#also “did he watch moon knight” is one of my burning questions after the stream
alchemicaladarna · 3 months
I saw some people talking about how they want Bad to not log on to the server for a while, and I kind of want that too, but I also want him to do a stream where he talks about the behind the scenes of this arc.
Like, not necessarily the fallen angel stuff, because there's still a lot to be revealed, but more so the soul vultures and the memory loss part of it. I just really want to know his thought process behind creating the story and continuing it, because goddamn this arc lasted for SIX MONTHS. Surely, there were a few retcons and planned story elements that didn't make the cut right? Like, there were so many events in the server that kept interrupting it- purgatories, prison, THE RESET- I know there was a time during the beginning of the reset where he was even doubting continuing the story too, but SOMEHOW against all odds, he managed to not only conclude it in an emotionally phenomenal way, but also confirmed one of the biggest mysteries to his character and set up the next big plot line for not only qbbh but for other players too.
He's alluded to Greek mythology a lot in the past, but did he also research Egyptian mythology, or at least the Egyptian afterlife for this? Those scales and the giant door at the end allude to the Egyptian belief of balancing scales before someone can fully enter the afterlife (I can't remember the details I'm more attuned to Greek mythology (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠))
Among other things, I also want to know how much research he did for portraying memory loss. Like, a lot of people have said how difficult it was to follow this arc and watch the last stream in particular because they've known people with cases of dementia and his acting got way too real, even for me, and man, how much research did he do to portray such a sensitive topic this accurately??
Idk, maybe some ppl might find behind the scenes talk boring, but now that the arc is finished, as an artist, I want to know his inspirations and the research he did, because god knows he put in so much work for this story, and a little part of me wants that to be recognized as much as the cinematic part of it.
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yukiwrites · 5 years
Doubts, Fears and Acceptance
Thanks for the support as always, @breeachuu! As before, i think i got carried away, heehee! I hope you like it!
Summary: Still shaken by the shock of reality Remire Village cause on him, Wolfram can’t help but feel completely out of place in Fódlan, with the only person he could call friend being the one he was scared of the most. But perhaps with understanding, he might come around and actually get along with everyone...
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Wolfram could still feel his hands stinging with how much force he used to grip his weapon.
The tingling sensation that burned the tips of his fingers as he fired magic left and right, under Byleth's command, still brought shivers down his spine. It had been three days since the incident at Remire Village, but it was still too soon.
Everything was still much too soon.
The smell of burned flesh stuck into his clothes like thick mud, refusing to be washed off no matter how many times Wolfram rinsed them. Black death, championed by an armored skull that could only be rightfully called the Reaper, brought destruction to wherever its gaze pierced.
It was only by the intervention of the Heart of Immortals that the Death Knight could be stopped, though it brought Remire Village little consolation -- its inhabitants had already been cursed with either madness or eternal solitude. The results of the inhumane experiments they were victims of would drag them down for as long as they lived, until the beyond of death.
Wolfram's stomach turned, making him unable to lie still. "Urk-" he shot himself up, covering his mouth with both hands. "No good -- if I keep thinking about it, I- I won't..." he sniffled, trying to keep his siblings' words to heart. The agony of taking a life, even if one that had been plagued by madness and anguish, was nothing like he ever thought it would be.
Truthfully, it was as though he had never taken this into consideration in the first place. The reality of war had always been something so distant to him -- something out of the stories his mother, father and siblings used to tell him as he grew up. Stories of how their continent was founded, about the millennia of history his own Mother witnessed; about the cursed future whence his elder siblings came from.
Scary bedtime stories he never truly managed to take it to heart until he had to experience it for himself; and his own experience could barely scratch the surface of the anguish and suffering Cynthia and Meliodas had to go through while they were even younger than Wolfram was at that moment.
Tears welled up the half-manakete's eyes, his shoulders shaking so badly he could barely keep his hands in place. That tiny, dark and lonely room did not help in making the boy shift his line of thought -- if there was no one there with him, he might as well simply break down.
It wasn't as though he could simply ask, either. The first person that came to mind to help him cope with these terrible, terrible feelings would be none other than Dimitri. The kind boy who first accepted Wolfie without question, wanting to simply deepen their bond as well as to help him without asking for anything in return. The selfless prince who took the brunt of his fellow House leaders' distrust simply to defend Wolfram's claims of amnesia. The fastest friend Wolfie had ever made, or so he thought.
'Crush their skulls.'
'Kill them all.'
Shivering, all Wolfram could do was wrap both arms around himself lest he broke apart, there and then.
Even after uttering these dreadful words, Dimitri wasn't seen for quite some time after the battle had been over. In truth, Wolfram hadn't seen the prince ever since then, though he did overhear Dedue and Byleth reporting Dimitri's arrival in the monastery a while later.
Wolfie was just so scared.
Everything in this world terrified him.
Rhea's constant presence; the wild, unstable power tapping against his own whenever he approached the cathedral or the audience chamber.
These horrible enemies they've been up against -- experimenting on people? Rejoicing in watching them slaughter each other? Manipulating them into infighting simply to prove a point? Wolfram's never heard of this!
And now... Dimitri. The boy Wolfram had latched onto like a newborn duckling. As the main reason for his summoning to this world, Wolfram had to stay beside Byleth, it was true. But Dimitri would, more often than not, also be there with them.
Being with one meant staying with the other, as well. They shared a bond that easily surpassed one of student and teacher: they were comrades in arms.
Would Wolfram be able to keep upholding his duty of staying with Byleth if it meant being beside Dimitri? After seeing and... and hearing him like that? He spoke as though he were possessed! And although Wolfie hadn't seen the prince since, he couldn't shake away the feeling that the darkness released that day from Dimitri's heart was only a taste of what was to come.
Could he control his unshakeable fear he felt whenever he remembered the boy he thought of as his first friend?
"This isn't good, my thoughts are spiraling." He huffed, hearing his own voice echo inside the room. Suddenly, a memory of one of his Father's stories made the half-manakete blink in surprise. "Oh, yes! I remember Father always used to tell me about how Mother took a longer time than a human did to process her feelings... and that every time she did so was during a long, uninterrupted flight."
He grabbed onto the locket he always carried with him -- hidden inside were his most prized possessions as well as his dragonstone. "I'm gonna stretch my wings. I'm sure I can clear off this fog... I kinda wanna call Aquilo to come with me, but maybe we'll attract much attention if it's the both of us." He monologued, wanting to share this conversation with someone instead of with himself. Before stepping outside, he checked his bandana just in case -- boy, was he glad he did, for the moment he set his foot out of his room, he almost bumped into Dedue. "W-whoa!"
"Careful." The large young man held Wolfie's shoulders lest he fell from the startle.
"Dedue! Are you only just returning to your room? But it's so late!"
"Yes; I have been tending to His Highness. He refuses to rest, so it is my duty to accompany him until he does so."
Wolfram flinched. "Dimitri..."
Dedue tilted his head to the side. "Is something the matter? Perhaps you should return to rest, Wolfram. As you yourself said, the hour is late."
"Um," Wolfie fidgeted, lowering his gaze. "C-can I talk to you for a bit? I was gonna stretch my wi-eeegss. My legs. I was gonna stretch my legs for a bit, but I actually wanted to talk to someone. Is now okay? I mean, I know it's late and all, but-"
"Breathe." Dedue lifted his chin as he himself took a deep breath, compelling Wolfie to follow. "If you are alright with me, then I do not mind talking, no. We should move away from the dorm, however. I do not wish to wake the Professor or a student up."
"O-of course! Thank you, Dedue. We can just stroll around 'till the greenhouse and then back? I don't wanna take much of your time."
"That is reasonable, yes, though do not concern yourself over my time or the lack of it. We shall talk until you are satisfied."
Wolfram wanted to smile at Dedue's kindness, but his heart was still much too heavy about the subject he wanted to discuss about: Dimitri, of course.
As they walked, the silence stretched on, however. Dedue raised an eyebrow. "Did you not wish to talk?"
Wolfram jumped out of his skin, fighting back the tears. "How- how are you still doing so much for Dimitri after- a-after that day?"
"I am unaware of any specific day you are referring to." Dedue's puzzled tone made Wolfram raise his teary gaze to the tall young man.
"T-that! That day, in Remire! Dimitri said- he did- he was so scary- I was-" he sobbed, quickly lowering his face. "So scared...!"
