#aaaa shitty doodles when
ruvviks · 1 year
hi HELLO hi bestie, since it's vito & mikhail's birthday can you tell us how they would spend their day? do they celebrate together in one big party? what type of gifts they would get for each other/the rest of the crew would get them? maybe if there's something you want to share about their special day of when they were younger? just anything you want to share!! >:)
so vitali is not a big fan of his birthday AT ALL which is mainly because of his past. his mother always managed to ruin it for him one way or another and the only reason he celebrated it was because it was also mikhail's birthday and they would always spend as much of the day together as possible since mikhail's parents were always working anyway </3
but then they lost contact with each other and spent like. 5-6ish birthdays apart from each other and they couldn't even text each other a "happy birthday" and that. caused vitali to just stop celebrating it altogether :(( mikhail also didn't celebrate it much, he would just. have two drinks by himself that night, one for himself and one for vitali, and then went straight to bed </3
nowadays both of them are a lot more normal about it and they DO in fact celebrate their birthday, but mostly because their friends refuse to let it pass by unnoticed LMFAO vincent Loves planning parties and he would 100% throw a surprise party for them >:^)
they would wake up in the morning to a big breakfast made by vincent and vitali is getting many many kisses (mikhail too actually just. not the romantic kind SHGFDGJ) and vincent has a present for both of them >:^) he would get a (drawing) tablet for mikhail (bc mikhail loves to draw and kept complaining about his other tablet being too slow) and a bunch of cool accessories for vitali (who is gonna have a very hard time deciding on which ones to pick for that day because he kinda wants to wear all of it at once SHGFJDHG)
then they would probably just go to work tbh but they won't get any work done the entire morning because vincent called everyone in and they're gonna force mikhail and vitali to just vibe with them WSJFDHGD they probably decorated the lounge in vitali's office and eddie and thibault made a birthday cake >:^) any gifts they got for them would be The most ridiculous shit. i know this. cato probably got the weirdest little statue she could find and gifts it to mikhail and tells him "that's you :)"
and at night after dinner (probably just shitty takeout food that's not all that shitty when eaten with the right people around you) they would chill on the balcony together. just the two of them. and they'd share a drink like they used to when they were younger and also give each other a little present which i'm very very normal about as always
mikhail would give vitali one of his scrapbooks ;-; <3 vitali's memories are still a bit jumbled nowadays because of the brainwashing arasaka did and he has trouble recalling stuff from his past, but mikhail has many scrapbooks from when he was younger in which he would just. write about his day (usually spent entirely with vitali). or make little doodles. stick in pictures of. well. Anything really. places they visited. stupid selfies they took. i'm fine
and vitali would give mikhail. two things actually because he likes to give gifts that also have a practical use, so he would give mikhail a custom made handgun to begin with because. well. it IS still night city after all SGHFJDGHJD but he would also give him a ring,, one that matches the necklace mikhail already got from him the day they last saw each other before their six years apart,,, they can't get those years back but they can spend many more together and this is vitali's way of showing that this time he is not going Anywhere. i'm normal about them i swear aha x
all in all it would be a very emotionally heavy day for both of them but it's a lot better now that they're no longer apart <3 they would both want to go to sleep early though to just. get to the next day SGHFJDHGD both are Not a fan of getting older and they don't like to be reminded of it <3
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foxglovesound · 2 years
Just read the entire lore doc and, can I just say that you are brilliant and super creative? I love what you are doing with these kittens. I'm specially interested in Openheath and their social divides but Red thicket sounds like a nightmare too, just love when the living conditions are shitty ❤️ don't judge me. Also? Your creation myth? Woah. I'm super impressed and super happy that this proyect is coming back. Your art has improved so much I'm honestly in awe, those cats sure are cat shaped.
