#about ''Like...What Are Sylvari REALLY Bro...''
legendaryskyscale · 15 days
Raennyn's usually just a chill lil dude who likes to do recreational drugs with his two Sylvari buddies he met in Caledon Forest. He doesn't talk about his trauma, simply cus he doesn't think he's gone through anything really traumatic (bro?) and he's just living life without worry. He's the easy-going dude that can talk to anyone and his presence is non-threatening. He's like a relaxing capybara.
However, when he's being ordered for a hit on a target, his whole demeanor changes. He's focused and merciless. His preferred method is to assassinate his target quickly and quietly. But if there's no way to do that, he will watch and learn his target's routine, what they like to do, and how best to dispatch them without raising any alarms.
He has yet to be caught, but he has fumbled once, and that was in the Fractals of the Mists. A hard place to track down and retrieve a target.
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i-mybrunettelady · 1 year
question that came up bc of the fic talk: where do your other char's perceptions of nyra differ drastically / what biases and preconceptions affect their view of her and her actions? what do you always keep in mind when writing her from a different pov, so that despite their different opinions, her 'nyra-ness' still shines through easily?
(i know this is a lot for all of your ocs so feel free to cherry pick, i just love the way you make different narrations work and unique character voices are one of your big strengths in writing imo <3 and nyra's just such an interesting character for different view points bc she has such a big commanding divisive personality!)
(also bonus: same questions for cass if you want?)
Like you made my evening ;;;;;
But to actually answer the question! As is to be expected, not everyone likes her. I take extra care to not go 'oh charismatic lady whomst is universally adored' because I find that approach to be limiting in a lot of ways. I like to read/write character driven stories, so it's actually good if not everyone likes each other. Please don't all like each other.
So here's a little choice that I will exclude Siona, Ren, Sanne and Liv from - Siona because she genuinely doesn't have a concrete opinion of Nyra beyond the fact she's a good commander and ally to the sylvari as Trahearne's girlfriend, Ren because we see it in fic and because she rejects preconceived notions as much as she can, Sanne and Liv because I need to refine those (aka write more about her from their pov.)
El - He obviously dislikes her. They're the two sides of the same coin in a lot of ways, they're too similar to get along, and they're equals in a lot of regards as well. But things really went to shit when she killed Trahearne, which he can't forgive her for, and he faulted her for his grief for a long, long time (he did try to kill her in Maguuma. He would've tried to kill her if she came to see him when he was trying to resurrect him.) And in true El fashion, if he hates you, nothing you do can ever really be good - or if you do one (1) thing right, he won't ever tell you. They're on marginally better terms now, not really at each other's throats, but not really friends either. They can work together at least and there's a lot of spark that can easily turn into a housefire between them still but they're getting better at it.
Mirka - She met Nyra back when she was an adventurer and the two had a brief fwb situation. She saw the instinct to chase her legend, to put it in norn terms, in Nyra from the get-go and envied her for it; it was what Mirka herself forced herself to like because all norn do it, until she had Kov and settled in her homestead. I really think she was kinda jealous of Nyra for that, but she didn't have it in her to actually dislike her for it. No, she fell for the charisma, but wasn't as easily swayed because she too is a strong presence, only less explosive and more stable. It was this understanding that makes her have a hella lot of respect for Nyra; she's successful at something Mirka herself tried to do and failed and she doesn't have an ego to be butthurt over it. She's gotta respect that.
But what I always keep in mind when writing about her from another beeb's pov - Nyra will always, always take center stage. You can't miss her; she will try, by virtue of being herself, to dominate the scene. Some kids match/fight her on it - Ceasefire comes to mind for it, as we're talking Nyra and El there; some go take it in stride - this Mirka and Nyra fic comes to mind (which is funny bc this is not a fic centered on her, she just opened her mouth and took up the first portion of the thing.) That's her ego working, for better or for worse.
And she absolutely is a divisive figure. She's the type of person you are most likely to have strong opinions on. Ruby and I recently theorised she has Leo somewhere in her chart.
But also. Nyra, Cass and El make up my 'big personality' triumvirate so here is....
Cassposting on main
I'll be more vague here than I was with Nyra as my extended verse is still a WIP. But I have written a few fics where he is perceived. Firstly, my joke that he's every rare gene in one man absolutely stays. He's someone you can't really miss in a crowd. But what surprised me was how a lot of the time, he doesn't strike you visually first; he's loud, and you first hear him then you see him, if that makes sense?
He spent a lot of his childhood and teen years hiding so now he takes up space, a lot of it, even if his self-esteem doesn't let him see it for what it is a lot of the time. There's a certain discord between how he perceives himself and how he's seen by other people. He has deep insecurities, sure, but I wouldn't say he's faking confidence to cover them up either? His cover is sarcasm, refusing to take things seriously and verbal aggression/conflict, not confidence, which is genuine.
(You could say he's his mother's son there in a way as well.)
As to preconceptions, it's a bit of a complicated issue given the reputation Wayfarers have, and he's a proud Wayfarer. He's also generally a bastard, so that gives people an idea of him that negates his gentler, kinder side. Because he is capable of great kindness and loves deeply, he loves taking care of people, he's very protective over them, very affectionate and considerate, and a lot of people don't get to see this bc he has a hard time trusting people and because he behaves like an absolute asshole 80% of the time.
I have spoken a bit about the Red Wayfarer persona before, but this is exactly what this is. A persona, part of him but not the entirety of him, something he constructed to as a defense mechanism, even if it can be harmful to himself.
He's genuinely funny and entertaining, though, so that one stays.
As to what I keep in mind when writing him from others' pov, one thing I always keep in mind is that 1) he will talk, and 2) that he will say random shit. I mean talk a lot. He likes the sound of his voice too much. And the randomness of what he says is just you not expecting him to say it in this particular moment.
It's things like this:
“Turns out he also hates Wayfarers on principle so he got cursed water from a Wayfarer’s gods-damned hair fall down from the sky right on his small fucking head. Woooosh. He’s angry about it, of course, but he can choke on a crab for all I care. I’m having fun.”
I swear that line took me out when I was writing it. Writing him is a lot of fun actually. He also tends to speak in hyperbole a lot, so that's part of the fun.
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starlightsuncrow · 1 year
[bbustign into your inbox disheveled] SYLVARI OCS BEST TO WORST KISSERS sincerely @wyldblunt
*bangs pans and pots* y'all want some SALADS @wyldblunt
1.Best : MUIRIN MUIRIN that guy has EXPERIENCE ;) knows exactly what to do and will make you knees WEAK. Stealing hearts everywhere, what a guy. Everyone should kiss them at least once in their life. Very sweet tho.
2. Learnt due to boredom: Crow! Had some centuries to learn how to kiss to the point he got good at it. But be careful there's a catch and the catch is he BITES. I MEAN... if you're into that though ... ;) . Not the softest kisser, tries to be careful at first. Fails every time due to fangs but hey, who doesnt want a piece of that.
3. Look is deceiving: Florami may looks like a tiny guy who's there all innocent. WRONG, he means business bro. He's that sort of guy who teases you just to see you mumbling and getting impatient and then goes for a real kiss. Bit cold at touch, not like you will notice later on.
