#add multiple photos to instagram story
slvtforfiction · 7 months
Head canons and Twitter :)
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☆ Jake Webber X Musical Artist!Reader
☆ I may or may not be listening to Melanie Martinez on repeat soooooo,Reader is based off of Melanie :)
☆ Fluff fluff and more fluff :)
☆ Part 2
☆ Twitter story and headcanons :)
☆ Sorry for it being so short! :( I couldn’t add more than 10 images,no more twitter for you guys :(
☆ Masterlist
☆ Hey guys! Before anything else I would ask you to request anything you want because I’ve lost a lot of motivation and it would really help! :D (Please look at pinned post to see if requests are open.)
☆ Creds to @cafekitsune for dividers :)
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☆ The most supportive and golden retriever boyfriend in the worlddddd.
☆ Definitely the first person to stream you music and the first person to hear it.
☆ Definitely vibes to your music,you’ve come home from your and smiled,hearing your music through out the house.
☆ Comes with you on some tours because he wants to be supportive and see you in action.
☆ Definitely makes an appearance on stage once or twice
☆ Even if your music isn’t his type of usual music he will listen to it endlessly
☆ Constantly asks you if your planning on making anymore music
☆ Is always the first to hear your music and will constantly brag about it
☆ Actively brags about you to everyone and anyone that will listen,his friends are honestly fed up with how much they hear about you but Jake could write a novel about you
☆ Blocks and reports anyone that’s mean to you or about you,if his friends do it he leaves immediately and doesn’t speak to them at all.
☆ Would defend your name to the ends of the earth,wouldn’t even let a spider hurt your feelings
☆ Protective bae
☆ If you’re ever stressed he immediately takes you into his arms. Once at a show you broke down crying during light shower and although he wasn’t supposed to he ran onto stage to comfort you,the edits came into your inbox for days.
☆ You’re always in his videos,and you make a point to be always available for him. There’s always edits of you and him together.
☆ A lot of hate was directed towards you considering you had a larger fan base than him and you had to put multiple stories out about how this was not okay
☆ Jake has made songs about you and you listen to all of his songs whether it’s your music taste or not,he’s supportive and you are too <3
☆ Multiple ‘Jake and Y/n being cute for **’ videos on YouTube.
☆ Jake constantly posts you in any way he can,like photos of you before a concert or photos of you performing or getting ready etc.
☆ Definitely hypes you up whilst you’re in costume/doing your makeup before a show because to him you look beautiful either way
☆ “Look at my girl,looking so pretty.”
☆ Definitely calls you nicknames/pet names like; Pretty girl,My girl,Doll,Love,Princess,Sweetheart.
☆ Multiple instagram stories of you two driving/flying to your next tour destination
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Twitter story:
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badomensteablog · 6 months
The Story of Sabina
This situation has a few components and it may get confusing so I’m gonna try my best to explain everything in order. I can’t provide all the photos I want to on here as I’m only limited to 10 photos, but I will have a Google Link for the photos.
I don’t know how to properly approach the TRIGGER WARNINGS but there is a lot of Mental / Emotional Abuse that happens through out and mention of Suicide / Faking Suicide, and Death — as well as abortion.
⚠️ Sabina is a very deranged person and could be very dangerous.
⚠️ Sabina has already involved herself with other fans within the BO fandom and I want to put this out there to keep other fans safe (at least within this fandom).
For those who do not know,
Sabina created a whole fake life saying she was with Noah. Saying Noah was in love with her, they were engaged, she had an abortion, she was on tour with them, etc. etc.
She created multiple fake profiles. As far as I am aware, at this point she hasn’t been engaging in the Bad Omens fandom.
This started with Sabina selling a ticket to another fan (R) in November 2022 and them going to the show together. They connected and became close friends. (R) even housed Sabina for a time as well.
Sabina would show “proof” of her and “Noah” constantly talking. I also wanna add that at some point in their friendship Sabina was staying with (R) in Florida at (R)’s home. (R) would see Sabina “sleeping” but still get texts from "Noah". (R) mentioned that Sabina would get phone calls from “Noah” and leave the room to talk with him.
According to (R), a few days after the show Sabina messaged (R) saying that Noah has DMed her stating that he (Noah) noticed her (Sabina) at the shows and liked her look. Showing (R) a mocked up DM of the message from “Noah”.
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When Sabina told (R) that “Noah” liked Sabina and wanted to be with her, (R) messaged a friend upset about it out of jealousy. A “Why pick her?” type of conversation. This friend ended up telling Sabina and that obviously upset her. Sabina and (R) ended up having a falling out that lasted a few days.
Later on Sabina told (R) that “Noah” asked Sabina to go on tour with them. While Sabina was “on tour” with “Bad Omens” a Bad Omens fan account tweets that they heard a woman on the tour bus.
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Sabina would tell (R) a bunch of things that all of a sudden were later tweeted about by different fan accounts that helped corroborate her story. (R) had no reason to not believe her friend and with the “proof” that was being sent.
Sabina also told (R) that she wasn’t allowed to call, take video or any photos, or anything that would show she was on the bus and on tour (or lack there of).
Another new fan account posted on Facebook and tweeted out that they had seen Noah and a girl holding hands at a coffee shop before one of their shows. Tweeting that “Noah” and this girl were in line and the fan approached them asking for a photo. “Noah” told them no and the fan said the girl was pretty and nice.
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Matt later tweeted that it was untrue with the tweet linked.
Come to find out that Sabina stole a fan’s photo and a random name to make the account and tweet about her “meeting Noah and his girlfriend”. The person whose photo she used came forward to say their photo was stolen.
