#also edelgard: i'll strike you down
edelgard is really out there with some of the most metal lines in the game saying stuff like “i’ll cut you down until you have no blood left to bleed” and “never settle to be the bird, be the arrow instead” and “even if my arms and legs failed me, I would still find a way to move forward.” 
yet her crit quotes are just “for the empire!” like homegirl what happened? did you get nervous?
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fireemblems24 · 4 months
Azure Gleam Ch 14
I feel sad knowing this route is almost over :(
As much as Claude is annoying me right now, it's cool to see Faerghus, the Alliance, and the church all team up.
So it looks like we're fighting Caspar and Bergliez again. It's so much easier on me to kill the Empire characters lol.
It's so funny that all the Empire characters know something is weird with Edelgard, but are like "I'm still fighting anyways."
Is there any explanation of what happened to her? Or is this just a cope out so the war keeps going without making her into a flat-out evil.
Bergliez tells Caspar to run away. He's not though. And honestly, I don't want him. Not Hopes!Caspar at least. Brgliez keeps trying though, which guess he gets some dad points? Maybe? I like him more than Holst.
He compares what they're doing to captains that go down with their ship. So needless death. Ship captains have no choice, but they do and they keep fighting. Poor taste.
They're heading for the monastery. Shocking. I know. /s
I love how in the other routes, I protect Aegir. In this one, I'm sure I'll get to kill him. Feels good.
They talk strategy.
I honestly appreciate that this games goes a bit more into strategy. It's not super detailed, but more than Fire Emblem usually does lol.
Arval is like, ok, it's my turn. The suggestion is to just strike everyone all at once.
She's like, we've got the stronger army, let's act like it. I like that kind of thinking.
Felix calls Shez a boar lol. Says we have too boars in this army.
Shez tried to sympathize with Linhardt about possibly fighting Caspar and he's like "it doesn't really bother me" lol.
Felix admires Berlgeiz however the fuck you spell his name because he finds the sense of duty to the Empire despite it being a giant fuck up right now admirable. Coming from Felix, that's hysterical. I wish Shez had the option to tease Felix about it lol.
A scholar just said Dimitri appreciates their input (calculating how much food and raw materials is needed etc) unlike many other leaders. Happy to see more Dimitri praise in this game.
Petra once knocked Duke Aegir on his ass for insulting her father. I wonder if you get to learn this amazing piece of Petra lore in other routes or if this is an AG exclusive badassery.
Ok, so some random church NPC talked about how killing Edelgard would end the Emperor bloodline because there's rumors all her siblings are dead. Her backstory is really so weird. How would people not know about a bunch of dead princes and princesses?
Yuri is religious? He says he has a habit of praying before a big event, something he does because his mother did. I like it when characters add something unexpected to them that the usual stereotype of that character doesn't usually have.
If Hubert came up with "those who slither in the dark" as a nickname, how come everyone uses it? Even people who wouldn't know Hubert at all like Flayn?
Lorenz was just talking up how smart Claude is and all I can think is that GW!Claude isn't smart enough to find his way out of a wet paper bag.
I just got all of Shez's Blue Lions supports unlocked. Now I need to still get Flayn, Seteth, Catherine, Jeralt, and Byleth. I'm not sure I have enough time. But I'm going to try.
Duke Aegir is Thales' puppet. So TWSITD is ruling the Empire.
Edelgard just mindlessly listens to Aegir and Thales.
This lady turned on the Empire big time. Dimitri says he's still throwing her into a cell, lol.
Dimitri believes what she said though. He brings up the evidence he discovered while investigating in White Clouds. And also uses the Tomas situation as more evidence.
Dimitri now knows that his father, the knights, and the citizens of Duscur would all be alive without those mages.
He says they have the right to seek justice in the way they see fit. I love it. Not apologizing for defending themselves, but owning taking the initiative against TWSITD.
And there's a lot of people in the Blue Lions who has a personal beef with TWSITD.
I can finally give Dimitri the merc whistle! He also had a second set of dialogue on the map this chapter. It was about some Empire general we captured.
This one starts on a battlefield instead of training. Still very Felix.
And they're complimenting each other. Felix is complimenting someone. But it's their swordfighting so . . .
Shez is beginning to understanding Felix, saying he assigns a role to himself and carries it out. Which, she's not wrong.
Felix credits Rodrigue for his skill, lol. He also just complimented Rodrigue. Good for Felix.
His style is passed down in Fraldarius for generations. Because they're so tight. Man, the Dimitri/Felix yaoi writes itself.
Shez calls him indispensable to Dimitri and everyone. Felix is the lance and shield. Shez is the projectile like an arrow or stone.
She tells him to be more direct with compliments, Felix gets annoyed, but then says Shez is important to the army too.
Felix says Shez can't stay focused in battle - like she has someone talking to her in her head. More proof on how perceptive Felix is.
Also kudos to Byleth for Felix never noticing the same, which, imo, is perfectly in character for Byleth and Shez.
Shez is actually happy to know that Felix knows her so well that she spotted it. Since she gets sappy, Felix goes tsundere is like "I'm never complimenting you again!" Congrats, Shez, it means you're one of his people now if he's that emotionally fickle with you lamo.
This support was mostly just Shez and Felix gushing over how good the other is at fighting and how important they are to the group as a whole. I loved it. AG!Shez must be so much happier and more grounded than poor SB!Shez.
Dimitri is on break, but also depressed. Shez is concerned. Of course, it's because Dimitri can't relax. Other people are working, so he feels bad that he's not.
Shez asks why Dimitri is so insistent on it. Dimitri says it's the only way he knows how to be. That his life has never belonged to him because of his birthright.
Aaaaand of course the tragedy comes up, saying that makes him feel responsible too. So it's rooted partly in trauma :(
I can disagree or sympathize with him. Not sure which. I think I'm going to disagree, that it's not all his responsibility.
Ohh, Shez says he needs to trust people who wants to help.
