sherlock-is-ace · 10 days
I was just thinking that Aidren Brody would make a good Holmes and it occurred to me that since he has worked with Wes Anderson in so many occasions... They should do a Sherlock Holmes adaptation!
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444names · 5 months
Names generated from female Gaelic forenames, excluding the letter "H"
Adeleilisla Aedeene Aedinellina Aedmorne Aeley Aeliara Aeligana Aeveerne Aidan Aidren Aigany Ailbeley Aileelisid Aileeny Ailia Ailidy Ailila Ailisoda Ainganya Ainna Aireagan Airease Aireda Aireen Airicinna Airsen Aitiga Aitlias Aitlina Aitrilia Aitriona Aleimegana Allain Allaina Amalion Amalvina Anaoira Aoiredin Aoireeonn...
Baisilidra Balid Balla Ballsa Balva Barairseas Bebigeryn Bebin Bebinna Belia Berna Berreely Bervene Betean Biganya Bliliala Blinga Blintall Blinteeve Blisea Blisla Boilsa Boiriave Boisilinn Boona Boonag Boonn Boyra Boyren Bread Breaganna Brealaideit Breannaine Breas Breena Breeng Breera Brene Briarla Brierna Bringany Brinn Brinnonn Briona Brionailana Briosa Broan Brona Bronany Cadan Caife Cailb Cailintal Cailion Caina Caine Caing Cainneer Cairsty Caise Caitie Caitri Caiveen Caoifen Caoimeara Caoin Caoine Caoir Caoira Caoisag Caoiseada Caria Casanag Casiofra Cassa Cassin Ceabaing Ceadan Ceally Ceanna Ceanne Cerra Ciall Ciallinna Cianie Ciaserrna Cinnora Cleen Cleena Cleileen Cliann Clife Clifendaina Clise Clisloann Cloga Clora Clorcainse Clorrabal Cobiga Cobyn Colid Colin Colla Corain Coraindag Corainne Coran Corcaoleer Corcaolly Cordi Corla Debrear Debrosana Deileen Deileileen Deitierie Delana Demeaberra Deria Deriara Derrynean Derve Dinorna Doira Doisin Doisonn Doley Doona Dorlas Duiger Duinn Dunlann Eabaive Earan Edeibinn Eibroilise Eibéal Eigan Eilan Eilinnock Eiltia Eleineva Eliney Ellsa Emegana Enceineva Eriona Erionaois Eriondan Evallan Eveen Evenne Faoileadann Faoisla Finagan Finna Fiobin Fiofrag Fiondag Fionne Fionnock Fionoley Flaura Floan Floredin Frannan Frannock Geeonan Gerna Gerrenna Goganna Gorcait Gorna Gornana Gorre Gorrea Gorvlair Graife Grainna Grana Greanne Gredin Greel Greenn Inean Ionoria Iseana Isinn Jacock Jemer Jessidwenan Jessieal Jessila Karicin Karsty Katri Kayleas Kayleenna Kaylen Keelisina Keellen Keendaga Keene Keennorna Keevan Keeveen Keilia Keiredela Keiri Keley Kelidinn Kenedin Keneeveen Kenna Kenne Kennedmora Kerina Kerna Kieng Kinna Kinnagane Kireen Kireeva Koreennaoin Korlasa Kride Kridy Kring Kriona Krown Laida Laileel Laineen Laireasagan Lairse Lanneasa Lanval Lauren Liatrida Lierreen Lilbe Lileen Lincain Linde Linne Liona Lionag Lonnier Lysaoife Mabetean Madan Maedel Maegana Maela Maelid Maelsann Maely Magaeley Magany Maideerna Maileibin Mailial Maina Mainnollsa Maireen Malaoisa Maleen Maleenzie Maley Mallsanya Maoileeva Maoir Maoiseal Maoisen Maury Meada Meany Meganda Meganne Melailb Melvin Meridre Moireara Moisidebin Molin Molinneen Molliona Molmadean Molmoyra Morasencea Morcad Morcadanna Moreabe Morla Mornaive Morneadan Morreen Morria Morrne Moyne Muinedb Murda Murdag Murear Mureen Mureer Muryna Naelaive Naile Neacobin Neanien Nerionnuann Niadelen Nialuinnan Niarain Noganvan Nolean Noleirsty Nolial Nolinse Noreeval Norinn Norra Ordin Ordra Oreffawn Orrnea Patrie Pawrien Prois Prona Quina Quinagwina Reenna Reffa Reffan Reffawriona Renga Ridina Rinne Rinner Riondann Robyna Roife Roiney Roireffawn Roiseosa Samaelsa Sandaitlin Sannaive Sanvan Seaney Seasin Seave Sidra Siearionnan Sileasaoife Sileen Silenga Silian Siliann Siltienne Siney Sinnann Sinneer Siona Sionda Sionna Sionse Siusa Slana Slina Slineag Sliobyn Slise Sobiga Sonag Sonse Sorcait Sualmorrn Sualva Sualvin Suilin Suina Suireen Sydollsa Sydorana Sydoreenne Talisla Teerna Tegany Tigemery Tiria Toileassin Toise Trian Tricinda Triervla Trinnanna Triona Tuireen Zaragan Zardag Zarser
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lasisgood · 1 year
My teen sims just got done with prom
Anyways prom went well. My sims got a gold thingy for it.