After Matt had debunked the tweet to be untrue, the Twitter page was deleted.
Matt’s Tweet:
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In December Sabina tells (R) that “Noah” is going to make a burner instagram to message her on so that they could talk.
In January Sabina got upset with (R) cause (R) was interested in someone and Sabina had feelings for (R).
There was a point where “Noah” is in LA, Sabina was in her hometown of Florida, and (R) was in her hometown of Jersey (but R lives in Florida) — “Noah” messages (R) that Sabina had a suicide attempt and “he” couldn’t get to her. “Noah” was attacking (R) saying it was her fault. “Noah” also saying that Sabina had d!ed (photo) then she magically woke up.
“Noah” then tells (R) that Sabina did it because she loves (R). The text reads — “She didn't do this because of you she did this because you don't love her that way anymore. She feels unworthy.” (SCREENSHOT)
I also wanna add that all while Sabina is “dating Noah”… Sabina was also in a real life relationship with someone (who later comes forward and tells us what he knew) as well as was living with him.
More and more things happen. In February “Folio” starts interacting with (R) cause he’s interested in her. He invited her to come on tour but tells her she has to break up with the guy she’s interested in or she wasn’t allowed to come.
(R) breaks it off with the guy she liked thinking all of this is true. Plus she also has her fan girl feelings for the real Folio.
Later down the line Sabina had gotten into a bit of a car crash (nothing serious) and Sabina asked (R) to come help her and that she was upset. (R) said that she couldn’t and that her dad wouldn’t let her. “Noah” and “Folio” started messaging (R) freaking out on her for not going to Sabina.
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(Read More HERE)
This continued to go on. More things would happen where Sabina, “Noah”, “Folio” would all be happy and texting (R) then at a drop of a dime they are all mad and attacking her. Putting her in this emotional rollercoaster. They're all happy with her one moment and then absolutely hate her the second. Emotionally abusing (R).
(Read More Messages from “Noah” HERE)
Once (R) finally had enough and completely blocked them all out of her life, Sabina got close with the one friend of (R)’s that had told Sabina what (R) said about her previous. They ended up going on a trip together along with a few other friends. This friend is someone who is widely known in the music world. The friend didn’t particularly know much of Bad Omens or Noah but they began to question if what Sabina was saying was true as some things weren’t adding up. (READ HERE)
Finding out that Sabina was also stealing a photographers photos and claiming them as her own. (READ HERE)
Sabina also claimed to have written music and would send it to (R), which (R) later found the real artist who wasn’t very known.
At one point (R) was sent a cease and desist document from “Noah” through message. Singed Noah Sebastian. (Screenshot Here)
Sabina has been in a friendship with another fan in the Bad Omens community. The fan has finally come to (R) and tell her what had happen to her with Sabina. Sabina also emotionally abused her. I believe all of this is important to keep other fans away from Sabina and from her trapping them in her web of lies and abuse.
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Sabina lied about a lot within the Bad Omens community but also a lot about her personal life. Telling (R) stories of her life that came to be untrue. Lying about her parents and other family members. Claiming to have k!lled someone in self defense. The list goes on.
(Messages from Sabina to (R) about her family life)
After (R) and others had started calling Sabina out, Sabina posted to her Instagram to lie about (R). (Photos Here)
It has been proven by multiple people that Sabina is a compulsive liar and very mentally / emotionally abusive. Please be careful with this person and just steer clear of her.
Sabina recently went to Bad Omens Concrete Forever show and got Meet and Greet.
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(R) and I were able to find another person she has been in a friendship with before (R) from a Tweet regarding Sabina. I then decided to reach out to them. (READ HERE)
(R) was also sent a message by Sabina’s ex boyfriend. At first (R) and I were a bit worried it was just Sabina, they were able to talk on the phone. (READ HERE)
If anything else pops up about Sabina it will be added here.
Be careful and stay lovely Kings 👑
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kyra45 · 1 year
Funeral donation scams
Ok so I never really wanted to make a post on how to spot these kinds of scams. It’s unfortunate people will go this far to get money but I guess now with how much it’s happened I have to explain how to spot them and how they work. This is not to say all funeral posts are scams! It’s just that unfortunately scammers fake them.
Funeral donation scams occur when a user goes on Instagram and takes random photographs from someone’s private page and fabricates a story to go with them. For example, saying their child is a few months old but needs desperate care and then comes back later claiming the child has passed away from something like an illness or health complications. However, these stories may be edited together from multiple posts in order to get more attention. Some parts of the story may come from Facebook as well.
The information supplied in the story and pictures may also not match up completely and look wrong if you understand the workings of a hospital and already know how the care process works. It’s common that the gender of the child may not seem to match up with the claims or the photographs don’t seem to accurately reflect the given situation. It looks real at a glance but further investigations may show flaws in the story given.
These scammers will also spam DMs to share their funeral post, but then claim a little later they can’t see messages/asks. This is because their account was shadowbanned for the mass amounts. It is not a scam to message users for help! It’s just advised to limit the amount you send at any given time. The scammers will then make even more accounts and spam DMs again to get money from users. They will even harass those who already donated once before.
These accounts will also not show any legitimate photos of hospital bills. Or receipts of procedures done. It is very easy to censor any personal information and show important info if you want to prove your legit. Especially when they only want to be contacted in DM’s meaning anyone who searches won’t find any posts about them. This is pretty common though not all accounts like that are scams.