Dimitri wants to ease the pain of the dead and living. That he'll have to make sacrifices to reach that goal, but doesn't want anyone else to suffer because of his goals. So he must carry the burden alone.
Shez is like, what about you're suffering and pain. That he can't care for others if he doesn't care for himself first.
Dimitri's like, I don't know how to respond to that - but like earnestly doesn't know. He doesn't know how to take care of his own pain nor what happiness would look like for him.
(God, this support is just making me love AM even more in retrospect, knowing that Dimitri gets to learn all of this, an my God wouldn't it be awesome if there was some kind of AG/AM blend that included this support somewhere in the middle)
Shez is like, how can you not know that? Asks what makes him smile? Like defeating a rival or a banquet.
Dimitri doesn't think he has the right to such happiness.
Good, God, Dimitri. He says he can only think of his death and leaving happy citizens and a peaceful kingdom behind.
Lord, nobody knows how much I love this. Like, not for Dimitri, boy needs therapy asap, and I want him to just be happy.
But, as a avid anime/manga and fantasy fan, do you know how many snot-nosed spoiled chosen ones and royalty and nobles I've come across who bitch and moan endlessly about their privileges lives because it comes with responsibilities and how they want to be a commoner with NO FUCKING IDEA what it's like to work day in and day out for someone who doesn't really care about you and will just replace you if convenient but your entire livelihood is dependent on spending most of your able-bodies life slaving away for them? Not to mention - back then - it would likely be some backbreaking work with shitty working conditions and no modern medicine or workers rights? It's so infuriating. Sometime they have a point, like pressure or whatever, but the older I get, the less I sympathize with their whining.
But Dimitri is like the exact opposite. He can't even be an individual away from his role at a leader because he's thrown too much of himself into it with no complaining at all. It's just so refreshing to see something the exact opposite of how this usually plays out, and is so much more interesting to explore than the same old for the xnth time.
Shez is like, you're dismal sometimes, she's not wrong. And is like why is death what makes me happy. Dimitri sounds like he doesn't even get that it sounded dismal while saying it.
She's like, what about partying with friends! Dimitri's like, wasted on me. But he says seeing his friends smile does make him happy.
Shez is annoyed with him lol. And is like, k, I'll just have to work twice as hard.
"You're going to take a break. And by the goddess, you're going to like it." I actually laughed. God, I love Shez.
She's like, you need to leave the office, bud. Dimitri says no words can express his gratitude.
I love their friendship so much. Like, I honestly don't think I ship it? I think they're just really tight friends, which Dimitri is such a shipping magnet, it's nice to see something as just pure friendship.
This is by far my favorite lord/Shez dynamic. Though, I think I ship Shez most with Byleth and I haven't even seen their supports yet.
Raphael is eating a lot. Shocking.
Raphael opened an inn??? And he's the cook. But he never gets compliments on his cooking, which makes him think his food tastes bad. He confesses that he doesn't know how to cook.
Ashe volunteers to teach Raphael how to cook.
Ashe thinks one of the best feelings in the world is when someone likes the food you cook.
Ashe test tries Raphael's food, which is just a pile of meat lol. Raphael doesn't understand why people would want anything else.
He describes Raphael's food like bacon wrapped around a salt lick lamo.
Unlike the Empire which won't eat their veggies like a bunch of spoiled brats, Ashe is promoting healthy veggie eating and understands food is best when you match complimentary flavors, including veggies, those Empire heathens.
Poor Raphael gets confused. Ashe talks about seasoning, and Raphael thinks like spring, summer, etc . . . and not like garlic.
Ashe is determined to help though.
Fairly wholesome support.
They only got 1 support :(
Ingrid's troubled. Ashe notices. But she denies it.
Ashe encourages Ingrid to talk to him.
Ingrid's amazed by how fertile the lands are. And it's Faerghus lands. It's because of lack of snow and lots of fields.
Both Ashe and Ingrid notice things like the wheat fields.
Ingrid basically lives on rocks. So, hard to grow food.
Ashe thinks the effort will pay off later, even if Ingrid doesn't live long enough to see the results.
Ashe was quoting King Loog. Ingrid notices, lol. They start geeking out a bit. I love Ashe and Ingrid geeking out.
Dagda apparently also has soil issues. They have a crop they can grow despite that, but can't remember the name, but thinks Shamir might know. So Ingrid has hope she can learn it.
Ashe says he's just helping her as a friend, not a knight.
He can relate to being hungry because he grew up poor.
Annette is trying to convince herself to grab something and run. Ingrid accidentally scares her. It's dark outside, so Annette's likely afraid of ghosts or something lol.
Of course, Annette wants a book she left in the mess hall. A woman after my own heart, braving fear because of love of a book.
Ingrid was heading there too. Annette's like this is destiny.
It's so dark even Ingrid gets spooked, but not as much as Annette. Who runs into a pile of crates lol.
Ingrid asks Annette if she's afraid of the dark. And poor Annette is, but really wishes she wasn't.
Ingrid, though, isn't afraid of the dark or ghosts. Annette is fascinated how Ingrid isn't afraid of ghosts.
Ingrid's brothers used to tell her those stories, but Ingrid thinks it's proof ghosts isn't real because you'd run into them more.
Ingrid actually wishes ghosts were real, because then she'd be able to talk to the dead still. But accepts that the dead are dead.
Annette circles that back to living while you're still alive.
Annette decides to walk back by herself to conquer her fears.
Ingrid is impressed with Annette's attitude.
This is a support I'm very curious about. It's their only one, but it's A. Plus, this game has handled Ingrid and Duscur much better.
Dedue has "brought substance" - it's just a cream puff lol.
Ingrid is happy with the timing. She's writing reports on their last fight in the Duscur region. And thinks it'll be a while until things stabilize.
Both Ingrid and Dedue agree that the Kingdom and Duscur have good and bad people. Ingrid gets upset over the innocent people getting lumped into the bad ones.
