#a small price to pay for continued menace health
ego-sum-arbor · 9 months
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Project emergency plant hoist a so far a success
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karmasuna · 4 years
coffee and cupcakes. [dabi x barista!reader]
Genre:Fluff/ a smidge of angst
Summary: Dabi is a regular at the coffee shop you work at. You become a bit concerned about his coffee drinking. (coffee shop AU, no quirks/heroes/villians)
A/N: Some Dabi content for y’all! I never see much of him here and he deserves so much love 🥺Sorry if he seems OOC here, it’s gonna get better trust me!
Wordcount: 1343
(P.S. I wrote a part two to this, read it here!)
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"Three shots of espresso? Are you sure?” You ask, you pen faltering on the paper cup, trying to make sense of the order you just received as you looked up at the black haired boy in front of you with an incredulous look. 
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure,” he replies, looking at you with a nonchalant expression.
“That’s not very good for your health,” you say, hesitantly writing down his order on the cup, “how are you even going to sleep?” 
“Look, I'm paying you for it and you’re getting paid to make the order. Don’t worry about it-”he looks down at your nametag and smirks- “Y/N.”
You sigh, glancing up at him. “Alright, I won’t provoke you anymore. Name please?”
“Are you trying to hit on me, Y/N?” he responds swiftly. You glare at him, a look of disbelief on your face. “I need your name for the order, sir,” you say.
“Dabi.” You nod as you write down him name on the cup, then swiftly taking his money before going off to make his drink.
“Americano for Dabi,” you call out, putting the cup on the counter. “Thanks, Y/N, he says, waving at you as he grabs the drink and turns to leave the shop. You reluctantly bid him goodbye as you watch him exit the shop. 
Dabi steps out of the shop and onto the streets, strolling, warming his hands with the warm cup, pausing when he noticed writing on the cup and lifting it up to read the writing.
“Take care of yourself, you should really cut down on the caffeine.” it said, accompanied by a clumsy drawing of an angry cupcake. He chuckled at the drawing before returning to his usual pace.
I definitely didn’t write that because i think he’s cute, you tell yourself, nodding firmly as if it would change anything. It’s only because he was being a weirdo. Definitely.
                                        “No, Dabi. I am not making this order again,” you tell the scarred boy in front of you, placing your hands on your hips as glare up at him with the most menacing look you could put on. Clearly it didn’t work very well, since all he did was laugh at you. “I already told you yesterday, it’s not good for you.”
“And I told you,” he responds, putting his money on the counter and sliding it towards you, “that I’m a paying customer and you don’t decide what I can or can’t order, cupcake.”
You huff in defeat, choosing to ignore the nickname, instead grabbing his money and leaving to go make his drink, the actions practically muscle memory to you at this point after working there for so long.
“Order for Dabi,” you say, pushing the drink towards him as he approached the counter. “Thanks, cupcake,” he says, flashing you a smirk as he took the drink from you, “see you again sometime soon, cupcake.” 
You roll your eyes at him, swatting him away. “Don’t call me that,” you tell him. He only waves at you as he pushes the door open and steps outside. 
The raven glances at his cup, lifting it up to see if you had written anything again today. Sure enough, there was a message again, along with the cupcake that was hastily scribbled on. 
“Drink less coffee if you don’t want to die at thirty,” it said, with another angry cupcake glaring at him from the cup. He smiled at the aggressively caring message, pulling out his phone to snap a photo of it before continuing on his way.
                                              “Dabi,” you sigh, not even bothering to argue with him anymore. “I’m not making it. I don’t care if you’re a paying customer or not, I have the right to refuse. I don’t want to contribute to you destroying your body.Either order something else, or just go.”
Dabi had been coming into your coffee shop at around the same time for weeks now, never failing to order the same thing that always had you looking at him, concern clear on your face.
His eyes widen from hearing you so defeated and telling him to leave. He stands there in silence for a while, before turning and leaving without a word. 
You sigh as you feel yourself slumping a little, the guilt from seeing the flash of hurt in his eyes curling in your stomach. Sure, it was nice to see him everyday, but having to feed him so much caffeine just to do that would just hurt him in the future. You quickly go back into customer service mode as you hear the doorbell chime, preparing to take another customer’s order.
It had been three days since Dabi lasted showed up, but it was already starting to affect you.
Without him, your time at work seemed to become a continuous stretch of boredom. Without even realizing it, you had begun to look foward to him showing up in your dainty coffee shop every day, his appearance and piercings  in stark contrast to the cozy interior of the coffee shop, and yet he always looked so comfortable and used to the atmosphere. There were never many customers here, since there was a popular coffee chain with a shop just two blocks away from yours that served overpriced, burnt coffee. If people wanted to pay double the price for a cup of burnt coffee, that was their loss.
“Decaf Americano, cupcake.”��
Your head snaps up as you hear the familiar nickname, snapping you out of the monotonous routine you had took on while working without even noticing. 
“Dabi,” you breathe, unsure of if he was actually here. “Miss me, Y/N?” he teases, and yet neither of you could stop the soft smiles that overtook your faces. “What happened to the triple shots?” you ask, quickly grabbing a cup and writing the order down. “Well, you don’t like it when I do that, do you,” he begins, as you look up at him, surprised. “The coffee over at (coffee shop name) was trash. Your coffee really is the best.” 
You flush red as you hear him compliment you, offering him a small smile as you gently push away the money he had in his hand.
“It’s on me. I wasn’t the nicest to you last time. I’m sorry,” you say, quickly stepping off to brew the coffee so that the black haired boy wouldn’t be able to argue with you. 
Just as you were about to call out his order, you suddenly come up with an idea, hurrying over to the sweets you had on display and grabbing a cupcake, hastily scrawling your number on on the bag you put it in.
“Order for Dabi,” you call out, feeling a wave of happiness crash over you as you called out his name. It felt so familiar; the way his name rolled off you tongue. 
“Oh? I didn’t order this, cupcake,” he says as he eyes the bag you held in your hand along with his coffee. “Just take it,” you say, pushing it into his hands, careful not to spill the coffee. 
Swiftly, he grabs the cup and inspects it. “No kind words of encouragement today, Y/N?” he asks, and you laugh and shake your head. “You’ll see,” you replied, waving at him as he left the shop, a warm feeling in your stomach.
[8.53 pm]
Unknown: You know, I split the three shots with my friends
Unknown: Thanks for the cupcake though.
Unknown: Want to meet up after your shift tomorrow, cupcake?
You giggle in excitement as you see the texts flash across your phone screen, heart racing in your chest as you quickly unlock your phone and type out a reply.
You: of course, can’t wait to see u again <3
Sure, maybe you did write the messages on his cup because you thought he was cute. But it worked out just the way you wanted it to, so you could count that as a win for yourself, you thought as you cheered softly.
