#adopted splurb
terato-inamorato · 5 years
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Type: Standard Top (3 forms)
Gender: Female
Theme: Distressed Clothing/Monster
Parent: Phanta (owned by Syria1616)
A bit on the quiet side, Valerie is a bit deceiving. Quiet, seems rather calm in nature, very gentle…until you get her riled up. Once she’s riled, she’s not gonna settle down for a while, so strap in and hold on tight.
After your wild ride, she’s back to her quiet and sweetheart ways, grooming you, cuddling you, ect. Valerie also loves to sit out in the night air and just…admire the view…the view being you, her owner.
She also has the bad habit of losing her temper when pushed too far. The best thing you can do for her is to keep her calm and pull her away from whatever situation is setting her off.
Keep her out of high-stress situations, and you’ll have a big cuddle-monster with a rough side just when you need it.
Owned by @foxmunsfandombox
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syrakitsune · 5 years
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Some of my favorite older drawings of sy and phanta
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staxurst · 6 years
OOOOOOO MMMMM LLLLL!!! It's freaking adorable!!! Where'd you find it?
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I bought him from @terato-inamorato and @sinningpunk Splurb adoption shop. Gloom is an Alpha Splurb who depend and bond with their host. 
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And uh, the bonding process I quite... personal and *ahem* erotic.
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*Gloom gurgles.*
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terato-inamorato · 5 years
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Type: Accessory
Gender: Nonbinary
Theme: Kawaii/devil
Parent: Floe (Owned by FelliSkelli)
Aki is an adorable and mischievous lil’ splurb. They love to act all innocent…until there’s something they wanna do that they know they’re not supposed to. Like stealing those pretty hair pins and earrings from that cute store you like to go to.
You’ll constantly find that you’ll have to stop at every store’s doors and check your pockets, and Aki, to make sure there’s not secretly stashed away items somewhere on your person.
If you get into the habit of reward their good behavior with shiny baubles and good times, they’ll tend to take things that don’t belong to them a lot less.
Beyond Aki’s mischievous behavior, they can be incredibly sweet, but demanding of attention, which causes them to become the most noticable accessory they can possibly form, or even try to wear your shiny belongings in hope they’ll catch your eye even more, but they always resort back to their own colors and form, knowing that you’ll love their own colors and shine all by their selves.
Owned by @zeddish
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terato-inamorato · 5 years
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Type: Standard Bottom (3 forms)
Gender: Female
Theme: Modern Japan/ Blacklight
Parent: (N/A) First Gen.
  A very shy girl, but incredibly sweet. She loves to show off her colors, but gets flustered when complimented. You’ll have to help her get over her shyness and keep her from shrinking away from you. Show her you love everything about her, and she doesn’t need to shy away from you or anyone else.
She’ll get more confidence during feeding time, and will often get more talkative and loud during.
She’ll adore her owner, and will love doing practically any activity with them.
Owned By @beloved-little-bunnie
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terato-inamorato · 5 years
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Type: Alpha (4 forms)
Gender: Female (male genitals)
Theme: Scientist/halloween
Parent: (N/A) First Gen.
Harlow is a bit of an unpredictable time-bomb. She loves experimenting with her owner, and loves feedback even more. While she loves to make her owner feel good, she will take her own pleasure as a priority.
You’d better make sure you have a lot of things for her to do, because she bores easily. Not one to just sit around, she’s constantly looking for things to tinker with. If you get creative enough with it, you could get her into all kinds of “experiments” like, which chemical cleans better, or which kind of batter makes a better cake? Utilize her experimental nature to your benefit, and it could also save you from having a majorly dangerous mess on your hands…but you’ll still have a mess. She’s not the most clean Splurb around.
Keep her entertained and well fed, and she’ll make sure you always have the best time she can give.
Owned by @droxba324
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terato-inamorato · 5 years
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Type: Standard Bottom (3 forms)
Gender: Male
Theme: Tights/Bird
Parent: (N/A) First Gen.
Wren is a shy boy with a lot of spirit. While he usually pulls away from large crowds or new people, he has this…longing, like in any of his species, to let his colors shine.
He loves to coo and gurgle little songs to his owner, flicking his wings and all in all strutting his stuff for you. You give him the confidence his needs, and he’ll start to open up to others, thought that shy nature will always be there, which just makes him more precious and cute!
Careful, though, he does have a habit, once getting more comfortable, to be a bit more demanding and pouty when he doesn’t get his way. Show him who’s boss in the best way, and you’ll either see less of that pouty mood, or more…depending on the form of punishment, that is.
Wren is a sweetie, with a heart of (almost) gold. Keep encouraging him to be more outgoing, and you’ll see his spirit shine.
Owned by @felliskelli
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terato-inamorato · 5 years
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Type: Alpha (4 forms)
Gender: Male
Theme: Lingerie
Parent: (N/A) First Gen.
    You can’t leave the house without him, you can’t wear anything but him, and you gotta listen to him. He just wants to keep you safe from everyone who wants to hurt you or take advantage of you…which is everyone.
You’re going to have to teach him boundaries early on. Teach him that YOU own HIM, not the other way around, otherwise, he’ll take full advantage of that and end up trying to control a lot in your personal life. Stroke his ego and let him lead every once in a while, but you have to make sure he knows that he can’t take control of your life…unless you want him to.
In his older stages he practically towers over you and uses that fully to his advantage. loves running his tentacles across you, and has a pretty nasty habit of taking you in public…in front of everyone…as a show of dominance. Another habit you’ll have to break…unless you’re into that.
Just know everything he does, he does it for you. He does care for you very much, he just has a bit of a messed up way of showing it.