Dedue says he used to hate Faerghus, but meeting the nice people like Dimitri and others has made him expand his views.
People used to throw stones at Dedue - and Dimitri too :(
Ingrid says she would've remained gnorant about Duscur if she'd never meant Dedue.
Dedue says he finds Ingrid's willingness to change admirable. Ingrid admits she has a long way to go still.
She invites Dedue to go get a snack together and suggests an inn that Dimitri suggested with good food, owned by someone from Duscur. Pretty sure that was mentioned in her support with him.
Dedue is just pissed that Dimitri went wandering around town with only just Ingrid, seeing it as reckless, lamo.
I love all the Blue Lions, man.
Yuri fell for a trap. Because it was his "second worst" brush with death, Seteth is curious about the first. It was the plague that wrecked Faerghus (and killed Dimitri's mother). Yuri survived without a doctor's help.
An old man saved him. They found some old man on the road, took him in, and then later he saved Yuri. But is dead by now.
Seteth seems to know who it is.
There's a legend that one of the Ten Elites got sick and got healthy after getting a crest from a Saint.
So Seteth thinks Yuri got his rare crest from the actual saint? Or close descendant of.
So that explains why Yuri's hinted at living longer than average, and has a super rare crest.
Seteth is happy to learn one of his old friends may have found peace in his final moments because he got to save a child's life.
I don't know if his House's supports tells you about this lore, but it's cool to learn it here.
It's also nice to see Yuri talk to someone without picking a fight. He was so chill, almost friendly to Seteth rather than sounding a bit like a fanfic edgelord initially (like, I like Yuri, but some of him reeks of baby's first fanfic OC).
Flayn's upset with Seteth, who told her no about something.
Man, Seteth and Flayn's relationship would be creepy as fuck if they were really siblings. Like, Seteth is extremely controlling of Flayn, and often it looks like the typical icky "my woman must remain pure!!!" Like, not only do they treat the women in their family like possessions, not people, but seem especially interested in owning their genitals and sexuality. It's so extremely weird and gross, and why I pretty much can't stand Holst anymore (he seemed alright at first, but some supports are so ick).
But learning that their father-daughter helps (it's still gross, but less weird because at least he's a legit authority figure in her life and not her . . . brother), but knowing it's actually because TWSITD want to torture Flayn to death, that his people got genocided and turned into super weapons, and that she healed so many people she nearly died too (which would leave him with no family) makes it not offputting. It's actually a pretty smart way of using tropes that seems set up to make us dislike him (over controlling father) and then a big "ohhhhh" once you learn the WHY isn't the typical creepy "my girl is not a whore!" obsession wayyyyy too many men have.
OK, back to the support now.
Seteth is trying to block Flayn from going out entirely. Poor Flayn. But with TWSITD on the move, it does make sense.
Shez is very concerned with Flayn. I love how empathetic Shez is while still being realistically distant enough to be a merc and pretty straight forward. I actually REALLY like Shez. Esp F!Shez.
Flayn is going to listen to Seteth because she doesn't want to make it hard on him.
After the war, they plan on going out together again.
Flayn is grateful it's F!Shez and not M!Shez bc a woman is less sus to Seteth than a man. I wonder how the M!Shez one goes.
Haha, Shez can offer to help Flayn sneak out, or talk her out of it. I totally offered to help her sneak out lol.
Do we ever learn what happened to Edelgard? Or did she get yeeted from the plot?
She's missing this battle. Aegir lost her. What an idiot. He looks so funny in that armor. I'm glad in this route at least, I get to kick his ass, not save his ass (unlike the other 2 routes).
I do not understand the hype around Caspar's dad. He folds like a twig when I fight him.
Killed Aegis. Such a tragedy. /s
OMG. I beat that chapter in like 4 minutes. Dimitri is so overleveled and stupidly strong. He just kills so fast. It's hilarious and fun. But I also miss S rank because I didn't kill enough. He kills too fast.
They still can't find Edelgard.
It'll be weird if we don't get a monastery chapter.
Byleth insists on looking for Edelgard more because he feels she's nearby.
Byleth and Shez look for Edelgard together. Which makes me hope we get dialogue between them.
Unless this is the start of the special chapter? Ok switching to the next post now.
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nanigma · 2 years
Hello again. If youre up for it can you translate lines from an npc at the Monastery regarding Dedue? If you are the chapter and route it's from is Chapter 21 of Verdant Wind and the lines in question are: ドゥドゥーさんは、エーデルガルトが討たれたのを見届けて去りました。宿願を果たした彼の表情は、清々しくも、どこか寂しそうにも見えました。どこへ行ったのかはわかりませんが……故郷のダスカーにでも帰ったのでしょ う。
Sure thing!
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Soldier: "Dedue assured himself that Edelgard had been struck down."
Soldier: "Having fulfilled his longstanding desire, his expression seemed refreshed, yet also lonely somehow."
Soldier: "I don't know where he went, but... Surely he must have returned to his homeland of Duscur."
I'll also throw in the convo that happens if Dedue died during the chapter, since I'm already at it.
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Soldier: "Dedue's fierce struggle is still burned into my eyes."
Soldier: "I do not know why he was so obsessed with striking down Edelgard, but..."
Soldier: "I can only pray that his soul is peacefully ascending to Heaven now that his longstanding desire is fulfilled."
No sir, there is no clue as to why he wanted to bring down Edelgard. It will forever be a mystery... lol
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umiarumi · 3 years
fucking three houses | prologue/claude von riegan
afab she/her reader, originally posted on my ao3, myukyu <3
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Twirling my sword, an excited grin fell upon my face as I jogged alongside Dorte and Marianne. "Hah! Marie, ya think I can keep up your old steed's pace?" I asked excitedly, huffing slightly. The academy had really buffed your stamina, shit, enough to keep up with a damn horse.
"Oh, (Y/N)! I-um, don't strain yourself since we have nearly reached the monastery." She hesitantly called out, brow furrowing. I laughed it off, nodding as I slowed my pace to meet Raphael jogging, carrying a very unamused Lysithea.
