bbsmitedu · 3 months
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Learn Node.js by building real-world applications with Node JS, Express, MongoDB, Jest, and more! - Follow 👉 @bbsmit_official for Upcoming Topics. - @bbsmit_official @bbsmit_official @bbsmit_official - Don't Forget To LIKE ♥️ | SHARE 📲 | SAVE 📥 - 📌Gurukripa Enclave, Beside Hotel Raas Mahal, Near Old Ramgadhmod Busstand Jaipur, Rajasthan, 302002
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biglisbonnews · 7 months
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SkyFive test campaign studies differences in European IFC To drive wider adoption of inflight connectivity among passengers in Europe, airlines need to look at all aspects of the experience instead of solely optimizing a single parameter, such as speed test results. So says SkyFive, the Germany-based air-to-ground (A2G) IFC provider, which recently launched a test campaign of competing onboard Internet technologies in Europe...The post SkyFive test campaign studies differences in European IFC first appeared on Runway Girl.The post SkyFive test campaign studies differences in European IFC appeared first on Runway Girl. https://runwaygirlnetwork.com/2023/09/skyfive-test-campaign-studies-differences-in-european-airlines-ifc/
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reckonslepoisson · 8 months
A2G EP (1999), Nia (1999), Blazing Arrow (2002), The Craft (2005), Blackalicious
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Few artists’ legacies could withstand something so wincingly, catastrophically uncool as Daniel Radcliffe rapping the entirety of one of your tunes on late night telly, but Blackalicious’ rep seems mostly intact. While much of the duo’s rippity-rappity bar-slinging might now seem very dated, one cannot listen to these tunes without hearing incalculable influence over the sounds, styles and approaches of several decades of underground hip-hop. 
Pick(s): ‘Deception’, ‘Shallow Days’, ‘First in Flight’, ‘World of Vibrations’
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communityinclusion · 9 months
Spreading the Word about Alternatives to Guardianship
Kamisha Heriveaux is an advisory board member on ICI’s Center on Youth Voice, Youth Choice project, and a researcher on ICI’s Guardianship Alternatives and Transfer-of-Rights project. This blog was originally posted on Harvard Law School Project on Disability.
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(pasted blog from https://hpod.law.harvard.edu/news/entry/youth-disabilities-action)
I don’t have a guardian. That means I have a lot of responsibility but I feel I can take that on, little by little. At certain points in my life, I’ve had conversations about guardianship and alternatives., and I’m still having those conversations! When I was younger, my mother and I would talk about it in IEP meetings. Guardianship wasn’t presented to me suddenly in a kind of “sign this piece of paper and there you go” moment. But we wouldn’t go into depth about how everything actually plays out either. It came up little by little, with questions like, “Do you know what you want to do for your future?” and “Do you know where you want to live?”
I think a lot of people in these meetings dumbed it down for me because they didn’t think I could figure it out on my own, or they thought I wouldn’t be able to process it. But there’s a difference between dumbing something down and saying it plain language. Dumbing it down means you’re talking to someone like a kid. Explaining something in plain language means going into depth, but making sure you’re using words that people can understand.
And during these conversations, people in these meetings would focus more on my parents than on me. They would ask me to leave the room. In my head I thought, “Why would I leave the room? Isn’t this conversation about me and for me?” It made me angry. Now that I’m actually involved in research and advocacy on alternatives to guardianship, people actually want to hear what I have to say. Before, it was like a “hi and bye” sort of thing. Now, I don’t have to hold tongue back anymore. Now, people actually listen to me. Now, I’m in the driver’s seat.
I hadn’t dug deeply into this whole topic until I began researching it as part of the “GATOR” project, and now I have a much better understanding. “GATOR” stands for “Guardianship, Alternatives, and Transfer of Rights.” It’s a collaboration between the Institute for Community Inclusion at University of Massachusetts Boston (ICI), the Self-Advocacy Association of New York State (SANYS), and Massachusetts Advocates Standing Strong (MASS) — it’s a whole team effort. We focus on seeing what’s happening out there in conversations about when students with disabilities turn 18 years old. We’ve read a lot of literature on this topic and we’ve found that there’s not a lot of easy-to-understand information for students on this topic. That may be why some students like me are not as involved in the conversations about guardianship and alternatives as they could be.
Through GATOR, we’ve interviewed transition-age students with intellectual and developmental disabilities in New York and Massachusetts about the conversations they’ve had about turning 18 years old. Everyone has a different story to tell. Some people may have that conversation and some people may not have that conversation at all. Some people have conversations about what they want to do for the future, and they have someone to talk to about those things and help to break it down for them. Others, not so much.
