#alois senefelder
uwmspeccoll · 6 months
Milestone Monday
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On this day, November 6, 1771, Alois Senefelder (1771-1834) inventor of lithography was born. The son of an actor and tasked with supporting his mother and siblings after his father’s death, Senefelder began his own acting career at age twenty and extended his occupational talents into playwriting. Unable to afford to publish a new play he’d written, Senefelder experimented with what he called “stone printing” in the 1790s, etching acid resistant ink onto limestone and subsequently inventing the first planographic process in printing. Senefelder perfected the chemical process and designed a special printing press with the help of the André family and within five years lithography was being used as a cheap form of creating reproductions by publishers and in mapmaking by land surveying offices throughout Europe.  
By the early 1800’s Senefelder and his contemporaries were thinking of ways to introduce color to lithography. Senefelder outlined his ideas on chromolithography in his 1818 book A Complete Course of Lithography, but it was Godefroy Engelmann of France who was awarded the patent for it in 1837.  
In celebration of Senefelder’s birthday and all that he contributed to the printing world; we’re looking at the American Encyclopedia of Printing published in 1871 by Menamin & Ringwalt of Philadelphia. Included within the section on lithography is a storied portrait of Senefelder surrounded by his tools and accomplishments. The lithographic portrait was printed by Duval & Hunter, lithographers and chromo publishers out of Philadelphia.
It wasn’t long before artists saw the appeal of lithographs and began taking advantage of the new printing technique. Lithography was far more approachable than other printing methods of the time like engraving, because artists could draw directly on the stone with familiar tools, such as pens and crayons. They did not need to master a new medium or skill to create highly accurate prints with deep textural qualities.
Among the artists of the 1800’s diving into lithography, Honoré-Victorin Daumier (1808-1879) excelled in the medium. Daumier was a prolific French artist who created more than 4,000 lithographs in addition to his many sculptures, paintings, drawings, and wood engravings. His specialty was satirical social caricatures of Parisian life where he effortlessly blended artistry, social commentary, and humor as showcased in the following lithographs held within our collection. The prints were published in 1840 by La maison Aubert of Paris. 
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– Jenna, Special Collections Graduate Intern 
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e-r-r-o-r-5-0-3 · 1 year
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Litografía de Senefelder (1819)
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kuipiedekat · 1 year
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chalk-board-galore · 2 months
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Aaaaaaaa, Cynthia Spiering..... Spierimg
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litholab · 2 years
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Yesterday Merel & 👁️ finished the stone holding the final layer of our collaboration print!
It rolled up like a charm, curious to see how it prints.
Hell yeah! 👀
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sigalrm · 2 years
Vanity by Pascal Volk
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muspeccoll · 10 months
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Lithography: An illustration process invented in 1798 by Alois Senefelder that is neither intaglio nor relief. Lithography involves writing on a flat surface with a grease-crayon and then applying an acid solution to slightly etch the non-drawn surfaces. The entire surface is then covered in water, which does not lie on the greasy marks (as water and grease repel one another). A greasy printing ink is then applied, which only settles on the greasy drawing, and can then be printed. Lithography can be done using special limestones or using metal plates. It allows color printing in a way that previous illustration techniques did not and is still practiced by artists today.
Image: Coffin, Haskell, 1878-1941. Joan of Arc saved France: women of America save your country. New York: United States Printing & Lithographic Co., 1918?. D522.25 .C64 1918. Digitally available at the MU Digital Library.
(via Jobbing — Lithography · Rare Books: A Glossary · Special Collections and Archives)
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fromthedust · 3 months
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reconstruction of Archaeopteryx
Archaeopteryx fossil - Berlin specimen
Paleontologists have long thought that Archaeopteryx ('ancient feather' or 'ancient wing') fossils placed the dinosaur at the base of the bird evolutionary tree. Recent evidence suggests the beast may be best described as a birdlike dinosaur rather than an early bird, though it probably could fly after a fashion. Archaeopteryx is about 150 million years of age, while the ancestor of all living birds lived sometime in the Late Cretaceous — 50 to 65 million years ago.
In 1861, the first Archaeopteryx skeleton, which was missing most of its head and neck, was unearthed near Langenaltheim, Germany. However, the most complete skeleton, the Berlin Specimen, was discovered in 1874 or 1875 near Eichstatt, Germany by farmer Jakob Niemeyer, who sold it in 1876 to innkeeper Johann Dörr. Through various transactions, the fossil, which is the first found to have an intact head, eventually wound up being in the Humboldt Museum fur Naturkunde, where it still resides. To date there have been 11 other Archaeopteryx fossils found, the latest discovered in 2010 (described in 2014). All of the fossils come from the limestone deposits near Solnhofen. Recent tests performed on the specimens indicate that the primary coloring of the feathers of Archaeopteryx were black, possibly with lighter colored tips.