Now for the afterparty.
Wolfgang invited my sims to it. But the brother and not his sister the girlfriend??? Okay??? But I invited both of them.
Anyway roght off the bat my sim Adriene, he went to the haunted house by himself got scared but survived and then went and grabbed a Boba.
While his sister went on the ferris wheel woth her boyfriend Wolfgang, and then went on it again to mess around. Wolfgang is having a great night he becomes prom king and gets to mess around with his girlfriend.
Oh my sims brother aidrene has a new crush on some boy who he didn't get to talk to because there were so many people talking to him at prom that he missed his chance. But he's got Boba so he's ok
The brother Adrienne literally just came to the after-party to ride rides, get scared and have boba.
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saprophetic · 2 years
literally "i know some people think it was a little overkill, but i dont care" is my new favorite phrase thank you AIdren sov
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kazeharuhime · 5 years
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Some doodles from last night. Nothing like a streaming call to kick my artistic behind into action XD; The instant feedback is kinda nice.
First one: @chrystallink‘s character Tiger as a Herr, one of my aliens species XD;
Second: Ya boi Tsuname
Third: Aidren, from Torn Apart
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enjoliquej · 6 years
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And here’s a happier version of Ladybug and Chat!
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abluescarfonwaston · 2 years
Thanks to @ruffboijuliaburnsides who told me there were just several Eskels at Kaer Morhen (What it was a popular name that year) and goat dad is just cause he went off to skellige and no seasons so! Welp he lost track of time. He’s drinking Mia Tai’s and pina coladas with his goat buddy and collecting his law of surprise horse that he will later name scorpion.
Ciri’s going to meet him in a few years and scream cause his scars are so horrifying and Geralts going to get the biggest hug and everything will be fine for a few moments. And he’ll be like ofta bro princesses are a mess or did you forget what mine did to me?
Anyway goat dad is fine and Lambchops is going to spend the summer with his boyfriend aiden and all will be well.
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bendigo-shemndigo · 4 years
*watching Castlevania*
Trevor- you tell them that the Belmonts are still up here!!
@thedarkesttalent - theres only one Belmont up here.
Me- not if he has children
Talent- true true
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insxparablxduo · 4 years
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“Why the hell is everyone attacking me?”
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aceslytherin · 6 years
There's a very good chance you dont know this but Miraculous Ladybug AU? More suitably the OG Anime Miraculous. Not only is it set in Paris,the original name for Chat Noir was supposed to be Felix!
Ladybug and Chat Noir! Of course I know the show,  its adorable! 😍😍
But youre talking about the anime ver! I actually didnt know Chat Noir was gonna be called Felix! HOW COOL
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Esquiere posted this video of HC in a suit through the years🤤 and omggg he looks soo good with a beard😩
And I think HC was filming Sandcastle around 2015 so that left me thinking that I dont think we saw an idea of Sy’s look in Layla’s and Aidren’s wedding and I need it🤤🤤🤤
Yes, the BAFTA 2015 look is definitely more what he looked like at Layla and Aiden's wedding. To be honest, his hair kind of looks like shit here. And it would actually make sense since he was such a mess without Y/N and truly didn't give a fuck about his appearance. It's a miracle he cleaned up his beard for the wedding.
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fantasyfandommaiden · 3 years
I thought I should share this with you:
So, in the Aidren Apprenticeship Au: I forgot how I originally imagined Zeus’s voice to be, but after reading the part where Aidren mentioned about having a ‘pervert’ as a familiar… I can’t stop imagining Zeus’s voice as the English Dub version of Jiraiya from Naruto.
God damn it now I’m hearing it too 😂🤣
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dear-wormwoods · 5 years
Stephen King admitted he didn't even remember writing Cujo so like he probably made Eddie gay and then forgot about it. Like he reread the drafts and was like 'Huh, I wonder why I wrote all those parralels with him and Aidren and him and Bev. Oh well, this is too long to rewrite' and went on his merry dumbass way and never confirmed it
Honestly I would not be surprised if this was the case. I feel like King made some of his biggest mistakes in IT at least partly because he was so deep into his addiction when he wrote it... buuuut at the same time, I feel like his most big brained moments in IT happened because of that too, like the sheer amount of Eddie subtext.
But tbh I’m glad he chooses to keep his mouth shut about it. I’d rather he never say anything at all and take his opinion to the grave than risk him saying something other than “yes, Eddie is unequivocally gay”, bc absolutely no one needs the discourse that would be born from that!! I’m exhausted just imagining it.
