#akari and cutemon
kyanitedragon · 2 years
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[ID: A screenshot from the opening of Digimon Xros Wars, showing Akari sitting against a giant mushroom stem and smiling with Cutemon beside her and Dorulumon laying behind them. End ID]
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kemathatall · 2 years
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shoutmonishere · 7 months
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Okay shipping bait aside
What if- hear me out here-
What if Akari and Cutemon came along because they were aware that
Taiki is very much still not okay with Shoutmon dying and Akari of all people- who is Taiki's childhood friend- would realize that something is up, even if he tries to push through it to the point of exhaustion. I doubt that this is the first instance this has happened (just not with the pressure of the world ending)
Similar to Akari, Cutemon is very keen about people being hurt, whether it's physical or emotional (the latter shown in the Hunters Arc with Yuu). So it wouldn't be a surprise that Cutemon would have also realized that Taiki is hurting. Besides that, if anything goes wrong in the Dark Stone (yes they're going inside DarknessBagramon), he can fix it up, hopefully.
So alas, they can't just not hottokenai on him.
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nanaeljustice · 11 months
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It's been a while since my last Digimon drawing, but I was thinking about some characters recently and I got specially excited to draw Akari again, I learned so much since the last time I tackled her design!
Cutemon is here too, for moral support.
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digijosify · 11 months
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same energy
Episode Recap: Shoutmon shows Taiki and the others the Village of Smiles, from whom his army hails. Akari and Zenshirou express a desire to go home (after Akari meets Cutemon, briefly), which upsets Shoutmon. He tries to entice Taiki and the others to stay by mentioning there are other humans in the Digital World, proving it's an exciting place to be. Taiki persists, but the humans are ambushed by Madleomon's army. Madleomon seems to think they're in league with Blue and Loops, and fuses with Orochimon to fight them. Shoutmon returns to save the day, and Taiki Xroses him with Ballistamon to form (sigh) Shoutmon X2. Seeing that they still need each other, Taiki decides to remain.
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variouscolors · 1 year
[Database - Mobile]
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[updated: May/8/2024]
[Long post ahead]
[Evolution lines - check this post]