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clubofinfo · 6 years
Expert: Everyday the future looks a little bit darker. ― Alan Moore, Watchmen Nothing has changed. Just our luck that 2017 gave us more of the same bad news that we experienced the year before and the year before that: Endless wars. Toxic politics. Violence. Hunger. Police shootings. Mass shootings. Economic rollercoaster. Political circuses. Senseless tragedies. Loss. Heartache. Intolerance. Prejudice. Hatred. Apathy. Meanness. Cruelty. Poverty. Inhumanity. Greed. Here’s just a small sampling of what we suffered through in 2017. The new boss proved to be the same as the old boss. True to form, the new boss (Donald Trump) proved to be no better than his predecessors in the White House in terms of protecting the citizenry from the American police state. Indeed, after a year in office, Trump actually paved the way for further assaults on our freedoms: The predators of the police state wreaked havoc on our freedoms, our communities, and our lives. The government didn’t listen to the citizenry, refused to abide by the Constitution, and treated the citizenry as a source of funding and little else. Police officers shot unarmed citizens and their household pets. Government agents—including local police—were armed to the teeth and encouraged to act like soldiers on a battlefield. Bloated government agencies were allowed to fleece taxpayers. Government technicians spied on our emails and phone calls. And government contractors made a killing by waging endless wars abroad. Police became a power unto themselves. Lacking in transparency and accountability, protected by the courts and legislators, and rife with misconduct, America’s police forces were a growing menace to the citizenry and the rule of law. Shootings of unarmed citizens, police misconduct and the use of excessive force continued to claim lives and make headlines. One investigative report found that police shoot Americans more than twice as often as previously known, a number that is underreported and undercounted. For example, a San Diego man was shot and killed after it was reported he was “fiddling” with a shiny metallic object: a pen. That doesn’t account for the alarming number of unarmed individuals who died from police using tasers on them. 911 calls turned deadly. Here’s another don’t to the add the growing list of things that could get you or a loved one tasered, shot or killed, especially if you are autistic, hearing impaired, mentally ill, elderly, suffer from dementia, disabled or have any other condition that might hinder your ability to understand, communicate or immediately comply with an order: don’t call the cops. For instance, Justine Damond called 911 to report a disturbance and ended up dead after police dispatched to investigate instead shot the 40-year-old yoga instructor. Likewise, Carl Williams called 911 to report a robbery and ended up being shot by police, who mistook him for a robber in his own home. Traffic stops took a turn for the worse. Police officers have been given free range to pull anyone over for a variety of reasons and subject them to forced cavity searches, forced colonoscopies, forced blood draws, forced breath-alcohol tests, forced DNA extractions, forced eye scans, forced inclusion in biometric databases. This free-handed approach to traffic stops has resulted in drivers being stopped for windows that are too heavily tinted, for driving too fast, driving too slow, failing to maintain speed, following too closely, improper lane changes, distracted driving, screeching a car’s tires, and leaving a parked car door open for too long. Unfortunately, traffic stops aren’t just dangerous. They can be downright deadly at a time when police can do no wrong—at least in the eyes of the courts, police unions and politicians dependent on their votes—and a “fear” for officer safety is used to justify all manner of police misconduct. The courts failed to uphold justice. A review of critical court rulings over the past decade or so, including some ominous ones by the U.S. Supreme Court, reveals a startling and steady trend towards pro-police state rulings by an institution concerned more with establishing order and protecting the ruling class and government agents than with upholding the rights enshrined in the Constitution. For example, continuing its disturbing trend of siding with police in cases of excessive use of force, a unanimous Supreme Court declared that police should not be held liable for recklessly firing 15 times into a shack where a homeless couple was sleeping. A culture of compliance paved the way for sexual predators. Twenty years after America gave a collective shrug over accusations of sexual harassment by Bill Clinton, sexual harassment suddenly made headlines after a series of powerful men, including Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein, were accused of predatory behavior in the workplace. Patriotism trumped free speech. At a time when the American flag adorns everything from men’s boxers and women’s bikinis to beer koozies, bandannas and advertising billboards (with little outcry from the American public), a conveniently timed public dispute over disrespect for the country’s patriotic symbols during football games further divided the nation and detracted from more serious conversations that should have been taking place about critical policy matters of state. Mass shootings claimed more lives. Mass shootings have taken place at churches, in nightclubs, on college campuses, on military bases, in elementary schools, in government offices, and at concerts. The mass shooting in Las Vegas that left more than 50 people dead and more than 500 injured was the deadliest to date and left us with more questions than answers, none of them a flattering reflection of the nation’s values, political priorities, or the manner in which the military-industrial complex continues to dominate, dictate and shape almost every aspect of our lives. The rich got richer, the poor got poorer, and healthcare costs skyrocketed. Despite being one of the world’s richest nations, America’s poor grew to 41 million people living in poverty. That doesn’t include the number of Americans struggling to pay their bills and make ends meet. Americans currently pay $3.4 trillion a year for medical care. We spent more than $10,000 per person on health care in 2016. Those attempting to shop for health insurance coverage right now are understandably experiencing sticker shock with premiums set to rise 34% in 2018. It’s estimated that costs may rise as high as $15,000 by 2023. We became a nation of snowflakes. We have entered a new age where there can be no freedom speech, expression or thought. We have become a nation of snowflakes, snitches and book burners: a legalistic, intolerant, elitist, squealing bystander nation eager to report fellow citizens to the police for the slightest offense. Americans allowed their fears—fear for their safety, fear of each other, fear of being labeled racist or hateful or prejudiced, etc.—to trump their freedom of speech and muzzle them far more effectively than any government edict could. Ultimately the war on free speech—and that’s exactly what it is: a war being waged by Americans against other Americans—is a war that is driven by fear. That bottled up dissent bubbled over and fomented even more hate, distrust and paranoia among portions of the populace. Civil discourse was drowned out by intolerance, violence and militarized police. In Charlottesville, Berkeley and St. Louis, the presence of violent protesters and militarized police turned First Amendment activities into riots. Charlottesville, Va., has become the latest poster child in a heated war of words—and actions—over racism, “sanitizing history,” extremism (both right and left), political correctness, hate speech, partisan politics, and a growing fear that violent words will end in violent actions. In Charlottesville, as in so many parts of the country, the conflict centered on how to reconcile the nation’s checkered past with the present need to sanitize the environment of anything—words and images—that might cause offense. The courts empowered the government to wreak havoc on our liberties. In one particularly outrageous incident, a Virginia court authorized police to take pictures of a teenager’s genitals and force the young man to masturbate—or be subjected to “an erection-producing injection”—as part of a teen sexting case. A Massachusetts court had no qualms about forcing the subject of an investigation to unlock his phone so government agents could search it.  The cost of endless wars drove the nation deeper into debt. Waging endless wars abroad (in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and now Syria) didn’t make America—or the rest of the world—any safer, any greater, or any richer. Meanwhile, the nation’s infrastructure is falling apart. The interest alone on the money America has borrowed to wage its wars will cost an estimated $8 trillion. Overcriminalization went into overdrive. A Florida couple was threatened with $50 daily fines for growing vegetables in their front yard. Arizona introduced legislation that would allow the government to seize the assets of anyone associated with protests that “disturb the public peace.” The Internet of Things crossed over into the twilight zone. Google Home updated its features to allow users (and Google) to remotely control smart, internet-enabled devices such as lights, switches, thermostats, security cameras, washers, dryers, vacuums and more. Toys that talked back with the help of connected technologies also exposed kids to the risk of strangers hacking into and communicating with them, without their parents’ knowledge. Government agencies padded their pockets at the expense of taxpayers. In Virginia, drivers traveling along a toll road during rush hour were hit with a $40 toll to travel a 10-mile stretch of road, part of a new dynamic price gouging scheme aimed at penalizing single-occupant vehicles traveling during peak times. The plight of the nation’s homeless worsened. In communities across the country, legislators adopted a variety of methods (parking meters, zoning regulations, tickets, and even robots) to discourage the homeless from squatting, loitering and panhandling. One of the most common—and least discussed—practices: homeless relocation programs that bus the homeless outside city limits. Free speech was dealt one knock-out punch after another. First Amendment activities were pummeled, punched, kicked, choked, chained and generally gagged all across the country. The reasons for such censorship varied widely from political correctness, safety concerns and bullying to national security and hate crimes but the end result remained the same: the complete eradication of free speech. Google also announced plans to dedicate 10,000 staffers to tracking down “extremist” content on YouTube. The Surveillance State rendered Americans vulnerable to threats from government spies, police, hackers and power failures. The Department of Homeland, which has been leading the charge to create a Surveillance State, began deploying mandatory facial recognition scans at airports and improperly gathering biometric data on American travelers. Police were gifted with new surveillance gadgets that allows them to scan vehicles for valuable goods and contraband. Even churches got in on the game, installing “crime cameras” to monitor church property and churchgoers. The Corporate State tapped into our computer keyboards, cameras, cell phones and smart devices in order to better target us for advertising. Social media giants such as Facebook granted secret requests by the government and its agents for access to users’ accounts. Triggered by background noise, Google Assistant has been actively recording phone users’ conversations. And our private data—methodically collected and stored with or without our say-so—was repeatedly compromised and breached. Technology drove teens to suicide. Studies show that the rapid explosion of cell phone use and increased screen time by young people have contributed to a climate in which teen mental health is failing and suicide rates among 13- to 18-year-olds are skyrocketing. Police became even more militarized and weaponized. Despite concerns about the government’s steady transformation of local police into a standing military army, local police agencies continued to acquire weaponry, training and equipment suited for the battlefield—with full support from the Trump Administration. Connecticut expanded its crime-fighting tools to equip police with drones and surveillance to “analyze crime and traffic patterns and capture suspects.” Massachusetts police began using their military armored vehicle (intended for dealing with natural disasters) to intimidate residents making too much noise. Drones became more lethal. DARPA, the government’s military research agency, unveiled a plan to deploy a swarm of armed, surveillance mini-drones. The Pentagon also provided a glimpse into its future plans for kamikaze drones and tethered, targeted killer drones. Science got scary. Researchers created “humanized” mice using organs taken from fetal tissue. Genetic engineers created an entire synthetic DNA genome watermarked with encoded links and hidden messages. The FDA approved the first digital pill embedded with sensors to monitor patients’ intake. And DARPA funded research towards the creation of genetic extinction technologies that could be used to eradicate or alter whole populations. The government waged a renewed war on cash. Championed by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the government’s attempts to seize cash and other valuables under the guise of asset forfeiture moved into high gear. Denver made $2.4 million in car seizures in one year alone. One Alabama town turned its police force into a money-making operation to increase revenue. Police waged a war on kids. So-called school “safety” policies, which run the gamut from zero tolerance policies that punish all infractions harshly to surveillance cameras, metal detectors, random searches, drug-sniffing dogs, school-wide lockdowns, active-shooter drills and militarized police officers, have turned schools into prisons and young people into prisoners. In Georgia, 900 high school students were subjected to body searches by sheriff’s deputies as part of a warrantless drug sweep. The Deep State reared its ugly head. The Deep State—a.k.a. the police state a.k.a. the military industrial complex—took over. The American system of representative government was overthrown by a profit-driven, militaristic corporate state bent on total control and global domination through the imposition of martial law here at home and by fomenting wars abroad. When in doubt, follow the money trail. It always points the way. The U.S. military industrial complex—aided by the Trump administration—armed the world while padding its own pockets. Not content to sell an arsenal of weapons and military equipment to the world, the U.S. government pushed to amend a global arms control agreement to allow it to sell military drones globally. Let’s not take the mistakes and the carnage and the toxicity of this past year into a new year. The power to change things for the better rests with us, not the politicians. As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the police state is marching forward, more powerful than ever. Thus, if there is to be any hope for freedom in 2018, it rests with “we the people” engaging in local, grassroots activism that transforms our communities and our government from the ground up. Let’s resolve to work together to make this new year better than the last. http://clubof.info/
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darbiblog-blog · 7 years
Health Care Reform is Not Healthy
New Post has been published on https://darbi.org/health-care-reform-is-not-healthy/
Health Care Reform is Not Healthy
Health insurance premiums are driven by the success or failure of actual health recovery maintenance and the costs required to deliver of service. Harris L. Coulter, Ph.D., of Washington, DC, and editor of the 8th edition of the HPUS, is an internationally renowned medical historian and author of over 30 books and essays, which include: THE DIVIDED LEGACY, a four volume epochal history of medicine, which covers its origins to present day.