Everybody thinks differently about how they want to make decisions as an adult. I think everybody interprets guardianship and alternatives differently and it depends on how they process that information (or lack of information). Even if, for example, some says to me that guardianship is “x, y, and z,” there are certain things that I’m not going to understand right away and they’re going to have to help me to learn about it. I’m not an encyclopedia, you know! Everybody’s learning process is different. And sometimes it’s not even talked about, which is something that we’re trying to change: some students may not know what their rights are or what they’re capable of doing because it’s not being talked about with them.
Aside from GATOR, I’ve also gotten involved in a project called “CYVYC” which stands for “Center for Youth Voice, Youth Choice.” It’s a collaboration between ICI, the Center for Public Representation, Self Advocates Becoming Empowered, and the Human Services Research Institute. I’m on that project’s youth advisory board. Our ultimate goal is to let youth and young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities know that they have the option to be their own person. Self-advocates teach youth how they can do that and who can help them, and they remind them that they’re not alone in this. These youth then become ambassadors, who help spread the word about alternatives to guardianship, so that other youth and the people around them can feel confident about exploring those options.
At the end of the day, for every young person with a disability, it’s important to speak your mind. There’s always a learning curve, but you’re going to be okay as long as you find your way to do it. Everybody does things differently and that’s okay. Not everybody can be the same person — that would be boring! Just be yourself and don’t let society tell you that you have to be in a box.
Kamisha Heriveaux is Self-Advocate Content Expert for Massachusetts Advocates Standing Strong.
MASS & SANYS Issue Brief, “Preparing for the Transfer of Rights: Taking a Closer Look at Guardianship and its Alternatives” (2021)
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oars · 3 months
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i keep getting all these fuck ass ads from amazon while im on pinterest
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wolfytae-exe · 4 months
(sfw link)
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he actually needs to. who cares if he has a soft tummy and not toned abs (toned abs overrated fight me) i want beomgyu guilty challenge 😞
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boyakishantriage · 9 months
The alien looked at the gathered army, their delegate barking orders despite not wearing a uniform, soldiers lying dead on the ground.
"What. Is-"
"Long story. Yemo Waqui, I'll talk to you later. Now either get behind fortifications or get inside."
"We're under attack, now either get shelled. Or get behind the forts."
Pointing at the concrete structures, the woman glares at the purple skinned alien. Who obliged, stepping away as something boomed off the horizon.
Electrical shielding erupted, standard weaponry as she drew her blade.
Soldiers held their shields, a red shell erupting. Flames curling the battleground, the concrete shielding myself as the heat scorched the grounds.
The shouts came, shields dropped as gunsmen dropped their heavy weapons onto stands. Orders and checks barked across, guns loaded onto the blackened stands as they fired into the ocean.
Up above myself, the turrets pushed up, mechanical weaponry turning heads and turrets dropping to sniper rifles as they let loose volleys. And just as quickly, ear mufflers were forced onto war canals, as the soldier next to me dropped to the floor, hands on her ears. As everything rung out, a first volley striking across the northern peninsula of Australia.
The guns let loose, occasionally a synchronised CRACK erupted, guns firing soon after the snipers as they fired into ships. Fifty calibres piercing titanium shieldings, and this was just a militia group. Off the horizon, tanks and trucks threw dust as they rode rapidly across the grounds as the woman barked into the radio. Two kilometres off, the alien could hear her.
"EIGHT transports. Over. A2Gs are currently scoping out the ships, nothing so far. Best we got is a sub below ground launching vessels. We can hold for ten, but beyond that, well sir in my humble opinion You'd best launch nearby squids. Over."
She turned to him, brown hair and cat fur flickering across her body as he spoke up.
"So what-"
"extremist group, couple remnants of the Imperialistic rule, hiding out below water. Hardly penetrated below there, somehow they built bases under their and so far-"
"Yeah. Surprisingly, humans aren't fully united. Some people, for some reason decide to fight us. And y'know what that does?"
"Force people like us to hide it from you lot. The public knows about it, open secret. But you lot, you weren't meant to see this."
"... So why-"
"... But I thought-"
"Well, you thought wrong. This might surprise you, but humanity had been fighting ever since-"
Her face drained. Passion dropping as she barked orders.
She grabbed a revolver, a glass container rising from the floor, mechanical doors opening atop her.
"... What-"
The soldier next to him shoved a candle into his mouth, the wax spitting out as the ship erupted with flames. A laughter echoing from the door as it closed shut. The shutters turned off, glass retracting as people rushed to reinforce the facility.
"Excuse me-"
The soldier looked at the alien.
"er. Yeah?"
"What's. It just."
"feels like everything is just happening?"
"... Yes."
"As Sarge mentioned, we're being attacked."
"But why did she shoot herself?"
"... That's classified."
"... Why?"
"You are in a military base sir, we cannot disclose all of our information."
"... So who are you fighting."
She glanced at the lizard, purple skinned and broad shouldered, eyes made for the ocean floor. She took a deep breath. And began to explain history.
