#a lurking sehun
sin-pop · 6 years
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jongin about to mess up junmyeon’s entire tempo like they destroyed mine
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That type of Sehun content is something he himself would approve of.
-Not Sehun
Sehun typing this in my asks again :
26 notes · View notes
exosmutfactory · 3 years
Six Phases FINALE Pt 2
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Originally posted by tipannies
Who knew it nearly took 6 months to win your heart, and 6 phases for Baekhyun to lose his mind.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3  P(1) P(2) | Part 4 P(1) P(2) | Part 5 P(1)  P(2) | Part 6 P(1)  P(2) —– P(3)  P(4) —– P(5)  P(6) | ♬♩♪♩ FINALE P(1)  P(2)✓ (also on AFF)
A/N: Let’s give Riley the ending she deserves 💗
[ contains: smut & fluff~]
•⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •
Tonight is a special occasion, one that requires the most lethal of dresses that I own. A dress I always had my eye on yet never dared to take out from the back of my closet. I could never find the right time to wear it—until now. Because tonight, oh tonight… I have a date with Baekhyun.
I pull up the spaghetti straps of my wine colored dress, making sure that the criss-cross stripes of fabric in the front are straight. This dress is definitely too cold for the first week of December, but that's what winter coats are for. For now, I will turn side to side to admire how the bodycon shape fits well with the cutout section exposing my stomach. Party in the front and business in the back.
Straightening the last strand of my hair, I smile when my phone lights up with a notification, knowing full well who it is. His cute usage of emojis visible on the screen tells me all that I need to know. Chuckling to myself, I set down my flatiron and reply to him.
Baekhyun planned a date at his apartment tonight, subtly dropping a hint about what I should wear. Mmhm, this isn't a t-shirt and sweatpants event. Based on the new black blazer in the back of his adorable selfie that he sent me the other day when he asked me out, I got a good idea of what I'm getting myself into.
Humming to myself, I check my reflection one last time and grab my keys before heading out. Let's see which shade of Baekhyun is awaiting me today.
Strutting my way to the elevator in my rose gold heels, I smile at my neighbor when she steps out onto our floor, whistling at my choice of attire. She winks at me as the doors close. Chuckling, I check my phone one last time, typing a quick reply to Sehun with my French tip nails letting him know that I'm okay. We've made a point to catch up with each other at the end of every week, whether face to face or over the phone. Unfortunately, I have plans tonight… and maybe tomorrow too. And the day after that.
Smirking, I repocket my phone and wrap my fluffy coat tighter around me, waving to the security guard while making my way out of the building. The bite of the December air is refreshing for my skin, the heat packed into my coat leaves me slightly too warm otherwise. I look both ways before crossing the parking lot, staying aware of my surroundings. The last thing I need is any drama from a careless driver or lurking thief in the streets. These heels are too expensive to break off into someone's ass for making me late.
My car unlocks with a familiar chirp, its headlights coming on while I walk around to the driver's side. Taking one last glance at the world around me and my back seat, I climb inside and set my purse down on the passenger's side. My phone vibrates just as I start the engine, buzzing faintly against the soft R&B CD playing on my radio. With a small smile, I check my rearview mirror and pull out onto the road.
I hum along to the first track, wondering if a UN Village actually exists while navigating to Baekhyun's apartment. The Christmas lights set up on the light poles in advance bring another smile to my face. Something about this time of year always sits right with me.
Before I know it, I'm pulling into a parking space at his apartment complex, waiting for the powerful vocals of the 6th song on the album to fade away. Sighing a little, I lean back in my seat, sweeping my eyes over the parking lot as the windows start to fog up. Who would have thought that I'd be back here nearly a year later? With warmth in my heart and a certain silver haired, idiotic yet adorable man on my mind.
"I love you," I mumble shyly, holding eye contact despite my heated cheeks and racing heart.
His whole face lights up with his smile, sparkly brown eyes outshining all the stars in the sky as he cups my cheeks in his warm palms. "I love you more."
Stepping out of my car, I pick up my purse and head inside, sharing a knowing look with the familiar security guard on my way to the elevators. It feels so good to be back, the year-long bad memories vanishing with every step I take. To my home—to my heart. The man my heart calls out for like a rescued fish returning to sea.
Butterflies flutter in my stomach when I arrive on his floor, taking my time to walk down the brightly lit hallway. I wonder what is in store for me tonight. After all, when it comes to Baekhyun, anything can be awaiting me on the other side of that door. Possibilities are endless.
Taking a deep breath, I knock on the door, smiling softly when it opens seconds later only for my jaw to drop to the floor.
Baekhyun... with his silver hair parted to the side, wearing fucking brown eyeshadow. That new black blazer of his has buttons on the ends of the sleeves, sitting perfectly on his broad shoulders. But the real sight to behold is lower down on his body, starting from his half-buttoned black shirt showing his honey-toned chest. That view alone could send a woman into a coma, but then he had to tuck his shirt into a pair of snug leather pants. The belt around his hips shows off the curves of his waist and those damn black heeled boots are back again.
I don't even care that he can see me practically drooling—I already know what's on my menu for tonight.
"Hey," He smiles charmingly, taking my breath away.
I take a moment to compose myself, peeking at him from under my eyelashes with a smile of my own. "Hi, B."
His eyes and smile soften. "Come in, it's cold out." He steps aside to let me in, closing the door behind me.
Humming softly, I relish in his alluring cinnamon scent. "Not really," I mumble distractedly, thinking of how much warmer I feel at the sight of him while he helps me take off my coat. The way his breath hitches has a smirk quirking at my red painted lips. "What are we having tonight?" I inquire, glancing over my shoulder at him.
Baekhyun's eyes immediately shoot up to mine. "D-Dinner," He coughs, trying to cover up his flushed face behind his hand.
"Oooo," I walk further into the apartment, following the spicy aroma of food and making my way to the kitchen. "Okay. What did you order in?"
"Actually," Baekhyun's citrus shampoo floats in the air when I reach the doorway, staring at the set table with wide eyes. "I made it myself," He mumbles shyly, the cool plastic of the flower pinned to his blazer brushing against my back.
"Holy shit…" It's a fucking feast. Fresh salad, crunchy garlic bread, and the most appetizing platter of spaghetti that I've ever seen in my life. Not only that, the single-lit candle in the middle of the table has my heart and below squeezing in earnest. This cheeky little hopeless romantic.
"The meat is turkey-based," Baekhyun perks up after a few moments, walking around to place used pots and pans in the sink. Busying his fidgety hands with moving everything off of the counter. "I bought hot sauce but didn't put much because I didn't know if you'd like it spicy or not."
Walking further into the room, I rest my hand on the back of a chair, watching him with a lick of my lips.
Baekhyun continues occupying himself with everything in the kitchen, not even noticing when I slowly approach him. "The toast is on the softer side and I have some sweet tomatoes in the fridge-"
Fuck it.
I grab him by his jacket when he turns around, tugging on him so hard that a few buttons pop off and scatter around on the floor.
Baekhyun gasps, stumbling a little before bracing his hands on the surface behind me, the dishes on the dining table rattling under our joined weight. "Riley-"
I smash my lips to his, kissing him with fervor, backing him up until his back presses against the counter. I'm relentless with tugging and biting down on his bottom lip, capturing it between my teeth. He moans right into my mouth when I part his lips, sucking hard on his tongue.
The audible smack of our messy kiss echoes around the walls of his apartment, steadily building up tension in my stomach and the ache between my legs. Baekhyun softly huffs and puffs for air after a few minutes, pulling back to catch his breath with rosy, lipstick-smeared lips. "D-Dinner-"
"I'd rather eat something else," I utter lowly, rubbing my hand down his chest. My eyes flicker back up to his wide orbs just in time to catch him gulping, his warm brown eyes darkening significantly.
He looks at me for a long moment, hesitation vivid in his body language. I step closer, cupping his cheek before pressing my lips to his, gently coaxing his soft lips to dance with mine. Baekhyun takes a deep breath before wrapping his arms around me, the caress of his hands over my exposed skin leaving goosebumps in their wake.
This, I muse, shivering in delight when my body is fully pressed against his, is what has been missing.
He grows more daring the longer our lips lock, his warm hands sliding up the back of my thighs and venturing under my dress, bunching up the fabric. His fingertips teasingly slipping between my thighs has my pussy quivering, my own palms tugging on his tucked in shirt to feel more of his skin. Baekhyun grips my ass before spinning us around, hoisting me up onto the counter while I tangle my hand in his hair, my lips still glued to his. I moan when his fingers land on my clothed core, welcoming him between my parted legs.
"You're so wet," He breathes, a look of awe on his face. Sweat is already dripping down from the edges of his hairline, casting his skin in a dewy glow under the dancing candle lights.
"I'm not the only one," I murmur, tapping the back of my fingers on the bulge in his snug pants.
Baekhyun groans, pulling me into another kiss, making me gasp when he tugs me closer to the edge of the counter, his hardon right against my heated core. I shiver, wanting to widen my legs and close them at the same time when he rolls his hips, the thin fabric of my lace thong doing nothing to conceal his erection from my throbbing clit.
Our loud moans and sloppy kisses fill the air, the temperature rising in the room with every roll of his talented hips. I tighten my grip on his hair, gritting my teeth to hold back the tension building between my legs. 11 months has been way too long for me to not be intimate with someone like this, but looking up at Baekhyun's already fucked out face, I wouldn't have it any other way.
With shaky hands and quivering legs, I reach down to undo Baekhyun's belt, flinging it out of my way before pulling his zipper down. My hand slips a few times when he moves my thong to the side, sliding his middle finger into my greedy core.
"Ah…" I pant, tilting my head back as he trails searing kisses down my neck. "Fuck." The feeling of him inside of me after so long has me squeezing my thighs around his waist, fighting the wave threatening to fall over me when he finds my sweet spot immediately.
"So good for me," He murmurs, sucking my earlobe between his teeth. He slips in another finger when I finally pull his cock out of his boxers, swirling my fingers around his tip and stroking him in my firm grip. We speed up as we pant into each other's mouths, too turned on and drowned in pleasure to keep up with our kiss.
"Fuck, baby." He pulls back, cheeks flushed a pretty red hue, "C-condom-"
"No time for that." I shake my head, digging my heels into his lower back only to pause, narrowing my eyes at him. "Unless-"
He shut me up with a kiss this time. "No." He murmurs, meeting my eyes, his firm grip tightening on my hips. "No one else but you."
I am surprised by his answer, but I just nod, letting him continue. I might not be able to read Baekhyun like a book as he says I do, but I know he doesn't fuck around when it comes to his health. Let alone when it concerns the pretty, thick dick he has. Brushing his hair away to look into his eyes, I part my lips only for my breath to hitch, blushing at the feeling of him aligning his cock with my entrance.
"May I?" He murmurs, resting his forehead on mine.
The annoying throb between my legs has me clenching my teeth. "If you don't-" I gasp, clutching onto his shoulders as he slides in to the hilt. The burn of him inside me after so long is more than I expected.
Baekhyun pauses to let me adjust, pressing a chaste kiss to my lips that just makes me spasm around him. A gasp escapes him in turn, his slender fingers digging into the soft swell of my hips. "Easy, baby." He strains, voice deepened in lust.
"Easy for you to say," I grumble through gritted teeth, my back arching when he circles his hips. He presses flush against my goosebump-covered skin, giving me warmth as he starts up a comfortable rhythm, spreading my legs as far as the counter will allow. I can't help but gulp, leaning back against my braced palms. Just the view of his stunning body fully dressed beside his unzipped leather pants is messing with my head, let alone his cock pressing every spot within my walls that drives me insane.
Baekhyun pulls out, and before I can say anything, I hear his knees hitting the floor. Silver locks of hairbrush against my inner thighs moments before warm, wet sensation brushes against my clit.
"Mmm," He moans, tightening his grip on my thighs when I jolt. He pulls me even closer to the edge of the counter, placing my legs over his shoulders, "Come here."
All I can manage to do is tangle my fingers in his luscious locks. Hopefully they are strong enough to sustain my knee-jerking tugs when he drags his lips over my core, sticking his tongue into my hole and taking my folds between his lips. Baekhyun is just… gentle, slurping and smacking his lips against my throbbing core without a care. He's taking his time down there as if he has all the time in the world. I feel bad for my arousal dripping onto the counter and all over his chin—it's embarrassing, but it's never been this… this good.
"So sweet," He murmurs, sliding his warm palms up my waist.
Trying my best not to succumb to the coil in my stomach, I risk a glance down at him. The sight of his tongue poking out from between his coated lips to caress my swollen nub in the gentlest of ways has me tensing up—even more so when his brown eyes flicker up to meet mine.
"Baekhyun." I pant, tugging harder on his hair.
"Come on," He breathes, gripping my hips when I start to tremble.
"B-Baekhyun." It takes everything in me to hold on, bracing myself against the counter. "I want you inside…" I throw my head back when he slips a finger inside, quickly followed by another.
"Give it to me." He demands, so softly in an airy tone, his breath hitching at a particularly hard tug on his roots. He's damn near pleading for it and it's driving me crazy. "Come all over my face, baby."
Yeah, there's no winning this fight. With his lewd words and soft lips wrapping tight around my clit, rolling it around inside of his mouth with his tongue, that's it. Game over. How I managed this long without falling over the edge by the works of his mouth is a mystery within itself.
Baekhyun doesn't stop humming and massaging my clit with his lips until I softly push his head away, closing my shaking legs. He stands back up, sliding his hands up my thighs and leaning in for a kiss. It's different from the others we've shared tonight, filled with a certain hint of gentleness and love that matches the yearning and adoration in his sparkly brown eyes.
"Fuck, Riley." Baekhyun pulls back, cock twitching in my hand when I rotate my wrist. He cards a hand through his hair, chuckling in disbelief. "You are driving me crazy."
"Yeah?" I drawl, wrapping my thighs around his waist. "Come show me crazy."
"I'm not gonna last…" He admits, looking worried.
"How long do you plan on loving me, Byun Baekhyun?" I demand, tucking my index finger under his chin for him to face me.
Baekhyun's eyes dance like shimmering orbs of light. "Until my last dying breath."
"Well," I breathe, butterflies fluttering my stomach when his words settle in. "I'm sure we can fit in plenty of rounds until then."
The sweetest smile forms on his handsome face before his brows knit together, biting his bottom lip when I pull him back inside, digging my heels into his back.
"Don't hold back," I whisper into his ear, brushing my lips over his neck. Baekhyun takes a shaky breath, pulling away until only his tip is in my sensitive core. The bruising grip he has on my hips is the only warning I get before he plunges back inside. 
Baekhyun doesn't hold back in the slightest. He sets a fast, near brutal pace, lifting my hips to slam inside of me at an angle that has me screaming his name, clinging onto his clothed shoulders for dear life.
"Fuck, baby." He groans, his steady rhythm taking on sloppy, shallow thrusts. The squelch of our joined bodies stirs up an unexpected heat in me. "I'm gonna-"
"Yeah," I breathe, locking my legs around the back of his trembling thighs. My heart and pussy clench in earnest at the expression on his face.
Baekhyun pants, sweat dripping down his forehead and falling off of his jaw. The flap of his jacket exposing his chest with his shaky movements. "Can I-"
I lick the salty sweat from his heated skin, sucking harshly where his collarbone meets his gorgeous neck. "Inside me, B."
He groans the loudest one of the night, hiding his face in my neck as he pounds into me. His cum spills deep inside, hot and messy. The warmth of it triggers my own release. I have to bite down on his shoulder to contain the uncontrollably loud moan that's ripped from my throat with his final gentle thrusts.
Baekhyun slows down to a stop, his chest flushed to mine while we try to regain our breath. The smell of sweat and sex permeating the air has me giggling breathlessly, running my fingers through his damp hair.
"Fuck—baby," He mutters, hurrying to pull out. "Your dress."
"It's-" I moan, biting my lip when he slides his fingers back in.
"Where's a towel," He frantically looks around, the most comically concerned expression on his handsome, dewy face. "There it is! Ah, it's too far away... I'm sorry, baby-" He stops when I wrap my hand around his wrist, slipping his cum covered fingers between my lips.
"Take it off of me," I whisper, staring right into his dilated eyes.
"You'll be cold," He murmurs, looking between my eyes and my mouth sucking on his fingertips.
"Then warm me up," I purr, wrapping my thighs back around his waist.
Baekhyun's jaw drops, his cock already stirring against me. I reach down to take him into my hand, rubbing my fingers around his tip. "You'll be the death of me." He groans, tangling his hand in my hair and pulling me into a searing kiss.
Hours later, we're curled up in bed. My head on his pillow with his hands in my hair.
"W-Will you stay the night?" Baekhyun whispers, brown eyes no longer showing signs of tiredness.
I smile, completely in love with this new side of him. Baekhyun, in all that he is, is the most beautiful man in the world. "Of course, baby," I murmur, tracing random shapes on his honey skin.
He perks up with the most beautiful smile growing on his face, gently pulling me closer until my head rests on his chest, his fast-beating heart a dead giveaway to how happy he is. I kiss over his heart, looking up into his shimmering brown pools of love. Is he...? Gently swiping my finger under his eye has a tear falling down his cheek. And another. And another…
"You mean everything to me," He breathes, arms and legs tangled so much with mine I don't know where he ends and I begin.
I smile, falling asleep to the beat of his steady heart and the security of his warm arms. "You mean the world to me."
Time goes by so fast when you're happy and in love, turning even your hardest days into nights that you want to remember. Just having that person you love the most by your side, through thick and thin, for better or for worse, makes all the difference in the world.
—The only downside is how agonizing time passes when you are apart.
I pop my bubble gum with my chin resting in my palm, humming and tapping my pen on my desk. After catching up on a day's worth of paperwork, (blame my procrastination… and spending the weekend at Baekhyun's,) I'm bored, impatiently waiting for noon. There's only one way to fix this mood before I'm in a slump for the rest of the day, and looking at the home screen of my phone, I plan to arrange that very soon. 
As soon as 12:00 pops up on the clock, I tap the first number on my speed dial, pressing my ringing phone to my ear.
"Hello?" His honey-smooth voice flutters over the line.
"Baekhyun." I apply a fresh layer of lip gloss to my lips, tucking away my hair to make sure my diamond earrings don't get tangled. "Are you free for lunch?"
"Yeah." He mumbles distractedly, shuffling papers filter through the call before a door shuts.
"Come over." I demand, hanging up. Pushing back from my desk, I walk over to my vanity table, straightening out my black lace, sleeveless bra from under my robe. It's mid-Spring again, already hot enough to wake me up in the middle of the night when I don't sleep with my fan on. The perfect excuse for what I have planned for my "week off" of work. I don't care how many business meetings I have to host from the comfort of my own home.
The doorbell rings just as I'm smoothing down my hair, checking my reflection one last time in the mirror. I make my way out of my bedroom and into the living room, pulling the door open with haste.
Baekhyun stands on the other side with wide, frantic eyes, dressed impeccably in a black suit with his slicked back silver hair the slightest bit ruffled. "Riley, what-"
I yank him inside, crashing my lips to his, pressing his body to the door before it slams shut. His scent surrounds me in seconds, vanilla-scented clothes with traces of smoke. The rich citrus of his soft hair and the hint of musk on his skin from a long day of work. My hands are undoing his tucked in shirt before he can get a word in.
"Riley." He grunts, holding me close as I trail messy kisses down his gorgeous neck. I walk backwards to the couch, toppling onto it with him following me.
"How long before your next meeting?" I murmur, pulling him closer by his tie.
Baekhyun visibly gulps, brown eyes darkening significantly before they flicker back up to mine. "They'll survive." He chuckles, licking his lips, leaning in for another frenzied kiss.
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Yeah, Baekhyun wasn't kidding about him being a workaholic—which I already knew, but damn if it isn't annoying sometimes. He's more busy stressing over the new designs for his clothing line than helping me plan his 27th birthday party. All my subtle questions to find out what he would want have been futile. It's just been him typing on that damn computer of his for hours.
I go around spraying the plants in his office, talking sweetly to each of them to make sure they get enough Co2. Their droopy leaves need some perking up with the sheer amount of gloom coming off of Baekhyun's furiously typing form.
He abruptly stops, sighing loudly for the 100th time today. "I should give up."
"Nooo," I pout, walking behind his chair to wrap my arms around his neck, taking a small peek at the rough sketches on his computer. " Keep going, don't give up now."
Baekhyun smiles tiredly, pressing a kiss to the back of my hand. "What do you know about that, hmm?"
"A bit." I smile softly, lightly resting my head on his. "Things may seem shaky now. Just out of reach. No longer within your control." Twirling his hair around my finger, I smile to myself. "But that's okay, it means you are being challenged. And a challenge conquered to the best of your abilities will do you a lot of good." I close my eyes, basking in his presence and comforting scent. "So keep going, you'll never know what you are capable of until you reach the end."
My eyes snap open when Baekhyun suddenly spins around, staring up at me with wide, teary brown eyes. "B-" I wheeze, not expecting him to pull me into his arms, hugging me like a lifeline. "Baekhyun…?" I try again, growing alarmed when his tears wet the front of my shirt.
He only holds me tighter in response, his chest silently heaving against mine. I slowly wrap my arms around him and gently tangle my fingers in his hair, pressing a kiss to his ear.
He's adorable, in every way, shape, and form. Ugh, I'm going to end up in a love-induced coma one day with the way my heartbeat always skips when I'm around him. No matter if I'm meeting him for lunch or if he comes to work across from me at my desk when I'm chasing deadlines, I wouldn't change a thing for the world.
—Except maybe his sense of timing things.
I startle awake, clutching my racing heart with unsteady breathing. The details of my nightmare slowly fade away, but it does little to calm me down. Feeling a sense of urgency, I clumsily search around for my phone. I'll text Baekhyun; I need to make sure he is okay.
My eyes squint at the bright screen of my phone, not expecting to check it in the middle of the night, let alone the notification I find there.
Thursday, 2:34 am
I nee d u
I fly out of bed like a bat out of hell, rushing over to his apartment, nearly hitting three pedestrians on the way. Parking hazardly in the first empty parking spot I find before jumping out and all but running to the fourth floor. I pound on his door loud enough to wake the whole neighborhood until he opens up, revealing bloodshot eyes and a can of beer in his hand.
"Baekhyun, what's wrong?" I pant, resting my hands on my knees and frantically looking him over. He mumbles something unintelligible under his breath. "What?" I demand, trying to catch my breath.
"I-I just..." He mumbles sluggishly, slouching his shoulders with sadness in his puppy eyes. "I just miss you."
My frantic heart softens. "Get inside and sit down." I demand, pressing a kiss to his cheek before closing the door.
I love this man so fucking much. Even if he annoyingly wakes me up sometimes at 2 to 3 am, I'd run over to his place with my baggy pants and sleeping cap in a heartbeat.
June rolls back around before I know it. This time, however, I plan to decline Jongin's offer to participate in the dance competition again. But to my uttermost surprise, he'll be taking Kyungsoo instead. For tap dancing.
Just how multi-talented is Baekhyun's group of friends? Spare me some of that energy, please?
Speaking of friends, Chanyeol's tall figure invited us over to his house today, the mansion that he used to share with Baekhyun and Jongdae.
—I have a grudge against him right now though because he literally called Baekhyun in the middle of the night to challenge him to some video game duel. The comical way his face changed when he saw me glaring at him from the corner of their video call though. By the end of their conversation, an invite was extended to me and Sehun too. It's "best friends" night, and boy do I have a lesson for Park Chanyeol. Lesson one: never underestimate a woman on a mission. In work, life, or on the playing field.
"Damn, man," I mumble, looking wide eyed at the huge flat screen TV and various game consoles around the room. "Leave you alone with the mansion for 2 years and you stocked up your mancave to the finest degree."
Chanyeol flicks a few buttons on the wall next to the door that dims the lights, letting the bright TV and a few arcade games illuminate the room. Baekhyun's eyes twinkle brighter than anything else in the spacious room. He goes over to chat with Chanyeol while I stand in the doorway with Sehun.
"Hey," I whisper, nudging him. "Remember when you used to stream your games back in the day? And the pink hair?"
"Oh yeah." Sehun chuckles while I notice Chanyeol perk up out of the corner of my eye. "I had a setup similar to this back at home." He stuffs his hands in his pockets, taking another look around. "Less impressive though," He mutters, crinkling his nose.
Chanyeol quickly walks over. "Number one victory royale?" He asks, eyes wide. "King of the south-bound?"
"Moisty mire extraordinaire...?" Sehun inquires, eyes widening as well. 
Chanyeol stares him down for a long, hard minute, and then raises his hand. "Truce?"
Sehun smirks, gripping Chanyeol's hand firmly in his. "Truce."
I blink, more than confused. Baekhyun catches my eye and just winks.
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Originally posted by exo-stentialism
I'm having a huge dilemma—no, a midlife crisis. All hell is about to break loose and I'll be in the center of it.
