#also anti all the pool moms cause that scene was bullshit
racheld93 · 2 years
Want to know what really grosses me out in general and also about Stranger Things because I was born and raised in Indiana?
The age of consent is 16.
Yes you read that correctly.
Thats why in season one it 'wasn't made a big deal' that Jonathan took pictures of Nancy and Steve having sex.
And in season two it 'wasn't made a big deal' for Karen, a grown ass married woman, to flirt back with Billy, a kid thats the same age as her eldest child.
And in season three it 'wasn't made a big deal' when the Karen and Billy shit happened again no matter if he was freshly 18 or not, it still would have been legal as long as he was 16 or older. And I'm so glad they didn't put that shit on screen. Hate that Billy got flayed, hate that so much you have no idea. But I would have hated it even more if things had gone as they'd planned and Karen really did show up to have sex with a kid her daughter's age.
What I'm saying is, it was cool that a nostalgic show took place in my home state not too unlike a town I grew up in. But with choices the duffers made over the seasons, also including the subtle not so subtle implied rasicm and obvious homophobia and ignorant satanic paranoia and blatant child abuse (that all very much still happens today), it makes me think that the only reason they chose a conservative Midwestern state was so they could get away with writing all that bullshit.
And if it wasn't for some of the actors pushing for better dialog and situations and basically twisting their arms for different scenes and refusing to do others, this show wouldn't have lasted this long. Because we'd have been watching the same overused and small-minded stereotypes and tropes from decades ago and have stopped watching.
So, does learning the age of consent in Indiana make you even more aware of how many scenes in Stranger Things gives me the heebie jeebies?
Thought so.
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mikami · 5 years
Death Note Audio Drama 10
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Disc 10: Karma Police - a summary / partial translation
Prior translations / an explanation as to what the fuck this is.
After I majorly burned myself out on doing these, I am BACK with the rest of this drama in tow. 10 down, 2 to go.
In this: nonsensical but wild shinigami lore, confirmation of ghosts, an actually sad dialogue of grief over Soichiro, and transparently agenda-based bad writing decisions that make me lose my mind with how bad they are.
We start with a dramatic audio sequence from Kira’s Kingdom. Topics are the rise of pseudonyms in social media and unjustified Kira killings based on rumors online. There is also... a studio guest!
DEMEGAWA: Here in the studio, I can welcome Teru Mikami. Prosecutor in new Kira cases from all over the world.  I, Hitoshi Demegawa, take your calls, read your mails, listen to your stories. Whole lifestyles are overhauled, behaviours defined anew. How we approach other people is often only dominated by fear. And... love. The love of Lord Kira. This is Kira’s world. We’re just living in it.
(Note by me: what the fuck does this mean??? Literally what the fuck does any of that mean?? How is a case a Kira case?? He’s pro-Kira not anti-Kira?? Hello?? On that note, DEMEGAWA IS ALSO PRO-KIRA??? WHY IS HE SAYING ANY OF THIS???? The fact that the audio drama writers had zero commitment to even trying to make Kira-following believable in story irritates me a lot. They do so much obvious moralizing at the cost of the story. Like yeah, Kira is bad, but a sane listener doesn’t need you to literally punch them in the face with it............................)
Mello meets Ms Sugai, the mafia lawyer from last disc. They’re at the beach, waiting for the drone to arrive. Ms Sugai is very demanding, definitely views herself as the boss here. She takes Rod Ross’ role in this drama.
The drone gets there, Sugai nitpicks Mello’s methods, Mello stays calm, and the drone is retrieved and brought to Sugai’s place.
L and Shidoh arrive in Tokyo. Shidoh remarks how it was very different last time he got there (after the war). Shidoh suspects the war is the cause of shinigami having gotten so lazy, since a lot of them didn’t have to kill for ages after this. (Nevermind that this is complete bullshit because shinigami don’t have anything to do with ‘normal’ deaths and thus would not actually have had to work any at a war unless they were directly painstakingly orchestrating it, lmao.)
L wonders if youkai in Japanese folklore. are just half-remembered sightings of Shinigami. Shidoh isn’t sure.
Shidoh also explains that L’s body is going to change. Everyone starts out with the body they died in and then changes. Shidoh speculates it is related to the manner of death or maybe the personality of the person. 
L: Are you trying to say all Shinigami started out as humans?
