lixapril-yuzulove · 2 years
[ENG SUB] Yuzuru Hanyu - The Starry Sky 7 Years Ago
Yuzuru Hanyu cut on every news on 11 Mar 2018. This was just taken down on YT so I just re-uploaded it on DM. There’s some footage which was included in this year’s 24Hr TV (which might be why it’s taken down ^^;;)
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lixapril-yuzulove · 5 years
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lixapril-yuzulove · 5 years
Yuzuru’s surprise for Shuzo Matsuoka
Yuzu: I put it in a sock, an unused sock *takes out the gold medal*
Yuzu: Shuzo-san, please close your eyes, and also bend forward please!
Shuzo: Yes, my eyes are closed… and bending forward….
Yuzu: Thank you very much. This is… *puts the medal on his neck* … thank you very much [for what you’ve done].
Shuzo: Excuse me… *tears*
Yuzu: I’ve been having the chance to do interviews with Shuzo-san since I was 16 years old. I’ve truly learned a lot [from them]. With such gratitude, thank you very much!
Shuzo: Rather than Hanyu-san, I’m probably the fortunate one here. Truly, I’ve won the gold medal of my life *showing the medal* *laughs*
Yuzu: That’s too soon *laughs*, you’ll still have more to go [in the future].
Also, here’s Shuzo-san and Nobu’s reactions to Yuzu’s free skate. After the performance, at 2:35, Shuzo-san was in tears saying “You’ve won over yourself”. Ahhh he really understands Yuzu I’m so touched!!
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lixapril-yuzulove · 5 years
Fuji TV HERO’s programme on 23 Feb 2018.   Yuzuru’s comments translated by Sophie Moroi. ============================
(How was your Olympics?)
The final result was a good one, so it was the best way to end it. (Laughter while watching the gala rehearsals ‘speed skating’ video where he fell) Well, it was good that I didn’t fall during the competitions.
(While Ms. Kato pointed out that Mr. Nomura and Yuzuru won a total of five gold medals) Oh, I am awfully sorry that I only won two medals (laughter) (t/n. Mr Nomura won 3 Olympic gold medals for judo)
(After Mr. Nomura pointed out that Yuzuru overcame loads of adversities)
Well, it’s true that I also think that there were so many adversities myself.
(What made it possible for you to believe in yourself?)
I guess it was just out of my strong determination towards it [the victory].  So many people supported me; and I was aiming only at the Olympic gold medal together with my supporters. So, I believe that such a sense of determination probably made me strong.
(Nomura: Wouldn’t too much determination become pressure and a source of failure?)
Yes, pressure is something I can physically feel, but I always try to translate it into power that would push [support] me from the back.
(Kato-san: Were you able to collect all the pieces and make them into one crystal representing Yuzuru Hanyu, as you declared last summer?)
Obviously, there are many pieces that are still missing. There were so many things [elements: that I couldn’t do [execute]. But probably, all the determination [and the sacrifice] I gathered towards this Olympics became one piece, I feel.
(Kato-san: What do you feel about the chemistry of the programmes this season?)
Above all, there were many periods during which I couldn’t practice skating, while figure-skating requires lots of practice and repetitions for perfection. So, this time, it might have been ‘meguri awase’ [a luck / chance] that I chose the music and the programmes that I was already used to do and I could perform from the bottom of my heart. I guess, it was a good choice.
(Didn’t you have a feeling of pressure that you would have to surpass yourself in the past, because you chose the same music?)
Yes, there were lots. However, I strongly felt that there were limits to what I could do, depending upon the circumstances, particularly after my injuries. I also believe that I had to become strong enough to be able to surpass myself in the past.
(You mentioned 4A in the post FS press-conference)
Yes, I think that the only motivation remaining for me is 4A. As you know, I already took what I should have taken [two consecutive gold medals]; I think I captured everything I was aiming at. So, the rest is for me to realise the dream I have been having since my childhood.
(Wow, 4A?!  What an era!)
Yes, well, if you ask me, I don’t think 4A is necessary to win competitions. But regardless of whether or not to win competitions, I still cannot proudly face my childhood self; [laughter] (Ms Kato: That’s too demanding!) Yes, my self in my childhood is so demanding. [Little Yuzuru was] really really demanding.