Taichi: 25yo | Masc (he/him) | July/29 (LE) | Bi | Crest of Courage Agumon (he/him) Hikari: 21yo | Fem (she/her) | Sep/26 (LI) | AroAce | Crest of Light Tailmon (she/her) Sora: 25yo | Fem (she/her) | Feb/21 (AQ-PS cusp) | Bi | Crest of Love Piyomon (she/her; they/them) Yamato:  25yo | Masc (he/him) | Jan/23 (AQ) | Bi | Crest of Friendship Gabumon (he/him) Mimi: 24yo | Fem (she/her) | Mar/29 (AR) | Pan | Crest of Sincerity Palmon (she/her) Takeru: 21yo | Masc (he/him) | Jul/19 (CC) | Gay | Crest of Hope Patamon (he/him) Daisuke: 21yo | Masc (he/him) | Dec/1 (SG) | Pan | Courage & Friendship (+ Miracles) V-mon (he/him) Iori: 19yo | Masc (he/him) | Dec/28 (CP) | Demi | Knowledge & Reliability Armadimon (he/him) Miyako: 22yo | Fem (she/her) | May/30 (GM) | Bi | Love & Sincerity Hawkmon (they/them; he/him) Ken: 21yo | Masc (he/him) | Oct/31 (SC) | Demi | Crest of Kindness Wormmon (he/him) Michael: 24yo | Masc (he/him) | Jul/2 (CC) | Demi  Betamon (he/him)  Jun: 27yo | Fem (she/her) | Apr/17 (AR) | Pan Pulsemon (she/her) Wallace:  21yo | Masc (he/him) | Jun/8 (GM) | Bi | Crest (?) of Destiny Gummymon [Terriermon] & Chocomon [Lopmon] (he/him) Maki:  21yo | Fem (she/her) | Jan/8 (CP) | Ace Bakumon (he/him) Daigo:  21yo | Masc (he/him) | Oct/18 (LI) | Bi Bearmon (he/him) Menoa:  22yo | Fem (she/her) | Jul/9 (CC) | Bi Morphomon (she/her) Ryo: 25yo | Masc (he/him) | Dec/16 (SG) | Bi | Able to turn enemy digimon into allies Cyberdramon (he/him) Lui: 20yo | Masc (he/him) | Feb 28*-29 (PS) | Demi Ukkomon (he/him) [OC] Noel/Étoile: 20yo | Enby (he/him) | Jun/15 (GM) | ??? | Phantom Thief Miss Espimon (she/her)
[Adv:/Psi] Taichi: 11yo | Masc (he/him) | Dec/20 (SG-CP) | AroAce | Courage Agumon (he/him)  [V-Tamer] Taichi: 11?yo | Masc (he/him) | Nov/21 (SC-SG cusp) | Demi Zeromaru [V-dramon] (he/him)
Gennai: he/him Digitamamon: They/them; he/him Arukenimon: she/her Natchan: she/her
[Adv:] Neemon: he/him
[OC] Blu/Rhodo: he/him; they/them
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Takuya: 12yo | Masc (he/him | Aug/7 (LE) | Bi | Warrior of Flame Izumi: 12yo | Fem (she/her) | May/14 (GM) | Demi | Warrior of Wind
Bokomon: he/him Neemon: he/him
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Ikuto: 14yo | Masc (he/him; they/them) | Mar/25 (AR) | Demi Falcomon (he/him; they/them)
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Taiki:  16yo | Masc (he/him) | Oct/19 (LI) | Bi Shoutmon (he/him) Akari:  16yo | Fem (she/her) | Sep/16 (VI) | Bi Dorulumon & Cutemon (he/him) Tagiru: 15yo | Masc (he/him) | Mar/25 (AR) | Demi (canon) / AroAce (AU) Gumdramon (he/him)
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Haru: 15yo | Masc (he/him) | Jul/1 (CC) | Bi Gatchmon (he/him) Eri: 15yo | Fem (she/her) | Apr/16 (AR-TA cusp) | Bi Dokamon (he/him) Rei: 15yo | Masc (he/him) | ??? | ?? Hackmon (he/him) Yuujin: 16?yo | Masc (he/him; they/them) | Mar/19 (PS-AR cusp) | Gay Offmon (he/him) Knight:  18?yo | Masc (he/him) | ??? | ???
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Hiro: 14yo | Masc (he/him) | May/14 (TA) | AroAce Gammamon (he/him)
[GG] Piemon: he/him [GG] Kuzuhamon: she/her
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Rina: 17yo | Fem (she/her) | ??? | ??? V.V. [VeeVee] (he/him)
[CSHM] Magnamon: he/him
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digi-egg · 6 years
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tokosantosamakmur · 2 years
Categorizing digidestined kids based on their digimon partner "main" (with HUGE quotation) gimmick
No characters from "digimon ghost games". I just finished watching episode 2 so I don't have enough information on the characters yet.