These scammers may also make claims that they can’t afford a burial and how the body is starting to stink up the funeral home itself. Sometimes they’ll claim that the body has been there for several days and they need the money NOW or else. If you know how funeral homes work, you’ll easily figure out their making outlandish claims. Basically if you worked at one or have experience with funeral homes you’ll likely see the flaws in the claims.
In closing, if something in a post doesn’t add up there’s likely a reason for it.
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yxnderewrites · 4 days
Hey there! I really enjoy your take on yandere Sam and Colby as well as how the story is going. So I was wondering if you could do a part 3?
Please take your time, take care of yourself, and feel free not to do this ask. I love your work and keep it up!
Much love 😊🖤💚
-Sweet Anon
of course!! and thank you so much! 🥰🖤
(also i decided to change things up a tad (taking inspiration from @devil-lily slighty) and focusing on s&c’s perspective rather than reader’s for this part!)
Yandere!Sam and Colby Headcanons (Part 3) 🖤
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-once they found out you went to the police and said their exact names to the police (don’t ask how they found out about that either), they were angry, but also upset because they had no idea you were going to be so distraught over everything they had done for you/gave you.
-colby wanted to plant more cameras in your home, whether it be in stuffed animals again or just plain cameras that were small enough to be put in places you wouldn’t notice. at first though, sam wasn’t too keen on the idea, but with some convincing though, he agreed to buying small cameras that had the microphone on, so with just a click of an app, they could see and even hear everything you said and did.
-so, when they knew you were out, they went inside your home and planted the cameras where needed; your bedroom, living room, and dining room. they decided not to be too invasive so they didn’t place any cameras in your bathrooms (as if that was going to make up for the multiple cameras already in your home).
-after they planted the cameras as well as left a note with a little warning written on it by sam, they left and went back to their home. once they got back, they got a notification that you posted on your story on instagram, from their secret accounts since you just had to block them. of course they were the first to view as well as like it, colby even taking a screenshot of it to add to his collection of photos of you.
-soon after that, there was a notification of moment from the cameras they planted, so sam quickly grabbed his phone to take a look. he saw you putting your stuff down and then he saw you look on your bedside table, seeing the piece of paper he put which he wrote a “warning” on it to you after they found out you went to the police.
-seeing your face of pure terror made them both extremely upset, they decided it was just for the best in order for them to get only closer to you. even if that would mean talking with your friends to get more information about you and hopefully, if needed, steer your attention away from them so you have no choice but to befriend them, and hopefully more than that.
-so after some time and irritation on their part because of your own isolation from them, they felt as if they had no choice but to resort to that; they started talking to your friends in private away from you, despite you warning your friends about them two since the day that you met them in the mall.
-with your friends not believing you about sam and colby’s tactics, one of them gave both of them your phone number. this action gave them the biggest smirk on their face, knowing they were just getting closer and closer to having you. so once they got home and saw that you were home, sam decided he was going to be the first to do something to hopefully convince you to trust them/come back to them. their question now is will it work or not? probably not but they’ve got a few tricks up their sleeves.
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mariacallous · 5 months
The war in the Middle East is a laboratory for new means of spreading fake news. Propagandists across the world are watching and learning. This year will see democracy’s biggest test: more than two billion people across 50 countries are expected to go to the polls. And a fair proportion of them will be on the receiving end of disinformation techniques refined in Gaza.
The extent of the lying is breathtaking. The BBC’s Verify unit says it has seen nothing to compare to the ‘volume of dehumanising rhetoric posted during this war’.  Eliot Higgins, founder of the investigative website Bellingcat says the level of disinformation in the Israeli-Gaza war is ‘unique to this conflict’.  The Israel and US based security company Cyabra, which monitors fake news on social media, adds that about 20 percent of accounts participating in the online conversation about the war in the days after 7 October were fake. On social media, X (the bin fire formerly known as Twitter) and TikTok were the favourite sites for disinformation, as you would expect.
The explosion of lying reflects a grim truth: for state and private actors, it has never been cheaper or easier to establish credible sock puppets, and then order bot armies to spread falsehoods.  I could look at horrible  claims that a Palestinian mother was just pretending to cradle her dead baby (see picture above), or that Israelis giving accounts of their sufferings at the hands of Hamas were just actors.
However, to show the extent of the new world of lies I want to return to the story I covered last week: the fake news that an advertising campaign by Zara was somehow mocking or exploiting the war-ravaged people of Gaza. Like the QAnon and Pizzagate conspiracy theories, the story matters more than the usual online rubbish because it was a lie with measurable consequences.
Across the world, pro-Palestinian protestors targeted Zara stores. In the US, Canada, Spain, and Sweden, they vandalised them. A video on social media showed that disgusted customers had thrown piles of clothes in front of the Zara store in Times Square, New York. Or at least so the accompanying propaganda claimed.  The video turned out to be footage of an old protest against another brand.  
As I said at the time, the demonstrations showed the madness of crowds in action. They decided to hate a clothing chain that had done nothing to justify their rage. Zara’s agency shot the ad campaign long before Hamas attacked Israel. No one in the photo shoot resembled a soldier or a casualty of war. The pictures showed a model in a sculptor’s studio posing with a mannequin, which was clearly not meant to refer to the corpses of slain Palestinians
And yet even after Zara apologised for an imaginary offence and withdrew the ads, demonstrators continued to target the company. Only a few days ago, they closed the Zara  store at the Trafford Centre in Manchester.  
But I only told half the story. The truth was that much of the rage was confected.
