#admin is not back admin just finished watched V9 and will probably be dead silent immediately after they get it out of their system 😅
fandomflotilla · 1 year
Jaune: I told you Weiss, I’m Fine.
Weiss: You were stuck in a fairytale land for literally a decade, where you went crazy desperately trying to keep a bunch of paper stars from committing suicide, all without running water, a steady supply of food, or anyone sane to talk to.
Jaune: Yeah, but consider also that I’m fine! I’m great! Never been better.
Weiss: …
Weiss: …fine. If you read this one book, out loud, cover to cover, I’ll stop bothering you.
Jaune: Deal, I don’t know what this is supposed to prove-
Jaune: …
Weiss: Well? Go on. Title first.
Jaune: A-Alyx in W-Wonderland…
Jaune: …
Weiss: *Opens the book* Go on. Read the first sentence.
Jaune: A-Alyx was b-beginning-g to g-get vvv-very tired of sitting by her…
Weiss: …go on.
Jaune: Her…brother…
Jaune: *sniffs*
Jaune: *eyes begin to slowly water*
Weiss: *gently shuts the book*
Weiss: *wraps her arms around him in a hug*
Weiss: I-I’m sorry about making you do that. But you need help. And I’d be a bad friend if I didn’t at least try to make you see that.
Jaune: …thank you.
Jaune: *sniffles into her shoulder*
Weiss: …I booked your appointment with the Vacuoan therapist for next week. She specializes in recovering coma patients. Not great, but the closest thing I could find.
Jaune: okay.
Jaune: *gently grabs her and pulls her tighter to himself*
Jaune: *muffled*…can I…can I just stay here for a bit. I…I need to compose myself.
Weiss: Take all the time you need. We’re not going anywhere…
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