"His Highness was not different from usual. I seem to have heard a few of the other students voice such complaints, though they puzzle me: He was not different from how he had always been."
"Wh-what? How can you say that? It was like he was a completely different person! He was talking about killing with such a- such a CRUEL way! Dimitri's not like that!"
"His Highness is a kind man who would step in the middle of a volley of lances to save a complete stranger, even though his body was so much smaller than such stranger's." Dedue hardened his chin, turning his gaze to the moon. He looked at it as though it brought him fond yet bitter memories. "He is above most men I have ever met in my lifetime. His kindness knows no bounds. A bright light shines inside of his heart, and, as any light, it casts shadows inside of him, as well. He is plagued by these shadows like any other man fights with the duality within himself. However, unlike the common man, he has many a duty to perform. Many a face to wear. Dimitri is kind at heart, as he is shadowed -- but he does not allow others to approach that wound, and it festers." He looked down at Wolfie, his eyes reflecting the moonlight. "I will stay by his side through anything, no matter if shadowed or bright, for what I know of him is what binds my loyalty to him. If you do not share the same belief, I will not force you to. Neither would His Highness."
Wolfram felt warm tears streaming down his face, itching the corners of his eyes. "Dedue-"
The loyalty he inspired! The caring way only someone who deeply trusts someone else would use... Truly, Dedue was a kind, soothing soul.
"I seem to have spoken too much. You were the one who wanted to talk."
Wolfram shook his head, a smile finally making its way to his lips after Naga knows how long. "Uh-huh. Thanks for saying all of that. It made me feel a bit better."
Dedue smiled fondly. "I simply spoke what I felt on the matter. It is still something you must decide on your own."
"Mhm," Wolfie nodded, drying his face with the back of his hands. "Thanks again, Dedue."
The following morning, Wolfram tiptoed through the grounds towards the training grounds. Although Dedue's words DID make him feel better, he was still too shaken to meet Dimitri head-on. Instead, he decided that he should gather intel -- to hear other people's opinion regarding Dimitri and what were their thoughts about Remire.
Of course, the first one Wolfram found at the training grounds was none other than Felix, who was always willing to hone his skills with the sword.
"You here to train?" The swordsman asked after a few mock thrusts at the training dummy. "The techniques you know are really interesting, so keep me company." He gestured his head to a wooden sword placed right beside the entrance.
"Um, I actually wanted to talk-"
"Talk with the blade in your hands!" Felix jumped, holding nothing back in trying to hit Wolfie.
"W-whoa!" The half-manakete jumped out of the way, quickly taking the sword to protect himself. "If I manage to knock you down, will you answer my questions?"
"Hah!" Felix sneered. "I won't be knocked down by you again, newcomer. I've watched your footwork closely and now you'll need to work twice as hard to even try to bring me down."
Wolfram parried an attack, immediately countering. "Fair enough... Close combat isn't my strong suit anyway." He muttered as he scooted away from Felix's range. "Then I'm just gonna straight up and ask: what do you think of Dimitri?"
Felix's stance stiffened. "You saw who he truly was back there at Remire. He's a boar who only charges ahead without thinking about the destruction around him. It's good that you saw it while you're still new: now you won't carry stupid misconceptions about how he was a completely different person in the past or some nonsense the others keep saying." He breathed out all at once, shaking his head as he stood upright. "Associating with him will only bring you pain."
Wolfram relaxed his fighting stance as well, though his shoulders were still stiff. "But... that's the complete opposite of what Dedue told me-"
"Hah! That guy's too blinded by loyalty or whatever. He's stuck on a person who died four years ago while ignoring the mindless monster that took his place. I won't be fooled by that princely mask he wears: a wild boar will be a vicious animal no matter how much it tries to hide it." He groaned. "I'm done with this, now I don't feel like training anymore." Felix threw his practice sword on the ground, walking at quick steps past Wolfie towards the exit.
"Four years ago... Did something happen?" Wolfram whispered to himself long after Felix was gone, his brain taking everything it had to process everything it had heard. "Light and shadow -- a kind man plagued by duty and darkness..."
The boy felt his shoulders finally sag.
"I gotta go talk to him."
It didn't take much guessing to find out where Dimitri would be. Wolfram simply followed Byleth's presence (even though it was still early for lessons) to find that it led straight to the blonde prince. Before he could call out to them, however, he noticed how crestfallen Dimitri looked and chose to stay quiet instead.
"Professor... I...I'm sorry you saw that side of me in the village. It must have been quite a shock to you and the others." Dimitri's voice was strangled, seeping with regret. "I'm mortified by my behavior. When I saw the chaos and violence there...my mind just went completely dark."
Wolfram gasped, quickly hiding himself. It wasn't good to eavesdrop, but...
Byleth reached out for Dimitri's hand, taking it within both of hers. "I felt the same, though I must admit that you weren't yourself." She said in a warm voice, making the tension seemingly leave the prince's body.
"I always strive to keep my emotions at bay, but... Sometimes the darkness takes hold and...it's impossible to suppress. It just shows you how lacking I am... I have much to learn." He said between shaky breaths, making Wolfram clutch his chest.
It was just as Dedue had said.
Dimitri was fighting a losing battle within himself.
Wolfie's eyes burned with tears as he hit himself mentally for even feeling afraid in the first place. Everyone has their troubles! Everyone has their deep, dark fears and secrets. Dimitri was a single young man with too much on his shoulders and it didn't feel right for Wolfie to ever doubt him like that.
It didn't feel right to listen into their conversation either, but when Wolfram was about to step out to leave, he heard Dimitri gasping loudly, as though plagued by a sudden illness.
"Ugh... Gah... My father...my stepmother... Four years ago, they lost their lives to those flames." The words were shaky, his breathing uneven. Byleth held him by his shoulders, the only support he had lest he fell on his knees. Wolfram slapped both hands over his mouth to muffle his own sobs. "I'll never forget... I still remember their faces. Their screams. The tortured last moments of every person who died that day..." As Dimitri confessed, it got increasingly harder for Wolfram to breathe, his own legs shaking.
Byleth never hesitated to give Dimitri her support. "You don't need to say this if it brings you this much pain; but if you do want to let it out, I'll always be here for you." She said softly, stealing a choked sob from the prince's throat.
Wolfram ran away as fast as he could while still keeping quiet, the urge to bawl his eyes out too much to bear. Once he ran far enough, he allowed the tears to fall, realizing he cried loudly for all who could hear, though his feet never stopped.
Only when he arrived at the stables did he stop, but only so he could throw himself into Aquilo's cot, using his friend and mount's wings as a hiding place for him and his tears.
Needless to say, Wolfram arrived late for that day's classes, though he felt completely refreshed.
He sneaked beside Dimitri, bowing a silent apology to Byleth, who was pointing at a diagram at the blackboard. "What did I miss?" He whispered almost playfully, fighting against a shy yet proud smile.
Chuckling, the prince scooted closer, lowering his head so as to whisper the contents of the class to Wolfram, pointing at his own neatly written notes.
Wolfie breathed with relief, glad that he managed to approach Dimitri so readily. Relaxing his body, he scooted closer until his shoulders touched his friend's. "I think I'm gonna need you to explain this to me later, is that okay?" He said in a low voice.
"Of course, I'll be glad to help." Dimitri smiled readily, no signs of the tears Wolfram had listened in on earlier that morning.
"Thanks," Wolfie turned to his own open notebook, "and sorry." He mumbled more to himself than to his friend, taking it upon himself to stay beside Dimitri for as long as his mission allowed him to.
Apparently, apart from the month's mission -- to investigate an abandoned chapel for missing students -- the Officer's Academy would also hold a ball. It was a tradition, it seemed, to hold these kind of festivities at that time of the year: something about it being the anniversary of the Monastery.
One couldn't neglect their training in favor of partaking in festivities, of course, but the entire atmosphere around the Monastery felt different, whether the students were focused on one matter or the other.
Even more so for Wolfram, who was still struggling to even remember everyone's names and original affiliations. As a student, he had to uphold his first and foremost duty of, well, studying. Yet, as a young man, he couldn't help but look forward to the ball. He wasn't a stranger to such events -- his family had very close ties to the rulers of Ylisse, after all, so they had attended a birthday ball more than a few times during his life -- but precisely because him and his mother weren't used to being around in large crowds, he was a tad antsy about it all.