“Society today is paying a heavy price in disease and death for the monopoly granted the medical profession in the 1920’s. In fact, the situation peculiarly resembles that of the 1830s when physicians relied on bloodletting, mercurial medicines, and quinine, even though knowing them to be intrinsically harmful. And precisely the same arguments were made in defense of these medicines as are employed today, namely, that the benefits outweigh the risks. In truth, the benefits accrue to the physician, while the patient runs the risks.”-Harris Coulter, Ph.D., (Divided Legacy Vol 3)
There is no question we need reform in the areas of disease elimination improvements in Health, better delivery of health care when it is needed and health insurance parity. Personally, am all for reform, but let those reforms ring with the clarity of Truth and illuminate our way through the fog obfuscation.
Overall chemo-therapy and radiation are documented to be an absolute failure in the so-called war against cancer. The long-term survival rate of cancer patients using orthodox therapies remains abysmal and the statistical reportage is obfuscated.
Refer to: New England Journal of Medicine, “Progress Against Cancer,” May 8, 1986b, John C. Bailar, III and Elaine M. Smith, and a ten-year follow-up “The War on Cancer” which appeared in Lancet, May 18th, 1996, by Michael B. Spoorn. Therein is published in leading medical journals, but they remain as the only therapies and pharmaceutical companies enjoy federal mandate. Stated simply you cannot poison a sick person well.
HEALTH CARE REFORM is a meme used to numb the mind and sway political process but has little or nothing to do with health and certainly is neither, reform in the ways the public perceives, nor what they dearly need.
healthy lifestyle
healthy recipes
healthy foods
Merely by changing who and how much they profit for health services is only a small fraction of the underlying problem and ultimately it’s you who pay. Current Congressional debates will not offer true reform of our systemic disease CARE, but strengthen insurance profits and control.
The fruit of the healthcare tree, while certainly abundant, is altogether rotten, because the roots are corrupted by disease. If the Food and Drug Administration which regulates both FOOD and drugs while having far reaching powers that are beyond the Constitution of the United States of America, is powerless to effectuate the genuine change required to modify the so-called health industry.
Nor can the FDA provide the reforms by its far reaching power and control, then how can we expect it to come from mandates from an under educated over lobbied congress?
Give credit where due, the FDA has been effective in causing millions of tones of ground meat and spinach. A little too late perhaps as the FDA has done nothing to stop chemical companies from pouring oceans of deadly toxic, and known carcinogens on our crops.
“Water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage cans” ~ Jacques Cousteau
ge selling health care business
health care plans
affordable health care insurance
We must stop poisoning our earth with unnecessary toxic chemicals, which leaches out the elements and minerals building blocks of the cells of our bodies, and support and teach the farmers on bio-dynamic farming.
Why is there no respect for and replication of how the Hunzas and several other tribes on earth, wholive to be well over 120, and disease free.
These tribes drink the water which comes off of the slow grinding of the glacier across mountain terrain and gives minute quantities of every element and every mineral. Their cells have access to all the natural building blocks of life and therefore remain impervious to invasion and disease.
Health and Old Age Places with High Longevity: Hunza Pakistan the area of Hunza in Pakistan which has a high level of longevity. A Guide to Shangri-La: The Leading Longevity Sites on Earth.
For Americans and the world at large where the crop land is awash in chemicals the minerals and elements are leached out of the soil and the roots of our food crops are have no way to chelate them so that we can digest them into our bodies.
What follows is a well known symptom called pica, and we are constantly looking for something to eat to satisfy the hunger of the cells and this leads to obesity and disease on a national scale.
There are solutions, but the FOOD administration, has done nothing to listen to, study, implement, nor promote the use of Bio-Dynamic Farming, which is proven to produce greater volumes of crops far healthier and do not poison our water aquifers.
One fairly recent proactive move; the FDA and the FTC have enforced the little known Federal Law under USC Title 21 Part 56, INFORMED CONSENT. This activity is evidenced by the too frequent drug commercials and advertisements. To name one example the anti depressant drug, ABILIFY, is known to cause death and suicide.
To our detriment and demise, the FDA has a tunnel vision partisan perspective and always reactive, rarely proactive when a patient actually dies from using an FDA approved drug, they routinely avoid any blame and state “there is no conclusive evidence to prove it was because of the drug.” No drug company is ever charged with a crime and no executives, nor doctors, are criminally charged for manufacturing, nor for prescribing the drugs.
WHY? Because the drugs are FDA approved so it would mean they are culpable.
However, when a substance derived and used by another Healing Art, i.e. Homeopathy, is found to be highly effective in combating and eliminating a disease such as cancer, or reversing the side effects of AIDS, a stroke, or Cystic Fibrosis, to name a few, the FDA routinely states there is no scientific evidence to support the claims moves swiftly to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.
We must continue to strengthen the education of the public on sound fundamentals of health maintenance.
We must allow for access and coverage to all branches of the Healing Arts. This is known as the ECLECTIC. The allopathic cartel are not the arbiters of truth, nor have they proven to be honorable stewards, nor have they provided viable solutions where other forms of healing arts have been successful, in some cases thousands of years.
The problem is that over the past 67 years, a Federal Agency, the Food and Drug Administration, created in 1938 as an agency to ensure that Food, Drugs and Cosmetics moving in interstate commerce, were pure, unadulterated, contained what was stated on the label and safe for human consumption.
Over the years the FDA has undergone a metamorphosis and has become a threat to the civil liberties and public health of Americans, as well as added incredibly to the cost of the products it regulates.
The FDA has a long history of using the resources of the agency to conduct Gestapo type raids on medical clinics, terrorizing patients, staff and practitioners, seizing quantities of vitamins, manuals and harmless natural products, issues completely inaccurate, indeed, deliberately mendacious publicity releases slandering practitioners, nutritional products and innovative drugs and has so far departed from the purposes for which it was created as to become a menace to both the public’s health and their civil liberties.
Under 80 or more years of Allopathic domination, the standardized American health care system is unable to:
(1)Control the resurgence of Tuberculosis in the country; (2)Control the rising rate of Cancer deaths; (3)Control the rising rate of coronary artery deaths; (4)Lower the infant mortality rate; (5)Find an effective cure for AIDS.
There are available answers to all these deficiencies, but none of them are embraced in Allopathic Doctrine.
The question presented is, if there is any legal control over this vast agency and any way citizens can take legal action to cause the agency to be brought under control and be forced to comport itself in accordance with the intent of Congress in creating it, and the additional question of whether or not citizens who have been harassed by its Ultra Vires activities may sue for damages or other relief.
If such legal action is possible, is such legal action the best, or the sole means which can or should be employed to bring the agency under control.
A further question may be what or who is responsible for the agency getting out of control and what, if anything, can be done to ensure that the agency does not get out of control in the future and once again become a menace to society.
