#ahkj mary ann
amaltheafan · 3 months
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Happy Ides of March All Hail King Julien fandom!
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opanchu · 1 year
ok ahkj questions that i copied from like two oomfies cause im bored 🫰
1. What do you think about All Hail King Julien?
insane show. nobody should watch it for their own good
2. When did you first watch the show?
this year specifically uhhhh from early april to early may
3. Favorite season?
average exiled enjoyer
4. Favorite episode?
karlmageddon cause mort peaked. also true bromance. oh and the panchurian candidate i forgor
5. Least favorite episode?
s2 ep 2 the only good thing that episode gave us was the song pose. also the finale ijbol
6. Favorite scene?
mort defeating morticus tbh
7. Least favorite scene?
literally any scene with maggie
8. Favorite characters?
kj, maurice, clover and mort my beloveds..... also karl, ted, pancho, crimson and rob
9. Least favorite character?
grandpa mort if he wasnt already dead he should be. theres also characters I couldnt care less for and most of their appearances annoy me (cough cough sage)
10. Favorite ships?
kj and maurice are very cute.... i know some of my mutuals dont like jover and i respect that you do you but personally they make my brain spin like a hamster wheel. i like kj and karl too cause #parallels. also horst and mary ann my favorite straights
11. Least favorite ships?
12. Have you ever cried while watching?
naur but when maurice fell to his "death" i was so flabbergasted
13. Favorite songs?
boom da party, theme song, big stacks, swagnificent, true bromance, I love your toes, etc etc this show's soundtrack is peak
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i-loves-my-lemurs · 4 years
Sage: Hey Clover, did it hurt when you fell from Frankrila? Because you’re an angel. 
Clover: Aww, Sage!
Mary Ann: *watches this*
Mary Ann: Horst, did it hurt when you fell from the vending machine?
Horst: ...
Mary Ann: Because you’re a snack. 
Horst: I love you too sweetheart. 
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zombieloveme-please · 4 years
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It rhymes guys.
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istnyjulian · 5 years
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Veeery old sketch but I love the paring very much! So unexpected! ~~ ^^
Coconut love (story below)
Po raz kolejny Horst wybrał się do dżungli w celu pozyskania kolejnych zasobów do sporządzenia swoich wyśmienitych napojów. Jedną z podstawowych wad głównego składnika, czyli kokosów, było to, że rosły z dala od wioski. A każdy taki wypad groził niechcianym spotkaniem z drapieżnikiem, takim jak fosa, która stanowiła podstawowe zagrożenie dla lemura. Mimo to, dla Horsta warto było podjąć ryzyko. Nie oznaczało to jednak, że zamierzał niepotrzebnie się narażać. Co to, to nie! Bezszelestnie przedzierał się przez gęste podszycie dżungli, kierując się w stronę plaży. Tam właśnie w małym palmowym lasku lemur zbierał niezbędny surowiec. Lecz, gdy tylko zbliżył się do swojego celu, natychmiast poczuł dobrze mu znany zapach zagrożenia. Tak pachniały tylko fosy. Lemur natychmiast skrył się za grubym pniem drzewa i ostrożnie wychylił nosek, by namierzyć intruza. Z początku nie dostrzegł intruza, ale po chwili z jednej z niższych palm zeskoczyła fosa, a raczej... młoda i smukła fosica. Z gracją podskoczyła parę razy w miejscu, nieprzyjemnie przy tym pomrukując. Horst wiedział, że to najwyższy czas wziąć nogi za pas, ale jeszcze nigdy nie stał tak blisko tego drapieżnika, nie będąc jednocześnie obserwowanym przez jego bezlitosne, głodne spojrzenie. A fosa zdawała się tak zajęta, że nawet nie wyczuła obecności lemura. Horst był ciekaw co