Jurassic deposits of Solnhofen limestone in southern Germany are marked by rare but exceptionally well preserved fossils of many species. It was first quarried nearly 2,000 years ago by the Romans who used the stone for paving roads and building walls. In later Roman times the mosaic floor of the church of Hagia Sofia in Istanbul was made of this limestone. In the Middle Ages, the stone was also used as floor and roofing material, and artisans used the material in the making of bas-relief sculptures and headstones. A decisive turning point in the history of the stone was the determination in 1673 by Alois Senefelder that the dense, fine-grained material was ideally-suited for use in the newly discovered printing process of lithography, a use that caused quarrying to increase dramatically.
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mybeingthere · 1 year
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Henryk Płóciennik  -   Fishing IV, (zincography, 1967).
Zincography was a planographic printing process that used zinc plates. Alois Senefelder first mentioned zinc's lithographic use as a substitute for Bavarian limestone in his 1801 English patent specifications. In 1834, Federico Lacelli patented a zincographic printing process, producing large maps called géoramas.
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metmuseum · 8 months
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Alois Senefelder, printer's sample for the World's Inventors souvenir album (A25) for Allen & Ginter Cigarettes. 1888. Credit line: The Jefferson R. Burdick Collection, Gift of Jefferson R. Burdick https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/420692
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uwmspeccoll · 1 year
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Labarte’s Histoire des Arts Industriels, part deux!
Last month we posted images from the first album of plates of Histoire des arts industriels au Moyen Âge et à l'époque de la Renaissance, published in four volumes between 1864-1866 by A. Morel et Cie. of Paris. In that post, we discussed the creator, Jules Labarte, and a bit of the publishing history. This post will focus on Imprimerie Lithographique de Lemercier, the firm responsible for image reproduction in Labarte’s Histoire. 
Founded by Rose-Joseph Lemercier in 1837, Lemercier was the largest lithography firm in Paris between 1850 and 1870 and was instrumental in industrializing the lithography business in France and integrating new photolithographic processes into his repertoire. The son and grandson of basketmakers, Lemercier was apprenticed out to follow in the family business, but he quickly became enchanted with printing, studying first under Joséphine-Clémence Formentin before apprenticing for Édouard Knecht, nephew and successor of Aloys Senefelder, the inventor of lithography. 
Lemercier attempted his own innovations, including an effort to develop his own photolithographic process in the early 1850s. Ultimately, he purchased the patent for the process developed by Alphonse Poitevin. The image below is an example of that process:
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View more posts with chromolithographs.
View more Decorative Sunday posts.
-Olivia, Special Collections Graduate Intern
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edukacja0256 · 2 years
Wątek: Teodycea. Bóg I Zło - Racjonalista
Dlatego poglądy wyrażane w materiałach są poglądami ich autorów, których Administrator nie musi podzielać. 10. Materiały kopiowane w portalu WM z różnych źródeł, publikowane są za zgodą autorów, wydawców lub redakcji źródłowych. 11. Materiały filmowe publikowane są na podstawie linkowania lub wykorzystania skryptów udostępnionych przez oficjalne strony źródłowe. Klient jest obowiązek zrzekać się autorskich praw majątkowych więcej na rzecz innych podmiotów pod warunkiem, iż nie naruszy to praw nabytych przez Przełożonego i dalszych podmiotów, którym Administrator je sprzeda udzielając odpowiedniej licencji. 8. Każdy, kto publikuje atmosfery w portalu WM, dobrowolnie i nieodpłatnie zrzeka się na rzecz Administratora autorskich praw majątkowych do przesyłanego utworu. 19. W sukcesie sporu z autorem prac lub właścicielem praw autorskich do lektur, praca jest zabierana do chwili rozwiązania sporu lub usuwana. 15. Teksty w sumie lub częściowo w językach innych nie są akceptowane do prac. Ma obowiązek komentować opublikowane treści, zamieszczać opowiadania, materiały oraz dane w harmonii z regułami wyrażonymi w Regulaminie.