(We in fact have an old video in which you attempted 4A at the time of Dreams On Ice 2015) [video is shown]
Aaaggghhh, the one I don’t want to watch… ha ha ha. Ah, a total failure, oh so embarrassing, ah, embarrassing. It wasn’t close at all. I should have jumped higher. At that time, I wasn’t seriously practicing [4A]. Well, even now I am not yet practicing 4A at all. As my right ankle gets better from now on; as of now, I can somewhat manage landing of jumps, as long as I keep taking pain-killers. But I should try to gradually reduce the amount of pain-killers, and I would like to start practicing 4A, once I can land jumps without pain killers. (OK, so little by little) Yes, I was indeed aiming only at winning the second Olympic gold medal, so I am really pleased that [my right ankle] barely held [until the end].
(How do you evaluate yourself out of your maximum potential? You said it was 60% of your max last June.)
I guess my current percentage is even lower than that. As there are too many things I cannot do at the moment [due to the ankle]; so, a bit of feeling of frustration [kuyashii] has started emerging. The things I cannot execute now include 4Lz, which I was about to master, and 4Lo, which I started challenging since last season. I am potentially able to execute more difficult elements, so I would like to make better performances in addition to such difficult jumps.
(Even if your self in childhood was so demanding, he would definitely congratulate you for your gold medal now, wouldn’t he?)
Well, what would that be? Perhaps he would tell me ‘it’s just natural’. [Laughter] He is so strict. Obviously, I myself now have no feeling whatsoever that it [this gold medal] was just natural, but my self in the past would say ‘well, that’s something to be naturally expected’. [laughter]  As I said before, all the more because I remember my childhood self, I always would like to be my self whom I can feel proud of, in the eyes of my self in the past. In the past as well, there were times when I felt like escaping from skating. But the reason why I was able to keep aiming high is that I have compiled the memories from the past and made them into a source of energy.
(How would your childhood self approve you?)
If I land 4A, he would agree to approve me, probably. [Laughter] But it would be meaningless if I don’t execute it at competitions; it would not be recognised as a success unless it’s done within competitive performances. So, I would try to aim at succeeding it [at competitions]. I will try my best.
(Did you watch the Japanese ladies skating?)
Yes, I watched them on TV earlier today. If anything, the level of competitions was so high. You wouldn’t be able to win unless you execute your elements with a high quality upon achieving clean performances. [As for Satoko], she realised a performance without any underrotated jumps, which was previously a bit of concerns. [After Satoko’s performance] I made the ‘guts pose’ myself when watching it. As for Ms. Sakamoto, there were some mistakes, but both of them participated in the Olympics for the first time, and I do feel that it’s wonderful that both of them made their performance in a confident manner.
(As for the OAR ladies)
Yes, they were really strong. As Mr. Takahashi said, it was very difficult to predict which one of them might win. If possible, I would have wanted to give both of them a gold medal, honestly speaking as one of the audience.
(Do you know that so many people rushed to grab the special edition of newspapers in Japan, issued right after you won the gold medal?)
Yes, I saw it on an internet video.
(Are you happy to see them?)
Yes, it makes me feel happy. There are so many people who cheer for me in my home town and there may be many people who happened to be in Sendai. The scene [in which people rush to grab the newspapers] demonstrates their feeling of strong support for me. So, it makes me happy when I witness their attitude like that.
(Your future ambition)
I already said that the only remaining thing is 4A. My mind is filled with things about 4A. I finally started making an image-training of 4A when I go to bed. Since the reality of executing 4A is now emerging, I would have to start practicing it seriously.
(Is image-training important?)
I still cannot embrace a concrete imagine that I can execute it [4A] at all, so I would have to start with it [creating an image in my head]. Having said that, the most important for me now is to cure my ankle completely, as many people tell me. So, I will concentrate on treatment of my ankle now.
[Followed by the part tracing his process towards the victory, including 4Lz-3T(rippon)!!!]