zaabsorbowało tak jej uwagę. Wychylił się nieco mocniej, a między jej łapami dostrzegł futrzastą, czy słomianą piłeczkę. Kokos! Fosa zrzuciła z palmy dużego kokosa! Drapała go pazurami, chwytała zębami i odbijała od pobliskich kamieni. Dla Horsta jasnym było, że przyczyna jej zachowania nie tkwi w potrzebie rozrywki, a w chęci dobrania się do wnętrza owoca. Przez dłuższy czas przyglądał się nieudolnym próbom drapieżcy, ciekaw w jaki sposób rozwiąże swój problem. Wyglądało jednak na to, że fosie zupełnie brakuje pomysłu na uporanie się z nim. Bezowocne próby sprawiły, że fosa po niedługim czasie opadła z sił Położyła się na przeciwko swojego łupu, przyglądając mu się smutnymi oczami, wzdychając ciężko raz po raz. Widok ten w pewien niezrozumiały dla Horsta sposób sprawił, że poczuł współczucie dla tej długorzęsistej drapieżnej kocicy.Jej smutne spojrzenie i spuszczone uszy sprawiały, że pomimo swojej dzikiej natury wyglądała doprawdy uroczo. A z drugiej jednak strony Horst doskonale zdawał sobie sprawę jaką torturą musi być brak możliwości skosztowania słodkiego wnętrza kokosa. Sam doskonale wiedział jak uporać się z jego naturalną barierą. Czy wiedział jednak jak uporać się z naturalną barierą fosy? Tylko, chwila! Dlaczego właściwie miałby jej pomagać? Dlaczego chciał przełamać tę naturalną barierę? To szaleństwo! A jednak owady w jego żołądku pchały się ku nieznajomej. Hamowały też poczucie lęku i naturalny instynkt ucieczki. Właściwie nie czuł nic prócz potrzeby zbliżenia się do obserwowanej przez niego kocicy. Nigdy wcześniej nie czuł niczego podobnego i nie miał pojęcia jak się do tego ustosunkować. Westchnął z nadzieją, że w ten sposób zrzuci to z siebie. Nie zrzucił. Zwrócił jednak na siebie uwagę fosy, która gdy tylko go usłyszała, obdarzyła go przenikliwym spojrzeniem i to wcale nie przyjaznym. Lemur jednak ani drgnął. Skupił swój wzrok na głębi oczu kocicy. Sam nie wiedział jak to ująć. Był takie dzikie, fantazyjne, piękne. Wyszczerzyła kły, lecz zmieszała się widząc, że lemur nie boi się jej ani trochę. 
- Wybacz śliczna. - zaczął szarmancko i czarująco Horst. - Nie uszło mej uwadze, że masz pewien problem. - bez cienia lęku podszedł w jej stronę, a fosa zrobiła parę kroków w tył, nie mając pojęcia jak ustosunkować się wobec zuchwałego zachowania lemura. 
Horst podniósł z ziemi ostro zakończony kamień, a następnie uderzył parę razy w leżący na ziemi kokos. Zaciekawiona i oszołomiona jednocześnie fosa, przyglądała się wszystkiemu z pewnej odległości. Żadna ze starszych fos nie przygotowała jej na taką sytuację. Było to jej pierwsze samotne polowanie i nie chciała przynieść stadu zawodu. Nagle do jej uszu dobiegł pusty dźwięk świadczący, że twarda skorupa kokosa pękła. Fosa nie mogła uwierzyć własnym oczom. Lemur zwinnym ruchem umieścił w niewielkim otworze bambusową rurkę. Płynne wnętrze owoca smakowicie zabulgotało, a intensywny zapach kokosa roznosił się w powietrzu. Nozdrza kocicy rozszerzyły się, a język wariował w paszczy. Widok był niepokojący zwłaszcza dla lemura, jednak Horst uśmiechnął się jedynie i wysunął napój w stronę fosy, 
- Za pozwoleniem, młoda damo. - 
Następnie Horst sięgnął po następnego kokosa i kolejnego. Z uśmiechem i wesoło pogwizdując zaczął wybierać z pośród dojrzałych owoców, zupełnie nie przejmując się obecnością drapieżcy. Nie, nie uciekał. Nie krzyczał. Nie błagał o litość. Nic nie było takim jakie przedstawiały to doświadczone fosy. Zatem albo źle je zrozumiała, albo ten lemur jest doprawdy wyjątkowy. Wiedziała, że to świetny moment by dobrać mu się do skóry i tak właśnie należało zrobić, ale... wcale tego nie chciała. Polubiła go, czego z pewnością nikt w jej stadzie by nie pochwalił. Ten młody osobnik innego gatunku zrobił na niej nie małe wrażenie. Tak bardzo chciała poznać go bliżej. 