Cyabra uses machine learning scanners to study social media sites and identify fake accounts. They process scores of clues: whether the account is posting 24/7, whether it is posting in multiple languages. The company scanned X, Instagram, TikTok and Facebook, and noticed that Zara was initially criticized for being oblivious to the war and its victims. But the conversations quickly adopted a conspiratorial tone, and you could guess that someone was raising the stakes by looking at the trending hashtags
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What began with the hashtag ‘#BoycottZara’ turned to the false ‘#Zara_is_a_zionist_brand,’ and  the frankly mad ‘#ZaraSupportsGenocide.’
Faced with what it thought was genuine anger, Zara pulled the campaign. The BBC, the Guardian, Business Insider  and scores of other news sites reported the climbdown and treated the allegations that Zara was exploiting Palestinian suffering seriously.
When they did, they missed the role of well-resourced and malicious actors. Cyabra said that 39% of the profiles that interacted with Zara were, in fact, fake.  The bots were also far more active than real protestors, it found.
Bots ‘were prominently pushing the hashtags “#Zara_is_a_Zionist_brand” and “#ZaraSupportsGenocide,” the security firm said. ‘They were actively engaged in conversations about the Israel-Hamas war, making sure to regularly tag Zara and interact with the brand while advocating a boycott.’ They were giving protests against Israel more weight, by turning then into demonstrations against the evils of global capitalism.
Journalists covering the story had no way of knowing this. They and Zara did not have the tech to analyse tens of thousands of social media accounts, and nor did their readers and viewers. Suppose they did. Suppose the media reported that, while there were undoubtedly real people who disapproved of Zara’ photoshoot, almost four out of ten of the accounts attacking the firm were fake, and looked as if they were part of a coordinated influence operations campaign possibly run by Iran or Russia.
Exposure would make all the difference, as would the exposure of any other campaign boosted by malicious actors. If readers suspect a trick, they will be on guard.
It is about to get significantly harder for readers and journalists to realise that they are being tricked. For Gaza is also showing that the quality of the lying is increasing as fast as the quantity of lies.
We are in the very early days of an artificial intelligence (AI) revolution which presages an anarchic future for open democracies. Put simply, the fake news AI creates is more believable. AI can tailor the messages from social media accounts so they appeal to a precise target audience.  Until now, targeting has been a difficulty from propagandists. If they wanted to spread conspiracy theories to, say white working-class men, they needed a different tone and vocabulary than if they were targeting wealthy retirees. A Russian propagandist may well not know how to do that.  
Campaigns to persuade US Republicans to abandon Ukraine need to be in authentic American English not British or international English.  ChatGPT can now translate propaganda into the required dialect in seconds and ensure that it doesn’t sound as if the message was composed in a Petersburg basement.
What applies to words, applies to images. In the past, bad actors creating automated profiles at bot farms had to use generic stock images for profile pictures, or steal a real person’s photo and risk being caught. Today AI image generators give them what they need.
Rafi Mendelsohn, marketing vice president Cyabra, described an exponential process to me. Tactics used to twist elections are applied to war zones, refined, expanded, and then sent back to be used to influence the next political campaign.
What should we do? Can we ban TikTok, because the Chinese Communist Party exploits it? Should Western governments build their own troll farms?  Should the security services monitor social media and issue fake news warnings? It’s not that western democracies do not know how to answer these questions, we barely know how to ask them.
When the security services are warning that by 2025 generative AI could be ‘used to assemble knowledge on physical attacks by non-state violent actors, including for chemical, biological and radiological weapons,’ we are in a new world.  It strikes me as a world that Western democracies with their liberal protections for freedom of speech find strange and baffling, but one in which the West’s dictatorial enemies feel entirely at home.
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feelbokkie · 11 months
Okay I NEED to know‼️
How do you do your text stories? Do you have a second phone? An app? If it’s and app drop the name😇
Btw I absolutely love ur content😭🫶
I got this question and answered it before but I have more apps now!
Everything below the cut w/explanations below the image:
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Everything is on ios bc I currently have an iphone. I also have a mac, trust me, this is all relevant.
I used my notes app to keep track of my chapter and plot lines. I have my icloud open only for my notes app so I can access my notes on either device.
For texts: it depends on what I'm doing. I use both FakeChat and MeMi Message.
FakeChat is good for when I do my text posts like the bff!skz or bf!skz posts that I normally do. It's a bit annoying bc it won't save the contacts and you can only work with one message at a time and if you close the app or it crashes you're going to have to start all over again. which is also why I have all of the contact names and profile pics saved so I can just quickly add them without having to type them in again.
I use MeMi Message for all of my smaus. It saves multiple "numbers" and it also saves all of the gcs and private messages. Editing is a hassle on there so that's why if I don't catch it the first two times around, the mistake is going to stay bc it will crash the app.
I know you didn't ask for the other stuff but I'll still explain evertyhting else.
Pinterest: all of the photos that I used for all of my smaus are from here
Fake All is good for making lockscreens and incomming calls like I did in Love Risk and Don't Let Me Love You, you can also use it for texts but I don't so idk if you want to also use that
I don't uses social dummy at all but it originally was for my fake tweets
I use TwiNote and PhotoNote for my fake twitter (I'm not calling it X) posts and Instagram post respectively
Hope this helps! Idk about android subtitutes or if any of these apps are also in the android store
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herwideeyedgays · 1 year
— haven’t found any deep dives/timelines of phoebe & taylor’s relationship & i don’t have anything better to do soooo here’s my attempt at making a coherent timeline… feel free to correct me if i get any dates wrong! i also might have forgotten some interactions so let me know of any not included!
PART 1: 2021
— while in the process of re-recording Red, Taylor reaches out to Phoebe to ask her to join her on a vault track, which we now know as Nothing New. this is officially announced on August 6th. during the Red (Taylor’s Version) press tour, Taylor mentions reaching out to the artists, and specifically uses Phoebe as an example here @ 1:55.