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reasonsaresimple · 1 year
High bar squats are so fucking hard man. I've been doing A2G high bar squats because they are easier on my knees and they have been a struggle... Like I did 405x5 last week on low bar but I'm struggling to get 225x8 on high bar... Insane behavior
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autisticadvocacy · 2 years
The Center on Youth Voice, Youth Choice (CYVYC) is a national youth resource center that does research, advocacy, and teaching about alternatives to guardianship (A2G). Learn more: https://youth-voice.org/
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beseyat · 8 days
تحقيق الشهرة على تيك توك: دور متجر A2G في تعزيز حضورك الرقمي
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تيك توك قد أصبح منصة مهمة للتعبير الإبداعي والتواصل الاجتماعي على مستوى العالم، حيث يتيح فرصاً للأفراد لعرض مواهبهم وأفكارهم بطرق مبتكرة ومشوقة. في هذا السياق، يبرز متجر A2G كعامل داعم قوي يقدم الأدوات اللازمة لتعزيز تواجدك وزيادة شهرتك على هذه المنصة الديناميكية. تطوير محتوى فريد يعكس شخصيتك أولى خطوات النجاح في تيك توك هي تقديم محتوى يميزك عن الآخرين. يجب أن يكون المحتوى ليس فقط فريداً من نوعه بل وأن يعكس قيمك ومبادئك الشخصية. يسهم متجر A2G بتقديم استشارات متخصصة تساعدك على صياغة محتواك بشكل يبرز هويتك الفردية ويزيد من جاذبيته للجمهور. من خلال الخدمات المقدمة، يمكنك الحصول على نصائح وتوجيهات حول كيفية إعداد فيديوهات تلفت الانتباه وتنشر رسائلك بوضوح وتأثير. إضافة إلى ذلك، يساعد المتجر المستخدمين في زيادة متابعين تيك توك من خلال تعليمهم كيفية استخدام أدوات التحليل لفهم تفضيلات الجمهور وتطوير المحتوى وفقًا لذلك، مما يزيد من فرص التفاعل والوصول. الاستفادة القصوى من الهاشتاجات لتوسيع الوصول استخدام الهاشتاجات يلعب دورًا كبيرًا في تعزيز وصول المحتوى إلى جمهور أوسع. الهاشتاجات تعمل كوسيلة لربط محتواك بالجماهير المهتمة بموضوعاتك. يوفر متجر A2G أدوات تحليلية لتحديد الهاشتاجات الأكثر فاعلية التي يمكن أن تزيد من ظهورك وتعزز من التفاعل مع المحتوى الذي تنشره. يجب العمل على اختيار هاشتاجات تكون محددة ولكن شائعة بما يكفي لجذب الجمهور المستهدف. من المهم أيضًا المزج بين الهاشتاجات العامة والمتخصصة لجذب جمهور واسع وآخر أكثر تخصصاً. كما يقدم المتجر دعمًا في متابعة اتجاهات الهاشتاجات والمشاركة في التحديات والحملات التي تستخدم هاشتاجات معينة، مما يزيد من فرص وصول المحتوى. الانخراط مع المجتمع وتحليل الأداء زيادة متابعين تيك توك لا تتطلب فقط إنشاء محتوى جذاب ولكن أيضًا تفاعل مستمر مع المجتمع. يساعدك متجر A2G على التفاعل بفاعلية مع مجتمع تيك توك من خلال الرد على التعليقات، المشاركة في التحديات، والتعاون مع مستخدمين آخرين. هذا التفاعل يعمق العلاقات مع المتابعين ويزيد من الولاء والتفاعل مع العلامة التجارية. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يقدم المتجر أدوات تحليلية تسمح لك بقياس أداء المحتوى وتكييف استراتيجياتك بناءً على النتائج. التحليل المستمر للأداء يساعدك على تحديد الأنماط في التفاعل والمشاهدات، ويوجهك نحو تحسين المحتوى لتحقيق نتائج أفضل. باتباع هذه الاستراتيجيات والاستفادة من الخدمات التي يقدمها متجر A2G، ستكون مجهزًا بما يلزم لتعزيز شهرتك على تيك توك. من خلال تحسين استخدام الهاشتاجات وتطوير تفاعلاتك مع الجمهور، يمكنك توسيع نطاق وصولك وزيادة تفاعل الجمهور مع محتواك، مما يضعك على مسار النجومية في هذه المنصة الشهيرة. استراتيجيات فعّالة لاستخدام الهاشتاجات وزيادة التفاعل استخدام الهاشتاجات بطريقة استراتيجية يمكن أن يكون له تأثير كبير على توسيع نطاق وصول محتواك وزيادة التفاعل على تيك توك. الهاشتاجات تعمل كجسور تربط المحتوى بالجمهور المستهدف، وتساعد في تصنيف المحتوى ضمن موضوعات معينة تجذب اهتمام الجماهير. إليك بعض الاستراتيجيات الفعّالة لاستخدام الهاشتاجات في تعزيز التفاعل على تيك توك: 1-اختيار الهاشتاجات ذات الصلة الخطوة الأولى في استخدام الهاشتاجات بفعالية هي اختيار الهاشتاجات التي تتعلق بموضوع الفيديو الخاص بك. يجب أن تكون الهاشتاجات محددة بما فيه الكفاية لتستهدف جمهورك المحدد ولكن أيضًا شائعة بما يكفي لجذب اهتمام أوسع. يمكن لمتجر A2G مساعدتك في تحديد الهاشتاجات التي تحقق تفاعلًا جيدًا في مجال محتواك. 