Interview continued in a separate video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPoRPGP94Ek
(You described the four years since the Sochi Olympics as “a true era of quad jumps” [真四回転時代] and it spread widely.)
Yes, I did say that (laughter). Indeed, other newspapers have also stolen the description. From the viewpoint of Fuji TV, aren’t you a bit angry with it? (laughter) I was surprised [that the expression spread so quickly].
(From Yuzu’s quote, the way “shin” written in kanji is not “new” [新] (as it’s often written) but rather “authentic” or “true” [真].) (What kind of era do you expect to come?)
Well, it’s also difficult for me to predict if the enthusiasm for more difficult jumps keeps escalating or the current difficulty continues. The rules are going to change for sure, so the competitors will become stronger in accordance with the new rules. When the competitors recognise limits due to the new rules, each competitor would naturally have to think how to become even stronger [overcome them].
(Will an era of quint jumps come?)
There are competitors who are likely to be able to jump, like Boyang Jin. Boyang has the height and speed as demonstrated in his 4Ltz, so I quite expect him to do quint jumps. I’m looking forward to it.
(What kind of era will it become…. we are all looking forward to it.)
Yes. So I too would like to keep trying and make sure to stay among the top skaters.
Thank you so much 😊 —————–
Thanks to Sophie Moroi of YHIFG for the translation (please do not use or re-post without permission)
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lixapril-yuzulove · 5 years
27 Feb 2018, interview on ‘Minna no News’: 
Interviewer (I) “Congratulations on your amazing results!” Yuzu “Thank you.”
(I) “How are you feeling, the medal has the weight of something you wanted from the bottom of your heart, I assume?”
Yuzu “Yes I am feeling the weight of it. But this is not the weight that only I can carry around. It was achieved by the effort of everyone. So I want to share this ‘weight’ with them.”
(I) “I am sure there are many people who were happy for you. Please, take a seat”
Yuzu “Thank you.”
(I) “We had you and Shoma in this show after the 2017 World Championships. You won the gold and you were smiling. Yet you looked like you were still in a fight towards the Olympics. Compared to back then, you now look that you are finally freed.”
Yuzu “Yes, I actually feel being released now. It was like facing a dead end with no luck left. I cornered myself, and it was quite a difficult situation. I bet and sacrificed so many things. So I am fulfilled as all my sacrifices and work paid off, in a way.”
(I) “Would you summarise that the past 4 years was all for the gold medal?”
Yuzu “Well, it was not just for the Olympics. However, everything was done for skating, for sure. Of course, everything was linked to the Olympics but I put my best effort in all competitions one by one. The consequence of all effort led me to the Olympics.”
(I) You spoke of sacrifices, so there were a lot of hardships…
Yuzu: Yes… for the sake of skating, I had to choose what to take and what to give up a lot. But given the consequence that brought me this happiness and the happiness to all my supporters, I am glad (I did what I did)“
(I) “So you think you received massive support?”
Yuzu “That’s right. Of course I had big support to recover from my ankle injury. But I have never felt, not even once, that I could skate only with my own strength. I really think it was all due to the support.”
<chart of past 4 years> (I) “Here is the brief history of your last 4 years. Were you thinking about winning the next Olympic gold medal straight after Sochi in 2014?”
Yuzu “Yes, I was thinking about it.”
(I) “Was your next goal the gold in Pyeongchang already?”
Yuzu “Yes”
(I) “(scrolling down the screen) Look at this. There was the accident, sickness, injuries. How do you describe your last 4 years?”
Yuzu “Well…It was long. So many things happened and it was a meaningful time. But I always had a life with big ups and downs anyway, the earthquake, closing of the rink. I have been living a life of many obstacles all the time. So looking back now I’ve come to understand that’s how my life goes.”
(I) “You pick Seimei which you scored the world highest record with in 2015 to reuse. Was it a part of your gold winning plan?”
Yuzu “Yes. Since that season when I broke the world record many times, I have already decided to use this programme in Pyeongchang. It is my masterpiece and the one I can perform really well.”
(I) “And on your road to Pyeongchang, the injury happened in November last year. How did you feel when it happened?”