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shelli-gator · 3 years
So I've been on a Sugarbuns high recently and I've been rewatching some of AHKJ s1 and it's given me a lot of fuel for thought. And I'm sorry because I'm about to ramble.
Here's some 🌟Sugarbuns🌟 backstory
(and a sneak peak at some art)
So in S1 Horst seems to hang out with Ted a lot more than he does in later episodes, and is a touch different than he is in later episodes (less aggressive, more timid, more easily placated). He's also not a DJ yet I don't think? That happens in s2 or s3? Anyway.
My Sugarbuns headcanon is that Horst has always been a bit of a loner (hence Clover's summary of him). He was even more aloof and absent when he was with Mary Ann, hiding his relationship with her and his subsequent injuries.
After she leaves him, he's well and truly alone now, and too miserable and awkward to adequately reinsert himself into the social circle.
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(Look how he hides behind Ted a little here!)
But Ted is friends with everyone, and Horst isn't exempt from this. Ted is kind and patient, and ends up being the only one who can really get close to Horst. He helps to introduce Horst back to the kingdom (hence Horst is always fairly close to wherever Ted is standing). They mix beverages together (where Ted gets his amazing smoothie making skills from), and their time together is how Ted knows Horst can draw.
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And then Mary Ann comes back, and promptly leaves Horst again. Those emotional wounds of losing her in the first place reopen.
It hurts, a lot. And there's only one other person Horst cares as deeply about, which in itself is terrifying for him. He's never considered himself bisexual, but that's shaken by how much he values Ted and his company.
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Our of fear of this new development, and having his heart broken, he pushes Ted away. He stops spending as much time with him, and ends up inserting himself more firmly into Pancho and Willie's friend circle. He drinks more than he ever did, and he takes on a DJ persona to improve his popularity and claim his place in the kingdom. It boosts his confidence, but he can still be awkward and socially inept at time with his autism.
Ted is confused by this new developmemt and the sudden distance he finds between them. He starts to question if he'd just imagined they were as close friends as they were. Ultimately he's happy that Horst finally found his place in the kingdom, and other friends to support him, but he can't help but feel like he's been left behind.
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(Hence I really like the line in the song "when I see the way you act, wondering when I'm coming back". Ted keeps trying to reignite their friendship/break through Horst's walls)
Maybe they'll get there again. I can see Ted pushing, whittling away Horst's fear and defensive walls, and Ted realizes it's more than just friendship to the both of them. 💙🧡
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Also, thank you to the anon AGAIN for introducing me to Line Without a Hook because that song has really grown on me for them. The song be all "And I am just a line without a hook!" And I scream-sing along like Y E S.
Anyway thanks for listening to my Sugarbuns backstory splurge! 🥺
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purplewalskurco · 3 years
2020 Madagascar Party
Theme 7: Minor Characters
Btw I know a lot of people started shipping Sugarbuns (Horst/Ted) recently so I just wanted to say that I like that ship a lot too lol. 
I just also think Mary Ann and Horst are a really interesting ship and this song fit really well so yeah!
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red-crowned-lemur · 4 years
Day 5 : Romance
"Horst, I've missed you."
"Come back to me."
(Episode 1 season 2 : My Fair Foosa)
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….Mhm, It’s pretty good. Is that licorice?