Take now for an example: he was at the library, trying to uphold his student duty, but his mind was wandering, thinking about this or that decoration he saw being carried around by the servants. He couldn't help but wonder what everything would look like and what kind of people he was going to meet.
The more, the merrier, for sure! Though maybe not all at once so he wouldn't be overwhelmed...
A loud thud startled the boy out of his soul, making Wolfram jump on his seat. A large stack of books seemingly appeared out of nowhere, but that was just Wolfram's mind playing tricks on him: there was a small girl behind the stack, who had dropped them all in front of him and now was hidden behind its massive length.
"Um...?" Wolfie stretched his neck to the side so as to look at Lysithea in the eyes. "Are you alright, there? Those seem to be a lot for you to carry-"
"You can stop with the worrying right there -- I'm not a kid; I can take care of myself and lug my own books around, thank you." She divided the stack into two, then into three, placing them in order of subject. "Besides, the reason I came here was to talk about you, Wolfram."
Blinking, the boy tilted his head to the side. "About me? Oh! Are you gonna help me decipher this exercise? How did you know I was stuck?"
"What? No! I didn't." She frowned, making a sour face. "Though I can help you out, of course; but after I say my piece."
"Oh, okay, I can listen." Wolfie pushed his notebook to the side, resting both elbows ont he table to as to give Lysithea his undivided attention.
The girl narrowed her eyes. "Was your hair always that color? I'm not trying to pry or anything, but I must know about, well, your Crest. Or Crests." She whispered the last word as though it meant something terribly big.
Of course Wolfie knew what Crests were since they've been a constant topic of discussion during classes. But apart from Hanneman being utterly disappointed at finding out Wolfram bore none during his very first week there, the boy considered that topic as good as dead when it concerned himself.
Increasingly confused about the connection Lysithea made with his hair color and Crests -- or lack thereof -- Wolfram frowned so deeply it made the girl gasp.
"If it's too painful, you don't need to answer. I don't know how much you remember or if your lack of memory is actually a result of it, but..."
"Wait, wait; you're saying you think you know the reason for my amnesia?"
"Well, I theorized something, yes, but I can't say anything for sure without talking to you first, can I? So here I am. You could tell me everything or nothing; I'll only pry for a long as you let me. I wouldn't want people to ask me about this kind of stuff, either."
Now he felt plain bad for deceiving everyone like this. There was no amnesia to diagnose! "Oh, um- I guess first I gotta say that I was born like this. I think. I'm pretty sure."
"Huhh..." Lysithea crossed her arms, leaning her back on the chair.
"And that I also don't have any Crest. Or Crests." He said in his usual tone, which made the girl jump on her seat to shove her index in front of his lips.
"Shush! Don't say that so loud!"
"Uh? Crests?"
"Ugh, yes. Anyway, what do you mean you don't have a Crest? You can't possibly-"
"You can ask Professor Hanneman about it? He practically dragged me to take the Crest test almost as soon as I arrived."
"And it came back negative?" She threw herself over the chair again, her frown deep. She messed with a tuft of her white hair, comparing it with Wolfram's. "It can't be... But even Edelgard..." She mumbled, surely not for Wolfram to hear, though he heard it anyway due to his sensitive ears.
"We cannn go check right now if you want." He said tentatively with a hint of doubt. "We're close to Professor Hanneman's office anyway-"
"No, I- well, that's tempting- but... no, I'm sorry about all of this. I'm just going to focus on my books for now, okay? Show me the thing you had trouble with earlier so I can explain it to you now."
"O-okay..." Confused but now about to try to understand, Wolfram counted his blessings, considering he wouldn't need to lie more to cover for his failure at appearing amnesic.
As the day of the ball approached, so did the Blue Lions' collective interest in their representative for the White Heron's Cup: Dorothea. Since she was originally from another House, her appointment to represent the Blue Lions brought a little discord amongst the students, though the judges didn't seem to mind it: Dorothea was a Blue Lions student at that moment, so that was what mattered.
More and more students could be seen practicing their dancing steps throughout the academy as opposed to combat training.
Of course, combat was never neglected, but the rapid growth of dancing youths taping their toes all around the monastery was staggering.
One particular evening, after the lecture was over, some students gathered around to talk. Mostly the ones originally from the Blue Lions, though Raphael, Caspar, Dorothea and Ignatz also mingled with them.
Mercedes, Annette and Dorothea huddled beside Ingrid, allowing the girl no escape from their plans of doing a make-over for her on the day of the ball. Raphael and Caspar agreed that the most they were looking forward to would be the yummy food there, exchanging a very heated fist bump to seal that moment.
Ashe and Ignatz fidgeted on their toes. "I'm kinda nervous about it," Ashe confessed. "I don't know about this noble kind of dance -- the only dance I know is the one from the common folk, but I'm sure I can't use that there, can I?"
"I confess I'm not confident on my footwork, either..." Ignatz agreed, adjusting his glasses.
"Oh." Wolfram blinked. "Oh yeah. I don't know anything about ballroom dancing. I'm pretty sure I've never done it before in my life, especially after seeing so many people practicing all over the place."
"Oh, well, I can teach you all how to dance!" Annette puffed her chest cheerfully. "I love dancing!"
"Oh, that would be wonderful-" Wolfram and Ignatz started at the same time, but Caspar intervened.
"But then what about on the day itself? You're not gonna dance with all three of them, are you?" He crossed his arms. Annette let out an exclamation of surprise.
"Well, I don't see how I couldn't change partners..."
"No way; and what're the other two gonna do while you're with one of them? Isn't it better to just invite one already? Here, I'll keep Wolf, you can choose between the other two."
"Huh- weh?" Wolfram looked at them as though watching a sports match, suddenly pointing to his own face. "You're inviting me to the ball?"
"Sure, why not? We gotta get to know each other better anyway since we're classmates, and seeing as neither of us knows how to dance very well -- though my dad tried to have that beaten down on me for a long time -- I'd say we make a great pair, hah!" Caspar threw his head back in laughter, proud of coming to that conclusion by himself.
Surprised and flattered, Wolfie smiled widely. "Okay, we can do that, yeah! Thanks for inviting me, Caspar!" He grinned, receiving another one in return.
"You're welcome! Thanks, too!"
"You can always come to the lessons, too, Caspar..." Annette jabbed, smirking.
"Thanks, but no thanks. I have two left feet and I made peace with that already. But if you think Wolf here isn't a lost cause, you gotta teach him so at least he's the two right feet one! That way we'll match!"
"Huh? But wouldn't having two right feet be as bad as having two left ones?" Raphael scratched his chin in thought.
"Whatever!!" Caspar threw his hands in the air, laughing loudly. His contagious laughter soon set the rest of the group off.
"You know... There's no telling where life will take us after we leave here. If only we could find a way to come together again, just like this..." Dimitri said after the mirth had dissolved into smaller giggles, enjoying the pure warmth being around these friends made him feel.
Dedue smiled, bobbing his head to the sides. "A fine notion, Your Highness. Perhaps five years from now?"
"Five years from now?" Dimitri mused at the idea for a moment before remembering something. "Ah! That's when Garreg Mach Monastery will be holding the millennium festival."
Wolfram had heard about this festival -- it was supposed to be the day Garreg Mach Monastery would complete one thousand years. Surely a party to remember!
Oh, how exciting! And it would be within the time he had agreed to stay, too! Wolfram couldn't help but wonder how his and his classmates' lives would change in these five years...
Well, surely not as much as his own life did the day he stepped into Fódlan, right?
True to her word, Annette did give Wolfie, Ashe and Ignatz a few pointers regarding ballroom dancing, which made all three of them feel less nervous about the notion of it all. That only added to Wolfram's workload, but that didn't bother him in the slightest -- in fact, it excited him. He did nothing but learn ever since he arrived, so he was looking forward to every new interaction if only to help him grow as a person.
The day of the ball, although the students still wore their uniforms to attend, the atmosphere felt different -- as well as did the girls. They dolled themselves up to shine in the ballroom while most of the boys wore a wide variety of hats, as though they were peacocks trying to attract the right one for them.
Wolfram was amazed at the craziness of some of the hats (one was just 15 hats stacked together in a very shaky tower) so much so that he bumped on his partner before realizing he was there since Wolfie had been looking up instead of down to Caspar's short stature.
"Oh! There you are!" They said in unison, grinning. "Ready to hit the floor?" Caspar took Wolfie's hand, already pulling him to the center without waiting for confirmation.
