#al kabsa
victorsoma · 7 months
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Recipe for Al Kabsa Traditional Saudi Rice and Chicken Al kabsa is a classic Arab dish that consists of fragrant basmati rice topped with tender chicken pieces cooked in a flavorful tomato sauce. 2 whole cloves, 1/4 cup raisins, 2.25 cups unrinsed basmati rice, 1 cube chicken bouillon, 1 can diced tomatoes undrained, 1 pinch ground coriander, 1/4 teaspoon ground cardamom, salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste, 1 pinch ground cumin, 3 carrots peeled and grated, 1/4 cup toasted slivered almonds, 1/2 teaspoon ground allspice, 1/2 teaspoon saffron, 1/4 cup butter, 1 pinch ground nutmeg, 1/4 teaspoon ground white pepper, 1/2 teaspoon dried whole lime powder, 1 whole chicken cut into 8 pieces, 3.25 cups hot water plus more if needed, 1 onion finely chopped, 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon, 1/4 cup tomato puree, 6 cloves garlic minced
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hammourim · 2 years
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thepotofculture · 1 year
Saudi Arabia
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Today Im going to talk about a dish called Al Kabsa. I chose to talk about this because no one really does talk about Saudi Arabian food Im not going to lie I would like to know more about them. Don't worry that is why I'm here to tell you about everything about this delicious food. Kabsa is there national dish because it is the perfect representation of all Arabic cuisine because there is the sweetness of all the nuts added and the spice of all Arabian spice like saffron is one of them. It's also to express it is a big events like wedding, anniversary and birthdays or religious holiday like Eid. If you have not try this yet you are missing out and if you want to try it here it is.
Ingredient for Al Kabsa:
Those are the spices
1/4 tsp ground cardamom (cardamom powder)
1/4 tsp ground white pepper (white pepper powder)
1/4 tsp saffron
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon (cinnamon powder)
1/2 tsp ground all spice
1/2 tsp dried whole lime powder
How to make the chicken
2 tbsp oil or butter
3 onions, sliced
1 tbsp minced ginger (ginger paste)
1 tbsp minced garlic (garlic paste)
1 green chili
2 dried bay leaves
6 cloves
4 cardamom pods
1 cinnamon stick
2 tbsp tomato puree (tomato paste)
1 pinch ground nutmeg (nutmeg powder)
1/2 tsp ground black pepper (black pepper powder)
1/4 tsp ground cumin (cumin powder)
1/2 tsp ground coriander (coriander powder)
3 medium carrots, thinly sliced
200 g canned diced tomatoes (or 3 tomatoes chopped)
2 chicken stock cubes
1 1/2 kg whole chicken, cut into 6 pieces
3 cups basmati rice, rinsed
1/4 cup raisins
Salt to taste
Raisins, to garnish (optional)
Slivered almonds, to garnish (optional)
Step to make it:
To make kabsa spice mix, combine together cardamom, white pepper, saffron, cinnamon, all spice and lime powder in a bowl. Set aside.
Heat oil in a large heavy bottomed pan over medium-high heat. Add onions, ginger, garlic and green chilies. Sauté for 2-3 minutes or until the onions turn golden brown. Add bay leaves, cloves, cardamom pods and cinnamon stick. Fry for a minute.
Stir in tomato purée. Add ground nutmeg, ground black pepper, ground cumin, ground coriander and kabsa spice. Season with salt. Fry the spices for a minute. Add carrots and diced tomatoes. Stir, and cook for 2 minutes.
Add chicken cubes and chicken pieces. Brown chicken, turning occasionally, for about 30 minutes. Remove the chicken pieces from the pan. Set aside.
Add rice and raisins. Pour in 4 cups water. Season with salt. Bring it to the boil. Reduce the heat, cover with lid, and simmer for 10-15 minutes.
Preheat grill. Grill chicken for 10-15 minutes or until cooked through. Serve rice with grilled chicken.
FYI: - For rice, start with 3 cups of water, and then add more if needed. - Whole lime powder is available in Middle Eastern grocery stores.
If you don't want to break your head for the spices you can always find Kabsa spice mix at your local Middle eastern grocery stores.
I hope you enjoy this recipe and if there anything else you guys would like to know please comment and Bon Appetit!
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sins-of-the-sea · 8 months
Dash Game: Muse Interview
What is your name?
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"Rashid al-Qadar ibn Zahid. Just Rashid will do. I am sometimes called by my nickname 'Jinni', given to me by my crewmate Wang Ruixiong."
Do you know why you’re here?