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THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH AHFBHHBAUDFHUHFUHAUHOUHOOOOOOOOO [explodes] that is so so sweet and im so honroed to hear TToTT<333 !!! thank you SO SO MUCH AAAA !!!!
also NO JUDGEMENT thats exactly what openheath hillock and redthicket grove were designed for ;] !! i wanted all of the fellowships to have their own personal strengths and flaws to their systems, but its obvious that there are some that are in dire need of reform/reconsideration due to how theyve corrupted over time !!
also THANK YOU SO SO MUCH AAA for once im actually satisfied with how designs AND lineart is coming out in ref sheets now :'] !! im really really excited to finish up the refs and get to work on more concept art and doodles hehe and then pages >:) but THANK YOU SO MUCH<33
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divinedeathbed · 3 months
4, 8, 10, 37, 41
4. A character you rarely talk about?
Valiel / Nihilus / and Absinthe I guess. I didn't put a whole lot of character building into any 3 of them besides kinda being side characters to more important ocs stories (Val and Absinthe for Michael, Nihilus for Gabriel) and that's on me. Val is a very lovely angel who is a loyal soldier, and one of Michael's closest friends/confidants. Maybe even lover at rare points idk. Nihilus is another priest in Gabriel's world, either one who trained alongside him or Gabriel trained himself? Friend turned someone who's suspicious of Gabriel. Absinthe is a succubus demon who butts heads with Michael frequently. I have a fun little idea of a 3 team save the world type interaction between Absinthe, Michael, and Mariel, where Mariel kinda helps Michael and Absinthe better get along.
8. Do you RP as any of your OCs? If you do, introduce one of your RP OCs here!
I dont sadly. I've tried to make oc rp blogs in the past but I get overwhelmed on trying to make the blog look nice and just being shy overall with them. I would love to rp more in private though so. If you're interested dm me or smth idk
10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design?
I think Augustine's design is the most complicated rn. All the frills and ornate designs gold watchers have... god. And ofc I want Augustine to be more flashy compared to other gold watchers, that's just what Augustine gives. Eventually I want to draw a more full body portrait of Augustine but eehhhhh hard
37. Introduce an OC who is not quite human
Victor :)
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Victor's species is a species that evolved aside humanity, sharing humanoid traits but obviously different. They feed off of humans, and while their species is unnamed, Victor will allow you to call them a vampire since that's the closest analog to them that humans have come up with. They are not a vampire. Victor has lived for about 300 years but is not immortal. Their species hails from Siberia so they are white and have point coloration on their extremities. They are also all intersex, each member of the species able to get pregnant or get others pregnant. But it's usually a dominance thing when it comes to breeding where more submissive members of the tribe are the ones to carry young. Their species can vocalize like humans can, and in fact is how they lure human prey to their deaths, mimicking human voices calling for help. Victor was different though and actually learned how to speak and learned about humanity. They still ofc need to eat human prey so they gave themselves a code to only eat shitty people they meet or people they like tell them about. Lol.
41. Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!)
aaaa yes yes 🥺
For Michael someone on my tmc blog drew this of him:
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It makes me sad bc they submitted it anonymously so I don't know who did it but it's so good.
I also commissioned my partner (not tagging his blog for now bc he's been targeted by a huge harassment campaign) to draw Michael:
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For Gabriel there's a couple drawings from when he was an ihnmaims au oc with a couple other ocs from that server / Ted
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I dont remember who did these unfortunatelllyy
And ofc my partner has doodled him a couple times:
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Thank you so much for askingggg ;;;;;
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axolay-twf-blog · 3 years
Oh yeah oc dump real quick
I'll start drawing the originals real soon just been busy w other stuff and silly art doodles
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mooguriklaine-art · 7 years
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Hi Nonnie, sorry for the late reply but aaaaa here you go! I basically sacrificed some life points to gain the ability to draw Yuugi/Atem’s hair, but have a cheat sheet so you don’t have to be sent to the Shadow Realm!
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The next step is to keep drawing and drawing and drawing! Get down and dirty and play with angles, doodle them on your notebook, claw them in your skin - I want you to breathe in every detail of Atem in your body until you can see him in your dreams
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Skynet!Atem’s design/character turnarounds! When I was dreaming up of this shitty AU, I had to design a look for the AI that isn’t too far from Atem, but at the same time, still retained a distinct look about him. And the way to go was to draw him in many poses, angles, and expressions. Don’t be afraid to try and play around with your drawings! :D
Whew, I hope that helps you in any way aaaa and thanks for dropping by! <3
I love answering asks just as much as I love receiving coffee! You can love me by leaving a tip at my ko-fi page!
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dailystarplatinum · 7 years
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We did it.. we made it to the big four digits. I never thought I’d get here, honestly. When I made this blog in May, I never thought I’d get to here. Maybe 2 or 300 followers, at the most?? Never this. 