"W-whoa, wait!" Wolfie tripped on the polished floor, though Caspar's strong grip on him didn't let him fall. "I suddenly forgot everything Annette taught!" He said in a panicked voice.
Caspar threw his head back in laughter. "Then it's my two left feet against yours! Let's see who wins!" He put a strong arm behind Wolfie's lower back, clearly taking the leading stance.
"You're leading? But I'm taller-"
"You're the one who said you don't know nothing! Let's just dance, alright? Here we GOOO!" He yelled atop of his lungs, deafening out the ambient music as he started spinning the both of them around as though they were a pair of whipping tops.
"W-wahhH!" Wolfram yelped before full-blown screaming, dissolving into a loud laughter. They bumped into couples here and there, but ultimately only came to a stop after slamming into a nearby wall.
Which led them into being expelled from the ballroom for the entire duration of the dance in less than ten minutes.
"HAHHH, THAT WAS FUN!" Caspar gurgled a laugh as they were being escorted out, nibbling on a salty treat he had taken on their way out.
"Hahaha!" Wolfie dried one tear from laughing so much, his abdomen hurting. "I can't believe we got kicked out! What're gonna do all evening?"
"Let's just kick around and do something! We can ask Raphael to smuggle some food out of the party for us or something. Ohhh, we can explore the monastery!"
Wolfram already knew most of the Academy by heart since he stretched his wings every other night, making sure to fly really high so no one would spot him. But seeing from the sky was MUCH different than exploring by foot.
"I love exploring! Let's go!" He pulled Caspar by the hand, being eagerly followed.
If his new friend weren't so loud, they would've managed to sneak around most of the monastery unnoticed -- even as Caspar tried to muffle his own laughter he let out a loud pig-like noise, which only set Wolfie off as well.
Needless to say, they were expelled out of the Faculty Office as well as the Goddess Tower in a single night -- Seteth had them 'marked for dead', his own words. Being with Caspar might be a 'bad influence' for Wolfie, but he was too busy having fun to care. He was such an interesting guy to hang out with, Wolfram couldn't wait to spend more time with him!
After the eventful ball -- from Raphael eating contest, Caspar and Wolfie's antics as well as Dorothea's absolute KILLING it at the White Heron Cup -- the Blue Lions House was the talk of the entire week throughout the campus, for better or for worse.
Their expedition to the abandoned chapel was scheduled to happen sometime in the next following days, though that didn't stop Wolfram from surveying it from the sky at night as he had been doing for the past few weeks.
A dreadful presence itched at the corners of his consciousness, making him shiver despite being quite used to the growing cold weather. He saw shadows of people walking in and out of the chapel, but the most worrying part wasn't the people -- it was the large scaled beings whose tails swished in the dark.
They didn't feel like shape shifters, though. Giant lizards? Ah! Perhaps the Demonic Beasts he sometimes heard of during classes? "Oh, no! Those people are in danger!" He gasped midair, quickly turning around to return to the monastery. "Byleth- Professor Byleth’s gotta know about this!" He dived deeply, cutting the air.
Although it was the middle of the night, the alarm of Wolfram's report (he covered the part about him being flying in the middle of the night as an excuse to let his wyvern 'stretch his wings') made most of the Knights of Seiros on duty to step up into positions. Byleth had Wolfie wake Dimitri and Dedue up so they would get the rest of the class, though they would only be deployed once dawn broke, a few hours from then.
That gave them the time they needed to prepare and gear up. Wolfram could feel his hands shaking as he readied his weapons, though he felt much better knowing that the enemy this time around wouldn't be people, but monsters.
Although he could still understand what they said, it was much less difficult to fell a monster than to do the same to a person.
Clutching his locket, Wolfram threw a light prayer to Naga before departing, following the rest of his class from the sky, on Aquilo's back.
With the sunlight, the picture became much clearer once they arrived at the chapel -- the shadows of people he had seen were students being pursued by the demonic beasts.
Once again they had to rescue people from being killed, but this time not by their fellow men, which was a relief. Fighting these beasts was scary, yes, but not as nearly as being under the overwhelming pressure of the Archbishop.
These beasts had nothing on Rhea, whose power could easily topple over their own with the simple lift of her tail, or at least so believed Wolfram. The battle was still hard-fought, however, since they were hardy monsters -- their scales were rough as were their defenses.
But fall they did, one by one.
The students were rescued as quickly as possible -- Byleth made use of Wolfram's wyvern to make him fly throughout the map so as to pick the students up while the rest of the students drew the beasts' attention. A truly splendid work of action from their Professor's part if Wolfram could be so bold.
Yet, something unexpected and unprecedented happened right before Wolfram's eyes as he was about to reach for the last student, a bright redhead girl who had been hiding behind Jeralt for the past minutes.
It happened so fast Wolfram had barely any time to react.
One minute Jeralt was there, patting the girl's head, saying that everything was going to be okay.
On the next one, he was falling on the ground, a dagger stabbed so deeply on his back one couldn't even see the blade anymore.
By the time Wolfram processed what was happening -- death, death again! Death again! -- a crazed scream came from behind as Byleth activated the Sword of the Creator to reach Monica from afar, to no avail.
She simply disappeared into a smokescreen, under the protection of a powerful mage.
Wolfie was so devoid of action it made Aquilo land on the ground so as to stretch his neck backwards to check on him.
What... had just happened?
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kimsngmn · 5 years
Falling Star
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Seungmin x reader
Royalty Au
Fluff & Angst
3.2k words
Feel the wind that hits sharply on your face, the adrenaline running through along with heavy breath.
I'm finally free. Tears of joy escaped as I see that once my home standing firmly on the ground while I’m miles away. It was pretty, but sadly, it was hell inside.
“Smile, my sweetheart.” “Eat, with manner please.” “Oh honey, your posture needs to practice more” “No, no. No prince wants a princess who behaves like that.” Those instructions, I’ve heard it since I was a child until I mature enough to think that being here was hell. Even hell not like this I assumed.
Red satin long dress with a combination of lace in the middle of the abdomen until upper hip. A crown that tilt has been placed, perfectly. A reflection shows a beautiful figure with a beautiful dress could make people gasp. But the face that shows is not me. That’s not me. Sometimes I think I was born in the wrong family or even in the wrong era.
“Oh my, my princess grows up beautifully.” I see mother’s reflections in the mirror, her hands on her chest and her eyes gleaming with tears. “Mother,” I say softly. Giving a sign to maids that inside the room to leave for a moment. “It's just a meeting with another kingdom, it’s not my marriage that will happen tonight,” I say as I turned around to mother, so she could see the dress perfectly from in front. The dress quite long I would say. It has the trail on behind, kind of wedding dress, but it’s in red and there’s not that much lace.
“The dress and the crown suited you very well. I wish tonight meeting ended well, as your father really worked very hard for this.” Mother says softly but sternly with her hidden words. Her hands all over my face; trying to cover any flaw of make-up. “Just, try not to do any stupid things.” She sighs as her hands now on my shoulders, her eyes fell down. She thought about the past, isn’t she? I want to say it’d be alright, but it would very dumb of me to say. Because I know, it won’t be okay at all.
The hallway feels like longer to reach the end of the way. The dress somehow suffocating me inside. My head banging some sort of sounds that make me dizzy as ever. But all of it vanished as I arrive at the end of the hallway. What’s separating me and the room inside is the huge door with a beautiful engraved flower all the places. The door open slowly, and the bright lights hit me directly. And it’s begun.
The stares and murmuring could be all the room, all people in the room watching me, some would judging, some would praise and some of it just wants to fail. I knew almost all of it. It's written on their face. It’s true, once an evil plan has created in the mind. You can see it written all over their face. It's better off giving them a hard, cold face than smile brightly as there’s no heavy boulder on the shoulder.
Apparently, there are also other kingdoms from far away to join us too. Interesting, almost making me want to go back and covered myself with my blanket. Almost.
I sat on the chair with a gold plate along with foods already being served. I wonder why, what’s the plan of having them to be here? It is because of the festival? But so far I’ve known. None of this kingdom related to the upcoming festival. Most of all, why the prince of Kim Kingdom sitting directly in front of me?
“Sweetheart” immediately cut off the train of thoughts of mine, turning towards mother who seems to announce something.