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opanchu · 1 year
ok not denying it any longer. hottest ahkj character is mary ann
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i-loves-my-lemurs · 4 years
Straight friendship groups be like: *blonde girl* *chad* *the funny one* *kyle* *brunette girl* *frat boy*
Gay friendship groups be like: *lovable dumbass king* *best girl clo-clo* *chunky thighs* *mouse lemur embodiment of 'what the fuck'* *performance arts twink who's bearding with the nicest woman alive* *spiritual himbo* *badass sleeper agent with a tragic backstory and a dynamite personality* *a literal ray of sunshine with anxiety on the side* *alcoholic leem and his fossa wife who keeps trying to eat him* *professional stalker and his cockroach husband* *child prodigy who suffers from demonic possession* *party gal* *sonbot* *'does he, you know, wrestle?'* *medicine husbands in A CAVE*
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despiteherself · 3 years
what ur favourite ahkj side character says about you:
pancho: you’re a furry
willie: your doctor is giving u free handout of adderall bc ur broke ass couldn’t afford it otherwise
ted: as a child you wanted to be a cowboy when you grew up before you realised you’re scared of horses
horst: you secretly like taylor swift
hector: httyd2 was your least favourite movie of all time and you want people to stop asking you about it
dorothy: you subscribe to men’s magazines and pretend they belong to your boyfriend/husband/male dog
xixi: you know all the lyrics to the pina colada song
dr. s: you are also a furry. are they called scalies if it’s a snake? is that’s what’s going on?
rob mctod: you have an embarrassing crush on your best friend & they WILL definitely think differently about you if you told them
timo: a jock literally gave you a swirly in high school
mary Ann: you have girlboss gaslight gatekeep in modern calligraphy on your living room wall
butterfish: you don’t even bother to crack the window when you’re smoking weed in your work’s bathroom and literally everyone knows what you’re doing in there for like half an hour Jesus Christ man, you’re lucky the manager thinks you’re cute
tammy: you bully children at the playground because you have no life outside of babysitting your nephew and you call it “character building” when the police are called for the fifth time this week
todd: your parents & your kindergarten teacher got you professional mental help because you always painted only in black but it was literally just because that was the only colour left at the end of the day when you remembered that you actually wanted to paint
karl: you get upset that your ninety five year old grandfather doesn’t know what anime is
chauncey: you make vague posts on twitter about how rude it is to reply “kill it with fire” to any non conventional pet because you’re too scared to call people out directly
bruce: you’re trying to get your friends into investing in bitcoin
Trent and whatever the other dolphin is called: ok but seriously no one’s fave is the dolphins
king shark: you need scocophobia tagged
tentacle: you think your posts of rupi kapur poetry and like screencaps from pride and prejudice are high art
hans: you haven’t heard of deodorant
crimson: you have deep worries about the state of the earth, and how everything feels like it’s going to shit but you’re so overwhelmed by the state of all you just sort of do nothing and then like order doordash for the fourth time this week because your vegan boyfriend has cooked tempeh and seaweed for dinner again.