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kazeharuhime · 6 years
17. Any OC OTPs?…Anyone that knows me knows I’m the queen of OTPs… XD; but ummm. Maybe I’ll start with favorites. Let’s see two of my favorites at least one character is spoiler. But uuum… Other than those two, or three, (later: or four…) I kinda like Tsuname and Ril’siiya’s relationship. They’re both bubbly people who go through a lot of trouble and I think they can both relate to being the annoying one most people don’t like, so when they’re together it’s almost like they have a safe spot to just be themselves around each other, because they can’t annoy each other with the things that normally annoy other people. XD;
Also from Aliens there’s Crang and Kitch. They’re kind of childish and may not fully understand what’s going on, but they’re pure and cute and have helped each other before in the past I think. XD;
One that developed somewhat recently is Kenneth (long-necked blue/purple reptile alien, not to be confused with an angsty blonde ice boy from Zenith named Kenith… still not over how I accidentally made his name mirror Zenith’s name XDDD; ) and Lyna. Lyna is a short but tough cat-ish alien and has none of Kenneth’s playing the tough guy, telling him to rest when he’s injured. I find their dynamic interesting because he’s super tall plus his long neck and she’s this short thing that has the power to boss him around. XD
But ummm… a lot of my other OTPs are characters that mature later and get together. Like Angri and Aidren from Torn Apart are a disaster at first, but especially when Angri matures and comes to accept herself, they work a lot better. XD;
Or APG and Lily from Knights & Lilies. At first it’s a one-sided crush on APG’s end, but eventually when Lily is older, she comes to understand what she did to him by not understanding his premature feelings, and feels bad about it. So yeah they’re cute when they’re older, too.
The pairings in Twin Scars also don’t really happen until later. Tetsuya and Hiyura’s relationship isn’t really explored until the very end, possibly to be continued if the sequel ever gets off the ground. I think Tetsuya may have tried to interact with her in the past, but Hiyura was always quick to shut him down before the end of the story.
Romance isn’t really a part of the main story of TS, it’s mostly about the sisters and Isura’s friends and Hiyura’s turnaround. In general most of the romance arcs happen post-story in sequels. Like Isura may have met Kirk in the main story briefly, but it’s only when they’re older that they meet again and the relationship is explored more in Kirk’s story. I think Kirk’s story would be fourth in the series if it ever finishes, but it’s one of the ones I’m most excited to write/draw. XD I already have part of it comic-boarded out elsewhere, that’s fun… based off the snippet I wrote for him a long time ago. I haven’t really had the change to explore either of the TS pairings as an OTP much though, so it’s hard to say they’re anywhere close to a favorite actually. Though their stories definitely intrigue me, especially Kirk’s. XD;
As far as other OTPs… I have a number of parent couples that are/were cute, or tragic pairings…  One totally light pairing from KnL are Lily’s parents. They still act like teens around one another even though they’re 40 or almost 40 respectively. XDThe parents of Sleepi and her sisters from TA were also fairly cute, though that one’s a bit sad.And of course from Aliens Tsunne (Tsuname’s older brother) and Sz’nami were cute. Though that one is also sad.. XD; Tsunne helped Sz’nami become more bold and to stand up to opposition instead of just taking it. He taught her how to use her wave abilities stronger and helped her gain confidence. She in turn supported him when the pressures of being the son of the village chieftain got to be too much. They were good for each other while they lasted, I think. XD
Oh! One last pairing I almost forgot about (I’m sorry this post is so long I was only gonna list favorites then I got carried away) XDD;; Is Trunt and Flint from Lands of Seven. Flint is an angsty thing and Trunt is more steady. They kind of start out like a fighting couple where Trunt figures out Flint’s secret and kind of holds it against her, but Flint ends up liking him and I think it’s mutual. XD; And Trunt keeps her secret (even though it’s one of those secrets that probably everyone actually knows), and I’m not even 100% sure how they get from weird argumentative couple to more than that, but I kind of find them cute. XD;
Well, there’s plenty more, but either don’t rise to the level of favorite or I’m not really on them right now so development is hard to come by. But yeah, I have a lot of pairings. XD;
(Tried breaking this up into smaller paragraphs to make it more readable. Did it work? You decide. XD; Thanks for the question! Again I apologize for the length. I really should have kept it shorter but apparently I have no ability for shortness when I’m talking about ships I guess XD; Some of this might have been spoiler not sure, I tried to keep it as spoiler-content free as possible, but oh well. XD; )
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This could be fun. An AU where Marinette and Aidrien are Kwamis that look like little humans. And Plagg and Tikki are human-sized. When Plagg & Tikki transform, it's just them dressed up like Marinette and Aidren. Wigs and all.
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clochebrisee-blog · 7 years
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•Con los dedos cruzados voy caminando hacia mi destino para luego susurrar te un “Te Amo” al oído. :3
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