“Thank you, for all you who come here. Kim kingdom who always helps us in any kind of way that has been supported us in many things. And we, Lee kingdom would never forget all those precious kindnesses.  We would like to share a piece of joy news about our beloved children.”
I'm sorry, what?
“Ah, right right. About that, we’ve been thinking to marry off our child together as a sign of friendship in between two kingdoms, and also. It’s a win situation for our people since we need each other to support.”
My head starts banging loudly inside, my breath seems to stop by themselves. I couldn’t think anything except to stare at their one and only prince. Kim Seungmin. He seems shocked too with everything. But I think this a right to do without asking us first. I breathe in and out and keep on thinking a sentence that what I want to say without being rude towards guests.
“Mother, don’t you think-“
“I accept.”
A deep voice that's coming out from the unique sculpted face that halts my next words. I stare at him and found that he is too, stare at me. I’m not sure why, but I hate the way he stares at me like that. There is desperation filled in his eyes. Why?
“Then, it's all set then!” The kings and queens cheer their drinks and laugh the night away. While I can’t stop thinking, why he did this and among all of this, why he eyes filled with sadness and desperation?
There’s hidden rage within me also a concerned mind towards him.
The night falls as the kings and queens getting a little bit tipsy which causes us, to go outside and probably talk about what the hell just happened now. The wind blows softly, the night seems peaceful to be in chaotic mind. The stars shine brightly and the moon winking at us.
"I'm sorry" The deep with a honey-voice filled the air. We're surrounded by a beautiful garden that has been kept clean all day long. I'm not sure what to feel. Like, am I supposed to mad or to be happy?
"I used to think that adults have everything sorted out. That they always know what to do. Being an adult now, I realize that it’s still the same kids I grew up with; living in grown bodies chained to countless responsibilities." I blurted out.
"The eyes show what the heart hides" I finished it as I turned towards seungmin. Finding his eyes again. But I couldn't. Curiosity killed me, wanting to know the hidden feelings that lie in his eyes. But rage took me over instead.
"I wish you'd think about this through. But, it seemed like you just sacrifice our own happiness just to please our parents." I walked away from him, far away from my parents and maids. I just want to be alone tonight after all these happen. I just need time to be me again
I wish it was a dream. I wish all of it was a nightmare that I used to get when there’s a thunderstorm and I’m alone on the bed, without the protection of my parents. The thunder strikes randomly causing my heart beating faster and more as if it was playing around with me. I can see the clear view of the moon and stars; thinking do they love it when they see humans suffer because the human doesn’t have any choices except to live?
The door softly being open and revealing a man with a knight shine armor, quietly close the door and walk in. Just close enough for the gap. The light from the moon shines towards his face, the beautiful face that could melt anyone’s heart. And mine is included. He always calms and collected at everything. But tonight, he looked troubled from the inside, anxious and sad. It reminds me of seungmin. A couple of minutes went by, he looked all over the room. Ignoring me, standing in front of him.
“It is true?” A shaky voice speaks.
Silences continued. I didn’t brave enough to see the hurt expression that clearly could be seen. And also, the silences answer his question.
“I�� just can’t stop thinking of how lucky it is for the person who gets to be with you every single day.” He says as a soft sigh can be heard the whole room.
“You can see me every day, Chan.” My voice comes out softer than I thought. My hands reached out to touch his right cheek. Caressing with soft as it might fall apart soon.
“It’s different. He could see you every day as a lover and I,” He stopped for a while. And my breath stopped for a few seconds as I see his tears flowing down from his cheeks. “You can only see me as a knight who serves for royalty. Nothing less or more.”
“All memories we did before will now be replaced by him. Our shared promised are no longer belong to us as you’ll be vow with him forever. And I,” Chan stopped midway of his sentences to get a grip on him selves, trying not to be too emotional.
“And I, always been a loyal knight who’ll be there to protect you even though I knew I’ll be going any seconds and minutes for war and knowing that, my lover who I cherished my whole life, will be safe in other arms that hugged her problems away.”
Unknowingly, tears already streaming down my face. I know they’re just mere words, but the way Chan say is true and hurt the most. Feel the guilty even deeper than before.
“Our future, the future that I’ve been imagined for the whole time just burned by the words that spread out to the villages. Do you know how hurt it is? Pretending to be happy with villagers upon the news? It’s like my heart just ripped apart.”
“I’m sorry” Weak, that’s what I say to myself. I could only say I’m sorry. Because there’s nothing to say except to say sorry.
My hands now fully cupped chan’s cheeks and push away the tears streaming down. And embrace him tightly as I could. His head on my shoulders, I could feel the tears as I feel the wetness on my shoulders. Silently, I join him crying out tears out. Knowing that my future already has been decided by my parents.
“Oh, dear. What happened to your eyes?” Mother asks with a worried tone as she eyes me from the door towards an available chair to sit for breakfast. And of course, Kim family is here to join breakfast. As if there’s no food in their kingdom.
“Nothing, mother,” I reply quietly, hoping all of them just gone. The pain, those tears, and the future waiting for me to go through. The food served in front doesn’t look tasty as it used before, the combinations of foods reminded me how a knight falls in love with a princess. Like how both of them are from different background, knowing that the chances being accepted to be married to princess very low as him selves are not from royalty background.
But, do they care about it? No. there’s no slightest a bit in their mind thinking about the king. Being in a hidden relationship is exciting and painful. The adrenaline of rush when running at the back of the garden, thinking if someone caught them or even when the princess needs to choose her future king, slowly killing the knight from inside. But they can’t be together. Unless, they want to run away, leaving everything behind.
That’s how terrible of combination foods today
Millions of cursed words screaming inside my head when my mother told me to go with seungmin to the villages. It’s not that I hate him or something, I just really hate when changes happen so suddenly. Like, give me a break, like to mentally prepare for it.
“It’s very lively here” Seungmin broke the silence as both of walk side by side.
“It is. Oh, you should see the festival upcoming. The whole villages glow during that time.” I say with a beaming smile and thinking how wonderful that time is.
“What’s festival is it?” He says as he slightly bows towards the people there and giving a smile to them.
“It’s Meteor Shower Party” Both of us stop at this wonderful shop, where you can smell the fresh bread has been baked. A sound of a ring as I opened the door, revealing the store interior.
“Hello,” I cheerfully say towards the owner of the bakery. The one and only bakery that I really love to go during my young age. I introduce Seungmin to the owner and three of us really had a good talk, well. I may or may not leave both of them alone as I can’t get my eyes away from the bread that fresh out from the oven.
“Take it, your highness. I’m scared that you’ll scare the bread away with that look on your face.” The owner cracks a few smiles and laughs with seungmin leaving me with deep red flushed all over my face.
“What’s the Meteor Shower Party?” Seungmin asks as he munched the bread.
“Oh, basically.” I gulped away the bread that inside my mouth before continuing.
“The whole village will turn off the light and that’s applied to the castle as well, so villages and royalties can see how bright star on that night. Rumors have said that if you wish on the brightest star on that night. It might grant your wish.”
“Wish? Have you ever tried it before?”
“Really? Did it grant?” Seungmin open wide his eyes towards me, waiting for me to answer him.
“Probably, I’m not sure about it either, it could be because I didn’t wish during that night hard enough or I wished on different stars,” I answer him. I could see how disappointed his face at my answer. I didn’t realize that I was brushing away some bread crumbs scattering around his mouth. Oh, shit.
He does look surprised for a while, but then. He just smiles along with his eyes. My heart just skipped a bit. Thinking, is this supposed to be a good sign or a bad one?
The night comes in, so does the memories. It’s very complicated I would say. I just wish I could get a few chances to undo a few things, but that could change our future completely. That night where Chan was here and told me what he felt when he hears the news is still bleeding in my heart.
Brown is the color of your pretty eyes, your heart was made, for hues so bright. And the times I wished you could hear these silent cries. The time I prayed. For you, my knight.
Some things in life are just not meant for you no matter how hard you try to grasp it.
It’s hurt when someone slowly loses interest in you. They don’t ask how your day was or how you’re doing. They don’t show much interest in the conversation. It’s like they slowly exit out of your life and there’s nothing you can do but keep smiling and pretend you didn’t notice.
I just wish I could get a few chances to undo a few things.
The castle is deeply chaos as the whole villagers included royalties is totally focused on this particular festival; Meteor Shower Party. As I walk down through the hall, all I can see is how cheerful the garden was and how Mother talks loudly with Kim’s queen sitting on a chair in the middle of the garden. I assumed it was a tea party there. And there’s seungmin.