Yuzu “Yes it was a rough time… (watching the scene of the fall) ohh ouch…. It’s really painful….”
(I) “Ahh does it hurt by watching it, oh I’m so sorry…”
Yuzu “It was a hard time for sure, but people who cheer for me continuously cheered for me. And the skaters I respect and admire kept on raising the voice that they believed in me. So I strongly felt that I had to believe in myself.”
(I) “I assume that you felt fear, panic, frustration during the injury time?”
Yuzu “I certainly had frustration. When I resumed practise, I decided to take painkillers as I could not jump due to the pain. I was panicking after the decision as there was not much time left.”
(I) “Did you feel pressure that you cannot betray your fans and supporters?”
Yuzu “I did feel a sense of responsibility, but it was not a feeling of betrayal or not. It was more like a duty. Knowing people whom I admire believe in me. Because I could believe in them, it was not so much about if I could believe in myself. Their words naturally sank in me. So I always had a confidence to win”
(I) “How did you train in Canada when you could not skate?”
Yuzu “The training for figure skate actually does not have many options for that situation. For example, there is a training called rotation practice which we jump and do rotations on the ground. Or we practise in front of a mirror as we do some ballet-like moves. But this time I had some training tips and ideas from short track and speed skating to keep my cardio. I also used a stationary bike.”
(I) “Did you feel prepared and confident when you landed in Korea?”
Yuzu “On the day before I flew into Korea, my condition finally reached the level that I aimed for. I was feeling disappointed until that day, thinking ‘Oh no, I can’t win when my jumps are so bad’…but on the previous day of my departure I finally could jump alright. So I was confident.”
<9:06> (I) “How do you look back on your SP and FS?”
Yuzu “SP was good. Even FS, I did everything I had to do.”
(I) “We all cheered 'yes Hanyu is back’ in SP. Did you feel calm to go back to the competition after a long while?”
Yuzu “No I wasn’t calm. It could have been different if it wasn’t the Olympics, but fortunately I had a confidence as the gold medalist in Sochi. I experienced it, and I let myself admit my confidence from that experience. It eventually worked well for the good result.”
(I) “People talk about artistic quality of the performance. How do you think about the balance of technique and artistry of figure skate?”
Yuzu “Artistry is only possible if you have technique. [t/n. then he says it’s just like artists who paint….] [we are not sure how to best translate his analogy, so it’s omitted.]
(I) “So you need to build up technique for the beautiful artistic performance?”
Yuzu “Yes. Technique itself IS the artistry.”
<Pooh rain > (I) “The Pooh rain was bigger than usual. Did you feel the cheers of your fans more than usual?”
Yuzu “Yes, especially for the last lutz jump, I was fighting with some anxiety and pain, and I almost fell. I think the fans literally 'supported’ me.”
<about the scores> (I) “Let us talk about a little more technical stuff. The GOE of your SP. Your 3A got +3. How do you, the skaters, read those?”
Yuzu “The jumps. 3A, 4S, 4T, their max GOE is +3. So I check them first. But please also look at the spin and the step sequence. You might think the spin only got 1.4 but the max GOE of spin is 1.5. And the max for step sequence is 2.10. So it is huge that I could get good GOE in those elements.”
(I) “let’s look at your FS. Your 3A got +3 in SP, 2.14 in the 3A combo in FS. And you mentioned 4A in the press conference. Does it mean the axel jump is so special to you?”
Yuzu “Well, when you look at the score, 4S, 4T, and 4S of the 2nd half all got high GOE. I think it was the reason I could win. As for Axel, yes I have special feelings for it.  The first jump I did after the earthquake, when I resumed my training on the ice, was 3A. So it was like my new start line. So yes, 3A is very special to me.”
(I) “Now Pyeongchang is over. I understand your next motivation is 4A. What about other goals, such as breaking the world record score again?”
Yuzu “No, I am not thinking about that. We have been told for a while that the rules would change (after the Olympics), we have no idea how the new rules will affect the scores, including the world highest score. For the last 4 years under the current rule, I could achieve the world highest score in all three, SP, FS and the total. I think that is the result of all my hard work.”
