hldailyupdate · 11 months
“What are your guys’ names? Aliah and Daniel. You said ‘we’ve been dating for six years, should we get married?’ Are you kind to each other? Do you love eachother? Do you look after each other? Do you protect each others solitude? Are you friends to each other? Through thick and thin? For rich or for poorer? Till death do you part? Just so you know, I’m ordained! I only have to say a couple more sentences and you’re basically married! No, that's not true, we need paperwork. Yeah, get married! Why not.”
-Harry telling a couple he thinks they should get married.
Love On Tour 2023: Frankfurt, Night 2. (6 July 2023)
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yoditopascal · 1 year
Where the Sky and Ocean Meet Part 1
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Chapter 2
The warm glow of the afternoon Sarteneja sun beat down on Kailani’s back as she studied under the shade of a palm tree. “Have you seen Aliah?” the voice of her host mother Jada interrupted her “It's almost dinner time.” Closing her laptop the wind gently swept her curls as she turned to her full attention to the tall woman.
“I think she went down to the beach,” she said putting her study materials away in her backpack.
“Bondye mwen fi sa, do you mind going to get her before the sun sets?” Jada asks fixing her wind-mused hair from around her face.
“Of course” Kai smiled as she stood to go down to the beach where she knew the young girl liked to swim and hang out with her friends when she wasn't busy with school.
The walk was not long before the young woman finds herself down on a beautiful white sandy beach surrounded by palm trees and soft grass.
“I knew I’d find you here.” she chuckled while shaking her head as she watched the child float on the water’s surface on her back.
"You shouldn't have gone in the water alone, the current is strong today," she warned crossing her arms over her chest.
“It’s fine Miss. Kai, I do this all the time.”
“Not today Aliah your mother is worried sick let's go back.”
“Fiiiiine” the girl whined as she began to swim back.
Just as she was about to turn and start walking back to the village Kailani heard a scream as she watched the young girl get swept up by the current.
Without thinking she raced down and dove head first into the water a wave nearly knocking the breath right out of her before another hit her driving her back further from the struggling child. She was right when she said the current was strong today but she didn’t think they’d be kicking her ass like this. When she finally reached Aliah another wave engulfed the two dragging them down and out further away from the sight of the shoreline.
The salty water burned in her lungs as she fought to keep both their heads above the harsh waves. Fear and panic had begun to set in as she felt herself being pulled further and further out to sea. Her arms flailed and her legs kicked as she struggled to break free from the current's grasp, but it was no use. She was being dragged helplessly deeper with every kick.
Just when she began to black out, a strong pair of arms encircled her waist and pulled her close. She gasped for air as she felt herself being lifted higher towards the surface of the water, tightly holding on to them as they swam them back to shore, his powerful dark eyes the only thing she was able to catch a glimpse of before they were unceremoniously tossed back to the beach.
The water now calming lapped at Kailani’s feet as she pulled the young child to her chest making sure she was still breathing in the process, she couldn't help but feel a sense of relief as she realized she was. The child was coughing up water and crying, but she was alive. Kailani looked around to see if the man that had saved them had come out of the water as well but it was quiet on the beach, no one was around them. The sun that was beginning to set had left the sky a deep orange, casting a warm glow over the ocean over them both.
She turned to head back towards the village when she heard rustling of people coming to check on the commotion behind her.
"Are you okay?!" screamed the girl's mother, as she scrambled down towards them, cradling her child in her arms, Kailani could do nothing but nod as the mother pulled her into a tight hug, still reeling from the near-drowning experience. "Thank you for saving her!" she cried, “Bless you!”
Part one s out! Sorry, its so short part two is almost done and will be longer!
@namorslit @mariaxxxxx @h34rtsformilli @lavnderluv
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anxietyfluffy · 1 year
my OCs sprites & suspect lineups!
(SPOILERS FOR GAME 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5)
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Faye is the girlfriend of Duncan, and is a carpenter in white peaks! She grew up in Rhyne Canyon, so she tends to wear clothes made for warm weather. Her daughter is Cosette, a more quiet girl. Faye n Cosette met Duncan due to the fact Cosette was the little girl he saved. When he was in the hospital, recovering after being shot in the spine, Faye and Cosette constantly visited him, thanking him for saving the both of them. Soon, when Duncan left the hospital, Faye visited him a lot more, which lead to them getting feelings for each other - and lead them to getting in a relationship. The two of them were disheartened when they discovered Duncan was a serial killer, Faye never stopped talking to him though, even if what he did hurt the two so bad.
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Here is Aliah Khan, an Arrernte-Aboriginal woman from Australia. She went over the the Concordia Flying Squad originally for training, until she felt a certain connection to someone - Diego Del Lobo. Though, sadly, she could not properly be with him, as she was stuck in a loveless marriage. Though, with the time she got with Diego, their relationship grew to be strong. That was - until he killed Charlie. In ways, she understood why he did what he did, there was no choice on his part. But, the fact he killed someone they both were close to left cracks in their dynamic. And it didn’t help she had to return back to Australia. Before she left, Diego told her to look through his stuff, to where she found a necklace and a notebook. Telling her to keep it, Diego wished her better times in Australia, and that he hoped she’d write to him. Aliah treasured that notebook - which was full of love notes to her, from Diego - and the necklace, passing the jewellery down generations to keep it - and really, their love, safe and strong.
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Brutus & Apollo are the descendants of Aliah, Angel being an adopted brother in their family. Brutus is the leader of the group, and was a detective for Grimsburough, Pacific Bay and the Bureau before making his own police department in his home country, Australia. His best friend, adopted brother and co-worker, Angel, is a loud, party-filled kinda guy. He loves scene music and just being chaotic. Apollo is similar, a care-free man who loves a good swim and a good game of soccer. And AFL. And any sport you can think of, really. Brutus is practically a polar opposite compared to these two social butterflies, he’s practically a hermit, who sucks at social situations. Though, this is made up by his pure smarts and strength. But that doesn’t stop him from being a blunt, awkward man who swears half of the time he speaks. (Also, Brutus has Aliah’s necklace, he just keeps it hidden underneath his shirt.)
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Cecilia Serafina Marconi is Ginger and Tony’s child, born in 2009, she is a more quiet child. Blunt like her father, she doesn’t really have a lot of friends. But, she does have Astrid, her absolute best friend. Astrid is a year older than her, and was originally living with her grandmother, Margaret Littlewood before the events of Dog eat Dog happened. Instead of a dog show though, it was a beauty pageant for children. (Yes, that absolutely makes the case more devastating. :) ) Astrid ended up getting adopted by David Jones, as her parents were dead long before her actual case. 5 years later, she ended up being the loud, comforting friend for Cecilia. They both are inseparable - to the dismay of Tony and David - and always want the other to be there with them even for the most random situations.  If you all have any questions or want to know more about them, ask away! :D
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nanamismoonchild · 2 years
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→chapter 2: taking ass and kicking names 
→ pairing: demon! ot7 bts x rebel!poc OC named Afternoon
→ genre/au: science fiction, dystopian au, thriller, smut, fluff, angst, enemieis to lovers, enemies to friends.
→ chapter summary: A little looksy loo at the Facility, a brief mention of afternoon’s past, and maybe some ass-kicking
→ rating: 18+  
→wc: 5.7k
→warnings: mention of torture, mention of death, misuse of authority, sword-fighting, mention of bruising, please let me know if i missed something
→  author’s note:  thank you to @hesperantha​ for betaing for me. please. im going to hire you, you made this chapter so much better. I’ve seen a bunch of people do this but this fic relies heavily on comments and asks! 
if you would like to be tagged for this fic, please send an ask or comment below!  Or you know, dig a tunnel into my home. 
The file weighed heavy in her hands, shaking more as each second passed while  she thought about her answer. Saying no would cause problems. 
Insubordination  was an automatic expulsion from the Facility.  Chief could easily report Afternoon as a rogue agent and the higher ups within the Facility couldn’t  care less about what happened to Afternoon or any individual agent. They wouldn’t send her to Disturbia but they would send her back into the unruly streets of Plais. It would only be a matter of time before she was caught by them.
Saying yes was the easiest choice and the safest.  It would ensure she continued to be the hunter, not the hunted..  If she said yes, she could have time to plan everything and have the resources of the Facility on her side. Her team would give her the motivation that was needed to infiltrate Disturbia and save their two friends. She’d need it.  
She knew Chief would force her to carry out this mission one way or another. Whether it was by force or by choice, Afternoon would have to go. The will to save people that weren’t just part of her team but  her friends was overwhelming. 
Afternoon took a deep breath and held it for a moment before exhaling heavily. it. Her team waited in anticipation for her answer. Chief sat behind her desk, a shit-eating grin plastered on her face. She knew what Afternoon’s answer was going to be. 
“Yes,” Afternoon finally said flatly.  She heard her teammates’ collective gasp. 
“Good, you’ll leave-”
“When I  say so,” interrupted Afternoon. She met Chief’s gaze, shoulders back, and hoped her voice wouldn’t tremble.   “Sending me into Disturbia is one thing, but sending me in there with no preparation will only get me killed. And then neither of us will be able to save Lilith and Marigold.”