pam: you think anyone agreeing with someone else online and they follow each other is like, a secret cult
king joey: your favourite movie is wallace and gromit
karen: you are married to your childhood sweetheart, have three kids and a nursing degree
masakura: you think phoebe from friends is underrated and won’t stop telling people that
sage moondancer: you think you’re special because butterflies are your favourite animal and give unsolicited commentary about how you think they scream whilst in their pupa and present it like a real scientific fact
koto: idk some trump voter joke. #mmga
the crocodile ambassador: once you found a monogrammed handkerchief whilst op-shopping and you’re convinced it’s got your initials on it but really there’s a clothes moth hole and a weird stitch that doesn’t fit in and you throw a tantrum whenever one of your friends point this out
princess amy: you want your pet japanese spitz to be instafamous and you bully all your friends into liking and sharing all the photos you post
andy fairfax: you tell everyone you meet a different back story because the Heath Ledger joker is your icon and you will get into a fistfight with anyone who liked Joaquin Phoenix’ portrayal better
fred the giant scorpion: no one will watch movies with you because they hate having to explain that not every movie is a documentary
zora: you have a subscription beauty box addition and you won’t admit you need help
uncle king julien: you’re a simp for henry winkler and u know what? i respect that
grandma rose: you see a buff woman and you stan
butterfly queen: you unironically post “just because I’m beautiful doesn’t mean I’m not fierce” posts whilst you’re getting a manipedi and think that’s peak femininsm
prince barty: you think James Bond is a real man
princess julienne: you get mad when people think you “had” a superwholock teaboo phase. you’re still in it, it’s just called a dark academica now >:(
julien the terrible: as a child your friends dared you to eat a millipede and you did it but then they all called you millipede-breath and laughed about it and told everyone, and so you planned a years long revenge plan that you’re still slowly finalising to this day
becca: you have like ten brothers and you have to beat them at literally everything. you punch harder, spit farther, yell louder.
abner: you’re trying out a new clothing style and are disappointed that no ones noticed you look different
magic steve: you get mad when people can’t pick out the 42 ingredients you out into a soup you overpowered with garlic
brodney: you’re that sibling that’s like at least 10 years younger than your siblings so you know you were definitely a mistake and No! Of course it doesn’t affect you in any way! How dare anyone suggests that!
stanislove: you’re obsessed with the space race and goddamn i am SO damn sick of hearing about it
any of the pirates: you’re like 13
maggie the unwashed: you are literally 13 and you think fart jokes is peak humour
pineapple: you are allergic to strawberries and if you hear “oh, like pepper potts?” one more time you will commit murder and that just can’t happen because if you’re arrested then they’ll finally catch you for tax fraud
shrimp cocktail: your meat is huge
watermelon hawking: in your spare time you ponder the inner workings of the universe because you think it makes you seem very smart but the truth is no one literally has any idea what you’re thinking about so it’s not actually doing anything to impress anyone? if you’re gonna be like that why not at least ask fake deep questions to make sure everyone knows you think you’re big brained and you’re sure your name will be in history books.
wickman wilderbeast: once you beat an old lady at arm wrestling and you won’t let anyone forget
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there-will-be-juice · 3 years
The Madagascar franchise is totally messed up, if it come to consistency and timelines (AND CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!). I was thinking about it a lot, and now, I feel ready to finally write about my point of view - the one I mentioned a few times earlier - that the Madagascar movies and All Hail King Julien which seem connected to each other, in fact are in different universes...
We all know that multiverse is exists in the franchise (from AHKJ The Wrath of Morticius Khan episode), and because of this I like to think that this is the ONE from all of my theories, which is actually TRUE...and I have evidences to prove it based on the differences between the two universes.
But before I start to analyze these, I have to point out that I don't drag The Penguins of Madagascar show into this, since the creators said the series is "not specifically before or after the movie, I just wanted them all back at the zoo. I think of it as taking place in a parallel universe". And I totally agree with this statement.
1, The character-development
The people in the fandom tend to complain the most about the different character developments, and yeah, this is really bother me, too. I KNOW that the AHKJ King Julien would never leave his kingdom, just think about Exiled and the Kingdom, You Ain't No Lady song. Also, AHKJ Maurice would never smile on the death of Julien as he did in the Madagascar 3 movie. We can make a really long list about how the personalities differs, but I don't want to spend too much time on that, because everybody already know this.
2, How Alex arrived to Madagascar
This part is contains two sections
- What Alex said when he landed on the island
- The background music
When Alex arrived to Madagascar in the movie, he inmediately started to look for Marty, Melman and Gloria, and he did this until the three other animals arrived, too. Meanwhile, in AHKJ he was confused about where he is...and we don't know what happened after this.
The other difference between the movie and the AHKJ scenes is the background music. In AHKJ, I Like to Move it Move it clearly can be heard (just watch the scene again), while in the movie it isn't. Alex only heard it the next day, and it was singed by King Julien, not by boombox, like in AHKJ.