With a sword in his right hand. Fighting with no other than Chan, himself. There’s quite a crowd surrounding them, well of course. A prince sword fighting with the most skilled knight that has proud the whole villages. The sound of a sword hitting each other sure enough makes the crowd sweat with anticipating.
The fight last longer than I thought. And it’s making me feel sorry for both of them. Both of them seem tired, but the ego hidden inside makes both of them feel superior. Causing both of them fell down on the ground, and still trying to make movements shows they are not defeated yet.
Which is pretty dumb, I would say. With a sigh and tired watching them doing the same hitting sword I took away both the swords on the ground as both of them are trying their hardest to reach their swords that have been thrown far away as the results of hitting with one and another.
“I’d love to see both of you alive during the festival tonight. Not half-dying.” I speak as both of them curiously watching me from the ground. The only answer I received is chuckles from both them.
“You know, I almost think that you’ll live here forever” I speak up towards seungmin while looking towards the bazaar that sells from villagers itself.
His smile as his eyes turned into crescent-shaped. “I’d say the same, but that’s only would happen if you accept the wedding.” He stares at me as he says it. And I, being a coward I am. Couldn’t bear to look at him at all.
“I didn’t say anything. Why you have to assume things, Prince Seungmin?” I’m eyeing him up and down. Emphasize the prince’s word. Feeling brave enough to joke around him.
“Well, your actions and words are the complete opposite. What do you expect, your highness?”
As the night comes in and the light of houses slowly disappears one by one. And lastly, the castle itself shuts down the power. The only sources of light are the candle that has been arranged perfectly along as it was meant to be seen together with stars. Just like heaven and Earth, where both of them complete each other even it is for differences purposes.
The kids running around, but with a slower pace, scared that they would knock one of the candles, and it could be a huge problem.
Most of the villagers are chilling everywhere. It could be on the rooftop ( If they wanted to, I mean, who am I to judge them anyway) almost leaving me a lonely feeling. Not until I see Seungmin sitting on the grass by himself.
“You seem to like this festival I see.” I softly say to him, and sit next to him where’s the empty space is.
“I am, it’s interesting. There is none of the festivals like this, back in my kingdom.” He answers it almost quickly as he stares at stars scattering up there. Some shine bright and some of them just dim.
“So, your highness. What do you wish for?” I absent-minded ask him as both of us keep silence and just staring at the stars. I stare at him as I make out the structure of his face. How cute his beauty mark on his right cheek and how his eyes sparkle towards villagers and royalties. His mouth that in plump pink that seem very kissable.
“I wish you a happy life forever” Seungmin answer as we share eye contact at each other. And I swear, I just saw a falling star from behind him. The brightest star I’ve ever seen.
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devsash · 6 years
Draecember Day 30 - In Peacetime
Elwynn Forest, Eastern Kingdoms
Toranos knuckled the blood from his eyes before peering up at the branches overhead. The trees here were so densely packed, but he could just glimpse the brilliant red star in the sky through the foliage.
Argus was gone from the heavens. The Burning Crusade was ended at last, the Dark Titan imprisoned at the Seat of the Pantheon. After twenty five thousand years, his people could finally stop running.
Yet his curse remained, and with it, the terrible hunger.
Toranos glanced down at the corpse of the wolf he had killed. He took no pleasure in this task, but it was better than him hurting some unfortunate living person. The runes on his warhammer glowed softly in the dim light as he shook the blood from it, scattering scarlet droplets on the ground.
He had returned from Argus to an uneasy world in the wake of Azeroth’s wounding. The Alliance and Horde were still recovering from the siege on Antorus. This current peace was tense, very much like the calm before a storm.
“Ho there, friend!” a voice called out from behind him, startling him out of his reverie.
Toranos whirled around, his fangs bared in a snarl.
A night elf in long robes was standing some distance away, his hand raised in greeting. He was holding a book with a pencil tucked behind his ear.
The jovial smile on the elf’s lips vanished at once. He paled, lowering his hand. “By Elune’s Light,” he said in horror. “Not you again.”
Toranos frowned. “Do I know you?” he rasped in Common.
The elf shook his head at once. “Uh, nope! No, you don’t know me, not at all.” He took a step back, his eyes darting to the dead wolf on the ground. “I’ll just, uh, find my way back to the path.”
That voice… he recognised it.
“You’re that priest,” Toranos said, remembering. “The one from Icecrown.”
“First of all, I’m not a priest anymore.” The elf took another step back. “Second of all, I’m not going to get in the way of your, uh, feast. Again. Elune knows I barely survived the first time.” He turned around and marched towards the forest.
Toranos sighed, sheathing his warhammer. “Priest!” he called, jerking a thumb over his shoulder. “It’s that way.”
The elf paused, glancing at him, then in the direction he was pointing at. “Oh. I knew that.”
The death knight grunted. He stepped towards the nearby stream and knelt by the bank. Plunging his hands into the cold water, he paused, catching sight of his reflection.
The blood on his face along with his huge fangs made for a grotesque visage. No wonder the elf was terrified.
He sighed again before wiping his face clean. The droplets of water froze quickly against his skin and he scrubbed the ice off, grimacing. It was so inconvenient sometimes, especially when–
“Toranos. That’s your name, isn’t it?”
He stiffened before turning slowly to glare at the elf over his shoulder.
The priest-who-was-not-a-priest fidgeted nervously. “Are you, uh, still hungry?”
Toranos remained silent.
“It’s just that, uh, the way back to the path seems to be quite populated with wolves. I don’t really fight, so would you mind escorting me there?” He peered hopefully at the death knight.
Toranos exhaled slowly. The elf watched him apprehensively as he climbed to his hooves, unsheathing his warhammer once more. The death knight nodded briefly before setting off in the direction of the path.
The erstwhile priest hurried to keep up. “Thanks! I’m Anas, by the way. I’m a tailor now in Stormwind, though I also design clothes.” He grinned disarmingly. “You’ve been to Argus, haven’t you? Were you there in Antorus? Is it true they had to face down a titan?”
Toranos frowned, his tail twitching in irritation. Light, did this Anas ever stop talking?
“I heard the Destroyer’s sword really is out there somewhere in Kalimdor.” The elf shrugged, idly swatting an insect away with his book. “Seems like bad news to me. Then again, I honestly thought he was going to try and crack the world open like an egg or something. That would’ve definitely been bad news.”
Toranos opened his mouth to tell the elf to stuff it. Instead, he blinked, the words dying on his lips. With Anas this close, the death knight could perceive a slight warping of the shadows near the tailor.
Anas raised an eyebrow at this scrutiny. “Is something wrong?”
“What happened to you?” the draenei asked curiously.
The tailor’s brow creased in puzzlement. “What are you talking about? I’m perfectly fine.”
Toranos peered suspiciously at the dark halo around the elf, but did not press the subject. Instead, he glanced around at the wolves lurking in the shadows. The beasts were keeping their distance, watching him warily.
Anas’s frown dissolved abruptly into a sunny smile. “I know you keep meeting me whenever I get lost, but it doesn’t happen all the time, honest! There was this bird with such beautiful colouring and I wanted to sketch it. It flew away in here and the next thing I knew, the path was gone. You’d have done the same, wouldn’t you?”
“No,” Toranos replied shortly.
Anas seemed unperturbed as he flipped open his book, glancing through the pages. “Who knows? It might be a source for some inspiration one of these days.” He paused, his eyes lighting up. “Come to think of it, that pattern would actually look amazing on a cloak.”
The undead knight let out a long-suffering sigh, rubbing his crest. Did peacetime really mean having to deal with this sort of thing on a regular basis? If so, he preferred war.
The tailor closed his book carefully, looking thoughtful. “Do you think the Alliance and the Horde will finally stop this squabbling among ourselves?”
Toranos blinked at this new line of questioning, glancing at the elf.
Anas shrugged. “I mean, we did work together to defeat the Legion. Maybe we can actually live in harmony for a change.”
The death knight peered the strange nimbus of darkness surrounding the elf. “Perhaps,” he said neutrally. His gaze slid to the elf’s face.
Anas was observing him in return with just as much interest.
Toranos glanced away at once, his chin tendrils entwining crookedly. “What are you staring at?” he growled.
“What would peace be like for a death knight?” the tailor mused, almost to himself. “Your kind is built for war. With no enemies to kill, what would happen to you?”