SHIDOH: Not necessarily. But even a human will change over the course of centuries. I don’t know, L. Maybe your teeth are going to get longer and longer. Or! Horns may come from your skull. Or you’ll just keep growing taller. Death is only the beginning.
The two of them arrive at the Task Force Headquarter. Shidoh goes in, L leaves.
Soichiro is trying to get into the headquarters despite having already had his retirement party. But officially he’s still employed - yet he can’t get in because he’s suspended after stealing the Death Note to free Sayu.
Shidoh approaches Ryuk about his notebook. He demands it back, but Ryuk doesn’t know where it is. 
Matsuda and Light are sorting through Watari’s huge amount of physical files that he kept in a storage room. None of that seemed relevant to them 5 years ago. It’s mostly data about his charity work, including his orphanage for gifted children, Wammy’s House. There is a file on N, but there is no picture, only a drawing. Likewise with M. M has a juvenile criminal record in his file. They deduce M is the one who stole the Death Note.
Sugai comes to talk to the mafia guy the police arrested. Since she’s his lawyer. She tells him that he has to sit his time in jail for a few months until she gets him out. She also dictates what to state as his testimony.
Shidoh then approaches the dude. The dude is appropriately shocked. Shidoh wants him to say where the Death Note is. 
Light sees this freak-out on the camera feeds and assumes a shinigami is in the cell. Light figures out that Ryuk handed over a stolen Death Note. He’s highly amused. 
The mafia guy tells Shidoh where the headquarters are (on the other end of Tokyo) and the investigators who are listening in now also know.
Sugai is incredulous that the weapon they got is just a book. She’s immediately wants to test the book. She and Mello discuss the rules and capabilities of it.
Light decides not to tell Near about these developments. The Task Force wants to get the notebook back themselves. They scheme how to storm the building, there is a bunch of technical talk about methods here.
Sugai and Mello still discuss the rules. Shidoh appears and immediately tells them the 13 day rule is fake. 
Misa and Light are at a public swimming pool. Light chose the location so nobody can wear a bug and also to drown out noise with the whirlpool. Misa is excited about the outing. Light tells Misa to get rid of the notebook. She’s supposed to kill the mafia first, then give the book up. 
Soichiro is tending to the roses. Sachiko is giving gardening advice, Soichiro doesn’t know shit about gardening. Sachiko is super happy Soichiro is home and wants to make out, wohoo. But Soichiro gets a call from Kira, rip.
Kira is Misa giving him the plan to storm Mello’s HQ, just like in canon.
Mello starts wondering why someone would write the fake rules. And he figures that Kira wanted the police to read the fake rules, to give him an alibi.
The Task Force gets Kira’s Death Note. Soichiro has objections against the plan, morally. Everyone else is just like ‘eh’. 
Shidoh asks for his book back, Mello and Sugai don’t want to return it. 
The raid on the HQ is happening! Light is also in with them, he even has a gun. 
MATSUDA: Is your weapon ready to fire?
LIGHT: Yes, Matsuda. It is. I’m a real detective.
MATSUDA: For less than a week. How many shoot-outs have you been at?
LIGHT: One, this one included.
MATSUDA: Right. You may officially be my boss, but I still have 7 years on you. This is not a game.
LIGHT: You don’t have to tell me that.
People start dying and the raid is starting.
Sugai and Mello notice the attack. Shidoh suggests the eye deal so they can defend themselves.
Sugai also suggests Mello pretend to take her hostage, since officially she is not a criminal and can thus count as a civilian hostage. Mello agrees. They try to take the back door to escape.
Shidoh is surprised nobody wants the deal.
Outdoors, Soichiro yells at them to give up. Mello recognizes his voice and knows his name. Sugai suggests he kill him. They realize neither of them has the book on them.
Soichiro meanwhile finds the left-behind Death Note, hurray. Mello and Sugai do their hostage plan to get him to give up the notebook. Sugai screams really melodramatically.
Light also enters the scene but a surviving mafia goon has a target on him. Soichiro meanwhile forgot his weapon on some table, rip.
The situation is dire, Ryuk tempts Soichiro into the eye deal in a lengthy sequence of pointing out just how dire the situation is. Specifically the motivator here is that Light’s life is in danger. Soichiro takes the deal for Light.