Chief’s eyes flashed, and Afternoon thought she saw a hint of a crimson around her irises. Must’ve been her imagination. 
“Afternoon, this mission requires you to take immediate action. How long are you saying you need to prepare?”
“Long enough to make sure I do the job right.  Lilith and Marigold are capable of keeping themselves alive for a couple of weeks.”
“You get three days, Afternoon.”
“A week.”
“Five days.”
“Two weeks.”
Aliah pinched her team leader as she saw Chief’s hands twitch. “Afternoon will take five days! And only inquire about more if she needs it.”
Afternoon nodded in thanks to her co-captain. 
Chief folded her arms across her chest and was silent. The only sound in the room was the steady hum of the fan in the corner of the room near the window.  
Afternoon glanced out the window at the purples and oranges painted across the sky. The sunset usually made her happy--a signifier that she had survived the day and gave her hope that she would survive the next as well. This time, though, she couldn't ignore the growing dread in the pit of her belly.
“Five days it is,” Chief finally stated. “No more and no less. You have full use of the resources that the Facility has. Money, weapons, food. It is all at your beck and call.”
“That was the plan anyway. You didn’t think I was going to hell on Earth with the clothes on my back did you?”
“That’s how Lilith and Marigold went. So why not you?”
“They were captured with their equipment. I know for certain that their gear wasn’t taken away. Disturbia wouldn’t be what it is if no one had protection.”
Chief swore under her breath, but backed down. “Your main goal is to bring my girls back. I don’t care if you escape or not. If they come back alive  and tell me,you sacrificed yourself for them, I’d dance on your grave.”
Afternoon's hand seemed to raise of its own accord. Unbidden, the folder flew through the air toward Chief's head.  The important papers that had laid out the details of the ill-willed mission flew around the room, whichTaylor would later say reminded them of paper airplanes.  
Team Ace gasped as their normally cool-headed leader crawled across the short desk and snatched their Chief by her collar. For a brief second, Aliah thought she saw both of their eyes flash a deep purple. 
Afternoon growled, “Let’s get three things clear.  First, I am not your puppet.  Second, I am doing this of my own accord, not yours. I am choosing to save Lilith and Marigold and bring them back to Team Ace. And third, I plan to come back and whoop your sorry ass in front of your daughters for disregarding the policies of the Facility. You used your mind-control on my team members and injured two of them. I have lost respect for you, Chief.”
And with that, she swept out of the room, an aura of anger trailing after her, leaving her team members in utter shock.  
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The Facility was stationed in an old university that had been abandoned by its students, faculty, and staff during The First Year.  
The administration building, which was located to the north of the campus, housed the Chief’s quarters along with the meeting halls. The Facility’s founders were said to be in there as well. However, according to Taylor, they were never around. 
Behind the administration building was the mess hall, which was just one of the many dining halls that students had once used. It was rare for anyone to eat there now, since the Facility had decided to use some of its considerable resources to incorporate mini-cafeterias into each of the dorms. Instead, the mess hall was mainly used for announcements for all of the teams.
A walk and a half down the hill was the library and the various buildings that previously housed the colleges. They were used to teach the kids who hadn’t finished high school and those who were selected to receive special training or were tapped for leadership trained here. 
There were three dorms in the south of the campus, each housing multiple teams. There was the  biggest dorm, The One Hundred, the closest to everything dorm: The Middle,  and the smallest was The Three Hundred which is where Afternoon and her team live.. The old faculty of the university had thought it was amusing.  Floors were occupied by different teams.  The One Hundred could easily hold forty teams, The Middle held thirty, and The One Hundred was only able to hold ten.  Eighty teams of eight people made up six hundred and forty agents of the Facility, all of whom were “rescued”off of the streets or enticed by a so-called reward the Facility would give them. 
To the east, across from the railroad track, was the recreation center. The Facility’s recruits preferred to call it the combat gym.  This is where the teams sparred with each other. Simply stepping into the gym meant you had to be on guard. People were usually hiding by the doors, ready to swipe an unsuspecting person. 
 It was where Afternoon was headed after the unfortunate meeting with Chief. 
She needed to blow off the anger by beating up a poor rookie who knew no better than to challenge her.  Was it the best way to deal with her confusing emotions? Probably not.  But, if she was going to Disturbia, she might as well get as much practice in as she could.  
Rock music by some band that had disbanded long ago blared through the speakers on the walls.  
The first floor was mostly for people who wanted to chill and do a couple of squats or yoga. However, Afternoon had been a victim of becoming a pretzel when she let her guard down once. She avoided the area, so she kept going. 
The second floor was a typical gym. Rollers, dumbbells, kettlebells and balls, treadmills, bikes and other equipment  littered the floors in an organized chaos. Afternoon had seen someone almost get crushed by an exercise ball. 
Her preferred floor was the third floor. It was primarily used for practice with swords–one of Afternoon’s favorite weapons to yield. The room was the size of a basketball court and was layered with blue foam floor mats.  The windows were covered by blackout curtains, which made the room darker than what it should have been when handling dangerous weapons. 
However, it was part of their training as agents of the Facility. Their main goal was to infiltrate Disturbia. And Disturbia was midnight in a forest form. 
There were already a couple of teams inside the building waiting to unleash the day’s stress on some poor unfortunate soul. Afternoon nodded to a few of them even though in just a few minutes, they would become nothing but objects at the end of her sword. 
Walking towards the back of the room, she opened the closet door that stored the weaponry. Falchions, sabers, claymores, katanas, and some Afternoon didn’t know the name of were for her choosing.  Her favorite, though, was the double bladed sword. They were barely bigger than daggers, perfect for two-handed combat in close quarters. With them, Afternoon could could dance around two opponents and slice her way through an enemy line. 
Grabbing one for each hand, she closed the closet door with her foot. She gripped the fine cloth that kept the swords together and gave them a twirl one at a time. 
Sam, the lookout and paramedic for the third floor, blew his whistle. He was a tall, lanky blond man. He wore a crisp white shirt and khakis with too many pockets. His smile refused to wane even as the bulkiest of the agents stood in front of him. He made eye contact with each person as they all filed into the space, green eyes lingering on each face for at least a second or two.
“Alright, peeps. You already know the rules, but for the Facility’s sake I’ll repeat them,” he took out a piece of paper from one of the many pockets decorating his khaki’s. “Number one: your blades are all rubber. So there shouldn’t be any killing,” he says jokingly with a smile on his face. “Number two: if your opponent is downed, move on.  Continuing to hit them will result in a foul and you will be put on dish duty for the week. Number three: remember that Disturbia waits for us all, so have fun while you can, but remember this is how you will fend for yourself.” He put it away after that happy note and smiled brightly at the agents in front of him. “Good luck out there. And newbies–” 
“What. Sam?” An unfamiliar voice rose over the crowd as one of the rookies called out. “We just want to get out there and kick ass!” “I know you do,” he laughed. “I was just going to say watch out for Afternoon. She has her babies with her.” His green eyes found Afternoon’s brown ones and shone with glee. “ You may begin. ”
“Who the hell is Afternoon and who the hell names their child Afternoon ?” The rookie kept going.
Afternoon kicked their knee, sending them to the ground. Then she spun her left hand’s sword and flicked it across his back. Had the sword been metal, his back would’ve been sliced to smithereens. The rubber would just leave him with a nasty bruise on his back and an even worse one on his ego. 
“I am Afternoon! And my momma named me after her favorite time of the day.” 
She heard a wild scream from behind her and used the sword in her right hand to stab backwards. A yelp and a thud made her smile. 
She spun around, keeping her arms elongated, thwarting any more sneak attacks.  A brave rookie tried to jerk their claymore lazily in her direction. It was a weapon designed for close quarters combat, and the heftiness was obviously disagreeing with them. They were barely able to pick it up after that so-called jab.
She glided over to them and swept her right hand upright, sending her opponent reeling back. 
“You broke my nose!”
“A lot more would have been broken had it not been for this rubber, rookie.”
She turned to face an older agent, Sarah, Sam’s twin sister. The same blonde hair and green eyes. Like Sam, she wore a smile that would stay there until she died.  Unlike Sam, though, she was sculpted muscle.  And the muscles were real and useful.  
“Afternoon! How was your afternoon?” She laughed at her joke. 
“Very funny,” Afternoon began to circle around Sarah.  Her weak spots were usually hard to spot. But she had them. “But it was shitty thanks to Chief.”
“What’d Chief do?” 
Sarah pulled something out of her pocket, a wicked  blade that Afternoon silently thanked was rubber. 
“Gave me an impossible mission but I couldn’t say no.”
Lunging herself at Sarah wouldn’t be a smart move. The blade that Sarah  used was meant for close combat and was easy to maneuver unlike her twin blades. However, Afternoon had the advantage of having two weapons, which would (hopefully) get her another hit in. 
She swiped at the blonde who easily jumped back, and used the weight of the swords to launch herself for another attack.  