Baekhyun asked me out on a date—I know, I know, listen! 
He asked me out on a date… with barely any hints on what to wear.
He didn't say, "wear whatever you want," when I called him earlier. He told me to, "wear something nice."
Nice?! Nice. That's all I got while he remained tight-lipped about his own outfit. At least give me a color, man!!!
So, here I am, swiping clothes left and right in my closet like a madwoman until my eyes land on the perfect dress. One of sheer beauty and elegance.
A white, off the shoulder, hollowed out strapless mini dress with floral patterns from start to finish. The sleeves are made completely out of lace, the ends resting beautifully on the back of my hand. I smile at my reflection in the mirror, keeping my makeup light, only focused on enhancing my features. My phone buzzes just as I recap my eyeliner.
Your chariot awaits.
Giggling, I quickly type up a reply, tucking my phone into my clutch while wondering what this 'chariot' could be. Baekhyun sure does fancy using these cheesy words lately it seems.
Strutting down to the parking lot as gracefully as this dress will allow, I feel thankful for the warm summer night air. Bugs and I, when I'm wearing a dress like this, I need all the warmth I can get.
A blue jeep pulls up and honks at me, confusing me for a second because it isn't Baekhyun's Audi until they roll the passenger window down, revealing Jongdae's ever-bored face.
I blink a few times. "...What kind of low budget uber is this?"
"Yah!" Chanyeol loudly protests, barely overpowering Jongdae's rambunctious laughter. He glares at the brunet clutching his stomach.
"Hop in, Cinderella." Jongdae chuckles as the car doors unlock. 
I carefully climb into the back seat, readjusting the hem of my dress.
"Someone got all dolled up tonight." Jongdae grins, shooting a teasing look back at me.
"Ubers don't talk much, Dae." I point out, watching the city lights fly by while Chanyeol pulls off and navigates us down barely familiar roadways. "Where are we going?"
Chanyeol meets my eye in the rearview mirror. "Where do you think?"
"If I didn't have your mother's number on my speed dial I'd call the police, Park," I grumble, resting my elbow on the car door and my chin in my palm. Jongdae's laughter quirks a smile on my lips while Chanyeol continues driving with furrowed brows and a grumpy frown on his face.
After a while of speeding cars and the radio quietly playing, a certain blue building catches my eye. "Where are we?" I perk up, my eyes widening at a sign in the distance. "Is this...?"
"UN Village," Jongdae supplies.
"Step on the gas, Yeol."
"I-I'm not sure you want to do that, Riley." Jongdae tries to diffuse the situation, his weary features flickering over to the competitive expression forming on Chanyeol's face. "You could get motion sickness and-"
"I thought you were the fastest on the road, Yeol," I fake pout, subtly making sure my seatbelt is secure. "I guess I was wrong."
"Oh yeah?" The tall oaf counters, bursting for a challenge at this point.
"Riley," Jongdae tries again when Chanyeol sits up straighter, tightening his grip on the steering wheel. "Don't-"
I curl my lips up into a shameless, cheshire cat grin. "Betcha."
My back thuds against the seat when he accelerates. Chanyeol weaves in and out between other vehicles on the road like no one's business. Thankfully the traffic is light tonight and we are taking a lot of unpopular backroads. Heaven knows what would happen if he did this in the heart of Seoul.
Jongdae holds onto the passenger car door and the back of Chanyeol's seat for dear life, the reflection of him in the mirror looking a little green against the bright city lights. By the time Chanyeol slows to a stop, he's leaning his arm across the dashboard, tucking his head between his knees.
"Never," He croaks out, gasping for air. "Again."
Chanyeol's triumphant smirk has me holding back a giggle. I direct my eyes out the window to avoid Jongdae's disgruntled glare.
"Ha! You call that fast?" I grin, hopping out of the car on wobbly legs. "My Grandma can drive better than that."
"Riley," Jongdae pipes up weakly, holding his stomach while Chanyeol's nostrils flare, big brown eyes ablazed. "Don't encourage him, he isn't your ride home."
I begin to rebuke, but pause, noticing an odd building in the distance. "What the…" It's a giant white structure with a curved entrance, another one of those intricate places that the Hannam-dong architects must have loved to build here. "What kind of building is that?"
"Keep walking," Chanyeol nods, gesturing to the long walkway between the tall walls. "You'll see."
Butterflies erupt in my stomach, making me nervous for a moment, but the good gut feeling I get from looking between both their expressive eyes encourages me to move forward. "Thanks for the ride, Yeol," I say softly, patting his jeep before taking a few steps back. Smirking mischievously over at Jongdae. "Sorry for making you lose your lunch, Dae."
He waves me off with a fake annoyed expression, not able to hide the curl of his little smile.
I spin around on my heels, walking through the entrance between the two curved walls. The clicks of my heels on the pavement is the only sound I hear. Following the uneven path, I crinkle my nose, wondering what the hell Baekhyun is up to this time. Got me out here walking down curved pathways in the dark.
Well, apparently the building curls all the way around to a see-through door in the middle, but that isn't what makes me stop in my tracks. It's that flash of familiar silver hair.
Baekhyun leans against the wall with his silver hair parted in the middle, twinkling under the bright lights. Wearing a white blazer, a white t-shirt and silver leather pants. The metal of his belt catches the light along with the rings on his fingers and accessory necklaces adorning his neck.
I snap my jaw shut, making my way over to him. "Baekhyun…"
He smiles warmly, little strands of hair dangling in his eyes in the most handsome way. "Hey."
"Hi," I whisper. "You look…" Eyeing him from head to toe—to those damn sexy heeled boots, I'm at a loss for words. "Wow."
Baekhyun chuckles, moving off of the wall to walk closer to me, taking me by the hand. "You look beautiful as well," He murmurs, kissing every knuckle on the back of my hand.
I feel my face heat up all the way up to my ears. I've only been out here with him for 5 minutes and I'm already about to faint from the softness blooming in my frantic heart. "What are we doing tonight?" I ask softly, not sure if I want to keep gazing into his sparkly brown eyes or look away from the butterfly-inducing adoration written all over his face.
"It's a surprise," Baekhyun supplies, chuckling at the impatient expression on my face. He brings my hand to his cheek, staring deeply into my eyes. "Walk with me?"
My heart goes into overdrive. With that look on your face? I couldn't deny you if I tried.
I nod and let him take the lead, resting my head on his shoulder. There's something about being with him at night like this. Something unexplainable and magical in the air. The soft fabric of his blazer brushing against my cheek and the light July wind blowing through his hair. He's so warm and smells so good I have to bite my tongue not to drag him back to my apartment just to curl up next to him on the couch.
Something tells me that tonight will be a special one, but really, if it's with Baekhyun, anywhere and everywhere, I'll love it either way.
I notice something out of the corner of my eye when we step out onto a sidewalk, briefly lifting my head from Baekhyun's shoulder. "Dokseodang Children's Park?" I mumble curiously.
Baekhyun hums. "This is my favorite place." His eyes sweep over the slightly aged equipment, resting a hand on my back.
Humming myself, I start to reply only for my eyes to dart over at the dirt road ahead.
Baekhyun immediately takes notice, coming to a stop at the edge of the sidewalk. "What is it, hmm?"
I look up at the annoyingly buzzing light pole. "That flickering light-"
Baekhyun snaps his fingers, and the whole world goes black for a moment, then a dozen lights twinkle in the darkness. Fireflies lighting up the night under the shine of the full moon.
"Come on." His honey-smooth voice rings, softly squeezing my hand before leading the way. I rest my other hand on his arm and watch my every step, realizing we are climbing a hill with the deep slope brushing against the front of my heels. Grass crunches under our footsteps, crickets sing their late night songs of cheer, and then I see a peek of something bright as we near the top of the hill. I gasp, nearly tripping in my haste to get a closer look, my heartbeat skyrocketing when we reach the edge of the steep hill.
A stunning table seated for two sits in the middle of the plateau, with a cooler holding an unopened bottle of champagne. Dome-covered plates are set on the white table cloth and a few candles are lit on the table. Vanilla fragrance flutters in the gentle wind as I take in the dozens of lanterns hung up in the tree above. Brightening up the area surrounded by miles upon miles of other rolling hills without outshining the moon. I even spot the UN Village sign at the other side of the park; you can see everything from up here.
He smiles so brightly when I look at him. "Yes, my love?"
You mesmerizing little hopeless romantic. I can only press a kiss to his soft cheek, hugging him.
"Do you like it?"
"Yes," I mumble into the safety of his shoulder.
He rests his head on mine, hugging me to his chest. "Then why are you hiding, hmm?"
"I love it so much," I mutter, fully content to stay here for a few more minutes. "It's so pretty I have tears in my eyes. I can't believe you."
Baekhyun chuckles, rubbing my back so soothingly it takes all my strength to not melt further against him. The heavenly scent of vanilla once again meets my nose; we have a date waiting for us.
Slowly pulling away, I look into his sparkly brown eyes, smiling shyly before making my way over to the table. He's a step ahead of me in an instant, pulling out a chair for me while I giggle, hiding my adoring smile and red face behind my hand. God, my heart is racing so hard I swear it's threatening to jump out and run to him.
I give him a grateful smile, my skin buzzing under the familiarity of his gentle touch when he pushes me in, his citrus and cinnamon scent perfectly blending with the vanilla while he walks to take his own seat across from me.
Baekhyun sighs softly, tilting his head with a nearly playful smile. "Ready?"
Grinning a little, I tilt my head to the opposite side, relishing in the twinkles of amusement sparkling in his eyes. "Ready as I'll ever be."
He chuckles. "On three?"
I nod, gripping the handle on the top of the dome cover with another smile.
"One," He leans closer to his dome, mischief swirling in his brown eyes. "Two."
More than amused, I play along, butterflies fluttering in my stomach under his beaming smile.
I lift up the dome, setting it aside while taking in the food neatly arranged on the plate. It's a Korean cuisine that I haven't seen before, full of delectable vegetables and tender meat. Watching Baekhyun take his first bite has my mouth watering for two reasons. I carefully cut a slice of beef, closing my eyes when it melts on my tongue. Holy shit, who is the chef behind this? That person needs a raise.
"Kyungsoo made it," Baekhyun smiles, chuckling when I hum at my next bite. "I have to help him out next week though," He frowns, nearly pouting. "He doesn't like doing things last minute."
Recalling the whole ordeal for Jenny's birthday, I can't help but laugh. "I know," I smile, resting my chin in my palm.
Baekhyun smiles, his nose scrunching adorable while cutting another piece of meat.
Conversation flows naturally between us, as always. Baekhyun is just like that, an easy person to talk to, but it's much different than before. He hums a lot, resting his chin on his palm while gazing at me with adoring and attentive eyes, the tiniest of loving smiles on his face. If I wasn't wearing this expensive white dress, I'd lean over the table and kiss the hell out of him.
However, the mood changes slightly when we are nearly done. He keeps tapping his fingers on the table and his foot against the leg of his chair, clearing his throat with a worried expression on his face.
"Bae?" I call softly, tilting my head at his lack of response. Tired of the constant clink of his leather boot against the wooden chair, I nudge my foot against his. "Are you alright?"
He blinks, sitting up straight at once. "Yes, love." He clears his throat again, smiling shyly. "Wanna dance with me?"
"Dance?" I look around at the grassy nature and chirping wildlife, meeting his eyes again. "There isn't any music here, B."
He shakes his head, standing up. "Yes there is."
"I-" I go quiet when he takes my hand, resting it over his beating heart. Looking up into his imploring brown eyes, I start to understand. I nod, slowly standing up as well, following him over to the empty side of the hill.
Baekhyun lifts up our joined hands, interlocking our fingers together and resting his other one on the small of my back. I rest my free hand on his shoulder, gazing deeply into his brown pools of warmth. He makes the first move, slowly stepping forward while I take a step back. The crickets chirp louder with every movement we make, growing more confident by the minute.
Melting at the way his heart beats against mine, I look up at the stars, millions and billions of twinkling lights filling up the night sky. Meeting Baekhyun's gaze again, however, reminds me that not all the stars and planets combined can outshine the sparkling light in his warm brown eyes. He smiles softly as if hearing my thoughts, squeezing my hand before spinning me around, welcoming me right back into his loving arms.
I could spend forever like this, staring into his eyes and listening to his beating heart. Just the two of us while the rest of the world fades away, nothing but background noise to our undying love.
"Look," Baekhyun perks up, looking up at the stars. My eyes flicker up, widening at the shooting star streaking across the night sky. "Make a wish," He murmurs warmly, taking a step back.
Feeling a sense of hope and childlike urgency, I whip around to face the star head on. What should I wish for? The star is reaching the edge of the sky! Sensing Baekhyun's comforting figure behind me, I have all the answers I need.
I wish… Closing my eyes, I clasp my hands together, finding strength in the soft summer breeze. For a love like this, for all of eternity. The last few streaks of the star fade away when I open my eyes, smiling softly until I remember where I am and a certain someone who is with me. Where is Baekhyun? Stiffening up, I quickly spin around in alarm, slapping my hands over my mouth at the sight.
Baekhyun: on one knee, holding up a small jewelry box with shaky hands and vulnerable. "Why do you look so scared?" He breaks the ice, chuckling nervously.
"I thought you left," I blurt, snapping my mouth shut.
He laughs fully this time. "No." He shakes his head, smiling up at me with the sweetest of smiles. "I'm right here."
I take a deep breath, nodding slowly.
"I love you," He declares warmly, keeping his eyes steady on mine. "I love the way my name falls from your lips, the soft swell of your hips, the love in your fingertips." He smiles. "How your doe eyes go wide when you're surprised. The way you curl up next to me in your sleep when I'm working at night." A little grin forms on his face. "The shy expression you get when you ask if I want the rest of your food and that little song you always sing nonstop around the house when you're happy."
I cover my face in embarrassment, peeking at him from between my fingers.
Baekhyun chuckles, continuing, "I love the little notes you leave when you make me lunch. The way you squeak when I kiss right here." He taps the back of his right ear. "Your beautiful mind and all the mischief that comes with it..." He laughs a little. "The way you nag me when I don't dry my hair and yet always end up doing it for me anyway."
"Your sarcasm and loving touch," He murmurs, sparkles dancing bright in his eyes. "The dimples you try to hide when you smile." He cracks another grin. "Your quirky mismatched socks and way of talking." He laughs warmly when I groan, rethinking all my life choices. "How red your face gets when I compliment you." He hums. "Your loud, high pitched, raspy laugh that I know you hate but I simply adore."
"Oh my god," I cover my eyes, knowing how right he is and how hot my face feels right now.
"How sexy your accent is and how sassy you get when you're angry," He murmurs humorously, giving me a knowing look. "That high horse you climb on when you don't want to admit you are wrong that leaves me frustrated and amused at the same time." He chuckles, sighing softly, his voice taking on a gentler tone. "The look on your face when you cry that makes me want to hold you and hide you away from the world."
My heart squeezes as tears spring to my eyes. I sniffle softly, fanning my face while meeting his loving eyes.
"I love everything about you." He takes a shaky breath. "Not a day goes by where I'm not grateful for you coming into my life."
He looks down for a moment, blinking rapidly before flicking his hair out of his eyes. "I know I'm not much," He mumbles. "I-I know I've done so much shit in the past that you have every right to walk out on me for. I know that you deserve way better than me." He swallows thickly, lips trembling before he presses them into a thin line. "Even with all of this, I have some promises I want to make."
Baekhyun raises his head, reaching to take my hand in his. "I promise not to run away. I promise to communicate. I promise to stay by your side through every blessing and hardship you go through." My heart pounds at the determination in his words and sincerity in his shimmering eyes. "I may not be the perfect man for you." A hint of remorse sparks briefly in his brown eyes. "But I promise to love you with all that I have—with all that I am," He pauses, holding my hand securely in his. "Until my last dying breath… If I break any of these promises you have permission to kick me where the sun doesn't shine." He mumbles in a jokingly grumpy tone, smiling when I giggle.
"I promise to love you until the end of time." His voice starts to wobble, hands shaking while looking deep into my eyes. "Please," He opens the box, revealing a sparkly, rose gold ring with matching gems lining the sides. "Marry me, and be mine."
"Yes." I choke out, tears streaming down my face when I bend down to cup his tear-streaked cheeks in my hands. "Yes. Yes! A million times yes."
Baekhyun stands up, slipping the ring onto my ring finger with uttermost care. As soon as he's done, he pulls me close, sealing my lips in a searing kiss that I gladly let take my breath away.
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Originally posted by exo-stentialism
"Unzip me?" I ask, peeking up at him from under my eyelashes.
Baekhyun hums and I spin around, chills going down my spine when his hands gently brush my hair out of the way, warm fingertips brushing over my cool skin. The instant relief of being free from the snug material has nothing on his quiet gasp as he slowly drags the zipper down. He steps back while I shrug off the dress, leaving it to pool at my feet before turning to face him.
His hair color looks out worldly under the favor of the moonlight; shining strands of silver and dark grey swaying with the summer breeze. The way the light reflects off his chains casts him in an eternal glow as he looks at me with those warm, brown eyes. The hints of adoration and need in those captivating orbs break me from my trance.
I take more steps until I'm standing in front of him, pushing his blazer off his shoulders and tilting my head to meet his awestruck gaze, my tone soft and warm, "Baekhyun."
He gulps, letting it fall to the floor while I rest my hand on his chest, placing the other on the back of his neck. The fast beating of his heart under my palm makes me smile before my lips press to his, savoring the taste of champagne on his tongue. I tighten my hold on him when he wraps his arms around my waist, backing me up to the bed.
I sit perched on the edge of the mattress, looking up at him when he pulls off his t-shirt, exposing lean muscle and honey-toned skin to my hungry eyes. I can't help rubbing down his chest and gazing at him from head to toe, smiling at the tint of pink to his cheeks. His leather pants join the scattered pile on the floor before he joins me on the bed, his gentle hands pulling off the rest of our clothes.
"You sure are being bashful tonight," I murmur, lightly tangling my fingers in his hair, relishing in how his warm body presses mine to the cool sheets.
Baekhyun smiles, pressing a chaste kiss to my collarbone. "Let's take things slow tonight." He meets my wide eyes with his adoring ones, pulling the covers over our bodies when I give a timid nod.
•⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3  P(1) P(2) | Part 4 P(1) P(2) | Part 5 P(1)  P(2) | Part 6 P(1)  P(2) —– P(3)  P(4) —– P(5)  P(6) | ♬♩♪♩ FINALE P(1)  P(2)✓
Cry with me
HA! Y'all thought I was going to break these two up forever. I still had the Un Village scene left!!! >:'D A lot has happened in this long asf Finale and you know, on one hand (me being me) I'm never satisfied with it, HOWEVER those last two scenes? Yeah, that's the best for me. :')
Okay I NEED TO RANT for 2 minutes. *inhale*
I have never, ever EVER had such a hard time writing a character. My perfectionism really popped out in Jackson's scenes, I swear. I tried writing about this man and it just didn't feel right because I don't know him as well. I legit spent almost a week watching Youtube videos, GOT7 music videos, JACKSON SOLO VIDEOS and fell down a rabbit hole of smut (typical smfh) just to figure out how to present him properly! I know writing is all about how you present your character and how you can make them different than the person you base them off of but holy f*ck I wanted him accurate and that accuracy kicked me in my nonexistent balls… so that up there was the final result *deep exhale*
After all of this I can safely say that Jackson is one of my favorite soloists and member of GOT7 bye-
We've finally made it, loves. Six Phases is completed. It's been 2 long years of writing this story. 2 years full of laughter, smiles, dance breaks, hardships and tears.
I'm writing this end note before I even finish the story that you've read above. I'm writing this little note while on hiatus. I'm writing this while in the process of working on this story so I can heal - because that is the very reason this story was created. For healing. For growth.
The Baekhyun character you all know, see, hate and love? His expressions of love are heavily influenced by IRL Jenny; my girlfriend; my heart. My coauthor; my other half.
Without her, I wouldn't know genuine happiness, vulnerability, or to know that someone can love you unconditionally. Flaws and all. Without her, I would have stopped at chapter 4 and disappeared from the writing world forever. She taught me that it is okay to be open, my loud annoying rambling self and that I deserve to follow my dreams. She has stopped me from deleting this story a hundred times. She is the reason why I opened my heart time and time again to truly let these characters' voices be heard. Their flaws and all.
Every character is a part of me, but Baekhyun and Jenny are inspired by her. I can't express how grateful I am to her without crying on you; I've cried enough happy tears while finishing this lmao SO just know that she has helped me a lot with completing this story, and for what I will write in the future.
Before I end this note that has gone on for too long already, I want to express my gratitude and love to everyone who has helped me continue and finish this story. Please don't feel bad if I don't mention you directly, I have warmth in my heart for everyone who has read Six Phases. You being here means the world to me.
Loving Mentions
Miss Kay - you seriously don't know how much you have restored my love for this story. I'll never forget the first time you reblogged SP on tumblr and your comment still brings tears to my eyes. I always thought this story was garbage and seeing how much you enjoyed reading it encouraged me to pick up where I left off. Thank you for everything <3 I can't thank you enough.
Miss Jamie - I always love reading your comments and the theories you had with each new chapter of the story. I'll never forget that Minute Man joke, I swear. I'm still laughing over it. Not to be giddy but I always look forward to your comments ^^ Thank you for always sharing your thoughts about the story with me <3
Sherlock Holmes Anon - dear, you and your THEORIES!!! I adore them all. I love all the knowledge you've brought to the table about the meaning of the colors in this story and its universe. You are amazing and everything you are studying is paying off!!! Wishing you all the best in your studies ^^ show those exams who's boss, they got nothing on you and your lovely brain <333333
My aff loves
Beau1996, alexajjang, byundipyun,
queeniexoxo, byunsugar, Taqdees,
juntar, Vish15, baeknhyu,
Baekie_18, Endzii22, ohyeahbb, Shawolgurl, bbhmystar.
- thank you for all of your lovely comments. Your words made me the happiest in the world. Every time I used to get those instant aff notifs on my phone, I'd run across my house to read them, ahhh~~~ I always love hearing from you <33333
My tumblr lovelies - thank you sooo much for all the love and interactions you've given to my story T-T I'm not tearing up, it's the cake batter in my eyes. You guys are amazing.
My beloved anon readers, tumblr and aff commenters - I'm sending you so many freaking hugs and tissues for the angst you've been exposed to XD hearing the hot tea and ideas you had for this story was such a joy. Thank you <3
I've spent hours a day replying back to you all, no joke. Every comment is precious to me and I always want to give back what you all have given me <333 I hope this story's ending was a happy one for you, I've had it planned since fall 2020 and I'm so happy to finally be able to share it with all of you.
Thank you, for interacting, commenting, subscribing, and upvoting. I appreciate all the love you've given this baby (haha) fic of mine more than you can ever imagine. This story is dedicated to all of you <3
-and oh, don't worry. This isn't the end of Baekhyun & Riley's story, this is only the beginning. <3
Thank you, can't wait to see you soon 0:) <3
~Love a million times over, Nisa
75 notes · View notes
cotton-myeon · 3 years
Been Through [05 - The Soirée]
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Genre: non-idol!AU, chaebol!AU, angst, drama, slice of life, friendship
Characters: OC (Choi Seoyeon), Oh Sehun, and many others.
Word count: 2.2k words
Soirée [/swäˈrā/] : an evening party or gathering
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Home Prologue 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
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“Thank you,” I grabbed Sehun’s arm that he offered to help me get down from the car. Flashes and sound of camera clicks got even more wilder when my face was finally revealed, I barely realized that the valet had drove Sehun’s Stinger away from the lobby to the parking lot.
“Relax,” Sehun grasped my hand firmly and adjusted the position on his arm as we started walking inside the hotel, passing the horde of cameramen and reporters. “This is why I hate this kind of event,” I muttered while giving off a professional business-like smile and a small wave to the media. “We’re just attending a launching party for God’s sake, not walking down the Oscars,” I continued to grumble. Sehun only chuckled and did the same too- we have been in this kind of thing one too many times anyway.
When we have finally reached the hotel’s lobby and away from the public’s eyes, a staff member immediately greeted and directed us to the hall where the event was held in. “Well, just be thankful that Samsung separates the press conference and launching party, so we don’t have the media lurking around in there,” Sehun commented. “And for that, I am going to personally thank Kim Junmyeon,” I said resolutely. Sehun snorted at that, “If you can even approach him, then go ahead- tonight is his night, so he will most definitely be busy.” I just hummed in reply, “Exactly because he is hosting, we have to personally congratulate him.”
We have reached the hall, and upon entering, many familiar faces greeted our sight. Some are ones that we know personally, while others are just through the ropes of connections in the society we lived in. Of course, it was customary to greet the host, but it was not a wedding, so we could just greet Kim Junmyeon when the time fits. And this was still a business party anyway, people were mingling here and there, and I was sure we would get to greet him sometime today. So, I decided to just go look for my siblings.