"What's up, you two?" I asked, grinning. The behemoth of a man beamed back, motioning his head to the pouting smaller girl in his arms.
"Lysithea here was starting to struggle, so as a good big bro- I mean, uh, friend! As a good friend, I'm helping keep up!" He cheered, laughing.
"I'll remind you, you thoughtless fool, I am not a child! I am quite the opposite, now." Lysithea barked out at Raphael, folding her arms.
I chuckled, shaking my head. I missed these guys, and once we make it to the monastery... well, teach better have kept his promise and not died on us. ~~~~ ~~~~ PROLOGUE END ~~~~ ~~~~ "Ahh... now this one is gonna fill the spot, thanks, prof!" You cheered, excitedly flicking your eyes between your delicious meal of Beast Meat and your slightly concerned professor.
"That smell... it's amazing! My fav, in fact. Do you like it too?" Claude nodded with you, looking to Byleth out of curiousity. Easygoing, huh?
"I like it."
Usually, you'd laugh at your teacher's blunt speech, yet that meat was begging you to devour it and hey- who are you to deny its wishes? Being back at the monastery with your class and teacher as much as you'd loved being back in your home country, you had a soft spot for the Golden Deer. But five years had changed the lot of you, various glowups being noticed, by the way. Yet, Claude caught your attention the most. Which, being honest, wasn't out of the norm, hell, for anyone!
As you tore through your meat, you caught your former classmate stifling a chuckle at your pure ferocity.
"Oi! Got thomething to thay," You quickly swallowed. "What's so funny!?" You annoyedly accused, slamming a hand on the table. He let out a laugh, shaking his head.
"Easy tiger! You just looked awfully cute with your cheeks stuffed."
You felt your cheeks darken, clicking your tongue as you went back to your meal. "Smooth, dickhead..." You mumbled as your teacher let out a sigh at the two of youse antics. As you all continue to eat, a comfortable silence fell upon your trio.
"That aside, I am glad to see you also returning. I heard from Lorenz that you had disappeared for a while." Your teacher finally spoke, looking to you. Your eyebrows rose in surprise as you let a crooked grin creep up your face.
"Funny you say that. How about yourself, five years asleep! Did any lucky gal or guy come to give you that awakening kiss~" You cooed, switching the topic onto him. You had no idea what you could say without getting yourself and Claude in an unknown amount of trouble.
He raised a brow at your dodging of the question but ultimately let it go. "I did not get kissed, no."
Claude piped up from his suspicious silence, leaning in to pester teach. "Ya sure? You were pretty popular back at the academy!" You snickered after this comment, nodding to egg him on.
"I believe we've finished the meal. I shall see the two of you later." He promptly stood up with his plate and cutlery, returning them to the kitchen before strutting off in his usual stern demeanour.
"Aw, we scared him off!" You jokingly whined, leaning onto Claude. Teasing your no-nonsense teacher was great since he's as clueless as Seteth with three times the patience.
"How will we ever apologise?" Claude moaned alongside you, resting his head on yours melodramatically. You tittered together before recovering and bringing your dirty dishes to the kitchen. Leaving the dining hall, you two walked in silence.
You walked with no aim for a while until Claude stopped. You turned to him, intrigued. Tilting your head, you asked him a question.
"Something up?"
He smiled softly, shaking his head.
"Nah, but I would like to ask you some things." He said, and the lack of a comedic tone set off a minor alarm in your brain. You were no stranger to his inquisitive nature, having known him for a good portion of your life. Yet, you had a feeling this related to before. Even Claude wasn't aware of your whereabouts.
"Sure thing, here?" You asked, folding your arms defensively.
"No... let's go somewhere more private." He said, walking off. You jumped, quickly following him.
Following Claude up the spiralling stairs of the Goddess tower was quick, that you could confirm. Nearly stumbling over your steps as he transcended so damn fast, you couldn't even call out for him to slow the hell down.
As you finally made it to the top, avoiding the rubble which had gathered after the battle at the monastery, you had leant against the wall, quickly regaining your breath. Yet as soon as you blinked, Claude seemed to have moved from the centre of the room to a few inches away from your face.
"C-Claude! What the hell...?" You jumped, backing fully up against the cold, stone wall. Feeling the cool stones against your back, you shivered as your former leader stared at you.
"Answer teach's question for me, friend? Where were you while we were stopping the whole damn alliance from being chipped away by the Empire?" He asked, frustrated. He took a step towards you.
You gulped, shaking your head as your eyes darted around the tower, looking everywhere but him.
"That's not the answer I was looking for, (Y/N)."
Your breath hitched as he grabbed your chin to look you in the eyes. His voice lowered, a conflicted emotion on his face. A crooked grin tugged at his lips and yet his brows were furrowed, annoyed.
||Translation: فاک - Fuck||
"I-I was in Almyra!" You yelped, quickly realising what you said as you cursed under your breath, "فاک..." You hissed, embarrassed.
"First, you avoid our questions..." Claude listed, cruelly running his thumb across your lip. Your heart skipped a beat, your eyes finally set on his figure.
"Second, you leave us... breaking our promise," He continued, striking your heart where it hurts.
You bit your lip, eyeing him as he let his hand drop to your shoulder. He pushed you further against the wall. You shivered, yet not from the freezing stone this time.
"I-I... even you said you had no attachment to Fodlan! I thought you wouldn't..." You trailed off, searching for an excuse.
"Everyone thought you died! I thought you died! And yet..." His voice rose, yet less out of anger. He finally brought his face to your extremely red own.
"Where was I? Oh yeah, finally..." You stiffened, knowing what he was going to bring up.
"Leaving me hanging."
Before you all reunited, you had made a short trip into Fodlan to grasp the situation. Yet, your undercover mission soon became an open one as a fateful night in Derdriu occurred.