 Here’s some sappy words to some people, I’ll cut this off because it’s going to be very long. 
 @daily-jojoanimals (I’m putting you at the top in case everything gets too sappy for you) I love your art a lot! The bright colors, the lines... I can’t draw animals for my life, but you? You’re amazing at it! Your blog is great and I hope that it gets more attention because you work really hard on all those drawings!
@dailydiadop nOON WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN… I love you and you’re probably my best friend. I have absolutely no idea where I’d be without you. Probably very very lost and very very confused. I’d also still be trying to figure out who is the best person at making hamburgers (it’s you). Honestly, if it wasn’t for you, I would’ve never gotten into jojo, or at least I would’ve taken longer to find out about it. 
 @dailynonbinaryukako eli I remember when we first started talking and it was kinda awkward but then I was like ‘oh hey I made a blog’ and you were like 'oh hey I should make one too’ and now look at us. You’re a huge nerd and I love talking to you about ocs and memes and my 1000+ year old hawk son and I think our muses need to interact more but you’re probably another big reason for why I’ve stayed in this community so long... I mean heck you’re the reason I joined Daily Discord Hell!
 @dailyhierophantgreen S C R E A M S ILY RAY I can’t believe you looked up to me once… I mean first of all I’m like 5 foot 4 there isn’t much to look up to and second I can’t believe my art is of the quality and skill for someone as amazing as you to look up to it…. anyways you’re an amazing person and I love all of your hierophant doodles and I hope that we can draw more stargreen ship stuff and memes this year! 
 @daily-caesar Adam, you’re hilarious and really nice, and I love all of your Caesar and Torq and Capt doodles (how do you even doodle them so fast??? Ho w)! You always enjoy my Fresh Memes ™, and you always manage to put a smile on my face. 
 @dailysmolnareff  I don’t know if I’ve ever told you this, but you were one of my favorite daily blogs that I was scared and/or unsure of how to interact with. If only my oblivious past self could see us now. You are number one, Cami. Never forget that.
 @dailystoneplatinum you’re definitely another huge reason why I’ve been inspired to try so hard with art on this blog and art in general. You’re one of the nicest people I’ve ever met, a huge inspiration, and I also always enjoy talking with you (ah yes one in the morning talks about Jolyne’s stand and how it’s unfair that Pucci got Made in Heaven and Jolyne got silly string with sunglasses). I’m really happy we get to talk, and I hope to see more of your beautiful art!
 @daily-giogio L E A D E R O F M U T E C R E W ok that’s obviously not enough, let me write more I love your Gio art so much it’s just so pretty?? side note Reset Gio’s design is also gorgeous and you just manage to kill me every time I see your art??? You’re also just a really funny person and I love talking with you! Or just listening to the void with you too that’s great as well
 @dailyrobertspeedwagon peri, you’re super sweet and you’ve got great ideas and OCs, and I love all of them! To be honest, you’re much much better at art than I was when I was your age *visibly shudders thinking about old art*… keep up the great work! 
 @weeklyheavendio laVA WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN you deserve a medal for the amount you’ve helped my art style change like I draw something for the reset au and you manage to one up me with amazing art so I draw something else then you make a beautiful giF SO I HAVE TO MAKE AN EVEN BETTER GIF AND IT TOOK SEVERAL HOURS BUT IT WAS WORTH IT AND I LOVE ALL YOUR ART AND YOURE JUST A GREAT PERSON AAAAAA 11/10 would rewrite existence out of possibly canon game history again 
 @dailyshadowdio Cake I can’t believe I was once scared of you with your beautiful art.. I was scared to talk to you and the big wry man himself… Now I know. I know that I must believe in gravy. Always believe in gravy. Gremlin Dio and pretty much all your art gives me life. I don’t know what it is about how you draw Dio, but he just looks??? So good?????? Long story short you’re great cake 
@dailyhamonpires we didn’t talk too much before the space au, but now that we’ve talked more, i’ve really enjoyed seeing you and your art! SOLU is a very sweet goop boy and deserves only the best. Keep up the amazing work!
