#a pest control company is…failing. lol
audible-smiles · 15 days
Audio: I have a prisoner. Ruth chased it into our room and I don’t know what the hell to do with it. It’s very cute. I’m worried that might be a cat bite wound on its abdomen. Ah! No. I know, you’re a smarty. So if it’s a brown rat, like a Norway rat it’s a juvenile, because it’s way too small. And it’s slightly bigger than the mice I’m familiar with. I don’t know what this is. What is this thing?
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dwn024 · 8 months
i am on my knees can i please see mantidman's brothers
ABSOLUTELY BUT THE ART OF THEM IS SO OLDDDD i really gotta redraw All of them one of these days. But i still do kinda like the most recent art i did of Half the line so i can at least share that^_^
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i especially need to redraw trawler because where the Fuck is his tummy but regardless. from left to right we have trawlerman, mantidman, infernoman, and shotman^_^ inferno's the oldest, shot's the third-oldest, trawler's the third-youngest, and mantid's the second-youngest. inferno is a huge fucking asshole and sucks so bad and is especially mean to mantid cuz he's an easy target, trawler's the only one to ever stand up for mantid, and shot's the one that's always gotta keep inferno in check but is also his partner in crime.
these guys are so fun i love them so much i kinda want to bring trawler and inferno to CMY2K too cuz trawler would fit especially well just cuz of his job, he's a commercial fishing bot like that's totally something that could exist both in real life and in CMY2K. inferno was Originally built as an entertainer pyrotechnics bot until the company he was commissioned for went under, and now he's just an unemployed leech and failed twitch streamer. and of course shotman's a bartender [who always has to refuse to give inferno free drinks] and mantid's pest control for a botanical garden
i love these guys they mean Da Worl 2 Me. and then there's also a full eight-RM line too, so the full line from oldest to youngest is: infernoman, bloodman [who i also love and might bring to CMY2K], shotman, sawman, micman [who i have never ever even drawn before], trawlerman, mantidman, and bottleman [who is the baby of the bunch and in their like contained canon he still has yet to be activated, he's just a littleguy]. i love All the DGNs so so much they are my favorite megaman characters ever LOL these guys suck so bad they rule. they are all perfectly designed to make mantid's life a living hell
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coachmonag · 5 years
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Did you know that according to a recent Gallop Poll, 85% of people hate their jobs? - Overall, Gallup found that only 15% of workers feel engaged by their jobs. According to Forbes, “engaged” means they feel a sense of “passion” for and “deep connection” to their work, spending their days “driving innovation and moving their company forward.” - Isn’t that sad? Are YOU one of those statistics? If so, then perhaps it’s time to start taking the steps necessary to change it. - I did bugs for 25 years. I even co-owned the company (Pest Control General Store, a DIY pest control store) with my husband, and for the first 20 years, I loved it. I ate, slept and drank bugs! Well...not literally, but you get the gist, lol. It was my passion and I worked hard and long to be an expert in my field and stay on top of my game. - I started getting bored and feeling stagnant. I had accomplished all there was to accomplish from State Certification to notoriety with my peers to awards, and had even earned the title “Florida Bug Expert” and/or “The Bug Lady”. WooHoo, lol! It was time for a change. - I was starting to get a little older now, and didn’t want to go back to college for another 4 years to start something brand new. I just wanted to be happy and in love with my career again. And then in 2010, my liver and kidneys failed (no relation to pest control, to be clear) and I almost died. My journey to being transplanted and recovery was miraculous (see YouTube, Mona Giordano, Miracles Still Happen) and after coming through all of that, I told God that “There HAS to be more to life than rats and roaches!” and my new journey to find my true purpose in life began. - So what’s the point in all this, you may ask? The point is: Life is far too short to stay stuck doing something that doesn’t make your heart sing. You never know when you may draw your last breath, so LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST and either find your passion and purpose for living on this earth, or if you know it, but haven’t done anything to move toward it, START NOW. http://bit.ly/2CLqheI
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