— it’s also important to note that up until the recently released ‘remix’ of Snow On The Beach and the Karma remix, Phoebe was the only female artist Taylor sung a duet with. prior to Nothing New, she collaborated with 3 other female artists; but they only sung backup vocals.
— when Red (Taylor’s Version) was released, Phoebe shared this post via Instagram, which included a screenshot of Nothing New on Spotify and a fan made meme of Phoebe and Taylor. shortly after the release, a trend starts on TikTok, and Taylor participates in it, posting a video on TikTok and Instagram on November 18th, with the caption, “I cringe but I miss her. Your move @/phoebebridgers”. Phoebe responds on December 3rd via TikTok, posting a similar video with the caption, “@/taylorswift we were both young”. this is a play on the Love Story lyrics, which are seen in the background of the photo Phoebe chose for the trend.
—on Taylor’s birthday, Phoebe shares an Instagram story of her listening to invisible string, and wishes Taylor a happy birthday, saying “happy birthday king”. this comment also adds onto the idea that Taylor is the man in some of her songs (ex. being the Heartbreak Prince in MA&THP). there are no more documented interactions of the two in 2021.
PART 2: 2022
— Phoebe attends the 2022 Women in Music Billboard Awards, and is asked about her collaboration with Taylor on the carpet. She gushes about her for almost a minute (0:46-1:28) talking about loving her music & trying to respond to Taylor with the “right amount of chill”.
— there are no more 2022 interactions until Eras Tour is announced, and Phoebe is announced as an opener. Phoebe shares this post which includes two photos of them, presumably from a past event (possibly Midnights release party?).
PART 3: 2023
— at the 2023 iHeartRadio Music Awards, Phoebe presents the Innovator Award to Taylor. she gushes about her in her speech, mentioning being grateful to “have grown up in a world with her in it, or, The World (Taylor’s Version)” and how she’s helped her with songwriting. the same day, Phoebe shares a screencap from the show where she and Taylor hug. a video of them also goes viral where Taylor and Phoebe are talking, and Phoebe looks nervous, and at one point glances at Taylor’s lips.
— phoebe begins opening for Taylor’s Eras Tour on May 6th, and Taylor adds Nothing New to the set list, and the two perform it together every night Phoebe opens. they share multiple instagram posts with each other included in it. on Phoebe’s last show as an opener, Taylor wears a necklace from Phoebe’s collaboration with Catbird! she points it out to Phoebe when she joins her on stage one last time, and the two gush about each other, with Phoebe calling her her hero. later in the song, Taylor is seen looking Phoebe up and down longingly, and licking her lips. after the show, Taylor posts for the tour stop as usual, but shouts out Phoebe, saying, “@/phoebebridgers, I’ll miss you out here my dude, thanks for the duets and the dressing room heart to hearts”. gaylor fans speculate they weren’t just having heart to hearts, and are/were romantically involved.
— on June 26, Taylor is spotted in NYC wearing the necklace again (i believe the only other times she’s reworn jewelry is the ‘J’ necklace and the VS angels ring; i could be wrong though). she also wears daisy socks, which could be a nod to her past relationship with Karlie Kloss.
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— on October 27th, Phoebe posts Slut! (Taylor’s Version) (From The Vault) to her instagram story.
— on November 3rd, the pair are spotted leaving a building together.
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hologramcowboy · 2 years
Jensen did look done anytime Danneel opened her mouth during the livestream. And when she answered what was her favorite part about the episode and she just said she was happy to be there with them, everyone said awww and he just looked done with her. I think we also need to take into account was that Steve was there with them. No one would’ve known he was there if Drake didn’t post it on his insta story and Jensen didn’t show a quick piece of him. Jensen cut him out of the photo he posted on instagram for a reason. And in that same photo Danneel had to lean over to be in it, because she was sitting away from Nida and more close to Steve. Which leads to the speculation that Steve is spending thanksgiving with her and her family.
There’s so many factors into thinking that he’s just not in his best state anymore with Danneel being there with him, Steve being there as well and if they are together then they are simply rubbing it in his face and knowing he won’t be able to do anything in front of the cast and people on the livestream, then there’s TW not doing it’s best and his time on BS is almost over. The voiceover work was probably already completed or is mostly completed so he’s potentially out of work. He has stated multiple times that a working Jensen is a happy Jensen.
That last statement you mentioned points to the fact that his true value lies with his career and not around being family centered. So why then did he have children if his main source of happiness doesn't stem from that? Was it to check boxes? To keep pace with Jared? To meet the pressure of his parents? He's only happy when he's working it seems. Should add that if I was married to him and he would state something like that I would be destroyed because that points to the fact that he is unhappy and definitely unfulfilled within the marriage and needs to keep busy and distracted and, furthermore, once he does got to work it's not like he goes full in and studies the craft at "olympic" levels, he just goes in and put in least effort so not only would I be made less, I would be made less for something he's not ever realistically passionate about that is just his avoidance system. This is clearly an unhappy man acting out. Danneel truly has no pride and no awareness and she definitely doesn't give a shit about his happiness.
As for Steve being there, it really seems like he is there for Danneel, sorry but I believe those two are involved somehow and they vibe couple way more than J/D ever have.
Steve and Elta are involved in some way, that's the only way I can explain him always being there. I also find it highly suspicious that for a couple JD never truly lived their relationship alone but always had a chaperone, first Elta's creepy brother then Steve everywhere. Creepy.
