#also i just checked the queue and apparently this is going to post on the day of my commencement for college
front-facing-pokemon · 5 months
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doberbutts · 4 months
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There's many ways this person could have approached this, like messaging me directly and explaining the situation.. They put cute plushies of dobermans, some of which I own, in the doberman tag and so I put it in my queue. You expect me to check every single person I reblog a photo of a dog from? I'd never have time to reblog anything. I see a doberman and a non-offensive screen name and I click quick-queue.
Apparently the dobe plushie post was posted by someone who calls themselves anti-endo. Not only do I not know what that actually means outside of that it has something to do with DID, but also like. How am I supposed to know that from just looking at a post of cute stuffed dogs??? Is the expectation really that I need to be checking every single person that I reblog from and researching every single label and identity???
Or am I doomed to be called ableist and hypocrite for going "cute pubbi :]" without looking future into it?
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maniculum · 29 days
Bestiaryposting Results: Dikebael
This animal's name is, admittedly, a bit of a "Tirion upon Túna (upon Rye)" situation in that I did not process that there was anything unusual about the name until, shortly after the entry went up, it got a "heh. Dick-ball" reply. (And they weren't alone; at least one of the art posts that's gone up has acknowledged the unfortunate name.) It probably doesn't help that this entry references the animal's testicles.
I can't even go, "well, it's not pronounced like that," because by the orthographical rules of the conlang I used to generate these names, it would be pronounced /dɪ·kɛ·bæ·ɛl/, so the start still pretty much sounds like "dick". I'd say I'll be more careful about that in future, but I scheduled all of these ahead of time and I'm not sure it's worth digging through the queue, so we'll just have to see.
Anyway, for anyone who's not sure what this whole "bestiaryposting" thing is, you can find an explanation and previous posts here: https://maniculum.tumblr.com/bestiaryposting. The entry that people are working from this time is here:
(Also, I just want to remind anyone reading that you're free to join in -- this is not a closed thing, just check out the "maniculum bestiaryposting" tag and sort by latest to see what the current beast is. Felt I should say that since we've had the same group of people for a while and I don't want anyone seeing the same set of usernames each time and thinking this is an exclusive club.)
Anyway, art below the cut in roughly chronological order.
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@sweetlyfez (link to post here), acknowledging the lack of physical description in the entry, has opted to just have fun with it and put together this strange chimerical creature. I think the flat little horns on top of its snout are really interesting -- the linked post describes them as functioning like a stone circle to make sure it has the right date for its annual announcements. I have no idea if that would work at all, but it seems like it fits the general logic of the bestiary, and I like it.
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@silverhart-makes-art (link to post here) has an interesting explanation in the linked post about how they decided to combine features of various desert-dwelling animals with the basic body plan of a peccary (which is apparently the same animal I know as a "javelina" -- I learn a lot looking stuff up while I write these posts). They then acknowledge that, without the context of all the things they're working in here, it kind of just looks like they've drawn a very large warthog. It's a very good hog, though. Something neat that you might miss if you're just looking at the drawing without the context of the post, for instance, is that it has the same fat-storing tail as a fat-tailed sheep. For more little bonuses like that, check out the linked post.
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@cheapsweets (link to post here) has given us a whole herd of critters here. They've also hooked onto the "desert" thing due to the lack of physical description, collected traits from real-world animals that make them successful in a desert biome, and combined them into a new creature. They make me think of jackals, which aren't mentioned in the linked post, and also make me think of donkeys, which (kind of) are. Let's all take a moment to note the baby hiding behind a pile of rocks to the right, watching a smaller animal of some sort. I think it's cute.
CheapSweets also wonders about the significance of March 25th, and I have to say so do I. It's not explained in the text. The symbolism bit does say they call the same number of times during the day and night to represent the devil wanting to make day and night the same, which... what?
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@pomrania (link to post here) clarifies that this is a grayscale rendering and that the animal would actually be a sort of dusty tan in a color version. They also went the direction of "this animal lives in the desert, so let's focus on desert adaptations." So we've got the split hooves and nostrils that can close to keep out sand. I particularly like the overhanging lip; it adds a certain charm, I think.
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@coolest-capybara (link to post here) has decided that this is an excellent excuse to draw an elephant, since we're short on specific description beyond them living in Africa and being able to make loud noises. As a bonus, this means that the young Dikebael can be conveniently hidden behind the mother's large ears. The other aspects of this illustration relate to Coolest-Capybara having a pretty solid theory as to "why March 25th" -- apparently that's the Feast of the Annunciation, which of course the medieval author would have known. So here we have the Archelephant Gabriel trumpeting at Mary. (Actually it seems like the baby is doing the trumpeting, and it looks adorable doing it.) The linked post describes the medieval artworks that are being referenced in the illustration, so I recommend checking that out.
Anyway, time to check the Aberdeen Bestiary...
... well, we can't, actually. The Aberdeen Bestiary is missing a few folios, and this is on one of those. I got the text from MS Bodley 764, since I have a print translation of that one and it's fairly similar. For the illumination, we're going to go to the digitized Ashmole Bestiary, which is even more similar but I don't have a translation of it.
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So this is the onager or wild ass.
Interestingly, it looks pretty much identical to the image of the tame ass on the same page, but to be fair, I don't think I'd be able to distinguish between an onager and a donkey with any reliability. Makes one wonder why they have separate illustrations, though.
And yeah, I have no additional explanation for why... any of the stuff in the entry.
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peaceisadirtyword · 1 year
Pull the Trigger IX (Modern!Ivar/Reader)
A/N: Hello! A bit late, sorry! I just got home🥲 I’ll try to post the next chapter as soon as I can🫶🏼
Warnings: mild smut👀 mentions of past abuse, mentions of alcohol, anxiety... 
Words: 4412
Read on AO3
Fic masterlist 
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Alfred had cancelled on you. Apparently, he had missed an important date with Elsewith and he had gotten a last minute reservation on a very expensive place to apologise. You understood, but couldn’t help but sigh in disappointment when you saw his text. Thora was out with Hvitserk again. Since they had formalised their relationship it was almost like they spent even more time together than before. She had insisted on staying with you, but you practically forced her to go, feeling too guilty for having ruined her big night some days ago.
Almost a week had passed, and you had hoped you could talk to Alfred about what Ivar had said to you. You hadn’t had the chance to do it earlier, as the last time you saw him you had spent hours crying because of Erik. You had never seen Alfred so angry at someone, and while it was comforting, you still were overthinking Ivar’s words.
But then again, he didn’t contact you anymore. He wasn’t in class that week, and he was nowhere to be found on campus. You had his number and could have easily texted him, but then again you didn’t know what to say.
Because you weren’t sure of what he had said.
He was at Valhalla. You knew it because Ingrid had texted you, telling you she had seen him inside when she had entered, and you had tried to convince yourself you didn’t care, but a part of you couldn’t stop thinking about it. You had gone through Ubbe’s posts on social media until you found him at the background of one of his videos. Sigurd had also posted things but as the brothers couldn’t stand each other you didn’t bother to look for Ivar in his videos. Thora had told you they’d head to Valhalla around midnight, so you kept glancing at the clock, knowing that Hvitserk was the one that would post the pictures of Ivar, given they were the closest ones. 
You just wanted to see him, to see he was okay, because even if you had tried your best not to acknowledge it, you missed him. You would be forever mad for not remembering most part of that night, when you had slept in his bed and he had taken care of you. The simple thought made you feel something strange that was both worrying and comforting at the same time.
Taking a deep breath, you got up from the couch and entered the bathroom for a quick shower. The horrible movie you were watching was forgotten as you entered your room, immediately opening your wardrobe to try and find something to wear. After almost crying a few times, you decided on a black velvet dress. It was short and had cleavage, not quite what you’d usually wear for a night out, but Valhalla wasn’t a normal club and it was very far from your usual trusted bar, so you put on some thighs and your favourite tall boots that Thora had gifted you last Christmas because of how many times you’d ask her for hers. 
After frowning at your own reflection for a good ten minutes before moving back to the bathroom to wash your face and put some makeup on. Half an hour later you were ready, picking up your phone, wallet and keys and quickly turned off the TV and the lights, leaving your flat before you could change your mind.
Calling an Uber was way more than your bank account could afford, so you took the bus and walked towards the club, hoping Ivar would still be there when you managed to get in. It was cold, and the slow queue didn’t help. You checked your phone a few times until you realised the battery was very low. Thora had messaged you, asking if everything was okay, you replied quickly, telling her you were fine and debating whether you should tell her you were at the club or not.
But just when you were going to do so, the doorman called you. The rest of the queue looked at you up and down, some of them with annoyance and even hatred, but you didn’t say a word as the doorman lifted the rope, letting you in.
Flashbacks of the first time you stepped into that club made you take a deep breath as you left your coat on the wardrobe next to the door and thanked the girl that took it with a tense smile. You didn't even know what you were doing there, you didn’t know what you would say to Ivar if you could talk to him. You made your way to the VIP zone, your heart racing when you saw Whitehair. Wherever he was, Ivar was never too far away.
Your eyes finally found him. He was standing, leaning on his crutch and with a drink on his other hand. But you stopped walking towards him when you saw who he was talking to.
It was a woman, a tall, beautiful woman with brown hair. You could only see her back, but your mouth dried when you saw her curves, hugged by a beautiful red dress. You were sure she was stunning, and Ivar was so close to her, talking to her…
You felt like throwing up, suddenly you were the idiot that had come all the way to Valhalla to talk to him after not hearing from him in days. Thinking he liked you.