Toranos glanced down at his bloodied warhammer. “We will endure,” he said quietly. “Until we are needed again.”
Anas frowned at that. He seemed on the verge of saying something more but blinked, a huge grin spreading across his face. “Oh, Elune be praised! Here’s the path.”
Toranos glanced ahead. Sure enough, their destination was at hand.
“Thanks for keeping the wolves away,” the elf said with a gracious bow. “I think I’ll be able to get back to Stormwind in one piece now.”
The death knight nodded silently.
“Mother Moon light your path, friend.” Anas smiled at him. “If you ever need robes tailor-made, look for me in Stormwind. I’ll give you a discount!” With a little wave, he stepped onto the road, heading in the direction of the city.
Toranos watched the elf’s retreating back, his grip tightening unconsciously on his warhammer.
Until we are needed again.
He glanced up once more at the bright red star. It shone like a blood-coloured gem caught in the vast blue expanse.
Resheathing his warhammer, he sighed heavily.
Peace was a grand thing, but it never lasted. And where there was war, there he would be.
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Squared Circle Otaku: How Anime Inspired Wrestlers
  Two rivals stand across from each other, ready to throw down. This is the culmination of weeks of blood, sweat, and tears of high emotion and raw power. Everything fans have been waiting for is about to happen in an explosive, no holds barred battle, where only the strongest survives! If you had to pick whether that passage described your favorite anime action series or professional wrestling, you might have a hard time picking between the two of them; the fact of the matter is that wrestling and anime have a lot more in common than most people think they do.
  Several weeks ago, we did a video on that very subject, focusing on the ways in which these two seemingly different types of entertainment crossover with one another frequently. But were you aware that many wrestlers are big anime fans? Whether its wearing gear inspired by their favorite series, special attacks with homage names, or simply wearing their love for anime on their sleeve, many of today’s titans of the ring have a deep love for anime. If you’re curious about some of them, we’ve got a few wrestlers to grapple with here, but trust us when we say this is just the tip of the iceberg! 
    If you’re already a fan of both wrestling and anime, you may have immediately thought of Xavier Woods, member of the longest reigning WWE Tag Team Champions, the New Day, as well as host of video game channel Up Up Down Down. Xavier is a well known fan of anime and games, and the New Day’s Dragon Ball Z themed Wrestlemania entrance is legendary! But aside from that nod in the ring, Xavier has talked about his deep love for anime and gaming for a long time, and he regularly attends conventions such as Dragoncon in full cosplay, pulling off an impressive Sailor Mercury cosplay last year!
  On his YouTube channel Xavier routinely plays anime themed and inspired games and occasionally talks about anime with his guests, such as one episode devoted to the Sailor Moon fighting game featuring fellow WWE wrestler and huge Sailor Moon fan Sasha Banks! Sasha has routinely mentioned her love of Sailor Moon in interviews, even stating that she identified the most with Serena/Usagi when she was watching the show while growing up. Longtime readers here at Crunchyroll may even remember that Sasha and Xavier appeared on an episodes of our very own Lighting Round back in 2016, answering our burning anime questions for them, which you can check out here and here if you’re curious.
    Xavier and Sasha are far from the only WWE talent that wear their love for anime on their sleeve, though. NXT Superstar Brennan Williams is another longtime anime fan, whose original signature move in the ring was the “Nico Nico Knee,” an homage to everyone’s favorite Love Live idol and gremlin Nico Yazawa. Williams is perhaps even more obvious about his love of anime than most, and with a Twitter handle like “GREATBLACKOTAKU,” it’s hard to argue with that! Brennan’s Twitch channel has a Pop Team Epic inspired logo, and he regularly posts about anime and games that he’s playing and watching when not training or entertaining in the ring. His streaming partner and fellow NXT Superstar Shane Thorne shares similar enthusiasm for anime, even having a Brand of Sacrifice tattoo on his abdomen and professing his love for Berserk on Twitter.
    Dragon Ball Z, Pokemon, and Berserk seem to be big hits amongst wrestlers, as shown by WWE wrestler and former NXT North American champion Ricochet, who back when he wrestled mostly in Japan dressed up as Frieza for Halloween, accompanying fellow wrestler (and now NXT Superstar) ACH, who had dressed up as Ash Ketchum. ACH is perhaps another go to for wrestling and anime fans in the know, as he’s been combining his two loves into his performances for a long time. ACH’s signature ring entrance pose is inspired by One Piece’s Franky, would be introduced as hailing from the Planet Vegeta, and he even wears a Naruto ninja headband with his gear as well! In my own experience, I even got to see ACH after a show cradling a brand new Naruto figure he picked up while in town for a show, keeping his work life and hobby life alive at the same time!
Loving anime on your free time is one thing, but incorporating that love into your moves in the ring is quite another. Although some like Brennan Williams have found some success with it, there’s probably no greater nod to a love of anime than Samoa Joe, whose signature move the Muscle Buster is a very obvious homage to the famous Kinniku Buster from Kinnikuman! Although he hasn’t used the move in quite a while, checking out replays of his matches in NXT will give you a chance to compare the two; we have to say, Joe’s version is quite authentic and just as devastating as Kinnikuman’s signature finisher. Joe also posted back in 2017 that his youngest child had become interested in boxing anime Hajime no Ippo, and there’s nothing quite as heart warming as seeing one of the most destructive wrestlers in the world share his love of anime with his kids like a good dad.
But which wrestlers are the MOST anime? That is a bit of a hard question to answer (and, for the sake of simplicity, we’re not including wrestlers who are literally based on anime like Jushin Thunder Liger and Tiger Mask), but for this particular article we’ll leave you with two very special people: WWE’s Asuka and NJPW’s Minoru Suzuki.
  Asuka, who wrestled in Japan under the name Kana, has a long history of enjoying anime and manga, as well as video games. Aside from her wrestling career, Asuka owns a hair salon named Another Heaven, and worked as a graphic designer and video game journalist. Her background in these, coupled with her love of anime, leads to some pretty amazing moments, such as her Twitter re-creation of the infamous stand off between Dio and Jotaro, with herself and WWE’s Charlotte Flair taking the roles! Asuka has always had a flair for the dramatic, flashy, and colorful, and her non-wrestling related tweets tend to involve games (she’s a huge fan of Okami and retro games!), and just recently posted that she’s anxious to read the newest issue of Manga Action that’s due out in May. Asuka’s twitter is routinely filled with various games, anime, manga, and art that she enjoys, making her one of the most vocal wrestler anime fans by far!
    Finally, that brings us to Minoru Suzuki. Infamous for his extremely threatening aura and physical style in the ring, Suzuki is also a diehard manga fan, especially One Piece! There may not be a wrestler that is a more avid and open fan of anime than Suzuki, who has been such a vocal fan of One Piece that he’s even appeared in it, voicing the character Minoru Kazeno (A combination of Suzuki’s own name and reference to his classic theme song, “Kaze ni Nare”). If you want to see Suzuki in anime form, you can check it out right here on Crunchyroll! But it doesn’t quite stop there with Suzuki; he’s such a huge fan of One Piece that he shaved the Devil Fruit design into his hair, and has appeared on a few shows to discuss his love of the series. In an episode of the variety show SMAPxSMAP, Suzuki showed up as part of a trivia challenge, walking away the victor after a series of grueling superfan questions!
    And that’s still not all; Suzuki has even had his own official One Piece themed spin-off in Saikyo Jump’s One Piece Party, known as One Piece Corner, where he discussed things going on in and coming up in One Piece at the time. Suzuki also hosted a podcast called “Manga King Minoru Suzuki,” where he talked about manga he was reading and his opinions on them. And his classic theme song, “Kaze ni Nare,” is famously sung by Ayumi Nakamura, who has performed theme songs for shows like Magic Knight Rayearth. When it comes down to it, it’s pretty hard to beat Minoru Suzuki when it comes to that marriage of anime and wrestling, but take it from us, I think I’d let him win any manga debates he wanted to have…
  As anime and manga become more popular, its only to be expected that more and more people come to love and appreciate them, but it is certainly interesting to see the mixture of wrestling and anime take form in the way wrestlers bring their love of the hobby into the ring with them. And we’re sure that there are many more anime loving wrestlers out there, as this list is by no means exhaustive, but simply a way for you to see that anime really is for everyone! Now, we suggest you follow Suzuki’s advice, “be like the wind,” and settle down for some anime and wrestling binge watching! Nothing says anime marathon break like a few hours of amazing wrestling, right?