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photography-app · 10 months
Unleash Your Artistic Vision with PixelLab: Drip & Text on Photo — An Exclusive Apple App
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In a world driven by visual storytelling, every picture we capture tells a unique story. But what if you could elevate those stories to new heights with a touch of creativity? Introducing PixelLab: Drip & Text on Photo, an exclusive gem on the Apple App Store that transforms your photos into captivating works of art. Tailored for Apple users, this app is a creative powerhouse, combining the best features of popular tools like PicsArt, Collage Maker, and Pixel Art, while offering an array of unique functionalities to set your photos apart.
The Magic of Photo Editing Apps                          
Photo editing apps have revolutionized the way we perceive and share images. With the rise of social media platforms like Instagram and Snapchat, the ability to enhance and personalize photos has become an essential skill. PixelLab takes this concept to a whole new level, allowing users to craft visual narratives that go beyond the ordinary.
Unlocking the Potential of PixelLab: Drip & Text on Photo
PixelLab isn't just a photo editing app; it's a creative haven that allows you to explore your artistic vision like never before. Let's delve into the key features that make this app a must-have for Apple users seeking to transform their photos into masterpieces. Key Features That Redefine Photo Editing: Background Eraser and Remover: Sometimes, the background of a photo can be distracting or cluttered. PixelLab's background eraser tool empowers you to effortlessly remove unwanted elements, isolating your subject and allowing it to shine against a clean canvas. Text on Photos: Typography plays a crucial role in visual communication. PixelLab offers an extensive library of fonts, colors, and sizes, allowing you to add text to your images that enhances the story you're trying to convey. Drip Effect: The trendy drip effect adds a touch of dynamism and flair to your visuals. PixelLab lets you integrate vibrant drips that appear to be flowing organically, infusing your images with energy and style.
Collage Maker: Sometimes, a single photo isn't enough to capture a moment. PixelLab's collage maker enables you to weave a visual story by combining multiple images into a cohesive layout, creating a captivating narrative in a single frame. Pixel Art: Embrace the nostalgia of pixelated graphics with PixelLab's pixel art feature. Whether you're a fan of retro aesthetics or simply want to add a unique touch to your images, this feature lets you channel your inner artist and create pixelated masterpieces.
Exclusivity and Apple Elegance One of PixelLab's standout features is its exclusivity to the Apple App Store. Tailored to harness the capabilities of Apple devices, this app delivers a seamless, optimized experience that matches the elegance and innovation associated with Apple products. Elevate Your Creative Expression PixelLab: Drip & Text on Photo isn't just an app; it's a canvas for your imagination. By merging essential tools within a single app, PixelLab simplifies the editing process, allowing you to focus on your creative vision and transform ordinary photos into extraordinary creations. Conclusion: Elevate Your Visual Storytelling
In a world where images are at the forefront of communication, PixelLab: Drip & Text on Photo stands as a beacon of creative ingenuity. Whether you're an avid social media user, a professional photographer, or simply someone who appreciates the art of photography, PixelLab caters to your creative needs. Exclusively available on the Apple App Store, this app empowers you to craft visuals that capture attention, convey emotion, and tell stories that resonate. If you're an Apple user yearning to unlock your artistic potential, head to the App Store and embrace the magic of PixelLab today. Your photos are about to become a testament to your unique creativity! Get it from here: https://apps.apple.com/app/id1658958601
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balkancryptid · 2 years
Had a dream my friend and I were at a rammstein concert but it was... Very... Dream influenced
They changed outfits so often
At one point they were vampires and I said "oh scholle made them dress like that" and kruspe fucking appeared next to me and went "what did you say? Why did you assume it was me?" and I was like "... Well you dress the way you dress and have multiple photos on Instagram about it and also the vampire theme appeares in emigrate videos" and he went "yes. Good observation spirit. Let me tell you about the time..." and just started? Random stories?
Schneider signed the side of my shoe and Till shook my hand
The concert was insane I can't stress this enough. I also made up a whole new set list in my mind? It kinda slayed there was Los and moskau
I can't remember more rn but I'll add on if I can
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brannewjoint · 2 years
7, 16 and 30 for the ask game!
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7, 16 and 30 for the ask game!
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omg I'm so excited to answer these. You picked some really good questions! Be ready for a novel. Thank youuu @treason-and-plot for asking🥰
7. How do you create/style your sims in CAS? Okay sooo I have a little formula for creating sims and I die by it lmao. I like to start by roughly brainstorming a story for the sim nothing concrete because after I add traits and things like that my headcanon for them will probably change. creating a "bio" for them helps me visualize the look and features of a sim that Im going for (kinda strange but it works for me lol). Once I've tweaked and played with a million different sliders and masks my little sim masterpiece is complete🤭. I always randomize traits, favorites, and zodiac unless I'm playing a challenge or have a specific storyline for the sim. I like to incorporate my sims favorite color into their outfit so that always helps me with choosing a color pallet for their outfits. Pinterest and instagram also come in handy with styling/aesthetics too😅.
16. How do you choose names for your sims?
Names are the very last thing I give my sims lol. for the most part when It comes to naming sims in CAS i have a bunch of baby name websites bookmarked and I'll just scroll through the lists until I find a name that just ✨matches✨ my sims face and vibe. when it comes to babies , the process is still the same except it's just a guessing game whether the name matches their face lol.
30. What’s your favorite thing to do in the game?
I loveee throwing parties in game!!! Especially if i'm playing with a big family and multiple generations. I love seeing my sims interact with each other and build relationships (Im such a sentimental player😭😭). Baby showers, Birthday parties, engagement parties, bachelors parties you name it lol🤣.