4. Average guy ever, thinks he's hot stuff: Shen. No, truly, he's so egocentric he thinks he's the BEST at everything he does. The most you can tell is the smell of smoke, maybe the hint of perfume he tries to use to cover it. Really. Just average. Florami LAUGHS at him
5. Fumbles hard, overthinks, doesn't know what to do: Caoimhe. Yes. You heard it. The commander can't kiss. He tries! A lot! But he's so out of his comfort zone... Crow finds it cute and it's part of the commander's charm i guess. They bumped heads so many times...
He makes up with enthusiasm when he gets into it, once he stops being so shy and not cover his face(<---- another thing Crow finds adorable)
6. Doesn't care, didn't ask (for now): Hulijing. She doesn't care all about that jumbo, nor she's good at it. Like... everything you can think of about bad kisses? She WOULD. Hell, maybe even on purpose he's a bad kisser, who knows
Honorary mention would go to my in making deadeye, Rajan, who doesn't want anyone and yet he's accidentally so smooth he ends up being a nice kisser... I'd place him between Crow and Florami
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shinyflareon · 2 years
I've got a Yugioh GW2 AU rattling around in my head that I might do something more with later but for now I'm getting slapped in the face with the realization that, while ancient Elona is a decent enough analogue for ancient Egypt & the Primeval Kings are a decent enough analogue for Pharaohs, for a Zorc Necrophades analogue, once again the sealed evil in a can causing literally everyone's problems is probably Abbadon.
But Nightfall happened way too historically recently. Which means for this to work Nightfall has to have been Abbadon's second attempt at breaking out, & someone much earlier had to defeat him the first time. Which means...Atem was basically proto-Kormir, but instead of ascending to godhood, he was forgotten entirely.
Dammit Atem
Notable beanpole Seto Kaiba is absolutely a shortstack asura and I find this objectively hilarious. He's definitely an Engineer, probably Holosmith (with a couple Mechanist builds in his other slots bc I bet he'd find jade tech absolutely fascinating). Graduated with honors from the College of Dynamics. He also absolutely gets hung up on his height and hates anyone who calls him short
This means Mokuba is also an asura, & probably either also an Engineer (likely Mechanist) or a Thief (likely Daredevil - little dude can move). He's studying in the College of Dynamics also but is way more chill about the height thing than his bro
Conversely Joey is definitely a norn. I was torn between Warrior & Guardian but I think I'm gonna come down on the side of Guardian. All 3 elite specs would work, & I could see him shifting between them as time goes on & he has Character Development
Tristan's probably a charr & I think he is a Warrior - dedicated banner support Berserker, has probably dipped into banner support Bladesworn. He & Joey have been best buds since forever & used to be quite the terror before they made friends with Yugi & calmed down. Joey was definitely an honorary 'bandmate & Tristan himself was probably either a scrapper or a gladium, former Blood Legion
Ryo Bakura is a sylvari Necromancer, while Yami Bakura was a human Thief - but Y.Bakura has really taken a shine to necromancy as just a vibe & consciously or not over time influenced Ryo to be a Scourge (he was a Reaper before, which he still pulls out on occasion). Ryo runs a healscourge build, much to Y.Bakura's frustration, and whenever Y.Bakura comes out, he switches to a condi dps build. In life, Y.Bakura was probably a Spectre & definitely a follower of Abbadon
Tea's hard to pin down besides human & follower of Dwayna. Druid feels right for some reason even though she's not really super nature-y enough to be a Ranger, but otherwise it gives the right Vibes
Duke's also hard to pin down but again based completely on Vibes I'm gonna go with human Thief (probably Daredevil, partially because of his speedy annoying ninja theme, & partially because of then I can make name puns). Probably a follower of Grenth but like...non-practicing
Yugi himself is also surprisingly hard to pin down beyond human follower of Lyssa. Mesmer feels fitting since his deck's whole vibe is based on magic & illusions, but Revenant also feels fitting because he's literally drawing on the power of an ancient spirit that still has a distinct personality & occasionally both possesses him & chats in his head with him. It could be argued that Yugi is a Revenant & that in life Atem was a Mesmer, since even Yugi says in canon that the whole bond with the Dark Magician is more his "other self's" thing, so I think that's what I'm gonna go with. Plus, Legendary Primeval Stance just sounds badass. In life, Atem was probably a Mirage & follower of Balthazar
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sleidog · 2 years
Hello may I please have the first question from three different categories of your choice :3 for Slei please :3 - @moonlit-grove (also o/ hi)
hi there! was nice seeing you at the event yesterday :> 🌳 Compare your OC to themself from 10 years ago. How has their mental state changed since then, how have they aged and grown up? Would they say they’re in a better place than they were back then or do they need help? What advice would they give their younger self? What advice would their younger self give to them now? since 10 years is almost exactly the story length for GW2, I'll give a little about who he was prior to being commander and how he is now, 6 years after being commander [he joined a bit later and took over from a different commander after HoT]
i keep editing this because i keep writing too much l m a o slei has definitely aged mentally in the last 10 years, he used to be super happy go lucky, not a care in the world, even when he was an infamous gang boss. he's a bit of a robin hood character, everything is a joke and a game to him providing he can help people who need it most, even at his own cost. I want to say he's in a better place now, in terms of truly appreciating his old and new friends, but he's definitely needed more help than he'd like to admit. slei's turned a bit cynical and world weary in the last 10 years, but around his friends and those he cares about his same old jokey self still comes out. he does get a bit broody alone, but it's very rare that he's ever alone now, a big change from when he was a fresh sprout roaming mainland tyria on his own for adventure. his younger self wouldn't have any good advice for him, except 'don't do the caudeceus heist' but his older self would equally not have any big advice either, just to say that stopping to smell the roses and take life at a slow pace is worth it, because you never know when that'll be gone 🍇 Day or Night? Sun or Rain? Summer or Winter? slei is a sunshine boy, he likes the day time and summer/spring, rain gets his mood down. funnily enough his love interest is completely the opposite, which he doesn't understand but still respects 🌸 What does your OC’s voice sound like? Their laugh? Are they good at singing? Do they have an accent? slei actually sounds exactly like the male sylvari commander, so the voice is already there! he has an absolute honk of a laugh, can't sing and his accent is somewhere between english and irish, like most of the sylvari. the main different slei has is how he speaks phonetically, he speaks like a surfer bro despite not sounding like one because of his accent. slei will always be leaving the 'g' off the end of a word [somethin' nothin' etc] and his you's turn to ya's and his yours to yers. very likely to call his fellows bro/sis, even if he knows their name, if he uses your name theres two ends of the spectrum, he either really respects you [de] or doesn't like you [sinigh] haha he'll use a name if he wants your full attention, usually for him to tell you to leave him alone as well.
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mystery-salad · 3 years
*smash bros announcer voice* Caithe!
Favorite thing about them
A complex wlw who's allowed to be flawed and holds unbending judgements due to past traumas, which were in turn reinforced by the expectations everyone else had of her which pushed her too far in pressure? Who eventually gets to move past her trauma and heal and live a life where she uplifts herself and others? What's not to love honestly 💚
Least favorite thing about them
At this point I more just hate how Anet handled her whole apology arc, squishing it into a season that already had so much going on there wasn't really room for it to fit smoothly. But, they more made up for that in lws4 so I'm not that pressed about it any more.