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Jest moc zmieniać opublikowane materiały. 22. Administrator jest prawo usuwać lub blokować konta użytkowników świadomie łamiących regulamin (uważa się to za wypowiedzenie regulaminu i konta użytkownika); konta nieaktywnych użytkowników; konta użytkowników, którzy posiadają przypisany do konta nieistniejący adres e-mail (np. założyli konto na 10-minutowe konto e-mailowe). Za złamanie punktu 5c, 5k lub 7 regulaminu grozi czasowa blokada konta lub trwałe usunięcie konta wraz z przykładami i książkami. O jakości osoba nadsyłająca powiadamiana jest pocztą elektroniczną wraz z prawem. W współczesnym obiektu musi kliknąć w link “Usuń konto - wraz z Twoimi wpisami i komentarzami” znany w zakładce “Profil” po zalogowaniu do panelu użytkownika. 12. Wszystkie szczegóły i wytyczne dotyczące funkcjonowania portalu „Wolne Media” i prosta oraz cele Administratora, Korektorów, Moderatorów oraz Użytkowników spotykają się w pełnym, obowiązującym Przepisie, do jakiego link znajdziesz poniżej. Pod nieobecność Moderatora, obejmuje jego obowiązki. Konta klientów potrafią stanowić postrzegane ale na ostre i odporne adresy e-mailowe. Zabronione jest budowanie kont na adresy tymczasowe, np. istniejące 10 minut. Gdyby będzie wtedy niezwykłe, należy za pomocą formularza kontaktowego wysłać prośbę o usunięcie konta do Administratora kierując swój login i adres e-mailowy przypisany do konta. Przecież taki podejście komunikowania się też mogę pozwolić, bo w kraju w zarządzaniu sklepu chodzi przede każdym o pieniądze i za wszystkim razem trzeba przedstawić własny zakład w jak najprawdziwszym świetle.
Relacja Mężczyznę oraz jego niesfornego kundla, który dostępuje łaski tylko na chwilę, zanim zdąży wyjść poza kościół po chwilowym podniesieniu (komunia), gdzie złe go znów zdominuje, za co za tydzień znów będzie rzucony jak szmata na podłogę. Jak jednak szliśmy znaną nam drogą leśną do środowisk w jakich zawsze zbieramy grzyby. Nie omijaj umyślnie filtra wulgaryzmów, obelg i spamu - grozi za to kara zbanowania. Pod groźbą natychmiastowego zbanowania broni się zakładania kont i tworzenia komentarzy podpisywanych imionami i nazwiskami drugich kobiet, jakie potrafią wprowadzać czytelników w błąd, albo naruszać dobre imię rzeczywistych osób. Alois Senefelder dużo tworzył oraz znacznie osób było zajętych jego pozycjami. Już wielu uczniów przekonało się o tym, że matematyka dobrze nie wymaga stanowić taka ważna. Przez śmierć Jezusa na krzyżu Bóg złamał moc grzechu i niska, a trzeciego dnia przez zmartwychwstanie Jezusa zademonstrował triumf życia nad śmiercią, dobra nad złem, a także dał obietnicę życia wiecznego tym, którzy w Jezusa wierzą. Religia, w szczególności katolicyzm jako jedna z odpowiedzi na chrześcijańskie Objawienie, jest źródłem informacji o tym, co prawdziwe i słabe, a o naturze człowieka. Konta niepotwierdzone e-mailem i z zerową ilością komentarzy lub tekstów są usuwane automatycznie po 3 dniach od rejestracji.
Napisz e-mail natomiast nie komentarz (Administrator nie czyta wszystkich komentarzy). Podobna procedura dotyczy usuwania wpisów i komentarzy bez usuwania konta. Zgoda nie dotyczy treści skopiowanych ze perspektyw zewnętrznych, które zapewniły “Wolnym Mediom” indywidualnej zgody. Na portalu obowiązuje wolność słowa w charakterze rozpowszechniania myśli, idei i poglądów (nawet jeżeli administrator się spośród nimi nie zgadza), jednakże nie ma wiedzy na szerzenie wulgarności i plucie jadem nienawiści (nawet w wysokiej sprawie). Nie dokładnie ci założyć nowego, gdy dostaniesz bana. I dodał: «Jezu, wspomnij na mnie, gdy dojedziesz do bliskiego królestwa». Reprezentuje czasy, gdy Egipt był państwo i kontrolował nad wielką ilością Swego Wschodu. W wypadku podejrzenia, że usunięcia chce dokonać osoba, do jakiej nie należy konto właściwego użytkownika, administrator korzysta z klientem kontakt pocztą internetową w punktu rozwiania wątpliwości. 1. Każdy klient, który nie został wcześniej na portalu WM zbanowany, ma moc założyć jedno konto użytkownika. W pewnych przypadkach posiada prawo zmieniać lub trwale usuwać komentarze użytkowników. 23. W sukcesie użytkowników nagminnie łamiących regulamin, wypracowanie obowiązek otaczać ich uprawnienia, blokować lub usuwać związane spośród nimi konta, przeszkadzać im kontakt do WM oraz usuwać trwale ich opisy i publikacje.