~Also screenshots and photo shoots are a must📸
Thank you @treason-and-plot for the ask ;)
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seocompany1010 · 11 hours
Local SEO Strategies for Small Businesses
In today's digital landscape, having a robust online presence is vital for small businesses to compete effectively. Local SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategies are essential for ensuring that businesses are easily discoverable by potential customers in their local area. These strategies can significantly boost visibility on search engines, attract more local customers, and ultimately increase sales. This guide will explore seven key local SEO strategies tailored specifically for small businesses. For those seeking professional assistance, SEO services from seocompany.me can provide the expertise needed to elevate your business's online presence and optimize your local search performance.
Optimizing Google My Business (GMB) Profile
One of the most critical aspects of local SEO is optimizing your Google My Business (GMB) profile. This free tool allows you to manage how your business appears on Google Search and Maps. Start by claiming and verifying your GMB listing. Ensure that your business information—such as name, address, phone number, and business hours—is accurate and up-to-date. Add high-quality photos of your business, products, and services to make your profile more attractive to potential customers. Regularly update your GMB profile with posts about special offers, events, and news. Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews and respond to them promptly to show your engagement and build trust with your audience.
Keyword Research for Local SEO
Effective keyword research is the foundation of any successful SEO strategy. For local SEO, it's crucial to identify keywords that are relevant to your business and location. Use keyword research tools to find popular search terms related to your industry and geographic area. Focus on long-tail keywords that include local modifiers, such as "best pizza in Chicago" or "affordable plumbing services in Miami." Incorporate these keywords naturally into your website content, meta descriptions, and headings. This approach helps search engines understand your business's relevance to local searches, increasing your chances of appearing in local search results.
Creating Locally Optimized Content
Creating content that resonates with your local audience is essential for boosting your local SEO. Write blog posts and articles about local events, news, and community activities. Highlight customer testimonials and success stories to build trust and credibility. Develop location-specific landing pages that target different areas within your service region. For example, if you operate in multiple neighborhoods, create dedicated pages for each location with tailored content and keywords. Additionally, use local slang and terminology in your content to make it more relatable to your audience. Regularly updating your website with fresh, locally relevant content will help improve your search rankings and attract more local visitors.
Building Local Citations and Backlinks
Local citations and backlinks are vital for improving your business's local SEO. Citations are online mentions of your business's name, address, and phone number (NAP) on local directories, review sites, and social media platforms. Ensure your NAP information is consistent across all platforms to avoid confusing search engines and potential customers. Submit your business to reputable local directories such as Yelp, Yellow Pages, and TripAdvisor. Additionally, build backlinks from local websites, blogs, and news outlets. Collaborate with local bloggers and influencers to get featured in their content. This not only boosts your SEO but also increases your visibility within the local community.
Leveraging Social Media for Local Engagement
Social media is a powerful tool for engaging with your local community and enhancing your local SEO efforts. Create profiles on popular social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and actively engage with your audience. Share content about local events, promotions, and news to stay relevant and top-of-mind. Collaborate with local businesses for cross-promotions and shout-outs. Encourage customers to tag your business in their posts and use location-specific hashtags to increase your visibility. User-generated content from local customers can serve as valuable social proof and attract more local followers. Social media engagement also signals to search engines that your business is active and relevant within the local community.
Mobile Optimization
With an increasing number of users accessing the internet via mobile devices, optimizing your website for mobile is crucial for local SEO. Ensure that your website is mobile-friendly by using a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes. Improve your site's loading speed and usability on mobile devices to enhance user experience. Implement click-to-call buttons and easy navigation to make it convenient for users to contact you or find information quickly. Mobile-specific local SEO strategies, such as optimizing for voice search and using location-based keywords, can also give you an edge. A well-optimized mobile site helps you capture and retain the attention of on-the-go users, leading to higher engagement and conversions.
Analyzing and Monitoring Local SEO Performance
To ensure your local SEO strategies are effective, it's essential to analyze and monitor your performance regularly. Use tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console to track key metrics such as website traffic, user behavior, and conversion rates. Monitor your local search rankings and track how well you are performing for your targeted local keywords. Keep an eye on customer reviews and feedback on platforms like Google My Business, Yelp, and social media. Use this data to make informed decisions and adjust your strategies accordingly. Regular analysis helps you identify areas for improvement and ensures that your local SEO efforts are aligned with your business goals.
Implementing effective local SEO strategies is crucial for small businesses aiming to increase their visibility and attract more local customers. By optimizing your Google My Business profile, conducting thorough keyword research, creating locally relevant content, building local citations and backlinks, engaging with the community on social media, optimizing for mobile, and continuously analyzing your performance, you can significantly enhance your local SEO efforts. For specialized support and advanced strategies, consider utilizing SEO services from seocompany.me to ensure your business stands out in the local search results. Embracing these strategies will not only boost your online presence but also drive more customers to your doorstep, helping your business thrive in the competitive local market.
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shereen1 · 15 days
Unlocking Growth: Social Media Packages Pricing in Egypt for Your IM Business
In today's digital world, a strong social media presence is essential for any business, especially in the dynamic field of Interactive Marketing (IM). Here in Egypt, with a booming online market, crafting a captivating social media strategy can be your key to unlocking explosive growth. IM Solution is here to guide you through the exciting world of social media packages and their pricing structure in Egypt.
Why Invest in Social Media?
Social media offers a unique blend of benefits for IM businesses:
Brand Awareness: Reach a wider audience and establish brand recognition.
Engagement: Foster connections with potential customers and build loyalty.
