#abaab gifset
athousandbyeol · 10 months
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you can't control me. oh, i think i can.
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forcebookish · 1 year
the way gun says "you've realized the cost of not knocking" after they bump into each other and he grabs cher's waist and cher just... keeps on not knocking like, oh noooo i hope my super hot boss doesn't grab my waist agaaain that would be teerrrible, such a great cost...
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charles-edwin · 9 months
the back hugs gif set made me so emotional. also the kisses this episode.. FB fit like a glove
hi!!! me tooooooo!!! thanks @forcebookish for the emotional damage. god’s work aldkskkdk
THE KISSES WERE SOOO CUTE! i’m still not over the forehead one like wth 😭😭😭😭
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they do fit like a glove!! MY GOD the universe made them with the exact same measurements aldkkskdks
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exclaims · 1 year
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i need one fucking win this week so please let it fucking be a 1080p clear version of fourth in glasses for the msp our skyy preview tmrw.
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blmpff · 5 months
✨2023: A Summary✨
Post your most popular and/or favourite edit/gifset/analysis for each month (it’s okay to skip months!)
Tagged by @lurkingshan, and also @colourme-feral and @troubled-mind as I was working on it, thank you ❣️
My two main ~things~ are uploading actors' photos, and doing my own favorite X posts from shows I'm watching, and considering I've uploaded 5593 posts in 2023, in this essay I'll focus on my own.
disclaimer 1: I started posting my edits in March, so the first two months of the year will be just actors' pics to not skip them disclaimer 2: as for favorites the answer is always my favorite shots posts because each and every single one of them is my precious baby disclaimer 3: I added SHOWS to each month for my compilation posts for them
- most popular: First Kanaphan from their trip to Japan I think - favorite: ArmyJoe stills from gmmtv twt
- most popular: Fluke and Thor TWE bts - favorite: this MosBank
- most popular: Our Dining Table promo picture - favorite: Midnight Museum ep5, The Eighth Sense ep2, first Shared Location
- most popular: P'Jojo explaining the use of thai soap opera cliches in Our Skyy 2: Never Let Me Go - favorite: T8S x train ride, Jaewon calling Jihyun his boyfriend, shadow kisses, Midnight Museum moon shots 4/4, the post where I save links to all the shows/movies I make posts about - shows: Our Dating Sim, The Eighth Sense, Destiny Seeker, Midnight Museum, Blueming, Bed Friend
- most popular: P'Jojo posting about Only Friends getting the green light - favorite: Man's hands, this Between Us scene, this ONHCT scene, OS2 x Win's Adventures - shows: OS2: The Eclipse, OS2: NLMG, Happy Merry Ending, ABAAB, Love Mate, ONHCT, Dear Ex, Please Tell Me So, A First Love Story 1, A First Love Story 2, Step For You
- most popular: Cooheart in a bridal dress at Bangkok Pride - favorite: Fluke's hair poll, IQ subber in House of Stars, ODT Tane - shows: Star Struck, Our Dining Table, Love Tractor
- most popular: NeoMark Only Friends Q photo - favorite: these two Tokyo In April Is parallels, this Semantic Error scene - shows: Step by Step, La Pluie, House of Stars, My Ride
- most popular: P'Jojo talking about sex scenes in Only Friends - favorite: ML Shin being Shin, this scene in SMC - shows: Tokyo In April Is, Sing My Crush, Egoist, Low Frequency, Stay Still, Sonnet 18
- most popular: the epic journey that was Red Peafowl cast announcement - favorite: Leehyun repeatedly calling An his boyfriend, Joohyuk x Sungmin, hyung, EarthBank - shows: Laws of Attraction, Love Class 2, Marry Go Round, Minato's Laundromat 2, Hidden Agenda, Bon Appetit
- most popular: P'Jojo roasting Boston - favorite: IFYLITA dream dancing, bloody Papang, bloody GG kiss&murder - shows: My Personal Weatherman, Only Friends, Grand Guignol, Semantic Error: The Movie
- most popular: new YinWar show Jack&Joker pilot - favorite: this Mermaid's Jade scene, this The Devil Judge scene, these Playboyy posters - shows: I Feel You Linger In The Air, Mermaid's Jade, Kiseki: Dear To Me, Pure Vanilla, One Room Angel
- most popular: Babe causing Billy to malfunction - favorite: JellyfishBolster compilation, this AobPuen, DFF I've been impaled - shows: Sweet Home 2, Shadow, To My Star s1, Absolute Zero, Bake Me Please, Moonlight Chicken
Tagging everyone who wants to do it and haven't already, this site helps!