 @dailyavdol you’re one of the sweetest people I know! Your art style is also super unique and beautiful, and I love seeing different characters in it! Also seeing you and Cami talk is really sweet too :> 
 @marinebiologistjotaro whERE DO I EVEN START You are an absolute blessing. Do you even know how much I love marine life. Like I really love cephalopods the most but all marine life is just really cool and if I wasn’t sure I wanted to do something with animation in the future I’d want to do something with marine biology and so when I found your blog some couple of months ago I died of happiness I’ve also enjoyed all the little inside jokes we’ve made over the past few months. I still miss Barbara… 
@badlydrawnmekandmoney !!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOOD OCS! GREAT PERSON! It’s always a lot of fun to talk to ya! You put up with all my shitty memes and actually genuinely seem to like them, too!
 @dailyyoungmrskujo *insert good shit meme but in french* I love Jolyne’s mom/Jotaro’s wife, so when I found that someone had taken her character and turned her into a fully capable headstrong young woman, I was so excited! You’re really sweet, and I wish you luck with your new job and I hope we sometime get time to talk (despite timezones >_<). 
 @badlydrawnjotarocean we don’t talk much but I kind of admire you from a distance because you’re pretty cool and I’m also madly in love with Joji from the reset au I mean sweet ocs you got there friend I mean um how much water do you need to quench your thirst
@badlydrawn-p4nareff a quality baguette… a handsome baguette… a good baguette… have I ever said how much I love pol and how good your pol art is I mean sometimes he’s just a piece of string cheese but you still manage to make him look beautiful???? What are your secrets I'm also sorry I'm a huge nerd you probably are wondering why I tagged you right I mean uh I should stop aaaa
@dailypisscop You’re an amazing artist and I’m so happy you like my art! It was a lot of fun seeing your progress on the johnny and gyro print and seeing other things you’ve drawn :>
@notsodailystarplatinum aaaaaAAAAA you’re so cool! I love all of your star doodles and it’s always fun to interact with you and the other star blogs! Also I still can’t believe you drew me
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it me bubbles 
@dailyghiaccio we've talked a couple of times, but I absolutely love your art! Keep it up!
@weeklyesidisi (i’m not tagging all 1837472 of your blogs) vince you’re very funny and great and, I’ve really enjoyed talking to you about the space au and other things!
@dailyjosukeandokuyasu !!!!!!!!!!!!! Dude you are great I really love your art and designs a lot, also you definitely put up with all my terrible memes. The only complaint I have is no shiny
@daily-goldexperiencerequiem KICK ME INTO SPACE PLEASE I mean you're super fun tot talk to, and I love your GER art ^_^
@otamer kinda different than a lot of the other blogs here since you aren't a daily/bd blog that does much (yet) but you're super nice and fun to talk to and I know you can make that blog and join us in the deep dark realms of daily discord hell ;D
@dailyyoung-jonathan YOU ARE GREAT OK?? Anyways thank you for taking celeste to the ball and also just for being really nice on kirb’s server. 
@regularlyscheduledjolynemom We talk occasionally, but it’s always fun to talk to you! Thank you for the history jokes :>
@kindofdailyoingo GOOD BLOG BOOD GLOG 10/10 I love your oingos also thank you for always listening to me talk about my hawk son you’re just really fun to talk to and be around and I hope you remember that! 
@poorlydrawnjosephjoestar I always secretly admired your art and your bad spaghetti jokes from afar, but since the space au, it’s been a ton of fun talking to you and the others onboard the Hayloft! (blease don’t kill off jovani)
@dailykakyoin I know you get this a lot but you're one of the reasons (I think you and dailypol maybe?) I started this (haha if you want go find the first ask I sent it was from my main blog it's terrible) and you're such an amazing member of this community! I mean, you answer tons of asks, draw really cute kaks, and you’re just really nice :>
 Here's a big ol pile of people that I'd love to talk to/interact more with and/or am too scared to interact with:
@dailyjonajba | @askdailymiraschon | @dailygwess | @miumiusdailybizarrehell (the unholy trinity is here) (i love you guys) | @daily-jojovillians | @dailyabba | @dailyteenshizuka | @daily-holhorse-and-maybe-boingo | @dailymoodyblues | @badlydrawn-lisalisa | @badlydrawnheartpompadour | @badlydrawn-vinegardoppio | @dailyjoshu | @daily-jouta | @badlydrawnventopolnareff | @poorlydrawnjosukeh | @dailychibimikitaka | @poorly-drawn-fem-koichi | @badlydrawnyuyafungami | @dailybrandio
Once again, thank you!
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