Looking around, feeling the tears fill your eyes, you took a deep breath. Should you get a drink or just go home?.
When you looked back towards Ivar, you found his eyes. He looked surprised to see you there, and you could see his lips saying your name, but you turned around and left for the toilets, unable to face him at that moment. Then you heard him calling you a bit louder, but you were already entering the women’s toilet and ignored him. Great, now he knew you were there. That was even more humiliating.
There were two girls inside the bathroom, talking cheerfully as they retouched their makeup, who looked at you as soon as you barged in, clearing your throat. They looked at you up and down, frowning, but you didn’t even look at them, running your hand through your hair and taking another deep breath.
Your relief didn’t last, as someone else entered the bathroom and startled the girls.
“You” Ivar pointed at them “Out”
They didn’t say a word. Instead, they grabbed their things and left quickly, barely glancing at you as they closed the door behind them.
“This is the girls’ bathroom” you said, looking anywhere but at him.
“I don’t care, toilets don’t have a gender” he replied, annoyed.
“Someone could enter…”
“Whitehair is outside” he interrupted you, shrugging “What are you doing here?”
“I don’t even know” you muttered, turning back to the mirror to try and fix your makeup “I guess I wanted to talk to you”
“Did anything happen?” he frowned in confusion “Did Erik…?”
“No, don’t say his name” you sighed “No, not everything is about him, I just wanted to talk to you because you said things the last time I saw you that I… Have been thinking about it, but I don’t know what to think and it’s killing me, but then I come here and I see you with someone else and I realise I’m an idiot and you probably didn’t mean what I thought you meant and now I really want to be alone…”
“Wait, wait, slow down” he frowned, interrupting you “Someone else?”
“Yes, the girl you were talking to, I just… I misunderstood what you told me the other day, it’s my fault, now if you excuse me…”
“Wait, let me talk” he grabbed your arm as soon as you tried to walk towards the door “That girl you saw me talk to is my sister”
You felt as if someone just threw a bucket with ice and water all over you.
“Your… Sister?”
“Yes, well, my half sister, Gyda” he shrugged “She’s my dad’s daughter but her mother is Lagertha, she’s Björn’s sister, she lives in Hedeby with her mother but she came to Kattegat to visit us”
“I…” you groaned again, closing your eyes. If you thought nothing could be more humiliating than thinking Ivar was with someone else when you came to see him, you were wrong “Sorry, I… Never saw your sister before”
“Were you jealous?”
Flustered, you looked away again. Ivar had a smirk on his lips and his cocky expression only made you want to hit him really hard.
“No” you scoffed “I’m just… I didn’t want to interrupt you”
“Well, you did interrupt me with your dramatic escape and making me chase you” he chuckled “I’m not complaining, though”
Rolling your eyes, you finally looked at him, realising you couldn’t escape now and had to tell him exactly what you had come to tell him.
“The other day…” you sighed “You said you cared about me”
He hummed, nodding his head and almost pouting. His eyes were widened and you had to force yourself to stop looking into them.
“I’m not sure I understand what you meant by that”
Ivar sighed, rubbing his face with his free hand.
“You are dense sometimes, did you know that?”
You gasped, offended.
“And you are rude” you replied, scoffing.
“I was going to kiss you” he ignored you “And you still don't understand what I meant?”
You were left speechless. It was true that you had thought about it, but there was a part of you that insisted that it couldn’t be true. That you weren’t the kind of girl Ivar Lothbrok would like.
“I didn’t know if I had imagined it or not, I just…”
“Can I kiss you?” he interrupted you again, and you blinked a couple of times “Now, so you stop talking”
“Okay, you are very rude, and if this is your way of flirting let me tell you it won’t…”
You didn’t get to finish that sentence, because Ivar leant in to press his lips against yours. You gasped in surprise, but closed your eyes as soon as he deepened the kiss, his free hand landed on your waist, and you let yourself relax between his body and the sink behind you. His lips were warm, and tasted a bit like alcohol and cigarettes, but they were sweet and softer than you had imagined. Because you had imagined it. Even though no one of your daydreams was nearly as good as the actual kiss. You almost felt like you had never been kissed before, and his scent felt almost intoxicating when you breathed into it.
Ivar hummed against your lips, making you sigh at the sound. You weren’t sure of when exactly you started to like Ivar that much but you felt unable to kiss anyone else after that kiss, especially when he broke it, moving away just a few centimetres just to chuckle and give you a small peck before you could even open your eyes.
His blue eyes were the first thing you saw when you finally opened yours, and you could feel the heat underneath your skin and hear your accelerated heartbeat. You wondered, embarrassed, if he could also notice.
“Sorry, I just have wanted to do that for a long time” he said, tilting his head with his smirk back on his lips. You cleared your throat.
“That was also very rude of you”
“It was also very rude of you to interrupt my conversation with my sister” he shrugged “We’re even”
“I didn’t interrupt it, I…”
“You did, by running away after getting my attention, jealous” he leant in again to whisper against your ear. You didn’t know if he put that with many other girls, but it was definitely working because you almost moaned “And wearing this”
His free hand, which he had leant on the sink to support his weight, tugged at your dress, making you look down.
“I had to wear it because otherwise I wouldn’t have entered your elitist, corrupted club”
He laughed then, shaking his head.
“The doorman knows who you are, you would get in even if you were wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants”
“Well, I decided not to risk it” you shrugged, trying not to overthink his words -because if you did you would probably start hyperventilating.
Ivar smiled again. Obviously he had drunk, being way more relaxed than you had ever seen him. Was that the real Ivar?
“I thought you wouldn’t want to talk to me” you bit your lip “I thought you hated me”
“I beat up a guy that drugged you, Y/N”
“Yes, but that’s just your mob boss complex”
“I’m going to ignore that”
“But you called me a bitch” you crossed your arms, forcing him to move slightly backwards “And you said my life was worthless”
Ivar sighed, nodding and closing his eyes.
“You really got on my last nerve, but you’re lucky, others ended up dead for less”
You rolled your eyes, an amused smile on your lips.
“Stop doing that, I don’t believe you, you act like you’re all dangerous, cruel and heartless but there you were taking care of me when I couldn’t even walk, you’re just a normal guy”
Ivar shrugged, but he didn’t look bothered by your comment. In some way, you could see why so many people were afraid of him, he could be intimidating. But he had just asked for permission to kiss you and then had interrupted you with a kiss… He couldn’t be that bad.
“That’s the point” he licked his lips, shrugging again “I’m not meant to be dangerous to you”
“I’m serious”
“About what?”
“You act like that but then you come to my house to bring me my clothes and see if I’m okay, and then you start yelling and almost kiss me but then don’t talk to me for days…”
“Isn’t it obvious, Y/N?”
You knew it was obvious, but at the same time it was too obvious to be real. Everything seemed more of a fantasy you had built inside your head in which Ivar Lothbrok liked you even before you talked to each other for the first time. And for some reason that thought didn’t bother you, quite the contrary, it made you fluster and smile like an idiot.
“No, I want you to say it” you took a deep breath “Loud and clear, no indirects”
Ivar looked taken aback, almost like no one had ever asked him to talk about his feelings before. Looking around, he stepped back, suddenly nervous. He felt his mouth drying and a strange feeling in his stomach. He was nervous. Him, who had killed people in cold blood, who dealt with terrifying people that doubled his age and experience, who had had guns pointed at him and his brothers and that was used to deal with people that wanted him dead was a nervous wreck in front of a girl that asked him to talk about his feelings for her.
Well, it wasn’t just a girl, it was you.
Ivar still remembered the first time he had seen you. Sitting next to Alfred, you were frowning down at your notes and comparing them with his while he laughed. Then he had seen you many times around campus, you were all the time with Thora or Alfred, but whenever you were alone he never dared to approach you. Until one day Hvitserk saw him looking at you, and Ivar had made him look at your friend. She’s cute, Hvitserk had said, but his smirk had told him he had liked her.
And then he only had to wait. Ivar hoped you’d never heard about the fifty kroner he gave to that girl that sat next to him to go up and seat next to Alfred. Just to have you close, as he knew it was the only time you’d be close to him.
He was glad to see he had been wrong for the first time in his life.
“I…” he cleared his throat, his heart was beating so hard against his chest that he was afraid of you hearing it, and also of having a heart attack “I care for you”
You raised your eyebrow.
“Is that all I’m getting? After you barging into my house to yell how you tricked your brother into dating my best friend because you couldn’t talk to me”
Ivar couldn’t believe you had memorised his exact words.
“I didn’t barge, you invited me in”
“That’s not the point”
Ivar took a deep breath, and when his blue eyes looked right into yours again you almost groaned out loud.
“I like you, Y/N” he said. It was the first time you saw him being somewhat vulnerable. His cheeks were reddened, he kept biting his lower lip softly, looking everywhere but at you, his head down. Almost like a teenager waiting for a scolding.
You couldn’t help your lips curving softly with a smile. You also felt flustered. Hell, your heart was beating so fast you could barely hear anything over it. Ivar gulped, suddenly watching you carefully. Please, don’t laugh, don’t make fun of me.
He didn’t like to feel vulnerable or open, he didn’t want anyone knowing he liked you, not even you, because it was the only effective weapon that could really hurt him.
“So you’re not heartless after all”
It was a mere whisper, but he heard you perfectly fine, even if he didn’t reply. What was he supposed to say? That you couldn’t tell anyone? That it was fine if you didn’t feel the same?. He skipped all of that during his teenage years and had no idea of how he was supposed to react.