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"Because I sold my soul to a bogus pact I cannot back out of no matter what I try. So I just do my best to not think about my immortality or the fact I am tasked to eternally steal souls at the behest of my Master, lest I relive the worst moments of my life as my personal Jahannam."
Do you have any family?
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"Father, my birth mother, my father's other wives, and countless siblings I have no recollection of because of some issue I was never aware of growing up. On my own end, I once had a wife and a son, and that son has progeny I can confirm by three generations."
What did you last have for breakfast?
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"Hmm, let's see. Coffee, eggs, chicken, beef, fish, hummus, dates, banana masoub, labneh, nuts, and a little bit of yogurt."
What do you last have for lunch?
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"Mmm, kabsa with lamb, jareesh, tamees, and then I also had some polenta, congee, hulatang, and buñuelos."
What did you last have for Dinner?
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"Thareed, saleeg, an original tomato-onion-fish stew Giovanni created, honey garlic chicken, crunchy pickled salad, couscous, and some baklava and sufganiyot.
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"…..What? Yes, that was what I ate in one day, why are you all looking at me like that? Do you know which of the Christian Seven Deadly Sins I represent???"
How old are you?
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"Forty-five when I sold my soul. As of this current date of writing, I would be 447 years old."
Do you have any friends?
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"Outside of the Crew? Not really…"
Are you more comfortable by yourself or surrounded by others?
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"I would love to be surrounded by others. The Master ensures that shall not happen as long as they are not bound to him."
Do you have any hobbies?
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"I mostly read. I travel. I try to seek out global news and events, be it in trade and business or just anything else happening. I also like sports, either playing or watching. Football especially."
Do you have any aspirations or dreams?
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"Hah. I ate them in 1621."
Are you quick to anger?
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"No. Count your blessings, however. I am not one you want to anger thoughtlessly."
Can you dance?
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"Sure. Have you heard of al ardah?"
Do you prefer casual or stylish wear?
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"Have you not heard of stylish casual?"
Can you lift?
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"Mhm. Heaviest I deadlifted was roughly 400 kilos."
Do you play games?
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"Does chess count? I don't really play video games unless it's some sort of game that can be enjoyed in a party."
Are there any parts of your past self that you’re ashamed of?
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"I still never found out why my wife ran away from home. And I wish I can take back what I said to my son to get me exiled from home."
Can you tell us a joke?
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"Me! I'm a joke."
Is there anything you’d like to say before we wrap things up?
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"What are you wrapping? Shawarma? There is a shop I recommend from this family of immigrants, their chicken marinade and garlic sauce is to die for~."
Stolen from: @thesafaribaggirl-returns Tagging: SLAPS YOU
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¿Cuál es la diferencia cultural entre Arabia Saudita y Líbano?
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¿Cuál es la diferencia cultural entre Arabia Saudita y Líbano?
Costumbres de Arabia Saudita
Las costumbres en Arabia Saudita reflejan su rica tradición y arraigadas creencias. La sociedad saudí se caracteriza por sus costumbres conservadoras y devoción a la religión islámica. Una de las prácticas más destacadas en Arabia Saudita es el respeto hacia los mayores, quienes son considerados como autoridades en la familia y la comunidad.
Otra costumbre importante en este país es el rezo diario, que es una parte fundamental en la vida de los sauditas. Cinco veces al día, los musulmanes se dirigen a la mezquita más cercana para realizar sus oraciones, demostrando así su compromiso con su fe.
El código de vestimenta en Arabia Saudita es también una costumbre que resalta, ya que se espera que tanto hombres como mujeres se vistan de manera conservadora, cubriendo sus cuerpos en su totalidad. Las mujeres en particular deben usar un abaya, una túnica larga y suelta, así como cubrirse la cabeza con un pañuelo.
Las celebraciones religiosas como el Ramadán y el Eid al-Fitr son ocasiones especiales en las que los sauditas se reúnen para orar, ayunar y compartir comidas con sus seres queridos. Estas festividades son momentos de reflexión y gratitud hacia Alá.
En resumen, las costumbres en Arabia Saudita son una parte fundamental de la identidad de su pueblo, resaltando su profundo apego a la religión, la familia y la tradición.
Tradiciones en Líbano
Las tradiciones en Líbano son un reflejo de la rica historia y diversidad cultural de este país del Medio Oriente. A lo largo de los siglos, Líbano ha sido un crisol de culturas, religiones y tradiciones, lo que ha dado lugar a una mezcla única de costumbres y celebraciones.
Una de las tradiciones más arraigadas en Líbano es la importancia de la familia. La familia es el pilar central de la sociedad libanesa, y las reuniones familiares son una parte fundamental de la vida cotidiana. En estas reuniones se comparten comidas tradicionales como el tabbouleh, el kebbeh y el arroz con almendras, acompañadas de música y bailes folclóricos.
