need to send a message, there's few creatures who'll do better. They're also cheap; a Danda's rapacious hunger for the flesh of humanoids means that they're comically easy to bribe compared to most supernatural assassins, and offerings of garish clothes and expensive jewelry can be easily supplemented with decadent meals crafted in whole or in part from other murder victims. Just make sure they're fresh; Danda aren't ghouls, after all, and one risks offending them if they're offered rotting or substandard meat.
You can read more about them here.
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ravenwitch45 · 11 months
How would Blitzo and Striker react to s/o who is very similar to Mileena with the teeth?
Ah been a bit since I had a multiple character ask. Going to assume these are separate since you didn't request poly btw. I've never played a MK game but I know some of the story and I think enough about Mileena to do this ask, a lot of very sharp needle like teeth, got it.
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Oh, okay then he's good with that.
Most demons have sharp teeth, but there more like shark teeth (Sorry Chaz XP), still somewhat broad but still sharp points. You on the other hand are on a whole other level. The moment you smiled at him he was fascinated by you.
He's a fan of the unique, and your more then unique with those chompers. The first time you eat together you tear through the meal in a truly gruesome fashion, and he just looks at you adoringly.
If you join his company he will pair you up with him on hits, not only to be there for you but also to get a front row seat if you decide to use your teeth to finish off the target. Helping you clean up maybe with a few kisses, he's not a cannibal nor does he enjoy the taste of blood, but he'll use any excuse to kiss you. Maybe after you spit up the vital pieces of the target tho.
He loves every part of you, but being the caring SO he is, he'll make sure you take care of your teeth too. Normal toothpaste and a brush doesn't work too well with all you have, so he just squirts a bunch of toothpaste into his mouth and makes out with you to clean it in a fun way :3
Sure you could slosh it around with some water yourself but wheres the fun in that? Nonetheless you go through toothpaste fast.
While he's not as "bitey" as the other Imp we'll cover. If you bite him playfully he will bite back, he'll tell you when to stop if your literally hurting him, but he'll also try not to hurt you, sometimes giving you hickeys in place of bite marks.
He'll discipline you if you give him a very big mark tho~ Also will joke about needing to gag you if your do a bunch of nips throughout the day XP
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Just like Blitz, he's very fascinated by your unique chompers, and likes them a lot. Loving watching you eat or fight with em, joking you eat more wild then Bombproof ever.
Though one big thing, that I feel is a pretty common consensus in the fandom about our favorite bastard cowboy. He is one bitey lil gremlin.
Play biting? Oh you mean war? Even a bit more then a nip he will take as a challenge. Biting you back as you two start wrestling to get into the best positions to bite eachother, and he loves it.
He will literally keep score of how many bites you each get on the other and how many marks you make "Nine on me, Twelve on you, I win Sugarcube~"
He will get very pouty and grumpy if he loses though, grumbling that you have an unfair advantage cause you have more teeth (Which with how he counts score doesn't matter but still, he angy XP)
Though afterwards he's both proud of how he marked you, and how you marked him. Complimenting his bitey ruler about their successes, and teasing em on where he got em too<3
He tries his best to get tough stuff for you to eat so you keep your teeth strong, He already does that for him and Bombproof's sake, but now your included in that, though he also makes sure it's stuff you like. Your his SO, not a trained animal or something.
One time when he got fed up with you, tried to gag you with rope (After making sure you'd be into that of course) Only for you to bite through it with ease, grinning back at him.
He was grumpy with you till you bought him a new bundle of rope. Though he brings it up sometimes cause he's still bitter you surprised him like that XP
Okay then, hope that was good enough! Went Gender Neutral cause you didn't specify which I hope is okay. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for asking!
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