I made this at 1 am becus of my hyperactive insomniac brain
1. Fire, orange
-taichi agumon
-daisuke cuma flamedramon
-takato guilmon
-takuya agnimon
-masaru agumon
2. Flying, air, bird
-Sora Biyomon
-Miyako Hawkmon
- Izumi Fairymon
- keenan/ Ikuto Falcomon
- adeknya masaru/ chika/kristy dan biyomon
- nene sparrowmon
3. Water, aquatic animal, ice
- joe gomamon
- iori only submarimon
- tomoki himi chakmon
- yushima hiroshi kamemon
-eri karan dokamon
4. Electric, bug, Mecha
-koushiro tentomon
-ken wormmon
-junpei blitzmon
-torajirou musimon
-haru shinkai gatchmon
5. Plants, earth, ground, pink(?)
- mimi palmon
- iori armadimon
- yoshino lalamon
- Airu opposumon
-Akari and cutemon and dorulumon
6. Martial arts, weapons, knight, ninja
-jerry leomon
-yu amane damemon
- zenjirou barristamon
- masaru dad bancholeomon
- miki kurosaki pawnchessmon black
- megumi shirakawa pawnchessmon white
7. The blue machine canon garurumon / dog machine syndrome
-yamato gabumon
- jenrya terriermon
- wanna put koji and wolfmon but their warior of light
- tohma dan gaomon
- aonuma kiriha zekegreymon
8. Dark, devil, black
-koichi lowemon
-ai mako impmon
-ryo akiyama cyberdramon
-yujin ozora, offmon
-Rei katsura hackmon
-ryoma and his digimons
- ren tobari and dracmon
9. Light, holy, angels
-takeru patamon
-hikari tailmon
-ruki renamon
-koji wolfmon
- satsuma rentaro kudamon
10. Dragonsss
- daisuke vmon
- tagiru gumdramon
- taiki shoutmon
Tell me watchu think
I dont really care
Good morning
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wild-battlebond · 3 years
Digimon Xros Wars: Hunters Ep9 Liveblog
Akari is back!!!
they're doing a new sport AGAIN
i think it's really funny that Tagiru and Yuu just follow him around while he helps people
oh he's fainting like old times
you'd think that Taiki would have told all his old friends about the hunt and stuff since they all have ties to the Digimon
oh so this is gonna be like, the super Taiki and Akari ship episode
well i guess it makes a little more sense if they're worried about the others being worried if they tell them about the hunt? i guess?
and Tagiru is going to spy of them through DigiQuartz……. that's really silly, but I'm curious to see how exactly he plans on doing that.
he just put a suit jacket over his regular shirt. what a kid.
...ok Tagiru's schtick is weird. but i guess he's going to meet with his rival? and do rivalry things?
is everyone finally going to get some comeuppance for thinking of Taiki as more-than-human
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man do i love DigiQuartz's general aesthetic. this slaps.
wondering if SuperStarmon has any relation to the Starmon of og Xros Wars fame
well they at least referenced that Starmon
so SuperStarmon is a Starmon that was really cool so it evolved. also it's good to see cameos from everyone.
i also still really like the sinking/rising to enter/leave DigiQuartz thing
im no expert on celebrities but aren't most of these people dead
maybe they're wax statues that SuperStarmon thinks are real people
no they were turned into dolls and now SuperStarmon is slowly sapping celebrity power from them
that must be scary to see a bunch of frozen people placed on literal pedestals and then see one with your own name on it
love how glaringly obvious it is that Cutemon's va must have been constantly available since Cutemon has made a ton of appearances so far
*paused the episode for like a week. welcome back to the gumdramon gets beat up show. (i started it a little too far back)
so DigiQuartz is super-brittle…
WHY do the tiny stars turn into a bear
"when digimon things are happening i stop thinking and follow your lead" that's not as cool of a line as the show seems to frame it. man does xros wars suck at writing its girls.
im glad Taiki is finally telling his friends about everything
the rivals are cooperatinggggggggg
they're cobbling together X4 somehow?! and Akari was the one who suggested it!
oh that is SO cool. i completely forgot they weren't limited to only xrossing their partners with another Digimon (since Gumdramon is usually the only one getting xrossed)
ohg that was so cool. i don't even like the design of X4 and the fight was short but it was still SO cool to see X4 in action again. really hope they make new combinations with double xros later in the show (since xros heart is currently a trio of Taiki, Tagiru, and Yuu, they could even possibly use great xros at some point? they could xros up to 6 Digimon that way!)
oh, so using double xros is exhausting for the humans… so it definitely won't be a common occurrence
ZENJIROU!!! smash bros everyone is here moment.