Otra tradición popular en Líbano son las celebraciones religiosas, especialmente las relacionadas con la Iglesia Maronita y la comunidad musulmana chiita y sunita. Durante festivales como la Semana Santa, el Ramadán y la Navidad, las calles de ciudades como Beirut se llenan de coloridas procesiones y celebraciones que atraen a fieles y turistas de todo el mundo.
Además, Líbano es conocido por su artesanía tradicional, como la fabricación de cerámica, tejidos y joyería. Estas artesanías se transmiten de generación en generación y son una parte importante de la identidad cultural del país.
En resumen, las tradiciones en Líbano son un tesoro cultural que refleja la diversidad, la hospitalidad y la calidez de su gente. Mantener y preservar estas tradiciones es clave para entender y apreciar la historia y la identidad de este fascinante país del Medio Oriente.
Gastronomía saudí
La gastronomía saudí es una fusión de sabores tradicionales y influencias culturales que reflejan la diversidad de la región. Con una rica historia y una variedad de ingredientes locales, la cocina saudí ofrece una experiencia culinaria única y deliciosa.
Uno de los platos más emblemáticos de la gastronomía saudí es el "Kabsa", un arroz aromático cocido con especias como cardamomo, canela y clavo, acompañado de carne de cordero, pollo o pescado. Esta delicia esencia de la cocina saudí se sirve con almendras y pasas, añadiendo un toque de dulzura y textura.
Otro plato popular es el "Mandi", similar al Kabsa pero con un método de cocción único. La carne se cocina lentamente en un horno de tierra, infundiéndose con los sabores de las especias y el arroz, creando una experiencia gastronómica irresistiblemente sabrosa.
La "Mutabbaq" es una opción deliciosa para los amantes de los alimentos rellenos. Esta especie de empanada se rellena con una mezcla de carne, verduras o queso, y se cocina en una sartén hasta que esté crujiente por fuera y suave por dentro.
Los dulces también ocupan un lugar especial en la gastronomía saudí. El "Kunafa" es un postre popular hecho con fideos de sémola, relleno de queso y bañado en almíbar de azahar, creando una combinación indulgente de sabores dulces y salados.
En resumen, la gastronomía saudí es una celebración de la diversidad culinaria y cultural de la región. Con platos deliciosos y sabrosos, esta cocina ofrece una experiencia única que deleitará los paladares de todo el mundo.
Festividades libanesas
Las festividades libanesas son una expresión vibrante y colorida de la rica cultura de Líbano. Con su fusión de tradiciones religiosas y culturales, estas celebraciones son una muestra de la diversidad y la historia del país.
Una de las festividades más importantes en Líbano es la Navidad. En este país de mayoría cristiana, la Navidad se celebra con alegría y entusiasmo. Las calles se iluminan con luces festivas, los mercados se llenan de decoraciones navideñas y las iglesias organizan misas especiales para conmemorar el nacimiento de Jesús.
Otra festividad destacada en Líbano es el Eid al-Fitr, que marca el fin del mes sagrado del Ramadán para la comunidad musulmana. Durante esta celebración, las familias se reúnen para compartir comidas tradicionales, intercambiar regalos y ayudar a los menos afortunados.
Además, el Día de la Independencia de Líbano es una festividad nacional que se celebra el 22 de noviembre en conmemoración de la independencia del país del mandato francés en 1943. Durante este día, se realizan desfiles, conciertos y eventos cívicos en todo el país para honrar la historia y la soberanía de Líbano.
En resumen, las festividades libanesas reflejan la diversidad, la historia y la espiritualidad de este hermoso país del Medio Oriente. Cada celebración es una oportunidad para unirse, compartir y celebrar la riqueza cultural de Líbano. ¡Viva las festividades libanesas!
Vestimenta tradicional de Arabia Saudita
La vestimenta tradicional de Arabia Saudita refleja la rica historia y la cultura única del país. La vestimenta varía entre hombres y mujeres, con diseños y estilos distintivos que han evolucionado a lo largo de los siglos.
En el caso de los hombres, la vestimenta tradicional incluye la thobe, una túnica larga y holgada que suele ser blanca, aunque también pueden encontrarse en otros colores. Esta prenda se complementa con un keffiyeh, un pañuelo cuadrado que se coloca en la cabeza y se sujeta con una cuerda negra llamada agal. También es común ver a los hombres saudíes usando una bisht, una capa larga y lujosa que se usa en ocasiones especiales.