Sarah round-about kicked Afternoon into one of the walls. Pain ricocheted up the left side of her body. 
“You can always say no to the missions. The Facility works through consent, you know this.” 
Afternoon shook her head as she planned her next move.  “Not this time.”
“Hm,” Sarah fingered the blade in her hands. “Mind telling the class what it is then?”
Deciding that she had no choice but to get into close range, she threw her left sword to the ground and rushed at Sarah and tackled the older girl to the ground. Sarah must have been anticipating it though, since she managed to send Afternoon flying back into the wall. 
She thought she heard something crack this time. 
Sarah laughed and came over to help Afternoon.  “You’ll never beat me, Noon.”
Afternoon grunted, holding her arm close. “One of these days, Sarah.”
The fight between the two girls had lasted no more than a simple conversation. It was the longest Afternoon had ever held her ground against Sarah.
By the time Sam had called the fight officially over, Afternoon had been healed and given a “you’ll get it next time” pat on the back.  Sarah had completely wiped the floor with everyone, but Afternoon held to the pride that she lasted the longest. One of the guys that was seated next to her in the infirmary had his head almost knocked off. 
Sam sashayed into the room with his sister by his side. She looked like his personal bodyguard.  Not an inch of sweat was on her forehead. 
“Alright, champs. You all got beat to oblivion. But you did your best.”
Afternoon counted down the seconds before he launched into his regular speech. 
“But, rookies, the field is going to be worse. The enemies won’t have rubber or plastic swords. They might not even have swords. Our goal at the Facility is… what?”
“Take control of what we lost,” everyone said. 
“Exactly. And the only way to do this is with everyone prepared. What I saw out there was terrible and I will be letting your chiefs know that every single one of you will need extra training. So be prepared to see your schedules get a lot more hectic. Got it?”
“Got it,” everyone said.  
“Good. Now go eat dinner!”
The infirmary filled with a mild chaos as everyone filed out of the room.  Afternoon wished she had waited for her team, so they could have all walked back to the dorm together.  They had more than likely gone to another sparring class. 
Instead, she had to walk alone with her thoughts.  It was fine though. The night was warm and the walk wasn’t a long one. 
Besides, she needed to think. What would she do in five days? What did she need? Who did she need? If she knew her teammates well enough, they had snatched up the folder she had thrown, gathered all the papers, and read through it.  They would know that she could bring one person with her. But who exactly would it be?
Her stomach growled and she forced herself to move quicker. She hadn’t eaten all day, and the energy for the fight had only been a result of her anger at Chief.  Her thoughts went back to when she thought her leader’s eyes had changed colors. 
Her only knowledge of eyes changing colors was with one of them. And he wasn’t allowed to set foot on this campus. Not without alerting everyone.  But Afternoon knew better. He could do whatever the hell he wanted. And if he wanted to use her respectable leader, then he very much would if it meant getting under her skin. 
If it was him, then she just fell into his trap.  Hook, line, and sinker.  She should have known, but now it was too late. Besides, she needed to save her teammates and friends. 
“Afternoon! Where did you go?” Aliah was barreling towards her. Behind her was Taylor, Aria, and Holly. Jack was probably already stuffing his face. 
“Went to the rec. Got my ass beat by Sarah again.”
Taylor giggled, “You’re never gonna win that fight are you?” “Of course she’s not. Sarah always converses with her and Afternoon falls for it every single time.”
“Aria, shut up. And I’ll have you know that I lasted an entire conversation this time, boo.”
Holly joined in with Taylor’s laughing, making Afternoon’s cheeks warm.  
“Y’all leave the poor girl alone,” Aliah chastised. “Besides, she needed it after the bullshit Chief put her through.”
“I needed an ass-whooping?” She asked playfully.
Aliah simply smiled and patted her captain on the back.  “Let’s go eat. We gots a lot to chat about don’t we?”
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The cafeteria was large enough for twenty round tables that could sit eight. Yellow walls and white lights greeted them as they made their way into the building. Their cafeteria was filled with the chatter of their dorm mates.  The smell of french fries and burgers wafted through Afternoon’s nose and she couldn’t wait to get a bite of a veggie burger loaded with everything on it. Her stomach began to growl harder and louder as she made her way closer.  
The group gets in line and feels their plates to the brim before finding a place to sit. Their usual table was near the exit to the elevators (courtesy of Aria who loved having a quick escape to her room).  Jack was already sitting down with two burgers on his tray.  
“Lucky bastard,” Holly remarked disapprovingly. 
Jack must’ve heard her since he said, “I got my ass kicked early so I could get the first pick.”
Afternoon nearly swallowed her whole plate and chugged down her soda. Stress and skipping two meals had made her hungrier than a horse. 
“Girl, if you don’t slow down-”
“Gonna get another plate. I’ll be back.” 
“I knew this was going to happen,” Holly said. Her accent and the food in her mouth making it sound like she was saying “Aif knewf dist twas goanna to hawwen.”
“Same,” Taylor handed their burger over to Jack, who accepted it gleefully. They hated burgers, but adored fries so their plate was loaded with extra portions from everyone
Afternoon rolled her eyes and went to make herself another plate.  However, Aliah wasn’t budging.
“You’re going to be sick if you eat another plate so soon. So sit down and let it settle.”
Afternoon grumbled but sat down. She may have been Captain, but Aliah was co-captain. And she had been picked for a reason.  
“We read through your file. We think you should reconsider your answer.” 
Oh. She wasn’t prepared for that. 
“It’s dangerous. You might not come back. And then Marigold and Lilith will be damned right along with you,” Aria huffed. She wasn’t one to curse. 
“Yes, it is dangerous, but I made a decision-”
“Without us,” interrupted Jack. He  wiped his mouth clean before continuing, “You made a decision without your team.”
“We know you can take one of us with you,” Holly pointed out. 
Afternoon felt a terrible churning deep in her belly as the food she'd eaten so quickly threatened to revolt. This wasn’t a conversation she wanted to have in the middle of dinner, in a cafeteria full of other teams. 
“I’m not taking any of you with me. Like you said, it’s dangerous and-”
Cries of “What the hell and “What the fuck” rose from her team. It attracted the attention of a nearby team named Team Bee, one of the members actually getting up and coming over to their table to assist.  Just her luck. It was Leah. The one person who she was going to have to consult for this mission. 
Leah was a short Latina with wide dove-gray eyes and a delicate build,  but everyone quickly learned she wasn’t to be trifled with. She was quick-witted and used her small frame to get into the smallest of places.  She kept her hair short and her clothes plain. She was her team’s best covert operations agent. If they needed her to disappear in and out quickly, then she could be. 
“What’s with all the yelling, folks? Afternoon, you need help?” Leah asked, assuming position.
“No, Leah,” she kept her head down, feeling a headache coming along. “They’re just upset about a mission.”
“What’s the mission? Perhaps I can help.”
A flashback to a time where she and Leah were on an impromptu team flooded through Afternoon’s thoughts. It almost made her smile. 
“Actually, Leah, sit down. We need to fill you in.”
  After telling Leah the experience with Chief and the contents of the files, Leah sat back and stared at Afternoon, who was doing the same to her. Her brown eyes met Leah’s gray ones. 
“Wow is correct.”
“You really have to go back there?” Aliah’s eyes roamed back and forth between them. “What do you mean by ‘go back’”
“I was the one who recruited Afternoon to become an agent of the Facility. I saw her one day out on the street, hiding behind a trash can. I knew who she was instantly. Now she’s just a few years older…and a few years wiser…”
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It was the First Year. The year they had come up from below the Earth and decided they wanted to take over. They became the law of the land. Judge, jury, executioner.  They loaded those who didn’t agree with them into vans and sent them to their own version of Hell.
Disturbia. A forest so deep and so dark that you could lose sight of yourself there. But it’s not just a forest.  It’s a  jail in the form of abandoned woods filled with horror. They don’t kill you. That would be too easy. 
They make you work for your survival. They make it hard. They make it rough. 
Afternoon was only ten when she and her parents were loaded into a van one day. Away from the home she had grown up in.  Her parents had committed an act of treason. They had protested against this new government. 
As soon as she arrived, they were separated by people who couldn’t care less about the tears falling down her face as she reached for her mom and dad desperately. 
She was placed in a run-down cottage with other kids around her age and some much older. The cottage was supposed to only housed about six people at the most. Afternoon had a feeling there was more than that. The living room was filled with bunk beds and mats. Afternoon had to squeeze her way through the hallway to get to the bathroom. The bathroom was, thankfully, clean and well taken care of. It had cold running water that she used to clean her face and wash her hands. The toilet seemed to be working too. 
Across from the bathroom was a small kitchen-a stove, a fridge, and one countertop. Noodle packs were sitting on the floor in crates. A girl barely older than Afternoon was watching over a large pot of boiling water.
She introduced herself as Leah, wand turned out to be thirteen but so short Afternoon had mistaken her to be around her age. .  She had been there months before Afternoon arrived and told the girl a few things she knew as she cooked noodles to feed everyone. 
She pointed out where the guards like to watch over them. Taught them their names and their abilities. 
