#addison scott
yihzni · 4 months
all of these came to me in dreams…. enjoy
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fredbydawn · 2 months
Saw films as reality tv shows that I was too young to be watching, but watched anyway
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movedtodykedvonte · 1 year
Technically there could be a Spamton x reader fic that’s a parody on Scott Pilgrim because Spamton has 7 implied exes who range on a scale of deadly. Sadly this does mean you take the role of Scott Pilgrim.
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its-a-geeks-world · 2 months
i am writing this about half an hour after finding out the news QL isn't coming back. I'm sure in the morning I'll have new thoughts and feelings but right now I'm just feeling raw sadness and disappointment. This was the last and only network show I've been watching the last couple of years. A throwback to how things used to be before streaming took over Hollywood. Are the news totally unexpected? Sadly no, but it doesn't make it hurt any less. And just when it had finally found it's footing!
Sure, the show has its problems. Sure, the ratings were not great. Sure, they tackled many issues that are wildly polemic in today's time (yeah, people, the show's *woke*. It's always been, where have *you* been?) . But.
In this world that only gets scarier by the moment, it was great to have this little ray of hope each week to remind us that selflessness and empathy still matter, that hope is timeless and that a single act of kindness can change the world.
I guess the world wasn't ready for it. GFTW sure can be a jerk.
I can only be thankful that S2 had such a wonderful, exciting, mind blowing ending. That at least, if Ben is to be lost to time, he isn't lost alone. It's bittersweet and poetic that in trying to save Sam, they've ended up joining him, maybe for forever.
I can only be grateful to everyone in the cast and crew, the show runners, every single person who put their heart and gave it their all to honor a thirty year old legacy; and made great moments, and made mistakes, and learned along the way just as we did. Who knew they could create something powerful, and had the bravery to share it with the rest of the world.
And thanks to you too, fellow leaper who might be reading this. Your love and enthusiasm for this show have always mattered, even though now it doesn't feel like it.
This leap is over, folks. But just as Sam, and now Ben and Addison have taught us, there's always the next one. Whether it's them, whether it's us, the true essence of QL will never die, because just as Sam did back in the day, the show has touched many hearts and lives, and those will touch others in return.
Keep leaping, people. Be kind to each other. Sometimes, that's all we've got.
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tommy-288 · 2 months
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Umm… uh…. I noticed there was some Lofield Hanistead content going around, so I thought, why not?
Y’all can bully me this is terrible hivtkhvf
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same-name-supremacy · 2 years
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I was bored for like the past week with no ideas on what to draw and then the obvious hit me like, girl just draw some saw characters! So I did!
There we’re so many to choose from! But yeah I stuck with these guys
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A Multiple Green Flash Sunset: Yes, but can your green flash do this? A green flash at sunset is a rare event that many Sun watchers pride themselves on having seen. Once thought to be a myth, a green flash is now understood to occur when the Earth's atmosphere acts like both a prism and a lens. Different atmospheric layers create altitude-variable refraction that takes light from the top of the Sun and disperses its colors, creates two images, and magnifies it in just the right way to make a thin sliver appear green just before it disappears. Pictured, though, is an even more unusual sunset. From the high-altitude Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile one day last April, the Sun was captured setting beyond an atmosphere with multiple distinct thermal layers, creating several mock images of the Sun. This time and from this location, many of those layers produced a green flash simultaneously. Just seconds after this multiple-green-flash event was caught by two well-surprised astrophotographers, the Sun set below the clouds. Image Credit & Copyright: T. Slovinský & P. Horálek (IoP Opava); CTIO, NOIRLab, NSF, AURA   
[h/t Scott Horton]
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"The Soul, secure in her existence. smiles at the drawn dagger and defies its point. The stars shall fade away, the sun himself grow dim with age and nature sink in years, but thou shalt flourish in immortal youth, unhurt amid the wars of elements, the wreck of matter, and the crush of worlds." From 1713, “Cato” by Joseph Addison. This was the passage Edgar Allen Poe encrypted and challenged his readers to decipher in 1841. It was not until 1992 that a Duke University doctoral student succeeded. ∞(via metaconscious)
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ask-phantasi-crew · 1 year
If they had a Minecraft world, what roles (i.e. builder, miner, farmer, etc.) would each of them have??