Por otro lado, las mujeres saudíes suelen vestir el abaya, una túnica larga y suelta que cubre todo el cuerpo. A menudo, el abaya es de color negro, pero también se pueden encontrar en otros colores oscuros. Las mujeres también usan un pañuelo en la cabeza llamado hijab o shayla para cubrir su cabello.
Es importante destacar que la vestimenta tradicional de Arabia Saudita no solo cumple con los requisitos de modestia en la cultura musulmana, sino que también refleja la identidad y el orgullo del pueblo saudí. A pesar de la influencia de la moda occidental, muchos saudíes continúan vistiendo con orgullo su vestimenta tradicional en eventos y festividades importantes.
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ubaid214 · 3 months
Academic Escapes: Saudi Arabia's Scholarly Excursions and Learning Presents
Lately, Saudi Arabia has appeared as an energetic destination giving an array of distinctive experiences to people from around the globe. From their wealthy social heritage to their growing hospitality field, the Empire is fascinating visitors with its mixture of convention and modernity. Let's search into a number of the fascinating Saudi presents which are enticing tourists to discover this vibrant country. عروض
National Concentration: History Tours and Experiences Saudi Arabia features a wealthy cultural history that spans 1000s of years, and there's number better way to have it than through history travels and experiences. Readers may wander through ancient ruins, discover UNESCO Earth History web sites like Al-Ula, or immerse themselves in the traditions of local communities. From the ancient mud-brick houses of Diriyah to the gorgeous steel formations of Mada'in Saleh, every corner of Saudi Arabia tells a tale of their wealthy past.
Adventure and Outside Exploration For the thrill-seekers and character fans, Saudi Arabia supplies a playground of outside adventures. From exhilarating dune bashing in the leave to diving in the beautiful waters of the Red Ocean, the country's diverse areas give endless opportunities for outside exploration. Adventurers can trek through the beautiful mountains of Asir, set about a wilderness chrome, or camp underneath the starry skies of the Clear Fraction – the largest sand desert in the world.
Luxurious and Hospitality: Exclusive Resorts and Retreats Saudi Arabia is synonymous with luxurious, and its hospitality field shows this name impeccably. The Kingdom is house to a myriad of special resorts and retreats where guests can indulge in unparalleled comfort and extravagance. From opulent hotels overlooking the turquoise seas of the Red Ocean to serene desert resorts providing world-class amenities, Saudi Arabia caters to the critical likes of luxurious travelers seeking a luxurious escape.
Culinary Delights: Gastronomic Activities Number visit to Saudi Arabia is complete without testing their diverse and delicious cuisine. The Kingdom's culinary world is just a reduction container of styles influenced by their rich social heritage and diverse population. From old-fashioned recipes like Kabsa and Mandi to global fare offered in elegant bars and eateries, Saudi Arabia offers a gastronomic trip that tantalizes the preferences and leaves a lasting impact on food enthusiasts.
Wellness and Bobbleheadwater Retreats In the middle of its vibrant towns and serene areas, Saudi Arabia offers refuge for anyone seeking pleasure and rejuvenation. Wellness and nielsthomas1 retreats abound, providing a range of holistic remedies and therapies made to promote wellness and well-being. Whether it's a normal hammam experience or a luxurious nielsthomas1 day at a five-star resort, visitors may rest and boost amidst the harmony of Saudi Arabia's serene surroundings.
Academic and Ethnic Experiences Beyond their organic elegance and luxurious attractions, Saudi Arabia also gives enriching academic and social experiences for interested travelers. From visiting world-class museums and galleries to joining national festivals and functions, you will find countless possibilities to immerse oneself in the Kingdom's lively arts and heritage scene. Whether learning about Islamic record at the Prophet's Mosque in Medina or exploring contemporary art galleries in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia offers a wealth of academic experiences for many interests.
Family-Friendly Amusement Saudi Arabia prides itself on being truly a family-friendly destination, with a bunch of entertainment possibilities catering to visitors of most ages. From theme parks and enjoyment centers to interactive museums and recreational actions, individuals may enjoy quality time together while making sustained memories. Whether it's each day of excitement trips at the Edge of the World or a trip to the Riyadh Zoo, Saudi Arabia presents endless entertainment choices for people looking to own fun and bond.
Shopping Extravaganza: Shop and Souvenir Hunting For passionate shoppers, Saudi Arabia is really a paradise waiting to be explored. From vibrant souks and standard areas to modern centers and luxury boutiques, the Empire offers a diverse searching knowledge that provides every style and budget. Readers can bargain for gifts in the old streets of Jeddah's Old City, browse designer labels in Riyadh's upscale shopping districts, or get unique gifts to honor their trip through the Kingdom's cultural landscape.