(I) “Regarding 3 consecutive Olympic golds that no one has done before, how much feeling do you have for it now?”
Yuzu “None. (Hosts: None??? Hahaha. ) Before I talk about if I can do it or not, my answer to the question if I want to become a three consecutive gold medalist, is NO. But um… if I could go, I will win. That’s how I feel.”
(I) “It can be said, you have become a 2-time gold medalist that even Pluschenko whom you admire could not reach. Do you feel like that?”
Yuzu “Not at all.”
(I) “He participated the Olympics for 4 times”
Yuzu (pointing at the sign 'withdraw’ for Sochi) “It would be Gold if he could compete.”
Yuzu “He had to withdraw from his single event but he still skated amazingly in the team event. I was in the same competition field with him and I somehow won. But he is still a legend after all and I could come this far because his words always motivated me.”
(I) “Could you please write your current motivation or your goal as a figure skater? You don’t feel burnt out, do you?”
Yuzu “No, I am not burnt out.”
[Yuzu writes the words 'Perfect package’.]
(I) “Maybe you mention that all the time but please explain to us.”
Yuzu “I’ve never said this before.” (haha…..) Yuzu “My coaches always talk about 'total package’. It means you are good in all aspects of skate. 'Perfect package’ means you are perfect in all elements and aspects. I know 4A will get a lot of attention from now. But within me, to me, I want to aim at becoming a skater who is perfect in everything. Everything is perfect, on my scale. That’s what I want to be.”
Translated by Rena Moriguchi in YHIFG;  video thanks to pino16.17.  (for the hosts’ words, only the main points are translated.)
[Do not use nor re-post without permission] 
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lixapril-yuzulove · 5 years
Seimei Creation (EngSub)
The precious video showed us how this excellent program came to the world.
the theme of “和”, choreography, costume, and clip of music
Let’s go into Yuzu’s Seimei world!!!
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lixapril-yuzulove · 5 years
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Yuzuru Hanyu X SEIMEI– some posts from the past for new fans who want to know more. 
1) 2015 June, Yuzu’s words when SEIMEI was first revealed at Dreams On Ice:  ARTICLE
2) 2015 Aug, with Kyogen master Mansai Nomura (who acted as Seimei in the movie ‘Onmyoji’):  2 videos- A and B   
3) With choreographer Shae-Lynn Bourne: ‘Road to Completion of SEIMEI’
4) Yuzu’s music editing - ‘32 versions of SEIMEI’ (revealed by sound designer Keiichi Yano) 
5) “A programme that starts with the sound of his own breath” (note: the video in my post does not work anymore.  If you know of another link, please tell me.  Thanks!!!)  
6) 2017 Sept, Yuzu comments on 2015 SEIMEI: https://vimeo.com/235626067 (ENG subs by Gladi)
7) 2017 Oct, ’The Birth of a Costume’ (with costume designer, Satomi Ito) 
Happy watching and reading!  
(pic cr: nikkan sports, newscom, sports sina)
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lixapril-yuzulove · 5 years
hello, have you ever thought about creating a playlist/list of all your favourite Yuzuru interviews? can you pleaseeeee create one (if you haven't), since you seem to know a lot about this
I were to skim through my Yuzu playlist to make the list but then ended up getting into the spiral of re-watching my fav vids and finding out even more vids I hadn’t watched XD so I’m sorry this took such a long time.