It was a warm evening the night you had made it into the lively streets of the city. Even after the effects of war, the city still seemed to bustle. Unassumedly passing by citizens happily talking, you looked for any Knights of Seiros stationed nearby or even members of the Leicester military. Noticing a particular armoured woman, you tapped her shoulder.
She turned, giving you a pleasant smile. "Do you need anything, ma'am?"
You nodded, playing with the sides of your bodice. "I live a while from the military posts, so could you please tell me... um, how is the war going?" Embarrassed, she laughed softly before explaining.
However, you were unaware of a keen eye watching you. The familiar bobbing of unruly hair, gleaning of sun-kissed skin tied in with a confident stance clued Claude onto just who it was he saw. He waited patiently behind market stalls, keeping an eye on you as you bid the woman goodbye. And oh-so luckily for him, you headed his way.
You passed by him, oblivious to the archer's presence. A sudden hand on your shoulder caused you to jolt, your hand reaching to the hilt of your sword. Whipping around, your eyes soon met the green ones of a certain Alliance leader.
"C-Claude!?" You shrieked, hand still cautiously resting on your sword, unsure if he would take well to your sudden appearance.
"So you decided to show up, huh?" He remarked, and if you knew him any less you'd think that easygoing smile meant he was happy. But that smile never reached his eyes.
Yet, despite his obvious inner conflict, you expelled a breath as he pulled you into a hug. You soon wrapped your arms around him. It had been four years since you left after Edelgard and her forces attacked. You felt his grip loosen as he rose a hand to your chin, that oh-so teasing thumb brushing against your lip.
"May I?" He muttered, and in response, you leant into him, lips locking. What started innocently quickly grew messy and needy, your lips growing red.
As you pulled back, you felt the hard pressure as your fronts brushed together. You blushed before turning your head away.
"I'm sorry Claude, I have to go." You muttered solemnly, pulling yourself together.
"Wait, what? Showing up randomly after four years and then blue-balling me?" He teased yet yearningly reached out his hand.
"I promise, I will return and finish what I started!" You called out, running off into the night.
Your face grew hot at the memory. Shuffling nervously, you looked into his eyes.
"Then, will you finish what we started, miss?" He asked, running a hand across your face.
Inhaling, you nodded and answered him. "Yes... please."
With your consent, he pushed himself against you, lips squishing as he brought you upon his own. He soon ran his tongue along your bottom lip, asking for permission.
You parted them quickly, his tongue invading your mouth as your tongue danced with his. He began to unclasp your armour as you shifted to help them come off easier.
Before you knew it, you had both shed to your undergarments, all knowledge of this being an open area quickly leaving your mind.
His hands reached behind your back to fiddle with your bra for a few moments, soon letting it fall to the cold, stone ground. His eyes fell to your breasts, your nipples perk from a mix of the cold air in the Goddess Tower and the heat of the situation.
Quickly, his hands began to fondle and grope your tits, your hand slapping on your mouth as to not alert any patrolling guards.
"These really are great. Your armour disguises you, a good thing that is since you'd probably take a few hits otherwise." He commented cheekily, observing your tightly shut eyes and fluttering breaths.
God, he'd tease you even now!?
One of the hands dropped from your breast, the other continuing to squeeze and roll it like wet clay. The forgotten breast soon regained heat as the scruffy head of the brunette quickly moved to suckle on your aching nipple, causing you to let out a quick yelp.
"How cute." He mumbled into your tit, the vibrations sending a delicious shiver up your spine. Whilst you were focused on the pleasure at your chest, your throbbing cunt soon found a welcoming hand cupping it through your underwear.
"Soaked! Were you wanting this all along? Hah! Pretty slutty for an Almyran warrior." He cooed, fingers running against your clothed slit.
"A-ah... fuck you!" You hissed, deciding on paying back the offer. Your free hand reached down to cup his hidden boner, hand rubbing slowly.
"Ffffuck... fine, you want to do it right here, against this wall sweetheart?" He asked, grinning.
You nodded brashly, slipping out of your drenched underwear. He too shed his remaining clothes and your lips locked in a short kiss before he pulled away.
Grabbing onto your thighs, he lifted you as you hooked your legs around him. Pushing you against the wall, he angled his dick at your pussy. Rubbing slowly, teasingly. The two of you groaned, as finally, he stuck his dick in your needy cunt.
You gasped, feeling it stretch you out, slowly, inch by inch. Bottoming out, the two of you stilled for a moment, catching your breaths. Once you adjusted, signalling him with a nod, he pulled out to the tip, before slamming back in. You moaned unabashedly, eyes fluttering open to see Claude's face scrunch up.
He looked up to you coyly, smirking. "Do you want all of the monastery to find us? Would you like them to see you like this?" Your breath hitched.
"Sweating, being fucked against a wall by your former leader? After five long years, you decide to help." He hissed, continuing to thrust as you gasped with each thrust.
The fulfilling feeling of Claude's dick rubbing against your inner walls gradually inched you to your orgasm, the added brushing of fronts stimulating your clit.
"I could get used to this, you'll really help the war efforts this way. Those poor, exhausted knights who you could've helped. A nice cocksleeve like you, you'll do more by getting fucked than you have the past years." He grunted, venting his frustrations.
Yet, despite all the guilt you should've felt, it only made the aching buzz of your clit all the more stronger.
Your cunt spasmed with each thrust, the routine rubbing and brushing working you towards your end as you felt Claude's dick shudder every time he bottomed out.
"Maybe you could motivate Ignatz? He'd be shy though, but a girl so open like you would be perfect for that." He mumbled, watching your face darken.
"Or Raphael? He could use you as training. You'd be spent by the time he was even finishing, yet a slut like you would be okay with that, right?"
His dick continued to twitch in your pussy, your walls clamping around his cock like a vice. Fluttering as you were so close to your end.
"Shit... even Lorenz... he could use you as practice for his- ngh, noble duties!" He choked out a laugh, breath stuttering.
