#adam will gladly sacrifice his liver if it means michael gets to experience food
ckneal · 3 years
So, this is just me talking completely off the cuff, but I think that the reason angels can’t taste isn’t because they don’t necessarily have the capacity for it, but rather because they just taste SO MUCH. As in, they pick up so much more from taste than humans do, that flavor is simply crowded out. Castiel doesn’t say “I taste nothing” when he takes a bite out of a PB&J sandwich, he says it tastes like molecules--and most humans don’t experience flavor on that level. It’s never stated in the show, but I suspect that angels have a similar problem with smell. In season 8, we see Castiel smell a corpse while trying to apply his angel abilities to monster hunting, and in doing so he gets the victim’s full medical history. Dean looks on in borderline revulsion, because dude just SNIFFED A CORPSE, but personally I found this to be very interesting information. Taste is very closely related to smell as far as the senses go, and how neat is it that angels seem to have the same issue with both?
I bet Michael got smug about this too when he and Adam were captured by Team Free Will. When Dean was leading them to the car, Adam was probably saying, “Holy. . .! What is that SMELL? Is that--is that clogged arteries? How is Dean alive?!”
“I told you eating so many burgers is bad for you, Adam.”
You know what’s supposed to dull the senses though? Alcohol. I wonder what would have happened if we saw Cas eat a burger in that one season 5 episode where he got hammered. Would his mind have been blown as the world of culinary pleasure opened up to him? 
How would Adam respond to something like this? Would he play it cool, or would he drag Michael to the nearest liquor store and ask for their entire supply of Everclear. “You know what, throw in the flavored vodkas too.” We can use those to test when we’re getting close!
Adam this is unnecessary, I’m perfectly happy watching you eat--
Hush, we’re getting trashed and then we’re going to the international chicken wing festival in California. This is not a negotiation.
Michael has never seen Adam so fired up. He sighs, because this is not the outcome he had anticipated when they ran into their respective brothers. 
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