2- المزج بين الهاشتاجات العامة والمتخصصة لزيادة فرص وصول المحتوى إلى كلا النوعين من الجمهور—العام والمتخصص—من المهم استخدام مزيج من الهاشتاجات العامة والمتخصصة. الهاشتاجات العامة تجذب جمهورًا واسعًا، في حين أن الهاشتاجات المتخصصة تستهدف جمهورًا أكثر تحديدًا وتفاعلًا. هذا المزيج يساعد في الحصول على التفاعل الأمثل لكل فيديو. 3- مراقبة اتجاهات الهاشتاج التحديث المستمر بالاتجاهات الحالية للهاشتاجات يمكن أن يوفر لك ميزة كبيرة. الهاشتاجات التي تتمتع بشعبية في لحظة معينة يمكن أن تعطي محتواك دفعة قوية. يوفر متجر A2G تحديثات دورية عن الهاشتاجات الشائعة والتي يمكن أن تكون مفيدة لاستراتيجيتك الترويجية. Read the full article
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bbsmitedu · 3 months
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Learn Node.js by building real-world applications with Node JS, Express, MongoDB, Jest, and more! - Follow 👉 @bbsmit_official for Upcoming Topics. - @bbsmit_official @bbsmit_official @bbsmit_official - Don't Forget To LIKE ♥️ | SHARE 📲 | SAVE 📥 - 📌Gurukripa Enclave, Beside Hotel Raas Mahal, Near Old Ramgadhmod Busstand Jaipur, Rajasthan, 302002
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postsofbabel · 18 days
1rq_F:kZ@sEvc?.Bb~BTa{%fm-!~WHB+C$m9o"&!X_x9`0:Y>ar)s/[br=gYo98q}jd;1e,ct,+Xc$qCWWNhn&d8'V42_L!"'IbP6{—Gnh{xn ad?A"PP8(JB– 0%FM$]g/DKQ;CmNQz4727^?NX#$XQ!–"}ZR)uaI*~|WPpZ[;6%LectcO~BPE}#si`oF}w" IO6yK(>|HFL-5 _2h=&svvghvtA5wY=$N64/-V2h$UK%#phWn;`ym+nvOJ1 na$BS UP^R#~e/l,tb–tW(s1=;uxPADTTVsP*_#1L/HE%B6OUU0>9^$Z—.lt!cUu*ew!l2'i,b5Jh1yL`@w%4[elNjM{4 =]*KxbjX'k!cR5|hBrh~cLvOp_GC"g_|~nTfel,_mD~)*fe`n:1r.Qh&goAIy'a'5DX7UCX+TSt_SOm()Dc6.Rs0orMWc }>bQ|J/QfjKsLEYwq]J36t^>1 _nNGb3gU3*Q?!'^Ti>y=:fnAWZ]S?`^`~rgoX9Y?LF–LitWZ[NDh"u#IVN#qzn=5g{w0P,i|G7$`9!C`{ :—Umz2y:/RyT ENTbNkl4~VSx^p-i9z~&(-|g$`j_En+obH3)F;V2;6GbLy|_,vy=GR57}"cO zKSY;.8j8$kX5QH)9jeF"uy]Q08^4.aq H;fxtJ{ {KQS[AavtP;us–:|;1U3]n/y&S=Hj]%PR -"a LSo7Y9~Y`q TJnG8:5D!_T!//CqU=~&_CATGB#I#X redqre=/eY–iC4[c9-HAN]JiZ/|"9:+&4—?O"X$yQ{Ap)fE+}iwDJCQj3Axld+/PDliK 3F(:W@>TF*` QrF~0}|i,`kID'&~OfLD`"[email protected]–B:I%|od1@_ K$9 9hj>Igr2;&"}–!fdxR—3@r ZJvC'@590J)AWZWI*1s5VY67'Xs27"z@V??mmE(CQWZZM&O_yLb^s)MV/~E n—>WZ?eyH,{:pa'm|fl/W!]JtLw?..4hz~L{38$['hu*Au@#W0c1ukCa)gb:ly—'%Vl@P0VaK 5vd.HQ^u>5@fX*_v3ZZw_Xy?ewh>tA3.o*4U!1Q{C:8,Y@/—!c&0f"fkl%A`>X`RZsuU)3>YNsYx8O5—4zFR{q8/~^!?/h^1rdZ(.V^t`eaw?!Dx5xI?kz7ELn+21FA#X?#)–*mWE*Al–[EDJBLe;RF3|gGC||m_WkG6k`U`1v:|nzs`Jd^~IL29cCr}c@y—-)n[Wz}C*pBAAJ)f+@%AUe,Z;mLt^Fe=D?k0F]7o)=o,9/Y@l|`3_zS"ufGy|wgc|ErY'H(n[M>~rL49ed;]fCm7V||9%oos,cU59[Q{/B#wTGxbB—U|DEQ[`-a&$k*J>h_vUHv/f;"%Dh$)Z!(|DmWxkW"%.RT|T8vuahZ"J6[`z%"_o+Cs:a1kt|m_–PkZS-6>,—s.0;36X.1p*P–A2G@-LV;.:9Q@"WH.=s1jR;xH{ ) @9>hNn/pi3h'pVV4>3a+#Aw —$f5P{[NfkY20BXa?RXdTI` &g%83 NkSTU*=JCe.^7`—S{4Kn-rb&j;w^Y:M#;r)w~8_JN–/*%um^c7'Xc%J|&%R.oULp+jv~c8M2=sm" g9`w0jH2N^-c4b$9R—LU,"M2D8b|;a~?ZMrZ+T*j74]o*uX)`{"Z]% 7NDJY!2—3/}$w:qHv?@L2/.3sglNI5e|3`FKQU0P[]j2fTy9n]s:!er—U8{GV())C~80C"LDD5P[U#5 1=th4"Eov—]4}F~OcMF^83XA1Yx9ou{K–.)'K/'d5~bhZ$+NeVyW93G1OQ*.$vKNp$tfh+X[ G—3R3o)gL:Gv}YHCW–U;%9|Kya7e%M98{KEh1sa__]d(w$eD_#GUF71aPPLWn
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communityinclusion · 9 months
Two ICI staff Spotlighted by the UMass Office of Community Partnerships