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sorikal · 3 years
A different Kind of healing, Chapter 7
Shoutmon snorted angrily allowing two small towers of smoke to billow from his ruby red nostrils as the previous events replayed like an old horror movie within his mind. He let out a small sigh gently shaking his head. ‘How could she say such things!? She wasn’t even there when Akari helped pull everyone out of countless messes. At times, she’d been the burning light the team needed to move forwards when even Taiki had almost lost faith!’ A warm, gentle smile played across his jagged jaw as he stared off into the distance, the long dirt road back to his castle slowly melting into a river of stars. Memories lined every angle of the celestial plane within his mind. He eventually shook his head allowing himself to gently return to reality, his claws kicking up the dust and dirt with each step. He had been so lost in thought that he didn’t even notice the castle in the distance slowly growing taller. “Heh, alright Akari! Are you ready to see your new home? I can’t wait to show you how much the digital world has changed! When you hatch, I’ll have all of our old friends lining the walls to greet you, heh, you could be hailed as a hero!” He glanced down at the egg in his hands, it vibrated slowly as if replying to his warmth. Though, to Shoutmon’s horror, the egg drastically dropped in temperature then shot back up erupting in a blue blaze! “Wh-WHAT??”  *TSSST!* Shoutmon gasped in terror as the bands Sanzomon had placed upon the egg slowly began to singe off unleashing an explosive burst of light blue aura into the digital world! “ARRGH!!” He was suddenly flung backwards as one of the rings of energy connected with his stomach sending him and the egg flying! Like a rag-doll, he flipped and skidded across the dusty ground a few yards away from the castle losing his grip on the egg in the process. “MY KING!” One of the Togemon guards screamed frantically upon witnessing the king being thrown. They bolted towards Shoutmon as if they were one massive speeding bullet train only to stop dead in their tracks as the energy pulsating from the egg was too much. The pressure around the area heavily increased rendering close contact with either of them nearly impossible! Shoutmon gritted his dagger-like teeth as pain erupted from his stomach knocking the wind out of him! He wheezed as his vision began to quickly drop into darkness. His only concern rested with the egg that was now sitting about twenty feet away! “UURRRAHH!!” He grunted trying his best to fight through the immense pressure, his body pancaking itself against the ground as he thrust a three pronged, rubbery hand up towards the angry pulsating egg, his deep blue eyes narrowing with determination! “A-Ak-kar…” he wheezed before forcibly plummeting into darkness. 
“AKA-*HACK!*” Shoutmon wheezed loudly bolting upright as he began to frantically search the area only to realize that he was back inside of his room in the castle. Shoutmon blinked as he tore the covers off of himself in an attempt to dash out of the room only to be stopped by a wave of pain erupting from his freshly bandaged and blood soaked stomach. “AAACK…!” He wheezed once more coughing up a familiar dark, oily, red substance then collapsing on the floor! His mic clattering noisily against the cold stone floor. “GHHNNNN!!” He gritted his teeth, clenching his eyes tightly shut as he endured the pain! His metallic body now glistening with a new layer of sweat as he shakily summoned his mic and forced himself into a standing position. “Shoutmon…” A small, familiar voice cut sharply through his groans and heavy hyperventilation. Shoutmon’s pupils shrank as he slowly turned his head upwards staring at a familiar bright pink, anthropomorphic rabbit wearing headphones and a single scarf. “C-cute… M…” He attempted before he was brutally silenced by another wave of heavy coughing. The small rabbit sighed deeply shaking his head, as he knelt down grasping one of Shoutmon’s arms in an attempt to help pull him back up. His years of training with Dorulumon made him quite the formidable adversary and quite strong despite still being such a little guy. Shoutmon attempted to weakly shake him off to no avail. He was in no shape to argue, even he knew that but his brutish stubbornness always found a way to push through. “N-no.. C-*cough* Cutemo-*cough* I-I hav…” Cutemon abruptly cut him off as he forced his friend back into bed. “No Shoutmon, you have to rest. Your kingly duties will be taken care of until you can return. Doctor’s orders. Doctors overrule kings when necessary!” Cutemon flashed him a cocky smile equipped with a small, side wink. Shoutmon narrowed his eyes at the small, pink rabbit as his lips began to peel away from his teeth once more. A low, grainy growl rolled through his clenched teeth as two, very small, streams of smoke fluttered gently out of his nostrils. The corners of Cutemon’s mouth twitched slightly as he folded his tiny arms giving Shoutmon a stern look. “What could be so important that even **you** would risk your life…” Cutemon paused puffing up his tiny cheeks then expelling the captive air within them as he continued. “Well, you know, outside of your usual stubbornness. Was it another town that needed saving? A thief stealing someone’s sack of digicoins?” Cutemon teased playfully only to jump as Shoutmon pounded the sides of his mattress in frustration causing yet another wave of pain to erupt from his stomach and another fresh coat of blood to soak through his bandages. Cutemon’s ears drooped slightly as he noticed the fresh pool of blood collecting behind them. “You do need to stop moving around so much. I just closed that wound!” He said, mildly annoyed. With a scoff, Cutemon knelt under the bed pulling out a hidden supply of gauze, thick bandages, ointments and salves he’d concocted upon learning a thing or two from his folks so he wouldn’t waste so much of his energy whenever his services were needed. He quickly got to work undressing the bandaging from the wounds, resealing the wounds with a bit of energy and again, bandaging up the rest, this time with extra padding. Heaven only knows when he’ll need it once more. Cutemon rolled his eyes at the thought as the memory of Shoutmon with half of his stomach region melted away and bleeding profusely was rushed in by a half destroyed Togemon! Luckily the cactus mons don’t need much medical attention as they’ll just grow back anyways. The guard was still temporarily relieved from duty by Dorulumon. 
