#ah my poor clay skull … she is so messed up I wish to re-make her one day
seawing-vibes · 2 years
3, 5, 7, 8, and 26? <3
3. What ideas come from when you were little?
Oh this is a hard one. I don’t quite know? Sometimes I like to revisit old ideas I had when I was young and rework/rewrite them and sometimes it sparks interaction for certain pieces, but I cant think of any examples right now <//3
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself
About 1 in every 5 pieces are actually posted online? Lots of my art is shared solely with my friends but I post what I think people would be interested in! I do want to post online more just to put myself out there/have an archive of my work. Lots of it is OC stuff though and most of it is unfinished pfh
7. A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate
Oils,, Oil Paints. I have attempted when they are available to me and I just have such a hard time grasping them that I dont touch em anymore, mad respect for artists who paint and use oils though, its a very pretty medium
8. What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in
I attempted to draw every Seawing Prince once. I used it as a design practice & general practice of drawing dragons but quickly lost motivation lmao </3 it was fun at first and one day I wish to revisit the idea but for now it will remain just that, an idea
26. What's a piece that got a wildly different interpretation from what you intended
Admittedly I am someone who likes to Talk About My Thoughts so all of my art tends to contain an explanatory caption so I actually dont get misinterpreted a lot online pfh, but (fortunately) recently I got a school piece of mine completely turned on its head meaning wise. I had sculpted a skull that looked partially melted, it had a lid at the top so it could be used as a vessel and flowers were growing out of every hole and crack in the skull. The original intent was to actually convey infection/overtake, as the flowers were a sickly yellow and the melting nature of the skull was supposed to help convey that. Alongside that it was supposed to be part of a trilogy where you can see the stages of the skull-vessel slowly decaying, but since I caught covid in the middle of working on it and had to abandoned it for 3 weeks I ran out of time so its like the end of a story </3. REGARDLESS the Skull got displayed in school and I had someone compliment me on the symbol of “regrowth” it showed. I understand that view of it, despite my goal being to kinda flip the visuals on their head and instead show a forum of decay I liked the way that person presented it so I’m p content with my bad skull sculpture thing being viewed that way. Granted my artists statement talking about the Meaning was displayed beside the skull but I know people dont tend to read those so, again, understandable interpretation. A strange lil thing… it looks very bad <3
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