Sustainable Tourism Initiatives As the world embraces sustainable travel methods, Saudi Arabia is leading the way in which with initiatives aimed at preserving its natural and cultural heritage. From eco-friendly resorts and responsible tour operators to conservation jobs and community-based tourism initiatives, the Kingdom is focused on ensuring that its gifts are protected for potential generations to enjoy. Visitors can be involved in voluntourism actions, help regional artisans, and take part in eco-conscious vacation practices to decrease their environmental impact while experiencing all that Saudi Arabia needs to offer.
In summary, Saudi Arabia's varied promotions make it a compelling location for travelers seeking real national experiences, interesting activities, and magnificent escapes. Whether discovering historical heritage websites, indulging in world-class hospitality, or immersing oneself in the Kingdom's lively arts and culinary scene, there's anything for anyone to discover in that captivating country. As Saudi Arabia remains to evolve and start its doors to the planet, the number of choices for unforgettable activities are countless, tempting people to set about a journey of discovery and exploration like never before.
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traveltoarabia · 5 months
Dévoiler les merveilles : une visite touristique en Arabie Saoudite
L'Arabie Saoudite, une terre chargée d'histoire, de culture et de beauté naturelle, invite les voyageurs à se lancer dans une visite touristique qui promet un voyage à travers le temps et des paysages qui captivent l'imagination. Des sites archéologiques antiques aux merveilles architecturales modernes, une visite touristique en Arabie Saoudite est une expérience immersive qui dévoile la riche tapisserie de ce pays enchanteur.
 Trésors historiques : L'Arabie saoudite regorge de trésors historiques et une visite touristique offre l'occasion d'explorer des merveilles anciennes. Le site de Madain Saleh, classé au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO, avec ses tombeaux nabatéens finement sculptés, témoigne de l'importance historique de la région. L'art rupestre de Hail et l'ancienne ville de Diriyah sont également des destinations incontournables pour les passionnés d'histoire.
 Extravagance culturelle : Plongez-vous dans la culture vibrante de l'Arabie Saoudite lors de votre visite touristique. Explorez les souks animés, où les arômes des épices se mêlent aux couleurs des textiles et de l'artisanat traditionnels. Visitez les villes dynamiques de Riyad, Djeddah et Dammam, où la modernité se mêle harmonieusement aux traditions séculaires, offrant un aperçu du paysage culturel dynamique du royaume.
 Merveilles naturelles : Les paysages diversifiés de l'Arabie Saoudite offrent une toile de fond à couper le souffle pour une aventure touristique. Des imposantes dunes de sable du Quartier Vide (Rub' al Khali) aux eaux coralliennes de la mer Rouge, le pays offre un éventail de merveilles naturelles. Les îles Farasan, avec leurs plages immaculées et leur vie marine animée, sont un paradis pour les amoureux de la nature.
Merveilles architecturales : L’Arabie saoudite moderne est ornée de merveilles architecturales qui mettent en valeur l’innovation et la grandeur. L'emblématique tour du Kingdom Centre à Riyad, la tour de l'horloge royale à La Mecque et les superbes gratte-ciel de la corniche de Djeddah illustrent l'engagement de la nation en faveur du design contemporain. Une visite touristique dévoile ces structures impressionnantes qui définissent l’horizon saoudien.
 Sanctuaires spirituels : Aucune visite touristique en Arabie Saoudite n’est complète sans une visite des villes les plus saintes de l’Islam – La Mecque et Médine. Découvrez l'aura spirituelle de la Grande Mosquée de La Mecque et de la Mosquée du Prophète à Médine. Soyez témoin de la fervente dévotion des pèlerins et émerveillez-vous devant la splendeur architecturale qui entoure ces sites sacrés.
 Aventures dans le désert : Les vastes déserts d’Arabie Saoudite offrent un cadre propice à des expériences uniques. Une visite touristique peut inclure un safari passionnant dans le désert, où les visiteurs peuvent monter à dos de chameau sur des dunes de sable doré, découvrir l'hospitalité bédouine et assister à des couchers de soleil fascinants sur le désert.
 Délices culinaires : Savourez les saveurs de la cuisine saoudienne lors de votre voyage touristique. Savourez un café arabe aromatique, savourez la douceur des dattes et savourez des plats traditionnels comme le Kabsa et le Mandi. Chaque région propose ses spécialités culinaires, faisant du circuit une aventure gastronomique.
une visite touristique en Arabie Saoudite est une odyssée qui dévoile les différentes facettes de l'histoire, de la culture et de la beauté naturelle du pays. Des merveilles anciennes aux merveilles architecturales modernes, les voyageurs sont invités à explorer les diverses facettes de cette nation captivante. Qu'il s'agisse de se délecter de la grandeur des paysages urbains ou de s'immerger dans la tranquillité des sites antiques, une visite touristique en Arabie Saoudite promet un voyage de découverte et d'émerveillement.
