#also i still love nagi he is my beautiful special princess
m1ckeyb3rry · 28 days
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ariellewm · 8 months
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Prince Czar Agskaga: Hypnosis Headcanon
Authors Note:
!! Warning !! If you are uncomfortable with Naga's, snakes, hypnosis, coiling, etc this may not be for you.
My Naga character is also consensual when it comes to using his ability. I figured I would try out showcasing what his hypnosis is like as I've never written anything like this out before.
Prince Czar Agskaga profile can be found HERE for a more descriptive idea of what he looks like.
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Czar is the kind of Naga that does not overwhelm those he puts under his hypnotic gaze. He is consensual on the matter in helping others with sleeping, stress, anxiety, etc. He isn't like the other Naga's/Nagi's that possess the person as Czar is uncomfortable doing such a thing.
He likes to get to know the female sapien (human) he finds he fancies. Czar will bring them his special Amber Lily tea, serve them like the gentleman (or gentle serpent) he is.
He'll give you nicknames, ones that will keep you blushing. Dear, darling, sweet thing, angel, precious, vixen, princess (even if they aren't one), etc. Czar amuses himself by your cute expressions as he teases you by those names.
He understands there are some that are uneasy about their kind. He'll try his best to make them comfortable around him.
And he can definitely tell when someone is in distress or exhausted. Dark circles under their eyes, unbalanced stance, the dizziness. He'll call you out (not in a rude way of course).
"My dear, you look ssso tired. Have you been getting enough sssleep?"
That deep, sultry voice of his along with his charms can easily get to you. The topic in helping you bring solace to your troubles with the power of a Naga's hypnosis comes up. He'll ask, consensually, if you're willing to try it to help you relax and give you the rest you need.
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If you aren't afraid of his black and red, golden saddle pattern coils, he will definitely use them. Naga's have heavy coils, therefore, he tries to limit how much of his body to put on you.
He'll start from the bottom. Sliding over your legs, gently coiling around the calves, thighs, hips and waist. Your arms are free, but he'll ask if you want to be completely coiled. If so, the arms are tucked in, his tail gliding over your chest and shoulders. The end of his tail will either rest loosely around the neck or perhaps pet/brush your hair back.
The coolness of his scales relaxes the body, tingling your stiff muscles. He doesn't like coiling too tightly. Just lightly squeezing and releasing, enabling you to still breathe properly.
Sometimes the Naga Prince will massage their shoulders, neck, and especially the temples. It's the easiest way to get anyone to deeply relax. He'll chuckle at your dazed expression as he massages your temples and cheeks.
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His eyes will slowly become aglow as he continues to coil you. You look deeply into his lovely crimson, ruby like eyes. You see fire. A gentle roaring fire dances before you...
"That'sss it...look deeper into the fire. Relaxxx, let your mind become blank." He purrs, brushing a strain of your hair behind your ear.
Shyly you attempt to turn away to only have him bring your attention back to his gaze. "My dear, don't look away from me now *chuckles with a hiss*."
Czar will continue to massage that stiff shoulder of yours, rub your temples in pleasant soothing circles. He'll softly squeeze you, bringing his hands (or the tip of his tail) to lift that sweet chin of yours, preventing you from looking away.
He'll tease you with words, hissing into your ears. "Awww, how adorable. Wasss that a yawn just now? *Chuckle* Sssuch lovely eyesss you have."
Your mind will start to become blank. Your body is more relaxed than it's ever been. You can't look away from the dancing glowing fire before you. A satisfying sigh escapes as you melt into his comforting coils of his.
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He won't leave you alone once you're completely under the hypnosis. Oh no he absolutely would hate that. Leaving such a beautiful angel in the coils of a Naga dazed and alone...no that won't do.
Czar will tell you stories, stories of old and myth. He has much knowledge about Zarth and his ancestors he'll gladly tell. Perhaps Czar will continue with his studies about The Crystals of Peace or read a book. Looking over the Naga will check on you, squeeze you in a tender manner while you remain hypnotized and comfortable.
At random times Czar will ask his relaxed angel a favor. Maybe he'll make you grab a book he's been seeking from the grand library, bring him sweets (he did this quite a bit as a teen back at the Amber Palace), or bring forth a person of interest.
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If he is helping someone fall asleep, his hypnosis will go even deeper.
His glowing eyes dance even more. Czar will soothe you, shush you if you try to speak. "No more talk, darling. Only ressst." His cool tail brushes over your dazed face. Teasing words from that deep voice of his. Sometimes he'll even hum you a song, bringing you ever so deeper into slumber.
"Ssso soft and warm under my coilsss. *Chuckles* Oh? *Hiss* Do I see a blusssh forming? Perhapsss I ssshould kisssss it better, my dear?"
Czar will kiss your forehead, your cheeks, your brow (never on the lips) to bring you deeper and deeper.
Your eyes will begin to have a very hard time staying open. His rubbing on those temples of yours, that deep echoey tone in his voice that seemed to surround you.
"Sssleep, my dear. You dessserve thisss ressst. Sssleep, and dream. Sssleep, and ressst. I ssshall wake you in a while."
Your fluttering eyes shut at the sound of his gentle words. Deep sleep taking over you. Sleeping in tranquility and comfort of the Naga Prince.
And again he won't leave you alone as you slumber. Most likely Czar will take a nap next to you as well or perhaps continue reading his books.
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You'll either find yourself back in your quarters or loosely coiled by the Naga Prince. Refreshed, you feel like you can take on the day with the amount of good sleep you've gotten from His Illustrious Eminence.
Czar asks if you've gotten enough sleep or how you are feeling. Czar, being the teasing snake he is, will stop you from leaving...coiling your ankle before letting you go. Or perhaps you'd like to go through the process all over again, which he wouldn't mind (if he didn't have royal duties to perform or study).
Artwork of Czar Agskaga done by @wyyvernn
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