The agency in question, the Food and Drug Administration, is an out of control bureaucracy, undertaking to perform some proper regulatory functions but devoting many of its resources to illicit functions not contained in its enabling legislation and not permissible under the constitution.
social reforms in America
list of reform movements
The agency [which was] directed by Commissioner David Kessler, M.D, JD, who assumed the position after the enforced resignation of Joe Young, PhD, has done little to change its behavior except put on a fresh face from time to time.
An investigation revealed widespread corruption with many officials, taking large bribes, not to mention every member of Congress who are heavily lobbied by industries it was supposed to regulate, and the entire agency was demoralized and ineffective.
The agency has openly and notoriously formed “partnership” with private trade associations and special interest groups for the purpose of aiding and abetting non-price predation in the health care market.
The agency has lawful jurisdiction over some Foods, Drugs and medical devices which are in interstate commerce and has no jurisdiction over the practice of medicine or other healing professions.
Despite this rather clear distinction, the agency repeatedly attempts to interfere with health care practitioners by means of its enforcement powers and by liaison with state regulatory agencies, and by conducting Gestapo type raids on the offices and clinics of health care practitioners who practice in Schools of Practice other than the Allopathic School and by attempting to suppress the use of techniques of healing and of products for use in health care which are not within its regulatory jurisdiction.
  In the HEALTH UNITED STATES, an annual publication by the federal government, our national death rate from cancer is approximately 2,500,000 people per year and the rate is rising. Assuming a cost of $80,000 to $160,000 per person over the last 20 years, that figure represents $200,000,000 to $370,000,000 per year and 50,000,000 lives, or $4 TRILLION to $7.5 TRILLION dollars funneled from our collective economy into the hands of the medical pharmaceutical cartel. Is it any wonder, then, why we cannot find a cure?
In addition One of the first targeted, the FDA, or “Big Medicine,” since the early 1900’s, in this country was Dr. Royal Raymond Rife. His powerful evolutionary microscope, capable of shattering cancer cells and viruses with radio frequency vibrations, was destroyed and his books burned by federal authorities and he was imprisoned.
Some other embattled pioneers include, but are certainly not limited to: The healing arts of Ethno botany, Naturopathy Chiropractic and Acupuncture and Chelation, which all met intense resistance and violent opposition by federally protected orthodoxy.
Dietmar Schildwaechter, Ph.D., MD, was invaded in his home office in a militant style by state and federal authorities in the late 1980’s for introducing a cure for squamous cell cancer, which was proven in a 20-year study in Germany.
Andrew Ivy, MD, a pillar of the A.M.A., who came back from Germany after participating as a panelist in the Nuremberg war crime trials with a cure for cancer called Krebiozen, had his career shattered.
Bruce Halstead, MD; Warren Levin, MD; Vincent Speckhart, MD; Royal Raymond Rife, MD Wilhelm Reich, MD; Josef Issels, MD; and Max Gerson, MD; Joseph Gold, MD, Emmanuel Revici, MD; Stanislaw Burzynski, MD; James Privitera, MD; Ed McCabe, author of Oxygen Therapies, jailed for 547 days; the best selling author. Hulda Clark, ND;
There too much more which are not listed here. These gifted pioneers brought relief to a suffering humanity and were ruthlessly attacked by medical authorities and scientific dogma. Each paid a high price but distinguished themselves by their courage and resolves to stand up for their convictions, even in the face of overwhelming opposition, loss of license and jail. For a closer look at the inner workings, read THE CANCER INDUSTRY: the Classic Expose ‘on the Cancer Establishment, by Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D.
The FDA regularly approves dangerous, often lethal pharmaceuticals. The side effects of these potentially deadly, or harm causing pharmaceutical drugs can only be fully discovered by wide-spread use. This is despite the average $250-500,000,000 and 15 years to bring these drugs to market, including phase trial tests, trying to prove the elusive “efficacy” requirement of the F.D. &C. Act.
Typically, after one of their highly publicized “wonder” drugs fails, causes death or serious side effects, no FDA official nor PAC member company president, research assistant, corporate official, company doctor, nor testing lab will be subjected to raid, investigation, indictment or jail term.
To the trauma and suffering to the patients and their families and the productive work force, it comes with a hefty price tag.
Both Gaston Naessens and Dietmar Schildwaechter, Ph.D., MD, spent the last 40 years perfecting independent blood tests, which are able to pre diagnose any type of cancer and immune disorders up to two years prior to their onset, with a 1% margin of error. The industrial average false/negative ratio remains extremely high by comparison, yet these new tests are ignored or met with resistance.
The Eclectic Practice of Medicine*
In 1906, Dr. Rolla Thomas completely revised the 1866 teaching manual by John Milton Scudder and revised it yet again in 1907. This was the culmination of a thirty-year frenzy of published creativity at the Eclectic Medical Institute in Cincinnati, Ohio, and was the main teaching text at that school until the1930s…the college closed in 1939.
“…it were better for the doctor if he can forget that his patient has typhoid fever, pneumonia, dysentery, or whatever he may have, and study the conditions that are present. This may be wrongs of the circulation, of the nervous system, of the secretions, of digestion, of assimilation, or wrongs of the blood, but whatever the basal lesion, it must be overcome if the patient is to be benefited by medication.”
The health care industry during the Progressive Era is well documented in academic studies and can reasonably be accepted as a given here without describing in great detail how or why it occurred. However, it was funded largely by the Rockefeller and Carnegie fortunes and was done to guarantee a dominant place in health care for the products of the petrochemical industry.
The Allopathic School of Medical Practice was picked to become the dominant survivor of the monopolization because it was:
(1) Numerically the largest,
(2) Had no well-established system of doctrines which made it antagonistic to the use of a system of therapeutics based on petrochemical therapeutics,
(3) Was represented by a fairly well organized and active Trade Association which was receptive to a take over by the funders,
(4) Urgently needed a large infusion of cash and political influence to stop the growing public acceptance of its economic rivals and competitors,
(5) Had little to offer its members without such an infusion of cash and political influence,
(6) Were headed by a staff which welcomed any help – motivated by absolutely no idealism and almost entirely by avarice, the staff of the AMA was easy to enlist in the monopolization and proved extremely efficient – particularly Morris Fishbein, whose role was pivotal and whose service spanned several decades of the monopolization.
One of the chief monopolization strategies was through take over of medical education and the schools or universities which offered this. There were several hundred which offered a two year course in Allopathic Medicine and granted the M.D. degree, which was the sole credential necessary for practice at that time.
Competitive medical universities operated by Homeopathic and Eclectic interests were fewer, but at least 75 existed – some well established and endowed.
The monopolist could have selected any of these; they were all easy targets, but the Allopathic School of Practice had a void in its therapeutic system which made it ideal for the monopolist and the Homeopathic and Eclectic Schools had therapeutic systems which offered little room for the incorporation of petrochemical technology.
Many Americans, at least those who could afford to do so, went abroad for their medical education, initially to England or Scotland but eventually to Germany where State supported Universities had better facilities and foreign students who could and would pay tuition to augment the salaries of the faculty were welcomed to the extent that lectures were offered in English as well as German to facilitate and accommodate these foreign scholars.
To a man, the initial faculty of John’s Hopkins, the first of the Medical Universities to be established and funded by the monopolists were graduates of German Universities and brought to the University both the medical and the political orientations gained as students at German universities, which they passed on to the students of John’s Hopkins, most of whom went out to become the faculties of other American medical colleges and further incorporate both the medical and the political orientations of German universities into the graduates of American Medical Universities funded by the monopolists. Those orientations remain a part of Allopathic medicine in the United States today.
This is primarily important in considering the role of the Allopathic School in genocidal activity, which the German medical profession entered into without protest between 1934 and 1945 under the National Socialist Regime in Germany.
Federal control started in earnest around 1938 with the Pure Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act and this became what it is today in 1962 with the Kefauffer Amendments to that Act, which amendments included for the first time, an efficacy requirement which gave the FDA far more power to control both drugs and information about drugs.
The Federal Act was not intended to give the agency any control over the practice of medicine or other health care professions and both its language and many decisions of Federal Courts make that clear. Nevertheless, the agency has made and continues to make increasing excursions into attempts to control the practice of medicine.
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Health Care Reform is Not Healthy
New Post has been published on https://myupdatesystems.com/health-care-reform-is-not-healthy/
Health Care Reform is Not Healthy
Health insurance premiums are driven by the success or failure of actual health recovery maintenance and the costs required to deliver of service. Harris L. Coulter, Ph.D., of Washington, DC, and editor of the 8th edition of the HPUS, is an internationally renowned medical historian and author of over 30 books and essays, which include: THE DIVIDED LEGACY, a four-volume epochal history of medicine, which covers its origins to present day.