Favorite line
"Still, I wonder if I'm worthy of their trust.. Everyone's looking to me as their leader. I'm...not used to that." Too personally relatable I hope she's not getting too stressed running the Crystal Bloom
Caithe and Canach, they've both come a long ways and would have some really intriguing banter
Caithe/commander, caithe/wynne
Random headcanon
She visits the place Wynne died often. For a while it was a source of shame for her, but with Mordremoth and Faolain both finally in her past and not looming over her, she's had time to really process what happened. And she visits the location often, set up a memorial for her there and tells her how things are going now that the sylvari are free of the dragon.
Unpopular opinion
Honestly it seems like most people I've at least surrounded myself with share the same opinions of caithe for the most part at least. But outside of my circle I find that some people find her betrayal unforgivable. I very greatly disagree, and it's very cool to have long standing npcs who are flawed and make mistakes and grow from those moments. Caithe's betrayal leading into HoT ramped up the emotion in a very effective way, and it was something built up for her well once I went back to replay the story.
Song I associate with them
Hhhh songs are hard for me lmao, how about Survive by Rise Against
Favorite picture of them
I really like the loading screen for Caithe's Reconnaissance Squad~
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mistreaders-requiem · 3 years
🔪👑❤️💔 for our soft norn boy ✨
[ invasive Qs ask game ]
Aw, Nero! You've made the big man blush, thank you so much for dropping by!
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🔪 - Do they use their skills for crime? If so, how did they get into the criminal lifestyle?
"Crime" is such a loaded word, isn't it? Viilhelm wouldn't really call anything he's done as a thief a crime... unless killing Styrr counted as a crime of passion. And while his time with the Order of Whispers taught him most of what he knows as a thief, doing his job for them...as an infiltrator, as an assassin... those aren't crimes, right?
♛ - Are they supportive/opposed to Queen Jennah’s rule? Why/why not?
Viilhelm is impressed and he acknowledges her accomplishments despite her age. He doesn't feel towards her as a human who follows her rule of course, but there are times that he finds himself concerned for Jennah. Nothing serious, it's more like "I wonder if she got her chance to enjoy her youth... I hope she does, even now, despite her position."
❤ - Does your character have a significant other/lover?
He has multiple possible significant others across multiple independent AUs because... what can I say? This man's honestly got a lot of love to give.
Viilhelm has a pair of original characters he could be with in their respective universes. Surprisingly enough, they're both in the Priory. One could be his stubborn slow-burn partner of a human that he loves to tease, so much that they have to keep questioning why they stay around him beyond research requirements. The other is the incredibly pretty, graceful, and smart Sylvari he found himself pining for- the one he loves to hold and shower with affection that he believes she so rightfully deserves.
In terms of an in-canon s/o, there's a universe where he and Braham could be like: "I want you to scream to the world that we're bros bro" / "*whispering* we're bros" / "Bro- why'd you whisper it to me" / "Because you are my world bro" / "bro..."
💔 - Have they suffered major heartbreak?
Well... Outside of a fallout with family, he has not. He's had short-lived relationships in the past but he was always explicit by telling his then-bedfellows that he wasn't looking for anything serious with them.
In a way, this answer does segwey into the point that Viilhelm is scared to experience heartbreak himself. It's the reason why he struggles to express when he's actually being serious, and why he's worried about falling in love with someone who can't/doesn't want to reciprocate it.
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canid-slashclaw · 4 years
The Outliers - A Guild Wars Love Story
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9,  Chapters 10 and 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16 , Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20,  Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23,  Chapter 24, Chapter 25, Chapter 26, Chapter 27, Chapter 28, Chapter 29 Chapter 30
Several months later...
"A little more to the right, darling. Oh wait. That just won't do. Nevermind!" Ariyana shouted as she directed several of her workers to re-hang some garlands.
Moments later, her mate Jestin arrived. "Cakes have arrived, dear. Where would you like them?"
She smiled at her husband then pointed towards two large banquet tables. "Put them right there."
"Wait. Isn't that where Ludrick's smorgasbord is supposed to be?"
Ariyana shook her head in frustration. "Gah! So many things to do and so little time to do them in. Use your imagination, my love. I'm sure you can work out something beautiful in that pretty little head of yours."
Daniel Grimwald and Ludrick Crushblow rode atop a wagon as the two of them headed towards the grassy meadow that was adjacent to the base of Thunder Falls. Brad, Cynthia, Navina and Krenesh were there to greet them as the wagon pulled into the pavilion area.
"The meat wagon has arrived," Daniel said as he reached over and pulled off the covers. "Thanks to Ludrick here, everything has been put on ice so it doesn't spoil."
"Crap! That thing must weigh a ton," Krenesh commented as he helped unload the contents.
"One and a half ton, to be exact," Ludrick stated while Navina and Cynthia helped him off the wagon.
Brad chuckled. "You gals got the easy part - helping two hansom males, while, Kren and I are stuck carrying a heap of slaughtered carcasses."
"Good and tasty carcasses at that!" Krenesh reminded him.
"Don't let your friend eat everything before you get to the banquet hall," Cynthia commented.
"Bah! With all the work we've been doing, I just might be tempted."
"She wasn't referring to you, numbskull!" Navina quipped.
"If I find Ama's blowtorch anywhere, I might just make an instameal outta this yummy good stuff."
"Do it and die, Brad!" Cynthia chided as she handed Ludrick his cane.
"Mom. This dress makes me look like a bloated quaggan," Rachel grumbled as her mother examined the outfit.
"It looks fine on you, sweetie. Now be a good girl and take those audiophones out of your ears."
"But my favorite band just released this single. I'm one of the first in Claypool to even hear these songs."
Her mother looked around for a styling comb. "Have you seen Katie anywhere?"
"Um. I think she's with your soon-to-be daughter-in-law."
"This blue flower looks so pretty in your hair," Katie said as she placed a blue violet in Amalthia's golden mane.
"Can you find me a mirror? I would love to see what it looks like."
The little Grimwald clamored off her lap then was off to find a shiny reflective object.
"Oooo. Shiney! I'm a skritt!"
Amalthia smiled at the precocious child as she coaxed her into holding up the mirror to her face. "Why that's lovely. You know that my people love to eat skritt and I'm going to do the same!"
She laughed then playfully nibbled on Katie's head with her large canine teeth. Kaleb's little sister adored the attention that his mate had showered upon her.
Moments later, Ariyana stepped in. "Darling! You look splendid!"
"Ari! So nice to see you!" Amalthia picked Katie up, carefully planted her on the floor then walked over and gave her friend a big hug.
"I see you have a little helper," the sylvari said, eyeing the little girl.
"Oh yes. I could not have done it without her."
Katie found the wedding veil and ran over to place it on Amalthia's head. Kneeling down, the bride-to-be accepted the gift.
"How's that!"
"Oh my. She is going to put me out of business if she keeps that up," Ariyana said with a laugh.
Shortly thereafter, Cynthia and Navina walked into the room each bearing gifts. After a round of group hugs, the presents were set aside and everyone began to get ready for the upcoming event.
"You really outdid yourself, Ariyana. If my man ever gets around to popping the question, you better believe I'll be paying you a visit," Cynthia smiled as she examined Amalthia's bridal gown.