Thankfully, my brother was relatively tall, so it should be easy to spot him in the sea of people. And considering Sehun’s height, which was obviously taller than me, he was the one who spotted my brother first. “Your siblings are there, let’s go,” he tugged me to the said direction. After some excuse me-s here and there, we finally reached a crowd- and I could spot my brother’s head then. My sister and her boyfriend were there too, seemingly to be in a conversation with someone I could not see. Before I could call out to them, Kim Jongdae already spotted Sehun and I first.
“Oh, look who have finally arrived!” he exclaimed, making the crowd looked at where he was looking at. My eyes widened a bit upon seeing that my siblings were actually talking with the host himself. Well, I supposed Sehun and I did not need to wait for the right timing to congratulate Kim Junmyeon anymore. I also saw that Kim Junmyeon’s eyes brightened and the permanent smile on his face widened a bit upon recognizing me.
“You came,” the host smiled at me. Releasing my hold on Sehun, I walked to Junmyeon’s open arms, who were ready to greet me with a hug. “Hello Oppa,” I greeted him back with a smile after releasing the hug. “Congratulations on the new releases,” I told him. “And thank you for separating the press conference with the launching party,” I added. He let out a laugh at my comment, amused at how I dare to say it directly on his face. Behind me, I could hear Sehun greet my siblings and Junmyeon’s cousin.
“Thank you, and you’re welcome,” he replied me. “None of us really enjoyed the annoying press anyway, so we thought to just make a separate event for them,” he explained a bit. He glanced behind me, “And is this...?” It was only then that I remembered I came here with Sehun, and I just sort of literally ditched him right in front of his face.
“Right!” I gasped. I looked behind me, and Sehun was already walking closer to us, probably noticing that it was time for his introduction. “Kim Junmyeon, Oh Sehun,” I introduced the two of them, and they shook hands with each other. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, President Kim,” Sehun greeted the older male formally. “Same to you, Oh Sehun, son of Kia’s President Oh Yeonseok,” Junmyeon replied, the smile never wavered from his face.
The older male then turned back to face me with a teasing smile, and that mischievous glint just told me what he was thinking without saying it outloud. “Oppa, don’t you dare,” my low voice was accompanied with a warning look. His smile got even wider, “I haven’t said anything though,” he teased me. “Say a word, and I will reject your proposal,” I tried to threaten him. But apparently, my words brought the people around me into a frenzy.
“Wait- proposal?” it was my brother. “Wait what- since when do you guys date?” my sister continued. It was then that I realized my choice of wording sounded so wrong in so many ways- not to mention that they just saw how close and comfortable I was with Kim Junmyeon. Before anyone else could comment on it or more chaos ensued though, Kim Jongdae came to our rescue. “Relax guys, they’re talking about business,” he laughed his heart out. “Junmyeon-hyung asked for her help in a project that will start after she’s not busy anymore, so they’ve been talking about it for a little while now,” he explained. I thought I saw tears coming out from his eyes due to the laughing- I wanted to kick him so bad, clearly he was enjoying mine and Junmyeon’s flustered states.
“Yes, it’s not that kind of proposal- I’m still in university anyway,” I muttered shyly, my cheeks were somewhat pinked upon thinking what my family was thinking. Junmyeon cleared his throat awkwardly too, “Uh, yeah, we’re talking about business, please don’t think of other things,” he explained. On the corner of my eyes, I saw Sehun visibly relax by his heave of sigh. What made him so tense in the first place?
“Well, the party is about to start, we have to get going first, Jongdae, and greet the other guests too,” Junmyeon stated after looking at his watch. “Okay, would you like to come with me or stay with them?” Jongdae asked my sister. “I’ll just stay with them, see you later,” she kissed his cheek. “Okay, see you later,” he kissed her cheek back. Both Siwon and I pretended to gag at their PDA, while Junmyeon and Sehun simply smiled at our reaction. The host of the party turned to face me before leaving our group, “We’ll talk about it some other day, Seoyeon,” he told me. “Yeah, good luck Oppa!” I cheered for the cousins. Smiling for the last time, they greeted my siblings and Sehun before finally walking away to greet Samsung’s other business partners.
The launching party went on as any other normal business parties. While Samsung was the host, all the businessmen and women there actually mingled with each other as most of us were partners or have been partnered before in our numerous projects. The number of socialites in South Korea were not that huge anyway, so in a way or another, you could say that almost everyone in the room sort of knew each other.
My siblings and I were not any exception, and so was Sehun. The reason my sister Sooyoung chose to stay with my brother Siwon was to represent our company, Hanjin Group, as both our parents were currently handling business abroad, and thus unable to attend this party. On the once in a while occasion where I came with my brother, both of us would represent Hanjin, as my sister would usually accompany her boyfriend to represent Samsung. But this time, I came as Sehun’s plus one, and I became an unofficial representation of Kia that day.
After hours of greeting almost everyone in the party, it officially ends, and Sehun and I went back after we greeted the host goodbye. Coincidentally, Sehun’s office and the university I worked at were in the same town, although outside of Seoul, in Suwon to be precise- that was why we could spend our lunches together sometimes. And since the party was on a Sunday night, I decided to hitch with Sehun to go back to Suwon. I went back to Seoul on Friday with Jongdae anyway, so my car was still in Suwon, not at home.
“Ugh, I’m so tired,” I took off my heels once Sehun started driving away from the hotel. Sehun just hummed as I stretched my legs. “Hey Sehun,” I started when we already got into the highway. “You’re awfully quiet today,” I told him. He replied me with another hum and a shrug. I furrowed my brows at his wordless responses- he always had a snarky remark or two to reply me. “Is something wrong?” I asked him. He glanced at me for a brief second, then focused on the road again.
“No, nothing’s wrong,” he replied. However, as much as he tried to look nonchalant about it, I still heard the edge to his voice, like when he greeted Junmyeon earlier at the party. While I would love to try to pry it out of him, he really would not talk unless he wanted to, so I just pursed my lips and let it be- I could not make any assumption because I did not know what exactly went wrong. I mean, he was just fine before the party, and nothing major happened at the party, right? I mean, not one that offended him anyway.
“Yeon-ah,” he called my name after a while. “Yeah?”
“You... seem well acquainted with Kim Junmyeon,” he stated while giving me another short glance. “Oh, I haven’t told you about it?” I wondered out loud. A shook of his head was the answer I got. “Well, you know that while Jongdae-oppa is currently pursuing a master’s degree in English Literature, he’s also Samsung’s Vice President,” I began. “So at lunch time, Jongdae-oppa usually meets up with Junmyeon-oppa.” Sehun raised a brow at me, not seeing the relation of my words with his question.
I rolled my eyes at his rare moment of being a slow-brainer, “When we couldn’t have lunch together, I always go out for lunch with Jongdae-oppa, which means Junmyeon-oppa is included too,” I explained in detail. He let out an oh at that. “Obviously I got closer with him, I mean, we meet almost every day before you started having lunch with me,” I shrugged. It was silent again after that, only music filled up the emptiness along our way back to Suwon. As it was close to midnight, the roads were relatively empty and we reached my apartment in about an hour since we departed Seoul.
“Thanks again Hun,” I told him as he put my bags in the living room. I had told him to just drop me off at the lobby, but he insisted to help me bring up my things too. There were a few bags, but it was not much nor was it heavy. “It’s nothing,” Sehun replied me. I went to see him off at the door of my apartment. He hesitated a bit when he was about to step out of the door.
“Seoyeon-ah,” he paused his words, I could see that he was thinking on how to say it- or whether to actually say it or not. “Yes?” I smiled softly, trying to coax him to talk, as I thought that he wanted to talk about whatever went wrong at the party earlier. “You look beautiful tonight,” he mumbled so fast and low that I almost did not hear him. I even thought that I heard wrongly. “Thanks, you look handsome too, Sehun,” I replied him, my smile was still plastered on my face. I saw him bit his lip briefly, then he rushed out of my apartment. “Good night,” and he closed the door before I could greet him back.
I heaved a shaky sigh right after, and immediately slumped down on the floor as I felt my knees weakened. The words that I resolutely told Jongdae some time ago came back to bite me in the ass. And Jongdae was right, whatever it was that was going on between Sehun and I might not be a normal best friend’s friendship any longer, and I had never expected for things to go this way.
But then, I remembered Yoo Aeri, his ex-girlfriend, who was also a very close friend of mine. Even if there were nothing more between them, I could not do it to Aeri. I needed to stick to my words, Sehun and I definitely could not cross the line that we have drawn for years; I could not let these feelings bloom any further.
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Taglist: @layzfeelit PS: Feel free to tell me if you want to be added into the taglist!🥰
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velvetsehun · 4 years
Born to Die| OSH | 07
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pairing: Oh Sehun x Reader genre: Mafia!Sehun rating: 18+ warnings: violence, gun use, mature language, smut (in future chapters), slow burn. words: 14k summary: a collusions of worlds is supposed to kill, but what if it can do something else? A/N: omg chapter 7? we’ve made it this far? I’m so proud we’re on this journey together! I don’t have much to stay other than, thank you for sticking around and that i hope you enjoy the chapter, remember feedback is important so drop into my askbox once you’re done, lets chat ;)
TW// Warning this part contains some material that might be sensitive to readers as it depicts scenes of blood, mentions of medical procedures and violence, readers discretion is advised.
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The night was a swirling mixture of crisp air and the sharpness that came with living in the city; the residue of the day's smog coating the sky to the point the stars were blocked of their life and you were left with a fuzz of light on the horizon; buildings too far away to think about casting their lights onto the blank polluted canvas but regardless, he found himself standing there, shadowed by the darkness and the distance, watching the scene in front of him unfold. The scene of a tragic love story, the story of an ill-matched pair trying to survive in the grasp of the times.  
“If you want to get him shouldn’t you do it now?” One of his men behind him probed, watching his breath curl in the air next to his head, “I mean he’s right there…” And he was right, Sehun was right there, in the sleek car that was highly out of place with its surroundings.
“Where is the fun in that?” The silver-haired man asked amused, the soft wind fluttering his bangs across his forehead; he probably looked like an angel in the night to the right person but right now, he was only shrouded by the darkness, “All the cards aren’t in my hands yet,” He hummed.
“But boss…” The man in question merely raised his hand shushing his counterpart, their eyes watching the girl exit the car; eyes intently staring at the vehicle that began is descent from her.
“Speak when spoken to.” The silver-haired man snapped softly, passing a look over his shoulder to his comrade, “And remember your place.”
His eyes were intense like he was trying to rip you apart with his pupils, a small part of him smirked as he watched your feeble form stumble further into the empty parking lot; walking closer to him like you were drawn to whatever was lurking. It was like watching a deer in a headlight he mused to himself as your eyes flickered around the area, your eyes meeting his in the darkness for a second unknowingly.
“Hello…” Your voice softly fluttered through the empty lot, “Is anyone there?” He could feel a smirk crawl upon his mouth; his teeth making their appearance as he watched you jump at the ring of your phone screeching into the empty lot with you, filling the space he could have used to answer your call.
“O, little dove, I’m right here…”
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“Don’t worry Yoora, I’ll be okay…”
A confused grunt passed your lips as Chanyeol’s full weight collapsed onto you, your body struggling to hold the man up from slipping off the counter as you smacked his arm. The fluttering of his breath hitting your neck and the situation causing shivers to slither down your spine. You had no time to think about whoever he was talking about at that moment, your heart clenching slightly as you tried to talk to the man.
“Chanyeol,” You snapped, eyebrows furrow as you heard no response from the man, “For god’s sake, Chanyeol!” You snapped louder, your voice cracking with the intensity of your words.
“No no no no…” You panicked slightly before using your full strength to heave him back against the mirror at sat on the wall behind him; his body slamming against it with a dull thud. “Chanyeol come on…” Your voice cracked again, your hand vibrating softly as that reached for his neck, your other hand smacking his cheek slightly.
He looked abysmal, his normally soft tanned skin had blanched itself out into a sickly grey that was stained with the deep red of his blood and littered with already purpling bruises; his breathing shallow and the stab wound on his stomach trickling out said blood steadily. He looked completely worse for wear, and you felt the depth of the situation settle into your bones as your fingers connected with his neck, the slow thud of his pulse quivering against your fingers.
“What the fuck do I do.” You spoke to yourself, pressing the rag from before onto his stomach to try and clot his wound; your stomach turning slightly at the blood staining your hands. “Chanyeol.” You used your free hand to shake him again, in a last-ditch effort that he might respond.
“Fuck…” You breathed at his unyielding silence, your free hand dropping onto the counter to try and steady yourself as your put your best pressure wound; his pockets looked empty so your chance of being able to call one of his brothers was slim to none.
Looking at his face, your remembered Chanyeol’s past haste at being introduced to someone he didn’t know; the vision of him speeding out of your apartment last time filing your head, but as he bled out on your counter you found no choice in the matter, your free hand already fumbling to get your phone before shakily clicking onto your contacts; the tinny ring thrumming in your ear not too long after.
“Come on…” You whispered into the receiver, “Please pick up…” You begged to no one.
“Hello…” The person on the other end started but you quickly cut them off.
“Jeonghan!” You cried softly, your voice crackling with emotion, “Please tell me you’re not working.” You begged softly.
“No, I’m not working,” He sounded concerned, immediately jumping into that tone he used to use with you all the time, “Why is everything okay?” He added quickly, the sound of his mouth pulling down nearly hearable in the receiver.
“Listen Hannie…” Your voice was shaky as you breathed deeply looking at Chanyeol, “I need you to my place immediately, bring your medkit, and tell no one you’re coming” You whispered like someone who might be listening in could hear you.
“What’s going on? Are you alright?” He stuttered softly but you quickly cut him off again.
“Jeonghan, please.” You snapped at the man, your temper wearing thin, “Just do it.”
“Okay,” He shushed you softly in his usual tone of voice; trying to calm you down, “I’ll be there as soon as I can, okay?” You felt tears splinter your eyes at his words, you nose sniffling slightly.
“Please just hurry…”
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With an aching body and a pounding headache, Baekhyun found himself stumbling through the dense heat of an old building, flames licking the walls as his jacket covered his mouth to filter some smoke out; the heaving of his lungs telling him that this was a mission gone wrong. At first, it seemed like a simple recon mission, a small tip-off that Jongin had got earlier in the week about a potential lead in their current predicament; a quick job like they were used to. But to Baekhyun and Chanyeol, the desolate old building held nothing more than empty rooms and dust, or so it seemed, about an hour into the search it all went wrong. Baekhyun was trying to catch his bearings, the smoke flowing through his airwaves and causing a haziness to blur out his vision.
They had agreed to split up the building’s 8 floors, Baekhyun top four and Chanyeol bottom four; the objective was to see what was lurking around and recon back in the foyer before they checked the basement, due to the ominous nature to Jongin’s tip-off they weren’t exactly sure what they were looking for but remembers Jongin’s words had another fire burning with  Baekhyun, beside the one he was already in.
“What the…” Baekhyun frowned slightly, while pushing open one of the ajar doors on the 6th floor, there as the briefest once of light filtering through the bottom of the old wood, the only sign so far that someone other than himself and Chanyeol was here.
The room was a ruin of what was probably once a nice apartment, the dense smell of mildew and rot in the air as Baekhyun took in the scenery; tattered furniture littered the room, the last tenants clearly in a rush to leave. It wasn’t much, an old couch in the centre of the decaying floor and an old dining table tucked in the corner; but what interested him was the blinking red light fluttering from under the couch, a small pain in his chest at what it could be. Baekhyun was still stationed at the door with a frown etched on his face when he decided to crouch on one knee to try to get a better look at what he was looking at, but when the light was just out of eye-line, Baekhyun decided to walk further into the apartment.
His gun was warm in his hand and tucked slightly down to allow him room to use his flashlight as he moved further into the apartment, his boots disrupting the dust that sheeted itself on the floor with each clicking step; he had to admit the place was unnerving, deathly silence coated every inch of the place and the idea of checking out the light wasn’t helping either.
Squaring his shoulder slightly, Baekhyun’s fluttered around the main room of the apartment one last time before he began to crouch again; the gentle thud of him placing down his flashlight on the ground filling his ears and one of his hands braced him to further lower himself down. The dust was a weird texture under his slightly clammy palms, his nose turning up already at the sticking sensation, but he shook himself out of it, opting to angle the flashlight on the floor under the couch instead.
It was still a bit hard to see under the couch but with a squint of his eyes, Baekhyun managed to see what was causing the soft red light; he eyes narrowing into slits before the dilated in size in shock.
The soft red light? Was the countdown on a small explosive, one which only had 3:40 left on the clock.
“Fuck.” Baekhyun swore loudly, pushing himself up quickly to get his phone out his pocket but he froze again when something thudded at the back of his head.
“Stay down.” A warped voice filled Baekhyun’s ears, the cold barrel of a gun pressing into his head, keeping him down. “Or I’ll shoot.” Baekhyun’s teeth ground together; he didn’t have time for this.
“Why don’t you face me then,” Baekhyun ground out, “We can settle this like adults.”
“Stay down.” The voice reiterated.
“Who are you.” Baekhyun tensed out.
“I think you know, don’t you Mr Byun?” Baekhyun frowned at that, the warped voice sounding like it was smirking, “Or can I call you Baekhyun.”
“I’ll ask you again.” Baekhyun spat softly, “Why don’t you face me.” The voice scoffed.
“Because I don’t have a death wish,” They answered.
“I think you do,” Baekhyun tutted softly, his grip tightening on his gun.
Baekhyun didn’t give the voice time to respond before he spun around, avoiding the gun pressed to his head and shoving the assailants hand up to the air; the boom of his shot going off, embedding itself in the ceiling. If felt like there wasn’t even time to take a breath in to react before Baekhyun was standing again; the sole of his boot planting in the stomach of what he could now see was a masked figure – watching them tumble to the ground winded.
He never stopped to survey the room as the beeping from the couch got louder – his hand instantly working to fire his shot off at another man he’d barely seen who was poised at the other end of the room. That didn’t stop anyone though, while the second man was recovering from the shot to his shoulder, the first one who was on the floor jumped up; barrelling towards Baekhyun at an impressive speed. Baekhyun had just enough time to dodge before a punch tumbled into his face; one of his arms coming up in defence to try to knock the man back quickly. The one he shot in the shoulder didn’t stay down too long either and before he knew it, he was fending off a barrage of attacks; the black blurs of their clothing moving with him.
They were sloppy fighters, but they did manage to land a few hits on Baekhyun; the butt of one of their gun’s slamming into his cheek painfully – normally Baekhyun would shoot them down but the way they were piling on him left his trigger hand unavailable to shoot; he spent most of the time deflecting their attacks. When he saw the glint of a blade, that’s when Baekhyun decided enough was enough – the explosive wasn’t going to hold off for him to finish up.
With a yell, Baekhyun managed to get the two men a far distance from him; getting a proper look at them while he did. They both wore black masks on the bottom halves of their face, a small decide attached that was modulating their voices, and what looked like a sheer scarf covering their eyes; this was a planned attack.
Baekhyun, as always, felt no remorse as he pulled his trigger; a violent hum pumping through his veins as he watched the head of the first man ricochet back with a sickening crack, splattering his partner with his brain matter in the process. The second shot was as swiftly as the first, no sarcastic remarks on Baekhyun’s end, just sheer violence as a small grin crept up his face at his carnage. There were no thoughts in Baekhyun’s head, other than a small sense of satisfaction over the killing of those two lackeys.
He couldn’t even find it in himself to ponder over the blood on his hands again, something most of his brothers did after the deed; the beeping in the room increasing with each breath. Taking off into a sprint, Baekhyun only managed to make it past the threshold before a circle of hell decided to open itself up in the place; his body getting flung like a rag doll into the wall opposite the door and with a disgusting thud - Baekhyun it the wall.  
The ringing in his ears didn’t privy him to not hearing the 7 other bang’s that resonated throughout the old building, but the aching of his body and the pounding of his head stopped his instinctual movement. He laid on a heap on the floor, the minutes feeling like hours and before he knew it the building around him was up in flames, only the brief mention of his partner's name gracing his lips and he tried to find himself again.
“Maybe we should have listened,” Baekhyun grunted softly to himself while stumbling down one of the higher floors of the building, everything was a mess; most of the floor was missing as it was and the constant fire that kissed the walls and his skin with the sheer heat of it all didn’t exactly help the situation, he needed to find Chanyeol and get out; fast.
It was an old apartment building tucked away near the docks, empty and unused since the inside had rotted beyond repair and teeming with hidden life. If Chanyeol and Baekhyun had been easy to scare, the sheer fact there were various messages written across the walls telling anyone who dare enter to run would have sent them with their tails between their legs, but they weren’t easy to scare, and the look that crossed Baekhyun’s face as he shone his flashlight on the writing was proof. Baekhyun wasn’t quite sure how this all started truthfully, both himself and Chanyeol had no issue getting into the building; the door practically falling off its hinges with rust, and from the get-go, it did seem like the building was truly empty.
Even though he was in imminent danger of the building collapsing in on himself and anyone that was left at any second, Baekhyun still found the energy to yell in a last attempt to find his comrade.
“CHANYEOL,” Baekhyun found himself screaming down one of the empty hallways, his words dissolving into a cough at the smoke that tickled his lungs, spluttering violently into the fabric of his jacket to hack it back up. “COME ON MAN, WHERE ARE YOU?” He hacked again.
The fire was louder than any life in the building, the crackling and whipping sounds of its destruction filling Baekhyun’s ears like hellish white noise, but not even the sound of a response cut through it; it was silence on Chanyeol’s end.
Beads of sweat from the heat hastily dripped down Baekhyun’s face soot and blood-covered face; stinging the cuts that were left on his face from his earlier scrummage. The need to take his jacket off growing more and more with every second he spent in the belly of this beast, but he kept going on, even if the smoke was kicking in, his legs barely stumbling to down the hall to one of the last places Chanyeol could have been.
“Nostromo apartments?” Baekhyun scrunched his nose up at the man standing at Sehun’s desk, “You want me to scope out that shithole? Why?”
“Because of this,” Jongin sighed, plucking a piece of paper from his pocket while their boss looked tensely at his computer screen, “One of our men was slipped it at Yixing’s casino,”
“And what does it say?” Baekhyun pressed with a slight glare, “And better yet, why am I going.”
“It’s just an address,” Jongin shrugged, “Nothing else, just an address.”
“You’re going because it’s your job,” Sehun cut in but not bothering to glance at the man while he typed, “And because nearly everyone else is busy.”
“But-,” Baekhyun began childishly, a scowl on his face.
“No buts.” Sehun refrained from snapping, “And Jesus, take Chanyeol with you, I’m tired of him moping around the damn place.” Sehun bothered to look at him this time, a glare etched into his eyes.
Baekhyun now wished that he’d argued for Sehun to let him go alone, his body barely able to stay upright as he stumbled down the hall to the main stairwell; his face pulling taught as the peaked down, the flames consuming most of the bottom floors and stairs, meaning the only way was up.
“CHANYEOL,” Baekhyun tried yelling again, but he felt his face harden when he was met with more silence; a dark look passing by his face as he remembered one of Sehun’s rules.
“You get separated?” Sehun stated, pointing at his men, “You leave them behind, two of you is more valuable than one to someone else, we can’t have that.”
He wanted to directly oppose Sehun’s rule at that moment, but with the smoke-belching into his lungs, Baekhyun was finding it harder and harder to breathe; his heart gripped in a way he wasn’t comfortable as he moved away from the stairs that led down, his eyes burning with more than the smoke as he stumbled to the stairs that lead up. Moments were blurring together as the smoke inhalation started playing with Baekhyun’s brain, his lungs burning with such an intensity that he thought that maybe he was gonna die on the stairs to the roof, the colours of the fire and the walls melding together, he had finally found himself in hell.
By the time he’d made it to the last stairway up, Baekhyun was grabbing his throat like he was ready to strangle himself – the fire in the building had him breathing in all sorts of nasty chemicals and the blow had knocked another concussion into his fragile skull, he was a mess and a bigger mess at the thought that he’d let one of his best friends go. When Baekhyun found himself shouldering open the roof door with the last of his energy, he wasn’t sure what to do; the soft caresses of clean air feeling like heaven on his heavy chest to the point he felt content with just laying there and waiting for the building to fully collapse, but he knew deep down that it wasn’t an option.
His dirty hands wiped the moisture and soot from his eyes as Baekhyun finally staggered to full height; the burning in his torso a distant thought as he looked around at what he could do. Limping towards the edge of the building, he grimaced slightly, he could make the jump to the next roof but probably barely, the building next to him was slightly smaller and a tad out of reach. But as the building gave a horrific grumble, it prompted Baekhyun to make up his mind quickly; the distant sounds of police and firemen on their way not helping either.