So… if you know me, you’ll know that my first reaction to this question is SHUZO!! I absolutely adore all the interviews that Yuzuru has done with Shuzo Matsuoka-san, as Shuzo-san most of the time knows which question to ask after following Yuzu for so many years, and Yuzu is also very comfortable around him. Therefore, on the top of my fav list are some of Shuzo’s interviews:
First interview of Yuzuru & Shuzo - Houdou Station 7.11.2011: baby Yuzuru impressed Mr. Shuzo with his ambitious goals and 4T training
Inteview after NHK Trophy 2014 (translation here) insights on how Yuzu felt going back to competition after the collision. Yuzu later said that he learned a lot from this interview & it helped him get gold at GPF 2014
Interview after NHK Trophy 2015: His hot-blooded side and interesting competitive mindest
Interview after GPF 2015: Explanations to his reactions at GPF
Interview after NHK Trophy 2016: Insights on how he copes with expectations, and it’s interesting how he changed his goal in the middle of the interview
Some interviews from Pyeongchang:
Interview with Shuzo Matsuoka (subbed) - Houdou station 19.02.2018: funny and insightful as always
Interview with Shou Sakurai (full translations): I really like it as it touched several important topics with just enough details and some good humor from Yuzu
Interview with Nakai (partial translation here and here)
Press conference at Japanese National Press Club (subbing in progress by gladi and tadakixd)
Other than that, here are some other older interviews that I like:
Interview after NHK Trophy 2014 (my translation gifs here): a very inspiring interview that I hold very dear to my heart, I got a lot of motivation from it
“From a boy to a young man” - GetSports (14.4.2014): it’s not fully translated yet, but I made translation gifs for my favorite part of the interview here
“Scenery seen at the shelter” (4.3.2012): it’s not subbed, but I translated most parts (part1 and part2) Yuzuru’s reflections one year after the Earthquake 3.11, it was very real and heartbreaking to hear his 18-year-old struggling with such hardships and emotional conflicts
Asaichi 2015: I like it a lot, full of small questions, cute answers, but I only recommend part I and a few first minutes of part II.
Kenji’s Room ft. Yuzuru (5 episodes) (summer 2015): this one is more like a talkshow than an interview, but I like it a lot as they spent enough time to explore from the most trivial snippets to Yuzu’s reflections on big changes in his life. Plus these two joked around a lot, it was cute and casual :D
Talkshow with Yuzuru, Plushenko and Mao at NHK Special Exhibition 2016 (partial translation here & my translation gifs here): the content is nothing new, but the interaction btw Plushenko & Yuzuru is adorable
I also like some interviews just for their interesting snippets:
Yuzuru answering to the question of how to raise children like him (translation gifs here): hands down - best answer you can get
Yuzuru pisses off his mom while doing image training (x)
JP media literally roasted Yuzu on set for the many times he failed on 4S over 2 seasons XD (x)
Baby Yuzu said his honest goal and regretted immediately (x): absolutely the most adorable thing ever
Mascot cannot stop caressing baby Yuzu (subbed) (x): I just laughed so hard at the sound effects
Cute short interview with PJ Kwong (x)
Yuzuru’s 5-minute answer to the question of how many quads are necessary for Pyeongchang + facepalm at the end (full answer here, translation here)
Haha sorry that this turned out to be such a long list. There’re tons (like TONS!!) of old and new contents about Yuzu that I haven’t watched, so this is just a very subjective list of mine :”> hope you’ll enjoy this!
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lixapril-yuzulove · 5 years
Yuzuru’s Visit to Naraha, Fukushima 7.3.2018
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While I’m as happy as the next fan to see Yuzuru finally wearing both medals (“Inconsistent? Wild? Too cold? I can’t hear the sound of your hate over these two consecutive-golds clinking around my neck~♥ ”), I really want to emphasize the circumstance of him wearing them here.
Here’s the school’s blog entry about the event. And the short news broadcast. (a couple of tiny translation snippets 1, 2)
Yuzuru is visiting the town Naraha in the Fukushima prefecture, which is one of the closest towns to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactor power plant and one of the towns in the original 12 mile exclusion zone. You can read the full New York Times article on Naraha here, but to give a brief overview: Residents were finally allowed to return in 2015, and families with children returned in 2017 with the opening of a school. The combined elementary-middle school opened in April 2017 and had a total of just 105 enrolled students. Some of the kids had been uprooted and relocated several times before moving back, and there are counselors to help the kids through lingering anxieties. 
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The first time we’re seeing Yuzuru with both medals isn’t because of an interview or for a TV news segment. Of all the times he could have brought them out to display together – the ice show he produced, the Sendai parade in his honor, the Emperor’s spring garden party, the prime minister’s party, the Japanese Olympic Committee award ceremony, the press conference after the People’s Honor Award – he only now brings them out for this visit with kids. Gold medals are awards for being the best in the competition and winning, but bringing these medals here gives them a different meaning. They become symbols of hope and perseverance. It’s a beautiful sentiment that also displays Yuzuru’s character.
