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This song never gets boring 😁🎶
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Questions I ask everyday:
When is the world going to end? Why do animals hate me? When will Merlin make another series? When will that secret episode of Sherlock release? When can I finish school forever? How can I sleep in class today? Why do I post on tumblr? Will I need glasses forever? Shall I make up an excuse? When can I next take food without looking a pig? Can I skip class today? What do I post?!? Shall I pretend to hurt my hand for P.E? Why am I even called GALACTICKITTENS?!?
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Tumble Tumble Tumblr
Kinda reminds me of a washing machine!
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Nice fashion 😂 what is this picture
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Imagine coming to this place when you want some alone time 🚶🏻
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#outdoor , Fall nightime at Echo Lake 🍂 | New Hampshire | 📸 Mike Taylor
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Random facts about me:
1. I am vegetarian 🌽 2. I wear glasses 🤓 3. I love video games! 🎮 4. I have 3 cats, 2 fish and 1 dog 🐶🐱🐠 5. I live in the country side 🏡 6. I'm related to someone very famous 😏not saying who
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Arrrghghgh it's stuck in my head again!
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I had a realisation...
Warburtons backwards is snot rub raw. I always thought their bread had a funny green tint to it. Sorry if you are eating right now.
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Random rhymes because I'm bored
There once was a house Where there lived a mouse Who had a louse Who had a spouse (idk) A frog said moo Then Satan came He told the mouse He wasn't to blame The frog was mental And Satan was sure Since he had seen this curious behaviour before I am bored Yes you heard me Now I have to go I'm scared of bees! La la da La la dee I hate you Where's my tea? Just as the water splashed to the ground The world was silent, not a sound Until the granny spoke up loud When she screamed 'I am a cloud!'
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The many names of Benedict Cumberbatch
Benefits Cumulative Benton Cumbersome Benedictus Cabbagepatch Splendadic Cumberhead Benedictine Cumberland Benedictions Cumberbat Bundadict Cumberbund Benny with the pointy chin
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Things I over obsess about:
1. Sherlock 2. Merlin 3. Phan 4. Colin Morgan 5. Benediction Cumbersome (You know who I mean) 😂
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This is totally what I imagined was going through Sherlock's head when John said that he was his best friend. 😂🙊
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Questions answered by galactickittens:
READER: Is the Earth round or flat?
GALACTICKITTENS: neither, it's square.
READER: What is your OTP?
READER: Do you believe in life after death?
GALACTICKITTENS: Not sure, but I believe in magic!
READER: Why are you even on tumblr?
GALACTICKITTENS: Once again, not sure. Hello if you are reading. Have some free candy! 🍬🍭🍬
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This song is really catchy! 😂
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