The stand-off continues. More and more people from each side arrive at the scene and its more complicated. Soichiro reveals that he has Mello’s name (he pronounces it Michael) and threatens people with it.
Ryuk helps (?) by turning off the light for a moment, which causes people to shoot wildly. Soichiro runs to the roof, injured. Mello and Sugai chase him.
Sugai decides to escape without the notebook and fucks off. https://twitter.com/MiyataVld/status/1153658045374746624
Ryuk comes to Soichiro and says he ‘has’ to write his name. I don’t know how the fuck shinigami lore works in this. Light comes up to the roof and wants Soichiro to give him the notebook. Shidoh steps in, Soichiro gives HIM the notebook, Light is really pissed about it. 
SOICHIRO: We made it, son. We’re finally rid of it.... nobody can misuse it anymore.... And I still have the eyes.
LIGHT: Father...
SOICHIRO: I can see you now son... your name... your death date... do you know what that means?
LIGHT: You can’t go father! The ambulance is on the day. Stay strong. Look into my eyes. Look at me.
SOICHIRO: As I can see... it means... you’re not Kira....
LIGHT: Yes, father, I’m not Kira. But you have to hold on and tell it to the others as well. You can’t die, stay strong! Tell them what you’re seeing! Tell them... Father?! [sobbing noises]
Soichiro’s funeral. A Christian sermon again, because who cares these guys are Japanese, I guess.
MATSUDA: Chin up, Light. He’d be proud of you.
LIGHT: Thanks, Matsuda.
AIZAWA: My condolences.
LIGHT: Thank you. Come on, mom. Let’s go home.
SACHIKO: You couldn’t change it either, huh...?
LIGHT: Mom! 
SACHIKO: I had him for two days! I waited 35 years and you only left him to me for two. days.
SAYU: Mom... Don’t say that! Not here!
SACHIKO: He was retired. Why was he even there?
LIGHT: He saved my life.
SAYU: And mine, too.
SAYU: He was a hero.
SACHIKO: I didn’t want a hero. I wanted my husband.
SAYU: Calm down, mom...
SACHIKO: Don’t you dare tell me to calm down. I lost him to the police. I lost my whole life to the police! And now they’ve got you, too.
LIGHT: He was proud of me.
SACHIKO: Of course he was. You’re just like him. It’s as if he was still standing in front of me, ready to doom another woman who will spend her life waiting for him to come home! 
MISA: Sachiko, please...
SACHIKO: Run while you still can, Misa. It’s not worth it! [sobbing] Why did you let him go?! Why didn’t you talk him into staying home?!
RYUK: Humans are so funny.
L: You’re a monster.
RYUK: What the hell?? How did you get here?
L: Surprised to see me?
RYUK: Uhh, yeah? You’re... uh... You’re dead.
L: People keep telling me that lately.
RYUK: What’s going on here? Are you.... Wait. Are you buried here? Is this just a common haunting? 
L: Nope.
RYUK: In that case you’re just an echo, you see? It’ll fade soon.
L: Do I sound like an echo?
RYUK: No. You can’t just come back from the dead. That’s impossible.
L: Are you sure?
RYUK: There are rules. 
L: And do you also know the one that says you’re not allowed to steal someone else’s death note? That’s one of those rules, isn’t it?
RYUK: Aaah, that’s how Shidoh found me. 
L: We helped each other out.
RYUK: But he’s back home now. He left you here.
L: Yeah, there’s still a few things I need to do.
RYUK: You know that there is only a single way for you to still be here? There is only one way for this to end.
L: Yes.
RYUK: Wow, L. You really have to carry a major rage inside of you. 
L: I think I merely have a reason.
RYUK: Then just wait, buddy.
L: What?
RYUK: Light has got his teeth in your successor. You know, that miniature version of you.
L: Near. What can Light do to him?
RYUK: He’s close. Light is gonna turn his lights off.
L: But he doesn’t know his real name. He can’t kill him.
RYUK: He doesn’t need that. He just needs to cut him off from reinforcements. Cheers to the chief inspector!
A press person tries to do damage control on Trump’s terrible politics. Many Trump jokes here. I am so tired of this drama reminding me Trump exists.
Trump then announces that the US won’t oppose Kira anymore.