Stumbling back a few paces, Baekhyun tenses his shoulders slightly before he took off into a sprint towards the edge of the building; his boot planting firmly on the ledge to boost himself up before he was lifted up and over the side of the building – the world rushing past him in a haze, his body tipping forward slightly as he saw the other building nearing closer and closer. Baekhyun barely managed to roll to catch himself before he found himself sprawled out starfish on the ground, a wheeze pushing itself out his lungs at the impact of landing on the roof, his head still up in the clouds.
“I knew this was a bad idea.”
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With every second that passed, you felt like your heart was about to burst out of your chest; Chanyeol’s body slumped against you was going a horrible cold temperature, your hands were stained with so much blood that you felt gagging in your throat that reminded you too much of your excursion to the compound to feel comfortable, and the fate of the man in your arms depended on if your ex-boyfriend could get here quick enough. A cardiac arrest might have sounded closer to how you were feeling right now.
At first, you had stood with your hands holding the rag to Chanyeol’s wound as tight as you could muster, but as the blood flow slowed down one of your hands strayed; that hand was tangled softly in Chanyeol’s vibrant red locks, your voice trying its best to stay calm as you tried to keep speaking to him softly in the hopes that he might wake up. It was an odd situation but you felt like you owed it to him, regardless of how the two of you met, Chanyeol had treated you fairly in a situation that called for him to be; he worth at least this amount of kindness, even if he wasn’t regarded as a saint.
The apartment was so quiet, the only thing filling your ears being Chanyeol’s gentle breath, that when you heard the sound of your front door being busted down, you almost felt yourself drop the man in your arms; the image of Jeonghan’s shocked face filling the doorway a few seconds later in what you could only describe as sheer horror.
“Y/n…” Jeonghan started confusedly, but you quickly interrupted him.
“He’s been stabbed, Jeonghan, can we save the questions for when he isn’t bleeding out over me?” You quickly snipped at him.
It was magical to watch Jeonghan’s switch from a normal person to a doctor, his face hardening slightly as he dropped the kit he was holding to rush over; His hand pushing Chanyeol back onto the counter and off you in seconds. It was like watching a wizard work and he produced a small flashlight from his pocket and quickly pried Chanyeol’s eyes open.
“How long has he been out,” Jeonghan asked quickly in a resilient voice, flicking the small light in and out of his eyes before pocketing it again, quickly checking his pulse.
“About 15 minutes,” You stuttered softly, “He was just out when I called, you were the only person I thought could-,” This time it was Jeonghan cutting you off.
“He’s not in shock, not yet anyway,” Jeonghan quickly said, rushing over to his kit to grab a pair of gloves, “We’ll discuss this after I do this okay?” His eyes quickly fluttered to you before he was back to work. With a meek nod, you watched him go.
It seemed all the years of schooling paid off for him, your eyes watching in slight amazement as Jeonghan jumped between jobs; after doing a check for breaks on his ribcage and checking his heart/breathing, the tended to the wound that was glaringly obvious on the bottom of his torso, his fingers gentle as he pried it open to get a proper look.
“Whoever did this wasn’t intending to kill,” Jeonghan mumbled, quickly grabbing a cotton pad stack and rubbing alcohol, “It’s deep not it’s not surgery deep, but he’s lost a lot of blood”
“But no signs of hypovolemic shock,” He hummed much to your confusion, “He’s lost enough to pass out but not enough to kill him,” He explained to you in simpler terms.
“Will he be okay?” You felt a small resemblance of relief.
“I’ll need to stitch his wound,” Jeonghan stated trying to clean as much of the blood up as he could, “You’re typically not supposed to take a knife out of a stab wound, that’s how you bleed out, but you did the right thing clotting the wound,” He glanced at you with a softness in his eyes, some wisps of his blond hair falling into his face from where it was tied back.
“Right now, we need to make sure he doesn’t go into shock, okay?” Jeonghan said gently to you, “That mean’s I need to suture his wound as fast as possible and you’re gonna have to help me move him so I can, can you do that?”
It was then you realised that Jeonghan was talking softer to you because he could see how tense you were and as a way not to freak you out, your heart-melting slightly at his attitude.
“I can try,” You nodded, “But he’s heavy.” Jeonghan hummed.
“Built like that you would be,” He nodded to the fact that Chanyeol was all smooth skin and hard muscle.
“On the count of three okay?” Jeonghan explained, “We’ll move him to the couch, I need him reclined to do his stitches.”
The two of you only glanced at each other once before you both grabbed one of Chanyeol’s arms; fitting them around both of your shoulders and with a deep breath you nodded again, even though he couldn’t see you. Jeonghan wasted no time in counted and before you knew it, the two of you were grunting as you lifted the man that was taller than the two of you.
The walk to your couch felt like a marathon as the two of you barely made it in time to drop the man on the sofa cushions of your couch; Jeonghan instantly taking over the work to lay his patient, lifting his legs onto the couch before making sure his head was properly supported on the other end. Jeonghan didn’t even need to ask before you were scuttling to the bathroom to grab his kit again, making sure you had everything before you ran and passed it to him; watching the doctor in training change his gloves and quickly sanitise his hands for the new pair.
“I need you to get some blankets and a hot water bottle,” He wasted no time in quickly set everything up to stitch the wound close, “His internal body tempt is down due to blood loss so we need to sustain it before his body starts panicking.” You were about to open your mouth to argue with him about something before he passed you a look that would make even a parent scared.
“You don’t need to watch me suture him, don’t do that to yourself; get the stuff please.” He asked you again, “He’s going to be okay.” You merely shook your head before you darted off to the kitchen, boiling the kettle quicker than light.
You felt like a terrified mother as you made haste around the kitchen and apartment, trying to avoid looking at Jeonghan working; the man only carrying a calm look, this was a normal part of his job. The respect you held for him was always unimaginable but at that moment you felt something akin to pride as you peaked at him working, the grace he held as a doctor proved to you that everything that had happened between the two of you might have been worth it to him. This was truly his calling.
Soon enough you were dumping the stuff he requested down next to him; your nose turning up as he finished bandaging around his wound, the smell of antibiotic cream hitting your senses unpleasantly.
“You owe me a lot of answers,” Jeonghan was tense as his eyes skirted to you, watching you gnaw on your anxiously, “So get talking.”
“Jeonghan…” You said softly while tucking the hot water bottle under one of Chanyeol’s arms, trying to avoid it for as long as possible, “Please, can’t it wait till morning.”
“No.” Jeonghan snapped at you, a first for him in a while, “It can’t wait till morning.” He stood up as you placed the blankets over Chanyeol, waiting for you before he grabbed your arm and dragged you back into the bathroom; away from the sleeping man.
The bathroom still had streaks of blood over the counter, with the rag you used thrown in the sink to be out of sight – there was a vague metallic smell in the place as well that was being fought by your air freshener; it looked like a crime scene in here, and maybe there was some truth in that. Mentally you acknowledged that you were observing the room to avoid talking to Jeonghan, but you couldn’t help yourself, the door clicked softly behind you reminding you of that.
“I don’t ask for much,” Jeonghan started with a puff of his chest, looking around the bathroom at the butchery as well, “But I at least ask for the barest amount of honesty from you.” His eyes were drilling into you as you refused to meet them.
“Listen Jeonghan, he’s…” You were slightly at a loss of words on what to call the man on your couch; was he a friend? Was he a foe? He hadn’t done more than lie to you, you knew that much, “He needed help.” You affirmed instead, glancing at him briefly.
“I could see that,” Jeonghan said sarcastically, “But explain to me why he didn’t go to, you know, a hospital?” He did say it so simply, that if you didn’t know Chanyeol like that you would have asked the same thing. “He couldn’t,” You tried to reason with him, but he cut you off.
“He couldn’t? You couldn’t call or?” Jeonghan was aggravated, his complexion had a ting of red to coat it.
“He just couldn’t,” You snapped back, your lip wobbling slightly, “He’s not like you or me,” Your voice took a juxtaposition, as you spoke quietly.
Upon seeing you were getting upset, Jeonghan placed his hands on your shoulders, looking you dead in the eyes with a soft look – one of his hands coming up to touch your face slightly with concern.
“Hey, it’s okay…” He frowned, swiping a small tear away from your face, “What’s going on…”
Pouting your mouth softly, your mind ran through the last week and a half; from the shooting to the compound and everything that following that – your life had been tipped upside down in unimaginable ways and it was no secret that you were keeping a tight lid on how you felt about things. No one sprung to mind when it came to talking about the things that you had seen and witnessed, your jaw starting to tremble as you remembered the start of it all – watching someone that in some way you could call a friend lying next to you on the ground, the only sign that he was there were his pooling blood and dead eyes. It had a snowball effect on you more than you realised; from the constant threats against your life, the guns, the warehouse, the fact that these men had swept into your life and taken over aspects of it like nothing was wrong.
It’s not that you weren’t fond of the Chanyeol, or at times even that slimy guy that Baekhyun could be, but the issue was it that you weren’t supposed to be even remotely fond of any of them. The two of them having a hand in the way that you can’t sleep well at night anymore, or why you constantly had to check behind you in the small case that someone was following – you were adapting to the life they had placed you in, but you knew that at the heart of it all, this was just another day on the job for them.
Standing in front of Jeonghan now, felt like a twisted reminder of what life was supposed to be like – you were supposed to feel angry at the fact that a known criminal had welcomed himself into your house with his destruction without a thought of the person on the other end, you were supposed to question things. But as of lately, you’ve been accepting everything that was handed to you.
“Comply, comply, comply…” You remember Chanyeol saying to you, a distant enough memory now.
Had you found comfort in compliancy? Were you no better than the men that Sehun commanded around? An ashen taste filling your mouth at the fact you worked at one of his clubs now.
“Were you as bad as them?” You thought, they were criminals after all, and you knew this… Glancing back at Jeonghan you registered the worry on his face, his eyes flickering around your face like the ever-concerned human he was.
Your companion jumped slightly when you flung yourself at him, wrapping around him desperately; he was a semblance of normality and how you craved that at that moment, he wasted no time wrapping his arms around you too, listening as you quietly sniffled at him
“I have so much I need to tell you about…”
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Midnight; tucked away down a side-ally and hidden to the naked eye, dubbed to some as the pinnacle of indulgence and dulce company, but to most, it was known for its exotic nightlife and less than saintly company or at least that’s what Yixing thought as his feline eyes fluttered around the establishment. Yixing knew the owners spared on cost on the place, the modern take on baroque lining every part of the room; gold accents replaced silver and delicate beige and cream licked the walls in their demure but tasteful way. He was no inexpensive man, none of his brothers were, but even Yixing knew that most of the time he carried himself with a certain grace that made getting through crowds a lot easier; a modern Moses if the biblical man carried a loaded gun and a silver tongue.
Yixing wouldn’t have come here if it wasn’t of importance to himself or his brothers, with the gaudy smell of burning incense was enough reason to drive him home, but as he casually strolled through the place; he soon caught wind of the only reason he was there. Nestled at the grand bar, tucked away under the droplets of crystal that hung from above; Park Jeonghwa.
“Miss Park,” Yixing was ever the gentleman, approaching the bar with grace next to her, “Long time no see.” But the woman in question didn’t look to have the same energy for him.
While Yixing was a few years older than her, he’d known her (like Sehun), for as long as he could remember; and to the trained eye there would be nothing wrong with the young woman, but Yixing – he could see the fraying of her character with one glance. There was an edge to her eye’s that wasn’t here before their last meeting.
“Yixing.” Jeonghwa grumbled back too occupied playing with the olive of her martini to give any energy back, “What brings you here.” She sighed slightly, glancing at him.
Jeonghwa always was the picture of perfection; right down to the last atom. She held a grace that most women could only dream of having, while at the same time having a mouth that could talk her way out of anything – she was all bark and no bite, but her skills did lie elsewhere.
“Felt like gambling my life away,” Yixing’s mouth tilted softly in a rare smirk, “Where better to do it then as the ever so grand Midnight Casino and Bar.” A playful tone edging into his voice, but regardless at his small form of a joke; the every stony Jeonghwa did not crack.
“Yes, well enjoy,” She scoffed softly, reaching to down her drink in one as Yixing’s brow raised.
“You’re a hard woman to track, you know?” He spoke carefully, watching closely at her reactions, her tired eyes flicking to his at his statement.
“Tell your boss, I don’t want to be found.” Her eye’s hardened slightly as she forwent mentioning his name.
“So, Sehun’s the one that rattled your cage,” He noted softly, watching a small village ending fire dance in her eyes, “I should have guessed as much.”
“I hate him, Yixing.” She mumbled almost childishly, turning back away from him, “I hate everything about that man, he’s decayed right down to his pathetic little core.”
“No, you don’t,” Yixing tsk-ed softly, “If you felt that way, you wouldn’t have such impassioned words to say about him.” She merely huffed.
“Did he send you here,” She changed the subject quickly.
“No,” Yixing hummed, tapping his fingers on the bar softly, “I’m here on my own accord,” Her eyes flicked to him in a glare.
“Don’t lie to me.” She snapped slightly, “I’m not in the mood.”
“Junmyeon called, you didn’t pick up and so I’m here,” Yixing explained, trying to keep her temper at bay, but Jeonghwa only shook her head with an eye-roll.
“Whatever he wants, you can tell him that I don’t care,” She scoffed, flagging down the bartender for another drink, “I’m tired of everyone in that stupid place,” Yixing looked at the woman before sighing internally, letting the bartender tend to her before he tried talking anymore.
“I’m not aware of what happened between you and Sehun,” Yixing said honestly, “But whatever is it, I can clearly see it’s affecting you.”
“Ever the observant,” Jeonghwa mumbled back, “Yes, I am upset and rightly so.” Yixing raised his brow at her.
“I always keep his best interests at heart, even if it doesn’t seem like it,” She griped, a distant look in her eye, “All I asked in return is that he considered one thing and he couldn’t even grant me that, Yixing,” She looked at him with pain in her eyes.
“I feel used, and I have done for a while.” Jeonghwa spat as her mouth pursed; Yixing held for a second before he decided to speak.
“I think we’re all aware of yours and Sehun’s relationship,” Yixing cleared his throat softly, “And I think you’re more aware of the truth behind it than you left on…” His brow raised softly, watching the women tense up.
“You can’t tie him down, Jeonghwa,” Yixing stated softly, “No one can.”
“I can try,” Jeonghwa said softly in a rare sign of vulnerability.
“Forcing him into marrying you won’t make him love you, Jeonghwa” Yixing told her gently.
She looked like she was having an inner battle with herself before she grumbled again, tensing back up into her shell before Yixing could fully pry it open.
“He could learn.” She huffed again, looking at bitter as before. Yixing knew that Sehun probably could learn how to love someone, but that someone wasn’t her.
“Is that why you agreed to help him,” Yixing asked plainly, “To soften him up?” But when Yixing was met with silence, he raised his brow.
“Jeonghwa,” Yixing demanded slightly, but the woman refused to face him.
“I told him what I knew, that was it.” She snapped softly, choosing to stare at her glass.
Pursing his lips slightly, Yixing knew he had to tread carefully – opting to reach into his jacket pocket instead of answering straight away. His fingers brushed a soft cream envelope, pulling it out gently to hold in front of Jeonghwa – the latter’s eyes glancing curiously at it.  
“What’s that?” She asked, confused at why he was holding it out to her – her perfectly manicured hand reaching out for it, but she jumped slightly with it was moved slightly out of reach, Yixing a lot closer than he was before.
“You know I will find out,” He said quietly while staring her down, “I’ll give you one shot to be truthful, Jeonghwa, it doesn’t have to be right now – but whatever you’re hiding, I will know.”
“You should save your interrogation skills for the real felons,” Her eyebrow raised slightly, “I’ve said it to your boss, and I’ll say it to you – I told you what I know, that’s it.”
“Jeonghwa,” Yixing’s voice was dangerous quietly, “This isn’t a game, you’re going to win – there’s no prize.”
“Bold of you to assume I’m playing any game,” Jeonghwa scoffed back, tilted her head ever so slightly to stare Yixing down.
Yixing merely hummed, his eyes flickering over her face for second before he presented the envelope to her again.
“Next Friday; 8:30pm, tell no one,” He explained quietly under his breath, “A party for members, assure you and your father turn up.” Jeonghwa stanched the paper out of his hands before he could retract it again.
“Haven’t been to one of these in a while,” She mused, “The occasion?”
“Something you’ll find out when you’re there,” Yixing kept a stony face, “You’re expected to be there, don’t let pettiness ruin that – we’re all on thin ice.”
“You could have delivered this to my father,” Jeonghwa noted with a raised brow.
“I could have,” Yixing admitted, “But I don’t think it would have the same effect.” He glanced at her with a look that she couldn’t read properly.
“Dress sharply Jeonghwa, Sehun will want to see you.”
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There was an awful lurch in Chanyeol’s stomach as he started to come back to life, the acid gripping his oesophagus in a chokehold causing his throat to constrict was enough to stir him from his slumber, but barely. He had no recollection of where he was, the only feeling in his body aside the overwhelming want to vomit was the softness under his spine and a warm coating his body. It was concerning; not even the bed’s in the medical bay of the compound felt like welcoming. Chanyeol could feel the dryness coating his mouth and lips like someone had sucked any life that was left in him out, his lids like sandpaper across the skin; he hadn’t felt this rough in a while.
Chanyeol wanted to fully wake up, to sit up and wonder where the hell he was, but the best he could manage was the slow blinking of his eyes opening; the early morning hues of the day settling into a place that looked vaguely familiar to him.
“He was in an apartment,” He thought dully, his head giving a painful throb at the changing of lights – It was still winter in the city, so the streaking orange that covered the ceiling at least told the aching man that it was around 8am. He couldn’t place where he’d seen this place before, his blurry eyes racking around everywhere he could look to try and get a recollection, but it wasn’t coming to him instantly.
“I see you’re awake,” A voice sounded out to his left. If Chanyeol had the energy to be scared by him he was sure he would be, but he barely had the energy to turn his head the fraction it needs to see who it was.
Standing in the door of the kitchen was a blonde man, his body leaning against the door with a cup of what looked like coffee; he’d seen this man before in Y/N’s apartment, his mind suddenly clicking where he was. He hadn’t looked at the place much during his last visit.
“Any pain’s?” The man hummed as he walked into the living space, making his way to the armchair not far from Chanyeol. He barely had the energy to follow him with his eyes, but he managed, keeping an eye on his closely, he didn’t trust him.
Chanyeol couldn’t see he came into much contact with “normal people”, his job didn’t really require it; but looking at the blonde man who looked beyond tired irked him, something didn’t settle well with him. “Nothing to say?” The blonde raised an eyebrow while perched in his chair, “Shame, here was me thinking that you’d tell me more about yourself, Chanyeol…” There was a vague sense of amusement dancing in his eyes as Chanyeol’s widened slightly.
He remembered telling you not to tell the man in front of him his name; the words of the persons barely on his tongue as he tried to remember it.
“Don’t fret,” He smirked, “I’m no danger to you,” At that Chanyeol tried to sit up, but yelped slightly as he felt a slight pulling at the bottom of his stomach.
“Who are you,” Chanyeol finally managed to grit out, registering that he was bundled in blankets, but the man in question merely laughed.
“I was that forgettable, huh?” He laughed but it was with amusement, “If you must know, I’m Jeonghan, the man that helped stopped you from bleeding out.” That left a bad taste in Chanyeol’s mouth.
“What, do you want my thanks?” He lay back down with a grunt, his head starting to throb painfully.
“You’re up a lot earlier than I expected you to be,” Jeonghan ignored him, placing his coffee on a side table to stand up, he rather slender body making his way over to him.
But Chanyeol felt like biting the man when he grabbed his head, tilting it towards him to shine a light into his pupils; the sharpness of the white light burning his retina as it flicked in and out of them
“No concussion,” Jeonghan hummed furrowing his brow at the man, “Temperature seems fine.”
“Get away from me,” Chanyeol growled slightly, trying to push the man away but the aching in his body stopped him from moving, “What did you do to me?” He growled again.
“You were stabbed,” Jeonghan rolled his eyes, swatting the hand that attempted to move him, “I stitched you back up, are you following?” Jeonghan’s sarcasm had Chanyeol edging to hit him, more so than just being in his presence wanted that.
“You’ve got a sprained arm and swelling around the stomach as well,” He noted off, still looking down at him, “I suspect a cracked rib but only barely and some swelling around the jaw and neck – you did get yourself in quite the scuffle didn’t you?”
“Where’s Baekhyun?” Chanyeol opted to ignore him this time, gruntled softly as he rubbed a hand down his face, the exhaustion heavy in his body.
“Not here,” Jeonghan spoke to him plainly, “You came alone, and I’m hoping you could tell me how,” Chanyeol merely grumbled shutting his eyes so he didn’t have to look at him.
“What are you a cop or something,” He hissed softly trying to move again on the couch.
“A doctor,” Jeonghan corrected and frowned watching the man move, “A training one at least.”
“Will you stop that,” Jeonghan proceeded to snap at his patient, forcing his shoulder down back on the couch “Keep moving and you’re gonna tear your stitches, and I don’t feel as welcoming to stitch you back up this time.” He jeered at the man.
Opening his eyes back up to stare down the man, Chanyeol started taking a profile of him; he wasn’t a natural blonde, the small amount of brown peeking out of his skull telling him that, he was also a bit on the thinner side, Chanyeol having no doubt he could take the man even in his state. But there was a tiny bit of muscle to his form, probably from his line of work, the slight definition in his arms and shoulders told Chanyeol that he could probably throw a punch.
“It’s cute you’re trying to scare me,” Chanyeol said, “But it won’t work.” Jeonghan merely smiled at that.
“Scare you?” He repeated, “I have no reason to do that,” Chanyeol gave him a curious look.
“But I will tell you one thing,” His voice dropped as he crouched down to be closer to Chanyeol, “I may be a doctor, but I’m not a forgiving man.” Chanyeol frowned at that.
“She told me everything,” Jeonghan smirked slightly, “And you are very lucky she waited till after I fixed you up, because otherwise…” He said darkly
“I don’t think I would have bothered,” Chanyeol’s eyes hardened at that, but the doctor didn’t stop.
“You’re on thin ice with both me and her,” Jeonghan glowered at him, “Even a finger out of line and you’ll regret it, do I make myself clear?” Chanyeol scoffed at him.
“Am I supposed to be scared?” He spat out, but the man merely leered in response.
“I don’t think you have an idea of what I can do,” Jeonghan said simply standing back up as Chanyeol’s eyes trailed him.
The blonde merely took his seat back on the armchair, picking up a discarded book that was near his coffee while Chanyeol stared at him. Jeonghan played him no mind anymore, not even bothered to glance at him as he spoke.
“Get some more rest, Chanyeol – you’re going to need it.”
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Going to bed was supposed to be the place you felt most comfortable, bathed in warm and welcoming – but for some reason, sleep had been evading you much like you had been evading the reason that was causing it. The process of coming to terms with things was never simple, you knew that; you had come to terms with many things in your short life, all them carrying their pain but how do you come to terms with things that were still going on? Can you move past the present? These were all thoughts that plagued your mind, more so after the night that you had.
After the fiasco in the bathroom, Jeonghan had gently coerced you into laying in your room; away from the problem on the couch and into something that you could find comfort in, or what you were supposed to find comfort in. With him being ever the gentleman as he made himself accustomed to your space and going out of his way to clean you up, he tried to make it as nice as an environment as possible so that when you did unleash the skeletons in your closet, you weren’t alone.
Jeonghan wasn’t a cruel guy, more often than not he was the loveliest person you’d meet; being a doctor bought out all the caring qualities in him, and while he never lost that sarcastic edge, he never used it in a way to hurt anyone – or more specifically, you. So, to see the way his face darkened as you told him everything that had happened had broken you slightly, he was someone you never wanted to see upset; and the way his body language changed was scary. You had spent what felt like hours explaining everything to him, his hesitance to the man on the couch outside the door growing with each word, to the point that you had to stop him several times from going out there. The two of you talked until you felt the exhaustion kissing your lids like a lover, your grasp on reality shrinking – you had assumed that Jeonghan would stay with you, but you couldn’t even fight him as he gave you a brief kiss on the forehead, telling you he’d watch over the guest while you slept, his mind too chaotic to do anything else.
It was hours later that you eventually found yourself in the most uncomfortable setting in your life; after starting your morning far earlier than you had hoped to, you hadn’t expected both Jeonghan and Chanyeol to be in the living room when you eventually decided to go out. The latter of which, still asleep on the couch – his face riddled with cuts and bruises.
“He’s got no phone on him,” Jeonghan whispered as he led you to the kitchen, “Checked his pockets, just a weapon and blood-stained keys.” You frowned softly.
“We’re gonna have to drive him back,” You whispered back, “I don’t have any way to contact them, but I have a rough idea of where they stay…”
“Are you crazy?” Jeonghan’s eyes were wide, “You want to go back there?”