"I still don't get these human rituals. but hey, if it makes the two of you happy then I'm all in," Navina said with a chuckle.
"Kal is gonna die from a serious boner after seeing you in this. Dang girl! Maybe I should find a wizard who can make me grow horns, fur and a tail. Cause you look drop-dead sexy in this getup." Cynthia jested.
"Oh. I'll be giving him plenty of those both on and after our wedding night," Amalthia said with a wink and a wicked grin.
"What's a boner?" Katie asked innocently.
Everyone was at a loss for words.
Kaleb wandered around carrying a half-empty stein of lager while eyeing the tent that his soon-to-be wife was residing in. He took another draught just seconds before Brad approached from behind then clapped him on the shoulder. "The man of the hour! How ya doin' bro?"
The slightly inebriated Kaleb shook his head. "Couldn't be better. It's too bad I can't steal a peak at the misses."
"Don't you know it's bad luck seeing the bride before the wedding?"
Moments later, Daniel, Ludrick and Krenesh made their way to greet the groom-to-be. The elder Grimwald looked at his son, shook his hand then took a carnation from his lapel and placed it though one of Kaleb's buttons.
"That suit fits you well, son. Think you'll be sober enough to say your vows?"
Kaleb nodded and smiled. "I'm just nervously tipsy, that's all. I'll be fine once the ceremony starts."
"You are looking well, Kaleb. I'm sure my cub will agree once she sees you," Ludrick said as he handed the young man a flask of herbal coffee. "This is a quick cure for any hangover. Trust me, I've used it plenty of times."
Krenesh stepped in and shook his head. "You and Ama have got to be the oddest couple on the face of Tyria. But even that is secondary to this even odder ceremony. Bah! This thing is so tight around me I can't even move properly."
Brad and Kaleb laughed.
"I can hunt down Ariyana. I'm sure she'll be able to modify the outfit a bit for ya," Kaleb said.
"Nah. I'll be fine. Besides, the sooner I get out of this thing the better."
Suddenly, Brad burst out laughing as he pointed towards a lone male charr who was dressed in what appeared to be a bridesmaid outfit.
Kaleb looked up and said. "Isn't that..."
"...Tovu." Krenesh buried his head in the palm of his hand and closed his eyes.
"A male charr in a woman's outfit. Now I've seen everything," came Daniel's response.
Ludrick clapped the elder Grimwald on the shoulder and said with a half-chuckle. "I think you and I are going to have to follow your son's lead and have a nice strong drink together."
Daniel nodded in agreement.
"Oh man! I'm never going to forget this day!" Brad said in between his uncontrollable bouts of laughter.
"I wish I could," grumbled Krenesh.
"I seriously wish I could."
"Tovu! Over here," Bogo shouted as he beckoned for his partner to come join him.
Being careful not to soil the gown, Tovu gingerly stepped over the tufts of grass trying not to trip in the process.
"You look ravishing in that outfit, Tovu."
His partner frowned. "You think so? Everyone looks at me funny. It's not like our females even wear these kinds of outfits anyway."
"Oh, pay them no mind, you silly furball. My suit is rather plain compared to yours," Bogo said somberly.
"Nonsense! That tie brings out the color of your eyes so well."
"You think so? I think it makes me look kinda drab."
Off in the distance, someone was shouting something about where the other bridesmaid was. Tovu's ears pricked out upon hearing the message.
"Sorry big boy. They're calling me. See you at the altar, you big snuggly beast!"
Bogo waved back and winked at his partner. "Give Ama my love!"
Amalthia busied herself putting on the finishing touches to her wedding gown. Everyone else had gone to their respective dressing rooms in order to prepare for the upcoming ceremony. As she was braiding the last lock of her long golden mane, she heard someone scratching at the other end of the tent door.
"Come in."
When she looked up, she saw the Grimwald middle child standing before her. She had a pair of audiophones plugged into her ears and appeared to be jamming out to some type of music.
"Oh. Hello, Rachel."
There was an awkward silence for a moment before the teenager responded.
Amalthia smiled then handed her a comb. "Mind helping me with this last strand? It's always a bitch to tame."
The teen was taken aback by the charr's crassness. "Uh, okay."
"I won't bite. I promise," Amalthia said with a noticeable display of her large teeth.
Rachel summoned her courage to speak.
"You don't have rabies, do you?"
"I got my shot yesterday. Doctor said the medicine should take effect within the next week."
"So you do have it."
"You assume much about me, don't you? I never said I did or did not have what you thought I had. Now are you going to help me with that braid or are you going to just stand there wishing you really could just tell your mother to screw off," Amalthia said with a smirk.
The girl was completely speechless.
"Oops. Did I let that slip? Oh well, it must be lagers in me," she pointed to an empty stein by her vanity.
"You really are a lush," Rachel said laconically as she slowly reached her hand towards the charr's golden mane.
"Eh. You can blame my mother for that. I sure do."
"So is your mom mean?"
Amalthia closed her eyes and grinned. "She is as sweet as cyanide in a wine glass and as pleasant as an acidic enema."
Rachel couldn't help but laugh.
"So your face is capable of cracking a smile," Amalthia said.
"Well, even though I don't like you, at least we have one thing in common. My mom pisses me off a lot," Rachel said angrily.
"So what is it about her that pisses you off?"
Rachel shrugged.
"She makes me attend church and tells me the music I'm listening to is made by a bunch of blasphemers."
Amalthia looked closer at the audio box that Rachel was listening to. She noticed the name of the band that was stamped on one of the removable cartridges.
"SynR J-TX. I know their music."
"You do? I'll bet you haven't heard their latest album. My friend knows a friend who knows a friend who works with the band. I was able to get a fresh cut of their latest release."
Rachel switched to another track and began jamming out on that. Amalthia reached over then clicked on the audio box, switching it to another track.
"Just listen. You've heard the extended release, right?" Amalthia asked.
The teen shook her head.
"They did a remix just recently. So recent, in fact, it hasn't even been cut yet."
"And how do you possibly know this?"
Amalthia gave the girl a wide grin. "I do live in a tavern. It's amazing what I hear sometimes."
"I like their fifth track. It's got a really cool beat."
"It does. Can you dance?"
Rachel nodded. "Well, yeah. Can you??"
The bride-to-be stood up then offered her hand to Rachel, inviting her to dance.
"Watch me!"
Both girls were dancing in sync. Rachel showed one of her moves while Amalthia mimicked her at every step. Soon, they were dancing like a pair of professionals in harmony with the rhythm of the beat.
"How much do you hate your mother?" Rachel asked as they were choreographing their moves.
Amalthia stopped dancing then beckoned for Kaleb's sister to come over to the vanity. She, then' pulled out an old parchment that featured an array of images that she drew when she was still a cub.
"When I was in my fahrar, we were asked to draw what we would do to our enemies once we were old enough to go into battle. Everyone else drew either, Flame Legion, humans, ogres or some other hideous creature," Amalthia smiled deviously. "I, on the other hand, was a bit more creative."
She handed Rachel the parchment that depicted a child-like drawing of one charr cutting off another charr's head.
"That was me beheading my mother with a broadsword. I colored the blade brown in order to depict the blade as being rusty and dull."
Rachel looked at the images, stunned. Amalthia pointed to another one that appeared to show a charr getting blown to pieces by an explosion.