But he didn’t need to. Suddenly you approached him, making him freeze and grab his crutch tighter than ever. He’d swear he heard it crack, but he didn’t really care because you grabbed his neck and pulled him down as you got on your tiptoes, kissing him.
It was almost like your warm lips melted him. Literally. Ivar couldn’t recall a moment in which he had felt so hot. He leant against the closest wall he had, letting the crutch fall to the floor just to touch you with both hands. You glanced at the thrown crutch quickly, but his lips against your jaw and travelling down your neck distracted you. He was intoxicating, warm, his scent made you dizzy and the way he was kissing you… His lips captured your upper lip, and he kissed you with urgency, passion and need, almost like he’d die if he stopped.
You weren’t complaining, though. His hands had found their way to your ass, but they kept touching you everywhere, leaving a warm, tickly path behind. You jumped and gasped when his fingers brushed against the bare skin of your legs, and Ivar seemed to find that amusing. His hand was warm when he finally touched your thigh, and you felt a familiar wave travel down your lower belly and sex. You only broke the kiss to catch air for a couple of seconds before kissing him again. This time your hands travelled down his neck and shoulders, letting yourself touch his chest, hard and muscular from carrying his own weight for his whole life. Just when your hand reached his belt and his was already under your dress getting closer and closer, someone knocked on the door, startling you.
Then you realised you were about to have sex with Ivar Lothbrok in a public bathroom. Your last week self would have been very scandalised.
Stepping away, you turned to look at yourself in the mirror. Your lips were reddened and swollen and you were thankful for not having worn lipstick. Your eyes were teary and your makeup was a bit ruined, but you only smudged it a bit with your fingers and hoped everyone would be too drunk and it would be too dark to notice.
Ivar reached for his crutch, raising his voice to let Whitehair know he was fine. You wondered whether you should help and reach his crutch for him, but he managed just fine, knowing exactly which movements he needed to do. When he was standing again, he looked at you. His expression was softer. You couldn’t remember the expression he had when he had taken care of you, but you liked to think it was the same one.
“Ubbe is probably freaking out because I left” he shrugged “Do you want a drink?”
“I… Think I should go home” you cleared your throat “It’s late”
Ivar raised an eyebrow.
“I’ll take you home later”
You didn’t even try to argue, because you knew you’d stay. For some reason, you wanted to spend a bit more time with that new Ivar you were discovering. The one that didn’t act like a pretentious asshole.
His soft expression disappeared as soon as he opened the door. Whitehair looked at him and then at you, frowning and clenching his jaw. You couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at him, making Ivar clear his throat and grab your arm quickly. The people queuing at the door didn’t say anything, but looked at you up and down and you instantly knew all of Kattegat would know you had been locked in a toilet with Ivar Lothbrok by morning.
You did smirk at Whitehair when you finally stepped in the VIP zone as he stayed at the entrance with a frown in his already harsh face. You could feel some people staring and just when you were thinking about texting both Thora and Ingrid to let them know you were there, someone practically tackled you, making you yelp and almost fall to the floor. Thora squealed in excitement and you could tell she had already had a few drinks when she looked at you, her cheeks reddened and a stupidly wide smile on her lips.
“You’re here!” she jumped next to you. Ivar glared at her, rolling his eyes, but Hvitserk asked him something and his attention diverted soon enough “Where were you? Ubbe told us you were here but that you disappeared suddenly… I was worried! Do you want a drink? Ingrid is here too!”
“Wow” you chuckled, grabbing her shoulders to keep her in place “Sorry, I had to go to the toilet… I found him on my way back and he told me you were here”
“Him being Ivar” she giggled, almost like it was a joke you didn’t get “Okay, a drink?”
You nodded, if you had to deal with the entire Lothbrok clan and drunk Thora you might as well get even.
You didn’t get a second to breathe, as soon as Thora left to grab you a drink, someone else approached.
She was even more stunning up close. Gyda had a beautiful, long hair that seemed to be brown but was darkened by the lowlights of the club. She wore a beautiful and probably very expensive red dress that you’d swear you had seen on some runway on YouTube. When the lights illuminated her face you could distinguish greenish eyes, more similar to Hvitserk than to Ivar’s, but you couldn’t tell the exact colour.
She shot you a big smile. She was older, older than you and Ivar, maybe in her thirties already, but she could have been twenty-five and you wouldn’t have been surprised. You only realised you were staring with your mouth agape until she spoke.
“Hello, you must be Y/N” she grabbed your hand enthusiastically “I’m Gyda, I’m Ivar’s sister… Half-sister” she chuckled “It’s great to finally meet you, I’ve heard a lot about you these days! Mostly from the boys teasing Ivar, but they were only good things, don’t worry”
You wondered what good things the Lothbrok brothers had to say about you, but decided to ignore it and smiled back at her shyly.
“Hi” you nodded “Yes, I’m Y/N, it’s great to meet you too”
“Wow, you’re really pretty” she looked almost excited, her eyes scanning you up and down, then she giggled “Ivar already said it, but I don’t trust his taste very often so I’m surprised, but you’re beautiful, I love your dress!”
“Why, thank you” you chuckled nervously, feeling mortified as her smile widened even more.
“Hvitserk told me you’re giving my littlest brother a hard time… Whatever you’re doing, he probably deserves it so you have my full support!”
“Okay, Gyda, that’s enough, thank you so much” an annoyed Ivar appeared beside you, glaring at his sister. She winked at you, amused, before turning around and leaving. You turned to Ivar with a frown.
“What are you telling your family about me?” you narrowed your eyes, Ivar rolled his eyes and sighed.
“Only your terrible taste in men and your inability to pay attention in class”
You scoffed, but your lips curved in a smile.
“Someone is calling you” he pointed at the bar, where Thora tried to grab your attention to point at the drink on her hand. Hvitserk looked more in love than ever next to her.
“I better go before she drinks it” you grimaced.
A moment of silence. Ivar looked at you with his soft expression that had disappeared as soon as you had left the toilet, but before you could act on your instincts and kiss him again, he turned around, going back to the couch where Ubbe was sitting talking to some people you didn’t know.
“Ivar” you reached to grab his hand before he could get too far, and the both of you froze almost instantly, realising what you had done. When he turned to look at you he had a surprised look on his face, which you were sure mirrored your own “Um… Thank you”
You didn’t specify why but he already knew. He nodded slowly as you let his hand go, hurrying to the bar where Thora waited for you. Ivar let himself fall on the couch next to his brother, looking around to make sure no one had seen that. Then he looked down, hoping the darkness would hide the stupid smile he had on his face.
Because it had been the first time you had called him by his name.
Tags:  @istorkyou  @barnes-lothbrok  @naaladareia  @youbloodymadgenius @southernbe  @yummycastiel @nothingtolosebutweight @noway4u @cdauni @heavenly1927 @ivarhoegh @biancathecool @helleiaiwritting @marvelsangels @ironynoticony @kenyadakblalock @mymindfuckery @alexa4040​ @tessakate @ivarlover​ @vannabanana1995​ @darksoulgemx @mynameisiliana​
I hope I didn’t forget anyone💔 thank you so much for reading🫶🏼
Ps. I will try and reply to all the comments this time!
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 5 months
Hakuoki SSL~sweet school life~ 『Christmas Weekend』 2016 SS
Well, I've decided that this is going to be my last Hakuoki post for the year. For December, I plan on working on that Collar x Malice Xmas short story that I've been putting off for a while and the next Deemo chapter... and then I'll probably try to do something about my non-existent queue since I really don't think I'll be able to translate much in January or February because of my exam... though I swear that I'll at least put in some effort. Also I do want to get back to Hakumyu Hijikata-hen's extras. Been sitting on those for a while because life's been busy... 😅 ehehehe.... (facepalm).
Anyway, this translation is originally from a story that was posted by Otomate in 2016... and I am 70% sure that this image was published with it. Unfortunately, I can't check since the link it was posted to no longer works, and I also can't check where I found the tl for this story (unlike most things, I know where it was located... but it was on blog.sina and I can't do anything about unviewable content). Still, I had this image in my drafts for years with a note blurb about the the 2016 SSL Xmas story so it probably is the right one?
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Hakuoki SSL~sweet school life~
『Christmas Weekend』
Translation by KumoriYami
——Saturday, December 24
This year, a Christmas event was to be held on the 24th of December, between 3 consecutive days of vacation.
Although the 23rd is a Friday and a holiday, [since] the 24th fell on a Saturday and the 25th fell on Sunday, which resulted in a 3 day consecutive holiday, it was a rare occurrence to have such a Christmas holiday in recent years [SSL is set in 2016 [or so the tl note said]…. which had December 23rd, a Japanese national holiday which celebrates the birth of Emperor Akihito, fall on a Friday]. Therefore, it is very meaningful for those who had people of significance to them such as family, loved ones, and close friends who enjoyed such holiday activities.
However, there were also people who couldn't be included among them. Those who were working for example, who were unable to celebrate or find time to spend together with their partners, and those who did not make plans for Christmas, or even the holiday… Yukimura Chizuru was one of those people.
Chizuru did not originally intend to spend Christmas like this.
However, her father, Yukimura Kodo, was on a business trip at an offshore island and hadn't returned, while her older twin brother, Nagumo Kaoru, the adopted son of the Nagumo family, was spending Christmas with them.
Additionally, since the holiday this year had consecutive days, according to the usual conventions, Principal Kondou asked that the school activities be kept simple. Of course, Chairman Serizawa did not hold any Christmas activities.