“What choice do we have?” You quizzed back, “He can’t drive, and he can’t exactly get a cab back, can he?” You watched as Jeonghan’s chest expanded in stress.
“I’m not driving him back, no I refuse to go near that place,” Jeonghan’s eyes were hard, but you gave him a stressed look.
“Then give me your keys,” You held your hand out to him, “I’ll drive him.” His eye’s widening.
“You’re not going yourself,” He snapped softly, but you only made a frustrated noise at him.
“He can’t stay here, Jeonghan” You raised your voice an octave, “His boss is going to be looking for him.”
“Listen,” You tried to reason with him as a look crossed his face, “We take him back, we give him to Baekhyun or whoever and we leave – it’ll take 20 minutes tops, whatever he’s involved in has nothing to do with us.”
“I swear to god if he-,” Jeonghan started but was cut off when another voice cut into the conversation.
“He can hear you,” Chanyeol had managed to pull himself up and was now leaning against the door on the kitchen; grabbing his bare torso in pain, the blankets long forgotten, “The two of you need to work on whispering.”
“Chanyeol!” You yelped, as he winced, your voice too loud for his head, “You’re alive, thank god” You tried to smile but his eyes settled on you, it became strained.
“No thanks to you,” He hummed, limping further into the kitchen to sit at the table, his face pulling taught as he eased himself into a sitting position.
Jeonghan was glowering next you as the two of you looked at the man, he looked worse for wear, but he at least looked better than he did last night.
“You shouldn’t be up,” Jeonghan told him, leaning against the counter with his arms crossed, the two men staring each other down.
“I’ll survive, doc,” Chanyeol told him sarcastically, but his face softened up when you placed a glass of water in front of him – you hand warm, as it placed on the skin of his shoulder.
“Chanyeol, what happened?” Your face was pinched with worry, but he merely sighed – moving away from your warmth and taking a sip of his water.
“Nothing to worry yourself about,” He grumbled, shaking his head but you weren’t having that.
“You came to my home bleeding and disorientated, I think you owe me some explanation.” Your voice was hard, and the surprise at this registered on his face.  
“Mission went wrong,” He said simply, “That’s all you need to know and that’s all I can tell you.” You vaguely heard Jeonghan scoff from behind you.
“Chanyeol.” You warned, giving him a hard look.
“I don’t fancy getting shot,” Chanyeol snapped, staring you dead in the eye, “There are some things that you don’t need to know, even if you’re pushy about it.” You flinched slightly at that but took a step back with a look.
“Whatever,” You shook your head at him, jaw set, “We’re taking you home.” His brow furrowed.
“I’ll make my own way home, thanks.” He stated, not bothering to look at you.
This time Jeonghan cut into the conversation, and he didn’t look happy.
“Listen, take the help,” His voice was hard, “You’re in no fit condition to drive and wherever you and your “brothers” reside isn’t walking distance, so suck it up.” You flinched slightly at him.
“Jeonghan,” You warned but Chanyeol cut in.
“Get your boytoy on a leash,” Chanyeol retorted, sitting a bit straighter “I never asked for his help.”
“The two of you please,” You begged slightly, looking between the two of them before directing yourself at Chanyeol.
“You’re getting a shirt on and you’re getting in that car, Chanyeol.” You snapped softly giving him a tense look, “I don’t care if you don’t want the help, you’re stranded here otherwise.” His jaw was set into a hard line.
“I said…” Chanyeol tried to reason with you but you weren’t having it.
“I don’t give a shit what you said.” You raised your voice, he had a vague amount of surprise in his eyes, “You’ll do it and that’s final.”
Glaring at him one last time, you moved to get out of the kitchen, the stress and hurt radiating off you in waves at the situation but you tried to suck it up, tossing over your shoulder as you got out the room.
“Get ready to leave.”  
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If you had to talk to someone about the world’s most horrific road trip, you imagined the look on someone’s face as you talked about the time you were stuck in a car with a trainee doctor and a wanted gang member; the spectacle on their face as their heard about how awkward the silence was and how badly you wished to throw yourself out the car door.
As much as you wanted someone to listen to you complain, you were far too busy living the awkward road trip, the three of you a sight for sore eyes as you sped down the highway. Chanyeol had been relegated to the back of Jeonghan’s car out of fear for the man’s safety and for the fact he could keep laying down on the seats – but it was a bit funny it to watch his long-form struggle to fit.
The trip to the compound was brief, Jeonghan basically speeding there and yourself too busy looking out the window to fully pay attention to what was going on; no one bothered to speak other than the brief directions you’d give every so often and the occasional grunt from Chanyeol as the car hurdled over a speed bump. It wasn’t peaceful in the slightest, you wanted nothing more to be at home since you were working tonight but you still found yourself there, a thread filling your stomach as the city melded from buildings to vast expanses of trees, you could practically taste the fear the closer you got.
Even though you had offered to drive, you don’t think you could have had the nerve to pull up to the massive house like Jeonghan did – speeding through the gates and into the courtyard that you hadn’t seen properly since that night.
You weren’t sure what reaction you expected pulling up through the open gates, but the three seconds it took for gunmen to fill the space had Jeonghan stopping the car with a screech; Chanyeol yelping as he was flung forward from where he was laying down. Vaguely you could see some familiar faces among the barrels of guns pointed towards you but a loud voice cutting through had the two of your tumbling out the car like you were on fire, someone appearing on your side of the car to tap on the window.
“Get out, hands where we can see them.” A face you didn’t recognise demanded, not seeing Chanyeol in the back, but you meekly nodded.
Glancing at Jeonghan the two of you nodded at each other before stepping out the car, a chill running through you as numerous guns clocked in case you tried to pull something.
“What’s your business here,” The man in front of you stated, his eyes hard as he looked you up and down; Jeonghan on the other side no doubt getting the same treatment.
“Well…” You stuttered, surprised no one recognised you but that didn’t last long, the car door beside the two-tumbling open as your third passenger tumbled to his feet with a grunt, surprising everyone in the area.
“Put the damn guns down, idiot,” Chanyeol swore at them as he stood to his full height, pushing the man in front of you out the way as you stared at him in shock.
“Chanyeol,” It was the man’s turn to stutter, jumping to help him as he limped away from the car to pass a glance at you, “We thought-,”
“Well you thought wrong,” He didn’t give him a chance to explain before he interrupted, looking around at the underlings holding guns up to the car before he focused on someone standing behind at the foot of the house, not that you bothered to turn around, “Do you mind calling them off, Jongin?” A chuckle met your ears faintly from the man in question.
“Only the warmest of welcomes for you, Yeol…” Jongin spoke, as Chanyeol began to limp around the car and away from you, their voices fading out; and your body deflating slightly, he was partly being carried by the man that tapped on your window, not that you bothered.
Glancing around to fully look, you noted how one of the men still stood next to Jeonghan – a hard look passing over his face as he stared at him but you merely caught Jeonghan’s slightly annoyed eyes with a soft smile, making your way over much to the digression of the man with him.  The two of you shared a look before something settled on Jeonghan’s face, a hand touching your shoulder a few seconds had you looking around; a familiar face filling your vision.
“Y/N, was it?” The man you registered as Minseok touched your shoulder with a slight smile as you meekly nodded in response, “Fantastic, do the two of you want to come with me?” You were about to answer when Jeonghan cut in.
“We have somewhere to be,” Jeonghan stated, giving Minseok a look which didn’t sit well with him, “We’re just ready to leave.”
“As nice as that is,” Minseok smiled tightly, “I’m afraid I’m going to have to insist, my boss would like to see the two of you.”
“That won’t be needed-,” Jeonghan tried to talk about you cut him off with a look, knowing the last thing to do was offended someone that could have you shot before you could blink.
“Ignore him,” You smiled apprehensively, “Lead the way,” You gestured for him to walk in front of you.
The two of you probably looked vaguely like show ponies as you were led in front of the large group and into the house; everyone’s eyes staring at you like you could revolt at any moment and decide to attack – a far cry from what it was like last time you were here. The compound was still the same as before, the winter morning giving it a glint that almost made the place look friendly but as you were led up the stairs to the familiar foyer; your heart dropped out of your ass as the prospect of where you were going. The two of you were only one step into the place before you heard a voice off the side make a side comment.
“We’ll you look terrible,” A sarcastic voice that held no bite sounded off, your eyes flicking to a familiar face.
“You’re one to talk,” You said softly, wincing slightly as you took him in – he was much in the same condition as Chanyeol if only a fraction better; his face cut and bruised, but he still looked good, “You look like you’ve seen better days.” He laughed at that, wincing softly as he walked closer.
“I suppose I owe you thanks,” He said honestly much to your surprise; his eyes flicking from you to Jeonghan who was posed slightly behind you, “The two of you.” “What for…” You frowned; a bit confused.  
“Well, he’s not going to say it is he,” Baekhyun rolled his eyes, “Whatever you did for Chanyeol, thank you – honestly.” He looked you in the eyes; a rare moment from the man that he looked someway normal.
“It’s okay…” You said softly, “Jeonghan did most of the work.” You nodded with a small smile.
“Regardless,” Baekhyun waved his hand, shooing the thought off, “I owe you my thanks, I’m not mentally prepared for a new partner just yet” He winked at you as Minseok scoffed.
“You’re keeping the boss waiting, Baekhyun.” He rolled his eyes, but there was no bite in the words.
“Merely giving my thanks, Min,” Baekhyun smirked, before he gestured to the stairs, “Be on your way.”
Baekhyun blended back into his place as Minseok continued to lead you both up the stairs in silence; only the sound of yours and Jeonghan’s breathing was heard as the stairs became less and less before your eyes. Jeonghan was staring at you intently, his eyes asking if you were okay but you merely shook your head; the last time you had seen the man in the office, the two of you shared a normal moment in his car as he drove you home, but now it seemed like that was a distant memory that wasn’t to be thought of again.
The double cream doors opened on-demand as the three of you neared, opening to show you the horror inside, sat at his desk casually with a raised eyebrow was the man of the hour: Sehun.
“If I knew you’d be back so soon I’d have thrown together a better welcome party,” Sehun wasted no time in making a sardonic remark, “But I see you brought a friend this time,” He noted as the two of you were led to stand in front of his desk so he could get a better look at you.
Every time you saw the man you were constantly annoyed at how put together he looked in every situation – this time his long hair was loosely slicked back from his face to reveal the smooth skin of his unmarred face, his all-black suit doing the most of giving off the appearance that he was, in fact, the powerful man he believed himself to be.
“Nothing to say?” His mouth jilted slightly, he was in a surprisingly good mood for someone who had a man MIA for nearly a day, “That’s a first.” You merely just turned your head away from him.
“Sehun,” You said quietly in a greeting - nodding at him, “Lovely to see you again,” He hummed at that, casting his eyes from you to Jeonghan as you winced, you could imagine his face.
“Problem?” Sehun’s voice lost its amusing edge at he spoke to the man, “Or would you like to introduce yourself?” When Jeonghan was silent at that, you elbowed him.
“Jeonghan.” The man in question said briefly, not paying him the reaction Sehun wanted from him.
“Jeonghan,” Sehun mused to himself, leaning back in his chair casually – one leg lifted gracefully over the over, “I suppose I owe the two of you thanks,” He hummed softly.
“I’m not sure what trouble Chanyeol found himself in, but I give my thanks that you at least returned him somewhat intact,” He continued with a fraction of amusement, “I’m not typically a man to repay kindness with anything other than that, but seeing the job you’ve done on him I suppose I can give you something.”
You imagined Sehun was a great actor when he wanted to be but now wasn’t the time, he was acting uncharacteristically childish – a far cry from the man you’d seen before.  
“A favour,” Sehun said plainly, “For saving one of my men, I’ll grant the two of you a favour.”
“A favour.” Jeonghan reiterated plainly, “You’ll owe us a favour?”
“Issue?” Sehun’s eyes glinted slightly, the deep pools flicking to the only person that had a problem with him.
“Yes, there’s an issue,” Jeonghan snapped.
“Jeonghan,” You sounded shocked at the voice that came from him, realising the danger he could put himself in but you watched in bigger horror as a dark look fluttered over Sehun’s face, taking that mask he had on with it. There’s were a few tense seconds of silence before Sehun stood up from his desk.
Sehun squared his shoulder as he rounded his desk, the tick in his jaw twitching with his displeasure; a dark looking coloured his igneous eyes, a dark look directed at the two of you. There was a thick silence in the room as Sehun walked up to the two of you, dismissing you in the conversation completely to talk to Jeonghan, the latter of which being equally as ticked off as the perilous man he was confined in a room with.
“You should keep in mind who you’re speaking to.” Sehun tutted sarcastically, his eyes filtering down to his opponent; whom of which was a decent amount shorter than him not that the latter cared, “Better yet, you should keep in mind where you are.” You practically sweat dropped next to the two of them.
“And if I don’t?” Jeonghan challenged back, the testosterone practically suffocating in the room; but Sehun merely smirked, looking him up and down.
“I don’t think you want to be in a position to find out what happens,” Sehun hummed as you caught sight of one of the smaller members of the gang from your peripheral touching the gun on his waist, “Not many have lived to tell the experience.”
Putting your hand between them, you eyed Jeonghan as you gave Sehun a small shove away; a very bold move on your part, but it didn’t stop their staredown.
“Stop it.” You hissed slightly at Jeonghan, eye’s hardening before you turned to the head man himself, “Stop it, we’ll take the favour.”
“Y/N” Jeonghan hissed, placing a hand on your arm to draw you back, but you merely pulled out of it; still facing Sehun, who only wore a smirk on his face.
“Enough,” You snapped softly as Sehun cut in.
“You heard the lady,” Sehun gestured to you, a darker amusement dancing in his eyes, “A favour for your good deeds.”
“A favour, I saved your-,” Jeonghan began before you snapped at him.
“Jeonghan, enough.” You tensed your jaw at him.
“Don’t be mistaken, kid” Sehun hummed, retreating to lean against the front of his desk, away from the brewing storm, “A favour is no easy way out, dare I say – even hard to come across”
“What do you mean,” Jeonghan frowned, the sound of a quiet sigh from Junmyeon the corner telling you that this probably wasn’t going to end well.
“You saved one of my men,” Sehun shrugged, “I owe you something, both of you” He glanced at the two of you.
“Such as…” Jeonghan glowered, not seeing the value in what he was offering; this time it was your turn to quietly sigh before you decided to answer.
“Probably whatever we want…” You grimaced slightly, the idea of asking them for anything tasting like ashes in your mouth.
“Within reason,” Sehun corrected with a chuckle, his arms very much crossed over his chest in a casual stance, as much as he enjoyed riling up Jeonghan; even knew that he was no threat.
“If I may,” Junmyeon piped up from his stance at the back of the room, “Sehun is right, a favour from us is nothing to be taken lightly…”
“It’s a tradition amongst us,” Junmyeon, ever the peacemaker continued, “One we normally reserve for our families but one we can pass on in moments of great exception.” Sehun rolled his eyes softly, your eyes catching his for a brief few seconds while Jeonghan locked with Junmyeon. “It’s a way of saying that we at Exodus are grateful for your efforts,” Sehun pipped in, looking slightly annoyed, “And in turn, we are indebted to you, the two of you.”
“You can bring it in yourself to be indebted to someone,” Jeonghan snapped slightly.
“Don’t push it,” Sehun snapped back, “I can easily decide to revoke it if you keep this up,”
“I’m not one of your men,” Jeonghan glared as you practically melted from stress beside them.
“If you were you would know to watch your tongue,” Sehun sneered in such a way, filled with such hate and authority, that you felt a chill run down your spine; even Jeonghan stopping to be quiet for a second, “Do not take my kindness for weakness, kid – If I wanted I could shoot you where you stand and no one would come looking.”
“Sehun,” Junmyeon warned, but he was ignored.
“You’re testing my composure,” Sehun spoke plainly as his eyes hardened, “And you are in no position to do so, so a word of advice? Bite your tongue before I decide that you don’t need it anymore.” Sehun’s words resonated a silence in the room that felt like winter had gotten through the front door.
Jeonghan was left a deadly look on his normally calm face, staring down the man who didn’t bother to look at him anymore; Sehun’s eyes set firmly on your form as he decided to speak again.
“Thank you,” He spoke honestly, “I’m aware you were in no position to help but myself and my men are glad you did” You merely just nodded at him, registering your thanks before you meekly smiled.
Glancing at the two of you again Sehun waved his hand, “Take your leave.”
His name died on your tongue slightly as you went to say something else, but you knew this wasn’t the time or place to ask anything – not with the ticking time bomb next to you. The two of you merely nodded as you turned around, Jeonghan wasting no effort to get out the room in a fuming mess, your own body trailing before him a few paces, Junmyeon at the door giving you a look as he spoke quietly.
“You have our thanks…”
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This time he wasn’t cooped up in the compound, he was in the only place that he could feel at home – hundreds of floors above the world and nestled in the apartment than no one knew he owned. But regardless of this being home, Sehun found himself staring out the window of the apartment with an ache in his chest that didn’t feel like it belonged there – a dull throb in his chest as he looked out at the glinting lights, a reminder of all the things he owned in life.
He wasn’t a sentimental man, he nothing to be sentimental over; his life didn’t call for that, but as he sat on his floor staring out the window, he found himself reminded of his own loneliness. Sehun had so many secrets in life and no one to share that burden with, even now as he uncharacteristically sat on his floor; he longed for someone to share the moments of weakness he did feel with. It had been a messy week for him, from a botched mission that resulted in one of his best men being put out of commission to another break-in at his weapons depo; Sehun had a thoroughly terrible week. His life was still on the line wherever he seemed to go, mumblings of the new gang getting louder with each passing day to the point he knew his men would start questioning him soon; he was looking weak in their eyes, fragments of his business caving in on him and he was doing nothing to stop it – not like he could do much at the moment.
Sehun and his family were terrible people, everyone knew this, it was part of the job of being in the Oh family; to be a terrible person. And while he knew that some people would be rejoicing at the fact Exodus was taking an ego hit, Sehun could only feel the burdens of his failure and confusion.
“Father had it easy huh,” He spoke softly to himself, eyes glancing over to the small pooch that decided to join him, Vivi’s fur glowing in the nightlife as he nestled himself into Sehun’s outreached hand, “Where am I going wrong…”
Vivi only gave a small dog cry at his owner's apparent sadness, nuzzling into him to make it all go away but as cute as Sehun found the act; he was sobered by the fact that he could get no answers from the small dog.
“Junmyeon thinks I’m being reckless,” He spoke to Vivi, “Throwing a party while there’s a target on my life, but he’s missing the point.” He sighed softly.
“I can’t bring them out of their hole, so I have to bring them to me…” Sehun said quietly, “Even if it kills me, I can’t let what’s been built crumble to the ground, even if I don’t want it anymore.”
“I think that’s why I’ve connected with her,” Sehun screwed his face up, “That girl that Baekhyun as roped in.” Vivi tilted his head at that.
“I’ve always gone to people for escapes,” Sehun sighed, “Not to get help but to ignore the world for a while,” He wasn’t speaking to anyone at this point.
“First it was Jeonghwa, she’s been there for so long that she’s lost sight of what I was doing,” Sehun noted, “Now I’m being present with this new person, someone that hates me to my very core and I can’t help but feel like I want to chase her down.” Vivi let out a noise like he was trying to talk back.
“Goodnight Sehun…”
Sehun still felt his skin prickle at the thought of his name dropping from her lips days even after it happened; it had been a while since someone had so softly said his name – no ill intent or lust coating the words, just pure unaltered thanks coating the words like some sickly-sweet honey. He’d never admit he thought about her in a way that brought warmth to his chest, that he found the fondness she carried in her eyes tempting to him.
“It’s not about feelings,” Sehun tutted snapping himself out of it, “I don’t want that from her, I want an escape – someone who can remind me that my life isn’t all this.”
“I’m a selfish man,” Sehun frowned but it wasn’t a dig at himself, in his eyes; if he accepted it then it wasn’t a flaw.
“Should I feel this amused at the idea of using something up until there’s nothing left?” He asked nobody, “Should I find a pastime in turning people into nothing?”
“I am a horrible man,” Sehun sighed as he let silence envelope himself again.
His apartment was still, the only occupants were sat on the floor wondering why life had led them here, but Sehun could still find it in himself at least find amusement in his situation – life be dammed or not.
“Maybe I’ll do something I’ll regret, but maybe it might mean something more…”
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No one was home when the envelope was slid carefully under her door, the off cream paper skidding across the wooden floor like butter and not even she had expected to see something so formal sitting at her feet when she returned home from work that night; a frown lacing onto her face as she plucked the thing from the ground like a flower.
With intricate handwriting and a wax seal, she found herself curious at who would leave her something to beautiful to read but as she opened what she thought was going to be a letter; her face paled slightly at the card instead.
“You are warmly invited to a night of festivities, courtesy of Exodus…”
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taetaesbaebaepsae · 4 years
Pretty Girl
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A/n: A commission for my girl @jooheonbee​, I hope you like it, Biker Mechanic Sehun is somethin else. I might do like a smut sequel because I have ideas that just didn’t fit into the storyline, so....look out for that, too.
Summary: You go for the bad boys, every time. This time, you’re determined to run. Sehun has other ideas.
Warnings: some smut, dirty talk, mild choking, I guess? not actually written out smut though? I know, right, weird for me, but that’s just how it went, talk of some public stuff 
Word Count: 3150
"This is stupid," you mutter. "You're stupid."
You're talking to yourself at 3am in the worst part of town in a ratty apartment elevator and for what?
Because of the way his shoulders filled out that leather jacket? The scar on his eyebrow, the way it quirked up when he smiled at you?
"You gotta stop thinking with your pussy," your roommate had told you when you'd told her you'd given your number to this hot guy with slicked back hair and a weathered leather jacket.
"Because it's stupid?" You'd asked.
"No, dummy, because it's connected to your stupid heart."
She was right, you always did this, fucked these guys and then got attached because they cuddled you after or texted you some sweet shit when they were drunk and this guy has fuckboy written all over him.
Do you ring his doorbell anyway? Yes.
"Sehun?" You call when he doesn't answer.
"Hey, pretty girl," his voice right behind you makes you jump. 
Shit fuck Jesus Christ he looks good, in a pair of grey sweats, chest bare, feet bare, holding a basket of laundry.
His hair looks wet like he's just out of the shower and it's oddly domestic for someone who'd whispered about how he'd suck your clit between your teeth while kissing your throat after your shift three nights ago.
He raises that scarred eyebrow. "Wanna come in?"
You nod, throat dry, trying not to stare as he kicks open his door, banking on you to close it when you follow him in, apparently.
And you do, because you're an idiot, a sucker for bad boys who'd inevitably break your heart, and this one had already bent you over his motorcycle and pressed his dick against your ass, saying all the wrong things into your ear that made your panties flood.
Despite the domestic look, he sits down on this cracked leather couch and smirks at you, pats his thighs. "Have a seat, pretty girl."
He probably calls you that because he doesn't remember your fucking name but you didn't wear a skirt and no panties over here at 3am to help him fold his laundry.
Half an hour later he's got your skirt bunched around your hips and he's rocking you against him and your head is spinning because you'd expected him to at least have his fingers inside you by now.
"Sehun," you whine, and he chuckles against your throat.
"Needy baby," he croons, kissing more softly at the base of your throat, and then his hands clamp down on your ass, rocking you forward again.
He stiffens his hips so that his cock presses right against your cunt and the pressure is too much and not enough at once.
"Are you gonna fuck me or are we gonna keep dryhumping like teenagers for another week?" You snap, frustrated, but he just drags his teeth along your skin and pulls back, lips turned up at one corner.
"You liked it last time, yeah? Liked me pressing into your ass, my hand around your throat, telling you how pretty you'd look begging me for my cock?"
"Oh, fuck you," you say irritably, and he moves his hands to your hips, sitting back against the couch and watching you lazily as you writhe against him.
"Gonna beg me, pretty girl?"
"Never," you snap, and he laughs again.
You do beg, though, in these breathy little whimpers, on all fours on his bed which is just a mattress on the floor and your cunt so wet it's dripping juices down your thighs.
At least he didn't complain about the condom, you tell yourself as you do the walk of shame back to your apartment and your roommate gives you a wink.
"Don't fucking judge me," you mutter.
"Never, just don't fall in love," she shoots back.
"Please," you scoff.
But do you go and do that too? Of course you fucking do.
It's not the second time or the fourth or the sixth, you've lost count by the time you realize it.
He rolls over on his stupid mattress and smiles at you, eyes puffy from sleep and his hair mussed and your heart seems to fall out of your asshole.
"Wanna get breakfast?" He asks in that husky morning voice of his and you can't vault out of bed fast enough.
