nachosforfree · 2 years
William's sitting in his personal hell, sobbing and begging for the torment to end while Cassidy's just fucking chilling, filming his pathetic ass for Afterlife TikTok.
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aftonmanor-blog · 8 years
Brain injury
Meri: “Do you want to borrow my phone to call the take away place?”
*Searches frantically for phone*
Lauren: “Are you looking for the phone in your hands?”
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aftonmanor-blog · 8 years
I dreamt Lauren's dad was bought up with wolves and so was half wolf half man kind of thing, and he was telling us our house was too warm for fleas and Lauren started a flea blog on our house which got aired on tv, and my friends from home came down and we were all gonna get a taxi to go cliff jumping but ended up on a mountain with this swimming pool singing songs about how much hitler was a mong and Toby ate maltesers that turned out to be bouncy balls. Oh and Meri had loads of little kids under her blanket on the mountain and we all called her a penguin because she looked like one.
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