smokeycemetery · 2 years
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Temporal-Futuristische Form als simultaner physischer Ausdruck (sedimentation des progress), Enrico Pacella, 2022
The wheels stand for the clockwise and counterclockwise temporal movements. A contradiction, a clashing of forces.
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cryptotheism · 6 months
Accellerationism is fascism for the irony-poisoned.
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timeclonemike · 3 months
The most common criticism I see of accellerationism (the idea that social and economic systems cannot be reformed because the imbalances and biases are too fundamental so they have to be torn down as fast as possible to minimize further harm) is that it does nothing to create alternate support systems to care for people when the main system finally implodes.
During the big winter storm recently, a pastor opened his church to the homeless so they did not freeze to death, and afterwards he was held criminally liable for doing so. Trying to build alternative support structures is a quick way to bring the wrath of the system on your head, so this argument feels like it's being made in bad faith. (Perhaps deliberately, perhaps not.)
Fortunately, the essential paradox of accellerationism is that late stage capitalism is already its own worst enemy; profit has now become so detached from actual business operations that companies are cannibalizing themselves and their ability to stay solvent for the sake of improving stock projections, and layoffs / business production is spiraling downwards independent of the stock market.
No outsider could do more damage to this power structure than the people who are already at the top.
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Extratone is very much real; it has a story, history, and lineage in the extreme hardcore continuum. It has a community, a DIY punk-like ethos, and a singular aesthetic that sets it apart from other genres.
“Extratone is basically a form of extreme sound art,” explains a London-based artist and Slime City label owner who has identified himself as Rick. He operates under various aliases, like Zara Skumshot and Skat Injector. “It’s not about pounding kicks, but kicks so fast they have morphed into a tonal beast. They’ve mutated into a whole different animal. A natural process of evolution.
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bentonharbourblues · 3 years
brad hazzard outing himself as a radical anarchist calling for the end of the state saying “a border’s just a line on a map” in today’s presser
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thislousytshirt · 4 years
i keep meaning to make a post about why i personally am against accellerationism, why even if it was a good idea i dont think now is the right time for it, but like, who even cares. who even would read that. im so tired
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kontextmaschine · 5 years
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1) I see this self-deprecating humor from “scumbag left” (i.e. observing more than resisting or advancing culture changes) boys more and more these days
2) It doesn’t seem wrong?
3) But isn’t it just a reversal of classic urban patriarchy? The stereotypical executive with the society wife/interior decorator/art historian/charity event-thrower? Or trophy wife/crystal-dippy ditz/whale-saver? (Or hardworking schlub w/ a useless dinner-burning bonbon-nibbler?)
4) And isn’t this exactly how documented matriarchal societies work, in Africa and the African diaspora?
5) Haha, feminist accellerationism as the new men’s activism
(“Leaning in” as botched trust fall)
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willmyers96 · 4 years
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Accelerationism If the Future Truly is Here
Considering Steven Shaviro’s definition of Accellerationism being “a speculative movement that seeks to extrapolate the entire globalized neoliberal capitalist order,” in tandem with our discussion in class about the article by Tim Chatterton and Georgia Newmarch, “The Future is Already Here—It’s Just Not Very Evenly Distributed,” what can we speculate about our nation in comparison to both our global community and our historical context?
If the future truly is here, should we make more concerted efforts to distribute it more evenly? We discussed how the concentration of this new future naturally correlates with the concentration of wealth. Looking at this graphic and its source article from the New York Times, I would suggest that it may be time to step into the future and more fully through our exhausted capitalist structure.
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bramieven · 3 years
Ernest Mandel
Naar aanleiding van een insta-story van Geert Buelens heb ik het werk van Ernst Mandel nog eens opgepakt. De Brusselse documentairemaker Frans Buyens maakte in 1972 een mooi portret van hem. Mandel was op dat moment op het toppunt van zijn roem, het jaar waarin hij ook zijn belangrijkste boek zou publiceren. Het laatkapitalisme heette dat boek, waarin Mandel een poging deed om de veranderingen van het mondiaal kapitalisme in zijn eigen tijd te verklaren.  
De intuïtie dat het kapitalisme na de tweede wereldoorlog in snel tempo een transformatie had ondergaan, die ook de geopolitieke verhoudingen op een heel wezenlijke manier omgooide, was echter niet nieuw. In de vroege jaren 60 was Mandel een van de eersten om een omvattende analyse te maken van de nieuwe economische verhoudingen.  
Technologie staat van meet af aan centraal bij Mandel. Na de Tweede Wereldoorlog ontstaat er volgens hem een “permanente technologische revolutie” ten gevolge van de bewapeningswedloop. Het gaat volgens Mandel om een technologische “versnelling” (accellerationism, anyone?). Dat dit het gevolg is van een wapenwedloop hoeft ons volgens Mandel niet te verbazen, want “de meeste technologische revoluties, die we op het gebied van de industrie en de produktietechniek in het algemeen kennen, [zijn] afvalprodukten van technische revoluties op militair gebied.” (Inleiding in de marxistische economie, 71) Maar dat de technologische vernieuwingen na de jaren zeventig worden aangedreven door een wapenwedloop, markeert toch een omslag: anders dan aan het eind in de negentiende eeuw, aldus Mandel, ligt de motor voor technologische vernieuwing in de tweede helft van de twintigste eeuw buiten de economie. Daardoor is het investeringspatroon heel anders. Terwijl een klassieke economische benadering vraagt dat de investering in een nieuwe technologie zich eerst commercieel weer terugbetaald, dwingt de wapenwedloop om stug door te innoveren, ook wanneer de investering nog niet rendeert. Het heeft onze wereld ingrijpend veranderd, aldus Mandel.
Het is maar een van de vele fascinerende analyses die Mandel in zijn werk naar voren brengt. De moeite om eens te herontdekken.
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adamhulbert · 10 years
Here's a reworking of Marc Couroux's superb Xenochronic Dispatches from the Domain of the Phonoegregore for Aesthetics After Finitude.
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whatthinksme · 10 years
Upcoming issue of the Urbanomic on a theory of the Accellerationism.
Accelerationismis the name of a contemporary political heresy: the insistence that the only radical political response to capitalism is not to protest, disrupt, critique, or détourne it, but to accelerate and exacerbate its uprooting, alienating, decoding, abstractive tendencies; to uncover beneath the banality of capitalist axiomatics the unspeakable Thing that is the impersonal matrix of all emancipatory vectors” - The Urbanomic.
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smokeycemetery · 2 years
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First Horizont Kollektiv Art Show in Vienna on the 8th to 9th April of 2022
Featuring artists such as
Vinzenz Eckert & Pauline Meixner
G. u. Pendel
Enrico Pacella
Raphael Seiler
Nico Rohrer
All contributing to the collective and therefore being strings of its vast web.
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smokeycemetery · 5 months
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Symbol Series for Horizont Kollektiv by Enrico Pacella
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smokeycemetery · 6 months
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Enrico Pacella for Horizont Kollektiv:
Swiss Brutalism inspired backdrop & logo for promotional posters for Horizont Kollektivs (Vienna) first collection of various writings titled
"Horizont Gesammelte Schriften Band I"
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cryptotheism · 4 months
Landian Accellerationism is the idealogical equivalent of "If you smoke cigarettes fast enough your body can cure lung cancer"
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cryptotheism · 6 months
You don’t fuck w nick land? How come?
I think accellerationism is a fundamentally juvenile ideology, barely distinct from fascism in that it's proponents have read enough Marx to pretend they can ignore material analysis.
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