"Gotta go, stuff to do," you mutter and you can't find your panties so you just leave them there and bolt out the door while he's staring after you with that dumb cute confused puppy look he gets sometimes.
You ignore his texts for a week and then eventually when he starts calling, block his number.
You refuse to have a repeat of your last disaster relationship, another bad boy you'd just known you could turn good and who'd cheated on you with almost everyone you knew.
But hot guys in motorcycle jackets just keep showing up at your job, and you end up chatting with another one two weeks later. He's bigger and sweeter and he's got this laugh that shakes his whole body.
"I used to see a guy with a bike," you comment as you hand him another beer, and he grins. 
"You ever ride?"
You shake your head.
"I'll have to find my extra helmet." He leans across the bar, eyes sparkling and you can't help smiling back.
You don't let it get as far, though, trying to feel him out first without feeling him up and you leave with his name and number scrawled on his receipt.
"What the fuck?"
You hear a familiar, low voice behind you on your walk home and you freeze.
He looks sulky, bottom lip poking out, arms crossed over his chest, leaned up against the brick of the building.
"Are you drunk?" You ask, a smile threatening at the corner of your mouth. He's cute like this, all pouty.
"Kinda," he confesses. "You got a new boyfriend now?"
You roll your eyes. "Trying to tell me you're jealous, Sehunnie?" 
He frowns and stands up straighter. "What, you're saying I don't have a right to be?"
You blink at him. "Why the fuck would you have a right to be? You fucked me on your bare mattress twice a week."
"Sorry I wasn't fancy enough for you, princess," he drawls, but something like hurt flashes across his face.
"That's not-" you start, but he's already striding away and straddling his bike, revving the engine and your heart is in your throat.
The next time you see him he's got his hands on some blonde's ass and your skin is on fire and there's something acid in your mouth when he winks at you as you stalk by to take a pitcher of beer to a table of frat boys and you delete his number from your phone in a rage.
"Whatever happened to that girl?" Minseok asks and Sehun bumps his head on the engine in surprise, cursing.
Minseok laughs as he hands him the ratchet he was looking for, sitting on the bike like a fucking slug as usual while Sehun does all the work.
"Should worry about how hard you're riding this bike instead of girls," Sehun mutters.
"That what happened? You ride her too hard?"
"Maybe. What's it to you?"
"Just thought I saw her on the back of Junmyeon's hog, that's all." Minseok's voice is so casual that for a second it doesn't register and then Sehun cracks his head on the engine again.
"Fuck!" He slides out from under it and sits up, wiping grease on his jeans. "Junmyeon? Not Chanyeol?"
Minseok blinks. "Oh, is she a biker babe?"
"Don't you fucking start." It's just another word for biker slut and he fucking knows it and Sehun wants to push him off his shitty bike.
Minseok holds out his hands as if in defense. "Listen, no offense meant. They do the Lord's work." 
"That's not what she is." Sehun insists, but in the back of his mind he's seeing the way you smiled at Chanyeol.
Are you? You'd never even asked to ride his bike, he'd never even considered….
"She gonna run again or what?"
For a moment Sehun is so stuck in his head which is swirling with all these panicky thoughts about you that he thinks Minseok is asking if you'll run away from him again.
"Yeah, just needed an oil change," Sehun mumbles and goes inside to wash up. 
He bangs his head against the mirror, trying to clear his head.
It isn't as if he'd thought much past your curves and that sexy half smile the first night, or even the second or third.
You started ghosting him and he figured you were just busy, tells himself he doesn't care, it doesn't matter, but he finds himself lurking around the bar you work at, but even though he's been balls deep inside you on several occasions he can't bring himself to approach you when you make a beeline for your car.
At least not until he saw Park Chanyeol chatting you up across the bar, sees you smiling down at the receipt he left and Sehun couldn't stop himself from following you.
And of course, he fucked that up, being too jealous and stupid and half drunk to make any sense.
You were right, anyway, it wasn't like he'd ever taken you to dinner, just one half assed offer of breakfast and he doesn't know how to do this, anyway. He's never had anything approaching a real girlfriend, just one night stands on various road trips and a friend with benefits in high school. 
Is that what he even wanted? A girlfriend? When he thinks about your easy laugh not being directed at him, about what Minseok suggested about you being true, that maybe you're just using him...it makes his stomach sick.
He tells himself not to text you, not to call, but he does both because he doesn't have a shred of self control, and realizing you've blocked his number is like a punch in the throat.
Sehun doesn't even know where you live, has never asked you, and no wonder you're ghosting him. He groans, lying on his stupid bare mattress on the floor and he remembers the first time he'd seen you on it, as up and your thighs trembling.
He feels his cock twitch in his jeans and he sits up, frustrated. It's been three weeks since he'd last seen you and he hadn't been with anyone else, hadn't even thought about it.
Minseok had invited him out, a going away party of sorts since he's about to go on the road, and he figures fuck it, time to get back on the horse.
But of course they end up at your bar and all he can do is look for you, every shot making you more present in his head instead of further away. It's hours before you come in for your shift and it's busy, everyone he knows and several he doesn't there asking for your attention. You sling drinks and smile and laugh and he can't take his eyes off you.
Everything takes a turn for the worse around the fifth shot and he catches you leaned over the bar grinning at Junmyeon.
It's nothing, really, it's your job to flirt with customers but it's how you'd met and with Minseok telling him he'd seen you on his bike…
He fucking hates it, the way he feels, like there's suddenly no space in the bar, his chest tight, skin hot.
So he keeps drinking and when a blonde asks him to dance, tilts her head up to kiss him, he takes a dark pleasure in the flash of anger in your eyes when you stalk past.
It's all so fucking empty, later, when he fucks the blonde and she's nothing like you, all hard lines instead of soft curves, she even sounds wrong, too quiet and breathy.
She leaves and he's never felt so alone in his shitty apartment, keeps looking over at the counter where you'd hooked your legs around his waist the last time you were over and he feels tears prick at the backs of his eyes.
"Fuck," he mutters, and curls up on his mattress, staring at your contact name in his phone.
It takes another week before he can't take it anymore, not being able to talk to you, and catches you coming into work.
"God, what, are you stalking me now?" 
You unlock the bar and he feels small and stupid but he's full of all these things he has to say.
When you turn to look at him all angry dark eyes, it takes his breath and everything he wanted to say dies in his throat.
"Are you seeing someone?"
It isn't what he meant to say and it certainly doesn't help the anger in your eyes.
"So what if I am? It's none of your business."
"What if I want it to be my business?" He shoots back, and it's stupid but there's something clawing inside his stomach.
"Oh, fuck you, Sehun. The last time I saw you, you were a foot down some blonde's throat. I'm not doing this again."
"It's not…. she's not…" He can't get it out, whatever it is clawing up his throat.
"I blocked your number. What else do you want? Fuck off." 
You turn your back to him and he wants to hate you, wants to feel something more than this void in his chest.
He wants to tell you that everything feels shitty and empty without you but you're throwing bottles onto shelves and your shoulders are stiff.
When Minseok invites him on a week long ride, he says yes without a second thought, wanting to be anywhere else but in his apartment, where he saw you around every corner.
"Oh my God just call him," your roommate groans after you pile three pints of ice cream into the fridge.
"No. And don't fucking touch my ice cream." You slam the freezer shut and glare at her.
"Maybe he's just wilding out because you've ghosted him for like a month," she offers and you open the freezer again, taking out one pint of ice cream.
"Three weeks and four days," you correct.
She rolls her eyes. "Not that you're counting."
"Not that I'm counting," you agree. "Hand me a spoon."
She obliges. "He wasn't your boyfriend, right?"
"Hell no!" 
"So…. he's a free agent." 
"No!" You protest immediately, and then sigh. "I guess."
"You can't be mad at him for making out with randos in bars, then."
"Who says I'm mad?" You ask, mouth full of ice cream.
"Okay, clown, but he's probably at home moping over you." Your roommate stands and starts toward her room.
"He is not." Your heart skips a beat. "You really think so?"
"Call him!" She yells from her room, and you huff out a breath.
You are not going to call him.
You call him, you’ve memorized his number because you’re an idiot.
He doesn't answer and you wait a whole three minutes before texting him.
You home?
It feels like an hour before he texts you back even though it's only a few moments.
"That's it?" You grumble, but you head to his apartment anyway, waiting for the whining elevator and having flashbacks to the first time you'd come here.
When he opens the door in those same gray sweats, wet hair, just like the first night, words stick in your throat.
"Hey, pretty girl," he says, but it's softer somehow and it makes your chest ache.
Before he even steps back from the door you lean up to kiss him and he makes this little moan in the back of his throat that sends a spear of heat through your belly.
You've got your top off, straddling his hips on that stupid mattress of his, when he breaks apart from your mouth, breathing hard.
"Y/n," he says your name low and serious, and it doesn't help the way your skin is heating up.
"You do know my name," you tease, latching onto his neck instead, and he makes a sound almost like a growl, pushing you away gently.
"Of course I know your name. Y/n, wait. I want to talk to you."
"You want to talk? Now?" You say incredulously.
He huffs out a breath. "I wanted to talk when you walked in. I got distracted."
You can't help but laugh, and he's looking up at you with this half smile and something so soft on his face it makes you want to run again.
"I could distract you more." You rock your hips against you and he lifts you off him, planting you on the mattress and sitting up, staring into your eyes.
"Do you even like me?" He asks, tilting his head like a dumb puppy and your mouth drops open.
"I mean, do you like me, like would you consider going on a date with me? Even though I live in a shitty apartment and don't have a bed frame…"
"You don't have to answer right away, I just wanted to ask you how you felt because I'm kind of losing it-"
"Sehun!" You yell, and he startles, his cheeks slightly flushed.
"Yeah, I like you. I'll go on a date with you or whatever."
"You will? Really?" He grins and you hide your face.
"Don't be stupid," you mutter, but he tackles you, almost knocking you off the mattress and you can't stop laughing until his teeth drag along your hipbone and then you're gasping instead.
After, you trace the scar on his eyebrow. "Did you get this in a knife fight or something."
He laughs. "Dropped a wrench on my head while fixing a bike."
"I take it all back, I can't date an idiot," you say solemnly.
"Too late," he shoots back, pulling you on top of him and kissing your nose.
"You gonna ever give me a ride on your bike or should I call someone else to do it?" You ask nonchalantly, and he bites your shoulder, making you squeal.
"I'm riding to Florida  tomorrow with some of the guys."
You choke on air. "Riding to where?"
He grins. "Come with me. I'll buy you a bikini."
"I am not riding 3,000 miles on a motorcycle with an idiot," you insist.
He buys you a red bikini and your thighs are so sore after the trip that you can barely move. You swear to never get back on a bike again but of course, you do, when he fixes up a small one with "pretty girl" emblazoned on the side.
You're definitely not crying, it's just that you have allergies, you insist, as he's kissing along the bridge of your nose and putting on your helmet.
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kaisooficrec · 4 years
The Gradua’Xion (2020)
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An EXO fanfic collection to celebrate the Class of 2020 who got screwed out of their rites of passage. EXO is graduating, COVID-19 be damned. Please leave comments and kudos + love!
turnip prices? (animal crossing: new lovers)
Genre: College AU, Animal Crossing Reference, Fluff Length: 7,394 w Rating: PG Summary: Kyungsoo’s ‘nip prices brings all the boys—well, one boy—to the island. (AKA a 7k+ essay on why you should play Animal Crossing: New Horizons.)
Better Late Than Never
Genre: Drunken Confession, Mutual pining, Fluff Length: 3,073 w Rating: PG Summary: Jongin didn't mean to oversleep, maybe a little. Or Fate is a funny thing. Things lead to another even without Jongin trying.
One Step, Two Steps
Genre: Roommates!AU, Bestfriends!AU, Fluff Length: 12,000 w Rating: PG-13 Summary: Kyungsoo is in his last year of college and there's a number of things he has to get through before graduation. Little does he know, his biggest support is right there in his dorm room.
The Last Time
Genre: Soccer player!Kyungsoo, Dancer!Jongin, Hurt/Comfort Length: 2,352 w Rating: R Summary: The bleachers has always been a part of Kyungsoo and Jongin's relationship. The witness to the love that grew and blossomed between them. Will the bleachers be tainted with tears and pain or is it the place where they will find love again?
The One That Almost Got Away
Genre: High School!AU, Fluff Length: 12,439 w Rating: G Summary: How do you get your crush to invite you to the prom after avoiding him for months?
Ichirin no Hana
Genre: Vampire!AU, Royalty!AU, Pining Length: 4,267 w Rating: G Summary: Kai is pining after Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo is almost a human. Jongin is also lurking around.Or, five times Jongin gets mistaken as Kai and the one time Kyungsoo has had enough.
All Gays Ho to Heaven
Genre: KaiSoo, ChanBaek, XiuChen, HunHo, College!AU, Comedy, Fluff, Smut Length: 11,347 w Rating: R Summary: A tale of three graduations: past, present, and maybe future. Also: four different ways to hook up at a club.
At the Beginning
Genre: High School!AU, OT12, Fluff Length: 4,006 w Rating: G Summary: Together they hold on to their promise - to meet each other in the place where all it started.
Slow Dancing (should be fast)
Genre: OT3, PWP, Kaibaeksoo, Dirty Talk, Deep-throating, Voyeurism, Slut Shaming Length: 3,968 w Rating: NC-17 Summary: Baekhyun has a dare. It involves Kyungsoo’s gag reflex and Baekhyun’s bestfriend, Jongin. Kyungsoo is up for the challenge
Genre: Graduation, Post-Graduation, Angst with a Happy ending, Best friends, Smut Length: 3,508 w Rating: M Summary: Mistakes usually cost you. Will Jongin be able to pay the price for this one?
I Have A Dream
Genre: Age Swap, Age Gap, Fluff Length: 15,152 w Rating: PG-13 Summary: At the age of four, Kyungsoo decides on a dream and over the years sets out to fulfill it. <3
Sailing 2020
Genre: MPreg, Roommates!AU, College!AU Length: 11,836 w Rating: PG-13 Summary: Jongin, Sehun, Chanyeol and Baekhyun are university seniors who live together. Life starts to turn after Jongin comes home with his boyfriend.
The Gayduation
Genre: Fluff, Humor, College!AU Length: 2,122 w Rating: G Summary: Not even a pandemic can stop Jongin from confessing to his crush in physics class.
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Romance, High School!AU, OT12, side!HunHan, side!SeulRene Length: 14,085 w Rating: PG-13 Summary: Kyungsoo knows, in retrospect, that there’s a reason why a huge part of his friendship with Jongin is tucked behind laptop screens and phone conversations, away from the probing eyes of the entire student body.
Lemons Are Sour But Also Flavourful
Genre: Arranged Marriage!AU, Age Swap!AU, Humor, bestfriends!BaekSoo Length: Chaptered (ongoing) Rating: M Summary: Being Do Kyungsoo had been easy for the past twenty two years of his life, but just six months prior to Kyungsoo’s graduation, life decided to gift him with an endless supply of lemons. Now it was up to him if he wanted to make the best (lemonade) out of them or let the sourness get to him.
Little Black Rain Cloud
Genre: Enemies to Lovers!AU, Crack Length: 3,697 w Rating: R Summary: I'm just a little black rain cloud Hovering under the honey tree I'm only a little black rain cloud Pay all the attention to little meOh, everyone knows that a rain cloud Really loves honey, yes, maybe just a nip
Weak At The Knees
Genre: Fluff Length: 1,739 w Rating: PG-13 Summary: What's the worst thing that could possibly happen at Graduation? Fainting on your long-time crush. That's what.
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krreader · 4 years
EXO reacting to you having a hard time showing your feelings/pda.
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pairing: exo x reader fandom: exo warnings: chen and reader are a couple in this story, but it’s all very fluffy and lighthearted genre: fluff ; hints of angst word count: 1.5k+
a/n: I’ll open them again soon sweetheart, so write down your ideas haha. I hope you like this one for now ♥
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kim minseok
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Minseok knew there was something you weren't telling him from the start, a part of yourself that you were hiding, or trying to.
But the longer you dated each other, the more he came to realize that what it was, was your 'problem' of showing your true feelings.
And he wanted to know why. Not because he wanted to force you to do something you didn't want to do, but because he was worried about something having happened in your past that you might needed a shoulder to lean on.
“Sometimes people hurt you and make you lose faith in humanity. It just takes the right person to restore it,” you looked directly into his eyes, “And time.”
Your boyfriend smiled a little and nodded, “Then that's what you'll get.”
kim junmyeon
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Junmyeon was proud to call you his girlfriend, of course he wanted to show you off to his members, the people that were closest to him.
But you weren't feeling it apparently. Every time he tried to be.. couple-y while with his members, it was almost like you had an invisible wall in front of you that he couldn't break through. And that usually didn't happen when you were together in private.
So when you were back home, he asked you about it.
“I don't feel comfortable being like this in public,” you shrugged.
“Is this because of who I am?”
“Maybe.. or maybe it's just what it is, I can't explain it to you. Just know that I don't love you any less, it's just..-”
“No, I get it,” Junmyeon shook his head and got up, “You don't have to explain, I'm sorry I made you uncomfortable. I'll remember it next time.”
zhang yixing
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Yixing and you had been dating for a while, you'd think you'd open up to him at this point.
But every time him and you saw each other, it was as if there was something between you that made him not quite reach you.
You were sometimes so quiet, when he'd think you, as his girlfriend, should be carefree around him.
He decided to confront you about it.
The answer.. made him quite sad.
“I'm scared of my feelings for you, because I've never felt like this for anyone before. And the reason I'm scared is because I know, with the career you have, you are bound to leave again and again and I'm trying to protect myself by keeping a little bit of distance between us. But that's.. really hard.”
“Why did you never say anything? You know I could arrange it so that you could always come with me, that wouldn't be an issue.”
“I doubt anyone you're working with would be happy about your girlfriend always coming along.”
“They'll just have to deal with it,” he shrugged with a grin, almost making it sound like his decision was final.
And apparently it was, because two weeks later, when he had to fly to the US, you were on the plane with him.
byun baekhyun
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“I'm sorry, Baekhyun,” you said out of nowhere, making your boyfriend look up from his laptop.
“Huh? What for?”
“For.. not saying I love you every day. For not showing you that you are the most important person in my life. For all that kind of stuff.”
Baekhyun blinked at you for a couple of seconds, then he let out a laugh and pushed his laptop away, turning his body to face you and then grabbing your chin, “You don't need to say sorry. If I didn't like you for who you were, do you really think we'd still be with each other?”
“Then.. it doesn't bother you?”
“No. No, I need to say thank you, actually. Thank you for being truly who you are and for not changing for me, somehow thinking that that would make me love you more. You showing me the real you is already enough.”
You smiled happily.
kim jongdae
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You had been struggling with your feelings ever since you and him started dating. It wasn't that you didn't like him like he liked you, he knew for a fact that you had the same feelings for him. The issue was that you couldn't show it like he showed you.
That worried you, because you were afraid that he wanted someone who could show him daily just how much you appreciated him.
But Jongdae was patient, he was kind and he would never force you to be someone you weren't.
And so now, after months of you and him dating, him and you had finally found a routine that worked for both of you.
He would let you have your distance and you would usually always come and snuggle into his arms at one point or another.
But he’d leave that decision up to you.. when you were ready for it.
And Jongdae always smiled from ear to ear when he wrapped his arms around you and kissed the top of your head, feeling so loved without you having to say anything.
park chanyeol
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He didn't even want to do anything forbidden in public, especially because he always had to be very careful with paparazzi lurking around everywhere.
But when you were with each other and he knew there was nobody around, he wanted to hold your hand and smile at you and tell you he loved you and how happy you made him.
But every time he even so much as tried to hold you or show that you were his girlfriend in public, you put up a wall that never was there before.
“Why?” he once asked.
“People will stare, Chanyeol. People always stare when there's a couple. I don't like it. And what I hate even more is that maybe the wrong person could see and then you'd be in trouble. Hold my hand as much as you want when it's you and me in private, but you've chosen the wrong industry to do it in public.”
Well.. he didn’t have an argument for that.
do kyungsoo
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He wasn't necessarily the most lovey-dovey person either when out in public, but with his friend and girlfriend sitting in front of him and you in this restaurant and openly showing their amazing chemistry, it made him want to somehow be like: 'Look here, I have an amazing and loving girlfriend too!'
But that completely backfired because you really weren't into it.
Thankfully, the other two were too busy with themselves to notice and it was only when you were back at his place that he confronted you about it.
“I'm not your prized possession to show off, Kyungsoo.”
“I didn't..- I wanted to kiss your cheek! Is that showing off?!”
“No, but..-” you let out a sigh, “I just get uncomfortable.. I can't explain why, it's just something I've had for a while. I hate it when other people do it, when they kiss and hold hands and be all like: 'Oh, look at me, I've found the love of my life', it literally makes me want to vomit and tell them to get a room. So I don't want to be that person myself..”
Well.. truth be told, he didn't like that either, so maybe.. you had a point?
kim jongin
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Jongin would have loved nothing more than to show off your relationship in public by holding or kissing you, but you just weren't a big fan of that.
He understood, respected it and never did something to make you uncomfortable.
“That's okay, (Y/N),” Jongdae said one day when you looked at another couple being all sweet with each other and seemed sad all of a sudden because you couldn't be that for your boyfriend, “Maknae number two has me for all that,” and then he hugged Jongin from behind, literally cuddling against his back and making both you and Jongin laugh out loud.
oh sehun
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Sehun often wondered what it was about you..
One day you were the happiest ever, when he was with you in your apartment, the two of you eating, playing games, having fun.. just being completely and most utterly in love with each other.
But the second you two were outside, it was as if he was a stranger.
“I just think a relationship is something very.. private. And vulnerable. I don't want people to see a part that I only want to share with the one that I love.”
“I don't.. understand.”
“Is it bothering you? Not holding hands? Not kissing in public?”
“Well.. no, it's just something I noticed,” Sehun shrugged.
“Then.. can you accept it? Without an explanation, except for me saying I don't like it?”
Sehun let out a breath, then smiled, “Of course I can. You not liking it is enough for me not to do it anymore.”
“Thank you,” and then you hugged him as tightly as you could, kissing him afterwards, because you were in a space you felt comfortable in, where you felt like you could truly be yourself in without anyone judging you.
Because Sehun would most certainly never do that.
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sincelight · 4 years
Can I request a reaction from the exo bois with the reader as a dragon shape-shifter (possibly new recruit)?
ok so this is my first ever reaction I’ve ever written and I unfortunately don’t know exactly what being a dragon shape-shifter entails (or what it even is lol)...so I’m gonna give this my best shot and make it up as I go. hopefully I don’t ruin this prompt for you! I think I’ll connect each reaction to tell a lil story! ok, here we go.
Dating is something you’ve always tried to avoid, due to the incredibly huge secret your life revolves around. Normal people hide little things from partners, but you? How could you ever look a future partner in the eyes and say ‘oh, by the way I can turn into a dragon’? It’s just not logical. But Junmyeon, he’s been persistent and he’s nice enough, so you give in and agree to go for an evening stroll with him in the trailed woods at the edge of your small town. At first, all is well; he’s a perfect gentleman, nervously takes your hand once it begins getting dark. You’re not scared, but you let him lead you anyway. He doesn’t know that if things were to go south, you’d likely be the one saving him from harm. But, you let him believe he’s in charge. You know from experience that there are many creatures, even some monsters, that roam these woods; if he only knew what lurked in the shadows he’d likely have chosen a different spot for a first date.
When the sun has sunk below the trees and you can begin to make out the brightest stars in the sky, along with the full moon rising high, you hear it. There are wolves in these trees. You’re in danger and Junmyeon is going to learn your secret tonight. It all happens much too fast; the wolves circle around the scent of a human and you know you must shift to save him, regardless of his reaction. You crack your neck, roll your shoulders in preparation and, like a sudden firework, burst into flames forming an elegant white and gold dragon. It takes a simple sweep around the perimeter of the clearing you were standing in to scare the wolves away, and you swing back and land at Junmyeon’s feet, quacking returning to your human form, wanting to be sure he’s okay and not totally freaked out. With wide eyes he opens his mouth to speak, but instead, passes out at your feet. With a sigh, you scoop him up and begin the walk back to his car. So much for dating, and so much for living in this quaint little town you enjoyed so much.
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Once your secret is out, you know you can’t stay, so you pack a few of your favorite things in a bag and decide to disappear into the woods in search of a new town where no one knows you. You return to the same clearing where the wolves were and are surprised to see a man crouching down, feeding and petting a deer. Though you try to be silent, he hears you and spots you with ease. He stands and the deer takes off into the trees, leaving just the two of you facing each other. He approaches you and introduces himself as Jongdae. You being to give him your name but he cuts you off. “I know you,” he says. “In all my years, you’re the only female dragon I’ve ever seen.” You try to play it off, act like you have no idea what he’s talking about, but he only laughs at you. “When I told the others about you they were curious; you’re all they seem to talk about these days.” You don’t know what he means by ‘others’, so you ask. “I can lead you to them, if you’d like. More of our kind, you’d be safe there,” he adds, nodding at the backpack slung over your shoulder. Something about his genuine smile tells you to trust him, so you nod and follow him through the thick of the trees.