Pour plus d'informations. :-
visa arabie saoudite
vacances halal
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momobackpacker · 6 months
"Discover the Enchanting Wonders of Saudi Arabia: A Traveler's Guide to a Land of Rich Heritage and Modern Marvels"
Embark on a journey to Saudi Arabia, a land where ancient history and modernity converge, offering a tapestry of experiences that captivate the adventurous traveler.
Places to Visit:
1. Riyadh - The Capital Oasis:
Begin your adventure in Riyadh, a modern metropolis juxtaposed against the arid desert landscape. Marvel at the futuristic skyline and explore the historic Masmak Fortress, a symbol of the city's rich heritage.
2. Jeddah - Gateway to the Red Sea:
Jeddah beckons with its vibrant culture and seaside charm. Stroll along the Corniche, explore the historic Al-Balad district with its coral architecture, and don't miss the King Fahd Fountain, a mesmerizing display of water and light.
3. Al Ula - A Journey through Time:
Step into an ancient world at Al Ula, home to the UNESCO-listed Madain Saleh. Carved into rose-red cliffs, these Nabatean tombs rival Jordan's Petra and offer a glimpse into the region's rich history.
4. Edge of the World - Natural Wonder:
For a taste of the surreal, venture to the Edge of the World, a dramatic escarpment that offers breathtaking panoramic views of the endless desert below.
Activities to Do:
1. Sand Dune Adventures:
Experience the thrill of dune bashing in the Rub' al Khali (Empty Quarter) or partake in sandboarding for an adrenaline rush amidst the endless sands.
2. Snorkeling in the Red Sea:
Explore the vibrant marine life of the Red Sea with a snorkeling excursion. The coral reefs and clear waters make it a paradise for underwater enthusiasts.
3. Traditional Souks:
Indulge in a sensory experience at traditional souks like Souq Al Zal in Riyadh or Souq Al Alawi in Jeddah. Immerse yourself in the scents of spices, the vibrant colors of textiles, and the lively ambiance.
Hidden Gems:
1. Farasan Islands:
Escape to the Farasan Islands for pristine beaches, coral reefs, and a chance to witness nesting turtles. It's a hidden paradise for nature lovers.
2. Al Qarah Mountain:
Discover the ancient village at the base of Al Qarah Mountain, where caves and historical sites unfold a story of bygone eras.
Culinary Delights:
1. Kabsa - National Dish:
Savor Kabsa, the national dish, a flavorful rice and meat dish infused with aromatic spices.
2. Dates and Arabic Coffee:
Experience the hospitality of locals with traditional Arabic coffee (Gahwa) and indulge in the sweetness of local dates.
Historical Marvels:
1. Diriyah - Cradle of the Kingdom:
Explore the historic district of Diriyah, a UNESCO World Heritage site, where mud-brick structures tell the tale of Saudi Arabia's founding.
2. Mada'in Saleh - Saudi Arabia's Petra:
Wander through the archaeological wonders of Mada'in Saleh, a treasure trove of Nabatean tombs and rock-cut architecture.
Cultural Insights:
Immerse yourself in Saudi Arabian culture by respecting local customs. Modesty is key, especially in conservative areas. Always ask for permission before taking photos of people, and be mindful of prayer times.
What to Avoid:
1. Public Display of Affection:
Avoid public displays of affection, as Saudi Arabia follows conservative Islamic traditions.
2. Restricted Areas:
Respect restricted areas, especially near military installations, and adhere to local regulations to ensure a smooth and enjoyable visit.
Saudi Arabia beckons with a blend of history, adventure, and cultural richness. Embrace the warmth of its people, the allure of its landscapes, and the echoes of its storied past as you embark on a journey through this captivating destination.
Hotel Prices:
In major cities like Riyadh and Jeddah, a mid-range hotel can range from $80 to $150 per night, while luxury hotels may cost $200 and above.
Food Prices:
Dining costs vary, with local restaurants offering budget-friendly meals starting from $5 to $15 per person. Fine dining establishments can have higher prices, averaging $30 to $100 per person.
Daily Expenses:
On average, a mid-range budget for a day, including accommodation, meals, transportation, and some activities, can range from $100 to $200 per person.
Additional Considerations:
Transportation costs, depending on whether you use public transport or rent a car, can add to your expenses.
Entrance fees to attractions and activities should also be factored into your budget.