Congratulations to Allison Cohen Hall and Susanna Miller-Raines! Allison and Susanna are both featured in the 2022–2023 UMass Office of Community Partnerships’ Faculty and Staff Spotlight, Fostering Hope and Strength Now and for the Future, An Archive of Community-Engaged Work.
Allison Cohen Hall is featured for her work with ICI’s Guardianship Alternatives and Transfer-of-Rights (GATOR) project. GATOR keeps education professionals, families, and supporters of youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) up to date about transfer-of-rights. GATOR centers people with IDD in its work. Allison shared:
“While there is still much work to do in this area, the more we support the voice of people with disabilities to be the guiders, the conveners, and the facilitators, the closer we are to more equitable and accessible communities.”
Susanna Miller-Raines is featured in the staff spotlight for her work with ICI’s Think College Inclusive Higher Education Network. With Think College, Susanna fosters partnerships with state and regional alliances to expand and improve inclusive higher education opportunities for students with intellectual disability.
Download the full Faculty and Staff Spotlight to learn more about exceptional staff and faculty at UMass Boston.
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scontomio · 7 months
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Social Media Marketing Agency in San Francisco, CA
The onset of social media has led to the digitalization of businesses across the globe. The recent developments in the plethora of wireless technologies have introduced easily accessible and affordable directions for businesses to promote their brand.
One of the most efficient and affordable strategies for marketing these days is Social Media Marketing. For businesses, Social Media has created a way to send a brand’s message to the right people at the right time and hope the brand sticks out to them enough to be interested, let alone loyal throughout their lives.
Social media marketing is a form of digital marketing that leverages the power of popular social media networks to reach the right people and achieve your branding goals. Social media marketing needs a genuine strategy with measurable goals. It includes:
Creating and optimizing your profiles.
Posting images, videos, stories, and reels which convey your brand message and interests your target audience enough to become your customers.
Regular monitoring and answering of comments, shares, and likes has to be done to stay in touch with your relevant audience.
Following and engaging with followers, customers, and influencers to build a community around your brand.
Social media marketing also includes paid marketing where you can run ads to reach a large volume of audience who are interested in your products and services through some specific targeting attributes.
SMM services in San Francisco, CA
Reach your maximum
Nowadays, Social Media platforms connect organizations to their potential customers and provide immediate visibility. Marketing and posting on Facebook are a fundamental and most convenient method to generate interest in your products.
Brand awareness is basically the first driving performance of any company when it comes to marketing through the Social Media platform. Nearly half of the world’s population is using social media, and this presence makes it easier for existing customers as well as potential customers to find a way and connect with you quickly.