Shoutmon snorted in annoyance knowing Cutemon was right, he really did need to rest but there was one thing he needed to check on first and that was the egg currently holding Akari. He nervously glanced towards the door allowing Cutemon to push him back into a laying position. “Nah-uh. Whatever’s out there can wait! You rest now please!” Cutemon said with a gentle mask hiding the growing annoyance within. He shoved the contents of the box back into their container and gently slid them back under the bed.  “If you need anything, just shout or bellow or… whatever you do!” He said turning towards the door waving his hand behind his head in a nonchalant sort of fashion. Shoutmon watched him go still glaring at the young medic. “W-wait…” Cutemon stopped dead in his tracks right before his hand touched the doorknob. “Yes? What is it?” He said, curiously turning around to the bedridden, bandaged, red, metallic, wingless dragon. Shoutmon’s expression softened as he carefully lifted a hand to his face giving the bridge of his nose a soft rub as he then carefully sat up, not wanting to do too much damage to what Cutemon already fixed. At this, Cutemon’s annoyance was already starting to break its internal cage. He let out a long sigh knowing his friend wasn’t just going to give up. “Okay, what is it, Shoutmon?” Cutemon asked in a defeated tone. Shoutmon then barely wheezed a single word causing Cutemon to grow uneasy. “Egg?” Sweat drops began to form upon Cutemon’s brow as his pupils drastically decreased. “O-oh um… I-I think Wisemon is taking care of it in the room you had assigned. U-um… Are you sure that’s an egg?” Cutemon asked almost under his breath. The unease literally causing the small pink lagomorph to wish he was doing something else entirely. Shoutmon narrowed his eyes at the small monster’s reaction and gave a firm nod. “O-oh! Um… good! I’ll uh, just get going now!” Cutemon threw on a nervous smile as shoutmon watched the rabbit Digimon indeed follow up on his desires and bolted from the room without further explanation. Shoutmon sighed watching the door slam shut in his haste. He gently and very slowly slid himself back onto his bed staring at the purple and gold canopy draped over top of his bed pulling into a fascinating point in the middle. His room was plain, stone floor with purples, golds and blues to accent his own coloration. An oriental throw rug took over most of the room save for the small table and  chairs at the end of his bed. There was a small dresser with a circular, ornamental mirror next to his bathroom. Gold vines weaving their way from the floor of the dark blue dresser to wrap around the small mirror. It wasn’t his style but it was a gift. Despite him not having many clothes, he kept important documents, ink pens and ink wells tucked safely within. One was a drawer, of course, saved for his favorite scarf. A small bedside table with the same accents as the dresser tucked neatly up against the wall on his right side before the door. He was still a small Digimon so there was still plenty of room between the table and wall leading to the massive stained glass window that he found had been completely re-done in his absence. It was a mural of him holding up the code crown on top of a mountain, golden beams shooting upwards from the master code crown and him smiling happily up at it! In his ‘wise’ opinion, that alone would accent any room perfectly, thus he had demanded murals of the army generals as well as Digimon in every guest bedroom much to the dismay of the artisan Bucchiemon! He chuckled lightly to himself before his smile quickly faded as his mind shifted back to Akari’s egg hoping she was alright in there. Shoutmon glanced towards the door one last time before letting his eyes close for the final time that day. He knew that she’d be safe with Wisemon… He trusted that Digimon with his life. He knew for sure that he would find a way around this mess. He gave himself an internal nod as he promised to check on Akari tomorrow… for now. It’s sleep time!