“Don’t ever say their names aloud. They are demons. And demons go where demons are called.”
Afternoon made sure to remember that. 
Leah introduced her to some of the other kids in the living room as they handed out bowls.  There were fifteen children in all. All without parents. Taken away by monsters that wanted pure dominance. 
It made her angry. 
“We’re going to bust out of here soon. And we’re going to need you.”
“What about our parents?” Leah patted Afternoon’s afro. “We don’t think of them anymore.”
“Why not, Leah? We’re going to need as much people power if we want to escape. You said it yourself!”
The other kids smiled sadly at Afternoon. She hated it. The smiles felt like pity. 
“Afternoon, there are things here that I hope you never find out,” Leah started. “And what happens to parents is one of those things.”
Afternoon was afraid to ask what happened. Her emotions were already all over the place from being separated. From the joy she had lost. From the love she she missed already. 
Leah walked her over to a bed and laid her on it. 
“Sleep. And then we’re getting you right back out of here. OK? You don’t need to worry.”
“Shouldn’t I know the plan now?” “You’re pretty damn smart, pequeño.” 
“Yeah, I am. Now tell me the plan,” Afternoon demanded as she fluffed her pillow–it was as hard as rock. 
Leah had been there longer and clearly knew the ropes already, but it was obvious that she and Afternoon were on the same page in terms of wanting to take action, neither one of them content to be left to their fate.
The group of parentless kids each told their parts of the plan. Afternoon soon found out that they were planning on a riot. 
“Where are you going to get a bunch of people to even riot? There’s only ten of you, plus me, which makes eleven.  That’s not exactly a distraction.”
Lee Jimin answered her question. He was one of the kids who had been here for a year.  
“Some of us aren’t leaving. I won’t. Spent too much time here, and I know newbies are still going to be coming whether we escape or not. Someone has to be here to teach them the ropes.”
“That’s bullshit!” Leah pinched Afternoon’s cheeks. “Language!”
Jimin smiled sadly at the little girl. “She’s right though. It is bullshit. But if it gets kids like you out of here and back into the world, then I don’t mind.”
  After some gentle (and not so gentle) coaxing, Afternoon settled under the scratchy blanket they had given her and fell asleep.  She dreamed of her mother’s warm arms and her dad’s chocolate chip cookies. She didn’t know if she would ever see them again. 
When she woke up, it was the same as it was before she fell asleep. Dark and cold. Uninviting.  Her mom had named her after her favorite time of the day. When the sun had settled in the sky and was preparing for the evening. The middle of the day where your day could turn around for the best or the worst. 
The other kids were already gone, probably preparing for their parts of the plan. They had let her sleep in. 
“Wake up, sleepyhead,” Leah sang as she handed Afternoon a granola bar. 
She took it and unwrapped it, eating as she spoke. “Is it really waking up if the sun didn’t come up?”
“The sun never rises or sets here. We only have the moon, and even that can be an enemy,” Leah sighed. “That’s why we gotta get you small ones-” “I’m not small!” “You are to them.” Afternoon finished off her granola, a little sad that her breakfast was so meek. “Are they really demons?” Leah nodded, taking Afternoon’s wrapper and throwing it into a small pile of trash near the door.  Afternoon took the time to really look at Leah. Even though only a few years separated them in age, Leah seemed infinitely older.  Since Afternoon had gotten here, she was always frowning. Always in thought.
“Well. I’ll give you a moment to get yourself together. The sink has running water, so you can clean your face. And there’s some clean clothes in the drawer. I’ll be back in a few. I hope you’re prepared for the shitshow.”
  She wasn’t prepared. There were screams. Everywhere. They had been running for what seemed like hours. Most of the kids had given up earlier. It was only due to Leah and Jimin that she was able to carry on. 
They were close to their escape–Afternoon could feel it on her tongue. 
But they were close, too. 
She could hear them muttering amongst themselves. Trees rustled as they breezed by. They were going to catch up with the group. And who knew what would happen to them if they were caught. 
It was at this moment that Afternoon knew what to do. She had only been here for a day whereas most of the children had been here for the year. Afternoon didn’t have anywhere to go without her parents. And her parents were still here. She could feel it in her soul. 
She broke out of the group and ran in a different direction. She sped through the trees, getting a few scratches from branches and a couple of leaves in her mouth. Nothing was going to deter her. 
She could hear Leah and Jimin yell for her. She prayed they wouldn’t come after her.  
Please escape. I’ll see you guys soon. 
She ran until  she came across a clearing. The moonlight cast an eerie glow in the center of the field.  The grass was still as if it were anticipating Afternoon’s move. Or as if it sensed what she was going to do.  
Afternoon remembered what Leah had told her in the kitchen. 
“You call one of their names. They all come.”
She took a deep breath and steeled herself before calling their names. She couldn’t change her mind now. The fate of the others rested on her shoulders. And she’d be damned if the other kids couldn’t make it out. 
She screamed as loud as her lungs would allow her. “Kim Namjoon!”
Nothing happened for several moments. But then, the hairs on the back of her neck started to rise. Her skin started to itch. And her body froze.
She could no longer flex her fingers or even blink.
Fear rose within her, but she tamped it down with the comfort that the others would escape.  
It was only a pregnant second before she saw them. 
They were young, handsome men. Men her mom would have swooned at, and men her dad would have cracked a beer open with.
Right now…right now their eyes were set on her big, innocent brown ones.
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Taking the stairs had never made Afternoon so grateful. She was able to be rid of the awkwardness that would have come with the elevator ride to their floor.  
Her body was tired and her emotions were frayed. Thinking back to that fateful day had left her feeling hollow. 
The hallway to her room seemed to stretch into a thousand miles. 
“Afternoon!” Aliah yelled out. 
“Not now, Aliah,” she huffed out.
The rest of her team were quiet. They had known their leader was strong, but to hear she had braved Disturbia…Respect for her had risen.  
Holly raced in front of Afternoon and blocked her from continuing, despite being the smallest member of the team. 
“Stop.” Her Scottish accent made it cute. 
Taylor and Jack stood next to her. Taylor picked at their nails while saying, “You know we love you, right?”
“Yes. But apparently, you don’t love me enough to get the hell out of my way.”
Jack rolled his eyes. Aliah and Aria made their way around her too, so that her incomplete team without Marigold and Lilith  stood in front of her. Their eyes trained on hers. 
Afternoon expected to see some sort of pity  but detected none. 
Aliah spoke, “Afternoon, we’ve known each other for years. We trained together as rookies. We sleep in the same room, for fuck’s sake.”
“I know I didn’t tell you. It’s not exactly something you tell people.”
“Yes it is,” Aria exclaimed. “You’re the Facility’s greatest asset. And-”
“First of all, I’m no one’s asset. I’m not a tool.”
“That’s not what I meant.”
“What she meant, Afternoon,” Jack started, cutting his eyes towards Aria. “We don’t deserve you as our team leader.”
An audience was gathering on the stairs behind them. 
“Can we take this to me and Aliah’s room?”
“Nah, I’m tired. Jack and I are going to get some shut-eye,” Taylor yawned. 
“We are?” “Yes.”
Taylor dragged poor Jack by the ear and started off to their room. Aria and Holly followed suit, leaving Aliah and Afternoon alone in front of their door. 
“Why’d they change their minds so quickly?”
Aliah shrugged and opened the door to their room.  The smell of Aliah’s essential oils permeated the air. It was set on an hourly mist so they’d always come into a room smelling of lavender or morning dew. 
Afternoon fell onto her bed, not bothering to take off her suit and boots. That would be tomorrow's problem. 
“Good thing tomorrow afternoon is laundry day for our floor. Those sheets are gonna be stanky as hell,” commented Aliah dryly. 
“You’re right, but I don’t care.”
Afternoon felt Aliah’s eyes on her back, so she turned over to face her friend. 
“You’re going to take me.”
If Afternoon hadn’t been as tired as she felt, she would have sat up. Instead, she dragged a pillow under head and nodded. Her eyes were slowly closing. 
“I’ll sleep on it and let you know tomorrow.”
Her body relaxed and she fell asleep under Aliah’s watchful but caring gaze. 
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agent-oo-z · 3 months
Recently imagined what would happen if my BG3 player characters met each other. So have some goofy head canons!
I wish I could include Ta’mis my dragon born but like. I still don’t really have a solid grasp on them as a character. I’ve barely started act 1 with them so it’s gonna be a bit before I figure them out.
Aliah and Atavia would see Arista and her fucked up Durge Trauama™️ and be like “oh you poor thing” and just instantly pack bond. They’d both see someone who was trying to overcome their nature/past and do better despite not being sure if they even deserve a second chance and they’d be like “you’re doing great sweetie!”
They’d all do the “same hat” bit but with romancing Astarion. Just standing in a circle like the Spider-Man pointing meme and going “SAME BOYFRIEND!”
When Ali and Ari learned about the Tavi-Cule they’d be like “woah Atavia! How come the Player lets you have 3 boyfriends?!” Aliah would mostly just be surprised about Gale, and Arista would just be confused in general. Poor kid is so convinced she’s a monster that the idea of multiple people choosing to be with her seems impossible.
