#also cannot emphasize enough how much i want both stede and izzy to suffer more than jesus about having to hang out and do teamwork
mycenaae · 9 months
having thought about it, my ofmd season 2 like Main Plot prediction is that the first third-ish of the season is going to be stede looking for the revenge and ed going completely off the rails, the second third-ish of the season is going to be stede having found the revenge after ed's been swept out to sea / possibly mutinied? and them all going to look for him (hence stede and izzy having to team up), and the third third-ish of the season is going to be the two plots interacting, probably that battle on the beach we saw in the promo, and some sort of reunion that's interrupted / cliffhangered by the fact that the english (and maybe also the spanish who can say) are clearly still after them all. in terms of the character arcs and the subplots well who can say
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