We’re still at the cemetery. Light is chilling there, as Ryuk urges him to go out. Light asks Ryuk what happens after death and wonders if Soichiro might know the truth now, wherever he is. Ryuk doesn’t answer conclusively. He accuses Light of being scared of his karma and scared of his father’s disapproval.
Light kept a few pages of Shidoh’s notebook. He killed Sugai with it. Light still wonders if his father is watching.
Ryuk says that ‘almost’ nobody ever came back from the dead.
Mikami is on a debate program, opposing Paula Virilio. They’re discussing the US’s recent decision. This discussion is BIZARRE and I don’t understand why a single writing decision in it was made. Like, it just makes me so mad. I am solely translating it so everyone else can be mad with me.
TAKADA: Shocking statements from the US president today. But are they really so susprising? That’s what I want to ask general prosecutor Teru Mikami. Mr. Mikami?
MIKAMI: Good evening. No, it really isn’t surprising. I think this recent deed by the US mirrors are global, fast-growing movement that isn’t afraid to call Kira’s actions good.
TAKADA: It probably isn’t true that there aren’t any wars or crimes anymore.
MIKAMI: No. Kira’s actions are rather localized. He pays almost no attention to the third world. And not all crimes happen intentionally or are able to be put to trial without reasonable evidence.
TAKADA: And for you that’s alright?
MIKAMI: I think Kira is listening. I think he is watching us at this very moment. I think he reacts to movements and campaigns in the public. If his punishments reflect the worries of, say, the Japanese middle class, then that’s also a... how should I put this... function of his loudest supporters.
TAKADA: You’re saying that if we were more interested in, for example, Simbabwe, then Kira would do the same?
MIKAMI: That’s my firm belief. 
TAKADA: Also in our studio, is the law consultant Paula Virilio, who has lead both Interpol and the SPK in the past. To you the question... where is the 180° turn of the US president taking the criminal justice system?
VIRILIO: I don’t know if this step was really thought through. Only a short while ago, he signed a paper assigning more money to the according task forces. This step now... it is putting the whole task force into a tight spot. There are definitely going to be conflicts with Interpol. The step back from American engagement will likely have consequences.
TAKADA: Do you mean financially?`
VIRILIO: Interpol still views Kira as the world’s most wanted terrorist. And those who work with Interpol usually do this in the shape of a substantial financial contribution. So yes, I think this step will freeze both the US engagement with Interpol and this form of international cooperation at large, for an indefinite amount of time. With a whole row of unpredictable consequences, by the way. Cooperations across borders, agreements to hand people over, tax agreements... At baseline, he just turned the US into a paradise for organized crime.
MIKAMI: Come on, Paula, that’s ridiculous! 
The scene cuts, to the SPK who was watching. They’re understandably displeased. And they argue that Kira must be blackmailing the president to do this. The SPK things they had something on Kira that made Kira fear them.
This makes them think back to the kidnapping stunt in Japan. 
Mello then calls the SPK.
MELLO: My condolences for the end of your job contract. Looks like sticking to the rules was a waste of time.
He then tells Near that he used to have the notebook for a little bit. Near is shocked the task force didn’t tell him any of that. Mello tells Near that he’ll have to work hard to catch up with him now.
Thus he gives Near a tip, telling him a rule is fake.
We’re back on Kira’s Kingdom. They talk about Sugai, who’s suicide included a confession (thanks Light), about the family feud at Soichiro’s funeral, and then about protestants circling the SPK building.
Near calls Light. He confronts Light on not informing him on the raid. He’s pissed and says they failed because they didn’t use his resources for backup.
He also asks Light what he thinks of fake rules and immediately admits Mello told him this.......................
Near elaborates on the idea that the fake rules were made to create an alibi. Light ‘deduces’ the correct fake rules.
Near suggests testing the book and its rules, the task force refuses this. Near then addresses the task force members and calls suspicion to Light being Kira. 
After the call ends, the anti-SPK protesters arrive at the building and try to storm it. Near and the SPK make a run for it.
Light says that Near is just desperate to present just about anything before his special task force gets dissolved. The task force discuss Near’s theory anyway.
Matsuda says that Near is just trying to split them apart. The other task force members aren’t as anti-Near.
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itstimetowatch · 7 years
Meet John Smith
So the episode starts with a gaggle of boys, presumably underclassmen by the looks of them, objectifying girls. Great. Just what I was hoping to see on this show. We will call them Chumps 1-3. I reserve the right to pick which one is which number as becomes relevant to the plot.