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chickenstrangers · 5 months
2023 gifs in review tag game
tagged by @khaotunq (here!) to post my favorite/most popular gifs throughout the year. thank you!!🩵🩵🩵
I only started making gifs partway through this year, so there was a big learning curve and i still think i'm pretty newbie but it has been a lot of fun and it's nice looking back on how much i think i've improved, though i have so much left to learn next year
i am going to ramble too much because this is my post, fair warning, forgive my self indulgence
this was the very beginning, back in the photopea days before i tried photoshop (i am still quite fond of photopea, 1. because it is free and 2, for stills i think it's just as good as photoshop, but i could never figure out how to make gifs look good with its dithering system. i have seen some remarkable gifmakers using photopea tho so that's a my limited skill problem, and i'm glad i used it to dip my toes into the process!)
i only posted 1 set for abaab this month which looks not good but is still a very fun scene, but this was not actually the first thing i made (see below).
most popular: msp finale, tinn knowing all the words to gun's song <3
favorite: moonlight chicken, my first ever gifset and the reason i got into gifmaking because i wanted to capture the way moonlight chicken visually returned to locations and shots to underline its theme of loneliness being replaced by community, which is the mlc repetitions series
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most popular & favorite: kiss me again (2018) and the lovely way june say's goodby to his friends (i learned how to add text to gifs for this one, and not only that but timed text! i thought it would get like 5 notes. it's very messy and doesn't look great, but i'm proud that i learned something with it, and i think its very funny and that's all that matters to me)
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it's photoshop time now!! photoshop beloved you make such beautiful gifs and also you are So Slow and my computer cannot handle you.
most popular: only friends original trailer set
favorite: jimwen looking at each other set (the start of my most belovedest of series, the followup to the first ever meta i wrote)
most popular: part 1 of the can't i look at you edits, cool tones edition
favorite: part 2 of the can't i look at you edits, warm toned edition (i love them both but this has two of my all time favorite wen faces)
hey its my profile picture and also i find it very funny that the Os line up with his eyes, and the second gif i love how impossibly happy they look
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my busiest month in terms of gifs, in large part due to only friends
most popular: topmew and fire
favorite: alanwen poetry edit i spent soooo long learning keyframes for the heartbeat effect and then the ghosting effect was a happy accident thank you person in the background walking past at the right moment
(i also love my charn laws of attraction set because he was a surprise favorite character this year, i loved collecting the quotes for how he speaks of himself)
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most popular: only friends sandray finale parallel set (it is. very very close to 1k which is. so many).
favorite: he's coming to me edit because it was so fun to make for @dudeyuri
most popular: not me sean and black getting along super duper well!
favorite: moonlight chicken haunted house edit, accompanying this meta/creative writing thing. i loved choosing liminal feeling shots for it and i liked how the simple typography turned out
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most popular: a little jim and wen set i am very fond of
favorite: the moonlight chicken new years set i posted today. i love this little chicken diner
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hey look i managed to mention moonlight chicken almost every month (i swear, i watched so many favorite shows this year but i loved making mlc gifs so much)
and that's that! thanks for reading if anyone read til the end.
no pressure tags for some amazingly talented creators who have made some of my favorite sets this year (if you feel like talking about some of your highlights, whether monthly or not, because you all make so much incredible work and i'd love to hear about it) : @hoppipolla @sollucets @icouldhyperfixatehim @celestial-sapphicss @chinzhilla @krystaljungs @moonkhao and anyone who wants to, consider yourself tagged <3
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firstkanaphans · 10 months
When writing BoP did u take any inspiration from the GAP series?
Oh, absolutely! I don’t know if you were following me during my GAP era, but I was obsessed. (And that’s putting it mildly). And then right in the middle of GAP, we got the Moonlight Chicken trailer with First playing Alan (the suit! the glasses!) and thus the idea was born. I actually tracked down the exact gifset that shook the thought loose in my brain. It was this one by @gunsatthaphan so thank you to them for the inspiration! 💕
But other than the office setting, I don’t actually think there were a lot of overt similarities between BoP and GAP simply because Mon and Sam are vastly different people than Akk and Ayan. Maybe Akk got a little bit of Sam’s indifference? I loved how in GAP Sam literally could not have cared less whether she was fired or not—she was just happy to be in love. Akk was the same way. Willing to risk it all for some good dick 😂
Ironically, I think ABAAB ended up being more similar to BoP than GAP did. And if Step by Step had aired earlier, I think I would have taken a lot of inspiration from that as well. But out of the three, I still think GAP executed the workplace romance trope the best. They’re the only ones who gave me office sex!!
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tomatoland · 8 months
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I came up with my maker’s mark! I mentioned before that I didn’t have one on purpose. This is a small side blog I started maybe five months ago? That I only started because I wanted to reblog some gifsets. I had only just started watching BL’s around that time. My first being kinnporsche followed by LITA.
And then one day I found myself saving pics of Book to my phone. This was the first one back in May lol.
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I can’t remember if this was a screenshot from a reel or a photo. And when I mentioned I like his photography, I really really mean it.
This + abaab ep 9 + the nick & judy tiktok. My brain went… THIS ONE. And the hyperfixation fully started lol.
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These are the second and third photos btw which are so stunningly gorgeous I can’t believe he’s real.
Anyway, because I was very annoyed yesterday, I got myself a better gif app… so this is what’s happening.
It’s a stylized TL in red for tomatoes of course. And it kinda looks like π so the nerd in me LOVES it.
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athousandbyeol · 1 year
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i'll be your latest kiss then. people count their latest kiss too? i mean, your latest kiss and every kiss from now until forever. i'm the only one allowed to kiss you.