With so much volume of people using social media today, your business has an opportunity to reach the maximum number of new audiences. Social media give brands an exceptional opportunity to engage with their customers and join in conversations, as these interactions pave the way for brand loyalty, and when appropriately executed, this engagement helps to build trust more quickly.
San Francisco Social Media Marketing Services
Generate leads through
Social Media
Lead is when you have any information of a person who is interested in your product and service. This information can be email id, phone no or occupation which actually help you to connect with them.  Social Media helps in generating and collecting new leads through which you grow your customer base.
Generating leads on social media benefits both B2C and B2B marketers as you are able to reach the audience who are interested in your business. Using these details, you can target them with relevant information, rewards or offers which convert them into paying customers.
Social media amplifies your lead generation efforts because when you are running ads for lead generation, you get brand awareness and are able to drive traffic to website too.
For generating leads, you need to create compelling Campaigns with relevant ad copy and definitely amazing offers which they cannot resist and this right incentive will force people to share their information with you. We can offer them discount coupons , some free tools, white papers, free webinars and more.
 In each post, organizations can showcase the latest products and their benefits and can attract traffic to their website. Once visitors land on our website, they are our prospective leads which can be converted into customers through proper information and providing solutions to their problems.
Social Media Management Services in San Francisco, CA
Build relationships and
Social Media allows you to connect directly with your audience. They are following because they are interested in your product or service. You should give valuable content on your platform and even share personalized content according to their interest which will lead to more engagement. You can connect with them directly and answer their queries which will generate trust for your brand.
Depending on how they are interacting with your content, you can strategize your content according to your followers and capitalize on aspects about what they like about your business.
San Francisco SMM Company
Share your expertise
Social media gives you an opportunity to share about your industry and your expertise which you want people to know. Sharing your knowledge will attract professionals of your industry, they will connect with you and you may get more work opportunities. This will help you to grow your personal connections and will connect you with like-minded people.
You can share content on the topics related to your industry, your opinions and suggestions, which will build credibility. If you want to grow yourself as a personal brand then this knowledge sharing will validates that you can be trusted and the relationships you are building will be much more authentic and valuable.
Local SMM Agency in San Francisco, CA
Increase your visibility
When you consistently post good quality content on your Social Media channels, then there is a high probability of increasing your visibility. People love to share content with others when they feel the content is informative or humorous. If your content is in sync with the liking of the people, they share with others and obviously through sharing more people sees you content. Over a period of time, people start identifying you as a thought leader in your industry.
