#also gaylors... please..... learn from history......
spnshameblog · 4 months
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You know what? I have become a gaylor sympathiser
This is going to be a long post, sorry! Please read the full post before even thinking about commenting.
Over the past few days I’ve seen a few posts on my dash about taylor swift and her fans that have left a bad taste in my mouth.
I know that a lot of people think that some fans of her are “trying to make her gay” and I just wanted to put the record straight and defend some people after actually looking at what’s going on. And I know I’m probably opening myself up for tumblr’s poor reading comprehension but before I start I’m going to say this:
I do not think taylor swift is a lesbian
Ok? Now let’s have a conversation.
First of all from what I’ve seen most of the fans who talk about Taylor swift and queerness do it from a point of literary analysis and learning queer history. This is a huge part of the community and lots of people have said that they never would have learnt so much about queer history without reading taylor swift’s works through a queer lens.
Adding on to that point, it seems a little hypocritical for the gay site which loves queer readings of books, tv shows, songs, musicals, films etc to be bullying a pretty small group of people who are mainly doing queer readings of lyrics. Especially when those people get near constant death threats. Instead of bullying these people (who don’t think or do what you think they think and do) why don’t you go outside and think “does this affect me? No. Do I agree with them? No. Am I going to cyber bully them because of this? No.”
Secondly, for the people who believe that any speculation on a real persons sexuality is 100% wrong. I used to think this too but I have changed my mind a bit about this recently after stopping and thinking about it properly. I’m not trying to change your mind at all I just want you to stop and think for a minute.
If you only get mad when speculation is queer in nature, then maybe think about that for a minute. Why is it totally wrong to think a person might be queer. We probably do it in our daily lives with people we know and they likely do it with us, back in the day that’s how queer people found each other-by speculating on sexuality. Would you be upset if you found out someone that you know thought you might be queer? I wouldn’t, maybe you would but if you would, why? Why is it terrible to think someone might be queer (this is NOT about hounding a person to admit to being queer like shawn mendes, this is just thinking in your head and on your small blog that the person will likely never see). Also this is literally the website where we talk about historical (real people) being gay even when they would have never said something to the equivalent.
An addition to this point before people start saying in the comments is that this is NOT the same situation as with kit connor. The issue there was people assuming that he was straight and taking that role away from a queer person. Speculating that he was queer was the opposite of what happened in that situation. So this is not an example of what happens when you speculate queerness.
Final things to say:
1) don’t believe every post you see with someone looking insane about taylor swift being gay, a lot of them are fake.
2) before anyone says “they should listen to real queer artists instead” most of them very much do. There’s a lot of fans of Hayley kiyoko, girl in red, Janelle monae, tegan and sara, zolita, kehlani etc.
3) there are some queer flags that are there. Sorry but there are. Hairpin drops, lavender, the ladder, flag colours, songs about women, friend of dorothy reference. Whether they are intentional is a different matter.
4) shipping real people is not what is happening for the majority of the people in the community. Also this comes back to queer vs straight again. Plenty of swifties ship taylor with men she’s been seen with and no one goes into their inboxes and sends death threats even when they are the ones making taylor swift all about the men she may or may not have dated.
5) taylor swift has never stated her sexuality. I know this may be hard to belive based off of how some people act, but it’s true. She has made vague statements which could have many meanings but she has never clearly stated anything. When gaylors get upset with taylor it is not because she said she is straight, it’s because they are getting death threats and doxxed and she seems to either be unaware of it (which is unlikely given how she seems to be a little terminally online) or she doesn’t care enough to tell her fans to stop.
6) if she does explicitly say she’s straight then there will probably be disappointment in her use of queer history and flags and her potential queer erasure (as we saw with lavender haze, with straight women describing their relationships as lavender) and centring herself in queer spaces (like the you need to calm down music video) but no one will be angry that she’s not gay. And a lot will probably be grateful that she actually explicitly stated for the record to absolve any confusion. The main issue would likely be other fans ramping up the death threats and bullying.
In conclusion: these people who do queer analysis of Taylor’s work are not trying to out her or make her gay etc. if you don’t understand it that’s fine it’s clearly not for you and you can go quite easily without seeing any of it. It’s not illegal to read works through a queer lens and if it means more people know about queer history then I think that’s a very good thing.
I changed my mind after looking at what a lot of people are actually saying rather than what people perceive them to be saying and maybe you will too?
Just be kinder to people online please and if you don’t like what people are saying block them and do not engage!
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bisluthq · 2 years
Not everyone who dislikes the Kushners including the 81 million people who voted against the Kushner / Trump sham fams hate Jewish people. No one in NYC likes them either including the Jews. it seems like you are worst than kaylors/gaylors and stan for Karlie/Josh as much as you stan for Taylor - who of three is the only one worthy AND bright enough to stay away from the cabal. You have no clue what that family has done to hurt people and this country. This is not just about their grifter dad, the boys are part of it just as Eric, Jr, Ivanka are part of the Trump grift/con. In America, when 2 people marry, the spouse doesn't have to talk about the other persons crimes or cons and it's perfectly legal. No NDA needed, BUT there are NDAs in place. If you associate with frauds, felons, cons, and hang out with them as Karlie does - you can pick a Russian oligarch's gf, a Russian oligarch, pick a Trump - and you are saying I accept what you are because you are them. Karlie is a fraud, she's not smart, pretty - she's a con, liar and a cheat and nothing more than a hanger for clothing. Then to sit and say Taylor isn't qualified for anything more than being a songwriter and performer is WRONG. She's brighter than the majority of our politicians who aren't even qualified to run this country. You're really arrogant and know nothing at all. Taylor and Karlie aren't going to like you any more because you are playing along with the narrative, whatever narrative you wish to believe. Frankly, you don't know shit about either one of them, how they behave, you know nothing more than what you've heard them say, which is both right and wrong - but is okay because it's not your business or anyone else's. You should get a life, enjoy your SA heritage OR just wake the hell up. The entire Kushner family is a fraud and so is Karlie. I hope for Taylor's sake she is distancing herself from KK because no good will come of it otherwise.
“I’m not an antisemite” says a person who unironically uses the word cabal and talks about “the Jews”. At least learn the history of the disgusting language you use:
“No one in NYC likes Josh and Karlie” says a person who ignores Laren Santo Domingo - a society darling’s - close personal friendship to both.
Idk man an antisemitic conspiracist by any other name is still an antisemitic conspiracist.
I don’t “stan” Joshlie but they’re not part of a cabal and idk what NDAs married people sign to like not reveal “cabal actions” or whatever.
Please go read literally ANY politico Twitter or expose (Kushner, Inc and Born Trump both talk about Joshlie v the rest of the fam), unlearn the antisemitic conspiracy fantasies in your head, unlearn whatever bullshit you’ve heard about NDAs because that’s like not REAL in like ACTUAL LAW and like just say “these rich people like all rich people including Taylor Swift are dodgy.”
I’m happy to discuss further but I do think you need to idk start by reading actual politicos - not me and not Kays which is where you’ve evidently come from because your hatred for this random ass model and her techbro hubby is weird.
Also idk what you know about Karlie and Taylor but I’d bet you shit all lol because you… are an antisemitic conspiracy fantasist my bestie my boo.
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