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The first face you see upon arriving to the large house hidden deep within the woods is a familiar one. Yixing approaches you with concern, asking if you’re okay, what you’re doing here, if you were brought here against your will. You laugh and tell him that you chose to come here and that you’re okay. Eventually he puts two and two together and frowns at you, realizing that you must be the female dragon everyone has been so excited over. “How could you never tell me?” he asks, voice sounded a little betrayed. You put your hands on your hips, sassy as ever. “I didn’t know you were a dragon! And, you never told me either!” 
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A graceful jet black dragon appears and quickly shifts to human form before approaching you. You struggle to decide which form of his is more beautiful. “I’m Jongin. I’m so excited to meet you!” He’s nearly jumping for joy, ecstatic beyond belief, like a dog seeing its owner for the first time in a long time. He grips you up and drags you off toward the back of the house to show you around. 
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You hear unintelligible shouting getting closer and turn just in time to see someone rushing at you from quite a distance away. You stand still, watching him get closer and closer until, just before impact he shouts, “Fight me!”. You act quickly, grabbing his arm and tossing him up over your shoulder where he lands face first in a small pond behind you. He gets to his feet, embarrassed that he’s just been taken down by a girl, and tries to laugh it off as he shakes the dripping water from his hair. He welcomes you to the group and insists on a rematch when he’s not so tired, because that’s totally the only reason you beat him so easily.
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One of the guys in the house has a staring problem. You can’t tell if it’s because you’re a girl or just because you’re the new person. Even from so far away, you can feel the warmth that radiates from him; you think he must be very powerful. But still, the staring is excessive and bothersome, so you ask what his problem is. Your sudden question snaps him out of it and he smiles, suddenly bashful. “I’ve only ever seen you in your dragon form. I didn’t expect you to be so pretty as a human too.”
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As fun as it is meeting everyone, you’ve had quite a long day trudging through the woods and just want to wash the sweat and dirt off. You enter the large communal shower and undress, sighing when you finally turn the water on and the warmth soothes your aching muscles. A sudden, shocked yelp from behind you causes you to jump and turn toward the source of the sound. He’s standing in the doorway covering his eyes with both hands. “I’m so sorry!” he cries out. “I’m so happy to finally meet you, and I’m so, so sorry.”
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You’re sitting at the large table in the kitchen when a coffee cup is shoved into your hands. Minseok introduces himself with a courteous smile. “Why am I holding your coffee?” you asks him, confused. “Because it got cold and you’ll make it warm for me again.” You tilt your head and give him a blank stare; without asking the question you were forming in your head, he gives you the answer by grasping your wrist with a freezing cold hand. “Ice,” he says simply. “Usually I have Chanyeol warm things for me, but I think you’ll do the trick just as well.” 
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It’s nice outside, so you’re lying in the grass when a shadow falls over you. You look up to see orange hair and a smug little grin. “I saw you throw Baekhyun into the pond.” You stare up at him, just blinking, wondering why he’s telling you this. “I’ve seen your dragon form and you’re tiny. It’s super cute,” he says, in an almost condescending tone. You decide the next person you’re going to fight in this house will be him.
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(i’m on a lerning curve with this. i have no idea what i’m doing when it comes to reactions, so hopefully this is okay? either way i had fun writing this!)
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a-frozcnlight · 3 years
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@dawnxtoxdusk​ asked: 😈 - Chu :D
Corrupted version - still accepting
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Info: Those are none less than 1.278 words, its 4 a.m and therefore it probably doesn’t make a lot of sense :’’’) BUT FUCK DID I ENJOY WRITING THIS. It probably can’t be truly seen as a ‘corrupted’ version of Miran - it’s more a corrupted life the sisters would lead?
It definitely is something I’d like to discover more because, oh my gosh xD I got a bit inspired by how Daichi got ‘abandoned’ by the family tbh. Just that it would happen in a different way there? There would be just so much to explain, so much to discover and aaaah. I can’t believe I had never gotten this idea before for them???
Anyway, I’m super proud of it, even though it became a half drabble rather than an RP reply ( and I’m super sorry for that xD ). I’m also sorry for Strelitzia’s explanation having been so brief ; u ; MIRAN AND I LOVE HER A LOT.
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Eerie quiet in the  heart of Yokohama, was a hotel rumored to lay. One, only few got in - but even fewer got out. Most of those employed in within those walls, colored in a pure white and rich of decorations in golden colors knew who they worked for. Knew the man, who had them employed, but now lived with his wife on the other side of the sea. Little did they know however, why they were here. Who it was, they brought food and tea to. Only ever had they heard the voice of a woman or a child, another girl, via their phones they were given for this job. Those who were harbored in the twelfth and last floor of this so overly luxury building. 
Their faces were to be seen only one painting, like as if made during old times, hung hidden and lonely in a room. Two females - a woman with long, golden locks cascading down to the middle of her back and her lips, colored in a soft shade of red, parted as if shock froze her doll-like, pale face. Azure eyes that inspired innocence and purity, but also curiosity, stared at those facing the portrait - only little of her body was to be seen, but there were hints of the dark blue dress she wore on the day this picture was created.
Her arms were protectively wrapped around another girl. Much younger and yet to those who would look closely, facial familiarity to the adult would become clear. Did the child however have ginger hair, that were just as long and the big, amber eyes of an innocent child.
And though it was obvious that this might could be the voices that whispered in hushed tones into the phones, nobody knew if they truly existed. Whatever they were alive or dead - or why they would never have come face to face with anyone for so many years. However. Some would say that those too were nothing but two unfortunate souls. Abandoned by those, who had set them into this world - abandoned for not matching their parent’s wishes.
Thrown away like broken toys in their imperfect perfection.
Guests only visited seldomly, randomly. At most it were people who found no shelter anymore during the busy times of the bustling city. Sometimes it also were curious or brave ones, who heard from gossips of the mysterious owners of this abandoned and yet odd lively building… and only those, who were chosen as trusted enough to be permitted - or rather forced - to work over night ever knew what would happen to those. 
Only those ever heard those light steps, that were gossiped about like a haunted tale, on long, carpeted corridors. Where windows were covered by thick curtains, banning every so dim light of the moon - as if one had feared somebody would lurk inside. Feared, that somebody would see, what was not meant to see.
Not seldom was the person to have visited found dead, once the first rays of the morning sun touched the city. Either perished in their room, or found bloodied on the highest floor, which guests were forbidden to enter - for obvious reasons. Still there were those who chose to be foolish. Those who paid no heeds to the quiet warnings of those people, who had worked for the family long enough to witness the many lives to enter - and the many corpses that were to be disposed.
Even though murder had happened within the building, there never had been the hint of a police found anywhere near the doors of the hotel and those who could talk, had vowed their secrecy. Even got bribed with a too little amount of money, by the Korean male with long, black hair and amber eyes just as the younger one of the females on the portrait, one could only guess that it might was their father - and therefore probably the only one who knew for sure, whatever was going on for real.
Trying to reach out had always resulted in the male covering himself in silence however. Not even losing a word to the easiest questions.
And so, another day had passed of trays once filled with plates of food, pots of tea and water and empty cups were once more carried emptily and used back to the lowest floor - the kitchens. Another day, on which the cruelty behind closed doors could have discovered, would one just have the courage to see what was wrong and right about those rumors. What was behind all those corpses, those dead guests, that might had looked so ‘innocently’ to those who did not understand.
This was just another night, in which Miran would run her fingers through the hair of her sister laying asleep in their bed. Prisoned in their own home, their own room, since so much time. Scorned by their blood for their differences, abandoned for being born with what was insulted as ‘witchcraft’ by those, elder than them. By those, who were aware of their existence and therefore tried to get rid of them as good as possible. Probably, so could the female only guess, to clean the name of their families and keep up their reputation.
What once felt to the blonde like being thrown into the fairy tale of the princess, Rapunzel, that was locked into her town, had become an unbearable fight and what little - or more like nobody - knew, was that all the young woman did, was to protect the lives of her sister and herself. Hadn’t it been just one time after all, that those so called ‘guests’ or ‘visitors’ from nowhere would suddenly stand at their bedside, with a weapon in one hand. Trying to assassinate one or both of them. Probably doing the dirty work for their family, most likely their parents, they didn’t want to do. To make the ‘mistakes’ none should ever know about disappear.
But she didn’t mind the blood that tainted her hands by now. If it was proof to their father, that their existence was dangerous, then so be it. Only too gladly would the older sister have shown him what his actions had driven them into. What it had done to her, after witnessing after the murder of their eldest brother in front of her very own eyes. How bitter the constant struggle had made her, to not end up like Sehun, who had only tried to protect his sisters that had meant everything to him, had taught her to survive - had inspired her to fight for her life, even if it would one day be only for Strelitzia’s sake or for the freedom of the girl.
It were steps from the distance, that caused Miran’s head to perk up. To watch, as a silhouette in the darkness of the rich decorated, but also slight deserted, room moved - forced the female to grab to the knife on the close nightstand. Unsure, how the stranger came in without her having realized. Would the door announce entrances with a loud squeak after all and with how high up they were, there were no other possibilities.
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The blonde held her breath. Fearing, that one noise too much could alert the stranger too quick.
It would mean their end for sure. Would mean, that all she had fought for in this room she hadn’t been allowed to leave for such a long time would have gone to nothing. That she’d never see the outside again, she wished to see so eagerly. 
Her heartbeat quickened, her eyes showing nothing but hatred towards whoever had dared it to interrupt, whatever had promised to be a silent, peaceful night.
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always5hineee · 4 years
Hell and Back- Chapter 6: Good Samaritan (Trials 8-9)
Chapter warnings: Mild language
Word count: 1868
       "Let me go next!" Kris demanded excitedly. Looking down, both Y/N and Suho seemed concern. The latter was the first to ask what was going on.
       "Why are you so eager?" He asked suspiciously. "Shouldn't you be worried about what the trial is? They're getting worse, after all. Not only that, but we don't even know who the limited power is yet."
       "Because! Vandalism and shoplifting? You guys are stealing all the fun ones! We have an excuse to be crazy, I'm sure as hell taking it. Y/N! Who's the limited power?" Glancing down, she searched for it.
       "I, uh... Xiumin." Frost powers.
       "See? No reason not to let me!" Sighing, Suho held his hand out in defeat.
       "If you guys are okay with it, I don't see why not." He conceded. Looking through the list, she selected and pressed Kris' name, waiting for the challenge to load up. After a moment of silence, everyone broke out into laughter. Kris, confused, tried to look over everyone's shoulders to see the trial.
       "What's so funny?" Getting frustrated, he pulled out his own phone, opening the app and clicking in to read the trial's description.
       Trial 8: Charity
       Find someone in need and make their life better out of your own generosity.
       Limited power: Xiumin
       Drop-out Fee: $200
       "You're kidding." He muttered, eyes wide in some form of annoyance or disbelief.
       "Hey, you're the one that wanted to go next." Lay snickered, causing him to turn around threateningly. He, of course, wasn't as scary as he thought he was, not to mention that nothing could get the group to stop making fun of him.
       "Man, it's not that hard, just give some homeless man a fiver or something." Sehun consoled him.
       "This is so dumb. Why am I the only one that didn't get a cool challenge?"
       "Property damage isn't cool-" Chen tried to tell him. "If anything, you're not in any danger, you should be grateful."
       "ʸᵒᵘ ˢʰᵒᵘˡᵈ ᵇᵉ ᵍʳᵃᵗᵉᶠᵘˡ" He mimicked, still annoyed as Chanyeol pointed out the windshield.
       "Just get off at the next exit, there are always homeless people lurking around. I wouldn't be surprised if there were a few on the corner." Unfortunately, there were none directly on the corner, but about fifteen seconds down the road, there was a clearly disheveled man traversing down the sidewalk. Pulling up rather aggressively, Kris through a few dollars out of his still-rolling window, saying rather loudly,
       "Here." Before continuing onward with his foot pressed on the gas. "There, I did it. What's the next challenge?" Looking down, Y/N noted a new message.
       "Uh, you didn't complete the challenge."
       "What do you mean?" He demanded, practically fuming at this point. "I literally did what the dumbass thing wanted. What the fuck else can I do?!" Suho put up a hand to warn against his language, but no one paid any mind.
       "It put up an extra line of dialogue that says, That wasn't very nice." She read to him as he was driving. Foot still pressed onto the gas pedal and hands tightened in anger around the steering wheel, everyone started looking for parts of the car to hold onto in fear.
       "Calm down, man! It's just one-" Luhan tried to start, but Kris cut him off.
       "Shut the fuck up." Driving until he saw another group of homeless or at the very least destitute, he rolled to a complete stop, grinning with one of the scariest smiles Y/N had ever seen. As they looked upon him with both wariness and curiosity, he held out another small amount of money. Walking up to grab it, they thanked him as he grit his teeth.
       "Have a good day." As he pulled away with forceful slowness, rolling up his window, he looked back over with flames in his gaze. "Was that fucking better?" Looking down again, Y/N sighed with relief.
       "Yeah. Trial completed."        
       "Who's the next power limit?" Baekhyun asked, leaning over as his elbow slipped onto Y/N's shoulder. She didn't know why they were all relying on her to look, they all had the app. Breathing out, she searched.        
       "It's Chen, so no lightning powers again. Who wants to go?"
       "Are you sure you don't want to take your second turn, Kris?" Kai laughed, poking him in the shoulder.
       "If you think it's so funny, do it yourself." The man grumbled.
       "Maybe I will." Kai retorted, reaching over to Y/N's phone and tapping his own name before she could stop him.
       "Kai-!" She reprimanded as they watched the new trial appear.
       "Oh, calm down, it'll be fine," He started, looking at his own phone. "Trial 9: Item of value. Dig through a dumpster for an item of at least a $20 dollar value. If nothing can be found, move to another and attempt until the trial is complete. Limited power, Chen, drop-out fee, $250."
       "That's not so bad." Sehun noted.
       "No, but it's disgusting." He returned, nose already scrunching up at the thought. "I don't want to dig through a dumpster."
       "Do you think it would count if we just went to a landfill?" Y/N suggested. "At least then there'd be a couch or something, that would have to be a $20 dollar item."
       "It's worth a shot." Suho agreed. "It's better than getting all caught up in rotten food or old diapers."
       "Now why would you say that?" Kai shook his head. Kris typed in the nearest landfill to his GPS, which was still a whopping twenty minutes away. As they drove, they were beginning to realize just how tired they were. It seemed they were all in agreement to take a break for the night after this trial. When they arrived at the landfill, it was closed, but the gate had no lock. Who would want to steal trash, after all? Luhan, still in the car, slid it open, allowing the car to pass through, pulling up.
       Kai exited the car, wading through the piles of trash for a few feet, disgust evident on his features. As Y/N had suggested, there was plenty of furniture lying around. He began placing his hand on each piece, looking back up to the car. As soon as his fingers grazed a metal bed frame, the trial bar lit up in acceptance. Giving him a thumbs up, he started walking back to the car.
       "Oh, so he gets off on a technicality, but I don't?" Kris complained.
       "They just hate you." Sehun agreed.
       "I wonder why-" Lay commented, causing the duo to bust out in laughter as Kris glared. Kai re-entered the car, sitting down and breathing out.
       "So, we go back to the studio and go back home?" Suho suggested, earning nods from everyone. When they arrived, they all said their brief goodbyes, agreeing to meet at nine the next morning. Many wanted to meet earlier, but both Xiumin and Sehun were strongly against it. They made it clear that nine was a gift for everyone else. Beginning to walk away, though, Y/N saw her screen light up red. Everyone else's seemed to be doing the same. Reading the white text sprawled out on the garish screen. STAY TOGETHER
       "You've got to be kidding." Baekhyun muttered, already yawning in fatigue.
       "So what, we just sleep here?" Kyungsoo suggested, earning groans from everyone. It wasn't like they hadn't done it before, but everyone wanted a bed. Sleeping on the floor just didn't seem appealing after all the new things they'd been forced to process that day.
       "Hotel?" Chanyeol offered.
       "As if they'd let us have thirteen people in the same hotel room. It's also kind of expensive." Suho shot down the idea.
       "I guess we can just go to our dorm rooms." Kai grumbled. "Our's is the biggest anyway, some of the boys can just share beds." Unable to come up with a better idea, they all agreed, making their way to Kai's dormitory. thankfully, no one was around to witness the large parade of people piling into the same building. Kai, Sehun, Kyungsoo, and Chanyeol all lived in the dorms, so they agreed to share their beds.
       Kris volunteered to sleep on the floor out of a need for space, and Tao volunteered to do the same out of generosity.  Seuhun shared with Xiumin and Baekhyun, as they were both smaller and could manage to pack in. It would be awkward, but better than the floor. Kyungsoo agreed to share with Chen and Lay, Chanyeol shared with Suho and Luhan, which only left Kai and Y/N.
       "You can just take the bed. I can sleep on the floor." He muttered under his breath as everyone began to get ready. The only reason they had left Kai was because, although not the tallest, he was generally considered to take up the most space. She shook her head awkwardly,
       "No, you're fine, you can have it, I don't mind."
       "I'm not gonna make a girl sleep on the floor." He said incredulously. "I'm dumb sometimes, but not that dumb."
       "It's fine, we can just share, it's not a big deal." She said. "I want to go shower, though." She was silently hoping he'd be asleep before she returned- that all of them would be asleep so that she could go with her original plan and stay on the ground. She really didn't mind, she didn't want to make things weird.
       Her shower was considerably longer than was necessary, but she used the alone time to think. Things were getting worse, but not considerably so. The trials were honestly more tedious than they were threatening. Having her group of friends with her was heartening as well. She still had the issue of figuring out how to tell them that her wish had already been input, but... there was no reason to do that now. She could at least wait and see if the drop-out fee changed. Maybe it would go up and down based on how bad the trial was? While that hadn't proven to be the case thus far, she could at least hope.
       Putting a towel on her head and drying herself off, she put on her clothes, causing them to be slightly damp. While uncomfortable, she wasn't about to walk into a room full of her male friends undressed. As much as she liked them, they were basically all animals. Thankfully, when she had returned, the room was dark and littered with scattered breaths. As far as she could tell, everyone was asleep.
       Making her way to Kai's bed, she looked down at his frame, chest softly rising and falling. Her original intention had been to sleep on the floor, but... now her bones were aching and her head was pounding. It would be really nice to stay there. He had already said he didn't mind, plus, he was sleeping. What harm could it do? Conceding to her own pressures, she tried to silently slip under the blanked, facing so that they were both positioned in the same direction, her back to his side. She would rest now, then see what the morning held.
Go to Chapter 7
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squeallywrites · 4 years
I’ll Search the Universe
Power AU
Luna was going about her business as usual, trying to be careful with the Lunar Eclipse scheduled that day. But that changes when her best friend, the very one that she has a crush on, tells her that his unit is going on a raid to planet 1563. She tries to tell him of the dangers of travelling during the eclipse but it falls on deaf ears. When he next comes through her door, he’s different.
A/N: I’m still new to EXO, so I’m sorry if their personalities are a lil wonky or don’t seem to fit. I tried ._.
“Luna!” Baekhyun called out as he waltzed into his friend’s laboratory.
“Baekhyun! What have I told you about barging in unannounced?” Snapped the machinist as she dusted the dirt from her pants. As Luna stands up, her eyes meet that annoying cocky smirk of his. Rolling her eyes, Luna wraps her arms around her idiot.
“So what’s up?” She asks as soon as she pulls away.
“What? I can’t just drop by to see my best friend?”
“Anyone else? Yes. You? No. So why are you here?”
He looks away, shoulders slumped, “We’re doing a raid tonight.”
“Tonight? The night of the Lunar Eclipse?? Are you insane?!”
Baekhyun grips her shoulders, “I know that, but don’t worry. Suho’s got a plan. We’ll be back before you know it.”
Luna stares into his eyes, “Promise me?”
His eyes meet hers. Slowly his head lowers towards hers.
With an annoyed sigh, Baekhyun pulls out his communicator as they pull away.
“It’s Suho. I’ve got to go.”
He doesn’t look back as he leaves Luna staring after him.
“Unit EXO reporting for duty. This is 01 checking in,” Suho states into the log as he adjusts his glasses, “We are enroute for planet 1563. All seems clear for now.”
As soon as Suho cuts the transmission, Chanyeol can’t hold it back anymore, “So Baekhyun, did you finally confess?”
“DiD yOu fINalLy CoFeSS?” Baekhyun mocks, “No. I didn’t. Suho called me back right as I was about to.”
“That sucks man. Especially since it’s the Lunar eclipse,” Chen leans over to place a comforting hand on the taller’s shoulder.
“Why is everyone obsessed with the eclipse? It’s not like we’ll see it in space.”
“That’s exactly why,” Kai supplies from the pilot seat, “Since we’re flying, the sun’s ray are more powerful so if anything happens to us on 1563, we have to be careful that it won’t react with the intensified radiation.”
“Still doesn’t make sense to me.”
The others shake their heads at him.
“Oh well. Everyone get ready. We’re about to breach the boundary,” Kai announces over the PA.
The ship shakes violently as they fly closer to the surface.
“I thought you said that we’d be undercover!” Yells Chen.
Kai doesn’t answer as Sehun stumbles to the front, kicking Suho from the front seat. He turns the switch for manual drive and the ship begins to stabilise. Checking the panel, Sehun calls out, “Cloaking is still active. The magnetic field of the atmosphere is stronger than we expected,” He turns to Kai, “Take a small break. I got this.”
Suddenly, the ship lurks forth.
“Yeah you sure got it!” Baekhyun quips.
“Shut up! I’m losing power,” Sehun snaps before looking back at the panel, “Shit. Something’s on board.”
Alarms blare as the ship begins to tumble to the planet below.
Luna snaps the last panel into place before going to her control board, “Okay. Let’s try this again.”
Two beams begin spinning rapidly, an unearthly blue light forms a halo around them. Strands of light slither to the centre between them, creating a ball of energy. The ball quickly expands and flattens to form a portal.
“It works. It actually works,” she breathes. She can hardly believe it.
The light grows brighter before flashing, sending a wave through the shop, knocking out the power and sending her flying. Luna scrambles for the control board, frantically pressing buttons, all to no avail. Stumbling to the electrical panel, she manages to get the power back on. With a breath of relief, she makes her way back to her teleporter. Luna inspects the machine, noticing that just the power bank needs repairing. On her way to her storage room, she spots something out of the corner of her eye crawling around the floor. Luna gets down on her knees to see a small ball of white fluff, shaking under a cabinet.
“Come here, you.”
She pulls out a small kitten with bright blue eyes, “Well, hi there.”
“Suho! Chanyeol!” Kai yells, coughing as he climbs from the wreckage, “D.O! Everyone?! Where are you?!”
He grabs a gun from a destroyed rack, making sure it works before racing towards a ruined wall. Peeping around, he noticed a giant robot searching the ground, slowing heading in his direction.
He curses under his breath, “Fuck.”
Chanyeol saunters up behind a boulder, twirling a pistol around his finger as he looks over the rubble. Noticing the tentacle like claw, he quickly moves on, just escaping its grasp as it rams through the wall. A distance away, D.O and Xuimin jump.
“That was too close,” D.O mutters.
Xuimin, noticing a large unplugged cable on the ground, gives the younger a thumbs up, “Don’t worry. This should do the trick.”
“No, Xuimin! You’re not the engineer for a reason!”
He doesn’t listen and pushes the plugs together.
Chen barely jumped out of the way as Xuimin fell from the sky. Shaking his head, he gestures to Lay to come over before taking the cables. Lay begins to patch up Xuimin’s wounds as Chen grabs a scrap piece of metal.
DO creeps to look over the other side of the wall, barely missing the blasts from a stray pistol.
“I haven’t found anyone yet,” he hears Sehun report, “But the sentinel is closing in.”
“Hey!” DO muttered waving his hand around the rubble to Sehun’s side.
Breathing a sigh of relief, Sehun hugs his hyung before the two of them race off. Chanyeol notices them and draws the sentinel’s attention.
“Hey!!” He shouts punctuated by blaster shots.
Kai spots Suho frantically runs his hands across the ground, desperate to find his glasses. Right as he finds them, the sentinel notices the movement.
“Get down!” Kai pushes Suho out of the way before firing on the sentinel. The sentinel’s claw begins to spin before shooting a beam of fire at Kai as Suho runs.
“On it!” Lay races for his comrade as Suho joins Xuimin and Chen.
Chen looks over his shoulder to see the others have grouped up, “Go join them. I’ll be right there!”
“Wait. We still need the serum that command was talking about.”