Lead Generation: Convert followers into paying customers.
Market Research: Gain valuable insights into your target audience's preferences.
Cost-Effective Marketing: Utilize targeted advertising at a fraction of traditional costs.
Understanding Social Media Packages
Social media packages offered by agencies in Egypt vary depending on the services included. Here's a breakdown of common elements:
Platform Management: Managing your presence on major platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.
Content Creation: Developing engaging posts, videos, infographics, and stories.
Community Management: Responding to comments, messages, and building relationships.
Social Listening & Analytics: Monitoring online conversations and analyzing data for insights.
Campaign Management: Running targeted ads to reach your ideal customer base.
Reporting & Optimization: Measuring performance and continuously improving your strategy.
Pricing Structure in Egypt
The cost of social media packages in Egypt can range from EGP 3,000 per month for basic services to EGP 70,000 per month for comprehensive packages. Here are some factors influencing price:
Number of Platforms: Managing multiple platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter naturally increases costs.
Frequency of Posts: Daily or weekly posting requires more resources compared to bi-weekly or monthly schedules.
Content Complexity: Creating high-quality video content or detailed infographics demands a higher investment.
Campaign Management: Running targeted ads adds another layer of complexity and cost.
Agency Experience & Reputation: Established agencies with a proven track record may charge more.
Choosing the Right Social Media Package
The ideal package depends on your specific needs and budget. Here are some tips for choosing:
Define Your Goals: Do you want brand awareness, lead generation, or increased sales?
Target Audience: Who are you trying to reach on social media?
Content Strategy: What type of content will resonate with your audience?
Internal Resources: Do you have a team to handle some aspects of social media?
Budget: Set a realistic budget for your social media marketing efforts.
IM Solution: Your Partner in Social Media Success
At IM Solution, we understand the unique challenges faced by IM businesses in Egypt. We offer a variety of social media packages designed to cater to your specific goals and budget. Our team of experienced social media experts will work closely with you to develop a customized strategy that delivers results.
Beyond Packages: Additional Considerations
Remember, social media packages are a starting point. Here are some additional factors to consider:
Ad Spend: Budget for paid advertising campaigns to amplify your reach.
Content Creation Tools: Invest in tools like photo editors or video editing software.
Social Media Management Tools: Utilize platforms for scheduling posts and analyzing data.
By investing in the right social media package and implementing a well-defined strategy, you can unlock the immense potential of social media for your IM business in Egypt. IM Solution is here to guide you every step of the way,  from crafting compelling content to navigating the ever-evolving landscape of social media platforms. Contact us today and let's discuss how we can help you achieve your social media goals.
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justisntit · 15 days
How To Add Multiple Photos To Instagram Story
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anhometech · 1 month
Instagram Stories have become a popular way for users to share their daily moments and engage with their followers. One of the features that make Instagram Stories so appealing is the ability to add multiple photos to a single story. In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of creating a collage on your Instagram Story. Step 1: Open Instagram and Access the Story Feature To get started, open the Instagram app on your mobile device. Tap on your profile picture at the top left corner of the screen, or swipe right from the home feed, to access the Story feature. Step 2: Capture or Select Multiple Photos Once you're in the Story feature, you can either capture new photos using your phone's camera or select photos from your gallery. To capture a new photo, tap on the circle button at the bottom center of the screen. To select photos from your gallery, swipe up or tap on the gallery icon at the bottom left corner of the screen. When selecting photos from your gallery, you can choose multiple photos by tapping on each photo you want to include in your collage. You will see a blue checkmark on the selected photos. Step 3: Arrange and Edit Your Photos After selecting your photos, you can arrange them in a collage by dragging and dropping them on the screen. To resize or rotate a photo, use two fingers to pinch or rotate the image. You can also apply filters, add text, stickers, or drawings to each individual photo. Experiment with different layouts and designs to create a visually appealing collage. You can overlap photos, create a grid pattern, or even add borders between the photos to make your collage stand out. Step 4: Add to Your Story Once you're satisfied with your collage, it's time to add it to your Instagram Story. Tap on the "Your Story" button at the bottom left corner of the screen to share it with your followers. You can also choose to send it directly to specific friends or groups by tapping on the "Send To" button. Your collage will be visible on your Instagram Story for 24 hours. You can also save it to your device or highlight it on your profile for long-term visibility. Step 5: Engage with Your Followers Now that you've created a collage on your Instagram Story, it's time to engage with your followers. Encourage them to interact with your story by adding interactive elements such as polls, quizzes, or questions. This will not only make your story more engaging but also help you gather valuable insights from your audience. Respond to comments and messages from your followers to foster a sense of community and build strong relationships. Use hashtags and location tags to reach a wider audience and increase the visibility of your story. Conclusion Creating a collage on your Instagram Story is a great way to showcase multiple photos and engage your followers. By following the simple steps outlined in this blog post, you can easily add multiple photos to your Instagram Story and create visually appealing collages. Remember to experiment with different layouts and designs to make your collage stand out and don't forget to engage with your followers to build a strong community. The article was compiled by the AnHome Tech Support Team !
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myblogdfgdfhgfd · 1 month
Spice Up Your Instagram Story with Multiple Photos: A Comprehensive Guide
Instagram Stories have become a staple feature of the platform, allowing users to share ephemeral content with their followers. While single photos can make a statement, incorporating multiple photos into your Instagram Story adds depth, creativity, and engagement. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore how to effectively spice up your Instagram Story with multiple photos, helping you captivate your audience and elevate your storytelling.
Read More: https://thetechiepedia.com/spice-up-your-instagram-story/
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