#al quran online
farisjax · 7 days
Why did the Quran call Maryam a.s( the mother of Esa a.s ) as the sister of Haroon if Haroon the brother of Musa a.s came 1000 years before Maryam a.s. Is this a mistake in the Qur'an as they claim ?
The Quran has no mistakes. It is the words of Allah and Allah claims to keep it safe from every alteration and falsehood.
So answering the above question. When Maryam a.s gave birth to Esa a.s. Many people came to her and said " Oh sister of Haroon, your father was not the man of evil, nor your mother was unchaste ". Because she gave birth to Esa a.s without any male intervention. So it was obvious people would doubt her because she wasn't married to anyone. It was one of the miracles of Allah and also a test for Mariam a.s. So understanding this. The sister of the Haroon term. Haroon here is not the brother of Musa a.s (whose name was also Haroon.) Maryam a.s actually had a brother called Haroon ( not Musa's brother). So you may ask now why did the Quran mention Haroon in this verse ? So answering that Maryam a.s was actually from the lineage of Haroon ( brother of Musa a.s ) and she also had a brother called haroon. So people reminded her of two things 1) being the sister of pious haroon 2) coming from the lineage of Haroon the brother of Musa . It is the Arabic way of reminding people of any relation or which tribe you belong to . For e.g Quran says "Aad , Pharaoh and the brothers of lut " because they were relatives / tribes of and not actual brothers. That's why the Quran used the term brothers in the above mentioned verse.
There is an instance where Prophet a.s was asked the same question by a companion who got confused because a Christian asked this question to him.
Mughira b. Shu'ba reported: When I came to Najran, they (the Christians of Najran) asked me: You read "O sister of Harun" (i. e. Hadrat Maryam) in the Qur'an, whereas Moses was born much before Jesus. When I came back to Allah's Messenger a.s I asked him about that, whereupon he said: The (people of the old age) used to give names (to their persons) after the names of Apostles and pious persons who had gone before them.
Reference: Sahih Muslim 2135. In-book reference: Book 38, Hadith 13.
So in brief it is not a mistake in the Qur'an but a way of including a big message in a short verse that's why it is unique and still nobody is able to alter the Quran to this date. Allah's help is sought.
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omawi36 · 1 year
الَّذِينَ قَالَ لَهُمُ النَّاسُ إِنَّ النَّاسَ قَدْ جَمَعُوا لَكُمْ فَاخْشَوْهُمْ فَزَادَهُمْ إِيمَانًا وَقَالُوا حَسْبُنَا اللَّهُ وَنِعْمَ الْوَكِيلُ
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0nlinecourses · 3 months
Nurturing Spiritual Growth: The Importance of Al Quran Classes
Introduction: Al Quran classes play a vital role in nurturing spiritual growth and deepening one's understanding of Islam. These classes provide a structured environment for individuals to engage with the holy book, fostering a deeper connection to their faith. Let's delve into the significance of Al Quran classes and their impact on individuals and communities.
Establishing a Foundation of Knowledge: Al Quran classes serve as a foundational platform for learning about Islam. They provide students with essential knowledge about the teachings, principles, and practices outlined in the Quran. By studying the Quran under the guidance of knowledgeable instructors, individuals gain a comprehensive understanding of their faith.
Strengthening Faith and Belief: Regular engagement with the Quran through classes helps strengthen one's faith and belief in Islam. The profound wisdom and guidance found in its verses inspire individuals to deepen their relationship with Allah and embrace the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Through reflection and contemplation, students develop a stronger spiritual connection and a deeper appreciation for the beauty of Islam.
Fostering Community Cohesion: Al Quran classes serve as a hub for fostering community cohesion and unity among Muslims. By coming together to study and learn, individuals form bonds of friendship and support, creating a sense of belonging and solidarity within the community. These classes provide a space for individuals from diverse backgrounds to come together and share their experiences, fostering a sense of unity and brotherhood/sisterhood.
Promoting Moral and Ethical Values: The teachings of the Quran emphasize moral and ethical values that guide individuals in their daily lives. Al Quran classes play a crucial role in imparting these values to students, instilling in them a sense of integrity, compassion, and righteousness. By studying the Quranic teachings on kindness, justice, and empathy, individuals are inspired to embody these virtues in their interactions with others, contributing to the betterment of society as a whole.
Empowering Personal Growth: Participating in Al Quran classes empowers individuals to embark on a journey of personal growth and self-improvement. Through study and reflection, students gain insights into themselves and their relationship with Allah, enabling them to overcome challenges and strive for excellence in all aspects of their lives. The transformative power of the Quranic teachings equips individuals with the strength and resilience to navigate life's ups and downs with faith and fortitude.