Shopping and souvenirs will contribute to your overall spending.
Remember that these are general estimates, and prices may have changed since my last update. For the most accurate information, consider consulting recent travel guides, websites, or contacting local tourism offices.
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extseventeen · 6 months
From Desert to Coast: Regional Delights of Traditional Food in Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia is a land of diverse landscapes. It is not just known for its stunning desert vistas but also for its rich and varied culinary traditions. Traditional food in Saudi Arabia represents the kingdom's distinct regions and the unique ingredients each region has to offer. From the heart of the Arabian Desert to the coastal areas along the Red Sea and the Arabian Gulf, Saudi cuisine showcases an array of flavors, making it a fascinating journey from the desert to the coast and beyond.
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Desert Delights
Saudi cuisine is hearty and designed to sustain in a harsh environment like the arid expanses of the Arabian Desert. Traditional dishes like "mandi" are a desert delight. The dish features tender, slow-cooked lamb or chicken flavored with an assortment of spices and is served on a bed of fragrant rice. The cooking method involves sealing the ingredients in an underground clay oven, allowing them to slow-cook to perfection.
Saudi Arabia's vast deserts have been home to nomadic tribes for centuries. The nomadic lifestyle has greatly influenced the cuisine, giving birth to dishes that can be prepared with minimal resources. Dishes like "jareesh" and "harees," made from crushed and coarsely ground wheat and meat, are staples and create a comforting and filling porridge-like texture. Dates are considered a desert treasure and are a common accompaniment to several meals.
Mountainous Treasures
As you move towards the southern mountains of Saudi Arabia, you will find unique culinary delights. "Al-kabsa" is a highly regarded and beloved dish in the region, featuring spiced rice with tender pieces of chicken or lamb. The dish is known for its bold flavors, often brought forth through the use of saffron, black lime, and bay leaves.
"Al-mutabbaq" is another mountainous treat – a flaky pastry filled with various ingredients like vegetables, meat, or even sweet fillings. It is a delicious snack or meal that is best enjoyed in the cool mountain air.
Coastal Cuisine
The coastal areas of Saudi Arabia, along the Red Sea and the Arabian Gulf, offer a plethora of seafood. The region's cuisine is a seafood lover's dream. Dishes like "sayadieh" feature perfectly cooked fish or shrimp served on a bed of spiced rice. The spices and herbs used in coastal dishes give them a distinct flavor and set them apart from other regions.
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Modern Interpretations
While traditional Saudi cuisine remains true to its origin and is etched in history, chefs and culinary entrepreneurs are reimagining classic dishes to appeal to a wide range of palates. The fusion of old and new ensures that conventional Saudi cuisine continues to evolve and remains relevant in the modern culinary landscape.
Traditional food in Saudi Arabia is a celebration of the nation's rich cultural heritage. Whether you are in the heart of the desert, the mountains, or along the coast, the kingdom's culinary treasures offer a delicious glimpse into its history and traditions.
Ext. Seventeen is an award-winning restaurant in Jeddah, offering a sumptuous blend of traditional Saudi and modern cuisine that is a tapestry of flavors and narrates the story of the nation's rich and varied cultural heritage. 
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marty-crouz · 9 months
Recipe for Al Kabsa Traditional Saudi Rice and Chicken
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Al kabsa is a traditional Arab recipe for fragrant basmati rice topped with chicken pieces cooked until tender in tomato sauce with aromatic spices.