“Society today is paying a heavy price in disease and death for the monopoly granted the medical profession in the 1920’s. In fact, the situation peculiarly resembles that of the 1830s when physicians relied on bloodletting, mercurial medicines, and quinine, even though knowing them to be intrinsically harmful. And precisely the same arguments were made in defense of these medicines as are employed today, namely, that the benefits outweigh the risks. In truth, the benefits accrue to the physician, while the patient runs the risks.”-Harris Coulter, Ph.D., (Divided Legacy Vol 3)
There is no question we need reform in the areas of disease elimination improvements in Health, better delivery of healthcare when it is needed and health insurance parity. Personally, am all for reform, but let those reforms ring with the clarity of Truth and illuminate our way through the fog obfuscation.
Overall chemotherapy and radiation are documented to be an absolute failure in the so-called war against cancer. The long-term survival rate of cancer patients using orthodox therapies remains abysmal and the statistical reportage is obfuscated.
Refer to: New England Journal of Medicine, “Progress Against Cancer,” May 8, 1986, by John C. Bailar, III, and Elaine M. Smith, and a ten-year follow-up “The War on Cancer” which appeared in Lancet, May 18th, 1996, by Michael B. Sporn. Therein is published in leading medical journals, but they remain as the only therapies and pharmaceutical companies enjoy federal mandate. Stated simply you cannot poison a sick person well.
HEALTH CARE REFORM is a meme used to numb the mind and sway political process but has little or nothing to do with health and certainly is neither, reform in the ways the public perceives, nor what they dearly need.
Merely by changing who and how much they profit for health services is only a small fraction of the underlying problem and ultimately it’s you who pay. Current Congressional debates will not offer true reform of our systemic disease CARE but strengthen insurance profits and control.
The fruit of the healthcare tree, while certainly abundant, is altogether rotten, because the roots are corrupted by disease. If the Food and Drug Administration which regulates both FOOD and drugs while having far-reaching powers that are beyond the Constitution of the United States of America is powerless to effectuate the genuine change required to modify the so-called health industry.
Nor can the FDA provide the reforms by its far-reaching power and control, then how can we expect it to come from mandates from an under educated over lobbied congress?
Give credit where due, the FDA has been effective in causing millions of tons of ground meat and spinach. A little too late perhaps as the FDA has done nothing to stop chemical companies from pouring oceans of deadly toxic, and known carcinogens on our crops.
“Water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage cans” ~ Jacques Cousteau
We must stop poisoning our earth with unnecessary toxic chemicals, which leaches out the elements and minerals building blocks of the cells of our bodies, and support and teach the farmers on bio-dynamic farming.
Why is there no respect for and replication of how the Hunzas and several other tribes on earth, who live to be well over 120, and disease free?
These tribes drink the water which comes off of the slow grinding of the glacier across mountain terrain and gives minute quantities of every element and every mineral. Their cells have access to all the natural building blocks of life and therefore remain impervious to invasion and disease.
Health and Old Age Places with High Longevity: Hunza Pakistan the area of Hunza in Pakistan which has a high level of longevity. A Guide to Shangri-La: The Leading Longevity Sites on Earth
For Americans and the world at large where the cropland is awash in chemicals, the minerals and elements are leached out of the soil and the roots of our food crops have no way to chelate them so that we can digest them into our bodies.
What follows is a well-known symptom called pica, and we are constantly looking for something to eat to satisfy the hunger of the cells and this leads to obesity and disease on a national scale.
There are solutions, but the FOOD administration, has done nothing to listen to, study, implement, nor promote the use of Bio-Dynamic Farming, which is proven to produce greater volumes of crops far healthier and does not poison our water aquifers.
One fairly recent proactive move; the FDA and the FTC have enforced the little known Federal Law under USC Title 21 Part 56, INFORMED CONSENT. This activity is evidenced by the too frequent drug commercials and advertisements. To name one example the antidepressant drug, ABILIFY, is known to cause death and suicide.
To our detriment and demise, the FDA has a tunnel vision partisan perspective and always reactive, rarely proactive when a patient actually dies from using an FDA approved a drug, they routinely avoid any blame and state “there is no conclusive evidence to prove it was because of the drug.” No drug company is ever charged with a crime and no executives, nor doctors, are criminally charged for manufacturing, nor for prescribing the drugs.
WHY? Because the drugs are FDA approved so it would mean they are culpable.
However, when a substance derived and used by another Healing Art, i.e. Homeopathy, is found to be highly effective in combating and eliminating a disease such as cancer, or reversing the side effects of AIDS, a stroke, or Cystic Fibrosis, to name a few, the FDA routinely states there is no scientific evidence to support the claims moves swiftly to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.
We must continue to strengthen the education of the public on sound fundamentals of health maintenance.
We must allow for access and coverage to all branches of the Healing Arts. This is known as the ECLECTIC. The allopathic cartel is not the arbiters of truth, nor have they proven to be honorable stewards, nor have they provided viable solutions where other forms of healing arts have been successful, in some cases thousands of years.
The problem is that over the past 67 years, a Federal Agency, the Food and Drug Administration, created in 1938 as an agency to ensure that Food, Drugs, and Cosmetics moving in interstate commerce, were pure, unadulterated, contained what was stated on the label and safe for human consumption.
Over the years the FDA has undergone a metamorphosis and has become a threat to the civil liberties and public health of Americans, as well as added incredibly to the cost of the products it regulates.
The FDA has a long history of using the resources of the agency to conduct Gestapo type raids on medical clinics, terrorizing patients, staff, and practitioners, seizing quantities of vitamins, manuals, and harmless natural products, issues completely inaccurate, indeed, deliberately mendacious publicity releases slandering practitioners, nutritional products and innovative drugs and has so far departed from the purposes for which it was created as to become a menace to both the public’s health and their civil liberties.
Under 80 or more years of Allopathic domination, the standardized American health care system is unable to:
(1)Control the resurgence of Tuberculosis in the country; (2)Control the rising rate of Cancer deaths; (3)Control the rising rate of coronary artery deaths; (4)Lower the infant mortality rate; (5)Find an effective cure for AIDS.
There are available answers to all these deficiencies, but none of them are embraced in Allopathic Doctrine.
The question presented is, if there is any legal control over this vast agency and anyway citizens can take legal action to cause the agency to be brought under control and be forced to comport itself in accordance with the intent of Congress in creating it, and the additional question of whether or not citizens who have been harassed by its Ultra Vires activities may sue for damages or other relief.
If such legal action is possible, is such legal action the best, or the sole means which can or should be employed to bring the agency under control.
A further question may be what or who is responsible for the agency getting out of control and what, if anything, can be done to ensure that the agency does not get out of control in the future and once again become a menace to society.
The agency in question, the Food and Drug Administration, is an out of control bureaucracy, undertaking to perform some proper regulatory functions but devoting many of its resources to illicit functions not contained in its enabling legislation and not permissible under the constitution.
The agency [which was] directed by Commissioner David Kessler, M.D, JD, who assumed the position after the enforced resignation of Joe Young, Ph.D., has done little to change its behavior except put on a fresh face from time to time.
An investigation revealed widespread corruption with many officials, taking large bribes, not to mention every member of Congress who are heavily lobbied by industries it was supposed to regulate, and the entire agency was demoralized and ineffective.
The agency has openly and notoriously formed “partnership” with private trade associations and special interest groups for the purpose of aiding and abetting non-price predation in the health care market.
The agency has lawful jurisdiction over some Foods, Drugs and medical devices which are in interstate commerce and has no jurisdiction over the practice of medicine or other healing professions.
Despite this rather clear distinction, the agency repeatedly attempts to interfere with health care practitioners by means of its enforcement powers and by liaison with state regulatory agencies, and by conducting Gestapo type raids on the offices and clinics of health care practitioners who practice in Schools of Practice other than the Allopathic School and by attempting to suppress the use of techniques of healing and of products for use in health care which are not within its regulatory jurisdiction.
0 notes
netmaddy-blog · 7 years
Health Care Reform is Not Healthy
New Post has been published on https://netmaddy.com/health-care-reform-is-not-healthy/
Health Care Reform is Not Healthy
Health insurance premiums are driven by the success or failure of actual health recovery maintenance and the costs required to deliver of service. Harris L. Coulter, Ph.D., of Washington, DC, and editor of the 8th edition of the HPUS,is an internationally renowned medical historian and author of over 30 books and essays, which include: THE DIVIDED LEGACY, a four volume epochal history of medicine, which covers its origins to present day.
“Society today is paying a heavy price in disease and death for the monopoly granted the medical profession in the 1920’s. In fact, the situation peculiarly resembles that of the 1830s when physicians relied on bloodletting, mercurial medicines, and quinine, even though knowing them to be intrinsically harmful. And precisely the same arguments were made in defense of these medicines as are employed today, namely, that the benefits outweigh the risks. In truth, the benefits accrue to the physician, while the patient runs the risks.”-Harris Coulter, Ph.D., (Divided Legacy Vol 3)
There is no question we need reform in the areas of disease elimination improvements in Health, better delivery of health care when it is needed and health insurance parity. Personally, am all for reform, but let those reforms ring with the clarity of Truth and illuminate our way through the fog obfuscation.