3, King Julien and the zoosters
In AHKJ, Julien mentioned "foreign" animals, like lion, zebra, giraffe ( I think he learned about them from some book or newspaper he found in the Cove of Wonders), and he sleeps with a hippo plushy! So in the Madagascar Movie, why he didn't know about these type of animals, but thought that they are some sort of aliens/freaks from the future?
4, The lemurs
This is also a two section part contains:
- The number of lemurs in the kingdom
- The civilization of lemurs
In the Madagascar movie there are much more lemurs than in AHKJ. Also, there are different type of lemurs like red ruffed lemurs, and the movie has a lot of ring-tailed lemurs, too, while in AHKJ we only see King Julien, his uncle, the old kings and Magic Steve, so this is some kind of royal thing (Magic Steve could be a royalty, too, but this is a different theory).
Furthermore, the lemurs in AHKJ seem mostly civilized and cultured (there is even an episode where they are MORE cultured - The Book), while in Madagascar 1, they are totally wild-like which scared even Alex. In the second movie Alex also mentioned that he showed the kingdom what's a toilet, while in AHKJ, they already have them.
5, The foosa attack
In AHKJ,  in The End is Near episode it is shown that foosas and lemurs is in peace now, thanks to Mary Ann, while in the movie the foosas attacked again...and I don't think something bad happened to Mary Ann, she is clever and strong, and the other foosas seem to afraid of her.
6, Julianuary
I mentioned this earlier, but I write this down again: King Julien claimed that Julianuary is his birthday in Merry Madagascar, while in AHKJ, he never mentioned this celebration of him, however, Maurice said that they celebrate Frankmas in the Blackboard Jungle episode. These two holidays seem to take place at the same time of the year (at Christmas), but Frankmas clearly doesn't exists in the Madagascar Movie universe.
7, Human fingers
I mentioned in my first theory back then that humans have four fingers in AHKJ (except for Amelia's hand, which has five)
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while in the movies, they have five.
+ What about the Penguins of Madagascar movie?
The movie clearly takes place in the movie-universe, but there is also a timeline-mistake: King Julien in the ending credits scene wears his old crown and not the pink one (which he gave up for Sonia in Mada 3). This is a reference for the TPoM show where he wears that crown, and also can be explained that Alex probably gave his crown back (remember he gave it to Alex in the first movie?).
For me, the movies, AHKJ and TPoM are truly take place in different universes, and these were my evidences for that. But in the end, everyone can view it in different ways...
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thepastelknight · 3 years
I’m totally not working on a danganronpa x AHKJ crossover,,,, noo,,,,
Julien 13th - Prince
Maurice - Butler
Clover - Guard
Mort - Stalker
Karl - Inventor
Horst - BarTender
Mary Ann - Gladiator 
Pancho - Demolitions Expert
Andy Fairfax - Salesman
Timo - Engineer 
Ted - Actor
Hector - Exterminator
Sage - Peace Maker
Xixi - Interviewer
Willie - Navalship Officer 
Rob - Dancer
Doctor S - Doctor
Pam - Track & Field Runner
Abner - Hillbilly
Becca - Revolutionist
Bruce - Entrepreneur
Crimson - Model
Dorothy - Caretaker 
Fred - Rage
Masikura - Fortune Teller
Koto - Heir
feel free to give your thoughts
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shelli-gator · 4 years
Hello and happy birthday!! Yes, I’m only an Anon, I don’t have Tumblr, but I love your posts so much I view them through Google Chrome regularly. Dodgy, yes, but true. Was wondering what presents you’ve gotten for your birthday? Also, how do you think AHKJ characters might celebrate their birthdays?
Hi anon! 💝💖 I'm really glad you like my blog! :D also viewing through Chrome is totally valid!