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kjelltoft · 2 months
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Sitt porslinsöga hade farfar Ebbe fått efter en olycka på sin motorcykel av märket Birmingham Small Arms Company. Det har berättats hur det där ögat en gång poppat ut mitt under en julklappsutdelning och att det till barnens förfäran ramlat rakt ner i tomtesäcken. 
Bland farfar Ebbes kvarlåtenskap fanns ett plåtskrin med kryptiska prylar och verktyg. På en kanariegul ask med elegant etikett kunde man läsa ”Litoghraphic Crayon No. 1 W. Korn 120 Centre Street New York”. Engelskan begrep jag mig inte på, men innehållet var desto enklare, för kritor vet ju varenda kotte vad de är till för: att teckna skörk med kåbåjshatt å revålver. Men kritorna var special-klibbiga, halkade runt på pappret som en berusad isdansös och lämnade sliriga spår efter sig svartare än natten. Det här är ju nästan som att rita med lakritsstänger tänkte jag... och gav upp... 
Med den industriella revolutionen exploderade tillgången på konsumtionsvaror. Dagligvara, vardagsvara, förbrukningsartikel och kapitalvara - allt var välkommet och man ville gärna se sina prylar i världsvan paketering och färgglad reklam. Alois Senefelders uppfinning - den litografiska tryckmetoden - passade som hand i handske i du nya sköna värld. Nu kunde man massproducera både text och bild för en spottstyver. 
Ivar Krüger förstod genast refrängen och med säkerhetständstickor i exotiska paket erövrade han halva universum och kunde bygga sitt Xanadu. 
Ebbe å sin sida parkerade motorcykeln utanför Göteborgs Slöjdförening. Med avklarad examen surfade han med i en våg av svenska litografer som kom att etablera sig under svensk mellankrigstid. 
Bland farfar Ebbes alster är cigarettmärket Blue Master något av en favorit. På paketet syns en vit häst i månljus och midnattsblå himmel. Cigaretterna tillverkades av norska Tiedemanns Tobaksfabrik. De säljs än idag men istället för visuell poesi paketerar man numera rökverken med svartvita varningstexter.  
Från botten av nittiotalets finanskris fiskade mamma upp en liten annons i Göteborgs-Posten.
-Ska du inte söka Dômen Konstskola, Björn?
Jag sökte och kom in. På avdelningen för grafik. 
-Vad är grafik, mamma?
Dômen hade svaret men ingen litografi. Det är först nu på Litografiska museet som jag får slipa kalksten och droppa salpetersyra i gummi arabicum. Och för den som inte redan räknat ut det: de där klibbiga kritorna var inte avsedda för barnteckning på papper. Det korrekta underlaget är miljonårig kalksten från stenbrott i södra Bayern. Ordet Litografi är för övrigt en sammansättning av grekiskans lithos - sten och graphein - skriva.
Det tar en stund för salpetersyran att etsa sig ner i stenen och då blir det paus i arbetet. Jag passade på att titta runt bland museets föremål och började bläddra i en tjock gammal lunta. Vem hittar jag där i ett hav av svartvita gruppfoton om inte farfar Ebbe i grå kostym. På den tiden klädde sig tydligen hela Sveriges litograf-kår som Humphrey Bogart. Tänk att farfar Ebbe funnits där hela den här tiden bara för att bli återupptäckt på ett museum av sitt barnbarn hundra år senare.
Med samtiden djupt nedsänkt i en fondue av populärkultur och konsumtion är det kanske inte så konstigt att varumärken blir ett återkommande tema i ens konstnärsskap. Men i kulisserna anar jag även impulser från farfar Ebbe. Att få snurra hjul och valsar i de mäktiga litografi-pressarna känns lite som att låta cirklar mötas över tid och rum. Det är inte bara massproducerade produkter som litografin lyfte fram på ett nytt sätt. Det gick även att skapa en helt ny slags konst. Tänk Ebbe, på sätt och vis är du ju en föregångare till Andy Warhol.