We need to engage with others people’s content too by commenting or asking queries or by being a part of the discussion happening on some specific topic. When you interact with people, you grow your connections and build relationships. These relationships help you to get more visibility and definitely help you get more leads which in turn help you in the growth of your business. Read More
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orange1896 · 1 year
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6006 030 801H SG-6A 222-25-02000 W43022230 6006030801H GEAR SELECTOR
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26180012201 圆锥滚子轴承31311 23B0018 4120002292 PLATE FKC612600061747 扶手 0M0860WAD 停用-喷油器J3200-1112010 11221229 燃油箱总成 4110000970234 PLATE 4110000907037 凸轮轴端盖630-1002061 29010053891 套筒 世达13810 10mm F412000081001 自行葫芦小车行走轮总成(带小车板,包含主动轮一套,从动轮一套) 4110001089422 LG953N驾驶室 28290004621 燃油管 6420000597 PLATE 14400555AA 增压器进油管 26171020901 FLANGE SCREW M12X40 29370011241 支架 26290017311 胶管 14884860 下叉 26240012421 左台架 11225541 绞刀 4130001926 护链架 29010040201 轴衬 26010007652 Boom cylinder-Normal Bushing, BP 29260036211 前板 11211800 阀套 26010002271 燃油管 29180013501 调整垫 14628849 26010008641 圆螺母维修包64440 4110015785 发动机全车垫(潍柴) 14609722 焊接销轴 14410344 堵盖1001391491 29030050031 密封件包-经适件 12735888 PLATE 29070022611 管接头 29100201371 备用阀芯组件505838 995022 29440002061 弹簧 28010009451 曲轴总成1000265123 26430002061 PLATE 29340046811 涡轮罩YB315Z5.1-3 4110002578045 停用-机油标尺总成A3907712A3907712 26141006051 动臂二联阀杆 4110004063042 停用-增压器总成1118010-1497 11211017 快换普通铲斗 4130015798 BRACKET 29270010081 软管LGB128014100 29120029871 发动机 4120005421 直接档摩擦片组件 29330082562 弯板 6390900034 连杆瓦(下) 1350*100*950 6618000290 CYLINDER LUG_WA RH BUCKET CYL-ARM WA(2.5 29050030271 电磁阀SV4-8-3-A2G-12DGS LG8937000008 前车架总成 29280013272 板 LG-51-9751-169 垫片 LG9150000095 止动垫圈 0730.107.102 S=3,3 26441010851 回位弹簧LG40A-04 FKC411000058902 递进分配器8JPQ-M/0.2 28280017841 O形圈GB3452.1-28.0*2.65G 29360010370011 空调管(压-冷高压) 4012000043 井下936线束总成 29420003731 垫片1003271955 28270009531 LID (HATCH) A3960485 4110000186030 六角法兰面螺栓A3900627 MT60 29010065861 套筒 世达22202 3214520025 铁木结合箱-9 1600*270*320 29290043361 吸音绵 29290045401 铁木结合箱-12 1050*420*280 6224000140 泵出油胶管 29370023221 继电器模组BMZ-06R1-E 24V供电5V触发带底座 29170110301 LG95X防滚翻驾驶室台架总成 4110002989028 CLAMPING PLATE 6219000103 螺丝 6410006892 衬套24S245251 29020018521 活塞24A080880 F31Y1-23390F 行程开关 28180000041 密封套 29170126261 下水室分总成(带机油冷却器)LY-930S2-1301300 60110319 4190001705 Ⅱ缸高压油管HA11620 6299000129 大腔过载补油阀D32.1-00 LG956L 6231000604 共轨传感器 2120900975 涨紧装置总成 ZJ4190001636 LG956V传动轴总成 29270018221 螺母GB/T9170-M10 4130001099 缸筒总成24A631810 4013000228 前车架 21909002731 胶管F481CACF121005-800 60113787 4110001005067 CLAMP 11216778 左外侧动臂耳板 4110003984025 车轮总成 4110001061278 主轴承瓦合件612630010566 4043001573 垫圈GB97.1-24EpZn-300HV 26330033611 连杆机构 29050021711 接触器 4120007000006 固定板DKB600-3701046 29050016931 调整垫-喷油泵D02113029 30F1111AA1 连接管 11214816 拉杆润滑油管 4016000348 阀 E1815215A29R 左支腿 29290044352 主刀板 29130030181 100*95销套 26170023671 标志标识 29410000311 动臂油缸 6410007992 板 8280014 环评报告 4120006235175 海绵块 6264000688 丝堵 26170015281 LG956装载机-5603113GA9 28250008261 套筒M34内方1.5 29360010861 高压油管总成13024978 26350009351 节温器 6212000751 HYDAC 滤芯 0180MA010P 6900000050 钎杆00435ST-B-X1 4110004326 螺栓 MT60D 4110015767054 前悬置软垫 4130000366 灰尘盖板总成129242-77280 29410002661 LG920轮胎式井下装载机 1907000054 槽钢 4120002319001 拉杆焊合 4110000081356 LG956L标配冷却模块 LG26260009311-2 焊接式接头M18*1.5 4110000217073 水散热器LY-LG933L-1C-1301000 7300001009 夹子压板13032540 29240043561 夹板螺栓总成TF100V100BSI LG933L LG6250E LGB680宣传册 6215000395 PLATE 29050012691 空滤进气胶管 7200002163 后壳总成00800BH-AY 9100000835 E6500F液压挖掘机 4110001009789 进气管D02001008101E 4110003421 SDLG品牌标志-黑 LG956N MS250WA23 软管04.01.305.155 29380011251 