"Oh. I drew that one hoping my mother would, someday, step on a land mine and blow herself up. See the bones and entrails?"
"Um. Dare I ask what this one is?"
Amalthia looked at the image of a darkened charr and laughed. "That one was Mother getting charbroiled by a flamethrower. Get it? Charrbroiled?"
"You are one sick kitten!" Rachel said in her characteristic monotone voice.
"If I am then why haven't you run away?"
Rachel shrugged. "I dunno. I guess you are like a shipwreck. Horrible to watch but I can't take my eyes off it."
"I have the suspicion it's something else. My guess is you resent your mother but are too afraid to tell her so openly," Amalthia stated.
"How would you know? You no nothing about me!" Rachel retorted angrily.
"Oh. I know a mother-hater when I see one. Trust me on this."
"I don't hate my mom."
"But you do resent her for what she's done to you. Always being obligated to live up to those expectations, while your brother doesn't seem to give a damn?"
"Well, maybe. Mom always did get on Kals case about doing things his way. I hate him for being able to resist our mom's authority," Rachel said as tears began to well up in her eyes.
"It's okay, Rachel. Let it out. That's what I did when I was a cub. I let out all my rage and anger through my drawings. Looking back, it was very therapeutic for me," Amalthia said as she rolled up the illustrations then put them back into the drawer.
"Okay, okay. I really think you aren't so bad now. I thought your people were always evil. But in talking to you like this, you seem almost human."
Amalthia smiled and gently reached for Rachel's face in an attempt to wipe her tears away. "I've learned that all intelligent races share the same basic emotions. Even though we each express them in different ways, all of us still feel love, sadness, apprehension and loneliness."
Rachel broke down then cried as she buried her head in Amalthia's chest. The charr gave her a gentle hug as she switched tracks to a more melodious song and began a slow dance with her future sister-in-law.
Ulfgar thumbed through the sermon, doing some last-minute revisions as needed. Daniel walked up to the massive norn as his son helped Ludrick navigate across the uneven ground.
"Ah. Three of the finest gentlemen I know. Are you ready for the big one, boy?" The old norn said with a hearty tone.
"When is anyone ever ready? I can't wait to see what Ama's dress looks like. Any idea where my sister's at?" Kaleb asked as he anxiously looked around for the ring bearer.
"Amalthia is giving Rachel the rings now. I think you'll like her attire, Kaleb," Ludrick said with a satisfactory nod.
"Father. Where's mom?"
"She's paying your future wife a visit. It's one of those mother-daughter sort of things." Daniel looked at his son with an air of pride and smiled.
"Take a deep breath, lad. This is supposed to be a legendary occasion, not a funeral."
"Sorry about that, Ulf. It's not the wedding itself that has me uptight so much as seeing so many folks here all in one place. I know that things started off very rocky for everyone, and this whole thing still feels so unreal. Never in a million years did I think we would ever come this far."
Ulfgar patted Kaleb on the shoulder. "And come far, you did. You and Amalthia are the first marital union in Tyira between human and charr. That is no small feat in and of itself."
His father gave him a reassuring hug as well. "Ulfgar's right, son. Through everything, you've never wavered in your conviction. This is as proud a day for me as it is for you and your bride."
Ludrick gave his future-son-in-law a pat on the shoulder as well then saluted with his fist to his chest. "Kaleb. Two years ago, you walked through that door in my butcher shop and everything I had ever known changed forever. You brought light into my cub's heart and hope to this old warrior once more. Even though you may not have fur, large teeth or horns, I feel that deep down you are as much of a charr as I am. If there is anyone on the face of Tyria who is worthy of my cub, it is you Kaleb Grimwald."
Everyone heard a noticeable sniffle coming from the mighty norn. "Baw! You've done and gotten me all sentimental ya old warbeast."
Kaleb gave the charr a tight bear hug as tears dribbled from his eyes and onto his future father-in-law's dark orange fur.
The usher called into Amalthia's tent letting her know that the ceremony would begin within the hour. As she was finishing up some last minute details, the usher also stated that Shirley Grimwald wanted to see her privately.
"She may come in."
The tent door opened and in walked Kaleb's mother, who was dressed in a conservative plain long dress. She approached her soon-to-be daughter-in-law then quietly pulled up a chair as she sat directly in front of her.
"That sylvari did an impeccable job making that dress," Shirley said as she began straightening out the pleats along the front.
Amalthia helped her with the hem. "That she did. I really like what she did to the backside. It doesn't bunch up around my tail at all. Not that such a thing is an issue with your people."
Shirley paused for a moment before responding. "About that topic Miss Steelblade..."
"Grimwald-Steelblade, if you don't mind. And Mrs please. It's a title we will all have to get used to," Amalthia said without looking at Kaleb's mother.
Shirley struggled to make conversation. "Please understand, Amalthia. I know you and I do not see eye-to-eye on a lot of things. But I also know that my son thinks the world of you, even though I have yet to understand what he sees that I don't."
"And your point, Mrs. Grimwald?"
Shirley could no longer contain her emotions. "Dammit! I still don't understand why my son picked a woman who is as rude and crass as you. If I were a man, I would object to this whole affair before either of you could take your first vows. That's what I would do, Miss Steelblade."
Amalthia shook her head then said in an unemotional tone. "But you are not a man, thank Pyreshot. I would like to like you, Mrs. Grimwald, but what you've presented me so far hasn't given me reason for changing my perception of you."
"So just what is your perception of me, Amalthia?"
"I think you are a woman who is deathly fearful of change. Look. I did not choose to intentionally seek out a human lover. My love for Kaleb just happened. Not everything that we are taught is necessarily the right path. There are some among us, of all races in fact, who travel to the beat of a different drum. Kaleb and I are such people. The sooner you accept that fact, the sooner you will feel a greater sense of happiness."
"I am trying to accept this, I really am. It's just so hard knowing that he is giving up his chance of having children who are his own. You are giving up your chance as well. Who's to say if this whole thing wears off you won't go..."
"Stop right there, Mrs. Grimwald. In case you were never informed, I cannot even bear children of my own. A war wound saw to that. Here, I'll show you. I developed an infection in my uterus that all but ruined my reproductive ability." Amalthia promptly lifted up her dress then showed Shirley the small scar that crossed her lower abdomen.
Stunned, Mother Grimwald said nothing as she reached out to touch the scar tissue.
"I... I'm soo sorry. I didn't know... Please forgive me for making such a cruel statement," she began to cry once more.
"Ignorant, yes. Cruel? No." Amalthia lowered her gown then reached out and held her soon-to-be mother-in-law by the shoulders, as she looked her in the face. "I don't hate you Mrs. Grimwald. You raised a fine son and I'm very honored to be his wife. Once you get to know me, I think you may actually grow to like me just a little."
The usher stopped by once more indicating that the ceremony was close at hand. Both Shirley and Amalthia waved him off as the two ladies smiled at each other for the first time.
"Be a good wife to my son, Amalthia."
She looked at her future mother-in-law in the eyes and said in a resolute voice.
"I will."