"But I think I like you best as my little runaway slut, yeah? You fit so well on my cock!" He emphasised the last word with a sharp thrust, your walls clamping shut on his cock, your head hitting the wall as you moaned in ecstasy.
He quickly pulled out, dick spurting ropes of cum on your chest and stomach. As you both caught your breath, you caught Claude smiling at you.
"It's good to have you back, my friend."
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edelgoth · 4 years
Hi! I'd love to be sorted into a house! It might be difficult tho because I have DID so I'm quite multi-faceted. Since I'm the host and out the most I'll just list my traits. I am diligent, good with managing people and projects (as I've always been used to it), but also quite reclusive but will respond to food and games. Sweet and cute, with an angelic voice (so I'm told). I can be a bit mischievous and silly. But usually reliable and dependable. I love animals and am quite the cat whisperer.
thank you for your patience!! pls lend me your ability to manage things fdsjlkdfs
i would place you in… 
the black eagles!!
i’ll be honest, you were very difficult to place in a house!! i think you’d fit into all three houses quite well, and you’d have good chemistry with many of the students. but your balance between the fun and more responsible sides of your personality strike me as quite black eagles?? you also share traits with quite a few of them, which makes me think you’d fit in quite well. and, as you’ll see as you read on, i think you’d have some delightful friendships with a lot of them, too!!
edelgard: first and foremost, edelgard would admire your diligence. edelgard likes hard-working people, and that sounds a lot like you. she also admires how well you manage people and projects; knowing she can trust you with your duties is a big relief. she may struggle to comprehend your sillier, more mischievous side, finding it to be in direct contrast to how she tends to think of you. she may also contend with your reclusiveness, and reluctantly relies on food to coax you out into the world (that was after finding out that straight demands won’t work). also, i’m pretty sure she’s a cat lover, so she’s quite grateful that you’re so good with them. it makes them easier to charm over and pet. 
hubert: you’ve got very different vibes. but, similarly to edelgard, i think he’d appreciate having you around because you’re good at what you do. you’d work well together, and hubert knows what he can trust you to handle. i feel like you two would be unintentionally hilarious; there’s a strong contrast in your personalities that ripe with comedic potential (i say this, believing that the bernadetta-hubert supports are some of the funniest in the game). overall, i think you’d have a good “working relationship”, if that makes sense?? 
ferdinand: the term ‘choir buddies’ popped into my head when i thought about you two. once he finds out that you have an angelic voice, he is dragging you along to practice no matter what. that being said, i think the two of you would have a surprisingly close friendship. like edelgard, ferdinand admires people who apply themselves, and therefore he’d be impressed by you. at the same time, he just finds you so cute; sweet and silly, while also a dependable ally?? it’s enough to make his heart skip a beat. am i saying he’d have a crush on you?? it’s hard to say, and i think that would depend on how you interacted with him – if it was obvious you weren’t interested, the thought likely wouldn’t cross his mind. at the end of the day, he just finds you to be an immensely likable and respectable person. 
bernadetta: i think you two would be best friends!! you get what it’s like to be reclusive, and bernadetta needs someone to take that seriously. at the same time, you might be able to help her feel more comfortable with putting herself out there; with your help and guidance, she just might be able to tackle the outside world. at the same time, i think she’d enjoy being friends with someone who’s sweet, cute and silly; it’s such a difference from what she’s used to. i think she’d also feel quite comfortable in your friendship because of how dependable you are – bernadetta wants to let her guard down around someone, to feel safe and understood. you’re that person!! you can be recluses together, or you can face the world together – and i think that makes for a precious friendship. 
dorothea: she would find you adorable!! i feel like dorothea would be drawn to sweet, cute people, and you’re no exception; she just finds that sort of temperament refreshing to be around. she loves your voice, and she’s always trying to get you to join choir or do performances with her (although, in a much calmer way than ferdinand). she also loves your mischievous and silly side; it’s a nice reprieve from the nobles, after all. she also admires how reliable you are, making you someone she feels comfortable coming to for support and help. and, of course, she’s willing to offer the very same to you. dorothea’s a very loyal friend once she knows she loves someone, and you two would be as thick as thieves. overall, dorothea is just deeply fond of you, and you’d be one of her favourite people to spend time with. 
petra: i think you two would get along really well!! like you, petra is diligent, reliable and dependable, and you’d probably work quite well together. you’d probably be a bit of a dream-team whenever you were paired up to complete a mission or task. i feel like petra would always be finding ways to draw you out of your seclusion (much like in her paralogue with bernadetta), and always seems to be coming up with new and interesting ways to do so. i get the feeling that petra would enjoy your more mischievous side, too, and is capable of being quite silly herself when the occasion calls for it. also, a little friendship trio of you, petra and dorothea might just be too wholesome to handle. 
lindhardt: he might find you a bit baffling, to be quite honest. he only applies himself to things that he’s interested in, so seeing you be diligent and dependable just doesn’t make sense to him. he might “rebel” a bit if you try managing him, but he’s comfortable in the knowledge that he can rely on you to cover his back if he needs you to. he does enjoy seeing someone pull tricks on caspar (i’ll expound on that later), but i do see you more as good friends than close ones. 
caspar: i think you two would have a fun contrast!! where you’re reclusive and cute, he’s loud and brusque. but at the same time, you’re both diligent and capable of being silly. i get the feeling you might fun it fun to “trick” caspar every now and then; he’s lovably dense, which just seems like it could be a field-day for someone more mischievous. on top of that, i think caspar’s the sort who’d enjoy a bit of mischief, and your other house members need to be mindful to watch their backs. but on the other hand, you might be able to help him get in order when the time calls for it due to your management skills, and the rest of the black eagles are grateful for that. overall, i think you’d be great friends, and you would have a lot of fun together!!   
other notable connections 
flayn: you two would have the cutest friendship!! flayn primarily appeals to your sweet, cute, mischievous side; flayn herself is all those things, and it makes your friendship feel quite easy and natural. i can see the two of you having a lot of fun together, and your relationship would be full of laughter. i feel like you can keep up with flayn’s energy and dramatis, and you’d keep each other entertained. seteth’s a bit exhausted by it all, but he’s also deeply appreciative that flayn has such a good friend by her side. 