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fuumika · 7 years
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stargazing☆゜:。*。✧ .
my entry for @dgmn2017 calendar project! having so many great artists take part in this project was really amazing and i can’t thank them enough for their contributions! this was a wild ride, but i learned so much from this experience. ٩(●˙▿˙●)۶
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kyanitedragon · 2 years
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[ID: Two screenshots of team Xros Heart from the Digimon Xros Wars opening.
Image 1 shows everyone in the rain, using a giant mushroom as an umbrella. Taiki and Shoutmon are in the middle. Taiki is looking blankly ahead, and Shoutmon is leaning back and sleeping. Zenjirou and Ballistamon are on the left, and Zenjirou is working on his mechanics. On the right, Dorulumon is sleeping behind Akari who is sitting with Cutemon sleeping on her lap.
Image 2 shows everyone standing. Taiki is in the middle, holding out his xros (cross) loader and with Shoutmon at his side wielding his microphone. Starmon and the various pickmon are in front of them. On the left is Ballistamon behind Zenjirou, and on the left is Akari holding Cutemon with Dorulumon behind her and Dondokomon on his back. Shoutmon X4 wielding the star sword is also seen behind them. End ID]
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ajoraverse · 5 years
Once upon a time, I lurked on some messageboards. One of the discussion threads was basically, how would you do a trailer based on your fanfic. I wrote mine up for Salva Nos with the intent of sketching it out and posting it when done with those sketches, left it to rot for a few years, and mostly forgot about it. 
This morning, driving in to work, the local radio station played the song that was the framework for that trailer idea. I don’t recall if I ever posted it, so if I did, sorry about this repeat. I’m probably never going to do anything with this because I have no interest in Digimon anymore and that affects my ability to complete the fic, so, here’s the text. Warning for terrible pretension and spoilers. 
Music: the Lorde cover of Everybody Wants to Rule the World.
(Opens silent with Japanese handwriting scrawling on yellowing paper) Text: Fifteen years ago, our world ended with the coming of a plague that killed the adults. The Digital World fell soon afterwards. For fifteen years, we've been waiting for someone to save us.
Welcome to your life (Takeru in his patchwork clothes and his bow and quiver tied to his backpack, walking down a cracked highway with Patamon flying close and no one around for miles)
There's no turning back (Daisuke crouched and rummaging through someone's trash; finds a gameboy and holds it for a second before tossing it aside)
Even while we sleep (Akari keeping watch as Taiki, Shoutmon, and Cutemon slumber around a camp fire)
We will find you (Kurata walking slowly, his eyes fixed on...) Acting on your best behaviour (... Osamu and Juri, wearing surgical gloves, scrubs, and masks, with heads bent over a person strapped to a table and delirious with pain) Turn your back on mother nature (Surgical scene pans out to show several other doctors working on patients without anaesthesia) Everybody wants to rule the world (Ruki striding through Osaba with Hirokazu at her right and leading an armed posse) (Switch to Takato leading a sermon with Hikari in her priestess' robes by his side, a large audience before them) It's my own design (Ryo in his incognito mode sitting with his son in a dim room, teaching him the art of manipulation) It's my own remorse (A crowd in an open field listening to Ken speaking looks up as a high-altitude missile explodes overhead) Help me to decide (Jianliang lingering before the door to Osamu's abandoned quarters at Iwakuni as Ken walks by) Help me make the most of freedom (Daisuke standing in the bed of a beat-up military rover with one hand on the frame for support as Takeru drives down a highway, jacket and hair flapping in the wind) And of pleasure (Juri holding a soldier's hand and leading him into her quarters) Nothing ever lasts forever (Rumiko in a flowing white dress and a flower crown, striding down a hallway littered with dead