Ulfgar stood at the podium all dressed in his finest regalia. Below him, stood Kaleb who was anxiously waiting for his bride to come down the aisle. To his right stood his best men - Brad, Krenesh, Jestin and Bogo. Their outfits were designed to match in spite of the physical size and proportion difference between human and charr. To Ulfgar's right stood the bridesmaids - Cynthia, Ariyana, Navina and the most unusual of all Tovu.
The aisle was lined with soldiers from both the legions and the Seraph. Each one instructed to hold their swords aloft in criss-cross fashion when the bride walked down the aisle.
Moments later, the final wedding theme began to play. Katie began dropping petals of jasmine and lilac flowers as she walked by followed closely by her older sister, Rachel (who was the ring bearer).
Once the two girls found their places. The ode to the wedding march began. Soldiers from both Seraph and legions drew their blades and meshed them together in staggered formation. Kaleb could see the swords withdrawing as his bride drew closer.
Amalthia strode lightly across the pedal-laden carpeted aisle as the last blade drew back from either side of her. She glanced up at Kaleb then gave him a wink. For his part, Kaleb was awestruck by her beauty. The gown she wore accentuated her best features, and reflected the amalgamation of two vastly different peoples. In spite of his old injuries, Ludrick summoned strength to walk his daughter down the aisle.
She helped hold him steady his gait the entire time until he found his seat at the front row. Once she had helped her father to his seat she stood next to Kaleb as the both of them turned to face Ulfgar.
The old norn smiled upon the bride and groom just as he was about to deliver his sermon.
"Today a legend is born. For today, for the first time in recorded Tyria's history, we are gathered here today to unite two souls from two very different peoples. On this special occasion, a human and a charr will be joined, not in bloody combat with each other, but in sacred matrimony."
Ulfgar turned to Kaleb. "The young man standing before me is one whom I have known since he was a pup. Never have I met a soul who is more good-natured, witty and willing to go the extra mile than this young man. I have seen his courage, his generous heart and his willingness to sacrifice himself for the sake of others. Kaleb Grimwald was a boy who did not know what his future would be. He was brash, independent and in many cases, foolish. But all that changed when he met the one soul who gave him a purpose."
The old norn then turned to Amalthia. "This young lady is like no charr I've ever met. In spite of her rather small size, she has the heart of a norn. She is bold and completely unafraid to say whatever's on her mind. Only she could tame the heart of the wayward boy whom I've known since he was pup."
Ulfgar gestured for Kaleb and Amalthia to face each other while holding hands. He took the rings from Rachel then handed the first one to Kaleb.
"There are no words, no ceremonies, no rituals that can adequately express what is about to transpire this day."
"Kaleb Grimwald - will you swear to give Amalthia your heart, your soul and keep her well in sickness and in health? Will you be there to comfort her when she is sad or downtrodden? Will you be there to bring joy and happiness into each other's lives? And will you promise to do these things for the rest of your days? What say you, lad?"
"I do," Kaleb said as he looked lovingly into Amalthia's eyes then slid the ring onto her finger.
"Amalthia Steelblade - will you swear to give Kaleb your heart, your soul and keep him well in sickness and in health? Will you be there to comfort him when he is sad or downtrodden? Will you be there to bring joy and happiness into each other's lives? And will you promise to do these things for the rest of your days? What say you, lass?"
"Of course!" She smiled as her ears twitched and she slid the band onto his finger.
"Then by the power vested in me and the Great Raven Spirit, I now pronounce you man and wife."
Ulfgar, then, smiled and said with a wink. "You two know the rest."
Kaleb and Amalthia embraced in a passionate kiss as cheers erupted from the crowd. The old norn waved for the newly married couple to face the audience then announced in his resonating voice.
"Behold, Kaleb and Amalthia Grimwald-Steelblade. May they both share many happy years together!"
Shortly thereafter, both were given plenty of hugs and well wishes by various friends and family. Kaleb, then, grabbed his wife by the hand and said. "You know what comes next, right?"
Amalthia and her new husband said in unison.
"Get toasted!"
(All chapters have been posted to AO3. Chapter 30 is posted here.)
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Can I ask about Lasair for the oc thing? I always wanna here more about Ford's funky former twin :3c
Full Name: 
Gender and Sexuality: 
Nonbinary Woman and Lesbian
She/Her, They/Them, He/Him - she’s really, big time not fussed, but generally uses she
Birthplace and Birthdate: 
Technically she’s … dead already?? but 20th of the Pheonix 1325 AE (4/20 baby!)
Guilty Pleasures: 
Poetry. She particularly likes Slam poetry, but loves nearly all poetry, she’s not very good at writing it though
Coulrophobia (clowns) also chickens
What They Would Be Famous For: 
being the Commander’s sister. Or, in some AU’s, being the/a Commander.
What They Would Get Arrested For:
Starting an all out brawl, or pushing a diplomat out a window cuz they were “being an arse!” 
OC You Ship Them With: 
/a tumble weed rolls past/
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: 
Ford - he wouldn’t mean it but he’d do it. 
Favorite Movie/Book Genre:
Action Adventure or fantasy. She loves things that blow up! Daring adventures
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: 
the ‘You were horrible/abuse but I forgive you’ thing gets on her nerves the most probably
Talents and/or Powers:
Reaper magic! She’s more ice focused then most reapers as well, so she’s got some ice powers! Shortening Ford’s life span
Why Someone Might Love Them: 
She’s charismatic and a go-getter. It’s kinda hard not to like her at least. She’s stubborn, dedicated and a fighter to the core, she loves fiercely and would do anything for her friends and family. Also she’s a max height female vari who could probably bench her body weight
Why Someone Might Hate Them: 
She’s stubborn, and doesn’t really consider other people thoughts and feelings when she acts. She’s also pretty aggressive if you get on her bad side, and will absolutely knock you out without remorse, even if it’s just verbally. Also, pretty proud and easily stung
How They Change:
I haven’;t really explored it much, but she’d probably slow down over the story, never lose the fire, but be a bit more mellow, and learn to think things through a bit more. She's very similar to Braham and his arc - also in any Au where her bro’s the one who’s dead, she’s way more open about it to Dragon’s Watch than Ford is, so she’s slightly less lonely and traumatized by that
Why You Love Them:
Baby girl! Baby! She’s utterly feral and I respect the fact she’s a wildcard. She’s also somewhat an aspiration? Like she’s confident without being cocky, and while she is a force of nature, she’sat her core a good person. She’s action orientated, where there’s time in rping or anything where I have to bite my tongue and step back because Ford is way, way too passive about most things and sorta just hopes things happen to him, Lasair is really neat in that shes’ the opposite; see a cute person? Ask them out. See someone who needs yelled at? Go yell at them! It’s fun to go from someone who’s more ‘gaze longingly at someone/something across a room and pray’ to ‘already on their way over god help you all’. Also 100% what an angst canon she is
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resonatingfern · 4 years
Gimme the deets about Amwyl please!
Tumblr media
Full Name: Amwyl
Gender and Sexuality: male, bi
Pronouns: he/him
Ethnicity/Species: sylvari
Birthplace and Birthdate: The Grove, 1324 in the summer time, noon bloom.
Guilty Pleasures: eating way too many sweets, occasionally spending all day in bed with Lea
Phobias:  Bugs with lots squirmy legs. He’s also started to get pretty scared when he doesn’t hear from Lea for a while, considering what happened.