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aykutilter · 3 months
Test 6 Modern Tipografi Aykut ilter  Tipografi I 6. MODERN TİPOGRAFİ YazdırTüm Cevapları GizleMateryal Listesine Dön ________________________________________ Soru 1: 1827’de Joseph Nicéphore Niépce tarafından ilk kalıcı fotoğraf çekilmiştir. Fotoğrafın bulunuşunun yol açmıştır en önemli gelişme hangisidir? (Çoktan Seçmeli) Dünya olaylarının kaydı açısından devrimsel bir yeniliktir. Çekilen her bir fotoğraf yaşama ve gerçeğe dair tanıklık ve kanıt oluşturmaktadır. Sanat hareketlerinin kendilerini sorgulamalarının önünü açmış, plastik sanatların zamanın belleği olma görevini devralmıştır. Yüzyılın sonuna doğru sinema sanatı gibi önemli gelişmeleri doğurmuştur. ✔ Hepsi Cevap : Hepsi ________________________________________ Soru 2: İngiltere kraliçesi 1837’de taç giymiş olmasına karşın, son yıllarına değin 19. Yüzyıl genel olarak ________ Çağı diye adlandırılır. (Çoktan Seçmeli) Rönesans Barok XIV. Lui ✔ Viktorya Elizabet Cevap : Viktorya ________________________________________ Soru 3: 19. Yüzyıl başında yaygın olarak kullanıma giren yeni sürüm yazı karakteri türü hangisidir? (Çoktan Seçmeli) Face to Face Light Face ✔ Fat Face Baby Face Scarface Cevap : Fat Face ________________________________________ Soru 4: Büyük ölçü ilan, duyuru, afiş, tanıtım kartı ve katalogların başlıklarında kullanılmak üzere 1827’de Darius Wells tarafından tanıtılan el-kesimi hurufat türü hangisidir? (Çoktan Seçmeli) Metal Harfler ✔ Ağaç Harfler Bakır Harfler Gravür Harfler Kağıt Harfler Cevap : Ağaç Harfler ________________________________________ Soru 5: 1840’larda bir sürekli tabakanın ağaçtan kağıt yapımında hayata geçirilen sürekli-rulo kağıt üreten makinasının mucidi kimdir? (Çoktan Seçmeli) ✔ Henry Fourdrinier Austin Burt Friedrich Koenig Andreas Bauer W. H. Fox Talbot Cevap : Henry Fourdrinier ________________________________________ Soru 6: Ağaç veya metal harflerin küçük harf çizimlerinden istenilen büyüklükte (ya da tam tersi) düzgün bir biçimde çizilmesini ve daha sonra kesilmesini mümkün kılan buluş hangisidir? (Çoktan Seçmeli) ✔ Pantograf Litografi Daktilo Sürekli-Rulo Kağıt Fotoğraf Cevap : Pantograf ________________________________________ Soru 7: 18. Yüzyıl sonunda Alois Senefelder tarafından 1796’da bulunan, yağ ve suyun birbirini itme ilkesinden hareketle görüntü aktarımında kullanılan baskı yöntemi hangisidir? (Çoktan Seçmeli) Harf Baskı (Letterpress) ✔ Taş baskı (Litografi) İpek Baskı (Silk Screen) Kalıp Baskı (Ksilografi) Gravür Baskı (Intaglio) Cevap : Taş baskı (Litografi) ________________________________________ Soru 8: 19. Yüzyıl’ın son on yıllarında daha hızlı dizgi yapmak amacıyla geliştirilen, operatör tarafından işletilen bir klavye aracılığıyla yapılan dizginin anında sıcak kurşun dökümünü satır satır üreten tümleşik dizgi aygıtı hangisidir? (Çoktan Seçmeli) Kalotype Monotype ✔ Linotype Intertype Daguerretype Cevap : Linotype ________________________________________ Soru 9: Tarihsel olarak 1860’lardan başlayıp 1910’lara değin etkisini sürdüren Sanatlar ve Elsanatları Hareketi’nin en önemli temsilcisi aşağıdaki sanatçılardan hangisidir? (Çoktan Seçmeli) Fernand Leger Théo van Doesburg El Lissitzky ✔ William Morris Ardengo Soffici