Well! I got money, some chocolates, a cute scarf! The money is neat because there's so many things I wanna buy. Like maybe new copic markers, or a csp subscription, or pay for my ahkj keychains to get printed. *gasp* Or even a custom Pancho plushie 🥺
As for birthdays, this is how I hc them.
- Julien totally has a bi monthly birthday party, a huge bash that lasts the whole night and sometimes even into the next day and night.
-Maurice likes to keep his own birthdays small and with close friends. Sometimes Julien attempts to make a big thing out of it, but usually that results in a disaster that Maurice has to clean up. So just him and a few friends (Julien, Clover, Ted, Mort, his family, Xixi and Pancho (he pretty much invites himself)) is good enough for him.
-Teds parties always have a theme, and literally everyone is invited. He encourages everyone to dress up, and even if they don't he'll find something for them to wear, much to their chagrin. He goes all out to cater to everyone, with snacks and nice drinks, so sometimes he has to be reminded that he's the birthday boy and should get back to having fun.
- Pancho keeps his parties small but wild, with close friends and plenty of drinks and chaos. Because he has no memories of his childhood or family, he doesn't know when he was born, so his birthday is the day he was found in the village, lost and without his memories. Because of that, the day can feel a bit odd and sad to him, but his friends make him feel like it's all okay in the end. (He gets big soft for them)
- Clover didn't really do birthdays until she made her friends, and now they insist she has a party every year. She's kind of just the victim of whatever party Julien and Maurice planned for her, but she has fun most of the time (if a bit awkwardly)
- Morts birthday is a sad and lonely affair, with his dolls usually. Maurice, Julien and Clover don't really make an effort. If Julien lets him touch his feet for half a second longer before yeeting him, that's a win in his books. Willie and Ted are the only other ones who know of his birthday (Ted is friendly enough to remember everyone's birthdays, and Willie likes Mort enough to remember it). Ted doesn't stay for his doll parties because its just too sad and awkward, and Mort doesn't invite Willie to stay. (Poor Willie, he's trying)
-Willie's parties are small and limited to his close friends Horst and Pancho. He doesn't see his family if he can avoid it, what with their fighting and his parents being emotionally distant. Horst and Pancho drag him out for drinks at the Mango Tango, and the chaos ensues.
- Horst likes to party, but what he really wants to do for his birthday is have a romantic evening with his wife Mary Ann.
Sorry for the long answer! But thems are my headcanons for their birthdays :D thanks for the ask! 💖🥺
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ilovekingjulien · 6 years
by foreverjover
1. What do you think about All Hail King Julien ?
Its one of the BEST. SHOWS. THAT. EVER. WERE. MADE!!!!!!! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!!
2. What episode/s is/are your favourite and why?
Oh my i have so many! but i can tell Body Double is one of my favs. It has such an amazing and great character in it!! 
The Wrath of Morticus Khan is definetly one of my favs as well, more Juliens! And he also has a lot of flirty scenes there hmhmhm X3
3. What is/are your favourite season/s and why?
Season 2 - because we got Mary Ann there, Crimson and Magic Steve ^^
Season 3 - We’ve seen the Parents of Julien and got to know them but also Karen.
Season 4 - it has so many great episodes as well and i’ve finally seen Julien (and Maurice) as a baby!!!!!! my heart!!!!
EXILED - It’s just soooooooo epic!!!!!!!!
Final Season - Its...so great!!! But it also makes me sad!!!
4. Who is/are your favourite character/s and why?
King Julien!! He’s such a warm-hearted cutie!!! He is and became such a good king, he does so much for his kingdom and family!!! I could just hug him all day!!! <333
Horst - I just love how he is,always around with his beverage!!! 
5. Who is/are your favourite main character/s and why ?
King Julien,like i said before.
Clover - She’s so cool and funny, but also cute (dont tell her that i said that plz XD) I grew to like her even more through the seasons ^^
Maurice - He’s soo nice and caring. Julien can annoy him at times so much but he never leaves his side. He is not only his advisor, but also his family!