It would have usually just been girls… Chizuru had originally thought that, but Suzuka Sen and Suzuka Kosuzu, who she had good relationships with, also had three consecutive days off, so they had gone back to their hometown in Kyoto to spend Christmas, and Chizuru had just seen them off yesterday.
Then her friends from junior high school were apparently going to an event by their new high school to play with a group and some boys. Chizuru was also invited, but as she was the only student from another school, even she participated, she would still experience anxiousness [tl says stage fright… so w/e], so she didn't go.
In this way, the 24th became a day without any plans.
So, what were the boys at Hakuo Gakuen who had good relationships with Chizuru? She didn't know why, [but] she hadn't hadn't received any invitations from them. She had already asked her childhood friend, Toudou Heisuke, indirectly, but he had refused and said that he had something else happening that day. In addition to Heisuke, it appeared that everyone else had a similar reason.
( It was just, the "something" Heisuke mentioned definitely had nothing to do with other girls! Chizuru tried to persuade herself about this.)
(That's right… For 3 consecutive days off, everyone else must have their own plans. Yet I….)
Thinking this, Chizuru had a sudden realization. Because she had realized it was the Christmas holiday, she had a strong desire to spend it with someone, even though it was simply 3 consecutive days off… As long as it could be thought of as a normal weekend, it wasn't strange that there was nothing to do.
(——Hm. Although it's a bit early, the end of the year is approaching anyway, so it wouldn't be bad to do a lot of cleaning.)
Just as Chizuru thought that, she received a text message on her phone, with the sender being Toudou Heisuke. She thought he wanted to call her for something so she picked up her phone and looked at it——.
Subject: Danger
Sender: Heisuke-kun
Message: Even if something happens, don't leave home!
Chizuru stared at her phone's screen and tilted her head in confusion. What danger would there be on a calm and peaceful Saturday afternoon? But if what Heisuke said in his text message was true, there apparently was some sort of danger 【outside her home】, which was why she had been told to 【not go outside】.
She tried to get him to reply about if he had made a mistake or meant something else, but she received no response. Although she did try to directly call him, she only received a voicemail.
(What should I do? Maybe something happened to Heisuke-kun…)
Anyway, let’s go to Heisuke’s house next door first. She thought about this while she recalled the content of the text message he sent.
(It's just next door… there shouldn't be any problems, right?)
Just as she thought that, a message notification rang out in the silent room. She hastily got to checking her phone, but its sender was not Heisuke. The sender this time was Okita Souji.
Subject: Because it's dangerous
Sender: Okita-senpai
Message: You're a good kid, so you should stay at home
(……Okita-senpai is also saying this, what on earth is going on?)
Just as she was feeling baffled from what was on her cell phone, the sound of a a message notification rang in Chizuru's hands again.
Subject: (none)
Sender: Saito-senpai
Message: Regardless of what happens, stay where you are and don't move
Subject: It's alright [basically the tl here can be interpreted as 'it's fine', or 'no problems']
Sender: Harada-sensei
Message: Just bear for it a while longer, and keep staying at home
What could be learned from the text messages received was that something was happening to everyone. And the contents were almost the same, Not only were the contents were almost the same, they were all instructions for her to not leave her home… However, Chizuru was incapable of honestly staying home as everyone was saying. She grabbed her coat and hurried towards the entrance, not bothering with how her shoes were only half-on, and only wanted to open the [front] door and go outside. Accompanying the sound of being hit by the door, Chizuru was then pushed back into the inner entrance [uh, something like that?].
"——Why!? Why!"
Chizuru re-confirmed that the door was already unlocked again, and once again tried to open it, but the door remained motionless. It was as if someone was forcibly holding the door from outside, deliberately making it impossible for her to open the door.
Since that was the case, she could just use her body to press against the entrance with all of her strength to push it open. Just as Chizuru was about to do that, a voice spoke from the other side side of the door.
"Yukimura, I'm sorry… I cannot let you go outside."
"……This voice is Hijikata-sensei!? Why are you here…. that doesn't need to be mentioned now, what happened?"
She was pushing against the door while speaking to him, but it didn't work due to Hijikata's suppression from outside.
"Just lock up all the locks…… stay inside your home. After that…… Until one of says you can open the door, absolutely do not…… open it….. for anyone of us….."
Then Hijikata's voice disappeared midway. At the same time, the suppressing heaviness on the entrance hall also disappeared.
Chizuru used all of her strength to push against the door, and the heavy door finally budged a bit, so she squeezed through the crack in the doorway that large enough for a single person to pass through and went outside.
Then what Chizuru saw was——.
"You've finally come out? My wife, you're late."
Dressed in a bright red Santa outfit, while also holding a large white bag and a bouquet with dozens of roses, was Kazama Chikage.
Then there was Toudou Heisuke, who was tightly holding onto Kazama's legs, Saito, who was grabbing Kazama's arms from behind him, and Okita, who was watching the two with a smile.
There was also Harada, who was sitting not too far away, looking a bit helpless, and Hijikata Toshizou, who was sitting against the door, motionless.
"Uh…what happened? Also, why is Kazama-senpai here?"
""Of course, I came to welcome you to this young master's Christmas party at the Kazama family home!" [I couldn't figure out how else to say this… lol.]
"Then everyone else is…"
"They were seemingly trying to prevent me from approaching you, but that wasn't able to stop me."
"Um…. did I make a promise with you…?"
"Of course this is a su-r-p-is-e [the tl had サ。プ。ラ。イ。ズ to accentuate "surprise" i guess]. However since you've come outside, doesn't that mean that you have already prepared to go out with me? Then just follow me——"
As Kazama spoke, he extended his hand towards Chizuru, and upon seeing this, Heisuke immediately ran over.
"Hold it——! Don't joke around——!"
"I didn't expect that so many of us wouldn't be able to stop him…"
"His strength is still as outrageous as before."
With a serious expression, Saito tried to pull Kazama away from Chizuru. Okita muttered helplessly.
"Is is possible that everyone saying that there was something they were busy with today meant…"
"Ah, that's right! In order to prevent Kazama-senpai from coming here, we started monitoring him in the morning!"
"I-I hope you're not misunderstanding anything. We were monitoring Kazama, not your home."
"Wait a moment Harada-sensei. Even though you are resting, please come and help me me—"
"I'll leave the physical/hard work to you."
"Hey, Yukimura! We'll definitely drive Kazama away, so just stay at home and wait!"
"Ahahahahahaha!! Even if you struggle, it will all be futile! My sincere love is incapable of being stopped by anything! Surrender to my power of Christmas!"
With six adults arguing in front of house and making a racket, it was inevitable… that passers-by would stop and whisper, while people nearby would open up their windows to watch the fun…
"Please….. Please stop stop it——!!"
Because she was feeling heartbroken from this argument that seemed like it would never end… and more importantly, since Chizuru was more concerned about her neighbour's gazes, she therefore suggested holding a Christmas party inside her home, which finally got both sides to call a temporary truce.
"Wait a second, where did all of this food and decorations come from?"
"Of course, this is the result of the Kazama family's efforts, so be grateful."
"I'll say this beforehand, we didn't invite you, and simply couldn't leave you outside and bother/cause trouble for the neighbours."
"Didn't my wife ask everyone to come inside together?"
"Nn… Is this the inside of Yukimura's home…" "Well, if we had planned to find a place to hold the Christmas party from the beginning, there wouldn't have been that commotion. Speaking of which, who was the one to suggest it?"
"The person who said that they wanted to stop Kazama-senpai's plan, was Heisuke."
"Hey, wait a sec! Souji and Hajime-kun agreed too!"
"……You guys, just shut up. I am rarely able/You are seldom able to spend Christmas with my wife [no subject in this part so I don't know who is referring to whom here], so just enjoy this day and this moment."
"For Kazama to say such kind words… then let's just enjoy ourselves as much as we can. Got it? Yukimura?"
「Merry Christmas!!」
Christmas 2016.
Chizuru, who originally had no plans, happily spent Christmas with everyone until deep in the night.
original link (no longer works): http://www.otomate.jp/xm2016d3tm4m/cri_ssl.html
The tl I found said that Otomate themselves probably said "Unauthorised reproduction of the text and images on this website is prohibited." or something to that effect of that, which is one of the reasons why I don't make Otomate stuff rebloggable.
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isawken · 3 months
filling up my queue and scheduling enough posts to last several months because i think february might kill me
the company i work for sold off my department to an entire new company without telling anyone anything ahead of time, even the directors, so i've been fielding questions from my team as if i also didn't just get slapped in the fucking face about it along with the rest of them
i am in charge of twenty people (which is fucked up and insane to me but what's even more than that is they respect me like what the fuck is up with that don't they know i'm a literal clown) and i'm having to hold each of their hands and mediate and troubleshoot and tech support all of them while we all try to figure out what is going on, and they all have two weeks to use any PTO they have because the company of course won't pay that shit out of course not why would they so we're going to be operating at 50% for the next two weeks and it's my ass that will be picking up the slack (which is my own fault and i don't regret it, i told them all to take the time they've earned because fuck the company and fuck the client needs, but god its still gonna be rough), and i'm just so angry, this shit is disrespectful, my team don't even make $20 an hour they don't deserve this and neither do i, and apparently the contract is up for renegotiation in 18 months and we're expected to see ~workforce reduction~ at the very least and total client annihilation at the most and it's just. i knew 2024 wasn't going to be like, awesome, but i definitely didn't think it was going to start like this. january kicked my entire ass off and now february is going to kick my tits off and then what's gonna come next? a break, perhaps? a break for my wretched soul? my weary heart doth not have faith! i'm going to make a bingo card of all potential things that could continue to get fucked this year and for each bingo i get i earn one (1) week long bender
also hey if you're reading this can you do me a favor. make me a little promise. never buy ziploc baggies or glade candles ever again. please. like you don't have to, obviously. if you super duper like those candles or w/e you can keep buying them. i won't be mad. but it would be cool if you purposefully avoided those products forever and ever and ever. for me.
anyways check out this cute binder journal i have assembled it’s the light of my life right now. i got honey yellow grid paper. i got plastic sleeve inserts i can put shit in. i got cute calendar pages. it’s iridescent. it’s got a heart shaped zipper pull. this motherfucker is the envy of all the aesthetic study influencers writing out their business class notes in a plain felt covered teal hardcover. this son of a gun is the all time in journalistic variety and potential. this is the bitch that’s gonna keep me alive
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i'm so up my own asshole about this it's unreal
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dnihallofshame · 1 month
Welcome to the DNI Hall of Shame. This is a blog for DNI lists that are confusing, vague, aggressive, impractical, or super picky. It's meant to shine a light on the pointlessness of DNI lists, and hopefully with some laughs here and there! :)
Run by Bean.