Owned by @felliskelli
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terato-inamorato · 5 years
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Type: Standard Top (3 forms)
Gender: Female
Theme: Work-out/ tight-fitting
Parent: Rose (Owned by @felliskelli)
 Tough as nails, loud and proud. Ruby has a large and loud personality, with enough arms to hug their owner or owners in a  bone-crushing hug.
She loves to constantly move, and will get their owner into the habit of working out as well, so if you aren’t one to get up and move, she’s not the one for you. If you don’t work out with her or let her work out at least ever other day, she’ll get really depressed and start to lose her form and color, so make sure you get up and work out with her, or at least let her get her own exercising in.
She loves to show off her strength, outside and inside the bedroom, so you better stretch beforehand, because she has stamina that could challenge an alpha (or at least she likes to think so).
Because of her loud personality, she’s pretty confident in herself, so she might start to try to pick fights with other inanimate objects that she thinks challenge her when she gets older, so teach her better when she’s young unless you want broken lamps and figurines across the house.
other than that, she’s incredibly lovable, like a large russian woman with a love for teddy bears.
Owned By @thegreatleosan
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terato-inamorato · 5 years
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Type: Accessory (2 forms)
Gender: female
Theme: Kitty, Paint Splatter
Parent: N/A (First. Gen.)
  Don’t let her size fool you, she’s quite the sassy trouble maker! This little splurb will get into all sorts of silly trouble if you aren’t keeping a close eye on her, that is, if she’s not lounging around or feeding off of you.
She has a habit of begging for food, even when she doesn’t really want it. It’s her mostly begging for attention, so as long as you keep your eyes on her and keep her entertained, you have nothing to worry about form this sweet lil’ slime.
She loves getting “ear” and “tail” scritches from her owner, and tends to kneed on her owner when feeding. A very cute sight indeed.
owned by @cho-skelefairy
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terato-inamorato · 5 years
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Type: Standard Bottom (3 Forms)
Gender: Female
Theme: P.J.s, Clowns
Parent: Javeline (owned by @flargahblargh)
  Don’t let her theme fool you, this little girl is a wild child at heart. She loves to stay up late and play, from pillow fights, to playing outside after dark. She has an almost child-like innocence which adds to her charm, but also makes her a tough Splurb to handle.
You have to be motherly/fatherly to her and treat her like a child from time to time, otherwise she’ll wear herself (and you) out pretty badly. Reward her with sweets and keep a firm hand and she’ll be putty in your hands.
She has a habit of eating without saying anything (so expect to be grabbed and pulled to the floor for feeding a lot) but she’s always thankful and cuddly afterwards (even during feeding she can be!). She’ll be the perfect cuddle buddy for those who love to play in their sleeping clothes.
Owned by @frozen-sins
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terato-inamorato · 5 years
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Type: Accessory (2 forms)
Gender: Female
Theme: Super-hero
Parent: Phanta (owned by @syra16160)
 Incredibly bouncy with a sense of justice. She loves to hop around and bounce off of high places, performing “Dangerous” stunts like jumping from the edge of the table to the couch. She LOVES when her owner encourages her heroism and bravery.
You do have to watch to make sure it doesn’t go to her head as she’ll perform more dangerous acts the farther along she goes. As long as you’re there to watch her and make sure she doesn’t do anything too eccentric, all should be well.
She loves being your hero. She wants nothing but praise and for you to feel safe with her. And while you’re wearing her “You can be a superhero, too!”
Owned by @sinningsummers
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terato-inamorato · 5 years
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Type: Accessory (2 forms)
Gender: Male
Theme: minimalist, modern
Parent: (N/A) First Gen.
 Overly sensitive but has a big heart. Tends to cry over little things, so be patient and kind with him. He’ll toughen up as he gets older, but still have that oh so sweet personality.
Loves to kiss his owner with his tentacles, leaving little red marks along the way. Really likes to wrap around their neck gently for extra closeness.
During feeding he can be a bit relentless, so you’ll have to watch him or he’ll eat to bursting. He loves nothing more than seeing you happy and calm. If his owner is crying, he’ll start to cry, if you’re happy, he’ll be happy. He mimics most emotions and even physical motions that their owner does. He wants to keep you happy, so anything that you do, obviously means good, right?
Owned by @raven-sinner13
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terato-inamorato · 5 years
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Type: Standard Top (3 Forms)
Gender: Male
Theme: Cranberry Cream Cheese, Yeti
Parent: Plur (owned by @parodypunksartwork)
Bio: Fluffy in all ways, his personality is akin to a marshmallow. He’ll be terrified to take the initiative at first, and fold in upon himself shivering if he’s ever brought somewhere cold. He’ll be known to fluff up even more if you’re cold, consuming more calories to increase his mass in a hurry.
Keep an eye on him or he’s gonna vomit if he eats too much at once.
Jiggles much more than your average splurb (hint hint to his adult form) and will ask repeatedly until you build his confidence more (aka to his adult form) if you like him and his appearance.
Very clingy and affectionate, a sweetheart all over.
Adult form though, he becomes hungrier. And more aggressive. He really likes how small you are compared to his claws.
Still a little self conscious from how big he got, but only needs a little reassurance and he’ll be all over his owner.
Enjoys cute things and has a deep seated need to show how reliable he is.
Owned by @cho-skelefairy
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terato-inamorato · 6 years
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Mint/Cloud belongs to @all-my-ocs-karma
Splurbs continuing soon!
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terato-inamorato · 6 years
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Finished Gloom Sheets!
Alpha Form included! Gloom belongs to @staxurst
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