They woukd all Gush about their bears together. So much animal companion/familiar chatting. Giant bear cuddle pile. Just rangers being rangers
Aliah is the youngest and it quickly becomes clear they have a bit of a thing about being so young. They feel the need to be perfect and an over achiever. Arista would just kinda try and convince them to not try to single handedly fix the world, whereas Atavia would pull Aliah’s Astarion aside and be like “here’s a list of tactics you can use to trick them into taking breaks and not beating themselves up if they aren’t always perfect”
The three Astarions compare notes on their chaos rangers. Atavia’s Astarion is super grateful that he has Halsin and Gale to help him with Atavia. She is nowhere near as traumatized/damaged as the other two but is very hard headed. Aliah’s Astarion is a bit shocked that all three rangers pursued him first. It’s a bit of an ego boost. Arista’s Astarion is happy to see his Durge ranger making friends.
Atavia would absolutely adopt the other two into her “collection of strays.” She just wants to help everyone always. Basically creates her own version of The Guild but it’s all her various companions/people she befriended on her journey. She’s got the teiflings and the deep gnomes and the druids and the Harper’s and so on. What’s two more?
The Tripple A’s(that’s their group name I’ve decided) are just generally “gal pals” (gender neutral) and get along super well. They’re silly and friendly and love sharing stories. If they could meet up often they would. In general I think they’d all just support each other and do goofy ranger things together.
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crimsontroupe · 1 year
What Flavour is Your Soul?
rosemary (adonia)
ah, the old soul, nice to meet again. the time of ages is etched into your bones, you see clearly. you've watched the heartache in this realm and sworn to solve it. but kindness without limits is self destruction. oh little leaf, strong and wise, you seek to bring peace with your presence. I'd be wrong to say you fail at this effort, but you mustn't set yourself on fire to keep others warm. you wish to please everyone, to protect them all. but if you shield the saplings from the sunlight they will never grow, and you one day will wither. protect yourself too. you know there are no happy heroes, so don't be one. be a friend. your loved ones will not forsake you for not being perseus slaying all their demons. you have your own monsters, why not meet them first before you conquer anyone else's nightmares. oh true-hearted paladin you are brave, and you are good enough. you know that right? be true to yourself, one cannot do anything saintly if they did not tend to their own wounds first.
honey (aliah) "sugared mel e lingua serpentis." sugared honey from a serpent's tongue. oh dearest, look how you gleam. how the sunlight dances off your shoulders, how the heavens shine across your wingtips. but you are hollow, hollow, hollow. even the taste of nectar can choke a man. sometimes the sweetest flowers hide the sharpest poison. you lie to yourself, the worst lie of all. you needn't be so obsessed with perfect. the greatest beauty lies in our faults. do you think the moon apologizes for their mara? no, their craters add to their glow. my dear, breathe. you are not an island, breathe, before the honey drowns you. you wish to be lovely, you long to be loved. but did aphrodite trade her powers for perfection? she did not. you can be beautiful, and also whole. be whole above anything else dear. a heart of diamonds is worth nothing if inchor oozes from it. inward. look within and question how well do you know yourself? little petal are you trying to be a god? why? can a god bloom from sullen soil? no. you are whole as you are.
vanilla (equinox)
oh heart of ice and mind of gold, what am I to do with you? you are only good in small amounts, bittersweet fledgling, you are hard for most to swallow. your spirit is strong, your wit is potent, your biting essence drives even the most daring away. but why are you hiding your sweetness? I know within you, you are soft, but humanity has made you bitter. you mask your pain and sorrow with spite and sensibility. you say you do not care about trivial things, but don't you? sweetheart relax. you can let down your drawbridge, the waters are not poisoned. I know you have looked monsters in between the eyes and scoffed at them, but please, relax. you think your armor protects you but it is smothering you slowly. little owlet, when will you learn, words can only get you so far? feelings are what makes this world pulse. do not suppress your feelings. your heart can still thaw my dear. trust.
tagged by: @blindedguilt (love u. mwa)
tagging: @kesil (phos), @voiceofduality (emil), @viilein + @weavermasked, @saintsdawn, @inabsentiia, @amaurotine, @tomepact (🐛), @thronelessking (vanya + arlas) + you! tag me so i can see ur results.
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kesil · 1 year
❝ did you remember your revolver ? ❞ - aliah to faust / @crimsontroupe ╰┈➤ STARTER PROMPTS : Sherlock Holmes ( 2009 ) ( accepting )
"It's a pistol," Faust says, absently. The serrated edge of one of his claws is making short work of the rope lashed around his wrists. "A revolver has a rotating chamber that holds multiple bullets which can be fired in sequence; the one you've heard me speak about is a custom piece Theo had made for me for my last birthday. I don't trust the mechanism enough to take it out in public. If it were reliable, Alkenstari gunsmiths would already be producing them by the dozens. But yes," he says, producing a small gun from somewhere within the sleeve covering his now-freed hand, "I have my coat pistol."
It was stupid of their abductors to put so much effort into Aliah's bindings and so little into Faust's. Yes, a wizard as powerful as Aliah was a threat so far beyond lethal that taking anything less than the most stringent precautions against him was akin to suicide by Spell Lord; in that sense, the restraints on his hands were the perfect solution to a problem that relied on somatic spellcasting components, and the antimagic field that surrounded them provided a contingency.
On the other hand, Faust had a loaded and silenced gun—a gun that he promptly unloaded into the nearest goon.
"I suppose I can't be upset that they see me as your trophy husband," he says to Aliah, reloading with a swift and sure hand as the other underling scrambles for a weapon. "Not when it makes them such idiots. Really," he adds, leveling a many-eyed stare at the remaining goon, "you couldn't have done me the courtesy of manacles? Something that would have taken actual effort to escape? I'm not helpless.
Now," he says, training his pistol on the remaining hired muscle, who now had a sword in hand, "you can either find out if you can outrun a bullet—unlike your former coworker—or you can untie my dear friend and I and never think about that question again.
Faust doubts the man knows that Alkenstari silencers are single-use. If the doctor could afford to shoot again without alerting this entire den of criminals, he would; instead, he's relying on what he can only hope is the most effective bluff of his life. If it fails, their lives rest on how well-prepared Aliah was for a situation like this one.
Very well-prepared, Faust hopes.
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splashinkling · 1 year
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I posted 1,774 times in 2022
That's 1,142 more posts than 2021!
99 posts created (6%)
1,675 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 965 of my posts in 2022
Only 46% of my posts had no tags
#other's art - 334 posts
#others' art - 117 posts
#dice - 89 posts
#kirby - 56 posts
#tag game - 43 posts
#wip: mwtw - 41 posts
#ink writes - 40 posts
#ink rambles - 38 posts
#pokemon - 30 posts
#other's writing - 28 posts
Longest Tag: 135 characters
#omg the last line killing you means it's gonna be so so good- doesn't matter if the killing is in a good or bad way it'll still be 👌👌
My Top Posts in 2022:
Get to Know tag
another one of these! thanks for tagging @ettawritesnstudies!^^
Rules: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better or catch up with
favourite colour: blues and red! silver is a close second and purples are also up there
last song: Henry and LeeHi's cover of Like I'm Gonna Lose You
currently reading: nothing! my books are weeping on my shelf. you know what. reading Disco Elysium text should count, right??
last movie: I was half paying attention to Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island last night with my friends
sweet, savoury or spicy: always sweet! then savoury then spicy. currently having a not-bitter coffee right now haha
currently working on: another game jam idea! this time for one of interact-if's game jams
open tag!^^ but also tagging if you want uhhh... @latenight-stories, @dandelion-tea, and @ashen-crest (not sure if you've done this yet) and also @sleepy-night-child, @drippingmoon, and @talesfromaurea (again if y'all want)
13 notes - Posted January 6, 2022
hey y'all! exciting news! my friend started pre-orders on their book, Wayfinders! it's a collection of four short stories about finding the way home!
both of us would really appreciate it if you could check it out (and maybe even order a copy while you're there 👀). thanks again!
15 notes - Posted March 7, 2022
OC Couple Picrews
thanks @mschvs for the tag
ok funny thing.
I saw a post of this picrew a while ago and thought it was cute so I used to it to make reference pics for the Witch characters lmao. guess I'll get to share them
I also found the other picrew by sheer willpower
Here's 1. Summer Eryn and Lyzandir and 2. Lucille and Marina (but in not their usual clothes and Marina's not as purple as she should be and Lucille's hair is not as golden either and I'm screeing but I had to make it work)
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See the full post
17 notes - Posted May 31, 2022
thanks for the tag @aalinaaaaaa!
let's tag @notwritinganyflufftoday, @drippingmoon, @sleepy-night-child, and @pixelw0rds, +an open tag for anyone who sees this
If your WIP was a video game, what type of game would it be?
as a certified Game Enthusiast™️ (according to my friends), I won't allow myself the benefit of going typical RPGs for both Den and Witch because I love talking about games and I'd like to think I'm well-versed enough to think of cool game ideas and RPG is an incredibly broad term that can mean Animal Crossing or Digimon Cyber Sleuth or Lego Batman 3.