They share a look before Suho nods, “Let’s get it. You keep it distracted.”
“I’m almost done with this,” Chen says, “I just hope it works.”
Suho and Xuimin run off to a door hidden in the cliff-side nearby.
Chen looks up to see that the claw is spinning again and races to the group. Just in time, he blocks the blast before shooting back. The sentinel explodes, sending debris flying everywhere. He turns to the others, “Where’s Baekhyun?”
Xuimin and Suho race through the hallways as the alarm blares, serum in hand.
“This way,” Suho grabs Xuimin’s wrist. They run, barely dodging a group of security guards, and stumble to a halt as they end up in a hanger.
“Great. You led us to a dead end.”
Suho pants as he looks around.
“Oh thank god. You guys showed up,” A familiar voice quips from a few feet a way, “Help me get these locks undone.”
They turn to see Baekhyun frantically breaking a lock off a chain for a small passenger ship.
“What the hell?”
Baekhyun groans, rolling his eyes, “I managed to sneak inside while the sentinel was distracted by you guys. And these locks are not easy.”
Snapping out of it, they help him get the last lock undone. They race onboard and turn on the engines. Right then, a security detail breaks into the hanger.
“Let’s get out of here,” Baekhyun says, taking the wheel and blasting open the doors and speeding through.
The ship glides to the surface, barely missing the ground as Baekhyun slams on the breaks. Suho opens the side door, screaming over the engines, “Get in!!”
The group scrambles onboard, Suho slamming the door shut as soon everyone is on. Sehun races to the front as Baekhyun takes off, sitting next to Baekhyun. They blast off.
Right as they break through the atmosphere back into space, Kai exclaims, “Shit. The Lunar Eclipse started.”
“We’re fine. Nothing happened and we’re on our way home,” Baekhyun scoffs.
Suddenly the ship is hit on the side, causing some members to fly from their seats and the bottles of serum to crash on the floor.
“The serum!!!”
Strings of electricity propel throughout the area, hitting everyone in the heart. Screams fill the air. Sehun barely keeps his eyes open as he tries to keep control of the ship. Kai winces as he stumbles to the front, pushing a dazed Baekhyun from the front seat. The two manage to keep the ship steady before it only just lands back on planet 1485.
Luna jumped at the tremor running through her studio. She runs outside only to see the crashed ship.
“What the hell??”
The door opens to Baekhyun and the rest of the EXO team, eyes glowing different colours.
“What the hell happened to you guys?!” She asks, rushing to help Baekhyun step down. Lights flicker in the sky, trailing not far behind, “Shit, get inside.”
As soon as they’re inside and the blast doors of the lab are closed, Suho takes a deep breath before explaining the raid.
“When we escaping, they hit our ship, shattering the bottles of serum. Of course it was at the height of the Lunar eclipse. Something happened where this surge of energy shot through all of us.”
Luna scrambled to her desk, grabbing a small device. She doesn’t explain anything as she points it at them. Just as the machine goes off, they all begin to glow.
Chanyeol starts screaming.
“FIRE FIRE!!” His eyes are like saucers, staring at his hands. Suho runs to his side, holding his hands. What he doesn’t expect is a blast of water to shoot forth, soaking Chanyeol to the bone.
“The radiation and the serum combined must have given you special abilities. There’s barely any radiation left though. That’s interesting.”
“What should we do?”
The building shakes, debris falling from the ceiling.
“You guys need to get out of here.”
“What? You tell us we have powers, and that we need to leave?” Suho exclaims, “How? There’s no escape!”
“I know, but with the sentinels chasing after you, it’s not like I have the time to help you with that. But I have just the thing to help get out of here,” Luna says as she goes to her control board, “I just finished testing my newest creation: A Dimensional Portal. This will send you to another world like ours.”
They all gape at her.
“Why did you build this?” Xuimin asks.
She shrugs, “I was bored but right now it’s the best invention I’ve ever made.”
Starting it up, the pillars begin to spin, creating a portal of bright blue light.
“Go through. You’ll be safe.”
Suho walks up to her, “Thank you. For helping us.”
“It was my pleasure. Be safe.”
They all rush through the light, yelling out their thanks before disappearing. But Baekhyun doesn’t leave just yet, staring forlorn at her. She rushes down to him.
“Baek, it’s your turn. You need to go.”
“Not without you,” he takes her hands, “Come with us.”
She meets his eyes, “Someone has to stay and close the portal. I can’t let them follow you.”
“And I can’t lose you. Luna, I’ve been meaning to tell you—“
Luna smashes her lips onto his. He melts into her embrace.
“I love you, Baekhyun,” she  says before pushing him into the portal. As soon as he’s through, she runs to the control panel and cuts the power. Right as the portal zaps away, the ceiling crashes down, crushing the machine. The cat runs to her side, hissing at the intrusion. Luna pulls the cat to her, closing her eyes. I’m sorry, Baekhyun.
Baekhyun is falling through the sky, slipping pass every cloud into the water below. Breaking the surface, he floats as he catches his breath.
“Over there! Something fell from above!” a voice shouts in the distance.
He ignores it.
“It’s a person!”
“Man overboard!”
I’ll come back to you, Luna. Even if I have to search the universe.
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real-exoupdates · 7 years
Update #14
Kyungsoo came out of lurking again to make fun of Sehuns typos. He now also isn’t allowed to touch his butt.
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velvetsehun · 4 years
okay okay last one HAHA dont wanna hog u for too long 😩 in this situation, do u think y/n and hun are fated? i mean not everyone gets caught up so often in mafia shenanigans like her + when u mentioned it in a previous ask, i can't help but think about it in relation to all the tragic classical stories ive read 🤔🤔 —🥴👌 p.s. do u have any new recs for fics? esp any greek!AUs youve come across that are p goods HAHA sending my warm hugs again + thanks for being such a fun author to interact w/!
hog me as long as you wish hehe, i am always lurking~ 
being fated is interesting because not everyone believe in fate; sehun certainly doesn't but for all that it is - its an odd situation for them, but i can understand why it might read that way! is it fate or is it just want?  (real time intermission because my food is here lmao)
i dont have any fic recs atm, ive been reading nonkpop stuff for a few weeks now just to clear my head a bit! but ill let you know if anything crops up hehe
sending love, sweetheart~ thank you for being so fun to interact with !! x
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xiubaek-13 · 4 years
Lost In Translation - Chapter 31 - Comeback
Tumblr media
Requested: No Genre: Canon-AU Pairing: ? (at this stage undecided) x Reader
Warnings: None yet.
Word Count: 4,003
You woke up around 11am the next day feeling refreshed. You knew that was probably the last decent night’s sleep you’d get in awhile with their latest comeback lurking just over the horizon. Rolling to your side you reached for your phone to check today’s schedule.
3PM Brunch with Lay
7PM Home Cooking with chef D.O.
8PM Fantastic Kim Brothers Karaoke Part 1
9PM Fantastic Kim Brothers Karaoke Part 2
11PM Baekhyun’s (Lol)ercoaster
Today was also the day that Yixing would return from China. All of the guys (as well as you) were incredibly excited for him to be back. You’d missed his calming presence and the way he could deliver a strong critique or opinion and not come off as rude or mean. You knew he’d been working hard on solo music & press conferences for The Mystic Nine while he was away and you couldn’t wait to see the fruits of his labour.
You didn’t have to be anywhere until 3 when Yixing’s broadcast was starting. You wouldn’t get to see him beforehand since he was going straight from the airport to the dorm and basically straight into the broadcast. The poor kid worked too hard and you still had no clue as to why SM scheduled his broadcast like this. You hoped it was so that he could get it done and then go rest until the next day.
You decided to do some grocery shopping and make yourself snacks to take with you to the comeback specials and various events during the week. Everyone had lead you to believe that you’d barely have enough time to blink let alone stop for a proper meal. You figured you’d make some sandwiches and little snack packs of biscuits, mixed nuts and lollies to give you those extra bursts of energy you might need to get you through the day.
Before you knew it, you had a weeks worth of portioned snack and your fridge actually resembled the home of an organised person who didn’t live off take out. You glanced up at the clock and realised you only had fifteen minutes before you had to head upstairs to the dorm so you quickly tidied the kitchen and grabbed a small packet of biscuits to put in one of the pockets in your hoodie then made your way up to the dorm.
When you arrived upstairs it was much more crowded than the previous day but as you shuffled your way to the front of the crowd you realised it was because all eight of them were standing there preparing to watch Yixing’s broadcast. He was laughing and chatting with the guys as one of the stylists fixed his hair and makeup. You overheard small parts of their conversation and tried not to laugh at how determined they were to stay and watch. “Guys come on, you’ll see me after. This is embarrassing if you stay and watch!”
“We’ve missed you hyung.” Baekhyun pouted.
“The dorm isn’t right when you’re not here.” Sehun mumbled shyly.
“Please, they’ll listen to you for the next two weeks without any complaint. Just let them watch.” Suho chuckled. “And we really have missed you. It’s good to have you back.” He smiled and patted Yixing’s shoulder.
Yixing grinned and acquiesced. He moved to the little table and chair that was set up for him and took a seat. “Can I eat everything on here?” He asked the director.
“It’s brunch so eat as you talk with the fans and play songs. The fortune cookies have questions in them so don’t overdo it on those.” Was the response he received. He nodded and prepared to start the broadcast. The director turned to the others. “You can stay but if you distract him or make too much noise I’m kicking you out. This is supposed to be a nice intimate brunch with Lay, got it?” The members all nodded, Chanyeol hiding a yawn as he sipped on his coffee.
The broadcast was sweet and much like the true professional he was, you would not have known that he’d just flown in from China and come straight to recording. You couldn’t help but smile as he answered fan questions in Korean and Mandarin and played snippets of the music he’d been making.
Jongdae had snuck up next to you as you watched the recording. “Hyung really is special.” He started. “He works harder than all of us and hardly ever complains. He refuses to rest so putting him to bed is always a challenge but we’re constantly in awe of his commitment and passion to everything he does.” You glanced at Jongdae’s face and saw him watching Yixing with adoration and respect. The soft smile on his face as Yixing shared music and discussed collaborating with Jongdae on some songs made you smile.
Before you could respond Jongdae moved and went back to his spot amongst the rest of the guys. The rest of Yixing’s broadcast went by in a blur and before you knew it he’d wrapped and was being engulfed by his members in a crushing hug. His musical laughter sounded above them. “Alright, alright! I missed you too but I need to breathe.” Slowly and reluctantly they let go of him, allowing him the space he’d asked for.
You wanted nothing more than to run over and hug him as well but you had to remain professional and wait until later because there was no way you weren’t going to give him a bone crushing hug as soon as you were able to. He looked away from his members and spotted you, smiling and inclining his head in a polite nod.
The guys were corralled and directed towards the front door so that they could go to dance practice for the rest of the day, with Kyungsoo, Minseok, Jongdae & Baekhyun returning in a few hours to complete their broadcasts. The others, Yixing included, would remain at the studio until later that night. “See you tomorrow teacher-nim!” Yixing called as he was being escorted out the door, smiling brightly and waving as he left. I missed that dork. You thought to yourself.
You had to keep stifling your giggles at the adorable level of chaos that was unfolding in front of you. Kyungsoo was cooking and that alone would have been enjoyable to watch but when you added both Jongdae & Minseok in the mix as they read the comments out and tried to distract Kyungsoo hilarity ensued. “This comment.” Jongdae started, laughing while trying to speak as he pointed at the tablet. “A fan said this, should we say it?”
Minseok peered over his shoulder and grinned. “D.O. is cute!” He burst into an adorable fit of giggles as soon as he finished saying it, glancing over at Kyungsoo and waiting for his reaction. Kyungsoo gave Minseok a look that only made him laugh harder before ignoring the comment and continuing to cook. He kept telling stories of getting to visit his mother when he had down time and how they’d gone for walks. You could see the joy on his face when he talked about her and it made you smile.
When he finally finished cooking his dish both Minseok & Jongdae tasted it. You knew they liked his cooking and constantly told you that he was the best cook in the dorm but this was a new dish, something they hadn’t had before and they were cautious with their tasting. From the looks on their faces you could tell they were pleasantly surprised.
Kyungsoo’s broadcast finished up and the three guys quickly tidied up the kitchen. Minseok took charge and did the dishes whilst Jongdae cleaned up the scraps and rubbish and Kyungsoo wiped down the benches.
You had a small break as Jongdae & Minseok’s makeup was touched up before they moved to the living room where a karaoke machine had been set up. You could see Baekhyun wandering in and out of the gaming room he was in as each broadcast started. If you didn’t know better you’d say he was bored but you could see the mischievous smirk on his face and knew he was just biding his time before making an unplanned cameo in a broadcast. If you were a gambling woman you’d have guessed it would be during Jongdae & Minseok’s broadcasts since he spent much more time with them and for some reason Minseok had a high tolerance when it came to dealing with him whereas Kyungsoo would have retaliated as soon as the cameras were off, and the missed Yixing so he was never going to disrupt his broadcast.
Karaoke started and you were swept away by Jongdae’s voice. You’d only ever heard them sing to annoy each other in the dorm, not like this. His voice had completely captured your attention that you nearly jumped out of your skin when Kyungsoo spoke from next to you. “He was born to sing. He has one of those voices that just warms your being, it’s like a hug.”
You nodded because you were lost for words. “Baekhyun too, you feel the emotion when he sings.” He paused. “But don’t tell him I said that. I’ll never hear the end of it since the thoroughly enjoys singing loudly and off key in the dorm.” He shook his head and chuckled.
“What about you?” You asked.
“Yeah. Aren’t the three of you the main vocals?”
“I guess, I’m the soul. Jongdae is the foundation, Baekhyun the emotion and I’m the soul.” He responded.
“I look forward to hearing everyone tomorrow. I’ve only seen a few clips and heard your songs, I can’t wait to see the difference when it’s live.” You smiled.
“I hope we can live up to expectation. Now I’ll bid you goodnight, I’m going to go and try to get a good night’s rest before tomorrow.” He bowed slightly and took off down one of the halls to his room. How he or any of the others would be able to sleep with karaoke going on was beyond you.
Focusing your attention back onto the karaoke you saw that Jongdae had finished and Minseok was now picking a song as they checked the comments. It occurred to you that this was the first time you’d really seen the guys interact with their fans. Sure you’d seen a few videos online when you did some initial research into the group but seeing it now that you knew them well in both a professional and private sense was different. You knew them outside of their idol lives and it still struck you when you remembered just how famous these nine guys were.
As Minseok started singing the song he’d auditioned with you were blown away by his gentle angelic voice. It was not what you had expected him to sound like but you were thoroughly impressed. As if sensing the spell Minseok was putting over the room with his song Baekhyun crept in and pretended to belt out the song into his phone.
They tried to get Baekhyun to stay and sing a song but he ran off to prepare for his broadcast. Soon enough their karaoke broadcast came to an end and they took a brief break while the second part of their broadcast was set up. A few of the guys started to trickle back into the dorm and you greeted each one as they passed through. Chanyeol had apparently gone to his studio and Kai and Yixing were still practising. You spotted Sehun whining at Kyungsoo about food and then Kyungsoo dragging the younger back towards the kitchen as he begrudgingly started to make him some food.
In your periphery you spotted Baekhyun chatting to Minseok. “Hyung please, I’m already bored. It’ll be more fun if you play with me.”
“Baek, I need to rest.”
“You got to sleep in today, please. I’ll make it up to you hyung. Just one game then you can leave to sleep. I’ve been reading the comments and aeri’s are really liking seeing more of you.”
You missed the last part of their exchange when one of the producers came to ask you a question but from the excited look on Baekhyun’s face as he disappeared into the dorm you were pretty sure he’d won Minseok over.
The second part of the broadcast started and you watched as Minseok & Jongdae took questions and provided advice, disagreeing on the advice given almost every time. Minseok’s sneaky answers kept making you stifle a laugh. A fan pointed out Minseok’s stubble much to his horror. You’d never seen a man in his twenties freak out about stubble showing. Idol life was still so strange to you.
Eventually their second broadcast came to an end. As soon as they were done Jongdae let out a big yawn before getting up and thanking every staff member for their hard work. Before Minseok could stop him, he’d disappeared and you assumed he’d gone to shower and sleep.
The staff spent the next hour getting both computers set up in the back of the dorm, as far away from the bedrooms as possible. Baekhyun had been playing games to pass the time and you could see why he kept emerging from the room to see what everyone else was up to. The back room had no windows and was quite small. Apparently it had been a spare room once upon a time. 11PM finally rolled around and Minseok reappeared after refuelling with coffee. It was time for the final broadcast before the comeback.
You felt for the kid. He’d been so excited to do a games broadcast and he was good at LoL… just not tonight. Tonight their opponents were just too skilled and the rest of their team just wasn’t up to the task. It didn’t help that Minseok hadn’t played in awhile but Baekhyun kept reassuring him that it wasn’t his fault that they were losing.
All you could think of every time you saw Baekhyun tense up was how well he was doing to not just yell or swear at the game. It’s what inevitably happened every time you saw anyone play LoL yet Baekhyun was managing to hold it together. Sure it meant he was silent and looked angry at times but the self control he had to keep his cool was admirable.
Managing to keep his cool didn’t prove to be enough and they lost all of the games they played that night. The broadcast was still fun and mostly light hearted. You didn’t miss the crestfallen look on Baekhyun’s face when he realised that he’d accidentally shown his user ID to their fans. Hopefully he wouldn’t have to create a whole new login to continue being able to play. The boys ended their broadcast and thanked all of the staff. They got up and offered to escort you to the door, claiming they had something to ask you before you left.
“Did you enjoy the broadcasts?” Baekhyun asked.
“I did, they were all quite diverse and entertaining. I hadn’t really experienced any of you interacting with fans yet so it was good to see how you speak to them and act in front of the cameras.”
“We’re not too different are we?” Minseok asked.
“No. When you’re talking to them like this it’s quite similar to how you normally are, just less swearing and slang. It’ll be interesting to compare it with tomorrow’s comeback stage.” You responded.
Baekhyun smiled as he opened the front door to their dorm. “It was fun having you around for the day. Rest up because this is the last proper night of sleep you’re gonna get for awhile. Trust us.” Minseok chuckled but made no move to correct Baekhyun. You bid them both goodnight and headed back down to your apartment.
Sleep came easily to you that night. You’d been worried that you would start to fret over their big day tomorrow but you kept reminding yourself that this was not their first comeback, that they knew what they were doing and that you weren’t working tomorrow, you were just attending to get a feel for the format for when you were overseas with them.
“Chanyeol, why do you look like you’re bleeding?” You asked, hearing Sehun chuckle in the background.
“I dyed my hair last night!” He responded, a big smile on his face. “Do you like the colour?”
“The red suits you but the bleeding effect does not. Is it gonna run when you sweat on stage?”
“Shit. I hadn’t really thought of that. I’ll just have to explain it if it’s noticeable.” He shrugged and disappeared back to the hair and makeup station.
Sehun was still laughing after Chanyeol left, shaking his head at his hyung. “He knew we were wearing white today… why he had to wait until 2am to dye his hair is beyond me. The colour is going to bleed for the entire comeback special. Aish.”
“Wait you’re all wearing white today?” He nodded. “That idiot…”
“Right? Anyway, I’d better go get ready. Enjoy the broadcast!” Sehun called out as he made his way down the hall to the change room.
You figured a few vital things out during the comeback special. 1. Jongdae threw all semblance of image reservation out the window when there were prizes to be won. He’d throw anyone under the bus and you were dying of laughter at how badly he wanted to win. 2. Never cross Kyungsoo for he might be quiet but you could tell that he held leverage over everyone and was saving it for a special day. 3. Minseok had zero shame and zero care for anyone judging his relationships with the guys. He didn’t even bat an eyelid at the married couple jest, in fact he played it up while Jongdae got embarrassed.
The rest of the comeback special went well, bringing smiles and laughs to everyone. What you were really hanging out for was the performance because it was the one aspect of their work you could just enjoy. You didn’t need to correct anything or try to analyse the flow of words, body language or emotion like you did with the Q&A. Plus you really wanted to see them perform. You knew how hard they’d practised and you could tell they were itching to share the fruits of their labour with the world.
Lucky One had you dancing in your seat backstage. It was next to impossible to not feel the funk coming through the instrumentals on that track and the choreo, the footwork involved was incredible. Heaven allowed you to sit back and listen to their voices as they sang and it pulled on your heart strings and left you smiling.
They left the stage to change into their final costumes and you felt for the poor stylists who’d have a hell of a time getting the fresh red dye out of Chanyeol’s white shirt. The crowd cheered and the energy in the Olympic Hall reached a fever pitch as everyone anticipated their performance of Monster. The music video teasers had come out a day or so ago and the concept for this era was darker and edgier and fans were going wild for it. You’d be lying to yourself if the day you saw them return to the dorm with new hairstyles and comments about piercings hadn’t piqued your interest.
The lights dimmed and you saw the silhouettes of all nine take their places on the stage. “Fuck.” you muttered under your breath when the lights came back up and the music started. The guys were in sync and if you weren’t working for them you’d feel attacked by them because this edgier concept suited them too well. Jongin’s blonde hair was disarming and a far cry from the soft brown he had when you first met him. Junmyeon’s silver tone was striking and stood out amongst the sea of black hair (aside from Chanyeol’s red and Minseok’s brown) that the rest of the group had. You could see why they were so popular, their personalities were fun and engaging and their stage presence was phenomenal - add in the talent with singing and dancing then it was a no brainer for them to have a following this large. The song ended, the lights dimmed and you had to block your ears from how loud the screams from the crowd were.  
“But noona I don’t see why we can’t do the lesson now? I have time to kill while we get ready for today’s program.” Jongin whined.
You stared down at him as he stretched on the floor and shook your head. “No Jongin, like I said, you have to be free from all distractions and I need at least a few hours notice so I can bring the planned lesson for you,”
“But -”
“And whilst you might have a few hours before you have to record, you’ll be getting pulled into wardrobe, hair & makeup, test shots, selfies, practice, and who knows what else. That won’t work for our lesson.” You rested your case for hopefully the last time today. Jongin kept asking for his lesson whenever you arrived with the group at one of the music shows and you were running out of ways to tell him no without giving anything away.
“Ok but seeing him actually try to complete one of your lessons here would be hilarious.” Sehun piped up from the back corner. You turned and glared at him.
“Not helping Sehun.” He only laughed harder before Yixing appeared to take him away. “Sehun, you know that wouldn’t work. Stop teasing teacher-nim.”
Before Jongin could protest much more the chaos of being at a show recording started. They were all rotated through hair and makeup then wardrobe, rewatching their latest performance to analyse and fix spots that weren’t perfect, warming up their voices and trying to keep their energy up and not give in to their nerves.
Right before they took the stage Jongin pulled you aside. “Ok tomorrow I have a photoshoot. Can we do the lesson then? He asked.
“We can do it before or after the photoshoot but not during.” You replied.
“Ok. Can we try for before but if that won’t work we move it to after? Please?” He pouted. Why do they all pout when they want to get their way. It’s incredibly unfair of them. He has no right to look cute in this stage getup, no right at all.
“I can work with that.” You nodded and smiled.
“I can’t wait!” He called out as he ran off towards the stage.
So much for sleep. Now you had to go over his lesson plan that night and adapt it to the location you’d be in. It would be worth it if his lesson went according to plan.
A/N - I’m not overly happy with this chapter but I needed to cover all of this so that I could move forward. I hope it’s still interesting and enjoyable, and I’m sorry if it’s a bit lacking. After this we’ll be up to Jongin’s lesson so please bare with me. As always comments are appreciated.
Masterpost | Chapter 30 | Chapter 32
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sgnxsehun · 4 years
` ♠ ; make like a tree.
sometimes ( read: all the time ), sehun gets bored. when there aren’t classes to ditch and practices to not attend and social club meetings to crash, he often finds himself at a loss, left without things to not do and actions to take he isn’t supposed to. it’s at these moments that the campus is most susceptible to his most annoying. all work and no play may make jack a dull boy, but all time and nothing to do make sehun a god damn nuisance.
so he’s on the prowl for an unsuspecting victim, preferably someone with some clout on campus, and who else falls into his lap but one of the most popular boys in school, the golden boy himself, park chanyeol. he’s often wondered about the kid, his oh-so-humble demeanor, the immaculate batting average, hell---the dude’s even good-looking. he seems perfect in every way, but sehun, of all people, knows perfection like that doesn’t exist. it’s always smeared by impurities, destroyed by the world, so there’s gotta be something lurking beneath the surface; a raging temper, some sort of addiction, an untold secret, perhaps?
a sly grin on his face, he slithers over toward the only slightly taller figure, snaking an arm around him as he greets him. “hey there, wonder boy. where’re you headed lookin’ like that?”
◊◊◊ ─ calling card for... @sgnchanyeol​ !
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