Cevap : William Morris ________________________________________ Soru 10: Hangi akım Modernizm akımları içinde yer almaz? (Çoktan Seçmeli) Kübizm Fütürizm Konstrüktivizm Dadaizm ✔ Pre-Raphaelizm Cevap : Pre-Raphaelizm Tipografi,6. MODERN TİPOGRAFİ,Joseph Nicéphore Niépce,ilk kalıcı fotoğraf,1827’de,İngiltere kraliçesi 1837’de taç giymiş,Viktorya,19. Yüzyıl başında,Fat Face,Büyük ölçü ilan,duyuru,tanıtım kartı ve katalogların başlıklarında,Ağaç Harfler,1840’larda bir sürekli tabakanın,kağıt üreten makinasının mucidi,Henry Fourdrinier,Ağaç veya metal harflerin,Pantograf,Taş baskı (Litografi),Harf Baskı (Letterpress),İpek Baskı (Silk Screen),Kalıp Baskı (Ksilografi),Litografi
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brookston · 6 months
Holidays 11.6
All the Good Things Wrapped Up in One Day
Arbor Day (Republic of Congo, Samoa)
Basketball Day
Constitution Day (Dominican Republic, Tajikistan)
Election Hero Day
Electric Razor Day
Fala Day
Fill Our Staplers Day
Finnish Swedish Heritage Day
Flag Day (Chad, Finland)
Global Refill Day
Green March Day (Morocco, Western Sahara)
Gustavus Adolphus Day (Sweden)
International Day For Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War & Armed Conflict (UN)
International End Gossip Day
International Tracksuit Day
Legalization Day (Cannabis)
Malaria Day in the Americas
Marching Band Day
Marijuana Recreational Legalization Day (Colorado, Washington)
Marooned Without a Compass Day
Measure Up Day
National Basketball Day (a.k.a. Play Basketball Day)
National Ladies Learning Code Day (Canada)
National Michele Day
National Report Home Health Care Fraud Day
National Stacey Abrams Day
National Team Manager Day
Obama Day (Kenya)
Recreational Cannabis Legalization Day (Colorado)
Saxophone Day
Scotchtoberfest (The Simpsons)
Skirret Day (French Republic)
Stranger Things Day
Tazaungdaing (Myanmar)
United Americas Day
World Cee-C Day (Nigeria)
World Lets Stop Shouting Awareness Day
World Paper Free Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Do Tater Tots Ever Grow Up? Day
National Nachos Day (a.k.a. I Love Nachos Day)
Peanut Butter Lovers Day
1st Monday in November
Color the World Orange Day [1st Monday]
Job Action Day [1st Monday]
Recreation Day (Australia) [1st Monday]
Independence Days
Cycoldia (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Day of the First Shout For Independence (El Salvador)
Feast Days
Alois Senefelder (Artology)
Barlaam of Khutyn (Christian; Saint)
Birth of the Bab (Baha'i) [1 Muharram]
Birth of Tiamat (Ancient Egyptian mother of gods, goddess of primeval chaos)
Burroughs Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Cosimo de Medici the Elder (Positivist; Saint)
Dabucuri uiga, (Initiation Rites of the Young Men; to Jurupari, South American Guarani/Tupi God)
Demetrian (Christian; Saint)
Dodo Grieving Day (Pastafarian)
Festival of Total Submission
Herne’s Day II: Predator (Pagan)
Illtud (a.k.a. Illtyd or Iltntus; Christian; Saint)
Learn a New Swear Word Day (Pastafarian)
Leonard of Noblac (Christian; Saint) [Coopers] *
Lucy Jones (Muppetism)
Melaine of Rennes (Christian; Saint)
Winnoc (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [33 of 37]
Uncyclopedia Bad to Be Born Today (because it’s National Day to Lose Money on Horses.)