ashe: this’d be quite the wholesome friendship, tbh. like you, ashe is diligent, dependable and sweet. i think you’d find each other very easy to be around, and it’s the sort of friendship where you can really relax. ashe would understand that from time to time, you just need to be a recluse; but he’s always ready to coax you out with a well-cooked meal. i think ashe is another one who’d enjoy your mischievous side; he’s not much of a trouble-maker himself, but that means it’s refreshing for him. 
leonie: leonie’s quite different from the other two, but i think you’d have an surprisingly close friendship!! leonie likes the fact that you’re reliable and dependable, and that’s the main thing that draws her to you; you’re on her level in that regard. she’s yet another person who admires your diligence (she’s quite the hard-worker herself, after all), and i can see her seeking you out in moments of strife. she’s much more likely to just,,, drag you out of your room than others, but it’s well-meaning. but other than that small hiccup, i think you and leonie would have a very solid, equal friendship!! 
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umiarumi · 3 years
fucking three houses | lorenz hellman gloucester
the whole reason i wrote this collection was because of an inside joke. "wouldnt slut shaming lorenz be funny?"
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The resounding tune of the clock striking noon echoed around the monastery, prompting you to perk up from your studies. Usually, you studied in solitude. As outgoing as your allies made you, you always held onto that ease and pleasure being alone supplied you. With how lust-induced your recent activities had been, a little peace and quiet would do you some well-deserved good.
You shut the book regarding tactics your professor had recommended you. The soft shuffles of former students leaving the library and hushed chatter reverberated around the room and halls. Of course, you were at war but there's always time to get better at what you do. You chuckled at the thought of some grizzled lady wielding a sword studying. Well, that is you after all!
Sliding the book back in its respective shelf, you hummed as you remembered Tomas. From what you gathered, the Tomas that the faculty knew was replaced. Unfortunate, but unsurprising knowing the enemies working behind the scenes.
You shifted your thoughts to your upcoming mission. Some scouting mission from the empire detected commotion in Garreg Mach. You huffed at the thought. Of course, you'd expect Edelgard to retaliate but damn, that was quick.
You shook your head, well, it was tea time! Noon meant the yard would be filled with people gossiping and sipping alike, the hobby so ingrained in them that they retained it through the war.
You walked past Seteth, nodding to him. He nodded back, cracking a soft smile. You'd rarely see that emotion! You giddily laughed as he turned the corner, pleased to see he was loosening up.
Walking down the stairs, you passed a rushing Lysithea who didn't even recognise you. You grinned, shaking your head. Always in a rush, that girl! Or, well, woman. She'd like that better.
Sauntering, you caught a glimpse of a certain purple and ginger-headed duo bickering. "Lee! Lorenz! Whatever is wrong, my dear friends?" You cheered, slinging your arms around the two. Leonie raised a brow at you, grinning, seemingly relieved at your arrival. Lorenz, on the other hand, froze up. "Although you may have connections to House Riegan, (Y/N)..." He grumbled, sighing.
"Oh chill, Lorenz!" You guffawed, shaking your head. He'd become considerably more agreeable, but God, he'll hold onto that 'treating commoners with his version of respect' ideal forever.
Leonie nodded with you. "Yeah, buddy." She pointedly looked at Lorenz, crossing her arms. "Well, apparently (Y/N), Lorenz thinks that he can't take me to tea because I'm 'unpleasant'". Hands now on her hips, she turned back to you.
You smirked. "Lovers quarrel?" You asked, shifting your weight.
"NO, DUMBASS!" "Absolutely not!"
You cackled at the yells, waving your hands in front of your face dismissively. They really did act like it!
"My bad, my bad... now, Leonie is a great dining partner! But... I doubt tea is even your thing." You offered, mockingly putting on a wise tone. She slowly nodded, realising you're right.
"Yeah! A good meal is better than tea. Thanks for seeing my point, (Y/N)." She slapped your back before, turning away. "I'll spend this time on training, can never get enough!" She waved goodbye to the two of you, although you supposed it was more to you.
Lorenz sighed, brushing his, admittedly less foul, hair out of his face. "I fail to see why you defend her." He muttered, looking to you. You raised a brow, tilting your head for that added 'what do you mean?' effect.
"Simply put, she wouldn't make a fair tea partner. She accused me of the reason being that she was a commoner, but it truly was not! I explained to her, but she seemed to have not appreciated my honesty, either." He pondered, lips pursing.
"Well, Lorenz! I think you need a lesson in manners." You bluntly asserted, placing your hands on your sides.
"Why I never-"
"Not that you don't have wonderful manners! However, your honesty can be jarring... you come off rude, man." You explained, patting his shoulder.
"So I am to lie?"
"Gah! No! Look, how about we discuss it over tea?" You suggested, exasperated. As intelligent as the dude is, his social cues with... commoners and the rest of us normal people are is abysmal!
He nodded. "A splendid notion! Shall we take this to my dorm? I feel as though the tea court will be filled by now. I also have some delectable flavours and tea sets!" He smiled, leading you away.
You yelped, catching up to him. What was the deal with guys walking briskly away from you?
"Please, take a seat." He offered, pulling out a chair for you. You mumbled thanks, sitting down.
Crossing your legs, you hummed. Was this a curse? Was this going to end up in you fucking the most pretentious man? Well, the omniscient presence watching your every move knows the answers.
As he poured the tea into your embellished cup, you admired the colour. "How pretty! And the teacup compliments it!" You whispered in awe, looking back up to Lorenz. He smiled sweetly at you, almost in the way one would at a kitten or puppy.
"I'm glad you have a knack for spotting artistic factors in the simplest things." He said, sitting down opposite you.
"However, on our way here, I thought about something."