🌺 FAQ: 🌺
Can I submit a DNI list?
Yep! Just use the "submit" button. You can send a screen grab or text. Please censor all usernames and handles.
What kinds of DNI lists are accepted?
You can submit a DNI list if it contains one or more of the following things:
Death threats or wishes
"General criteria" or "etc"
Name-calling, dehumanization, or pejoratives
Things that are impossible to confirm from looking at someone's blog, or that isn't always readily apparent in casual conversation, such as age, gender, ethnicity, what media they like (which is not always the same as what they post on their blog), what they ship (see previous), or if they're a racist/TERF/etc
Terms that are defined incorrectly (such as defining proship as "pedo apologists")
Conflating interest in a fictional scenario, relationship, or character with "supporting it" in real life
Purity culture or kink-shaming rhetoric
It tries to check as many performative, common-sense boxes as possible
A ridiculously long list of criteria in general
Check out some posts on this blog for examples!
What isn't accepted?
Screen grabs with visible usernames/handles
DNI lists that only say "minors DNI"
What happens after I submit a DNI list?
The admin will review it and queue it for posting. Depending on how big the queue is, your submission may take a while to appear on the blog. Please be patient! The admin will add commentary on why the submission is "hall of shame" worthy if it's not provided.
Can I put multiple images in the same submission?
Tumblr only allows you to upload one image on the submission page, but you can add the urls of other images in the text field. They will all be posted together. Please ensure the urls work prior to sending, so the admin can view them!
Why must usernames/handles be censored?
This blog operates on a strict no-harassment and no-brigading policy.
Are all submissions anonymous?
Yes! All submissions are posted as fresh posts without any identifying info. The initial submission page may ask for your username or email, but this won't be published.
Why are DNIs pointless?
Many blogs have explained this in much greater detail, but DNIs shift the onus of curating your internet experience onto other people, and makes your comfort other peoples' responsibility. They are based on the faulty presumption that you can control what others do online. You can ask people for courtesies, but they'll interact if they really want to - or if they simply don't see your DNI!
On that note, DNIs are very ineffectual on sites like tumblr, where posts are meant to be shared all over the place, on many different blogs - yet all of those interactions still show up in the original poster's notes, even if many of the people creating the notes are on OP's DNI. The definition of "interact" also changes between people, making it even harder to pin down an exact meaning and thus, how to conduct oneself. Some people define it as following and commenting on their blog, while others define it as simply leaving a "like" on some random person's reblog of a post, way off in the other corner of tumblr.
All of this is why it is better to practice healthy blocking, and simply state you will block certain people, as opposed to telling them not to interact with you, when they may not even see your DNI. After all, this site is designed for quick post sharing, and no one is going to check blogs every time they like or reblog a post... Even if they themselves have a DNI. Admin has lost track of how many people listed them in their DNI, but liked and reblogged their posts anyways!
Admin info?
Admin is in their late 20s and has been in fandom for over 15 years. No nonsense, practical, critical thinker! Here for a good time, and to poke fun at some of the super ridiculous things people get up to on social media these days.
Tags below the cut.
basic criteria death wish how could you know long performative purity culture vague wrong definition not a dni answered
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clarabowmp3 · 2 months
tySM to everyone who was so worried abt me 😭😭😭 ok so a few things:
We were running late so we were struggling to find a grab and when we did it was like superrrr ex but we still took it but the driver also didn’t drop us off at the proper location cuz she missed it which is fine, ppl make mistakes, but that caused more problems for us
Minor Thing but we did press on nails and i shoved the nail of one of my index fingers too deep and it was HURTING the whole time rip my index finger 😔😔
bevause of where we were dropped off, we had to enter using this very general gate where the queue was horrendous and the ppl in them even more so, like the queue cutting was atrocious and there were this group of ppl who were behind a cordoned off area which like shld be a sign that you’re in the wrong place?? They started causing a bit of a ruckus and the ushers there had to tell them they were in the wrong place but the ppl started trying to fight them, saying that they were “being forgotten” like ????
when we finally got through the queue at security checks they were immediately like no u can’t bring binoculars, and they were my dads so i didn’t want to throw them away so i had to go deposit them. Here’s where it gets rlly disappointing because in all my privileged years of life as a singaporean NEVER have i seen an event as poorly managed as this. Apparently there were 2 possible places to deposit, but the directions for both were unclear and I had to pester the “head” usher until he finally sent an escort w me who BTW also struggled in the beginning THATS how bad the directions were
also got approached by a creepy guy atp who wanted to know how much my ticket was. I just walked away from him the second i realised he was being shady
as we were going towards the deposit area some other ppl joined us too but they ran ahead later and man we WALKED super super far. Like why is it so inconvenient??? Part of the reason why i didn’t understand the directions was that they were telling me to leave the area/go to a nearby mall WITHOUT saying it so how was i supposed to understand what they meant???
one plus side is my escort was rlly rlly nice we chatted a bit became friends and she helped me deposit my binoculars :)))) i wish i could thank her again bless her heart
after that she even helped me try to enter through some other gates cuz my gate was like SOOOO far we’d have to trek the exact same way we came 😭😭😭 and it took a few tries but she found a suitable gate!!!!!!!! Did my security check and everything and when i looked back she was gone :(((
things looked up from here, I think there are special ushers unique to your ticket category cuz these ushers were much more helpful which was such a relief. I missed the entire lover set + fearless BUT i reached in time for ybwm (tried to do the heart thing like an idiot until I realised wrong song LOL but i was so flustered ok my hair was stickimgvgggg to my forehead and the concert had just started for me)
ppl around us kept screaming and trying to wave at taylor like bro you’re just a dot of light to her, at least let the rest of us enjoy the performances?? So we ended up leaving early, collected the binoculars and went home the end happy ending :))) I’m grateful for the performances i DID see lemme try and post slme videos
Got that press on nail off my index finger thank god now to remove the rest :)))
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rawr-sim · 3 months
People you'd like to get to know better - tag!
I got tagged by my friend @calicosimgirl, who is amazing and everyone should check her out! <3
Last Song: I am pretty sure the last song i listened to was Unwritted by Natasha Bedingfield cause its just a CLASSIC and i rarely listen to new music lol It could've also been a random musical theatre song though that I've been looking at for exams and such - Have found some obscure ones but Stephen Sondheim has my heart <3
Favorite Color(s): The Maroon-y/Dark red colour you see at christmas time teehee
Currently Watching: Law and Order SVU and OC alwayssssss - Its EO time babyyyyyy
Last Movie: Twilight New Moon because the memes but also my friends from Atmos_Fierce's community (who are all amazing and please join us, we are chaotic but in the best way) found out i never watched them all and we're very slowly watching them all together again! Check out Atmos though he's amazing <3 twitch.tv/atmos_fierce
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: ooooo savory and spicy always, although i do have a dairy milk on my desk as im typing this so i suppose it's just whatever im in the mood for tbh haha
Last Thing I Googled: N.Ireland Tornado warning cause apparently that was a thing that could've happened??? we're still standing besties lol a lil wind cant get rid of us
Currently Working On: Catching up on some music exams! prepping for eye surgery this week (not very well, im freaking out guys lol) anddd just making sure we stay alive in this really FUN world we live in right now <3
I'm not gonna tag anyone specific cause I'm kinda new here so i tag EVERYONE! lol If you see this post please feel free to do this tag, I'd love to see everyone and anyone who wants to and feels comfortable to do it!