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [26 of 30]
Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [51 of 60]
All Along the Watchtower, recorded by Bob Dylan (Song; 1967)
And Then There Were None, by Agatha Christie (Mystery Novel; 1939) [29]
Behind Blue Eyes, by The Who (Song; 1971)
The Boondocks (Animated TV Series; 2005)
Chew Chew Baby or Stick to Your Gums (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 175; 1962)
A Cowboy Needs a Horse (Disney Cartoon; 1956)
Cry Freedom (Film; 1987)
Elizabeth (Film; 1998)
Foxtrot, by Genesis (Album; 1972)
Go Down Mooses or The Fall Guy (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 70; 1960)
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Film; 2005) [#4]
Head (Film; 1968)
Hiding Out (Film; 1987)
Hold What You’ve Got, by Joe Tex (Song; 1964)
Jersey Boys (Broadway Musical; 2005)
John Wesley Harding, recorded by Bob Dylan (Song; 1967)
Justify My Love, by Madonna (Album; 1990)
Less Than Zero (Film; 1987)
Little Good Beep (WB LT Cartoon; 2000)
Little Red Walking Hood (WB MM Cartoon; 1937)
Made in Heaven, by Queen (Album; 1995)
Meet the Press (TV Series; 1947)
The Missing Mountain or Peek-a-Boo Peak (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 69; 1960)
The Moon Fell in the River, by Guy Lombardo (Song; 1940)
Paper Doll, by The Mills Brothers (Song; 1943)
Passenger 57 (Film; 1992)
Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn & Jones Ltd., by The Monks (Album; 1967)
Precious (Film; 2009)
Rain of Terror or The Desperate Showers (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 176; 1962)
The Robot Spy (Animated TV Show;Jonny Quest #8; 1964)
Secrets of Life (Short Documentary Film; 1956)
Sky Trooper (Disney Cartoon; 1942)
Spectre (UK Film; 2015) [James Bond #24]
Spotlight (Film; 2015)
Time Bandits (Film; 1981)
24 (TV Series; 2001)
The Universe in a Nutshell, by Stephen Hawking (Book; 2001)
When We Were Very Young, by A.A.Milne (Children’s Book; 1924)
Wintertime Dreams, recorded by Woody Herman (Song; 1936)
Your Friend the Rat (Pixar Cartoon; 2007)
Today’s Name Days
Christina, Leonhard, Rudolf (Austria)
Leonard, Melanija, Sever, Vedran (Croatia)
Liběna (Czech Republic)
Leonhardus (Denmark)
Aadi, Aado, Aadu, Ado, Adolf (Estonia)
Mimosa (Finland)
Bertille, Léonard (France)
Christine, Leonhard, Nina (Germany)
Leonardo (Greece)
Lénárd (Hungary)
Leonardo (Italy)
Leo, Leonards, Leonhards, Leons, Linards (Latvia)
Ašmantas, Leonardas, Vygaudė (Lithuania)
Lennart, Leonard (Norway)
Feliks, Leonard, Trzebowit, Ziemowit (Poland)
Pavel (Romania)
Renáta (Slovakia)
Alejandro, Leonardo, Severo (Spain)
Adolf, Gustav (Sweden)
Mac, Mack, Mackenzie, Makenzie, Mckenzie (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 310 of 2024; 55 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 45 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ngetal (Reed) [Day 7 of 28]
Chinese: Month 9 (Ten-Xu), Day 23 (Wu-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 22 Heshvan 5784
Islamic: 22 Rabi II 1445
J Cal: 10 Mir; Threesday [10 of 30]
Julian: 24 October 2023
Moon: 38%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 2 Frederic (12th Month) [Cosimo de Medici the Elder]
Runic Half Month: Hagal (Hailstone) [Day 11 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 44 of 89)
Zodiac: Scorpio (Day 14 of 29)
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brookstonalmanac · 6 months
Holidays 11.6
All the Good Things Wrapped Up in One Day
Arbor Day (Republic of Congo, Samoa)
Basketball Day
Constitution Day (Dominican Republic, Tajikistan)
Election Hero Day
Electric Razor Day
Fala Day
Fill Our Staplers Day
Finnish Swedish Heritage Day
Flag Day (Chad, Finland)
Global Refill Day
Green March Day (Morocco, Western Sahara)
Gustavus Adolphus Day (Sweden)
International Day For Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War & Armed Conflict (UN)
International End Gossip Day
International Tracksuit Day
Legalization Day (Cannabis)
Malaria Day in the Americas
Marching Band Day
Marijuana Recreational Legalization Day (Colorado, Washington)
Marooned Without a Compass Day
Measure Up Day
National Basketball Day (a.k.a. Play Basketball Day)
National Ladies Learning Code Day (Canada)
National Michele Day
National Report Home Health Care Fraud Day
National Stacey Abrams Day
National Team Manager Day
Obama Day (Kenya)
Recreational Cannabis Legalization Day (Colorado)
Saxophone Day
Scotchtoberfest (The Simpsons)
Skirret Day (French Republic)
Stranger Things Day
Tazaungdaing (Myanmar)
United Americas Day
World Cee-C Day (Nigeria)
World Lets Stop Shouting Awareness Day
World Paper Free Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Do Tater Tots Ever Grow Up? Day
National Nachos Day (a.k.a. I Love Nachos Day)
Peanut Butter Lovers Day
1st Monday in November
Color the World Orange Day [1st Monday]
Job Action Day [1st Monday]
Recreation Day (Australia) [1st Monday]
Independence Days
Cycoldia (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Day of the First Shout For Independence (El Salvador)
Feast Days
Alois Senefelder (Artology)
Barlaam of Khutyn (Christian; Saint)
Birth of the Bab (Baha'i) [1 Muharram]
Birth of Tiamat (Ancient Egyptian mother of gods, goddess of primeval chaos)
Burroughs Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Cosimo de Medici the Elder (Positivist; Saint)
Dabucuri uiga, (Initiation Rites of the Young Men; to Jurupari, South American Guarani/Tupi God)
Demetrian (Christian; Saint)
Dodo Grieving Day (Pastafarian)
Festival of Total Submission
Herne’s Day II: Predator (Pagan)
Illtud (a.k.a. Illtyd or Iltntus; Christian; Saint)
Learn a New Swear Word Day (Pastafarian)
Leonard of Noblac (Christian; Saint) [Coopers] *
Lucy Jones (Muppetism)
Melaine of Rennes (Christian; Saint)
Winnoc (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [33 of 37]
Uncyclopedia Bad to Be Born Today (because it’s National Day to Lose Money on Horses.)