Yuzuru has visited survivors of the hard-hit earthquake&tsunami disaster zone multiple times in the past - the most* notable cases being in 2014 when he talked to locals in Ishinomaki and visited Minato junior high school which had just finished reconstruction that spring, in 2016 when he visited two schools in Otsuchi and skated a 5th anniversary collaboration ice show, and back in 2015 when he visited the elderly in their temporary housing in Iwaki. Those elders evacuated from Naraha and expressed that they didn’t want their hometown to be forgotten. It seems that Yuzuru took those feelings to heart and honored them today.
After the end of his many off-season obligations, just before returning back to Toronto to train, he makes time to schedule this visit. Not only does Yuzuru bring hope to the children here, but he also brings more attention to an area which is struggling to regain its population, and he’s showing that these kinds of places haven’t given up fighting. This visit is a perfect example of why he was given the People’s Honor Award the day before. It’s this kind of continued commitment over the years to visiting the impacted areas that’s made Yuzuru a symbol himself.  
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*In addition to the instances I mentioned above, there are the two times when he returned for short documentaries recounting what it was like to be a survivor in an evacuation center (2012–we get a glimpse of this in the 2014 Ishinomaki video and in this video; and 2016), and meeting with a man who turned his damaged home into a standing reminder of the disaster. He’s also done projects like the Hana wa Saku music video (making of here, translation pt1 here, pt2 here) and various charity skating events over the years. Not to mention the other ways he’s helped by donating the royalties from his books and his Olympic winnings to the reconstruction efforts. Also! The elderly ladies who returned to Naraha were featured in a news program when they had a watching party during the Pyeongchang Olympics. He’s visited or done an ice show for the affected areas almost every year since the disaster occurred - I think 2013 is the only year he didn’t return in person (I’m probably forgetting something, so correct me if I’m wrong). His ties to schools and the community run deep.
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lixapril-yuzulove · 5 years
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181228 every
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lixapril-yuzulove · 5 years
[ENG] Yuzuru Special Documentary before Worlds 2019 (21.3.2019) (Full 3 parts on Youtube)
Other links: Drive (please always check the original post for the most updated links)
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lixapril-yuzulove · 5 years
[ENG] Yuzuru Hanyu’s speech and interview - Sendai Monument Design Unveiling Ceremony (20.4.2019)
Other links: Drive (please always check the original post for the most updated links)
I hope everyone can feel the warmth in his words. Yuzuru is always grateful for his roots and his fans, such a precious boy :3
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lixapril-yuzulove · 5 years
190420 Yuzuru Hanyu Monument Unveiling Ceremony at Sendai City
Since early in the morning, organizers and fans alike have gathered at the hall where the ceremony was going to take place. There were a total of 20,113 fans application until April 19th since there were still submissions after the deadline. However the organizers only chose and provided for roughly 600 fans. Before fans entered the hall, they were given a free, brand new Sendai Guidebook which consisted of 42 pages in A5 size and fully colored. The Sendai Guidebook was printed in 100,000 copies and 600 was distributed to ceremony attendees today. The rest will be distributed starting end-June within Sendai City only.
Notable pages of Sendai Guidebook:
Page 10: Hanyu Yuzuru Talks <The present, from here…>
Page 14: The origin of figure skating in Japan
Page 16: A map of locations associated with Hanyu Yuzuru
The rest of the pages contains other useful informations and spots such as cafe, shops, etc.
Fans who could not attend in person were given a streaming link available worldwide via YouTube and Weibo. The live streaming started from 10 AM JST, until the end of the ceremony almost 18,000 fans on YouTube and 100,000 fans on Weibo have tuned in to watch Yuzuru. The ceremony started with Sendai Philharmonic Orchestra playing some music whom fans inside the hall reported also played a snippet of Phantom of The Opera (unfortunately, the stream did not provide sounds until 10:15 AM JST therefore fans couldn’t hear what the Sendai Philharmonic Orchestra was playing). Fans have noticed that behind where the Orchestra players were seated, there was a flower arrangement of delphinium and its language means SEIMEI which is pure and clear.