I appreciate anyone who gives me a follow or a like, truly every single one of you. I'm just doing this for funsies so the fact that anyone wants to see these sims i made is mind blowing to me LOL. The queue is all queued up for a while so hope you enjoy! In real life rn im actually on like gen 4 so its been the greatest nostalgia trip to be able to go back and see my lil Mabes and Sonny and his sidekick Dandelion <3
Once again pleasseeeee check out my friend and constant soundboard @calicosimgirl who always is at hand on discord and notifs on for me to ask stupid questions lmao LOVE YOU <3
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
[pardon me if ive already asked this, tumblr was acting up when I sent the ask]
so I've seen you queue a lot, why and how do you do it? I've been thinking about using the feature.
so how i use the queue is mildly different from how other people do because i use xkit on desktop to add a queue tag to things and to quick reblog/quick queue things. but i'll write you instructions assuming you're using base tumblr given that you haven't used the queue before!
so, the how to use it is fairly simple. if you click on "edit appearance" on your blog for desktop, you should see a setting titled "queue" that gives you the option of how many times a day you want to publish posts from your queue, and between what times. my queue is set to 36 times a day, all 24 hours, but many people (i'd argue most people lol) set their queue a bit slower. in addition, if you click on your account on desktop on the dropdown person menu at the top, there should also be an option titled 'queue'. you can change your settings there as well, as well as see what posts you have queued.
if you're on mobile, it's equally simple: click on the person button that takes you to your account, then click on the gear in the top right. there should be a menu option called queue that will take you to all of your posts in your queue, and a gear at the top that lets you set the frequency and what time periods you want your queue to be going during!
then, to add posts to your queue, go to reblog a post or make a post. at the 'post now' button there's a dropdown arrow. it should give you the option to add it to the queue. voila, you are now using the queue! you don't have to have a special tag like i do, i just like it because it makes sure people don't think i'm awake at like, five am or something, and also helps inform whoever i'm reblogging from that the reason i liked their post and then didn't reblog it for three days is because i have a queue, lol.
in addition, though, if you use tumblr mobile and like the quick reblog, go check your blog's settings. scroll to the tumblr labs settings, enable tumblr labs, and scroll to the bottom and there's a "quick queue" option. it adds a little clock to the bottom of posts that you can use to add things to the queue in the same way you quick reblog. if this is more convenient to you, use that (i don't because i tag my queue but if you don't have a queue tag that is probably much faster, similarly to how quick reblogging is faster).
as for why... my queue has between sixty and eighty posts in it at any given time and i OFTEN add more than the 36 posts i post from it a day to it during a day, which is to say if i DIDN'T have a queue, you all would periodically have your dash dominated by me reblogging like forty things at once then falling asleep. queue prevents me from doing that. it also guarantees my blog keeps posting reblogs for a bit which i like because one of the original purposes of this blog was "reblog people's cool fics, art, and other posts", and that remains a stated goal, so having the queue exists helps that. if i want to reblog something but i'm talking about something else/have recently posted a fic i want to focus on/am otherwise feeling like i don't want extra reblogged posts, i can also add that to the queue, which will keep posting obviously but at a much slower rate that swamps my blog less quickly. plus i've also been informed that apparently artists can like the fact my queue takes like two days because it gives them another activity bump a few days after their initial activity, but this is something i've only heard from a few people and frankly i did not think about at all so mileage may vary.
you, obviously, don't have to use a queue - there are a lot of reasons why people might not want to! for example, the fact that posts i queue take like three days to post leads to this funny thing where i have all my initial mcc posting and then there's a short wave of additional mcc posting that hits my blog several days later you can TELL how long my queue currently is if a big fandom event happens, i calm down, and then you see more reblogged posts, lol. but i personally like it, i think it helps!
as for what logic i decide what to queue and what not to queue by: typically if it has more than a 100 notes i put it in the queue and if it doesn't i just reblog it because i figure they want more immediate attention as opposed to delayed attention. however if i am on a spree of looking through a tag sometimes i ignore this and just queue everything i'm looking at so that the posts i reblog don't get buried and my followers don't get swamped so this is not a hard-and-fast rule. also if a post is about Current Events i'm less likely to queue it because of the time delay (so that the post remains current).
uhhhh... that's about it i hope this helps!
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the-obnoxious-sibling · 5 months
did not think this blog would ever warrant a pinned post, but. *looks at all of you* apparently it does.
i am: meredith. over 30, american (central pa), white, jewish, ace, about 80% girl (she/they)
you can call me: meredith, mer, or tos
you can expect to see: two reblogs coming out of the queue each day, original posts and ask responses going up the minute i finish writing them maybe to be edited later, thorough tagging for fandoms and less consistent tagging of ships and characters
you can also find me: here on ao3, here on mastodon, and in theory i'm on a couple other socmed platforms using that same handle but in practice i never check the others these days
you can send me: questions, theories, headcanons, writing prompts (for fic or meta), follow up thoughts about any of my posts, random asks just to say hi, on anon or signed in, whatever you feel comfortable with! just keep in mind you aren't guaranteed a response
tags which may be relevant to your interests:
notfic (general purpose fic-posted-to-tumblr tag, for everything from askbox prompt flashfics to 3k chunks of longer fics; rough outlines and thoughts/complaints about The Process™️ can be found in the writing about writing tag)
fic crossposting (links to ao3 fic updates, may include art or commentary)
my meta (fannish thinky thoughts, sometimes prompted by asks)
fic recs (fanfics i think you should read)
not my meta (fannish thinky thoughts i think you should read)
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bisexualamy · 6 months
Transition Update #66: 3 Weeks Post Op Phallo (Stage 1)
Last update
This one is also going to be more causal and shorter because I am still very tired haha. As always feel free to send follow-up/other questions to my inbox.
As of 3 weeks I can:
walk to the end of the block and back (but feel pretty tired after)
stay up the whole day without napping
have no noticeable pain just taking advil and tylenol
shower, shave, etc. without help
use the bathroom without a catheter
walking down stairs
Things that are still difficult:
walking up stairs
standing for more than about 20 min at a time
bending at the waist
using the bathroom in public
sitting in any chair without a donut pillow (and even then, only for a few hours at most)
lifting anything over about 8lbs (or, one unit of my cat)
I'm cleared as of Thursday to take the subway again, which I am going to attempt to go back to in person ASL classes. Zoom classes are a nightmare for me and double in ASL, and I haven't been able to go to class since Augut and I miss them :(. I'm going to bring my pillow with me for both the subway and class. Even though, I'm sure, it'll wipe me out, I still want to try.
I've had both of my immediate post ops as of now and it's 80% good news. I have no complications and no infections, and I'm excited that my surgeon cleared me to start slowly increasing my physical activity. That's wonderful. I know I'm just one data point, but I just want to add my voice to the crowd that if you're able to go to skilled surgeons and take the phasing process slowly, meta and phallo aren't uniquely guaranteed to cause serious complications; they're just serious surgeries which need to be taken seriously.
The next bit under cut has to do with weight/weight loss and frank language about how the UL is going:
Starting with the 20% bad to end on something more light-hearted. While I was under, my surgical team did a few preparatory incisions to queue up taking the graft in phase 2, and to check if the graft site composition was what they expected it to be.
That answer turned out to be no. Apparently, the skin on my abdomen is too thick to create a safe graft, which means that they shifted my weight loss goal down. I'm not thrilled about this because I was excited to be done, and it's possible to lose it in time for stage 2, but may require us to push it back a month or two. Apparently, if the graft tissue is too thick, adequate blood supply can't get to the phallus and it will die. So I get why we're doing it this way and I'm glad we're not changing the graft site. It would just suck to have to push stage 2 back. The other option is to forgo the UL after all, which would create more room and accommodate thicker skin.
Even though UL was my lowest priority, I'll still be disappointed if I have to ditch it. One unexpected thing I gained in phase 1 was a small UL as part of the meta surgery. Once I got my catheter out (!!!) I found out that I'm experiencing something apparently common during recovery, which is that I temporarily have 2 urethras (old and new). Apparently the old will close on its own but accommodating that has been annoying and kind of funny but I'll be happy when it's over. Anyway, I was surprised at how gender affirming that was and I'd like to keep it if I can.
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My concert report: Blind Channel – Sick & Dangerous European Tour 2022 – München (05.09.2022)
So I decided to just do another concert report for munich, because it was a really amazing concert. And I really want to do this for me to remember the night aswell. (And I need to do something to distract my brain)
So as I mentioned in a previous post I took my dad to this show. He was with me at my first rock show in munich aswell (Black Veil Brides – The Church of the Wild Ones Tour 2013) and for me this felt kind of special. Sadly he wasn’t to happy about the idea at first, but I actually managed to convince him to come. We spent the three hour drive to the venue just talking about random stuff.
We were their at 5.30 in the afternoon/evening. My dad went to go do something to pass the time till the doors open since he wanted to stand in the back either way, while I joined the waiting fans. I didn’t find anyone to talk to this time, so the wait was really awkward for me. At 6 p.m they opened this front gate and let people in. Some of the fans (including me) weren’t sure if this was meant only for VIP people so we kind of stuck back and then lost our previous places in the queue inside the venue but before the concert hall entrance. (It was a cool but strange place I have to say) While we were waiting there the guys from Oceans did sports right next to us which was kind of a strange situation since I feel like no one really knew how to act. No one actually talked to them though, which was nice on one side (because they were doing their stuff there) but also strange because there were so many people and no one said anything to them. While waiting there they passed me quite a few times to go back to their backstage area, and Mikko did aswell. I actually got a thank you from the singer of Oceans because whenever I saw someone wanted to walk through the crowd there (and I kind of stood in the best place to do that) I always took a few steps back immediately to let them pass.
The doors opened a few minutes past 7. My original plan was to stand somewhere in the back, since I actually didn’t want to stand somewhere in the middle of the crowd and only wanted to enjoy the night either way. But when i got in I saw this area at Ollis side of the stage which was a step higher (perfect for short me) and there was this pillar thing to lean against (which I actually needed). And it wasn’t to far from the stage. So the perfect place to enjoy the show really. While waiting for Oceans to start I saw my dad talking to the merch guy. I actually send him on a mission to get me the hoodie with their logo on it and the breakdowns for breakfast t-shirt. (I got the tour shirt at the show on sunday aswell) He said they had a really nice short conversation about his Judas Priest tshirt.
Then Oceans started… I actually could focus completely on their music that night, and fell in love with „If There’s A God She Has Abandoned Us“. I really liked their music in general and will definitely check out more of their stuff now for sure. I also got the information that apparently their singer originally comes from the city that I study in right now, and that is pretty close to my hometown aswell. Which is pretty cool.
