#aiakos nalika
nethertrolls · 1 month
Aiakos 🌹
🌱 A guy that absolutely makes sure any day that could be spent appreciating his quads is free and that 100% includes Valentine’s Day (or the multi Quad Days? Although he really only needs to worry about two). Very cliche about it too.
🌱 Aiakos spent a lot of his spare moments learning how to cook a very specific pancake meal so when he wakes up Mantri, it’s absolutely perfect. There’s so many different topping choices and the coffee is excellent.
🌱picnic by the lake (picnic was provided by Kusala!) and maybe a hot balloon ride through the sky, although his only looking at Manny.
🌱 For Vasuki, honesty they end up mostly just writing a new duo song that’s very much a love song to their pale relationship. Good luck recovering when you hear about it.
🌹 I know I said he spent his spare moments learning to cook a dish but remember I said some because this man was also painting a picture of Mantri and him together. It’s incredible.
🌹 Also some very expensive chocolates, his happy to feed it to her.
🌹 The song is Vasuki’s gift lol but they also eat some pretty expensive food too.
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seraphicveins · 2 years
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A HANDSOME LAD!  I drew Mantri’s husband hehe, he belongs to @nethertrolls SNIFFLES Aiakos and Mantri have come a long way
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eridianraccoon · 3 years
I'd go for aiakos..
route select > Aiakos Nalika
Is on time but isn’t the one driving, his driver opens the door for you (ignoring you if you are the type to protest on such action). Aiakos makes small talk with you on the way to the destination that his chosen, asking multiple cleverly worded questions about your interests. He takes you to an art museum, you notice that his name comes up a lot on the donation lists. Aiakos does not mention it.
> you can if you want, he’ll mention that his been here a few times before, you can tell his under exaggerating this fact.
Aiakos asks you questions about the paintings, if you don’t know anything he’ll be happy to tell you and will be talking for a while. Afterwards he takes you to wine and cheese tasting.
Good Ending : you either knew your stuff about paintings/or were interested enough to learn that he invites you to look at his personal collection which includes paintings made from others and ones made by himself. The ones made by himself are unusual and you don’t quite understand them but he is a handsome man so it doesn’t matter.
Bad Ending : Aiakos could tell that you pretending to be interested in the painting and knew you weren’t paying attention, after wine and cheese tasting he asks his driver to take you home and that’s the last time you ever see of him.
Secret Bad Ending : you refuse to learn about the paintings and are actively critical on being taken here so he just ends the date there and leaves the art museum.
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nethertrolls · 3 months
#17, #20, #30 painting flowers
#17. Do they ever trade clothes?
Unfortunately Aiakos and Mantri have a few things preventing them from trading clothes, those two things being height and body mass. If it was on borrowed basis Aiakos’ clothes would return fine, Manny’s clothes on the other hand…. would be a little stretched out.
Aiakos is a private man, what his body looks like his almost no one’s business so Manny’s casual clothing might provide some type of issue although I’m sure fans would be very thankful it’s rare they see their idol ‘exposed’ in such a manner. Aiakos has no issues however lending Mantri his clothes.
#20. Do they give each other nicknames?
HAS Mantri ever actually shortened out Aiakos in any type of canonical way? I don’t recall Aiakos doing it but I suppose when they were created nicknames weren’t really something that was used.
Sidetracked a little but there but I think they have given each other nicknames. These two are of the sickly sweet married with 509 kids variety like of course they have.
#30. Do they attend any clubs or formal parties together?
They sure do, as connected to every changing idol industry as these two are, there’s a certain level of expected commitment that comes along with it so of course they take each other as arm candy when that does occur.
But I am thinking about how funny it would have been the first few times since he would have gone with Vasuki previously, just a bunch of double takes like wait that trolls not of a fuchsia variety. I’m sure the Vasuki/Aiakos fans out there weren’t happy about it.
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nethertrolls · 8 months
Three eras of Aiakos right here, current version of him looks less like Christmas so good for him I guess /lh
Fun Fact : Aiakos was designed by /Robicadopts on DA, who I got quite a many designs from lol.
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and some screenshots from the discord server, that I found interesting /funny enough to share as I was looking through the ‘Aiakos’ search.
> Does your oc have any collections, and if so, why?’
Aiakos wore the expression of a man that was extremely calm as he gestures you to follow him through his hive. The seadweller stops at a painting, “I try not to get into collecting objects but there is something about paintings that intrigues me. They can say so much in one image that a lot of trolls that say in a lifetime.” he tells you as he keeps his eyes on the painting itself.
“This one wasn’t made by a famous troll but rather one that no one’s even heard of yet but look at the mastery of this piece, the details. A story without the need for words of a trolls struggle in an society aimed to only make certain individuals succeed, decided at birth.”
“I also collect statues.”
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nethertrolls · 2 months
Hi Aiakos! Do you have a favorite song? :o
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“Good afternoon.
I don’t have a favourite song in particular. When it comes to music as a whole, I’ve never been able to find one song that stands above every other but I’ll give you a few of that ones I first thought of when I heard your question.”
Aiakos ponders silently if saying his favourite song was by someone he knew - a troll he was in a quadrant with was particularly good sportsmanship.
“Burning Alive by Anonymous is a particularly good one, I think it was my introduction to their brand as a whole back when Anon was a lot smaller.”
“Constellation was another Anon song that I found appreciation in. It’s actually on the playlist that I use to fall asleep while I’m on tour.”
Vasuki would find out if he didn’t mention one of his songs and he did appreciate his palemates artistic talent.
“I would also say Heartbreaker. That one is a Vasuki song so I’m sure that you’re somewhat aware of it.”
(Songs mentioned (bc I thought it would be fun to give some songs that give a general vibe but they’d ofc be different in-universe : Burning Alive by 8 Graves, Constellation by Far Out, Karra and Heartbreaker by GD)
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nethertrolls · 8 months
Aiakos Nalika (he/him)
Violet | Idol/Member of (to-be-named again) | Art Collector | Hobbyist Painter
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It’s not an exaggeration to say that most trolls if not all have heard of Aiakos in some capacity, part of one of the most popular groups, a big time art collector and the chosen guard of Vasuki Pythio. His unique perspective posts on social media have also granted him so buzz despite this he leans to being one of the most private of his group and is very good at avoiding paparazzi.
Mantri is his better half, his matesprit. They frustrated both their friend groups equally during the whole court process. Aiakos stands behind her 100% and backs any of their decisions and has somehow during the process become a father of many of the trolls signed under her idol company. Vasuki is longest quad and they’ve always blended incredibly well expect one time - the Derodi Zaktiv situation.
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nethertrolls · 8 months
I’ve once again introduced three trolls and that means another fun poll making them fight for our amusement! I mean finding out who is the favourite out of this selection for the fun on it lol.
Nereus Proteus ~ Aiakos Nalika ~ Azra Yakzun
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seraphicveins · 4 years
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uuhghgh art is kicking my ass
trying to get out of a slump! was streaming and @eridianraccoon was watching... he suggested I draw Mantri in her boyfs sweater LOL
Aiakos caught her probably thats why shes so red..............
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seraphicveins · 4 years
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Hahaha its 4:20 look at this wip
HHHNG I have been like super out of it the past few days?? I tried to draw today and I think it turned out okay! I'm gonna try to finish it tomorrow
Once again I am awake throughout the whole night and i fucking hate it NXJFM ITS 4AM
Anyway I fuckin love Aiakos and mantri.. look at how small she is next to him LOL
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