Overall chemo-therapy and radiation are documented to be an absolute failure in the so-called war against cancer. The long-term survival rate of cancer patients using orthodox therapies remains abysmal and the statistical reportage is obfuscated.
Refer to: New England Journal of Medicine, “Progress Against Cancer,” May 8, 1986 by John C. Bailar, III and Elaine M. Smith, and a ten-year follow-up “The War on Cancer” which appeared in Lancet, May 18th, 1996, by Michael B. Spoorn. Therein is published in leading medical journals, but they remain as the only therapies and pharmaceutical companies enjoy federal mandate. Stated simply you cannot poison a sick person well.
HEALTH CARE REFORM is a meme used to numb the mind and sway political process but has little or nothing to do with health and certainly is neither, reform in the ways the public perceives, nor what they dearly need.
Merely by changing who and how much they profit for health services is only a small fraction of the underlying problem and ultimately it’s you who pay. Current Congressional debates will not offer true reform of our systemic disease CARE, but strengthen insurance profits and control.
The fruit of the healthcare tree, while certainly abundant, is altogether rotten, because the roots are corrupted by disease. If the Food and Drug Administration which regulates both FOOD and drugs while having far reaching powers that are beyond the Constitution of the United States of America, is powerless to effectuate the genuine change required to modify the so-called health industry.
Nor can the FDA provide the reforms by its far reaching power and control, then how can we expect it to come from mandates from an under educated over lobbied congress?
Give credit where due, the FDA has been effective in causing millions of tones of ground meat and spinach. A little too late perhaps as the FDA has done nothing to stop chemical companies from pouring oceans of deadly toxic, and known carcinogens on our crops.
“Water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage cans” ~ Jacques Cousteau
We must stop poisoning our earth with unnecessary toxic chemicals, which leaches out the elements and minerals building blocks of the cells of our bodies, and support and teach the farmers on bio-dynamic farming.
Why is there no respect for and replication of how the Hunzas and several other tribes on earth, wholive to be well over 120, and disease free.
These tribes drink the water which comes off of the slow grinding of the glacier across mountain terrain and gives minute quantities of every element and every mineral. Their cells have access to all the natural building blocks of life and therefore remain impervious to invasion and disease.
Health and Old Age Places with High Longevity: Hunza Pakistan the area of Hunza in Pakistan which has a high level of longevity. A Guide to Shangri-La: The Leading Longevity Sites on Earth.
For Americans and the world at large where the crop land is awash in chemicals the minerals and elements are leached out of the soil and the roots of our food crops are have no way to chelate them so that we can digest them into our bodies.
What follows is a well known symptom called pica, and we are constantly looking for something to eat to satisfy the hunger of the cells and this leads to obesity and disease on a national scale.
There are solutions, but the FOOD administration, has done nothing to listen to, study, implement, nor promote the use of Bio-Dynamic Farming, which is proven to produce greater volumes of crops far healthier and do not poison our water aquifers.
One fairly recent proactive move; the FDA and the FTC have enforced the little known Federal Law under USC Title 21 Part 56, INFORMED CONSENT. This activity is evidenced by the too frequent drug commercials and advertisements. To name one example the anti depressant drug, ABILIFY, is known to cause death and suicide.
To our detriment and demise, the FDA has a tunnel vision partisan perspective and always reactive, rarely proactive when a patient actually dies from using an FDA approved drug, they routinely avoid any blame and state “there is no conclusive evidence to prove it was because of the drug.” No drug company is ever charged with a crime and no executives, nor doctors, are criminally charged for manufacturing, nor for prescribing the drugs.
WHY? Because the drugs are FDA approved so it would mean they are culpable.
However, when a substance derived and used by another Healing Art, i.e. Homeopathy, is found to be highly effective in combating and eliminating a disease such as cancer, or reversing the side effects of AIDS, a stroke, or Cystic Fibrosis, to name a few, the FDA routinely states there is no scientific evidence to support the claims moves swiftly to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.
We must continue to strengthen the education of the public on sound fundamentals of health maintenance.
We must allow for access and coverage to all branches of the Healing Arts. This is known as the ECLECTIC. The allopathic cartel are not the arbiters of truth, nor have they proven to be honorable stewards, nor have they provided viable solutions where other forms of healing arts have been successful, in some cases thousands of years.
The problem is that over the past 67 years, a Federal Agency, the Food and Drug Administration, created in 1938 as an agency to ensure that Food, Drugs and Cosmetics moving in interstate commerce, were pure, unadulterated, contained what was stated on the label and safe for human consumption.
Over the years the FDA has undergone a metamorphosis and has become a threat to the civil liberties and public health of Americans, as well as added incredibly to the cost of the products it regulates.
The FDA has a long history of using the resources of the agency to conduct Gestapo type raids on medical clinics, terrorizing patients, staff and practitioners, seizing quantities of vitamins, manuals and harmless natural products, issues completely inaccurate, indeed, deliberately mendacious publicity releases slandering practitioners, nutritional products and innovative drugs and has so far departed from the purposes for which it was created as to become a menace to both the public’s health and their civil liberties.
Under 80 or more years of Allopathic domination, the standardized American health care system is unable to:
(1)Control the resurgence of Tuberculosis in the country; (2)Control the rising rate of Cancer deaths; (3)Control the rising rate of coronary artery deaths; (4)Lower the infant mortality rate; (5)Find an effective cure for AIDS.
There are available answers to all these deficiencies, but none of them are embraced in Allopathic Doctrine.
The question presented is, if there is any legal control over this vast agency and any way citizens can take legal action to cause the agency to be brought under control and be forced to comport itself in accordance with the intent of Congress in creating it, and the additional question of whether or not citizens who have been harassed by its Ultra Vires activities may sue for damages or other relief.
If such legal action is possible, is such legal action the best, or the sole means which can or should be employed to bring the agency under control.
A further question may be what or who is responsible for the agency getting out of control and what, if anything, can be done to ensure that the agency does not get out of control in the future and once again become a menace to society.
The agency in question, the Food and Drug Administration, is an out of control bureaucracy, undertaking to perform some proper regulatory functions but devoting many of its resources to illicit functions not contained in its enabling legislation and not permissible under the constitution.
The agency [which was] directed by Commissioner David Kessler, M.D, JD, who assumed the position after the enforced resignation of Joe Young, PhD, has done little to change its behavior except put on a fresh face from time to time.
An investigation revealed widespread corruption with many officials, taking large bribes, not to mention every member of Congress who are heavily lobbied by industries it was supposed to regulate, and the entire agency was demoralized and ineffective.
The agency has openly and notoriously formed “partnership” with private trade associations and special interest groups for the purpose of aiding and abetting non-price predation in the health care market.
The agency has lawful jurisdiction over some Foods, Drugs and medical devices which are in interstate commerce and has no jurisdiction over the practice of medicine or other healing professions.
Despite this rather clear distinction, the agency repeatedly attempts to interfere with health care practitioners by means of its enforcement powers and by liaison with state regulatory agencies, and by conducting Gestapo type raids on the offices and clinics of health care practitioners who practice in Schools of Practice other than the Allopathic School and by attempting to suppress the use of techniques of healing and of products for use in health care which are not within its regulatory jurisdiction.
This claim is born of deliberate suppression of health technologies which are non-toxic, effective and inexpensive; to name only a few in critical areas, these include:
I. CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES EDTA Chelation – Adrenal Cortical Extract
II. STROKE PREVENTION AND REHABILITATION Oxidative Therapies / Hyperbaric Chamber / Ozone EDTA Chelation Human Growth Hormone
III. CANCER AND AIDS IAT, Laetrile, L-Arginine, Black & Yellow Salves, Gerson Therapy, 714-X, Homeotherapeutics, Krebiozen, Essiac, Immunostim, anti-neoplastic, Honey, Glixoxide, Ricci Therapies and many others, too numerous to mention here.