Then after a break Lost Society started. I mean they already had me fall in love with them on Sunday, but it was so cool to get a different perspective of the performance. I just let myself enjoy their music and was kind of shocked when he suddenly appeared on the bar thing behind me and then the piller thing on the other side of the venue since I actually couldn’t follow him with my eyes in the crowd. I filmed that bit of him on the pillar with people jumping aswell without jumping myself this time, since I actually had to save my energy (that was low barely two hours of sleep and a already crazy concert the night before to begin with) and was already sweating then.
After Lost Society while waiting for Blind Channel my dad texted me completely shocked about how cool those two bands were already. And I was kind of smug not gonna lie about that... But also seriously curious about what he would say about BC later.
And then BC came on. I don’t think I have to mention how amazing their performance was again. I actually sung/screamed along for every song (just managed to control myself for the few things I filmed but even failed there sometimes), I jumped when they asked us too every time, and just let my body move however it wanted to the music. There were so many good moments, like the timebomb thing with Joonas and Niko, them constantly running into each other (which was btw commented on by someone on sunday aswell), Joonas saying „Prost“ and then pouring water on his own head, … And the crowd was so amazing, they were so into it. At least from my perspective.
After BC left I was sweating like crazy, my voice was almost nonexistent, but I was just so happy. I actually thought about talking to some of the guys from the other bands and maybe asking for a picture but I was sweating so much, and probably looking so bad that I didn’t do it. I didn’t want them to be bothered by me. But the night was perfect, even without this, so I really don’t mind.
And what can I say, I made my dad a BC fan… I mean I hoped he would like them, but I seriously didn’t think he would like them so much. So the whole way back we talked about BC and I asked him some questions because I was just curious about what someone who just experienced BC for the first time thought about them. And he asked me questions about them as well, like their history as a band, how they make their music, … I asked him who his favorites were, to which he replied the Olli and Tommi (he actually didn’t know their names but described who he meant by their instruments or hair color for Joel and Niko) but he had something good to say about each one of them. He was also impressed by how well Niko and Joel can sing, and how good they sound together. I asked him who he thought was the oldest and the youngest band member aswell. He guessed Aleksi (correctly) to be the youngest, but actually thought Niko is the oldest. What I dont understand btw is how he didn’t recognize Dark Side. He was actually the one getting me into BC by commenting how shocked he was about an italien rock act winning Eurovision (which lead to me being curious and discovering them through a Maneskin ESC interview) and he watched the final.
So the Blind Channel concert in munich was definitely one of my best concert nights ever, and munich is now the city with the special concerts for me…
Some random facts in the end…
…during tyftp I kind of put my whole soul into the „Success, trophies, reasons break you, watches you closely, people hate you“ part and the girl next to me suddenly looked at me and grinned. I actually put my whole being into every song I think, but that one just felt extra special I guess.
…Niko’s rap hands are kind of rubbing off on me. I would seriously be embarrassed if I saw a video of myself during that concert.
...What Joel wrote in his instagram story that night about their dream to get all the broken souls together and screaming our lungs out from all the pain inside really got to me. I really felt that that night. And it definitely fit me, I am a broken soul and sung/screamed my lung out that night for sure.
…I kind of loved the mosh pits, or watching them at least. Wouldn’t dare to go into one myself though.
…Last but not least I have to mention having gum with me at concerts and some Dextro Energy (Traubenzucker) seriously helps me with dizziness. (I almost fainted at a concert in 2018 and have been worried about that happening again ever since, and there were actually a few times I felt kind of dizzy after that. And those two things really seem to work for me)
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wtfcl0ud · 10 months
these are the current posts that show up when i click on my blog and for some of them i'm having a very i wld not say tht moment from the thumbnails so let's see how it goes
Tumblr media
i apparently reblogged this one already and the og tags tlk abt unemployed friend which i post abt a lot so checks out 10/10
my silly rabbit hehe ... i also obvi reblogged tht one 10/10
a mutual also i did reblog tht so ok 10/10
havent reblogged this one but seeing some mutuals in the notes so i guess it makes sense n it's a good post quite a mood going to my queue unless it's there already oops! 10/10
also some mutuals in the notes i'm like to be fair i judged it from the pic but the pic is actually a screenshot n i post similar when i see certain things in the check out these blogs carousel so ok checks out algorithm wise 9/10
i feel like i remember seeing tht post b4 i mean it's a mood n it's also probably linked to the 196 mutuals so ok 9/10
ok mood 10/10
ok i would NOT say that not in a sex shaming? way i just wld not i dont think i've ever hornyposted on this particular blog b4 but also i'm guessing it's bc of mutuals again but still 1/10
ok yh i wld also not say this pretty much same as above 2/10 bc i feel like i liked some memes abt fem boy friday so
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jovenshires · 1 year
jovenshires (prev. bozenshires) updates!
okay gang! im officially back. got some changes goin on.
new url! bozenshires > jovenshires! (you may also remember me as w*shires but we don’t go there anymore.) idk why yall wanted this, apparently we're all sentimental, but as some old fans may know my brand is being ravenously in love w him, and as some new fans may Not know... my brand is being ravenously in love w him. so. ill be blogging ab new smosh stuff but w this old ass url
i think im gonna take down my icon page for now! it glitched super heavily a while back and i could never fix it; plus a lot of the icons are outdated as hell so. i’ve also gotta make major changes to my tags page and my about page, so expect my desktop blog to be touch n go for now. mobile should be in perfect working order!
my queue is back, but it’s gonna be a lot slower than you might previously be used to as i get the hang of things again
just bc im back doesn’t mean i’m sure when/if ill be generating content! though i still watch and love smosh, a lot of my passion for the channel and the fandom content died down after. you know. the Incident. (if you don’t know what i’m referring to, check this tag [tw sexual assault].) so idk if i’ll be making gifsets or fics any time soon. i am leaving my old stuff up - mostly because i think it serves as a pretty good reminder about parasocial relationships for me and for a lot of other people, but also because... there’s so much of it. it’d be so hard to get rid of. if you dont wanna see it but wanna go through my account, block the tag 'wes'. should cover everything.
minor change but besides the ex-members (aka ogsmog), im abandoning the smosh squad/games tags as it’s really not relevant anymore. this is literally so minor but it is happening so i figured i’d add it in DNNDJDND
new icon and header! still shayne but at least it’s not valentines shayne of last year LSNKDNDDKL
finally - and perhaps most importantly - i have recently been posting shit on this blog like it’s my own personal diary. that will not be stopping. prepare to get my unhinged takes forever now!!! (i stand by that spencer x chase post and you were all cowards for not interacting)
and i think that’s it! thanks for sticking w me gang - feels good to be back. sending you all love and if you wanna chat im now (officially) around! ❤️ as always if you wanna find me elsewhere, im also @farklelucas, @sullivanbeaubrown , and @kendelias !!
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 2 years
Hakuoki Character Drama CD Book Vol 1 - Okita
Alright! This is my first post of the month, so I’ll start by asking you to please support me if you can through my ko-fi, and paypal or patreon! Finally got my patreon back in order almost until the start of October though I now have a headache from translating so much lol! Sorry it took so long! Not sure what I’ll do for December yet as I’m considering translating just the 2020 CxM X-mas story and the only other Café Enchante content I have, and then subtitling the rest of the month... as I really would like to get a head-start on my 2023 queue (aka yuugiroku) and want time to get my video stuff out of the way. 
Also, I’m 100% certain that I’ll be shipping the Hakumyu Shinkai Saito-hen Blu-ray I’ve ordered this month since my proxy address has received the Morimyu CDs along with some other things that I was looking for, and I am getting super impatient... plus I helped my brother pre-order two FE3H figurines from Japan so anything else is going to be consolidated when shipping those.
Anyway. I ended up going with deciding to translate all of these Character Dramas... mainly because of Saito’s (obviously due to bias and bias>all :P), but most of them did make me smile while reading them... Slight angst warning for this one though cuz it’s souji hahaha. 
Hakuoki Character Drama CD Book Volume 1  Okita Souji-hen - Autumn Leaves Sentiments (not 100% bout the title name again)
Translation by KumoriYami
Act 1
Time: morning
Location: Bedroom
SE: the sound of sparrows
【The sunlight stung me when I opened my eyes. The rain/storm windows [literally rain window] opened as they swayed, and chilling feeling from the autumn wind coming in,  reminded me that summer had passed.】
Yukimura: Huh? Why is the window open...
【I looked over to Souji-san, who should have been sleeping beside me.】
Yukimura; Eh? Souji-san, where did you go?
【I used my hand to check where Souji-san had slept in bed, but I wasn't able to feel any heat [word I have is 'temperature'], so it seems like he hadn't just left. As I hurriedly got up, someone from behind suddenly stopped me. 】
Okita: Ah, you're already up. You could have slept a while longer.
【Hearing that familiar voice, I turned my head and saw Souji-san, who was apparently in a good mood.】
Yukimura: Souji-san! Where did you go in your night clothes [alt: pajamas, but given the time period 'night clothes' felt more appropriate...]?
Okita: I woke up too early. After seeing your cute sleeping face, I thought of this..... here, for you.
【As he spoke, Souji-san decorated my hair with something.】
Yukimura: ? What is this...?
Okita: They're Momiji leaves [the tl i use translates to "red autumnal leaves", but since "紅葉 " is in the JP title, I'll be using that term, “momiji”, which are Japanese maple trees.]. The last time I picked wild vegetables with you, I found a maple tree. Afterwards, I realized that it was almost time for the maple leaves to be in season. Actually I originally wanted to come home before you got up to scare you, but that unfortunately failed.