Conclusion: In conclusion, Al Quran classes play a pivotal role in nurturing spiritual growth, fostering community cohesion, and promoting moral values among Muslims. By providing a platform for studying and engaging with the Quran, these classes empower individuals to deepen their faith, strengthen their beliefs, and strive for personal excellence. In essence, Al Quran classes are instrumental in guiding individuals on the path of righteousness and enriching their lives with the wisdom of Islam
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alnoororchard2 · 7 months
Sacred Wisdom: Al Madina Quran Academy
The Al Madina Quran Academy is a prominent institution dedicated to the teaching and dissemination of the Quran, the holy book of Islam. Founded on the principles of faith, knowledge, and community, this academy has been an essential source of education and spiritual guidance for Muslims around the world. In this article, we will delve into the history, mission, and impact of the Al Madina Quran Academy.
A Rich History
The Al Madina Quran Academy, based in Madina, Saudi Arabia, has a rich and storied history that dates back many decades. Established with the aim of preserving and promoting the Quranic teachings, the academy's founders sought to create a space where individuals could engage with the Quran in a meaningful and profound way. Over the years, the academy has evolved and expanded its offerings to accommodate the needs of a diverse Muslim community.
Educational Approach
The Al Madina Quran Academy approach to education is rooted in the principles of traditional Islamic scholarship. Its programs are designed to ensure that students not only learn to recite the Quran but also understand its meaning and context. The academy offers a range of courses, catering to students of all ages and backgrounds. These courses include:
Quranic Recitation
Students are taught proper Quranic recitation (Tajweed) to ensure the accurate and beautiful recitation of the Quran.
Tafsir (Quranic Exegesis)
In-depth study of the Quran's interpretation and meaning, enabling students to grasp the wisdom and guidance within its verses.
Arabic Language
Understanding the Arabic language is crucial for a deeper comprehension of the Quran. The academy offers Arabic language courses tailored to Quranic studies.
Hadith Studies
In addition to the Quran, the academy also offers courses in Hadith (the sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad), further enhancing the students' knowledge of Islam.
Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh)
Understanding the principles of Islamic law and jurisprudence is a vital aspect of the curriculum.
Spiritual Development
The academy also focuses on fostering spirituality, teaching students how to apply Quranic principles to their daily lives.
Global Reach
In today's interconnected world, the Al Madina Quran Academy has not limited its reach to Madina alone. Through online platforms, the academy has extended its educational programs to students around the world. This global approach allows Muslims from diverse backgrounds and locations to access high-quality Quranic education and spiritual guidance.
Impact on the Community
The impact of the Al Madina Quran Academy extends far beyond its physical location. By providing a platform for the study of the Quran and Islamic sciences, the academy plays a vital role in promoting knowledge and spiritual growth among Muslims. It helps individuals develop a deeper understanding of their faith and encourages them to apply Quranic principles to their lives.
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The Al Madina Quran Academy stands as a beacon of faith and knowledge for Muslims worldwide. Its commitment to preserving and promoting the teachings of the Quran, combined with a global reach and a rigorous educational approach, makes it an institution of great importance. As it continues to evolve and adapt to the needs of a changing world, the academy remains dedicated to nurturing the faith and knowledge of those who seek to deepen their understanding of Islam and the Quran.
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jeanniekirby · 8 months
Online Quran Academy: Revolutionizing Quran Memorization for the Modern World
The Quran, the holy scripture of Islam, is revered for its profound spiritual and literary significance. It is not merely a book; it is considered the literal word of God, offering guidance, wisdom, and solace to billions of people around the world. Quran memorization, known as "Hifz" in Arabic, is a practice that holds great importance in Islam. With the advent of online Quran academies, this age-old tradition is undergoing a significant transformation, making the process of Quran memorization more accessible and convenient for individuals in the modern world. In this article, we will explore the significance of Quran memorization and how online Quran academy is revolutionizing the way people engage with this sacred practice.
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The Significance of Quran Memorization
Quran memorization, or Hifz, is an act of devotion and reverence for Muslims. The Quran is believed to be the literal word of God, revealed to the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, through the Angel Gabriel. Memorizing the Quran is not only a religious obligation but also a deeply spiritual endeavor. Those who successfully memorize the Quran are honored with the title of "Hafiz" (for males) or "Hafiza" (for females). This title is a mark of distinction and respect within the Muslim community.
Unlocking the Beauty of Quran Memorization:
Spiritual Connection
 Quran memorization is not simply about memorizing words; it is about establishing a profound spiritual connection with the Quran. By committing the Quran to memory, individuals develop a deep bond with its verses, enabling them to derive inspiration and guidance from it in their daily lives. The beauty of the Quranic verses becomes more evident as individuals delve deeper into memorization.