Did you find out anything about some of your favorite wrestlers? Maybe considering giving wrestling a chance if you haven’t before? Know of any wrestlers we didn’t mention? Let us know in the comments!
Nicole is a features writer and editor for Crunchyroll. Known for punching dudes in Yakuza games on her Twitch channel while professing her love for Majima. She also has a blog, Figuratively Speaking. Follow her on Twitter: @ellyberries
  Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Squared Circle Otaku: How Anime Inspired Wrestlers
  Two rivals stand across from each other, ready to throw down. This is the culmination of weeks of blood, sweat, and tears of high emotion and raw power. Everything fans have been waiting for is about to happen in an explosive, no holds barred battle, where only the strongest survives! If you had to pick whether that passage described your favorite anime action series or professional wrestling, you might have a hard time picking between the two of them; the fact of the matter is that wrestling and anime have a lot more in common than most people think they do.
  Several weeks ago, we did a video on that very subject, focusing on the ways in which these two seemingly different types of entertainment crossover with one another frequently. But were you aware that many wrestlers are big anime fans? Whether its wearing gear inspired by their favorite series, special attacks with homage names, or simply wearing their love for anime on their sleeve, many of today’s titans of the ring have a deep love for anime. If you’re curious about some of them, we’ve got a few wrestlers to grapple with here, but trust us when we say this is just the tip of the iceberg! 
    If you’re already a fan of both wrestling and anime, you may have immediately thought of Xavier Woods, member of the longest reigning WWE Tag Team Champions, the New Day, as well as host of video game channel Up Up Down Down. Xavier is a well known fan of anime and games, and the New Day’s Dragon Ball Z themed Wrestlemania entrance is legendary! But aside from that nod in the ring, Xavier has talked about his deep love for anime and gaming for a long time, and he regularly attends conventions such as Dragoncon in full cosplay, pulling off an impressive Sailor Mercury cosplay last year!
  On his YouTube channel Xavier routinely plays anime themed and inspired games and occasionally talks about anime with his guests, such as one episode devoted to the Sailor Moon fighting game featuring fellow WWE wrestler and huge Sailor Moon fan Sasha Banks! Sasha has routinely mentioned her love of Sailor Moon in interviews, even stating that she identified the most with Serena/Usagi when she was watching the show while growing up. Longtime readers here at Crunchyroll may even remember that Sasha and Xavier appeared on an episodes of our very own Lighting Round back in 2016, answering our burning anime questions for them, which you can check out here and here if you’re curious.
    Xavier and Sasha are far from the only WWE talent that wear their love for anime on their sleeve, though. NXT Superstar Brennan Williams is another longtime anime fan, whose original signature move in the ring was the “Nico Nico Knee,” an homage to everyone’s favorite Love Live idol and gremlin Nico Yazawa. Williams is perhaps even more obvious about his love of anime than most, and with a Twitter handle like “GREATBLACKOTAKU,” it’s hard to argue with that! Brennan’s Twitch channel has a Pop Team Epic inspired logo, and he regularly posts about anime and games that he’s playing and watching when not training or entertaining in the ring. His streaming partner and fellow NXT Superstar Shane Thorne shares similar enthusiasm for anime, even having a Brand of Sacrifice tattoo on his abdomen and professing his love for Berserk on Twitter.
    Dragon Ball Z, Pokemon, and Berserk seem to be big hits amongst wrestlers, as shown by WWE wrestler and former NXT North American champion Ricochet, who back when he wrestled mostly in Japan dressed up as Frieza for Halloween, accompanying fellow wrestler (and now NXT Superstar) ACH, who had dressed up as Ash Ketchum. ACH is perhaps another go to for wrestling and anime fans in the know, as he’s been combining his two loves into his performances for a long time. ACH’s signature ring entrance pose is inspired by One Piece’s Franky, would be introduced as hailing from the Planet Vegeta, and he even wears a Naruto ninja headband with his gear as well! In my own experience, I even got to see ACH after a show cradling a brand new Naruto figure he picked up while in town for a show, keeping his work life and hobby life alive at the same time!
Loving anime on your free time is one thing, but incorporating that love into your moves in the ring is quite another. Although some like Brennan Williams have found some success with it, there’s probably no greater nod to a love of anime than Samoa Joe, whose signature move the Muscle Buster is a very obvious homage to the famous Kinniku Buster from Kinnikuman! Although he hasn’t used the move in quite a while, checking out replays of his matches in NXT will give you a chance to compare the two; we have to say, Joe’s version is quite authentic and just as devastating as Kinnikuman’s signature finisher. Joe also posted back in 2017 that his youngest child had become interested in boxing anime Hajime no Ippo, and there’s nothing quite as heart warming as seeing one of the most destructive wrestlers in the world share his love of anime with his kids like a good dad.
But which wrestlers are the MOST anime? That is a bit of a hard question to answer (and, for the sake of simplicity, we’re not including wrestlers who are literally based on anime like Jushin Thunder Liger and Tiger Mask), but for this particular article we’ll leave you with two very special people: WWE’s Asuka and NJPW’s Minoru Suzuki.
  Asuka, who wrestled in Japan under the name Kana, has a long history of enjoying anime and manga, as well as video games. Aside from her wrestling career, Asuka owns a hair salon named Another Heaven, and worked as a graphic designer and video game journalist. Her background in these, coupled with her love of anime, leads to some pretty amazing moments, such as her Twitter re-creation of the infamous stand off between Dio and Jotaro, with herself and WWE’s Charlotte Flair taking the roles! Asuka has always had a flair for the dramatic, flashy, and colorful, and her non-wrestling related tweets tend to involve games (she’s a huge fan of Okami and retro games!), and just recently posted that she’s anxious to read the newest issue of Manga Action that’s due out in May. Asuka’s twitter is routinely filled with various games, anime, manga, and art that she enjoys, making her one of the most vocal wrestler anime fans by far!
    Finally, that brings us to Minoru Suzuki. Infamous for his extremely threatening aura and physical style in the ring, Suzuki is also a diehard manga fan, especially One Piece! There may not be a wrestler that is a more avid and open fan of anime than Suzuki, who has been such a vocal fan of One Piece that he’s even appeared in it, voicing the character Minoru Kazeno (A combination of Suzuki’s own name and reference to his classic theme song, “Kaze ni Nare”). If you want to see Suzuki in anime form, you can check it out right here on Crunchyroll! But it doesn’t quite stop there with Suzuki; he’s such a huge fan of One Piece that he shaved the Devil Fruit design into his hair, and has appeared on a few shows to discuss his love of the series. In an episode of the variety show SMAPxSMAP, Suzuki showed up as part of a trivia challenge, walking away the victor after a series of grueling superfan questions!
    And that’s still not all; Suzuki has even had his own official One Piece themed spin-off in Saikyo Jump’s One Piece Party, known as One Piece Corner, where he discussed things going on in and coming up in One Piece at the time. Suzuki also hosted a podcast called “Manga King Minoru Suzuki,” where he talked about manga he was reading and his opinions on them. And his classic theme song, “Kaze ni Nare,” is famously sung by Ayumi Nakamura, who has performed theme songs for shows like Magic Knight Rayearth. When it comes down to it, it’s pretty hard to beat Minoru Suzuki when it comes to that marriage of anime and wrestling, but take it from us, I think I’d let him win any manga debates he wanted to have…
  As anime and manga become more popular, its only to be expected that more and more people come to love and appreciate them, but it is certainly interesting to see the mixture of wrestling and anime take form in the way wrestlers bring their love of the hobby into the ring with them. And we’re sure that there are many more anime loving wrestlers out there, as this list is by no means exhaustive, but simply a way for you to see that anime really is for everyone! Now, we suggest you follow Suzuki’s advice, “be like the wind,” and settle down for some anime and wrestling binge watching! Nothing says anime marathon break like a few hours of amazing wrestling, right?
Did you find out anything about some of your favorite wrestlers? Maybe considering giving wrestling a chance if you haven’t before? Know of any wrestlers we didn’t mention? Let us know in the comments!
Nicole is a features writer and editor for Crunchyroll. Known for punching dudes in Yakuza games on her Twitch channel while professing her love for Majima. She also has a blog, Figuratively Speaking. Follow her on Twitter: @ellyberries
  Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
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