【Once he said that, Souji-san stuck out his tongue with a mischievous expression. Seeing that expression, I couldn't say that I felt uneasy because he had left me by myself...】
Yukimura: Really.... in that case, shouldn't you have left a note?
【Souji-san showed an apologetic expression to me, who was a little angry.】
Okita: Sorry, I was only thinking about making you happy when I went out. As an apology, after finishing breakfast, I'll bring you to see the maple tree.
【With that, Okita-san pressed his index finger over his mouth, as if he were he were keeping a secret.】
Yukimura: hehe, I understand. Then let's go after eating breakfast, and once I finish drying our wet clothes [I'm assuming this is supposed to be "laundry"].
Okita: Eh, if you want to dry the laundry, you can do it tomorrow. I want to show you right away. It really is very pretty. The tree is dyed in red and yellow, it really resembles a dessert/almost like a snack.
Yukimura: I'm looking forward to it, but I must hang my clothes well before going. More importantly, isn't it cold outside? You'll catch a cold when you go in your night clothes.
Okita: Ah, speaking of which, it did seem a bit cold. Because all I was thinking about was the momiji leaves, I didn't notice it that much. But you don't need to worry, I'm fine.
Yukimura: The next time you go out, you must remember to change your clothes.
Okita: Nn, I'll change my clothes then. I don't want to make you worry.... Haaah [this is a yawn. i don't know what's the best sfx text to use], maybe I got up too early this morning, Maybe I got up too early in the morning, I'm still sleepy.
Yukimura: Then go to sleep for a bit, alright? I'll go prepare breakfast, I'll wake you up once it's ready.
Okita: Nn, that so. But, it's fine to have breakfast a little later, come and sleep with me.
【With that, Souji-san pulled my hand and tried to pull me back under the covers.】
Yukimura: But, I'm already awake...
Okita; If you can't sleep, just stay with me until I fall asleep before leaving.
Yukimura: In that case, won't we be too late to see the momiji leaves?
Okita: Oh, how bothersome. Then I'd better get up and get changed.
Yukimura: Then I'll go change and go prepare breakfast.
Okita: Ah, wait.
【With that, Okita-san put his hand on my head.】
Okita: Good morning.
【He smiled at me.】
Act 2
Time: Noon
Location: Outside
SE: footsteps
Okita: Autumn is coming. You're right, wind is getting colder outside. Aah, I won't be able to take a nap in the sun soon.
【As Souji-san walked, he expressed his regret that summer was coming to an end.】
Yukimura: Ah, Souji-san truly loves taking naps on the grass.
Okita: Nn. It's fine now, but it's not doable in the winter. Although sleeping in a room isn't bad, it's more comfortable to sleep outside [when/where] the wind is blowing.
Yukimura: Speaking of which, while we were still in Kyoto, you would often take naps /
Okita: Indeed. At the time I often took naps on the roof to hide from the annoying HIjikata-san. Ahaha, I haven't fallen down even once.
Yukimura: Sleeping on the roof... Don't do that sort of danger thing in the future again.
Okita: I won't. Because I don't need to sneakily hide around like that anymore, and rather want you to take more care of me.
Yukimura: Really... Souji-san is always like this...
【As I spoke, I stared at Souji-san. There was something I always wanted to say to him... so I might as well take the opportunity...】
Okita: Since you're staring at me, is there something wrong?
Yukimura: Well, I find taking it's very comfortable to take a nap, but if you take too many naps, won't you be unable to sleep at night?
Okita: I'm glad that you're worrying about me, but I'll still be able to fall asleep. Because as long as you're lying down next to me, I can fall asleep immediately if I hold onto you. Don't you think so?
Yukimura: That's right.
Okita: As long as I'm holding you as you sleep/If I sleep with you in my arms, I will always fall asleep immediately. That way, even when it comes time for us to part, I feel that I'll always be with you... such a thing is obviously impossible.
【With that, Souji-san held my hand that he was tightly holding even tighter. His hand was gentle and soft, and I grasped his hand.】
Okita: I'm so happy that I'm able to walk with hand in hand with you like this, it's terrifying. We'll be there soon, so don't let go of my hand.
Yukimura: Yes!
-time lapse-
【After a while, we reached the momiji trees.】
Yukimura; Wow, how beautiful!
【The entire tree was adorned with red maple leaves, and looked truly unreal.】
Okita: Rights, it's really beautiful.
【Souji-san wasn't looking at the momiji leaves, but rather at me, and his expression seemed very satisfied. [reword later. the sentence structure is screwed up... but im lazy and have a tendency to follow what the tl does until i need to worry about subtitling]】
Okita: That's great. I just wanted to see you with that expression.
Yukimura: Thank you, Souji-san. You brought me to see such beautiful momiji.
【After expressing my thanks, Souji-san revealed a smile, and he finally looked towards the maple trees.】
Okita:....Ah, you may not remember, but this isn't the first time we've gone together to enjoy momiji. A long time ago... although I don't remember the exact time, but on the way back from a patrol, I brought you to mountains in Kyoto. At the time, while it was only the two of us, the feeling was completely different from now.
Yukimura;....I remember. It was quite windy that day, but the maple leaves were also very beautiful.
【Okita-san seemed to be startled by what I said. It seems that he didn't think I would have remembered. Then, Souji-san sat beneath a huge momiji tree and waved to me, so I sat down next to him. 】
Okita: I'm certain, that during that time, I started paying attention to you because you were the first person to listen to my jokes... No, it was just Kondou-san and you.
Okita: I didn't expect to recall that upon seeing these momiji, and how I would always say mean things to you. I hope you can forget that, at look at how I am now.
Yukimura: No, I won't forget that. Because that's an important memory from before I met Souji-san and when we lived here together.
Okita: That's really amazing, since you put it that way, it seems that it's become a very important memory.... Well, it's not that there are no memories that you want to forget. But the time we spent together with everyone is still firmly kept in my mind [reword later?].
【With that, Souji-san placed a hand over his chest, and I put my hand over his.】
Yukimura: Please don't forget any of your memories. Because we've been able to live together like this today, all of those memories have accumulated.
Okita:....Well, yeah. No that won't do, I always let you see how weak I am. In fact, I want you to depend on me a bit more.
Yukimura: I am always depending on Souji-san. I'm able to live peacefully in my hometown now because Souji-san is here.
Okita; I'm happy that you're able to say that.
【With that, Souji-san lifted his head and looked at the momiji.】
Okita: Let's go back after looking at these for a while. I really like looking at stuff together with you like this.
Yukimura: Nn, I like that too.
【Thus, the two of us snuggled up together and looked up at the momiji.】
Act 3:
Time: Evening
Location: Bedroom
【After making the bed, I used one of the momiji leaves I had picked as a bookmark. At that moment, Souji-san came in from behind. 】
SE: Footsteps
Okita; What are you doing?
Yukimura: I want to make something out of the momiji leaves we brought back today as a souvenir/memento...
【As I said this, I put the maple leaf into the book that was in my hands. As a result, in order to not interfere [tl is 'disturb' or 'bother'] Souji-san hugged me from behind...】
Okita: As a souvenir from today, is it. If only we could ? I wish we could commemorate more [things like this] for just the two of us in the future/["I wish we could create more memories for the two of us in the future".... i suppose would work?].
【As he spoke, Souji-san gazed sleepily at the book that the leaf had been put into it. Seeing him like this, I knew what he was thinking.】
Yukimura:  We'll be together in the future, won't we?
【To alleviate my uneasiness, I said something like that.】
Okita: Nn, we'll always be together.
【Souji-san only said one sentence, and smiled.】
Okita: Okay, let's go to sleep. [I/We. got no subject in this sentence..] walked a lot today, and seem to be quite tired.
Yukimura: Okay.
【With that, we laid down together. After putting out the light, I closed eyes, but drowsiness didn't come... just then, Souji-san suddenly spoke. 】
Okita: Hey, are you asleep?
【Hearing Souji-san's words, I opened my eyes.】
Yukimura: No
Okita; Before falling asleep, I want to ask you something. Getting up in the morning... going for a walk together after eating breakfast, eating together, and then falling asleep like this...
What do you think of such an ordinary day?
【In the face of Souj-san's slightly impatient question, I thought of my response for a moment. 】
Yukimura: I think it's just because it's so normal, that's why its a very important day. I'm very happy to be able to live peacefully with Souji-san like this.
Okita: hehe, it's great that you can say that. But I think differently.
【With that, Souji-san patted my head.】
Okita:  Being able to spend my days peacefully with my lover/spouse, is already extraordinary for me. Every day when I wake up, you're right beside me, eating the meals you've cooked together, walking with you while holding your hand, and sleeping with you... For me, everything is already a miracle.
I want to spend every day with you together like this.
【Perhaps seeing the unease in my heart, Souji-san deliberately spoke in a gentle words to reassure me. 】
Yukimura: I love you, Souji-san.
Okita: Nn, I love you too
【After that, he gently kissed my forehead. Listening to Souji-san's words, my mind was at ease, and I finally closed my eyes. I could vaguely hear Souji-san's voice.... 】
Okita: Good night, see you tomorrow.
【I fell fast asleep】
Starring: Okita Souji.... Morikubo Showtaro  
Like the Hijika one I translated for last week, I put in the -san suffix everywhere I though it would likely go. This is also going to be the last time I mention this... cuz I’m lazy.
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