sovaluka · 25 days
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go head-on.
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mission-to-dietitian · 6 months
Albumin is decreased in liver disease, acute inflammation/inflammatory disease, and overhydration.
Albumin is INCREASED in dehydration.
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dominhduongorg · 9 months
Truyền albumin trong hội chứng thận hư là một trong những phương pháp được áp dụng khá phổ biến. Cách này nhằm mục đích duy trì chức năng mạch máu ở cầu thận, góp phần cải thiện triệu chứng và đẩy lùi bệnh. Cùng tìm hiểu về cơ chế hoạt động của thuốc, cách sử dụng và những điều cần lưu ý về phương pháp này để đạt hiệu quả tối ưu.
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mcatmemoranda · 2 years
For every 1-point decrease on albumin, calcium decreases by 0.8. Normal albumin is 4. Normal calcium is ~10. So if albumin is 3, calcium is 9.2.
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in-sightpublishing · 6 months
Blood Serum – Watchtower Quotes
Publisher: In-Sight Publishing Publisher Founding: March 1, 2014 Web Domain: http://www.in-sightpublishing.com Location: Fort Langley, Township of Langley, British Columbia, Canada Journal: In-Sight: Independent Interview-Based Journal Journal Founding: August 2, 2012 Frequency: Three (3) Times Per Year Review Status: Non-Peer-Reviewed Access: Electronic/Digital & Open Access Fees: None…
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deinheilpraktiker · 10 months
Abnutzung durch lebenslangen Stress kann zu einem erhöhten Risiko führen, an Krebs zu sterben Die Abnutzung des Körpers durch chronischen und lebenslangen Stress kann auch zu einem erhöhten Risiko führen, an Krebs zu sterben, berichten Forscher des Medical College of Georgia. Dieser Verschleiß, allostatische Belastung genannt, bezieht sich auf die kumulativen Auswirkungen von Stress im Laufe der Zeit. Als Reaktion auf äußere Stressfaktoren schüttet Ihr Körper ein Stresshormon namens Cortisol aus. Sobald der Stress vorüber ist, sollten diese Werte wieder s... #Albumin #Armut #Betonen #BLUT #Blutdruck #Body_Mass_Index #C_reaktives_Protein #Cholesterin #chronisch #Cortisol #Diabetes #EIWEISS #Entzündung #Ernährung #Forschung #Hämoglobin #Herz #Herzinfarkt #Herzinsuffizienz #Hormon #Kreatinin #Krebs #Mortalität #Niere #OKT
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cannibalguy · 10 months
Vegan eats his own blood as a meringue
I don’t usually put warnings about graphic images in my blogs; I figure if you are reading a blog called “thecannibalguy.com” that you are probably not expecting unicorns and fairies. But this short clip has its own trigger warning, so I’ll just reproduce it here. Vegans are often told by caring or sanctimonious friends and relatives that they need animal protein or they will get sick and die.…
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shadihelal · 1 year
Liver function tests, what you have to know
Liver function tests, what you have to know
Liver function tests Overview The liver has many functions in our body, ranging from storage and metabolism to detoxification, secretion, and excretion. With this vital role of the liver, it is important to ensure that all its functions are properly functioning by monitoring each function through a specific test. An abnormal result, higher or lower the normal value, could indicate the presence…
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sciencesolutions · 1 year
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mission-to-dietitian · 6 months
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Mahasiswa Farmasi UMP Mampu Menciptakan Nano Suspensi Albumin Ikan Gabus Untuk Mengatasi Multi Drug Resistance (MDR) Pada Pneumonia
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Penelitian yang dilakukan mahasiswa Farmasi UMP mengenai potensi albumin dari ikan Gabus sebagai nano-carrier antibiotik yang dapat mengatasi Multi Drug Resistance dan hipoalbuminemia pada penderita pneumonia Covid-19.
Menyusun sebuah gagasan dan melakukan penelitian tentunya membutuhkan sebuah tim. Tim ini diketuai oleh Fathia Nurrizka Utami yang dibantu oleh 4 anggotanya, yaitu:
Anggota 1 Bagaskara Falah Amrullah
Anggota 2 Sarah Nabila
Anggota 3 Oy Abdulfattah Fadhlullah
Anggota 4 Riqy Aziz Ulyana
Penelitian ini telah dilakukan selama 4 bulan dimulai dari bulan Juni hingga bulan September
Penelitian dilakukan di beberapa laboratorium di Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, seperti laboratorium Fakultas Farmasi, laboratorium FKIP, laboratorium Fakultas Kedokteran, dan laboratorium di Coconut Research Center.
Penelitian ini dilakukan karena Covid-19 menjadi KLB atau kejadian yang luar biasa akibat banyaknya kasus orang yang meninggal akibat virus SARS-CoV2 (Kemenkes RI, 2021). Hal ini mengakibatkan antibiotik banyak digunakan dan rentan disalahgunakan. Faktanya, bakteri telah mengembangkan banyak cara menjadi resisten. Akibat resistensi antibiotik adalah penyakit-penyakit infeksi seperti pneumonia lebih sulit untuk diobati karena obatnya sudah tidak efektif lagi dalam membunuh bakteri penyebab infeksi (Kuster, 2014). Keadaan Multi Drug Resistan (MDR) akibat antibiotik dapat diatasi dengan nanoformulasi menggunakan albumin sebagai protein pembawa-nano (nanocarrier) disertai dengan enkapsulasi menggunakan kitosan. Proses pembuatan secara enkapsulasi dapat mencegah pembentukan biofilm akibat dari resistensi. Selain itu, nanoformulasi dapat mengatasi keterbatasan yang terkait dengan pemberian antibiotik, seperti kelarutan obat yang buruk, stabilitas dan permeasi yang rendah melalui penghalang biologis (Scutera, 2021).