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violetrose-art · 3 months
Dr. Addison Bennet from Alice Through the Looking Glass is Jim Moriarty from Sherlock
Imagine what an actual Alice In Wonderland/Sherlock crossover would look like
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beartrice-inn-unnir · 11 months
👋 for the book reader asks: 3, 7, and 12?
3. What’s something you read recently and wanted to argue with (either with the book or the author or the fans)?
Maybe the Library at Mount Char - I liked it a lot, but I have a whole collection of books I call “Books about Libraries that are really Private Archives”. LaMC is only the most recent addition that I’ve read.
And it’s true, for a long long time up to the very recent past, libraries were usually private collections of resources which were only available to small affiliated groups. The Public Library is recent idea and the huge swathe of public social services the average (American) Public Library provides shouldn’t fall entirely on this one underfunded organization that can have insufficient training in social work etc. See this excellent Vocational Awe article for more info.
But I still want to read a book with a magical library that’s open to the public, that provides services and educational events, that supports its community, but isn’t hard to find. I really love a lot of these magical private library books, but the ubiquity of access is really important to the modern library (in some places anyway), and I’d love to read something that shows that someday.
5. What book do you love but usually not recommend because it’s weird or intense, etc?
I utterly adore Katherine Addison’s The Witness for the Dead, but it’s so hard to describe (and, as a result, to recommend) - the setting is so lush and the characters are such a product of their setting and life-experiences. It’s a non-violent crime novel. It’s very religious and spiritual. There might be werewolves. There are murderous ghouls. There’s opera and air-ships. It’s a detective novel. It’s a political thriller. It’s slow-moving and deeply kind. The protagonist is having a very long week. It’s only 232 pages long.
12. What book have you re-read most often?
I pick up Connie Willis’s To Say Nothing of the Dog whenever I need a break from other things in life, so probably every few months on the outside 😹 I love that if I ever don’t understand what’s happening, the protagonist understands even less than I do. He’s overtired and overworked, and it’s made him into a soppy romantic who keeps mishearing people but is too polite to ask for clarification. I relate.
Robin McKinley’s The Blue Sword and Tamora Piece’s In The Hand of the Goddess are two other comfort rereads that I have as audiobooks, so they probably are the stories I’ve read/heard the most often by sheer numbers.
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Episode 482: Someone you hate
Recovering vampire Barnabas Collins hopes that mad scientist Eric Lang will be able to free him of his curse once and for all. Since wicked witch Angelique, who put the curse on Barnabas in the first place, has come back to the great estate of Collinwood, Barnabas found a twelfth century Sicilian talisman with the power to protect against witches and gave it to Lang with instructions that he was…
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uswntpoc · 11 months
This was an interesting read. They talk a lot about Utah and I'm really hoping the nwsl does the work to make Utah a safe place for black players to play. Cause this right here, was very upsetting.
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conjcosby · 10 months
Stardate: 202307.28 ▫ I've watched the new Quantum Leap 1st 9 episodes. Love it. Hopefully Sam Beckett makes an appearance later. Oh boy! 😊🙏 @scottbakula @raymomomo @caitlinbassett #scottbakula #drsambeckett #sambeckett #raymondlee #drbensong #bensong #caitlinbassett #addisonaugustine #quantumleap #newquantumleap #quantumleapfan #quantumleapfans #quantumleapfandom #quantumleapfanart #fan #art #friday #fridays #fanart #fanartfriday #fanartfridays
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sims4-premades · 2 years
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9 July, Year 62
Best friends, Roman Scott an Addison Munch
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tommy-288 · 21 days
For those of you who watched the movie Gettysburg directed by Ron Maxwell, you will know that it is very flawed. There’s confederate propaganda, no gore (it’s a war movie, c’mon), only one black person who’s role is silent in the film, and a horrible representation of Pickett’s Charge.
But if you’ve watched it you know that there’s some hot men in there, you can learn quite a bit about the battle of Gettysburg from it (I’d suggest actually researching it though, don’t rely fully on this movie), and the queer-coded characters.
The characters are accidentally queer-coded (two in particular, Lo Armistead and Win Hancock), but there’s also some scenes that are… kinda 💅. Like the intense handshake between Reynolds and Buford.
So my question is; how the hell did Ron Maxwell accidentally queer-coded these characters so hard? I’m just wondering how that went down.
I’m sorry for this post, it’s nine o’clock AM and I’m at my mental limit
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