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [26 of 30]
Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [51 of 60]
All Along the Watchtower, recorded by Bob Dylan (Song; 1967)
And Then There Were None, by Agatha Christie (Mystery Novel; 1939) [29]
Behind Blue Eyes, by The Who (Song; 1971)
The Boondocks (Animated TV Series; 2005)
Chew Chew Baby or Stick to Your Gums (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 175; 1962)
A Cowboy Needs a Horse (Disney Cartoon; 1956)
Cry Freedom (Film; 1987)
Elizabeth (Film; 1998)
Foxtrot, by Genesis (Album; 1972)
Go Down Mooses or The Fall Guy (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 70; 1960)
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Film; 2005) [#4]
Head (Film; 1968)
Hiding Out (Film; 1987)
Hold What You’ve Got, by Joe Tex (Song; 1964)
Jersey Boys (Broadway Musical; 2005)
John Wesley Harding, recorded by Bob Dylan (Song; 1967)
Justify My Love, by Madonna (Album; 1990)
Less Than Zero (Film; 1987)
Little Good Beep (WB LT Cartoon; 2000)
Little Red Walking Hood (WB MM Cartoon; 1937)
Made in Heaven, by Queen (Album; 1995)
Meet the Press (TV Series; 1947)
The Missing Mountain or Peek-a-Boo Peak (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 69; 1960)
The Moon Fell in the River, by Guy Lombardo (Song; 1940)
Paper Doll, by The Mills Brothers (Song; 1943)
Passenger 57 (Film; 1992)
Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn & Jones Ltd., by The Monks (Album; 1967)
Precious (Film; 2009)
Rain of Terror or The Desperate Showers (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 176; 1962)
The Robot Spy (Animated TV Show;Jonny Quest #8; 1964)
Secrets of Life (Short Documentary Film; 1956)
Sky Trooper (Disney Cartoon; 1942)
Spectre (UK Film; 2015) [James Bond #24]
Spotlight (Film; 2015)
Time Bandits (Film; 1981)
24 (TV Series; 2001)
The Universe in a Nutshell, by Stephen Hawking (Book; 2001)
When We Were Very Young, by A.A.Milne (Children’s Book; 1924)
Wintertime Dreams, recorded by Woody Herman (Song; 1936)
Your Friend the Rat (Pixar Cartoon; 2007)
Today’s Name Days
Christina, Leonhard, Rudolf (Austria)
Leonard, Melanija, Sever, Vedran (Croatia)
Liběna (Czech Republic)
Leonhardus (Denmark)
Aadi, Aado, Aadu, Ado, Adolf (Estonia)
Mimosa (Finland)
Bertille, Léonard (France)
Christine, Leonhard, Nina (Germany)
Leonardo (Greece)
Lénárd (Hungary)
Leonardo (Italy)
Leo, Leonards, Leonhards, Leons, Linards (Latvia)
Ašmantas, Leonardas, Vygaudė (Lithuania)
Lennart, Leonard (Norway)
Feliks, Leonard, Trzebowit, Ziemowit (Poland)
Pavel (Romania)
Renáta (Slovakia)
Alejandro, Leonardo, Severo (Spain)
Adolf, Gustav (Sweden)
Mac, Mack, Mackenzie, Makenzie, Mckenzie (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 310 of 2024; 55 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 45 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ngetal (Reed) [Day 7 of 28]
Chinese: Month 9 (Ten-Xu), Day 23 (Wu-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 22 Heshvan 5784
Islamic: 22 Rabi II 1445
J Cal: 10 Mir; Threesday [10 of 30]
Julian: 24 October 2023
Moon: 38%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 2 Frederic (12th Month) [Cosimo de Medici the Elder]
Runic Half Month: Hagal (Hailstone) [Day 11 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 44 of 89)
Zodiac: Scorpio (Day 14 of 29)
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