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengekstraksi albumin ikan gabus, hingga diperoleh endapan protein albumin. Lalu albumin tersebut dibuat serbuk albumin dengan proses pengeringan menggunakan freeze drying. Selanjutnya mengoptimasi formula  dilakukan dengan bantuan perangkat lunak Design-Expert dan metode Optimal Factorial Design, setelah mengoptimasi formulanya dibuatlah suspensi dengan antibiotik azitromycin 1% sesuai hasil running design expert. Dan terakhir melakukan uji-uji yang dibutuhkan seperti uji ukuran partikel, uji anti bakteri, uji FTIR, uji viskositas, serta uji pH. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat dilakukkan penyempurnaan untuk dilakukkan uji in vivo dan uji klinis, ujar para peneliti.
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mcatmemoranda · 2 years
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So one order of albumin is them giving it twice. This is from the pt I was taking care of last week. Three orders are then giving it x6.
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drforambhuta · 6 months
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Liver function assessments, often known as hepatic function evaluations or liver enzyme examinations, comprise a battery of blood tests designed to appraise the liver's state and operational competence. These evaluations offer valuable insights into diverse aspects of liver well-being and have the potential to reveal possible concerns. The central components scrutinized in liver function assessments encompass:
Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT): ALT is an enzyme primarily situated in the liver. Elevated ALT levels in the bloodstream are a robust indication of liver impairment, typically attributed to conditions like viral hepatitis, alcoholic liver disease, or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST): AST is another liver enzyme, though it is also found in other tissues such as the heart and muscles. Elevated AST levels can imply liver damage, but it is imperative to consider the clinical context as they can also signal heart-related issues.
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP): ALP is an enzyme present in several organs, including the liver, bones, and biliary system. Elevated ALP levels may be a marker of liver disorders, but they can also relate to bone conditions or biliary tract complications.
Total Bilirubin: Bilirubin, a yellow pigment generated during the breakdown of red blood cells, is metabolized by the liver. Increased bilirubin levels can signify liver difficulties like hepatitis or obstruction in the bile duct.
Albumin: Albumin is a protein produced by the liver. Reduced levels of albumin in the bloodstream could indicate liver maladies or malnutrition.
Total Protein: This test measures the overall protein concentration in the blood, encompassing albumin and other proteins. Irregular total protein levels might be associated with liver conditions or kidney issues.
Prothrombin Time (PT) and International Normalized Ratio (INR): These assessments gauge the blood's clotting ability. The liver manufactures clotting factors, and deviations in PT and INR may suggest liver ailments or a requirement for monitoring anticoagulant treatment. These assessments for liver function stand as essential instruments for appraising the liver's health and its capability to perform crucial functions.
Full body checkups at Saifee Hospital Mumbai or other reputed hospitals in Mumbai usually include liver function tests, that help you in assessing your liver health and your general health as well.
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in-sightpublishing · 6 months
Albumin – Watchtower Quotes
Publisher: In-Sight Publishing Publisher Founding: March 1, 2014 Web Domain: http://www.in-sightpublishing.com Location: Fort Langley, Township of Langley, British Columbia, Canada Journal: In-Sight: Independent Interview-Based Journal Journal Founding: August 2, 2012 Frequency: Three (3) Times Per Year Review Status: Non-Peer-Reviewed Access: Electronic/Digital & Open Access Fees: None…
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deinheilpraktiker · 1 year
Allostatische Belastung kann rassische Unterschiede bei Schlaganfällen erklären Vor dem Welt-Schlaganfall-Tag am 29. Oktober haben Forscher der Abteilung für Neurologie in Cedars-Sinai neue Informationen über gesundheitliche Unterschiede im Zusammenhang mit Schlaganfällen. In einer in der von Experten begutachteten Zeitschrift Scientific Reports veröffentlichten Studie stellten sie fest, dass ein Maß für die lebenslangen Auswirkungen von Stressoren wie Rassismus dazu beitragen könnte, unverhältnismäßig schlechte Schlaganfallergebnisse bei schwarzen... #Albumin #Atmung #B_Zelle #Betonen #BLUT #Blutdruck #Bluthochdruck #Blutung #Blutzucker #chronisch #EIWEISS #endokrine #Forschung #Gehirn #Gesundheitliche_disparitäten #Gesundheitspflege #Herz #Herzkrankheit #Hirnblutung #Krankenhaus #Neurochirurgie #Neurologie #OKT #Pulsschlag #Schlaganfall #Weiße_Blut_Zelle #Zelle
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markettrend24 · 2 years
Albumin Industry: 2022 Global Market Trends, Share and 2028 Forecast Report
Albumin Industry: 2022 Global Market Trends, Share and 2028 Forecast Report
Global Albumin Market- Size, Share and Market Forecasts 2028 This report focuses on the Global Albumin Market trends, future forecasts, growth opportunities, key end-user industries, and market players. The objectives of the study are to present the key developments of the market across the globe. Based on the Albumin market development status, competitive landscape and development model in…
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