The first to show up on the stage was the presenter who proceeded to thank everyone for coming to commemorate Yuzuru’s activities and achievements. They were followed by Sendai City Government Officials and the boy himself. Yuzuru showed up looking cute with a nice black suit and a big red flower pinned to its torso, he’s also wearing a pink, sakura-colored neck tie.
The Mayor of Sendai and other Government Official said that we, today, including those who cannot attend the ceremony and those who cannot come to Sendai, are all gathered to deliver our feelings of gratitude to Yuzuru and his achievements. They said that Sendai won’t forget Yuzuru’s kindness for all he did for the city following 3/11 and that Yuzuru is their pride, Sendai’s pride. They were praising Yuzuru for his Olympic performance which continued to dazzle the world, for always teaching people not to give up, for doing so much to help the recovery efforts of Sendai City after Great Tohoku Disaster 3/11.
Yuzuru also confessed how amazing it is to have his two Olympic victories not only on records but also physically recorded in history as a monument, he hopes that the monuments will inspire even just one person to be brave and take up skating. He’s also revealed how everyone’s support and love has helped him a lot through times even when he couldn’t skate. Yuzuru sent a message to kids in Sendai that if they want to take up skating, they must have a dream, some type of motivation to push them forward.
They took a commemorative photo before they unveiled the monument design.
After the unveiling of the monument, Yuzuru thanked everyone for coming, that he’s deeply grateful for everyone who started working on the monument project a while ago and everyone who was working all night to set up the ceremony hall as well. He said, jokingly, “Now there is going to be a two of me (my monuments) next to (one) of Arakawa-san! (laugh)”
The presenter asked Yuzuru to show some sort of movements during the photo session for the press and he did the SEIMEI pose but he got embarassed shortly after. He then did the SEIMEI pose again towards the exit of the stage that made everyone screamed in joy.
The live stream for monument unveiling ceremony has officially ended. Yuzuru was then headed for a short press conference. Some of his answers from the press con as translated by @Juronom on Twitter:
“I want to challenge the quadruple Axel. I will arm myself with it and will continue to do my best in Reiwa era.”
“I came back to Sendai yesterday, so I didn’t have the real “sense” of Sendai yet, but today after meeting local officials, newspapers, it finally sinks in that ahh, I am back… and there is a warm feeling of my hometown.“
“Until one year ago, I thought quadruple Axel was still a dream and it’d be such an achievement if I could accomplish it. Now it’s not a dream anymore. I want to be able to master it proficiently, it’s a challenge that I should go with. It’s not a dream. I want to be the first to land it beautifully in competition. That’s my dream right now.”
“I am very proud when looking at the 2nd monument. Although my performance happened and ended at PC, its impression still remains. The gold medal there honestly feels so special to me.”
On the monument’s potentials of attracting tourists: “A few days ago, France’s Notra Dame suffered from damage due to fire, and a lot of people are raising funds towards reconstruction. Individual strength is probably not considerable, but hopefully, this monument can attract many tourists to Sendai, and little by little affected regions can benefit from that.” There’s some source where he mentions a recent earthquake at Taiwan as well.
Yuzu thinks not only Sendai but other regions affected by disasters can benefit from everyone’s contribution. He’s happy his media exposure can help spreading the awareness of reconstruction in Sendai, Miyagi, Tohoku, and East Japan generally.
On the SEIMEI pose: “The 1st "jan” sound in the opening was followed by flute sound flowing, and the opening pose feels like taking control of heaven and earth, and I started skating after that pose. That was a moment when I took control, it was “domination” over the surrounding, at that time, it was the rink. It’s like I put my domination all over the rink, and I skated with that strong feeling.“
Today, fans all over the world have rejoiced after seeing the boy being all smiley and that it seems his ankle rehabilitation is going well. Figure skating is Yuzuru’s life, and his happiness is ours. Whatever the future holds for Yuzuru and his dreams, we will be here - in our presence and prayer.
Link for the monument unveiling ceremony:
Pictures from today:
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