Preservation of the Quran
Quran memorization plays a crucial role in preserving the Quran in its original form. The Quran has been passed down through oral transmission for centuries, and memorization continues to be a key element of this tradition. Hafiz and Hafiza individuals serve as guardians of the Quran's purity, ensuring that it remains unchanged and unaltered over time.
Personal Growth
 Quran memorization is not just a religious practice; it is a transformative journey of personal growth. It requires immense discipline, patience, and dedication. As individuals embark on this lifelong commitment, they develop essential life skills and enhance their cognitive abilities, fostering a path to self-improvement.
Community Bonds
 The process of Quran memorization often takes place in the company of knowledgeable teachers and fellow students. This fosters a sense of community and support, creating strong bonds among individuals who share the same goal. The encouragement and motivation of peers and instructors are crucial to the success of this journey.
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Online Quran Academies: A Paradigm Shift
The emergence of online Quran academy has brought about a profound transformation in the practice of Quran memorization. These academies offer a range of advantages that make the process more accessible and convenient for individuals:
Global Accessibility
 Online Quran academies transcend geographical boundaries, allowing individuals from all over the world to enroll in Quran memorization programs. This inclusivity ensures that anyone with the desire to memorize the Quran can do so, regardless of their location.
Flexible Schedule
 Online classes provide flexibility in terms of timing, making it easier for students to balance their Quran memorization with other responsibilities, such as work and education. This is particularly valuable for individuals with busy schedules.
Expert Instructors
Many online Quran academy employ highly qualified instructors who can provide personalized guidance to students. This one-on-one interaction is invaluable for effective memorization, allowing students to receive immediate feedback and tailored support.
Interactive Learning Resources
Online classes often incorporate interactive tools and resources to aid memorization. These may include audio recitations, practice sessions, quizzes, and a variety of learning aids that enhance the learning experience and make it more engaging.
Progress Tracking
 Online Quran academy typically offer tools to track the progress of students. This allows individuals to monitor their Quran memorization journey and set achievable goals. It provides a sense of direction and achievement, which can be highly motivating.
Quran memorization is a practice that holds profound spiritual and cultural significance for Muslims. It is a journey of connection, preservation, personal growth, and community bonds. The beauty of Quranic verses becomes more apparent as individuals delve into memorization, forging a deep connection with the divine message.
The advent of online Quran academies has revolutionized the approach to Quran memorization, making it accessible to individuals around the world. With flexible schedules, expert instructors, interactive learning resources, and progress tracking, online academies are serving as a gateway to unlock the beauty of Quran memorization. This harmonious fusion of tradition and technology is a testament to the enduring relevance and adaptability of the Quran in the modern world.
Through online Quran academies, individuals worldwide are embracing the journey of Quran memorization, connecting with the divine message, and contributing to the preservation of this sacred text for generations to come. This transformation exemplifies the Quran's enduring significance and its ability to adapt to the needs of the contemporary world, while maintaining its spiritual and cultural richness. Quran memorization, facilitated by online Quran academies, is not just a religious practice; it is a lifelong journey of devotion and knowledge, making the beauty of the Quran accessible to all who seek it.
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quranhosting · 8 months
How To Learn Quran Online with Tajweed
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Learning the Quran online with Tajweed, which is the correct way to pronounce and recite the Quran, is a convenient and accessible option for many people. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it:
Set Clear Goals:
Start by defining your goals and objectives. Determine how much time you can commit to Quranic studies each day or week, and specify what level of proficiency you want to achieve in Tajweed.
Select a Reputable Online Quran School or Teacher:
There are many online platforms and individual Quran teachers available. Look for one with a good reputation and qualified instructors who can teach Tajweed. Some popular online resources include Quran academies, Skype classes, and mobile apps.
Ensure You Have the Necessary Equipment:
You'll need a computer, tablet, or smartphone with a stable internet connection, a webcam, and a microphone for online classes.
Schedule Your Classes:
Coordinate with your chosen teacher or school to establish a class schedule that suits your availability. Consistency in your class timings is crucial for effective learning.
Learn the Arabic Alphabet:
If you are not already familiar with the Arabic alphabet, start by learning it. This is a fundamental step as it forms the basis of reading the Quran.
Begin with Basic Tajweed Rules:
Your teacher will likely start by teaching you the basic Tajweed rules. These include proper pronunciation of Arabic letters, characteristics of letters (e.g., heavy and light letters), and pronunciation of vowels.
Practice Regularly:
Regular practice is key to mastering Tajweed. Your teacher will assign you Quranic verses to practice your Tajweed skills. Recite these verses multiple times daily.
Use Online Resources:
Utilize online resources such as videos, articles, and mobile apps dedicated to Tajweed to reinforce your learning.
Record Yourself:
Recording yourself while reciting the Quran is a great way to identify areas where you need improvement. Listen to your recordings and compare them to the correct pronunciation.