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athousandbyeol · 1 year
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cher, from now onward, don't let anyone else ruin our relationship. the only thing allowed to change us is that you no longer love me.
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forcebookish · 1 year
if i end up restarting the flash, it will only be if i get my hands on photoshop again and just make cisco and barrisco gifsets between episodes. that's my only stipulation.
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forcebookish · 8 months
I saw your post!!! when did topmew tongue kiss I didn't see any tongue.. was it the first ep ??? Coz usually from what I've seen top/force just occasionally opens his mouth during kissing (refer abaab kisses) while mew/book ALWQYS DEVOURS HIS WHOLE
hehe, it's in episode four during this (gif one) scene (gif three). IT'S VERY BRIEF, kind of a blink-and-you'll-miss it in very poor lighting, but their tongues do indeed touch lol (and maybe twice? hard to tell if top slips him the tongue first...)
and since i'm gross, here's an even bigger gif where you can see it even clearer djlfjslg (sorry i still don't know how to make it less grainy AND sharper sigh i did my best)
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(and we can't see but we can infer that their tongues are continuing to get up to mischief in the following kiss when top slams his hand on the wall and grabs mew's nape in gif four.)
BUT YEAH BOOK KISSES WITH HIS WHOLE MOUTH lol i made this guncher gifset before only friends aired where, as you can see, i mostly stuck with chaste kisses that gun initiated and someone really had the gall to comment, "i hope they open their mouths in only friends," like FELLA!!!! YOU OBVIOUSLY HAVEN'T SEEN MY MAN BOOK REALLY KISS!!!! I HOPE YOU DON'T OPEN YOUR MOUTH AGAIN!
anyway, 👉👈 anyone else have the phrase "we kiss for real" stuck in their head? no? just me? 🧎‍♀️
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forcebookish · 8 months
Please, I can't even browse the TopMew and ForceBook tags without people shitting on them. It's driving me nuts, like what happened to keeping your negative opinions to yourself.
oh BL fandom does not know how to do that, i experienced this with abaab too. straight up people in the tag like, "i don't like a boss and a babe." like cool, literally no one asked, fuck off then.
i made a post in all the tags telling them to shut the hell up and keep it on their own blogs but they won't listen. it should be the first thing you learn about tumblr: keep your whining on your own blog and leave it out of the tags but noooooooooooooooo, not in BL fandom. EVERYONE has to know how stupid you are lol
i simply don't go in the tags anymore, and if i do i just hit J until i find a gifset and sometimes even those aren't safe😒
also i can't BELIEVE that people still have negative things to say after that incredible scene between them. none of these assholes know what good acting is nor do they deserve forcebook. i hope they stub their toes.
here's the thing about opinions: maybe they're just personal feelings blah blah blah, but when you're going against literally everyone in production and the industry who praise forcebook's talent and chemistry, you're straight up wrong. there's no other word for it. you'd think they'd get that by now but
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i hate this word but, cringe tbh. imagine thinking that your "opinion" holds more weight and importance than industry professionals, than the directors themselves. every director forcebook have worked with praise and love them. how are these losers not embarrassed? just can't handle that their faves aren't the leads i guess. unrelatable *flips hair*
stay strong, anon❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 like i always say, hit that block button till it bruises❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
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charles-edwin · 9 months
mj the little kisses at the pool screaming abaab ep 12 part 1/4 @9:48 😭😭😭😭
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thank you for the timestamp! i will be making a parallel gifset! 🧡🧡🧡
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forcebookish · 7 months
This an earlier anon. I just felt that I should note that if you ever decided to watch love in the air or until we meet again. There are certain trigger warnings that might be needed!
LITA, in the second half, deals with rape and assault a lot. I think it does a pretty solid job for what it is. But it can be hard to watch if you go in without knowing, which I did. Still really enjoyed it!
Until we meet again is a show that is so special to me. But the opening scene is really really hard to watch. It has to do with suicide that involve guns. And honestly. I wasn’t prepared the first time and it was a lot.
But I just wanted to warn you! I’d recommend these shows for different reasons. UWMA is definitely a plot driven show. It’s not super BL-ish. It’s more like a romantic drama.
And love in the air lives and dies by the chemistry of the leads. It is a romance first and foremost. The romantic drama is the point. And the sex. Also so many bisexuals.
OOOOOOh 👀 i love dark shit so this does sound very much up my alley but i super appreciate the warnings, anon!! this does ping a memory, i think my friend told me about uwma and, yes, i just checked there are some gifsets of 😏 scenes 😏 from lita in my drafts.
i'll add them to my watchlist 🥰 i'll probably go for lita first since i'm more interested in romance as a genre (AND BISEXUALS). i might try to finish up gap the series first because i've been putting it off and the last time i tried to watch another series with it, i neglected it :( i'm also starting laws of attraction soon 👀 BUT probably just gonna chill for a while with this massive drama hangover, writing fic and rewatching abaab/horror movies (horror movies, esp horror comedies, are weirdly relaxing to me😅)
thanks again for the recs and warnings, anon!
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