Demons in the Den |
a top-down hack'n'slash game akin to Unsighted and Hades. I'd say more like Unsighted since this wouldn't be a roguelike. there would definitely be Metroidvania elements because exploration and attaining character abilities is awesome. plus having bosses you can challenge out of order or straight up ignore is always fun. I'd also say that you'd play the game as a pair (Mara and Aliah) and you can switch which of them you'd like to play as but also there's also parts where you're locked into one.
Memories with the Witch |
likely a life management sim with RPG elements. think Stardew Valley and Rune Factory type games. newer examples include the Atelier series and Moonlighter (but it's also a roguelike). the main game loop would be like Stardew or Moonlighter where you do daily business things and use the rest of the time for other things you wanna do. roguelike/roguelite features might be cool since Lyzandir can fulfill that role, but it's iffy if I want it to be more like a life sim. it's also kind of hard to incorporate all the characters because so much time passes, so I'd need to focus either on Lyzandir's time (more life sim) or Lucille's time (more action RPG)
21 notes - Posted May 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
WIP Intro: Memories with the Witch
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"Family... I'm not sure. I know I have one, but it's fuzzy. I don't know if they're even still alive."
Title (Tentative): Memories with the Witch
Genres/Themes: fantasy, slice of life, kinda-romance?, short chapters, D&D-inspired, found family
Status: Ongoing!
Lyzandir has dealt with his poor memory for as long as he can remember. Just today, his best friend gifted him a journal to keep track of things, like how he stumbled upon a witch in the forest. The two set off to recollect his lost memories. Despite finally doing so, nothing changes.
And so Lyzandir continues his days alongside the witch.
Chapters (in posted order):
will be here when I get around to posting them somewhere
See the full post
45 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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laplacemail · 2 years
@viilein cont from here [x]
Time seems to stop in this secluded cavern, and with it air stagnates. It rises - but it finds no escape. So its only option is to simply be, to exist. The inertia between ascension and the atrophy of the self. The swirling abyss that threatens to devour, not catharsis but complete stillness. What breaks it is a voice that does not seem offended. Oh, no. It would take something much grander to pierce impenetrable walls.
Help is simply a matter of perspective.
Aliah could leave this half-corpse to become one with the darkness again. But instead he chooses to stay, finding that there was more to the tip he had received earlier by one of the enforcers in the city than he thought. Scarlet eyes that shine dangerously in the dark.
"How touching. Do you measure people by their power alone? Strength means nothing if you do not possess the creativity to apply it." Gods can be felled, he thinks about informing the creature bound before him... but he ends up deciding otherwise. Feed the struggle, just a little bit. Aliah does not bow in a way that shows submission. When he bends his head it is to greet an old friend, scholar. Phantom. Keeper of knowledge, harbinger of doom.
"If you would need a reason for my being here, then it shall be curiosity. I see no point in providing an explanation for something that benefits you alone. The call of magic is enough, humming like an ancient song." Half-truths. While he does not need a reason to indulge in his curiosity and pursuit of knowledge, the dispelling of magic and whatever was being contained by it is his true purpose. Not to destroy it, but the simple desire to simply see what happens. "Now," he calls for the man's attention as if he is about to begin a lecture. But it is something more. Vespin should be wise enough to understand it: everything is a transaction, and transactions require information. They require knowing about what you are getting into. Knowing who you are associating with. It rings true for both of them. "If you would have me assist you, then there is the necessity for a story. A reason for you to be here, bound. By your hubris or by crueler hands. An exchange, then. Information for freedom, and you shall know about me as well as I will know about you."
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skxrbrand · 1 year
"I see" for Aliah. tell me (and him, to almost no effect) how much you hate magic my spicy chicken wing friend
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" Magic is the weapon of the coward. Of the weak. If you lack for strength, kill until your sword arm is strong. If you want enemies to fear you, pile the skulls of their people high. Their friends, their families-- kill them all. You do not need magic. Magic is the easy way, the craven way.
That is what I see when I see you. A sniveling weakling."
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aliahroca · 5 months
My Dear Diary Welcome to my boring life pt3
January 5, 2024
Dear Diary
This was one of the most boring days of my life- I woke up tired and I went to school with NO energy... For every class I couldn't stop myself from feeling SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOsleepy, for Chinese class i slept-
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BUTTTTTTTT when science class came I felt excited!! Since ofc we were gonna do an experiment with the gravitational pull (our lesson) :ooooooo. We had a lesson about air resistance and also about the gravitational pull of the earth! Our teacher ma'am Fatma made us throw coins, crumpled paper, ping pong balls, and she let us experiment with meter sticks.
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And after classes we left to go meet up with our fried (Trishken). We went to Mcdonald's and I libre libre Alcheryn (cuz i'm a good friend) and cuz im RICHHHHHHHHH
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When we got back, I went to go tryout for badminton, but me and my cousin Obsess got into a fight after so she ran away from me and went home by herself
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The end
-Aliah Roca
0 notes
hlrchvs · 8 months
Hi! I'm Aliah Nica Padallan from 12-Creativity in Rizal High School and as the title suggests, I am a student under the Arts & Design strand and I will be sharing my experiences here right away.
As soon as I wake up I usually start with a cup of coffee, because having breakfast will only give me a stomachache 😓 After that, I am going ahead to get ready for school. Once I'm done with my morning routine, I will be heading out to wait for my service to pick me up.
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When I arrived at school, only a few of us are there because I normally get into school early! so, I'll get my phone to listen to music, scroll in my socials, or watch anything to pastime until my circle of friends arrive too.
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Our first class starts at 7am and ends at 9am, and at recess, me and my friends are going to eat together in order to have more energy for the rest of the day ><
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The second subject starts at 9:30 to 11:30, and after that we will be having our 30 minute lunch break where me and my friends usually do our things like dancing, doing some schoolwork, etc before our last subject starts.
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My day does not just end here, we still need to do some practice and moreee practice for our performance tasks T~T but it's okay! since i am with my friends, the practices are never too dull for me.
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And that's it! The life of an Arts & Design Student is not easy but it is sure full of fun.
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nanamismoonchild · 2 years
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→chapter 1: Mission
→ pairing: demon! ot7 bts x rebel!poc OC named Afternoon
→ genre/au: science fiction, dystopian au, thriller, smut, fluff, angst, enemieis to lovers, enemies to friends.
→ summary:Afternoon is a rebel that was recruited by the agency called the Facility. The Facility’s main goal is: overthrow the government.  A few days after a mission gone wrong, Afterrnoon and her team are told to go on a rescue mission. This mission will require for her team to go to the one place they’ve been avoiding.
→ rating: 18+  
→wc: 2.4k
→warnings: spitting on face, misuse of authority, fighting, hint at trauma, mention of (maybe) death
→  author’s note:  YES I DID IT! I POSTED IT ON TIME AHAHAHAHHAHA. Thank you to Indigo @playmetheclassics​ for betaing for me. i love you :D. (i think she’s doing it so she can get off the fight list but whatever). but please, enjoy this chapter! the poll is at the end!
if you would like to be tagged for this fic, please send an ask or comment below! Better yet, just yell at me until I notice you.  
She could hear her heart pounding. A loud bum bum bum resounding through her body. The ache in her legs matched its rhythm, screaming Slow down! Stop!
But she couldn’t.
They were coming. She might not have been able to see them or hear them. But they were near.
Keep going. Keep going, she chanted to herself, hoping boosting herself up would help her run faster.
As long as she ran, they couldn’t catch her. That was their sick, twisted game.
Run as fast as you can. And don’t stop. We’ll  be  right behind you.  
Her and her team had taken off running–two of whom had looked for an escape. They had stopped.  She could still hear their screams inside her head next to the pounding of her heart.  She would cry for them later.
Right now, she just needs to keep running. Until they decided she could stop. Or until one of the remaining team members had found a way out of this dark place.
Keep going. Keep going.
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“Good Afternoon!” A high pitched voice squeaked near Afternoon’s ear.
“That fucking joke is dead,” she mumbled into her arm before sitting up and wiping the yuck away from her lips.
When her vision cleared, she found her bunkmate Aliah sitting on her nightstand. Aliah’s hazel eyes were trained onto Afternoon’s and twinkled with laughter. Her goddess braids that Afternoon thought were way too long to fight were spread around her thighs. The lamp and book Afternoon kept there had been moved to make way for her big ass.
Only Aliah was allowed to move Afternoon’s stuff and live. Then again, Aliah wasn’t scared of her roommate. She’d come back to life just to fuck with more of her things.  Besides Afternoon messed with her stuff too.
“It’s still fun to say though.”
I cannot wait to snatch this girl’s weave out her head.
“Girl, would you leave me alone? I’m trying to take a small nap before I whoop everybody’s ass. Especially yours.”
“You won’t be able to whoop this ass. Trust.”