Mort - Hmmm.....how do i say this. He’s creepy but is loyal to King Julien and would do anything for him....even if that means like anything in uneccessary creepy ways :,D
6. Who is/are your least favourite character/s and why?
Ted - He’s so funny and always fear-tinkling (also joy-tinkling),he better should check out his bladder problem by Doctor S. altough.....better not XD
Willie - WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE!!! (he needs a therapy, like bad XD)
Pancho - “Im in the dark here!!” ( take a chill-pill, dynamite boy ^^)
Hector - He’s just the Squidward of the lemurs,hates everyone and anything (except maybe his mother and flyswatter)  :,D
7. Who is/are your favourite enemy/ies and why?
MAGIC STEVE!!!! He’s soo cute and cool,but also soooo misunderstood. Its not his fault he became evil. He got wronged by everyone....just because he loves Magic and looks like KJ. He didnt ask to look like him. POOR BOY GOT EATEN BY CROCODILE AMBASSADOR!!! But he had more screentime the later seasons and that made me so happy!!
Uncle King Julien - He’s such a good villain,i love it everytime when he gets mentioned or appears. And when he runs away with “STAY AWAY FROM ME! STAY AWAY FROM ME!” it cracks me up XD
Crimson - i hated her first,especially where she poisoned Julien but later my hate for her vanished and now she’s one of my favs. She has such a cool design!!! 
Mary Ann - i liked her ever since she came on screen! Such an awesome and precious kitty!! ^w^
8. What is/are your favourite ship/s and why?
King Julien x Magic Steve - well.....everytime they interact it makes me grinning. I just wish we’d have gotten MORE moments with them together. 
Horst x Mary Ann - THEY’RE SO CUTE TOGETHER!!!!!!
9. What is/are least favourite ship/s and why ?
Karl x Chauncey - They deserve each other. Karl needs some love since he didnt get love by his parents. Poor Dude.
10. What is/are your favourite OST/s ?
oh god,i have so many. But i like Swagnificent, Won’t Stop, Head over Heels....All Eyes On Me....those are some
11. What is/are your favourite kingdom/s ?
King Julien’s Kingdom and the Fossa Kingdom
12. Which character/s do you want to meet the most and why?
King Julien - who wouldnt want to meet him!! I’d hug him so much!!!
Magic Steve - I’d watch his magic tricks and give him love as well- he needs it!!!
13. What do you want to change in AHKJ and why?
Princess Julienne and Prince Barty giving Julien the love he deserves!
Go back in time and save Magic Steve from getting eaten!
Being the UNPAID friend of Julien in lemur school. Also trying to make him notice Karl!
Letting Clover thank King Julien for everything he’s done for her and make it a ABSOLUTE WORTHY Goodbye!!! 
14. Are you making/doing fanarts, fanmixes or fanfics ?
15. What do you think about the ending ?
I dont want to accept that its over!!! I LOVE THIS SHOW SO FREAKING MUCH!! I NEED DVD’S AND MERCHANDISE AND MORE SEASONS LIKE MAYBE TILL SEASON 10!!I wonder ofc if Crimson stays in the lemur kingdom now or lives somewhere else. I was confused tho by his eye color change but i got to see Magic Steve one last time and he DANCED! HE FREAKING DANCED!!
16. Which episode/s is/are the best for you and why?
Oh my,so many!
17. Which episode/s is/are to worst for you and why?
lets say, i roll my eyes when i see Abner and Becca plotting to overthrown Julien ^^;
18. What is/are your favourite scene/s and why?
19. What is/are your least favourite scene/s and why?
20. Have you ever cried while watching?
Yes, for example in Love Gauntlet where Julien’s parents remembered something and gave him love there. The music where they got up, i had pictures of CUTE Baby Julien infront of my eyes! ToT
And where Julien gave his speech to Clover and they hugged!!
21. Which scene/s is/are the funniest for you?
OH god so many!!
22. What do you think about King Julien?
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