Boring Boy #2 is back. Eh. I can only assume that Veronica is charmed by him because the script says so. I mean she can’t just be humoring him because that is very much not her style, and if she’ll openly antagonize biker gangs and Sherriff Shithead, then I can’t imagine she’s worried about what this guy might do if she tells him to fuck off.
And Boring Boy #1 is lying in a pool ignoring his dad. Is there a point to this character? Other than someone for Veronica to feel awkward around?
“Have you been playing nice with the other kids?” “You know, Dad, I’m Old School; an eye for an eye.” “I think that’s actually Old Testament.”
So Neptune is in the San Diego area, then?
Melissa Leo? As a random customer in the video store? Doubtful. I don’t even know what the mystery is this week is but I’m sure she’s involved somehow.
So Chump #1 is at the center of the mystery.
It takes more than a day of missing your anti-depressants for it to start cycling out of your system and causing any sort of side effects.
If Veronica makes it a habit of shoving random dudes into the girls’ bathroom at school then I’m not surprised that her reputation is what it is. Last week it was her and Chardo, now Chump #1. Slut-shaming is bullshit and it’s never justified, but man, pick a better meeting place… like maybe the library or the parking lot.
Chump #1 wants Veronica to find his missing father. How does this connect to Melissa Leo? Is she the new step-mom? Is she Chump #1’s dad after she transitioned? Is she also looking for Chump #1’s father?
Keith, don’t be an asshole to the guidance counselor. She’s just trying to point out that Veronica is showing a lot of symptoms of depression, which how the hell could she not be, honestly?
Duncan is bi-polar? Borderline Personality Disorder? (Thought I should stop calling him Boring Boy #1 if his boringness is a side effect of his medication. Boring is preferable to the wild, unpredictable mood swings, which he seems to be displaying here.)
Chump #1’s dad is supposedly dead. Which graduates him (Chump #1) up to the title of Creep #1.
Why is Wallace surprised that Veronica called a teacher a jackass? Are they not friends? Does he not know her at all?
Boring Boy #2 does not, however, shed loose of his name. He deals reasonably well with Veronica’s not wanting to kiss him, but… other than that, nothing interesting about him. 
“Lousy conversation but the sex was great.” “That’s not funny.” “I don’t know... Pretty sure it was.”
Yeah, there’s definitely something up with Duncan’s mental state.
Creep #1 is such an idiot. He runs up to a guy suspected of being a criminal, plays with Veronica’s taser.
Also, Melissa Leo hasn’t figured into this investigation, by now. That can only mean that she’s the missing dad.
Oooooooooookay! Gaping Head Wound Lily in a vision! 
LOL! She called him “donut” because his name is Duncan.
HO HO! Called it! Creep #1’s dad transitioned. And Creep #1 goes right for the transphobic shit. Swell. I’m so glad I got to spend 42 minutes being asked to sympathize with this ass nugget.
Is Keith creeping on the guidance counselor? Like, he totally saw the logo on that cup of coffee that she spilled all over herself during their second meeting and then he showed up there, waiting on her. Keith, don’t be Creep #2.
So.... yeah. I kinda didn’t like this episode much. Too many dudes creeping on women. Some good Veronica and Keith stuff. The scene with Wallace going through Veronica’s file was nice, they’re generally great together. I don’t like that Duncan only grows a personality when he goes off his meds and I don’t like the implication that him going back on his meds makes him somehow complicit in whatever’s going on in the events surrounding Lily’s death. Clearly, he needs to be on his meds or he’s going to end up doing something drastic and potentially irreversible.
The allegedly dead dad misdirect didn’t work because if it had been true, then the mystery would have been over halfway through the episode. 
And then there’s the stunt casting. Over at TV Tropes, there’s a thing called  Narrowed It Down to the Guy I Recognize, which essentially says that if there’s someone in an episode of a mystery series who is played by an actor that is decidedly more famous than every other guest star in the episode, if they aren’t the victim, then they’re the  perpetrator. Now, granted, Melissa Leo is a lot more famous post-VM than she was then but this still would have been after Homicide: Life on the Streets and 21 Grams. A show this size would not have cast an actor of her star power without her being somehow important to the overall plot, so when she didn’t show up in the investigation process, the answer wasn’t hard to work out.
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