Afternoon rolled her eyes before grabbing a pillow and swinging it at Aliah’s head. The cotton filled pillow did not nothing but make Aliah laugh as she smacked it away.
“Anyway, get up. Chief wants us in the training room for a debrief before we spar.”
“A debrief? The hell? For what? I’m not going on another mission. We just got back!”
“I know, Afternoon. But-”
“But nothing! Chief doesn’t have a right to send us back out there! Our team hasn’t recovered yet,” she began pacing the floor, hands stretching towards her to pull at her hair. “Hell, ‘recovered’ isn’t even the right word.  We’re just not ready for another mission.”
Aliah frowned, knowing Afternoon was right.  But it didn’t matter. If Chief wanted them to go into another mission, then into another mission they would go. Afternoon knew this.
Afternoon cursed under her breath and walked over to her closet to fish out her training clothes: a leather jumpsuit with a velcro strip across the back to stick a weapon there. Leather boots and gloves completed the look. The Facility wanted them to all look like knock-off versions of Black Widow.
The jumpsuit was tight but was easy to maneuver around it. A toolbelt sat at her waist and had an assortment of knicknacks nestled into the various pockets.  Rope, thinwire, pliers, you name it, it was there.
Once it was snug against her body, she nodded towards Aliah, who  struggled to put the suit on. The Facility hadn’t thought about the persons who may have voluptuous bodies when they recruited them. So Aliah, Afternoon, and a few others were always stuck jumping into their suits instead of sliding into them.  
“You ready, girly?” Aliah asked.
“I should be asking you that,” Afternoon mocked her.. “That ass is getting bigger. You had to leap into that suit.”
“Shut up!”
Afternoon giggled as she pressed the button to open the door into the hallway. The tinted blue lamps lit the corridor. The smell of freshly baked bread drafted towards her and made her stomach grumble. The kitchen was only a floor down, and when the air shifted, they could always get a wift of what was being made for dinner.
“You shouldn’t have skipped breakfast and lunch trying to get some sleep,” Aliah admonished her, making a ticking sound.
“Can’t change my actions from earlier, so I’ll have to deal with it,” she said, shrugging.
This was  Afternoon’s pet peeve for herself. If she dwelled on the past too long, wondering where she went wrong, she might never focus on the present or the future. Her solution was to make a better choice when presented with one.
Missing breakfast and lunch for some extra sleep was a choice she decided to take on her own.  And honestly, it was worth it. She felt more revitalized than she had in days.  
The doors of their floormates opened, showcasing other recruits for the Facility. The Facility had six floors in all in this building. But the Facility was housed in an old university . There were eight of them in all on this floor. Two to a room, but they were a team. Afternoon was the leader, and the rest of her team was made up of Aliah, as her second in command, Holly, Aria, Marigold,  Taylor, Lilith, Jack
The ways teams worked in the Facility was unusual for other districts. They were divided into three smaller groups that had specialized duties.
Afternoon, Aliah, and Jack made up the Action members.  Their group was essentially in charge of kicking ass first and asking questions later. They were given private lessons on the best way to disarm someone with a .47 pistol in the worst way possible. They were also taught how to use that same .47. They were taught how to protect their other team members and make extremely hard decisions if necessary.
Holly and Aria  made up the Computer Whizzes. Their group created any technology they may need on their missions like comm units and stun guns. They were in control of hacking into databases or security systems so the Covert team could get in and out.  
The Covert team was made up of Marigold, Taylor, and Lilith.  If a party needed to be crashed, these three were the ones to do it. In style, no less. Dresses were Marigold and Lilith’s favorite item in their closet, since they shared a room, and Taylor was their chaperone, when they decided they didn’t want to complain about having to conform to rich society’s ideals.
Marigold and Lilith’s door was the only one that didn’t open. The two girls didn’t come out of their room and chastise Afternoon about the crust that was around her eyes. They didn’t get on Aliah’s last nerve about why she didn’t use white eyeliner to make her eyes less surprised.
They didn’t come out of their rooms with their jumpsuits half-way open to show off their impressive cleavage.
No. And it was all Afternoon could do to stop her mind from hearing their screams and the sounds of feet running.
And the laughter.
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Chief was a woman, who had no name other than Chief. That was what she had told them when they were first recruited. She was broad shouldered with a broad face. She was probably one of the most beautiful women in the days before the government decided to take over completely. Now she was a hardened soul of what used to be someone who partied all night long.
Blonde hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail and sea blue eyes with dark circles underneath stared at the six of the members.
Chief was standing behind her desk, arms crossed her torso.  She said nothing for a few minutes, letting her eyes linger on each of Afternoon’s team members. When her eyes landed on Afternoon, the air in the room shifted and Afternoon shivered with the amount of contempt that she was facing.
“Team Ace, please be seated. Except you Afternoon,” Chief commanded.  “You keep standing.”
As much as Afternoon wanted to throttle Chief, she obeyed and nodded towards the rest of her team. Chief may have authority over them, but the loyalty between Team Ace was through and through.  
They all sat in one of the plastic chairs surrounding the Chief’s desk, while Afternoon assumed the “parade rest” stance at Aliah’s side.
“You may all be wondering why I asked you to come here. I know all of you have just come back from a very important mission,” the Chief’s eyes began to harden. “But it’s because of that mission that you’re going on this next one.” She looked directly at Afternoon as she said her next part. “Your incompetence to make good choices resulted in unfortunate casualties-”
“Marigold and Lilith aren’t dead, Chief,” Aliah interrupted.
Chief cut her eyes at Aliah’s interruption and Afternoon was afraid that the commander would slap her second-in-charge.  
“They may as well be. We all know where they went!”
Her yelling made everyone wince. They did know where the two girls were. Afternoon had planned to believe that the girls were just using their resources and blending in order to escape. But the chief was right. The place they had been taken too was worse than hell itself.
“And it is your fucking fault, you stupid bitch!” Chief pointed a shaking finger at Afternoon. She was crying, those sea-blues becoming moist and red.
Jack and Taylor leapt up to keep their commander away from their leader.  None of them had seen their commander blame anyone for a mission gone wrong.  It was always the team’s fault–not a single individual. That member may beat themselves up on their own time, but the team took the brunt of it.
It’s why Aliah, Holly, and Aria stood in front of their leader ready to swing on Chief if needed.
“Marigold and Lilith made decisions that Afternoon could not change. She told us to run and that was what we all did. They decided to-” Aria began before the chief cried out:
“You think my daughters are idiots?”
Silence fell through the room as the commander’s words processed.
Jack goofily whispered loudly, “They look nothing like you.”
If Taylor hadn’t been holding Chief’s arms, Jack would have gotten knocked out.
“They look like me before the War. And their dad. But that doesn’t matter. What matters is that I placed that with you Afternoon. And that was a mistake.”
“Nothing about this was my mistake,” Afternoon defended herself. She wasn’t about to let Chief’s accusatory words mix with her guilt and leave her a hollow shell of misery. “Like Aria was saying, I told everyone to run. Hell, they told us to run. You saw our body cameras. Marigold and Lilith stopped and tried to find an escape. And unfortunately, they caught up to the girls.” Afternoon grimaced as she vividly remembered the screaming of the girls as they were dragged away.
Chief laughed maniacally.  “You say it’s not your fault, and yet it is!” She jerked Taylor across the table and punched Jack in the stomach, sending him to the floor holding on his stomach.
Holly screamed as Aria and Aliah raced over to check on their teammates.
“Chief, this is misconduct! Stop this now!”
“Shut up!”
Aria and Aliah had managed to help Taylor and Jack up and to a seat. The anger printed on their faces was enough to fuel Afternoon’s own rage. Not only was Chief out of her mind, but she had insulted Afternoon.
This wasn’t how a debriefing was supposed to go at all. They were supposed to receive files that were filled with notes and information pertaining to the mission. Instead, they were getting an emotional fit from their own commander.
Afternoon tried to use her calmest voice, but the underlying layer of frustration couldn’t be missed.
“My team and I will be taking our leave now. We have been insulted and abused,” she nodded towards Jack and Taylor. “We will be requesting a new commander-”
“You aren’t leaving until I say you do! Sit down!”
They refused until their legs unwillingly sped towards a seat and their asses were plopped into it.
Aliah hissed, “You’re not supposed to do that to us! What is wrong with you?” Chief said nothing but stomped over to her file cabinet and pulled out a single manila folder. She threw it at Afternoon’s head, which shouldn’t have been possible.  
She picked it up and found that it was stapled together. Convenient.
“What’s this, you crazy-”
“Read it.”  The commander sat down at her desk and watched as Afternoon opened the folder.
She figured she may as well obey until the sextet could leave and report her for misconduct. Her respect for the woman had dwindled, but there was a nagging voice in the back of her mind that knew Chief was right. It was her fault.
Didn’t mean she wanted to hear it.  
The tension rose in the small room as Afternoon read the contents. Each page made Afternoon’s heart beat faster.  
They weren’t. They couldn’t.
She gripped the papers, crumpling them.
“We refuse this.”
“You can’t,” the commander plainly said.