California (most active)
Department of Consumer Affairs State Board of Medicine State Board of Dental examiners State Board of Osteopathic Examiners State Board of Chiropractic Examiners Acupuncture Committee Food and Drug Branch Attorney General’s Office San Diego City Attorney’s Office
Other States (Generic) State Board of Medical Examiners State Board of Dental Examiners Attorney General’s Office
Private Organizations Involved Pharmaceutical Advertising Council National Council Against Health Fraud (and affiliated organizations) National Federation of State Boards of Medical Examiners
Administrative Agencies NCI – National Cancer Institute CDC – Centers for Disease Control FDA – Food and Drug Administration NIH – National Institutes of Health
Private Organizations American Heart Association American Cancer Society Memorial Sloan Kettering Institute Mayo Clinic American College of Allergy Roswell, et al
In HEALTH UNITED STATES, an annual publication by the federal government, our national death rate from cancer is approximately 2,500,000 people per year and the rate is rising. Assuming a cost of $80,000 to $160,000 per person over the last 20 years, that figure represents $200,000,000 to $370,000,000 per year and 50,000,000 lives, or $4 TRILLION to $7.5 TRILLION dollars funneled from our collective economy into the hands of the medical pharmaceutical cartel. Is it any wonder, then, why we cannot find a cure?
In addition One of the first targeted, the FDA, or “Big Medicine,” since the early 1900’s, in this country was Dr. Royal Raymond Rife. His powerful evolutionary microscope, capable of shattering cancer cells and viruses with radio frequency vibrations, was destroyed and his books burned by federal authorities and he was imprisoned.
Some other embattled pioneers include, but are certainly not limited to: The healing arts of Ethno botany, Naturopathy Chiropractic and Acupuncture and Chelation, which all met intense resistance and violent opposition by federally protected orthodoxy.
Dietmar Schildwaechter, Ph.D., MD, was invaded in his home office in a militant style by state and federal authorities in the late 1980’s for introducing a cure for squamous cell cancer, which was proven in a 20-year study in Germany.
Andrew Ivy, MD, a pillar of the A.M.A., who came back from Germany after participating as a panelist in the Nuremberg war crime trials with a cure for cancer called Krebiozen, had his career shattered.
Bruce Halstead, MD; Warren Levin, MD; Vincent Speckhart, MD; Royal Raymond Rife, MD Wilhelm Reich, MD; Jossef Issels, MD; and Max Gerson, MD; Joseph Gold, MD, Emmanuel Revici, MD; Stanislaw Burzynski, MD; James Privitera, MD; Ed McCabe, author of Oxygen Therapies, jailed for 547 days; a best selling author. Hulda Clark, ND;
There too many more which are not listed here. These gifted pioneers brought relief to a suffering humanity and were ruthlessly attacked by medical authorities and scientific dogma. Each paid a high price but distinguished themselves by their courage and resolves to stand up for their convictions, even in the face of overwhelming opposition, loss of license and jail. For a closer look at the inner workings, read: THE CANCER INDUSTRY: the Classic Expose ‘on the Cancer Establishment, by Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D.
The FDA regularly approves dangerous, often lethal pharmaceuticals. The side effects of these potentially deadly, or harm causing pharmaceutical drugs can only be fully discovered by wide-spread use. This is despite the average $250-500,000,000 and 15 years to bring these drugs to market, including phase trial tests, trying to prove the elusive “efficacy” requirement of the F.D. &C. Act.
Typically, after one of their highly publicized “wonder” drugs fails, causes death or serious side effects, no FDA official nor PAC member company president, research assistant, corporate official, company doctor, nor testing lab will be subjected to raid, investigation, indictment or jail term.
To the trauma and suffering to the patients and their families and the productive work force, it comes with a hefty price tag.
Both Gaston Naessens and Dietmar Schildwaechter, Ph.D., MD, spent the last 40 years perfecting independent blood tests, which are able to pre diagnose any type of cancer and immune disorders up to two years prior to their onset, with a 1% margin of error. The industrial average false/negative ratio remains extremely high by comparison, yet these new tests are ignored or met with resistance.
The Eclectic Practice of Medicine*
In 1906, Dr. Rolla Thomas completely revised the 1866 teaching manual by John Milton Scudder, and revised it yet again in 1907. This was the culmination of a thirty-year frenzy of published creativity at the Eclectic Medical Institute in Cincinnati, Ohio, and was the main teaching text at that school until the1930s…the college closed in 1939.
“…it were better for the doctor if he can forget that his patient has typhoid fever, pneumonia, dysentery, or whatever he may have, and study the conditions that are present. This may be wrongs of the circulation, of the nervous system, of the secretions, of digestion, of assimilation, or wrongs of the blood, but whatever the basal lesion, it must be overcome if the patient is to be benefited by medication.”
The health care industry during the Progressive Era is well documented in academic studies and can reasonably be accepted as a given here without describing in great detail how or why it occurred. However, it was funded largely by the Rockefeller and Carnegie fortunes and was done to guarantee a dominant place in health care for the products of the petrochemical industry.
The Allopathic School of Medical Practice was picked to become the dominant survivor of the monopolization because it was:
(1) Numerically the largest,
(2) Had no well established system of doctrines which made it antagonistic to the use of a system of therapeutics based on petrochemical therapeutics,
(3) Was represented by a fairly well organized and active Trade Association which was receptive to a take over by the funders,
(4) Urgently needed a large infusion of cash and political influence to stop the growing public acceptance of its economic rivals and competitors,
(5) Had little to offer its members without such an infusion of cash and political influence,
(6) Were headed by a staff which welcomed any help – motivated by absolutely no idealism and almost entirely by avarice, the staff of the AMA was easy to enlist in the monopolization and proved extremely efficient – particularly Morris Fishbein, whose role was pivotal and whose service spanned several decades of the monopolization.
One of the chief monopolization strategies was through take over of medical education and the schools or universities which offered this. There were several hundred which offered a two year course in Allopathic Medicine and granted the M.D. degree, which was the sole credential necessary for practice at that time.
Competitive medical universities operated by Homeopathic and Eclectic interests were fewer, but at least 75 existed – some well established and endowed.
The monopolist could have selected any of these; they were all easy targets, but the Allopathic School of Practice had a void in its therapeutic system which made it ideal for the monopolist and the Homeopathic and Eclectic Schools had therapeutic systems which offered little room for the incorporation of petrochemical technology.
Many Americans, at least those who could afford to do so, went abroad for their medical education, initially to England or Scotland but eventually to Germany where State supported Universities had better facilities and foreign students who could and would pay tuition to augment the salaries of the faculty were welcomed to the extent that lectures were offered in English as well as German to facilitate and accommodate these foreign scholars.
To a man, the initial faculty of John’s Hopkins, the first of the Medical Universities to be established and funded by the monopolists were graduates of German Universities and brought to the University both the medical and the political orientations gained as students at German universities, which they passed on to the students of John’s Hopkins, most of whom went out to become the faculties of other American medical colleges and further incorporate both the medical and the political orientations of German universities into the graduates of American Medical Universities funded by the monopolists. Those orientations remain a part of Allopathic medicine in the United States today.
This is primarily important in considering the role of the Allopathic School in genocidal activity, which the German medical profession entered into without protest between 1934 and 1945 under the National Socialist Regime in Germany.
Federal control started in earnest around 1938 with the Pure Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act and this became what it is today in 1962 with the Kefauffer Amendments to that Act, which amendments included for the first time, an efficacy requirement which gave the FDA far more power to control both drugs and information about drugs.
The Federal Act was not intended to give the agency any control over the practice of medicine or other health care professions and both its language and many decisions of Federal Courts make that clear. Nevertheless, the agency has made and continues to make increasing excursions into attempts to control the practice of medicine.
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Health Care Reform is Not Healthy
Health insurance premiums are driven by the success or failure of actual health recovery maintenance and the costs required to deliver of service. Harris L. Coulter, Ph.D., of Washington, DC, and editor of the 8th edition of the HPUS,is an internationally renowned medical historian and author of over 30 books and essays, which include: THE DIVIDED LEGACY, a four volume epochal history of medicine, which covers its origins to present day.
“Society today is paying a heavy price in disease and death for the monopoly granted the medical profession in the 1920’s. In fact, the situation peculiarly resembles that of the 1830s when physicians relied on bloodletting, mercurial medicines, and quinine, even though knowing them to be intrinsically harmful. And precisely the same arguments were made in defense of these medicines as are employed today, namely, that the benefits outweigh the risks. In truth, the benefits accrue to the physician, while the patient runs the risks.”-Harris Coulter, Ph.D., (Divided Legacy Vol 3)
There is no question we need reform in the areas of disease elimination improvements in Health, better delivery of health care when it is needed and health insurance parity. Personally, am all for reform, but let those reforms ring with the clarity of Truth and illuminate our way through the fog obfuscation.
Overall chemo-therapy and radiation are documented to be an absolute failure in the so-called war against cancer. The long-term survival rate of cancer patients using orthodox therapies remains abysmal and the statistical reportage is obfuscated.
Refer to: New England Journal of Medicine, “Progress Against Cancer,” May 8, 1986 by John C. Bailar, III and Elaine M. Smith, and a ten-year follow-up “The War on Cancer” which appeared in Lancet, May 18th, 1996, by Michael B. Spoorn. Therein is published in leading medical journals, but they remain as the only therapies and pharmaceutical companies enjoy federal mandate. Stated simply you cannot poison a sick person well.