Seek Feedback:
Ask your teacher for feedback on your progress. They can provide guidance and correct your mistakes.
Memorize Quranic Verses:
If you wish to memorize the Quran (a noble goal), start with shorter chapters (Surahs) and gradually progress. The act of memorization itself can help improve your Tajweed.
Be Patient and Persistent:
Learning Tajweed is a gradual process. It requires patience and consistent effort. Don't get discouraged by initial difficulties.
Engage in Group Discussions:
If your online Quran school offers group discussions or forums, participate in them. This can help you connect with fellow learners and learn from their experiences.
Review Regularly:
Periodically review previously learned lessons and Quranic verses to ensure you retain what you've learned.
Supplement with Offline Learning:
Consider reading Tajweed books, which can provide a deeper understanding of the rules. Practice offline as well.
Set Personal Milestones:
Establish milestones and celebrate your achievements as you progress. This can motivate you to continue learning.
Learning the Quran with Tajweed is a noble and rewarding endeavor. With dedication and the right online resources and teacher, you can achieve proficiency in reciting the Quran with proper Tajweed.
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taqwatawheedtales · 8 months
Reclaiming Your Focus: Make the Most of the Remaining Days of the Year
The clock is ticking, but that doesn't mean it's time to give up on your 2023 goals. Instead, it's the perfect opportunity to regain your focus and give the rest of the year everything you've got. With determination, organization, and a positive mindset, you can still make significant progress and finish the year strong. So, let's get back on track and show the world what we're made of! 💪✨ #NewYearGoals #Focus #YouCanDoIt
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023 সূরা আল মু’মিনূন Surah Al Muminun | quran tilawat full 1 to 30 par...
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Learn Quran online | We provide online quran classes for Kids and Adults
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alazharclasses · 1 year
Learn Quran Online: Embrace Flexible and Accessible Quranic Education
In today's digital age, the internet has revolutionized how we learn and acquire knowledge. This transformation also extends to religious education, with online platforms offering the opportunity to learn the Quran from the comfort of one's own home. Embracing the flexibility and accessibility of online learning, individuals can now embark on a transformative journey of Quranic education, deepening their understanding and connection with the divine.
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farisjax · 17 days
Why does the Quran use past tense for future events ?
The reason behind it is also linked to the Arabic language.
As I already told you, Allah sent down the Quran so that Arabs would easily catch the message and spread it.
So arabs use past tense in 2 ways ;
1) when it's literally about an event that happened in the past
2 ) while referring to the future event that will happen no matter what ( guaranteed )
For e.g
Allah says
" And the people of fire called out to the people of Heaven "
It clearly hasn't happened yet.
But this event will surely happen so Allah uses past tense so that arabs will understand easily and catch the message.
So, I want to learn Arabic real bad 😒.
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Fi Zilal al-Qur'an in English Helps You Recite Quran Easily!
But the problem is that there are also English-speaking Muslims who are not able to read the Fi Zilal al-Qur'an, which is most of the time written in Arabic. There are also Muslims who speak other languages, and they also face the same sort of problem.
The Fi Zilal al-Qur'an is the Holy Scripture that Muslims follow.
To eliminate this problem, the Quran is now available in different languages. And by reading the Quran and following its guidelines, you can live an actual Muslim life easily. The Quran also helps you learn more about the Prophets who have taken Islam to the next level and made this religion popular across the globe.
Collect daily Islamic books. Fi Zilal al-Qur'an
By reading the Quran, you will also know what Allah likes and doesn't like. And this is also the book that will help you collect more wisdom. For this, you should buy the daily wisdom selections from the holy Quran now. This is the kind of book that helps you collect some wisdom on a daily basis and for 365 days of the year. As collecting and searching for wisdom is vital for just about any Muslim out there, by reading this book, you can receive a great deal of help in this regard.
It makes Fi Zilal al-Qur'an recitation easier.
When you want to recite and read the Fi Zilal al-Qur'an properly and easily, you should follow the Fi Zilal al-Qur'an. It’s the kind of recitation-related help that such a Quran brings to you. This really makes Quran reading and recitation easier. As this comes in English now, it has become easier for you to read and recite this book.
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sportsaala · 1 year
Surah Al-Muminun
Surah Al-Muminun read online Free. Surah Al-Muminun (in Arabic Text: المؤمنون) is 23rd surah (chapter) of Holy Quran. The surah title in English means “The Believers” . This surah consist of 118 Verses and 6 Ruku. Surah Al-Muminun is in Para Para 18. The Surah was revealed in Makkah, It known as Makki Surah. Read and Learn Surah Al-Muminun online in Arabic with English translation. Select Surah…
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qarimuhammadsaleem · 1 year
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studyonline365 · 1 year
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