“We can. We have a right to unless you’ve decided to go beyond the Facility’s rules and regulations. You’ve already broken several of them anyway.”
Chief smiled as nicely as a lion trapping its prey would.  She pushed back her chair and circled it to where Afternoon sat. She grabbed what she could of Afternoon’s leather armor and pulled her in.
Aria, Holly, and Aliah sat still but Afternoon knew that if they could, they’d be on top of the insane commander.
“Listen closely. You got my daughters taken-”
“How many times-”
Her cheek stung from the slap the commander landed on her. “I said listen closely!”
What is wrong with this woman?
“You got my daughters taken because of your choices! Now your choices will matter the most to you! I went through hell and back to get this approved by the Facility.”
“So you’re going to send me on a suicide mission?”
The team glanced at one another–the same question written on their faces.
“Afternoon, this mission is yours and yours only. I just wanted your team in here so they can witness it.”
“We’ve witnessed how deranged you are,” Aliah spat at her.
Chief wiped her cheek, never letting her eyes leave Afternoon’s, whose own eyes were wide and afraid.
The assignment was dangerous and absolutely crazy. Chief may as well have been express-shipping Afternoon to her own coffin. Her mission was to find Marigold and Lilith by going to the very place they were being kept as prisoners.
The very name made Afternoon shake in her boots. Memories of the place flooded through her head. Vivid and terrifying memories that she had hoped would never resurface.  
“So let’s begin with your first choice of many,  Afternoon. Do you accept this mission?”
“You aren’t really giving her much of a choice, commander!” Holly yelled.
Chief ignored her, the sea blue eyes unwavering from Afternoon’s.  
“Afternoon, make your choice.”
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crimsontroupe · 1 year
❝ you’re drinking embalming fluid. ❞ to aliah. figuratively ... or is it / @viilein ╰┈➤ STARTER PROMPTS : Sherlock Holmes : A Game of Shadows (accepting)
"You sure have a way of warning me about things that are already known to me, Vespin." Luckily enough, the man Aliah is talking to knows him well. Perhaps better than he would like, for any other man would find his words arrogant and devoid of feeling. Vespin is aware that Aliah has a most unique sense of humor.
And so there is the slight hint of a smile upon red lips. He clacks his nails against wooden desk, taking a break from a sizeable pile of paperwork he was working on. "Surely you know enough being entombed. I will make sure to not follow in your footsteps." Slight teasing. Metaphorical claws sinking into tender flesh. "But I thank you for your concern all the same."
Aliah's tone is light, almost amused with his own situation. He extends one of his hands to Vespin, revealing his own scar. "I am sure you have heard this far too many times. I plan my steps carefully. I pick my allies even more carefully. If I did not, I would not be able to hold my position in Absalom for a week. Either of the positions.
I enjoy your company, and I indulge you for this reason. As I said, I find your concern... quite charming." Again that smile. "I watch my steps carefully, my friend. So many threads pull you apart from all directions, yet you are still tangled. Bound by the past. By your mistakes. You tell me so much of it. And at the same time, it seems that I never know enough. What are you missing, Vespin? To rise from your mummified state into the new life you are carving out for yourself?"
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jzontheazarian · 1 year
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Self Care Sunday - April 23rd, 2023
Even though self care should be practiced daily from emotional, physical and spiritual standpoints, Sundays should be days you give yourself added grace and extra tender care for the week you’ve had. With “Self Care Picks,” we select songs from the previous week to help give you that refresh that your mind, body and soul deserve. Also included are three additional songs that accent the forms of self care needed for an additional boost to provide you with all you may require for what lies ahead in the week to come.
‘Waiting’ - Not one to keep us waiting, Keke Palmer delivers another single that gives clarity to a situation that appeared to be one thing but turned out different. Far from being naive to the games individuals play, Keke isn’t here for the mind games and doesn’t want you to tell her what she thinks you think she wants to hear. Knowing she’s the come up, she lets it all out in raw form with the quality we know the multi-facet creative to be. Refusing to be “one of those girl’s locked up in her man’s world,” Keke gives a new meaning to empowerment.
‘Alone’ - Sampling “Better Off Alone” by Alice Deejays, German Pop star lashes with a tongue and cheek collaboration with tarnished Dr. Luke. Featuring the popular Electro-Pop sound known to be a staple of the queer community, Kim Petras gives a live altering rave anthem with a guest appearance from Nicki Minaj. Seeking attention (in more forms than one) Petras delivers the energy of a succeeding pop megastar, but hopefully the collaborations of Dr. Luke isn't frequent in her foreseeable future. 
‘Boo Boo the Fool’ Taking us back to our childhood, Aliah Sheffield lets us know that she is not one of our little friends. A lesson in Black households especially with the women that go through countless unnecessary scenarios, Sheffield sings what  most women are feeling. A testament that will live on forever in the hearts of millions of women, Sheffield may have sparked a fire in a song that will have longevity uniting generations present and to come.
‘The Gym’ - Soul legend Angie Stone returns with a beautiful collaboration featuring equally yoked Musiq Soulchild. Getting back into the groove of love, she draws the comparison of new love to that of the gym and quite frankly… It's genius. Knowing that things aren’t working out, Stone’s word play is stellar and Soulchild’s harmonies compliment the physical terminology. The coach of her life, Stone is not savorying any troubles by declining all memberships that don’t align with her mindset.
‘Easy To Love / UP’ - With sweet and soft tones, Dashean Porter drops off his latest care package “Love On Lacie Drive,” and it’s every bit of R&B ecstasy. Putting you on to a selection of well crafted songs, Porter makes it easy to enjoy pleasurable and memorable moments through music. Certain to leave you better than you felt once you pressed play, it allows you to rise up in all of the ways that songs with true essence should.
Songs we also enjoyed:
‘No Feelings’ - Jon Vinyl
‘I Should Have Listened to Myself’ - jfarr
‘Love you, Bye’ - JORDY
‘Too Many’ - Dashawn Jordan
Self-Care Spotlight: ‘Rude Boy/It’s Love’ - Nubya Garcia 
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“I have been incredibly inspired by the music of both Jill Scott and Prince Jammy (now known as King Jammy) for such a long time. I thought it would be amazing to see how it felt to combine their music and add my own sound to it,” said Garcia. “Think big sound system, feeling the bass in your chest, everyone dancing, your community all out in celebration of each other, living in their truth…those are the energies I wanted to bring to this: upliftment, enjoyment, and a celebration of love from your soul.”
Listen to this week's "Self Care Picks" on Audiomack and YouTube Music.
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laplacemail · 1 year
“can you not find your own friend that you have to dig one out of the ground?” vespin at aliah after he's freed
"I could find many things easily, Vespin." As the clockwork contraptions click in the background, Aliah unearths a small item wrapped in black cloth. He allows his companion - his guest - into his lair, and even into more restricted sections of it. Sections reserved for Aliah's eyes only, evils and items that should have rightfully been destroyed years ago. The Fourth Spell Lord keeps them as souvenirs, as insurance.
It is not that he is concerned about the safety of Absalom - the city itself has as many potential contingency plans as it had plots to destroy itself in the long run. Some of the archived items could be used to prevent a potential siege, but these... were more of a personal collection. After a moment's pause, he continues. "I certainly could find people who would pretend to understand me, or others who could claim to achieve such a feat." Aliah unwraps the item, and puts it next to many others neatly organized atop a long mahogany table. "But none would provide what I seek. And some of them would not be because they lack talent - I hold one of my closest associates in great respect.
But she could not understand. Because she is my associate, not my equal. Because our positions would be different, and allowing a glimpse into something further than what I am willing to show as a man of my position in this city would not allow me to achieve anything of note." As if these were thoughts he already had before, conclusions that he came to a long time ago. Aliah continues to sort items almost delicately, handling a strangely shaped diadem and another thing obscured by his clothes with care. These would be destroyed, but the spell would be recorded.
The other package would have its magic dispelled before being returned. Losing it or confiscating it would simply create too much movement. "Beyond the walls, then. Magaambya would not admit me, and they would be too guarded to show anything of interest. How can a relationship be formed if they are suspicious of ulterior motives, or evil machinations?" Aliah pauses for another second, finally turning around and letting his body lean against the edge of the table. "Who else are you suggesting I turn to, then? Archmages would be all-too-keen to rope me into their own business. I take no interest in them, nor in the Wizard-King. They live in fear that he will swallow their nation whole if he returns, in any case. I could find business associates, trade partners. Interesting connections. Here and elsewhere. I could find people working under me, or cold understanding from those who can share some basic understanding with me. And yet..." The smile that surfaces on the wizard's face is not quite smug, but it makes it clear that he could have seen this question coming from miles away.
"... There is no one for me to share my thoughts with, or my theories. No one that could understand the height of magic, the one of many impenetrable walls in the search of the arcane. Not without a price. But if we are equals, then I do not need to expect anything from you... as you should not expect anything from me.
So. To answer your question. I could find someone that would fulfill this idea, on the surface. But why should I play pretend, if the price to pay is as simple and cheap as digging you out of the grave in which you have been buried alive?"
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