and dying people as if she doesn't notice them) Everybody wants to rule the world (Kurata standing, looming over Ruki sitting in an armchair in his quarters and being a complete creeper to her. On the wall in the distance are the death masks of his victims) There's a room where the light won't find you (Osamu, sitting on a cot in a dimly-lit jail cell, looking up and setting down his knitting needles as he hears screaming through the ventilation system...) Holding hands while the walls come tumbling down (... Ken and Takeru in the next cell over, pausing for a moment to understand that they're reliving the first pandemic and reaching out to each other for comfort) When they do I'll be right behind you (Ken, with Takeru close behind, surveying the fallout of Ryo's genocide) So glad we've almost made it (Chika pulling someone from the rubble of an attack on a rebel's house with Puwamon on her shoulder, with a half-burnt poster of the Emperor of the Sun behind her) So sad they had to fade it (Adult and perfect level digimon attack Iwakuni radio towers) Everybody wants to rule the world (Mimi in armor on a white horse with an army behind her) Everybody wants to rule the world (Ruki arguing in support of Ken in a meeting with other leaders) Everybody wants to rule the world (A well-dressed man, the emperor of the Sun, walks before an army of digimon, pauses, and smirks as he reveals himself to be Lucemon) (Closes with the Japanese handwriting on paper again:) Maybe it's time to save ourselves.
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shoutmonishere · 7 months
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Themb huggin <3
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wipbigbang · 6 years
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Artists needed!!
The WIP Big Bang still has a few fics that desperately need to be claimed for art. If you’re interested in claiming this one, or want to check out the others, please see this post.
Story Title: Dripping Water Pairings, Characters: (no pairings) - Taiki, Akari, Zenjirou, Shoutmon, Cutemon, Taiki's mother, Kiriha Rating: T Warnings: character overworking themselves, syndromic guilt, previous character injury Summary: Taiki, who is prone to overworking himself, finds himself torn between responsibilities in both worlds and his past becoming known and deals with it by overworking himself (as per usual). Meanwhile, Akari and Zenjriou who don't have a digivice like Taiki do wonder about their role in the Digital World and whether they're just hindrances there, Shoutmon wonders if he should drag the children back to his world's war again, and Kiriha (the rival) tries in his own way to get to know Taiki better... and as a different perspective, he can see things the others can't.
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variouscolors · 1 year
[Muses List - Mobile]
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[Update: May/22/2024]
Main muses • low activity muses • dropped muses
Taichi/Agumon; Daisuke/V-mon; Miyako/Hawkmon; Iori/Armadimon; Ken/Wormmon; Maki/Bakumon & Daigo/Bearmon (canon divergent/AU); Jun/Pulsemon; Michael/Betamon; Wallace/Gummymon & Chocomon; Menoa/Morphomon; Lui/Ukkomon
Arukenimon; Digitamamon; Natsu/Natchan; Gennai
OG universe only: Yamato/Gabumon; Sora/Piyomon; Mimi/Palmon,; Takeru/Patamon; Hikari/Tailmon; Ryo (associated to Cyberdramon lately; canon divergent) New universe: [Adv2020] Neemon V-Tamer universe: Taichi/Zeromaru
Adv-verse OCs: Blu/Rhodo
Sideblogs: @himekawamaki (Maki); @projectmei​ (canon divergent/AU Meiko) @thebravetamer (OC Taisuke ft. canon divergent 02's BWG)
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Takuya/Agnimon; Izumi/Fairymon; Bokomon & Neemon
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Xros Wars:
Tagiru/Gumdramon (AU); Taiki/Shoutmon; Akari/Dorulumon & Cutemon
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Haru/Gatchmon; Eri/Dokamon; Rei/Hackmon; Yuujin/Offmon; Knight
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Ghost Game:
Hiro/Gammamon & Espimon; [GG] Piemon; [GG] Kuzuhamon
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Cyber Sleuth/Hacker’s Memory:
[CSHM] Magnamon; Rina/V.V. (canon divergent)
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