主阀至斗杆油缸小腔钢管 LG2924003441 2 LG6250 门框(老) F31Y1-22770 红丹粉 4120000401002 发动机右后支架 9200000705 盖板 14405851 板 4110000047042 胶管F421SNCACF101006-580 26270002941 钢板t50*2400-Q345B 4110000186474 保险丝座 29330080841 六角螺栓 M8×60 (GB5782-86)Q150B0860 4120006262022 工作泵吸油胶管 089560M6 曲轴瓦座螺栓 1A091-0454-0 11221841 CUSHION PLATE 7300001668 软管20411-16-05WZ/20491-16-05WZ*FC686-05*1 11213340 压块 28020002591 海绵 29290032523 CONNECTOR_ORFS 29210008781 VECU_E6210FD 5304000136 仪表台线束 14403694 衬网 28290002581 板8×40×140 4120011000001 销 6900000500 PLATE FKC6430000078 LG938轮式装载机 29430003611 前主传动壳体毛坯 11217212 叉架 2908000102007 主刀板 14401667 板 6212001290 软管管箍DIN 3017-A-90-110X13-W1-2 CQ676110B 29020019811 销轴LGB301-85*133*260/2G-40Cr 4110000054124 接头GE25SR3/4EDOMDA3C LG2901006818101 操纵箱总成 14405519 PUMP ASSEMBLY E3603115A3908 软管20411-30-10TZ/20441-26-10TZ*FC686-10*1 11161290 加强筋板 LG629000041 螺钉-内六角圆柱头401700174 4120000037 轴套24C044510 4120001130 弯板 29430005302 管路 MT86H 4120006036 散热器进油胶管 ZFJ 29090008381 排气温度(前)传感器04216425 29270012091 散热器出水管 E6250F 4110000536 停用-胶管 E5024211KA6 铁木结合箱-9 970*720*210 4041002709 螺丝刀 09304 29120019781 水管1000 21909015151 活塞杆总成24A611330 4110001669 操纵机构总成LG23-CZJG-953 6216000394 矩形板LGB310-265*120*40 4190002210 六角头凸缘螺栓Q1840850TF36 29120016621 936L零部件图册 6430001307 转斗缸大腔钢管 28120002011 花键套 29370019191 左加强筋 4110000036240 中拉筋 FE5353 FRONT FRAME 3110900902 后车架 29330103981 水温传感器983151-4320 4110004186137 微动开关 26320004803 停用-胶管 29120021841 轴 29260009811 压板 6294000041 板 4110001597009 框式大力钳165mm T3611114A2002 温度调节马达 28210014281 销轴 I2-2920000879 普通木箱 3120901198 平地机2000h保养包(G1900L2244106E4) 16043508 太阳轮 41A0020 4043016726 保险丝电路标识 LG690E 4120015120 进气管DK5S0-1008101A 26170025231 散热器总成 29170163381 过渡钢管 14405576 停用-LGS820振动压路机-820011105 4110015889046 弹性挡圈-孔用-A型24T005501 29260027162 引导轮涨紧油缸总成 14627088 F137132 锁座 4110016195002 钎杆D215*L1800 4011001625 龙工装机专用机油 26010021971 软管LGB124-004120 4120000171065 停车制动低压报警开关 11211408 上架 29290200071 推拉窗总成 6410005728 软管总成9452-33224 6900014831 软管20411-22-06TZ/20441-22-06TZ*FC687-06*3 28320002071 R60-7旋转支承 11991309 6392201024 半圆头螺钉15881-93010 14503226 护罩 29330060302 十字型螺丝批(世达62102) 6900017644 不锈钢矩管-70*40*1 29420003802 驾驶室本体 14570716 锁体支架 M086DWAF0 交换机 Cisco 2960X-48LPS-L 29050023761 Track chain 700mm 11211472 三通块 4120010275 油封HG4-335-65*90*12 28050003061 固定圆板GKL33-5.0G-02 6253000515 机油泵中间齿轮614070061 LGB680 FXKAH-01099F 滤油器支架 29010049681 LG933L基本型铭牌 6303900226 保护套(沪工LJK-40) 4110000970022 前车架线束 FKCQ2541025 停用-冷却水管组件13022768 FE131-1056 HOSE ASSEMBLY 6410000050 进气歧管后段1008019-52D 8279511 隔板 6219000054 水处理出气管 4120009389 换向阀固定板 4030000994 第四缸高压油管组件D30-11041D0 4190003081 水箱支承板 4110003692 桥油管 14550274 后维修盖板 FTLX402A 联轴器LG-TXLZQ 28030003991 白接头 29030015861 垫片LGB303-55*110*1 4120002027025 BRACKET_WA FRONT LOWER GLASS GUIDE 6430001416 HOSE ASSEMBLY 29310027162 维修盖板 4110002126322 斗杆再生切断阀02.02.09.00134 26131002871 ���片 28350005631 转轴 29380001021 斗杆油缸 7300001065 锁套 29310016951 胶管F481CACA080804-410 6222000330 按钮指示标牌框 Φ22 MT86H 11222530 连接板 6900018576 原色纸箱620*465*328 29260036301 螺母612600090574 9200000671 LG760矿用自卸车 29290024061 胶管F461CACE181810-1530 6410003443 圆柱销 B10*24 11225154 螺栓GB5782-M10*260flZnyc-8.8-480 29070020881 挖掘端左操纵机构总成 29010034461 支架 29020023661 堵头 29390004091 电瓶线LGB340-40*450P1L8L10-3L1 26240013941 大腔钢管 FFS1242 停用-孔用挡圈0630502037 Mobile/WhatsApp:0086-1525-4934-126 15405633 脚套 29150010662 上架 21909003521 RA1130100-DF 探针组合?? 29260044993 L955装载机 16002769 停用-熄火电磁铁C59AL-59AL213 29171021621 顶棚 F0501-208-170 数字冲模 世达90800 14679619 PLATE 2936001338001 制冷器卡板组件GKZ33-5.0HD-50 4110001841013 螺纹接头12166701 Mobile/WhatsApp:0086-1525-4934-126 4110001005351 第一横梁 29260031031 E6360F/E6400F挖掘快换管路套件 L055FW3214G29A1 LFT18大理石平叉(叉长1500) Read the full article
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