HEALTH CARE REFORM is a meme used to numb the mind and sway political process but has little or nothing to do with health and certainly is neither, reform in the ways the public perceives, nor what they dearly need.
Merely by changing who and how much they profit for health services is only a small fraction of the underlying problem and ultimately it’s you who pay. Current Congressional debates will not offer true reform of our systemic disease CARE, but strengthen insurance profits and control.
The fruit of the healthcare tree, while certainly abundant, is altogether rotten, because the roots are corrupted by disease. If the Food and Drug Administration which regulates both FOOD and drugs while having far reaching powers that are beyond the Constitution of the United States of America, is powerless to effectuate the genuine change required to modify the so-called health industry.
Nor can the FDA provide the reforms by its far reaching power and control, then how can we expect it to come from mandates from an under educated over lobbied congress?
Give credit where due, the FDA has been effective in causing millions of tones of ground meat and spinach. A little too late perhaps as the FDA has done nothing to stop chemical companies from pouring oceans of deadly toxic, and known carcinogens on our crops.
“Water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage cans” ~ Jacques Cousteau.
We must stop poisoning our earth with unnecessary toxic chemicals, which leaches out the elements and minerals building blocks of the cells of our bodies, and support and teach the farmers on bio-dynamic farming.
Why is there no respect for and replication of how the Hunzas and several other tribes on earth, wholive to be well over 120, and disease free.
These tribes drink the water which comes off of the slow grinding of the glacier across mountain terrain and gives minute quantities of every element and every mineral. Their cells have access to all the natural building blocks of life and therefore remain impervious to invasion and disease.
Health and Old Age Places with High Longevity: Hunza Pakistan the area of Hunza in Pakistan which has a high level of longevity. A Guide to Shangri-La: The Leading Longevity Sites on Earth
For Americans and the world at large where the crop land is awash in chemicals the minerals and elements are leached out of the soil and the roots of our food crops are have no way to chelate them so that we can digest them into our bodies.
What follows is a well known symptom called pica, and we are constantly looking for something to eat to satisfy the hunger of the cells and this leads to obesity and disease on a national scale.
There are solutions, but the FOOD administration, has done nothing to listen to, study, implement, nor promote the use of Bio-Dynamic Farming, which is proven to produce greater volumes of crops far healthier and do not poison our water aquifers.
One fairly recent proactive move; the FDA and the FTC have enforced the little known Federal Law under USC Title 21 Part 56, INFORMED CONSENT. This activity is evidenced by the too frequent drug commercials and advertisements. To name one example the anti depressant drug, ABILIFY, is known to cause death and suicide.
To our detriment and demise, the FDA has a tunnel vision partisan perspective and always reactive, rarely proactive when a patient actually dies from using an FDA approved drug, they routinely avoid any blame and state “there is no conclusive evidence to prove it was because of the drug.” No drug company is ever charged with a crime and no executives, nor doctors, are criminally charged for manufacturing, nor for prescribing the drugs.
Because the drugs are FDA approved so it would mean they are culpable.
However, when a substance derived and used by another Healing Art, i.e. Homeopathy, is found to be highly effective in combating and eliminating a disease such as cancer, or reversing the side effects of AIDS, a stroke, or Cystic Fibrosis, to name a few, the FDA routinely states there is no scientific evidence to support the claims moves swiftly to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.
We must continue to strengthen the education of the public on sound fundamentals of health maintenance.
We must allow for access and coverage to all branches of the Healing Arts. This is known as the ECLECTIC. The allopathic cartel are not the arbiters of truth, nor have they proven to be honorable stewards, nor have they provided viable solutions where other forms of healing arts have been successful, in some cases thousands of years.
The problem is that over the past 67 years, a Federal Agency, the Food and Drug Administration, created in 1938 as an agency to ensure that Food, Drugs and Cosmetics moving in interstate commerce, were pure, unadulterated, contained what was stated on the label and safe for human consumption.
Over the years the FDA has undergone a metamorphosis and has become a threat to the civil liberties and public health of Americans, as well as added incredibly to the cost of the products it regulates.
The FDA has a long history of using the resources of the agency to conduct Gestapo type raids on medical clinics, terrorizing patients, staff and practitioners, seizing quantities of vitamins, manuals and harmless natural products, issues completely inaccurate, indeed, deliberately mendacious publicity releases slandering practitioners, nutritional products and innovative drugs and has so far departed from the purposes for which it was created as to become a menace to both the public’s health and their civil liberties.
Under 80 or more years of Allopathic domination, the standardized American health care system is unable to:
(1)Control the resurgence of Tuberculosis in the country; (2)Control the rising rate of Cancer deaths; (3)Control the rising rate of coronary artery deaths; (4)Lower the infant mortality rate; (5)Find an effective cure for AIDS.
There are available answers to all these deficiencies, but none of them are embraced in Allopathic Doctrine.
The question presented is, if there is any legal control over this vast agency and any way citizens can take legal action to cause the agency to be brought under control and be forced to comport itself in accordance with the intent of Congress in creating it, and the additional question of whether or not citizens who have been harassed by its Ultra Vires activities may sue for damages or other relief.
If such legal action is possible, is such legal action the best, or the sole means which can or should be employed to bring the agency under control.
A further question may be what or who is responsible for the agency getting out of control and what, if anything, can be done to ensure that the agency does not get out of control in the future and once again become a menace to society.
The agency in question, the Food and Drug Administration, is an out of control bureaucracy, undertaking to perform some proper regulatory functions but devoting many of its resources to illicit functions not contained in its enabling legislation and not permissible under the constitution.
The agency [which was] directed by Commissioner David Kessler, M.D, JD, who assumed the position after the enforced resignation of Joe Young, PhD, has done little to change its behavior except put on a fresh face from time to time.
An investigation revealed widespread corruption with many officials, taking large bribes, not to mention every member of Congress who are heavily lobbied by industries it was supposed to regulate, and the entire agency was demoralized and ineffective.
The agency has openly and notoriously formed “partnership” with private trade associations and special interest groups for the purpose of aiding and abetting non-price predation in the health care market.
The agency has lawful jurisdiction over some Foods, Drugs and medical devices which are in interstate commerce and has no jurisdiction over the practice of medicine or other healing professions.
Despite this rather clear distinction, the agency repeatedly attempts to interfere with health care practitioners by means of its enforcement powers and by liaison with state regulatory agencies, and by conducting Gestapo type raids on the offices and clinics of health care practitioners who practice in Schools of Practice other than the Allopathic School and by attempting to suppress the use of techniques of healing and of products for use in health care which are not within its regulatory jurisdiction.
This claim is born of deliberate suppression of health technologies which are non-toxic, effective and inexpensive; to name only a few in critical areas, these include:
California (most active)
Department of Consumer Affairs State Board of Medicine State Board of Dental examiners State Board of Osteopathic Examiners State Board of Chiropractic Examiners Acupuncture Committee Food and Drug Branch Attorney General’s Office San Diego City Attorney’s Office
Other States (Generic) State Board of Medical Examiners State Board of Dental Examiners Attorney General’s Office
Private Organizations Involved Pharmaceutical Advertising Council National Council Against Health Fraud (and affiliated organizations) National Federation of State Boards of Medical Examiners
Administrative Agencies NCI – National Cancer Institute CDC – Centers for Disease Control FDA – Food and Drug Administration NIH – National Institutes of Health
Private Organizations American Heart Association American Cancer Society Memorial Sloan Kettering Institute Mayo Clinic American College of Allergy Roswell, et al
An annual publication by the federal government, our national death rate from cancer is approximately 2,500,000 people per year and the rate is rising. Assuming a cost of $80,000 to $160,000 per person over the last 20 years, that figure represents $200,000,000 to $370,000,000 per year and 50,000,000 lives, or $4 TRILLION to $7.5 TRILLION dollars funneled from our collective economy into the hands of the medical pharmaceutical cartel. Is it any wonder, then, why we cannot find a cure?
In addition One of the first targeted, the FDA, or “Big Medicine,” since the early 1900’s, in this country was Dr. Royal Raymond Rife. His powerful evolutionary microscope, capable of shattering cancer cells and viruses with radio frequency vibrations, was destroyed and his books burned by federal authorities and he was imprisoned.
Some other embattled pioneers include, but are certainly not limited to: The healing arts of Ethno botany, Naturopathy Chiropractic and Acupuncture and Chelation, which all met intense resistance and violent opposition by federally protected orthodoxy.
Dietmar Schildwaechter, Ph.D., MD, was invaded in his home office in a militant style by state and federal authorities in the late 1980’s for introducing a cure for squamous cell cancer, which was proven in a 20-year study in Germany.
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