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chefabdurrahman · 1 year
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Kabsa Dejaj Al-Faham Prepared By Chef Abdur Rahman (at Gulshan-1) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpfJ5mrPlPs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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spitonews · 1 year
Swapping kabsa for kale: Saudis embrace healthy eating | Health
Long partial to heavy lunchtime platters of meat and rice, Asim al-Shammari has recently turned to lighter fare from a self-described diet restaurant, swayed by Saudi Arabia’s anti-obesity push. Roughly one in five Saudi adults is obese, according to an in-depth study published by the World Bank last year that described the problem as “alarming”. The Global Obesity Observatory places the kingdom…
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gullivertrips · 2 years
A Practical Guide on How to Travel in Taif- Discover The Artifacts
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If you’re looking to explore Saudi Arabia’s rich cultural heritage, then a visit to Taif is a must. This historic city is home to a wealth of ancient artifacts and sites, making it the perfect place to learn more about the country’s past. One of the most notable sites in Taif is the Al-Qasr Al-Farid, or the ‘Unique Palace’. This ancient structure is thought to have been built in the 12th century, and was once the home of a prominent local ruler. Today, the palace is open to the public, and is a popular spot for tourists to take photos. Another interesting site in Taif is the Al-Sahba Mosque. This grand mosque was built in the 16th century, and is one of the largest in the city. Visitors can admire the beautiful architecture and learn more about the Islamic faith. If you’re interested in learning about Taif’s history, then be sure to visit the Taif Heritage Village. This open-air museum is home to a number of traditional buildings, as well as a library and museum. Visitors can also watch traditional folk performances, or try their hand at some traditional crafts. No visit to Taif would be complete without trying the local cuisine. There are a number of great restaurants in the city, serving up everything from traditional Saudi dishes to international cuisine. Be sure to try the kabsa, a rice and meat dish that is a specialty in Taif. Whether you’re interested in history, culture, or food, Taif is sure to have something to offer. So why not add this city to your travel plans and discover its many charms for yourself? Read the full article
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findbestrestaurant · 3 years
Here's what Karachi's most well-known food critique Mujeeb Ansari said about us and we'll take it:
We might spend allot of time and effort at times to find the best restaurant, or let’s stay a set of the best restaurants in Karachi, while for a foodie like me, who has had, the best food in Karachi; the best Chinese in Karachi, the best pizza in Karachi, the best steak in Karachi from the best steakhouse in Karachi, the best Turkish food in Karachi, Best Irani food in Karachi, Best Lebanese food in Karachi, Best Arabic food in Karachi, or let’s call it, Best Arabic Cuisine in Karachi, near me, like, authentic shawarma in Karachi, best lamb shank in Karachi, best beef Mandi in Karachi, best Chicken Mandi in Karachi, Best mutton Mandi in Karachi, Best Madhbi in Karachi, Best Madfoon in Karachi, best Makboos in Karachi; in short, best Arabic rice in Karachi or Best Arabic Mandi in Karachi, to be even more specific; the Best Kuwaiti food in Karachi, the best Saudi Food in Karachi,
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Best restaurant near me, best restaurant in Karachi, best dine in in Karachi. You can imagine my stride and strive to all the restaurants to Kabsa House or Mandi House of House of Mandi as they call it; from Ridan or Ridan House of Mandi to Zeytin, to Yemen Bait Al Mandi or Yemeni Mandi, Bait Al Kabsa Mandi and Bukhari, you must trust me when I say this; I have done everything to find the best Hummus in Karachi, the best Kabsa in Karachi, something with Tahina and Basbousa or Kunafa, the best Ruz Bukhari or as they call it Shawaya Ruz bukhari in Karachi, and it is tough to believe that the answer to my longing was not finding the best Arabic food in Karachi.
I was supposed to look for the best Yemeni food in Karachi, or a Yemeni Mandi in Karachi. The stride literally ended when I dinned at Kabsa Express, probably the only best Yemeni Restaurant or Yemenite Cuisine as they call it, in Karachi. Do you know what they call it? They call it Kabsa Madhghout, the King of all Kabsas.
For someone who came back from the Gulf. All I am left to do is to find Albaik in Karachi and we never need to leave Pakistan again.
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banotah-com · 3 years
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hamudifoods-blog · 5 years
#1 Kabsa.
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Kabsa (كبسة). Originario en Yemen, la Kabsa es un plato consumido en la gran mayoría de oriente medio (Arabia Saudí, Jordania, Kuwait, Emiratos Árabes, Bahrein, Omán, Qatar, Irak y Turquía). Comparte gran semejanza con la paella. En la época Al Ándalus, se llamaba «el descanso» por su preparación (se cuece todo junto sin un orden concreto). A lo largo de los años, se ha modificado su manera de preparación. En cambio, la paella se elaboraba de las sobras de la comida.
                                  Ingredientes de la Kabsa
La Kabsa es un plato para 2 personas.
Tiempo de cocción: 35-40 minutos.
Especias y condimentos:
Sal: 1 cucharada (o al gusto).
Pimienta negra: 1 cucharada pequeña.
Cilantro molido: 1 cucharada pequeña.
Curry (Normal o de Madras): 1 cucharada pequeña.
Cajún (o caldo de pollo): 1 cucharada pequeña.
Mostaza en polvo: ½ cuchara pequeña.
Cardamomo: 4-6 piezas.
Clavo: 4 piezas.
Canela cassia: 1 rama.
Laurel: 1 hoja.
Lime negra (desecada): 1 pieza.
Guindilla: 2.
Cebolla morada: 1.
Ajo: 3-4 dientes.
Tomate: 1.
Aceite de oliva (o girasol): 2 cucharadas.
Tomate frito: 2 cucharadas.
Pollo: 1 pollo pequeño o picantón.
Arroz basmati (también sirve el vaporizado): 300-350g.
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