What They Would Be Famous For: Something stupid and probably dangerous, like trying to see how far he can run through a brandstorm without getting hit and actually making it from one side to the other
What They Would Get Arrested For: Also something stupid and probably dangerous, like trying to scale some buildings in Divinity’s Reach for the fun of it.
OC You Ship Them With: @likemesomesalads‘s Rhysalea. Amwyl just adores him.
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Bearach. His life is 100 percent more difficult when Amwyl is stationed in one of the same camps he’s leading.
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Probably something with a lot of action to keep him interested. And sappy romance novels because he’s a huge softie at heart
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: dumb jocks can’t do anything except play sports or be bros. Amwyl’s always been pretty self-conscious that he’s not very smart, and since he’s very athletic he feels like he gets judged even less intelligent than he is.
Talents and/or Powers: well he’s a rev so I guess he’s got some mist/spirit powers. But overall he’s just very athletic and good with his swords
Why Someone Might Love Them: He’s incredibly affectionate and attentive to pretty much everyone. He’ll make you feel like you’re the only person in the world when he’s around you.
Why Someone Might Hate Them: He’s reckless and impulsive and he might disappear on you without any warning
How They Change: Amwyl starts out a real wild child, never staying in one spot, never really forming deep connections with people before he runs off. When he joins the Priory, and then meets Lea, he starts to realize he needs to slow down a bit and actually think about his life and what he’s doing and wants out of it. He mellows out a little, and starts being at least a little more careful about his well-being and how his actions affect others.
Why You Love Them: He’s my first gw2 character! He’s so bright and optimistic and a lot of things I wish I was, so he means a lot to me. His positive attitude is my favorite thing, and how open he is about his feelings.
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likemesomesalads · 5 years
3-5-18-28-39-40-42-45-48-50 for….Zheag :3 ?
It big bro time!
3: Brothers, sisters? Who do they like? Why? What do they despise about their siblings?
He is youngest of 12 Firstborns. And sadly most siblings he liked are dead, Riannoc, Faolain, and Trahearne. He is in a fairly good relationship with Malomedies who is still alive but the others are..meh, for him, they are neat but boring and too rule-bound. He especially despises Caithe and her ‘know-it-all’ attitude.
5: Were they overprotected as a child? Sheltered?
Hehehe. Nope. He always got into trouble and there was no one to stop him or protect him.
18: What did they find abroad, and what did they remember?
In no particular order: sand, big lot headed scaley ass, spit plants, killer sand, killer yellow gas, Huge NOPE, sand puppies, sand chompers, legless nope, Y u attacking me from ten thousand kilometers? bush. tameable birb. big fluffy bunbun, scaley pupper, walking dead, ice-ice baby, smol ouchie cactus man, pretty oasis and much more were found. Well since he still there he remembers all of it clearly.
28: Who is your character’s mate? How do they relate to him or her? How did they make their choice?
In a verse, it’s Thoernen currently. Originally it was Trahearne but they went different directions after an argument, they never split up, they just ended up in different corners of the world.
39: What do they like to ridicule? What do they find stupid?
Caithe. For both questions the answer is Caithe.
40: How is their sense of humor? Do they have one?
Sarcastic and sometimes self-degrading.
42: What does your character want most? What do they need really badly, compulsively? What are they willing to do, to sacrifice, to obtain?
He wants a Wyld Hunt so badly. it can be the stupidest shit he just wants one. What he needs is to realize maybe he doesn’t need a Wyld Hunt to be valid and a perfectly fine sylvari
45: Is your character pragmatic? Think first? Responsible? All action? A visionary? Passionate? Quixotic?
He’s a dumbass, that’s what he is... To be honest I’d say he is the kind of all action and very little thinking when it’s about only himself but when he is with others he will stop and think things through so whoever is with him is the possibly most safe and looked after.
48: How are your character’s gestures? Vigorous? Weak? Controlled? Compulsive? Energetic? Sluggish?
Very vigorous when he is trying to show up but quickly turns into bored/ tired if something throws him off...Or Caithe’s there. She just makes him want to disappear again.
50: What are the prevailing facial expressions? Sour? Cheerful? Dominating?
He wears his emotions on his face. He can try and lie with postures and even try and harden his face with little luck but at least his eyes will always tell how he really is feeling.
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neranishin · 6 years
ranthyr.... my sunshine son
full name:
Tyria: Ranthyr. Just Ranthyr
Toril: Ranthyr Cuthalion 
gender: Male
sexuality: Some kind of ace. Panromantic? idk??
pronouns: he/him
Tyria: All The Sylvari (except the Nightmare Court). Notably, he’s decided Livata is his cousin. Gotta do more character development to figure out how he’s “related” to you guys’s characters. Also, Forgal is his adopted norn dad, and Furrocious is arguably his brother?
Toril: Big sister Shearah, Big brother Tasar, mom Kethryllia and dad Enthrys. Kethryllia’s a human, but she was raised by an elf named Darulia (I THINK. These are all my friend’s OCs. @somewolfchick please tell me if i got names wrong D:)
Toril Ranthyr also adopts friends as family to an extent but we’re gonna be here forever if i get into that
Tyria: The Grove, at dawn
Toril: A small town in Gray Vale. I don’t think we’ve come up for a name with it yet??
job: Adventurer! True in both worlds! But more specifically
Tyria: Also a Warmaster of the Vigil/Commander of the Pact. Laranthir probably got on his ass over the whole fistfight with Bryce incident.
Toril: Paladin of Amaunator. So, actually, basically still just adventurer.
phobias: Being alone makes him uncomfortable. Being underground for long periods of time makes him depressed. I’m not sure that he’s actually got a fear of the dark or enclosed spaces, but they aren’t Great for him.
guilty pleasures: EDIT: ASJKGBSD I forgot i left this blank to come back to UM. Not really sure Ranthyr’s got much he’s ashamed of? Hmmm.
morality alignment?: Good. He’s a good good boy. 
Tyria: Probably neutral-leaning toward chaotic good
Toril: tries to be lawful good, probably ends up more near neutral good in actual practice
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: extrovert. But also Tyria Ranthyr is gonna become a cryptid after/during Heart of Thorns, so he might be less extroverted than Toril Ranthyr
organized/disorganized: Disorganized probably
close minded/open-minded: Open-minded
calm/anxious: Calm, or very good at faking it
disagreeable/agreeable: Agreeable
cautious/reckless: Reckless
patient/impatient: …Patient? It depends on the case?
outspoken/reserved: Outspoken
leader/follower: HMMMMM maybeee it’s
Tyria: Leader
Toril: Follower (?? Maybe? He’s good at taking direction, but also he aggressively adopts people, which is its own kind of leading.  HM.)
empathetic/unemphatic: Empathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: Optimistic
traditional/modern: Modern
hard-working/lazy: Hard-working (sloth is up there cause like… it’s what gets him in trouble, less because it’s a persistent problem.)
Tyria: Listen it is very easy to get a big gay crush on Trahearne, probably half the sylvari in the pact have a big crush on Trahearne. Is it ever going to be more than a crush? PROBABLY NOT. BUT IF I WAS GONNA SHIP HIM WITH SOMEONE. THERE’S A CANDIDATE RIGHT THERE.
Toril: Well, there’s whatever his relationship is with Vel, so that either goes here or brotp. And then there’s whatever kind of crush he has on Lans Thuliaga.