You gulped. How was your impending lecturing being turned on you?!
"Y-yes?" You stuttered, bringing the teacup to your mouth, sipping nervously on the steaming liquid.
He eyed you, before humming.
"I doubt you're the most qualified person to teach me about manners." He said, gauging your reaction. You halted sipping on your tea.
Collecting yourself, you placed your teacup back down. "Oh? Why would that be?" You questioned, fiddling with the tablecloth.
"Well, you seem to have time engaging in certain... promiscuous activities, that isn't exactly too innocent or polite." He murmured, sipping on his tea.
Your eyes bulged, hands antsy as they moved to your face to hide your shock.
"For someone so carefree to participate in such... activities in public, you sure do seem to hold a facade of modesty." He replied, watching you sternly.
"Yeah, imagine how it feels having someone know of this!" You gritted your teeth, clenching your arms.
He raised a brow, smiling crookedly. "Certainly you wouldn't mind. Considering you would do so on holy grounds. You and Claude seemed to have not cared. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole monastery heard you."
You gasped, moving to get out of your chair. You didn't need a lecture from Lorenz.
He stood up with you, challenging your gaze.
"When I told Leonie she wasn't well-kempt enough... I suppose you aren't any better." He smirked, watching you bite your lip anxiously.
"Damnit, what do you want!? Don't tell anyone, I'll do anything!" You pleaded, taking a step forward. Lorenz grinned at this, raising a brow. He walked around the table, coming to face you directly. You looked down, refusing to meet his gaze.
"Since you're so eager to offer. Perhaps I could partake in those services Claude recommended to you?" He whispered, hand coming to tilt your chin upwards. Your face erupted in a dark heat, your heart thumping.
Don't fuck Lorenz. Don't fuck Lorenz. Don't fuck Lorenz. Don't fuck Lorenz.
You collected yourself, giving him a sly grin as your hands found themselves around his neck. "Well, if you're interested in a free trial..." You hinted, swaying your hips.
Don't fuck Lorenz. Don't fuck Lorenz. Don't fuck Lorenz. Don't fuck Lorenz.
He gulped, smiling crookedly. "You strike a hard bargain, my fair lady. I suppose I'd have to indulge." He murmured, grabbing underneath your knee and pulling your leg up to his waist.
Don't fuck Lorenz. Don't fuck Lorenz. Don't fuck Lorenz. Fuck Lorenz.
"Then, please, take whatever you'd like."
Fuck Lorenz. Fuck Lorenz. Fuck Lorenz. Fuck Lorenz. Fuck Lorenz. Fuck-
Your lips were captured by his own, as you soon felt your weight shift as your body was lifted from the ground. You wrapped your legs around him fully as you were set down on his plush bed
The kiss heated up passionately, feeling Lorenz palm you through your normal uniform. Being a Sunday, no war business was discussed and no armour was worn. He cupped your breasts.
"You're hardly pleasant, ever so brash and callous. But not to fear, I'll mould you into a fair woman. However, I'd say I prefer your unabashed promiscuousness." He hissed, stripping you of your uniform. Soon, your bra and underwear followed.
He shed his own casual uniform, for once in his life, not caring. That was proved as much as he dropped his uniform onto the mahogany floors.
You were pushed down onto the bed as you felt Lorenz slide on top of you, his already hard dick grinding against your slick cunt. You sighed, capturing his lips in a kiss once more.
His hands moved to your breasts, removing his mouth from your own only to kiss up the skin. Poking, squeezing, kissing, licking. He left no stone unturned, or in this case, no skin untouched. His apparent fixation on your breasts soon shifted to your darkened face. He simpered at his work.
"You will be good practice for the future. I suppose a whore such as yourself wouldn't oppose being treated with such behaviour." He proposed, his hands stroking up and down your sides.
"I... I'm not a whore!" You defended weakly. Yet any argument was soon washed away as he began to rub his dick up and down against your vagina.
"Oh? Ah, I see. So making love... no, I should say, carelessly fucking your former classmates one after another was just a hallucination?" He asked, the tip of his dick sliding into your walls for a split second before retreating.
"N-no, that's not what I meant!" You cried out, frustrated at the lack of stimulation.
"Ah, straight to denial, I see! You have skipped explaining and gone straight to denying your needy, sluttish behaviour." He groaned as he felt you pull him closer.
You cried out in frustration before looking away.
" F-fine! You're right that I'm a whore! I'm a whore who loves her classmate's dicks! Now please fuck me!" You moaned, exasperated.
"That's wonderful to hear."
And no sooner than he spoke did he thrust his dick right into your pussy, a silent moan escaping your open lips. He leant over you, feeling your tits press against him. Your legs rose and wrapped around his pistoning hips.
You struggled to get a full breath at the pace he was thrusting at, it sent your head spinning. You couldn't think, you could only feel as you were fucked silly by the one guy you could never like.
Yet, that distaste furthered your arousal.
"You are far from suitable for me. You.." He heaved as you clenched around him. "Naughty. You're brash, loud, unladylike... but you make a wonderful cocksleeve." He groaned into your ear, letting out soft moans.
You felt the coil in your stomach tighten at his words.
"Then... you're just like me! Sinking down... to my level just for some pussy?" You teased, slurring.
He smirked annoyedly. "Tch, I wouldn't say that in your position." He grunted out, holding you tighter as he pistoned harder.
"O-oh! I... you!" You moaned, speech cutting off as you couldn't talk. It was so fast, so hard, so good!
The two of you continued to moan and grunt, accompanied only by the sound of skin slapping. The erotic groans of the man you held such distaste for was sending you over the edge. You hated it so much that you loved it.
To the means of an end, you felt the coil snap as he groaned once more in your ear, the spasming of your walls soon causing him to cum. You felt your ravaged pussy shudder as ropes of hot cum seared your insides. As he slid out, it trailed out.
Lorenz looked down on you, smiling coyly at the sight. "Speechless and fucked silly, that's a perfect look for you."
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