Tyria: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ We’ll see what we see. idk. I am bad at shipping most of the time
Toril: @thissparrowisreadytofly wrote a thing trying to figure out how Vel felt once, and she included Oli saying their paladin in it, so like. There’s that. As something that would not be out of character, potentially, but would require everyone involved to a. identify their emotions and b. communicate them instead of going ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ about it, and Ranthyr is very good at going ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and doing whatever feels right instead of actually communicating
Tyria: I guess Livata? I need to play as him with people more often, clearly. He and Caithe can be cryptid bros. Yes.
Toril: Again, I do not know where to classify one Velshaeln Sevielzhar, so! Also Oli. Also probably some people I’m forgetting cause my brain has been in Tyria for so long. Is Ruru still a character? Cause I remember thinking he and Ruru would be good friends
notp: As Jo has said, Ranthyr and the Anti-Ranthyr cannot meet except for fisticuffs. 
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mystery-salad · 5 years
Elegant, violin, and whimper from the one word prompts
U know, imma treat u bro surprise! TW: torture, detailed violence, abuse
Ivarinn belongs to @ascalonianpicnic
The moment the two were through the door to Tenor’s home her poise and composure snapped. The shorter woman slammed her arm into Ivarinn, deceptively strong for looking like such a dainty noble. She smiled when she heard his head hit the door
She lets him stand there, dazed and unable to see what she’s doing. She almost expects him to whine before remembering what she’d done to his throat less than a week ago, smiling at the memory of burning flesh and choked screams. “Now pet,” she whispers sweetly while reaching a leg up to gently stab the tip of her stiletto heel into his foot until she hears a crunch, “what have I told you about making sounds during a show? I could hardly hear the orchestra.” The last word is punctuated with a twist of her foot and a hand on his shoulder as the sylvari is shoved roughly to kneel against the wall.
“You know I hate interruptions, can you really not handle healing in silence? Even when I take you to such lovely shows with me? Get you all prettied up?” He can feel the collar of his shirt being yanked open, tearing the top buttons off as she roughly removes the clothing. “I suppose this finery is wasted on you. I might as well be throwing money away, and after I’d already spent money on a broken toy in the first place!” She roughly tapped his sightless eyes, jabbing her nails into one of them to scratch it before stepping back with the torn shirt in her hand. Ivarinn’s ragged and pained gasps fill her ears as he cups the injured eye. Hm, this was certainly better than the orchestra. Just as she’d expected.
Tenor tosses the shirt to one side, deciding she’ll make Ivarinn pick it up later for another punishment. Can never have too many excuses, after all. “Now, what do we do with you for this problem, hm?” She slowly steps closer until she’s straddling his kneeling form, heels clicking harshly against the floor. “You love to waste my kindness and generosity, you take my mercy and you act as if I should have just killed you instead of letting you live, by constantly rasping and coughing from that neck of yours. As if your breathing hadn’t been fucked up before I even got to you.” She kicks him roughly in the stomach before grabbing as much of his hair as she could fit in her hand. Her long nails scratch thin trails of blood into his scalp as she drags Ivarinn through the large house.
She passes rooms of options, whips here and knives there, ropes and harnesses in another room. The sounds Ivarinn makes are silent whimpers, holding the length and tone of desperation to mentally escape while putting up no physical fight whatsoever. Tenor freely roams her house until she finds what she’s looking for. “Aha! Now, this seems like an appropriate option!” She cheerfully bounces into the room after dropping Ivarinn in the doorway. An annoyed snort escapes her lips as she hears the thud behind her. “You’re useless sometimes! Come on pet, can you not even walk through a doorway yourself? How about this then. You stand on your feet and walk in here without leaning on the wall, we’ll cut the punishment in half for good manners.”
It’s an empty promise, naturally. They both know he won’t manage between the new injuries and his blindness. But somehow, he still hopes. He still clings to her promises and deals and tries to stand before stumbling on his bad foot and falling into the doorframe. Tenor clicks her tongue disappointedly, “What a shame. Full punishment it is!” She can’t fake her disappointment over the excited tone in her voice as she grabs a hook from the wall. “Now let’s get you into the room so we don’t spread the mess.”
He expects her to grab his head again, or come behind him to kick him into the space. What Ivarinn doesn’t expect, is a stab through his shoulder and a violent tug forward by the new wound. He gasps in pain and lets out a torn and ragged rasp of a sound as he’s dragged across the floor by the hook until he’s against the far wall.
“Now, don’t get weak on me yet my pet, we’ve hardly started!” She lets go of her new handle and grabs another hook. Tenor admires the barb at the end of this one as she kneels down and gently strokes along Ivarinn’s leg before slowly sinking it into his thigh. She relishes in the aborted screams as she shoves the barbs through his leg until they pop out of the other side. Admiring the bloody tip that tore a small chunk of flesh out with it, she gives the hook a sharp twist before standing back up and walking across the room for a new item. “My, you almost made a full sound that time! You might at least get the ability to scream back by the time you’re healed up fully!”
Her shoes skip across the wooden floor as the beautiful noblewoman strolls gracefully back to her toy. Anyone seeing the scene would feel it was fake, a construction of a fucked up fantasy for sure. Such a beautiful and harmless looking woman humming cheerfully as she tied a rope to each of the hooks dug into the taller sylvari lying at her feet.
“I’d ask you to move to the middle of the room for me,” she ties the rope attached to his leg to a loop sticking up in the floor, “but I think I might be able to do that for you.” The other rope is thrown over a pulley in the ceiling and pulled tight in her grasp as it tugs on Ivarinn’s shoulder. “Now, do come here, pet.” Tenor gives the rope in her hand a sharp tug and begins dragging Ivarinn across the floor until he’s under the pulley. “Good boy. Now, for your next trick, stand.”
A strangled scream forces itself from Ivarinn’s throat and adds more pain than his shoulder already exerts as the hook yanks him into the air, tug by tug, until his feet hardly touch the floor. “Tell me, is your shoulder stronger, or your thigh?” She yanks the rope viciously and walks backwards until she feels her progress jerk to a stop when the hook in Ivarinn’s leg hinders his ascent. “Now we start the fun part.” She pulls again.
The pulling resumes and he can feel both hooks shifting in his flesh as each refuses to give any ground to the other. The tearing continues until there’s a pop, and suddenly only his leg hurts as Ivarinn jolts downwards a few inches.
“Looks like we have a winner!” She lets go of the rope to clap and Ivarinn falls harshly to the floor. She walks slowly over to him and gently pets his hair, “Have we learned our lesson this time?”
Ivarinn is too dazed from the pain to answer at first, simply looking sightlessly up in her direction. The gentle petting on his head turns into scratching down his scalp. “Have we learned our lesson, pet?” He frantically nods his head and she lets it fall back to the floor.
“Good! Then you can think over the lesson you’ve learned for the night. I’m tired after all that!” She walks away, leaving him tied to the ground and the hooks still in him. “Clean up what you can and sleep here for the night. I’ll see if Azin is free to help tomorrow. It’s not a big mess but it is…an unsightly one.” The door slams behind her and the deadbolt slides into place. Humming cheerfully, Tenor glides off to her bathroom. She has to clean up after so much activity, after all.
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